• Published 28th Jan 2017
  • 1,002 Views, 15 Comments

A Princess' Request: Three Crates - FerociousCreation

After the events of the recent Summer Sun Celebration, Derpy has been busy with deliveries nonstop! And when Princess Celestia arrives to the post office to request a delivery to Canterlot, the alicorn specifically requests that Derpy would deliver.

  • ...

Down the Steps

Derpy’s wings sprung from her hips and the mare darted at Arm Strong. She landed on top of the box and looked down at the guard with an angry stare. “What are you doing?”

“Umm… helping…” Arm Strong answered.

“No, you are doing my job without me asking for your help.” The mailmare’s eyes told Arm Strong she takes her position very seriously. And lying to her now would only cause more trouble.

“I just… don’t want to end up getting hurt by… your methods,” Arm Strong admitted.

“Then just tell me that!” Derpy hopped off the box and got very close to the guard. But instead of leering, the pegasus smiled, “It was really sweet of you to help me earlier and I am sorry I injured you from before. All you had to do was be honest with me.”

“I know... I didn’t want to upset you is all,” Arm Strong said. “You do seem to be a very nice mare.”

Derpy giggled into her hoof, “And you seem to be quite the gentlepony.”

Arm Strong adjusted himself, ready to push the heavy crate. “Then will you allow me to be a gentlepony just the one last time?”

“Thanks, but no thanks,” Derpy said with the shake of her head.

“But I insist,” Arm Strong said as he started to push the crate up the stairs.

“Hey, I said no!” Derpy began to push against the box, attempting to stop the guard’s advance. But his strength was too much for the pegasus. Derpy flew around the crate and began to pull on Arm Strong’s tail. “Let me do my job! The princess requested me to deliver three crates by any means. And that means that I want to do it my way!”

The pain of having his tail tugged at didn’t hinder Arm Strong. “Why are you so resistant? Just let me help you.” In no time, he was at the top of the stairs. The moment he stopped pushing the crate, a pair of eyes leered at him. “Why don’t you need my help, aside from wanting to do it your way?” Arm Strong argued with Derpy.

“Because now I know what is inside the crates: glass. And because of my ways of delivery, I will make sure everything inside is as broken as possible.”

No wonder she wasn't careful with the last one.In a calmer voice, Arm Strong said, “Now just relax, mam. I understand your passion for aiding the princess and your job. But asking for help is not a crime.”

“You are right…” Derpy admitted.

“Again, I will say that I was wrong when I didn’t tell you I wasn’t fine with being hurt. So I will be honest with you: I don’t want to get hurt and I think it would benefit you if I help.” Arm Strong grinned, “It is my job to aid Equestirian Citizens, along with Princess Celestia after all.”

Derpy hummed to herself, realizing her error in not allowing Arm Strong to help, causing him to get hurt more than she realized. “Okay,” she smiled. “You can help with this one. After that, I will handle the last one. I have an idea to get the last package into the throne room myself.”

Arm Strong rose a brow, “But how can I help you with this one if it is already here at the throne room?” Derpy rammed into the large crate and the box rolled down the stairs. The sound of glass exploded from within with each roll the crate made. It made it to the bottom of the stairs in a matter of seconds, quickly stopping after ramming into the wall. “Why did you do that?!”

“Because I need to make sure the glass in that box is extra broken,” said Derpy. “That’s why I didn’t want anypony’s help in the first place. But because of this large flight of stairs, I think I managed to get everything nice and damaged.”

Arm Strong wanted to complain about having to push the crate back up the flight of stairs again, but remembered he wanted to help her out in the first place. “I’ll go get it.”


Derpy walked outside the castle doors, waving back at Arm Strong. The guard returned to his post after assisting Derpy with the last crate. With two crates out of the way, the mailmare had to deal with one last package. She stood in front of her cart, the crate sitting alone in the warm daylight. Derpy pondered about the contents within the box, wondering if she needed to break the glass within as much as she has with the other two.

