• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 718 Views, 60 Comments

Tainted Silver - Bluecatcinema

The history of Sterling Cross, revealed at last.

  • ...

Brotherly Love

After sharing dinner with the family, Sterling soon after collapsed on the couch and fell asleep immediately, exhausted from all of the cherry bucking. The next morning, he awoke with his joints still sore from his heavy workload the day before.

"Oh, jeez..." He grunted, painfully stretching out.

"What's the matter, Sterling?" Eclipse sneered as he walked by the couch, on his way to breakfast. "Never had a real day's work before?"

"You'd be surprised by the kind of work I did most days, kid." Sterling muttered under his breath.

"Maybe you're just getting too old for manual labor." Huckleberry joked.

"I'll give you old, ya smart-mouthed little..." Sterling scowled quietly.

"Don't let them get to you, Sterling." Globe smiled. "Trust me, after our first day in the orchard, we were just as sore as you. Maybe more..."

"Well, no offense, but you're kids." Sterling declared. "I'm a grown stallion. I've…” He trailed off, realizing what he almost let slip. “Let’s just say I’m no stranger to physical activity, and leave it at that. I shouldn't be this messed up from kicking a few trees over the course of one afternoon."

"Hey, you're taking it better than I did after my first day." Globe declared. "I could barely move the next morning. I thought I'd worn out every muscle in my legs."

"Yikes." Sterling chuckled lightly. "Maybe this isn't so bad..."

"But it'll definitely get better." Globe assured. "Believe me, the morning after my second day in the orchard wasn't nearly as bad. I could at least move my legs the following morning."

"Guess that's something to look forward to..." Sterling mused. "Speaking of moving, you don't want to be be late for breakfast, do you?"

"No, sir." Globe smiled. "Today's cherry waffle day."

"You guys and your cherries..." Sterling rolled his eyes. "I'll be right with ya, 'kay?"

"'Kay." Globe nodded.

Still a little sore, Sterling stretched a little more, then followed the boys into the kitchen. Each step was an awkward move. Big Red and Cherry were already there, the entire family enthusiastically digging into their waffles.

"Morning, Sterling." Big Sterling smiled.

"Please, feel free to join us." Cherry said stiffly.

"Morning." Sterling groaned as he eased himself into a chair.

"Still a li'l stiff, huh?" Big Red chuckled. "Don't worry. Y'all get used tah it."

"That's assuming he sticks around long enough." Cherry said quietly.

"I'm not sure I want to get used to it." Sterling massaged a leg. "But I'll have to if I want that money..."

"That reminds me." Big Red passed Sterling a small bag of Bits. "Yer first day's pay."

"... Thanks." Sterling took the bag, and counted two dozen Bits.

"Not bad fer one day's work, huh?" Big Red grinned.

"Not at all." Sterling smiled. "Makes all the soreness worth it... Almost."

"Ya earned it, pardner." Big Red smiled. "Did a mighty fine job yesterday."

"For a novice." Eclipse sneered.

"Come on, Eek." Globe pouted. "Lay off Sterling. He's a decent guy."

"Sheesh, when did you two become BFFs?" Huckleberry snorted.

"Very funny." Globe rolled his eyes.

"Thanks, kid." Sterling smiled. "Good to know your Pop's not the only one on my side in this house."

"Now don't exaggerate, Sterling." Big Red chuckled. "We're all glad ta have ya here. Right, Cherry?"

"Oh, sure." Cherry said sarcastically. "Ecstatic."

"There, ya see?" Big Red grinned, blind to Cherry's sarcasm.

"Yeah..." Sterling said awkwardly. "Thanks for the cash, though. Hope it's not putting you out too much."

"'Course not." Big Red smiled. "Thanks ta you, we got more cherries bucked yesterday than usual. That means more cherries tah sell, and more profit fer us. Ah'm jest paying that extra cash forward, tah the guy who helped us get it in the first place."

"That... does kind of make sense." Sterling nodded, impressed by Big Red's wisdom (and business acumen).

"Yep." Big Red nodded. "So donchya fret none about how much yer gettin' paid. We can more than afford it."

"Thanks, Red." Sterling smiled. "Boy, am I glad I ran into you."

