After the last of the stragglers had gone to bed, it was only a matter of waiting long enough to be sure all were asleep. As patient as he had been for over a year, finding out the truth of what happened to Chrysalis digging up what secrets he could at CHS, following Miss Pie's mostly monotonous posts on MyStable, he was so close to obtaining power he wanted nothing more than to just barge in there and take what he wanted.
But no. Carelessness had cost him in the past, arrogance lead to his downfall when he pursued politics. Brought low and denied becoming the leader of this country, it was rightfully his and not hers!
Calming himself, he looked to his watch and decided long enough had passed. He stood, adjusting his suit, reassured by the small weight of metal at his left side before leaving his cover in the bushes and entered the campground. Thanks to the boy that worked here, he knew exactly where to go and what to look for. An incentive of cash and a smattering of lies were always effective on the dullest of drones.
He slipped into the Aquamarine tent, as quiet as could be a he began his search, glancing over to the two beds to make sure they were asleep but not noticing the small bed on the floor. Instead he focused in on the small bag on the crate box that served as a nightstand nightstand and moved in, picking it up and opening it to confirm that the crystals were inside.
"Hey! What're you doin'?!"
Startled, a pained shout left him as he felt small sharp teeth sink into his ankle. He almost lost his grip on the opened bag, growling as he drew his leg back and kicked hard, the small thing letting go and letting out shriek of pain as it's body was smashing against the nightstand. This of course lead to the two girls waking up, one scrambling for her glasses while the other let out a high pitched yet soft scream. He turned and fled out of the tent, running back towards the woods as the alarm was raised around the campground and soon the sound of pursuit reached his ears.
Damn. Damn! Damn it all to hell!
"I can't see that fucker!"
"Spread out! He can't be that far ahead!"
If even one of them caught him there was no way out. Not when they had those powers. Shifting the bag of crystals to his left hand, his right reached into his jacket and brought out the gun. Eight shots... it would have to be enough. The road was a few minutes where his car was... if he could just-!
His foot caught on a root. He stumbled, delayed, and he could hear foot steps close by.
Safety off.
"Found you motherfucker!"
Turn and aim.
The shots rang out through the forest, carrying all the way to the campground. Sunset's head immediately snapped in the direction that it came from, ice cold fear shooting through her as she ran, trampling through anything in her way, not noticing the sting as wayward branches scratched at her legs. She was the first to make it, hands flying to her mouth at the sight in front of her, others soon showed up in the following moments, Tino muttering what was on everyone's mind.
"Dios mio..."
Applejack would step forward and take charge, pointing to each person as she spoke to them.
"Dash! Tino! Run back ta' camp, get Gloriosa out here with some kinda' first aid n' get a call out for an ambulance! Bobby, get off yer damn shirt n' help me try n' staunch the wounds! Sunset, get Jackie outta' the way!"
Spurred to action, Sunset gave a nod and went to her girlfriend's side, tugging her back out of the way as Bobby and Applejack moved in to kneel down by Poppy's side. The mechanic was gasping for air, choking on her own blood as it flowed from her mouth and the gunshot wounds in her torso, staining clothes and starting to seep into the ground. Jackie was starting to shake now as she saw the sight, bad memories surfacing... god the blood. Oh god.
"Oh god... she-she's gonna die..."
"S-She's gonna die! She's-!"
Stepping in front of Jackie, trying to block her view as she grabbed the guitarist's shoulders and gave her a hard shake. It was hard to try to keep calm when things were just getting worse.
"Her breathin' is gettin' ragged!"
Nausea hit Jackie, covering her face and stumbling back until she hit a tree. Sunset had no idea what to do other than step forward and pull her girlfriend into her arms. Holding her tight not just to comfort the guitarist but to try and get a grip on her own emotions as she silently started to pray...
It wasn't enough.