“I think the first two boxes are all nice and smashed…” the pegasus thought aloud. “Maybe the mural artists need some bigger pieces. But how will I get this last one to the throne room without breaking the glass as much as the first two?” Derpy pondered and pondered, her hooves scratching at the ground as if to unearth an idea. She looked back at the castle, and saw a large window on a tower. Derpy gasped, “I got it!”


Princess Celestia sat at her throne, her eyes firmly on the window where the glass mural is planned to be made. Her walking schedule planner, Raven, paced back and fourth with impatience. “Dear Raven,” the princess spoke, “you shouldn't worry. The window demolition experts will arrive at any moment.”

The comment didn't make Raven relaxed one bit. “Those stallions were scheduled to be here an hour ago! They should know the severity of being late for the princess!”

“Do you wish to have them arrested for not being here when requested?” Celestia asked with a smile.

“That would make you a dictator, princess…”

“Then have faith. They will arrive. Besides, it shouldn't take very long to break a window.” Princess Celestia stood from her throne. “If I wanted, I would have already broken the window myself with a simple rock. But I'd rather have somepony else do that for me. It's also an action not fit for a princess.”

Arguing with the princess is something Raven never liked to do and the unicorn avoided it as much as possible. The only time it was appropriate was when she and Princess Celestia do argue is when the alicorn wishes to do something on her own, when Raven has something scheduled that overlaps with the princess’ request. Of course, waiting for somepony who was late always made Raven’s nerves ache. But since the princess has nothing else planned for the day, other than seeing the glass mural get worked on, Raven attempted to remain patient.

A knock at the window broke Raven out of her irritated mood. She looked to see Derpy Hooves knocking on the glass, giving a friendly wave. “Ah, the mailmare,” Princess Celestia said. She noticed Derpy was harnessed to a cart that had a large crate in the trunk. “I do believe that is the last box she has there.”

Raven creased her brows, “But how is she going to get it inside? The only way she could possibly get that large box is through the entrance of the castle.” Princess Celestia and Raven watched Derpy turn the cart around, the end facing the window. “She does know that the window does not open, yes?” Before the unicorn could react, a white bubble surrounded Raven. She looked at the princess with a confused look, wondering why she was engulfed in a shield. Then, a loud crash ruptured the quiet throne room. Shards of glass showered over Raven, but the shield protected her from any harm. She spun around to see the wagon rammed through the window. “What in the world to you think you are-” Derpy shoved the last crate off the cart and the heavy thing fell toward Raven. Again, the shield kept Raven safe from sharp stabbing glass and heavy crushing boxes.

“All three boxes delivered before afternoon completed!” Derpy exclaimed. Raven looked to Princess Celestia, expecting he alicorn to have some visible sign of irritation. Instead, Princess Celestia just smiled.

“Are you in the slightest upset, princess?” Raven asked.

“Of course not,” Princess Celestia said. “That window she broke is going to be used for the glass mural. And since the glass demolitionists are not here, it is best that we already have somepony getting a head start on breaking the window.” The princess lifted the shield and levitated Raven over to her, not wanting her organizer to step over sharp glass.

“You sure do know how to make the best out of a situation,” said Raven in a low tone. Derpy flew over to the princess and bowed, this time not slamming her face on the ground.

“Thank you, Derpy,” Princess Celestia said. “You have done me proud with your methods in delivering the three crates I have requested.” Derpy blushed as pride flooded her heart. “I believe I will be needing you in the near future when I need another glass mural to be made.”

Derpy squealed with glee, happy the princess has acknowledged her hard work and is willing to use the mailmare’s services in the near future. “Thank you, Princess Celestia! Whenever you need another delivery of broken glass, you know just the mare to do it!” Raven was uneasy with Princess Celestia’s decision choice to use Derpy as a form of delivery. But Raven knew the princess had much more years on her life and knew how to make decisions; even if Raven disagreed.

"Well, Derpy," Raven began, "I do believe there is no more work for you to be done. You are dismissed."

"Okiedokie!" Derpy nodded.