"The feelin's mutual." Big Red grinned. "Now make sure ya eat yer breakfast. We got more cherry bucking in the afternoon, so ya'll need all the strength you can get."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Sterling smirked, wolfing down another waffle.

After breakfast, Sterling was relaxing on the couch, enjoying the feeling of the soreness finally fading at last, when he spotted Globe heading for the front door.

"Hey, kid." He called. "Going to see Bolero?"

"Shh!" Globe hissed. "Not so loud!"

"Relax, there's nopony nearby." Sterling smirked. "Your brothers and dad are out back, and your mom's upstairs."

"Well, I am going to see him." Globe admitted. "Why do you ask?"

"Mind if I come with?" Sterling asked. "I wouldn't mind seeing the little guy again."

"I think he'd like to see you too." Globe smiled. "He really took a shine to you."

"Guess I just have a way with dogs." Sterling grinned.

"But are you sure you want to come?" Globe asked. "I know you're still... recovering from all your hard work yesterday."

"It's okay." Sterling declared. "I'm pretty much back to a hundred percent right now. Besides, a little walk might help get this ‘old’ bod of mine ready for later."

"Fair enough." Globe shrugged. He moved over to the stairs. "Mom, I'm heading into town for a while!"

"Okay, honey!" Cherry called back. "Just be back in time for lunch!"

"Okay, mom!" Globe smiled. He turned to Sterling. "Ready to go?"

"Just a sec, kid." Sterling whispered. He waited a few seconds, then called "Hey, Cherry! Let Red know I'm going for a walk around the meadow!"

"Yes, yes." Cherry said flatly. "Just be here when lunch is ready."

“Hmph, sure thing!” Sterling grunted.

"So you're not letting mom think we're both 'going into town'?" Globe asked.

"Yeah, because I don't think she'd be happy to hear that the aimless drifter her husband took in is hanging out with her son." Sterling declared. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly on her good side, kiddo."

"Well, maybe that can change." Globe offered.

"I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you, kiddo." Sterling snorted. "Now, come on. Let's how little Bolero's doing..."

The two slipped out of the house, and made their way into town. However, not too far away, Eclipse was clearing away a dead tree branch. Huckleberry was 'supervising' (or to put it another way, doing nothing).

"That's it, bro." Huckleberry declared. "Almost got it out of the way..."

"It would go faster if you helped." Eclipse scowled.

"I am helping." Huckleberry smirked. "I'm encouraging you..."

"Maybe I oughta encourage you to try and avoid flying branches." Eclipse growled.

"Or not." Huckleberry looked away nervously. As he did, he noticed Sterling and Globe walking down the path together. "Hey, check this out." He frowned.

"For the last time, I'm not interested in your lousy dimples..." Eclipse muttered, snapping the branch.

"Not that." Huckleberry snorted. "That!"

Eclipse looked up, seeing Huckleberry pointing toward Sterling and Globe's receding form.

"What's this?" He frowned. "Where are those two going in such a hurry? Together, even..."

"First Globe sticks up for Sterling at breakfast, and now this... Since when are they BFFs?" Huckleberry snorted.

"Seems pretty suspicious to me." Eclipse growled.

"'Weird' maybe, but not 'suspicious'." Huckleberry shrugged.

"Oh, really?" Eclipse frowned. "Think about it. We don't know a thing about this Sterling character. For all we know, he's a criminal. A con artist, a kidnapper... a murderer!"

"Uh... slight overreaction?" Huckleberry cringed. “Look, I get you don’t trust the guy, but I don’t think he’s a killer!”

“Seriously?” Eclipse glared. “How can you not be suspicious of him?!”

“Well, for starters, he’s too handsome looking.” Huckleberry admitted.

“...What?” Eclipse repeated, shocked. “He's not a killer… because he looks ‘handsome’?”

“Yeah.” Huckleberry shrugged, “I mean, look at him when he first got here. Sure, he looked a bit dirty, but you can’t deny that he looks way too good to be some grave-fillin' whacko. I mean, if he had scars all over, rings under his eyes and a twitch, then I might be concerned.”