A familiar sound sent a chill down Sunset's spine, a sound she had once made during the Friendship Games. That hoarse, wheezing rattle as a last breath left the body. Both Bobby and Applejack were silent as Jackie completely broke down, the only thing holding her up was the near death grip Sunset had on her.
Minutes later Gloriosa and Dash would be back.
Then Tino would come with paramedics. They would cover the body and take her out. They would all follow back to the camp, sitting at the tables while the ambulance took off. Sandy volunteered to go with the body.
Twilight would take off with Fluttershy to take Spike to the nearest veterinarian.
The guitarist had gone back to being silent, staring down as she sat slumped at the picnic table, lifeless. Timber had gotten them blankets before he went off... somewhere. Sunset was sharing one with Jackie, feeling numb and not even realizing someone was talking to her until they said her name loud enough. Her focus was brought back to find Adagio standing there, her demeanor sad and concerned as she gazed at the two.
"... I'm sorry, what did you say Adagio?"
"I was asking how you are holding up."
"... not great."
"Mm. Do you want to get up? Check on the others? I'll look after Jackie."
With a nod, Sunset looked to Jackie, giving her one last hug before standing up and going around to the others, leaving Adagio to take a seat next to the guitarist. They were quiet, neither saying a word until Adagio finally spoke up.
"There was nothing you could have done, Jackie. And it wasn't your fault."
That actually earned her a look from the bluenette, one that was one of clear disbelief. Adagio only gave a small, sad smile in turn as she slowly pulled the other in for a light hug, the guitarist's body mostly limp as Jackie leaned against her.
"It's not, Jackie."
Meanwhile, Sunset made her rounds to check in with everyone, aside from sadness and shock no one was hurt. The conversations were usually kept short, soon leaving the red head with nothing to do as she stepped away from the others, agitated as she rubbed her forehead. Pinkie Pie slowly approached, her hair completely straight but she tried to put on a smile.
"Hey Sunset..."
Flinching, Sunset looked over her shoulder to see who it was.
"... hey Pinkie. Do you need something?"
"No, no I'm okay. But... what about you?"
"What do you think Pinkie?"
Seeing Pinkie Pie grimace instantly made Sunset regret the harsh tone she used. Taking a deep breath, Sunset stuffed her hands into her pockets and turned to face the other.
"I'm sorry, it's just... this is just too much. Poppy's... she's gone. The guy got away with the crystals, we don't know if Spike is going to be okay, Jackie's a mess and just-! Argh!"
Running both her hands through her hair, she was starting to slip as all her emotions started slamming her. This wasn't the god damn time for it! It was all brought to a halt for a second though when Pinkie Pie reached out and pressed her finger against Sunset's nose, the tip pressing down and the action odd enough to bring her pause, eyes crossing to look at the finger.
"... Pinkie, what're you doing?"
"You were working yourself up too much. I do this for the twins and they calm down real quick for a sec!"
Taking her finger away, Pinkie tried reassuring Sunset with a smile before she continued.
"We'll get through this Sunset. This guy is gonna be caught and Spike and Jackie are gonna be okay."
"... you sure?"
"Yuppers! I mean, we're the good guys after all! We're gonna overcome for sure in the third act!"
Shaking her head, Sunset couldn't help the small smile that came to her face. She glanced over as the police came in from cordoning off Twilight and Fluttershy's tent and the area where Poppy had been shot. What proceeded was everyone getting an account of events, the police taking statements from everyone, finding out where Twilight and Fluttershy went, and then hitting upon a big clue when they spoke to Jackie.
"Ma'am, did you manage to get a good look at the suspect?"
The police officer, almost stereotypical with the mustache, was patient as he tried getting a response from Jackie, note pad and pen out to take down the details. Both Adagio and Sunset were at her side, trying to gently coax her to speak.
"... dunno."
At least it was a start. At this point Jackie looked completely fried, eyes blood shot from crying and bags from lack of sleep, she was holding up her head with one hand as she tried to recall details. The other hand was making a slow motion, as if she was trying to recall anything other than the gun that had been pointed straight at her before Poppy... her body shuddered, Jackie barely keeping it together as she tried thinking as hard as she could.