“...That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.” Eclipse growled. “Just because he doesn’t look like a hobo from your typical alleyway, doesn’t mean he isn’t trouble! If anything, we should be more concerned that a guy like Sterling just happened to be drifting about around here!”

"Should we inform the neighborhood watch committee?" Huckleberry joked awkwardly.

"This is no time for jokes!" Eclipse yelled. "We got a possible master criminal on the loose!"

"A bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?" Huckleberry frowned.

"He's definitely some kind of crook." Eclipse grit his beak. "I'd bet my feathers on it."

"Kind of a high stakes gamble, if you ask me..." Huckleberry said under his breath.

"And now he's going somewhere with Globe!" Eclipse growled. "Alone! Who knows what he'll do to him?"

"Okay, I think you might be going a little overboard here..." Huckleberry tried to talk some reason into his brother.

"Or maybe I haven't gone overboard enough!" Eclipse snarled. "We've gotta follow them!"

"'We'?" Huckleberry frowned.

"Yes, 'we'!" Eclipse nodded. "Somepony's gotta get Globe to safety while I'm pounding Sterling!"

"Well, shouldn't we just tell mom and dad?" Huckleberry suggested.

"No time!" Eclipse grabbed Huckleberry. "Let's go!"

"Wait, what are yooooou?!" Huckleberry yelped as Eclipse took off, carrying Huckleberry with him. "Put me down!"

"Quiet!" Eclipse hissed. "Do you want Sterling to know we're following him?"

"No, I want to keep my breakfast down!" Huckleberry said, his face turning green.

"Don't even think about puking!" Eclipse yelled. "And stop wiggling around down there! Do you want me to drop you?"

Huckleberry looked at the ground far below.

"...No." He gulped.

"Then hold still." Eclipse snapped.

"Okay." Huckleberry nodded.

Eclipse followed Sterling and Globe as they made their way into Dodge Junction.

"Looks like they're heading into town." Eclipse observed.

"Are they?" Huckleberry quivered, his hooves over his eyes.

"Will you stop being a wussy?" Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"Not while we're in the air." Huckleberry gulped. "Please tell me when we're back on the ground."

"Should've just left him at home..." Eclipse growled.

"Hey, my eyes are covered, not my ears!" Huckleberry pouted.

"Whatever." Eclipse snorted. "Just quit talking. I need to concentrate..."

Eclipse's keen eyes kept track of Sterling and Globe as they slipped into the town's back alleys.

"Well, they're going somewhere pretty out of the way." Eclipse scowled. "The perfect place for Sterling to do... whatever rotten thing he's planning on doing to Globe!"

On the ground, Sterling and Globe continued their trek.

"So, is this the first sneaky first you've ever done, kid?" Sterling smirked.

"Actually, no." Globe admitted. "My, er... first adoptive father was a crook. He pulled me into his scams from time to time."

"Ugh, that sounds rough." Sterling frowned.

"Tell me about it." Globe scowled. "My and my bros are just lucky we found mom and dad."

"I know the feeling." Sterling smiled. "And I'll bet Bolero feels the same about meeting you."

"So do I." Globe grinned.

Once Sterling and Globe reached the junkyard, Eclipse decided the time was right to strike.

"Prepare for landing." He told Huckleberry, as he gently lowered his brother to the ground.

"Oh, thank Faust." Huckleberry sighed with relief. "Dusty, hard ground. I swear I will never complain about you again..."

"Shh!" Eclipse pushed Huckleberry behind a broken carriage. "Remember the plan? I jump Sterling, you get Globe to safety!"

"Got it." Huckleberry nodded.

"Okay... go!" Eclipse leapt out from behind the carriage, making a beeline for Sterling.

"What the-ah!" Sterling yelped, as Eclipse tackled him. The young Griffon clamped his talons into Sterling's shoulder as he pinned him to the ground.

"Eek?!" Globe gaped.

"It's okay, bro!" Huckleberry grabbed Globe and started pulling him back. "I gotcha!"

"What are you- get offa me!" Sterling yelled, struggling to break free of Eclipse's grasp.

"Not a chance." Eclipse tightened his grip. "Whatever you were planning to do to Globe won't be happening on my watch!"