"A... beard? He was dressed in black... I guess? Lot of black... all over..."
Frown deepening, the officer wrote down the details before speaking.
"Could you describe him to a sketch artist?"
"I dunno..."
"Anything else?"
Silence, then Jackie raised her head up, a haunted look on her face.
"Eyes... yellow eyes."
Both Adagio and Sunset looked to each other, the same thought racing through their heads before Sunset turned her gaze to the officer.
"That sounds like a guy named Tirek. He was here yesterday too."
"Alright. We'll check him out. It's gonna take a little longer before forensics is finished but we'll leave you be now. I'm sorry for your loss."
Putting the pad away, the officers would head back to the crime scenes, leaving the large group alone. Gloriosa would take the time to step in, having set up the mess hall with cots so that they'd be able to get some sleep.
Sleep wouldn't be easy for some, all hearts were heavy as they slept through what was left of the night and through the morning, waking up at noon to start scrounging up lunch. Needless to say no one was in the camping mood anymore, opting to end it early and just head back to Canterlot. Since it was last minute, Applejack offered up her home to Sunset, the gang from Los Pegasus and the Dazzlings. Applebloom offered up her room and bunked with Applejack, freeing up room for the Dazzlings, Sunset and Jackie to have in their own rooms. Sandy had rejoined them at this point, the somber actress taking the couch while Tino and Bobby found places on the floor.
The only ones getting up early would be the Apple family as usual and Sunset, the red head didn't have the best sleep, too worried about Jackie. She held the silent guitarist through the night but the bluenette had been so distant...
Sunset slowly nursed her cup of coffee, thankful that the Apple family made such a strong brew. Big Mac was his usual quiet self, demolishing his breakfast before getting up to go out and get to chores. Applebloom would have followed but both Applejack and Granny Smith agreed that she should take it easy after what happened. Sunset picked at her hashbrowns and eggs (she'd declined the sausage), not having much of an appetite while Applejack tried and failed to find something comforting to say.
When there came a knock at the door, the blonde excused herself to go get it, returning moments later with a very tired and sad looking Fluttershy.
"Spike is okay for now. The veterinarian says he has a fractured skull and his left shoulder is dislocated... there was some bleeding but they got it."
It was the only thing Sunset could come up with, giving a nod as she took another sip of coffee. Granny Smith had been on the move, serving up a plate of hashbrowns and eggs for Fluttershy, along with a cup of coffee.
"Eat up youngin', ya' look like ya' need it."
"O-Oh, thank you."
Taking a couple bites and having a good, long sip of coffee, Fluttershy was starting to look much better before she reached into a pocket in her skirt.
"Um. Before I left with Twilight to get Spike help... I picked these up."
On the table she placed two of the crystals, one still pristine, the other looking to have a small scratch on it's surface, almost like a scar. When Sunset picked up the first one, it started to glow faintly with a turquoise light, proving it was Sunset's. Fluttershy fidgeted slightly before speaking up again.
"I... I guess when Spike startled him, they dropped out of the bag..."
"Well, least some good news outta' all this mess..."
Sunset could appreciate Applejack trying to put a silver lining on this, but it was a very small one all things considered. Yet she still managed to muster up a smile for Fluttershy.
"Thanks 'Shy, good catch. How's Twilight doing?"
"She's with her parents right now. She's still very upset. How is everyone else doing?"
"Not great. But they're holding up."
"And Jackie?"
"... bad."
All were silent again, but Sunset scooped up the crystals before picking up her coffee and standing, leaving without a word to go check on Jackie.
7899415 Mm-hm, Pandora arc baby, it's gonna be a game changer.
God damn it man.
This upset me so much.
I hope the bastard gets whats coming to him.
I see you made the decision of who to toss on death row. Yikes. Maybe Sweetie will keep a closer eye on Poppy in another time