"I wasn't gonna do anything to-ah!" Sterling winced as Eclipse's talons dug deep into his skin.

"It's true!" Globe tried to free himself from Huckleberry's misguided hold. "He wasn't going to do anything!"

"Oh, yeah?" Huckleberry snorted. "Then why'd he take you all the way out here? The scenery?"

"Raarrrgh!" Sterling suddenly threw Eclipse off. Before the Griffon could recover, he rushed over and pinned him down. "Okay, kid, now you've gone and ticked me off!" He raised his hoof, ready to slug him.

"I knew it." Eclipse swung his talons, trying to slash Sterling. "Come on, show us all what you're really made of!"

At that moment, Bolero rushed out into the open, yipping furiously. He had been sleeping before they had all arrived, with the commotion awakening him. He started barking at Eclipse and Huckleberry, even giving Huckleberry a nip on the hoof.

"Yeow!" Huckleberry yelped. "What's with the mini-attack dog?"

Globe took advantage of Huckleberry's pain to break free.

"Down, Bolero! Down!" He yelled.

"Bo-what?!" Eclipse frowned. "What's going on here?"

“Well, ‘Eek’.” Sterling snarled, letting the Griffon go. “If you would stop trying to fight me, maybe we can explain ourselves.”

“...Fine.” Eclipse rubbed his shoulder, which had taken the brunt of the pin. “You better have a damn good excuse for comin’ out here with our brother!”

"Well, first of all, I wasn't going to do anything to Globe." Sterling scowled. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, by the way."

"Then why did you two head off into this dump?" Huckleberry asked. He glanced at Bolero, who was growling at him. "And who's this biting machine?"

"This is Bolero." Globe patted Bolero on the head, trying to calm the pup. "Bolero, these are my brothers, Eclipse and Huckleberry."

Bolero looked upon Eclipse and Huckleberry with hostility, growling an admittedly cute growl.

"Hmph, guess you didn't make the best first impression." Sterling sneered. "Not like me." To prove his point, he scratched behind Bolero's ear.

"Wait, you know about this little guy?" Eclipse frowned. "Since when?"

"Since yesterday." Sterling declared. "While I was out grabbing some stuff for your folks, I saw Globe here sneaking down the alley. Figured that he might have been up to something. Didn't figure on the dog, though."

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Huckleberry asked.

"Well, I met Bolero a while ago." Globe declared. "He was all alone, and starving. I gave him some food, brought him, and... I've kinda been visiting him every day since."

"Really?" Eclipse mused. "Wow. Didn't know you had it in you to be so sneaky..."

"Uh... thanks?" Globe shrugged.

"But why are you keeping the little guy here?" Huckleberry asked. "Why not just bring him home?"

"Because he's worried your folks are just gonna send poor Bolero to the pound." Sterling declared.

"They wouldn't do that." Eclipse frowned. "They love animals!"

"I dunno." Huckleberry shrugged. "Dad does have that whole thing against Timberwolves and Cactus Coyotes..."

"Exactly." Globe nodded. "I don't want to risk losing Bolero. I... love him."

"Arf!" Bolero yipped, licking Globe's face.

"You really do, don't you?" Eclipse smiled. "...But why didn't you tell us?"

"Yeah, seriously." Huckleberry frowned. "We're your brothers. You should have told us."

"I'm sorry." Globe apologized. "I just thought-"

"That we'd rat you out to mom and dad?" Eclipse frowned. "You should've given us more credit than that."

"So you're not gonna tell mom and dad?" Globe asked hopefully.

"Not unless you want us to." Huckleberry grinned. "Until then, Bolero will be our little secret. Just between the three of us."

"Four of us, you mean." Sterling pointed out. "I knew about this little guy before you."

"Whatever." Eclipse frowned. "Bottom line, we won't tell mom and dad."

"Thanks, guys." Globe hugged both his brothers.

"Don't mention it." Huckleberry wheezed, Globe's grip a little too tight for him.

"That's what brothers do, remember?" Eclipse grinned.

Bolero yipped happily, apparently convinced by Globe's display of affection that Eclipse and Huckleberry were friendly. He started licking Eclipse and Huckleberry.

"Easy there, little guy!" Huckleberry yelped. "I already had a wash today!"

"Ooh, what have you been eating?" Eclipse groaned. He took a sniff. "Kinda smells like the fish I had last night..."

"Yeah, funny story..." Globe chuckled.

"Save it for later." Eclipse patted Bolero on the head. "For now, whaddaya say we get to know this little guy better?"

"Arf!" Bolero yipped.

"I think Bolero would like that." Globe grinned.

"Hey, think I could borrow him for my next date with Prairie?" Huckleberry asked. "Mares love a guy who's good with animals, y'know..."

"Not a chance." Globe shook his head.

"Eh, worth a shot." Huckleberry shrugged.

For the rest of the morning, the three brothers played with and fed Bolero. Sterling mostly stayed to the side, nursing the claw marks he sustained, strangely intrigued by their actions.

'Boy, look at 'em go.' He thought. 'Lucky kids. I don't remember ever having that kind of fun with my brothers. All of us together, that is...'

"It's almost noon." Eclipse glanced up at the position of the sun. "We'd better get back home for lunch."

"Oh, so soon?" Huckleberry groaned. He scratched Bolero behind the ear. "Sorry, little guy. Gotta go."

"We'll be back soon, though." Eclipse smiled. "All of us."

"Coming, Sterling?" Globe asked.

"Right behind ya." Sterling nodded.

Eclipse held back until he was level with Eclipse.

"Nice moves out there, kid." Sterling admitted. "Not bad for a farm boy. Your technique could use some work, though..."

"You got lucky this time." Eclipse growled. "So just watch your step..."

"Oh, yeah?" Sterling sneered. "Well, if you ever try jumping me again, you're the one who won't be so lucky."

"We'll see..." Eclipse scoffed, picking up his pace so he was with his brothers again.

As they made their way out of the junkyard, Globe turned to his brothers.

"Thanks again for this, guys." He smiled. "Not telling mom and dad."

"Hey, we're brothers." Eclipse smiled. "We've got each others' backs."

"Always." Huckleberry nodded.

"You two are the best brothers ever!" Globe hugged them both.

"Okay, don't get sappy." Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"Hey, the ladies like a sensitive guy." Huckleberry smirked.

"Still, you can always count on us, Globe." Eclipse smiled.

"To the end." Huckleberry nodded, as he and Eclipse returned the hug.

Sterling watched the heartwarming scene unfold. Despite what had transpired between him and Eclipse, he couldn’t help but admire how close the three brothers were...

'Now that's real brotherly love.' He thought to himself. 'Never saw much of that in my time. Though I was part of a brotherhood for a while. Not quite the same thing, though...'

Many years ago...

Sterling was in his quarters with Ward, tickling the dog's belly. Only a couple of days had passed since their arrival.

"Who's a good boy?" Sterling smiled. "Who's a good boy?"

"Arf!" Ward yipped happily.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Sterling asked, nudging Ward to one side.

"It's me!" Loveless's voice called.

"...Hang on." Sterling walked over and opened the door.

To his surprise, he found Loveless clad in dark blue silken robes that covered his entire body (and the chair).

“Um, Loveless, what’s with the get-up?” Sterling asked.

“This is my ceremonial robe. Every Ouroboros have one like this.” Loveless explained. “I am wearing it because the time has come for your swearing-in ceremony.”

"Okay... And what's that?" Sterling asked.

"You will be required to take the sacred oath of service and loyalty to the Forefathers." Loveless explained. "Once that is done, you will truly be one of us."

"And I wasn't before?" Sterling joked.

"I'd advise you to take this seriously, my boy." Loveless adopted a rare stern look. "This is one of our most valued traditions."

"Okay, serious. Got it." Sterling nodded.

"...Let's get going." Loveless sighed. "Sooner we get this done, the better."

"Be back soon, Ward." Sterling petted his loyal companion.

"Rrrf!" Ward barked happily.

Sterling followed Loveless across the building. Thankfully, the elevator had been repaired, so the trip up to the higher levels wasn't nearly as long, though it was accompanied by annoyingly tinny elevator music.

"Please tell me you didn't invent that." Sterling indicated the speaker.

"Fortunately, no." Loveless smiled. "I'm not the only inventor the Forefathers have. I am but one cog in our grand machine. Many cogs serve similar purposes, but are all vital. And soon, you will officially be one of those vital cogs."

"Me, a cog." Sterling smirked. "Somehow, I don't think that's what my folks had in mind for my career path..."

Once they had reached their floor, they went down the same path as before, reaching the snake statue.

Loveless placed his hoof in the gap.

"Welcome back, Loveless Irons." The voice declared as the statue split open.

"How does that work, exactly?" Sterling asked.

"Funny story." Loveless shrugged. "I'll tell you later. For now, let us focus on what's important."

"Yeah, sure..." Sterling sighed.

They made their way to the Coils. To Sterling’s surprise, there were other ponies in there. All of them were in robes similar to Loveless’, all in different colors. One was in a dark orange robe, his face covered by an ornate mask Beside him was a greyish-blue Pegasus stallion in pale yellow robes, and a slouching Earth Pony stallion in a dirty red set of robes.

Next to the slouching Pegasus was a gold-coated, straw maned Unicorn stallion with cyan eyes, wearing a white robe with gold trims, and a large, muscular Earth Pony stallion with a steel gray coat, a gray mane, bronze eyes, and a brown robe with gray trim. They both stared at the young stallion, the Earth Pony giving an intimidating glare.

"Took you long enough." Jetstream snorted, as he approached them from the side. He was wearing a purple robe with silver trim. “What's the matter, Loveless? Wheels needing oiling again?”

"Very funny." Loveless rolled his eyes. "Just be grateful we didn't take the escalator."

"I know I am." Sterling smirked.

"So this is the wonder colt, is it?" The Earth Pony sneered, getting up to get a closer look at Sterling. "...Hmph, I'm not impressed. Seems kinda scrawny to me..."

"Looks aren't everything, you know." The Unicorn shook his head, joining his side. "If Loveless thinks he'll be an asset to us, then I believe him."

"And you are?" Sterling asked.

"Sterling, this is Aspir Harlhooves and Grenade Gridlock." Loveless pointed out first the Earth Pony, then the Unicorn. "They too hold the rank of Ouroboros."

"In other words, we're the ones you're going to be answering to." Gridlock snarled. "So try showing us a little more respect in the future, got it?"

"Please forgive Gridlock, dear boy." Harlhooves declared. "He's not a very social fellow."

"I kinda got that, thanks." Sterling deadpanned.

“Besides, he’s our pupil, so he will be answering to us.” Jetstream glared. “Not some javali.”

“Too bad.” Gridlock sneered. “Instead of taking after a real stallion, he’ll be taking after a fat-headed dandy.”

"Ooh, burn!" The red-robed stallion chuckled.

“Silence, everypony…”

Everypony in the room turned to the head of the table, as Father had appeared at the head of the table.

“What the…” Sterling frowned, surprised by his sudden appearance. “When did he…”

As Father approached them, the Ouroboros all bowed before him, muttering words such as 'master' and 'your grace'.

"At ease, my loyal servants." Father announced. "Now, take your seats, Ouroboros."

The Oroborus all sat down, leaving just Father and Sterling standing.

“Ouroboros… my sons…” Father declared. “We have all gathered here to welcome a new fledgling into our little flock.” He turned to Sterling. “Sterling Cross, you have proven to us that you have what it takes to be one of us. That you have the strength, fortitude and determination to serve our organization admirably.”

Sterling couldn’t help but swell up with pride, upon hearing those words.

“However, with what I hope to achieve, not only for me, but for everypony in this world, it will take much more than these qualities to reach our goal.” Father added. “I hope that with time, you will grow from a young colt, into a powerful stallion, strong enough to shoulder the weight of which we are to accomplish with your brethren.”

"...Well, thanks." Sterling nodded. "I'll... try not to let you down."

“I should warn you, Sterling.” Father declared, his voice taking on an ominous tone. “Once you step into our brotherhood, there is no turning back. Once you’re a Forefather, you’re bound by our code for the rest of your life.”

“...The rest of my life?” Sterling frowned.

“Yes.” Father nodded, “Once you make the oath, you cannot break it, not without insulting everything we stand for... if you wish to turn back now, I will not blame you.”

'...So, this is it.' Sterling thought. 'Should I really do this? Become part of this... crazy secret society? They've definitely got some big plans. And they want me to be a part of it... It's nice to be wanted, for once. And maybe I could actually do something that matters for the first time in my lousy life.' He mulled it all over in his head, before coming to his final decision.

"No turning back." He said out loud. "Let's do this."

“Excellent.” Father smiled… or at least Sterling thought he did, he couldn’t see his face under that cloak. “Then it is time to take the oath… are you ready, Sterling Cross?”

“...Yes.” Sterling nodded. In that moment, all that sarcastic wit and banter he had stuffed down at Loveless’s request had seem to faded away.

"Good." Father declared, as suddenly, something glimmered from under his hood.

Suddenly, the table that the other Ouroboros were gathered around begun sinking into the floor, fitting snugly into the ground, leaving a nice open circular space in its wake.

“Take your place at the center, and then we can begin.” Father ordered.

Sterling did as he told, taking his place in the middle of where the table used to be. He couldn’t help but take glances of the other Ouroboros. Loveless gave him an encouraging look, while Jetstream looked impatient. Harlhooves was solemnly looking upon the scene, while Gridlock simply looked at Sterling fiercely, as if to say "Don't screw this up."

“Now…” Father stood before Sterling, raising his right front hoof. “Raise your right front hoof and repeat after me…”

Sterling did as such, raising his own hoof.

“I, Sterling Cross swear to uphold the honor and the goals of the Forefathers, to serve loyally, and without hesitation. To never stop until we have brought order to Equestria, and the world." Father declared.

"I, Sterling Cross, swear to uphold the honor and the goals of the Forefathers, to serve loyally, and without hesitation." Sterling repeated. "To never stop until we have brought order to Equestria, and the world."

"I shall do everything in my power to make Father's dream a reality, and woe betide any who stand in my way." Father continued.

"I shall do everything in my power to make Father's dream a reality, and woe betide any who stand in my way." Sterling echoed.

"I swear to never waver in my duty, to always serve to the best of my abilities." Father declared.

"I swear to never waver in my duty, to always serve to the best of my abilities." Sterling repeated.

"From this point on, my mission is to serve the Forefathers, and nopony else." Father said grandly. "This, I swear."

"From this point on, my mission is to serve the Forefathers, and nopony else. This, I swear." Sterling echoed.

"It is done." Father bowed his head.

A medallion flew out from under his robes, and into Sterling's hoof. It was emblazoned with the symbol of two "Fs" back to back.

"You are truly one of us now." Father declared. "Welcome to the Forefathers, Sterling Cross."

"You're an official agent now, kid." Jetstream smiled.

"Don't mess up." Gridlock scowled.

"Ignore him." Harlhooves rolled his eyes. "You are now part of our noble brotherhood. Congratulations."

"Thanks." Sterling nodded. "But to be honest, my luck with brotherhood has been kinda... up and down. Might not be the best term to use."

"I'm sure you'll do marvelously." Loveless smiled. "As I said before, I see the makings of greatness in you, my boy. In time, I'm sure you'll make us all proud."

"Yeah, sure." Sterling frowned. "No pressure, or anything..."

"Of course not." Loveless nodded. "Now, let's move on to the next step, shall we?"

"See ya around, pal." The red robed stallion smiled.

"I daresay so." Harlhooves nodded. "I see big things in your future, young one."

"If the rookie lives that long." Gridlock snorted.

"Oh, he will." Jetstream smirked. "Because I'm going to be handling his training."

"You are?" Sterling froze.

"Yep." Jetstream nodded. "Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Yeah, fun..." Sterling smile weakly. 'Like getting a root canal. Good thing I said there was no turning back..'

Sterling followed Loveless and Jetstream as they left the chamber. Once his training was complete, he would become a force to be reckoned with, an agent the Ouroboros would be proud of. His long career was about to begin, with so much still ahead of him, but he was ready to face it all, and do his duty, just as he had pledged to do.