• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 1,331 Views, 28 Comments

Live Life - Gpizano

In the summer time between college semesters, Sunset and human Twilight head to Camp Everfree to study the new magical leyline they discovered there. However the peaceful scenery belies the darkness that is about to fall...

  • ...

Pass You By

After Tirek and Gloriosa headed to the main office to discuss something, that left the group to decompress and recover. While the six that had been playing their chaotic version of football were being patched up, Pinkie Pie was more than happy to take pics on her phone of the aftermath. As usual the woman still loved to upload pictures to her public Mystable page and these new set of pictures were undoubtedly going towards her 'Super Funderiffic Summer Camp Get Together' album. Aria was still quite disgruntled as Sonata used the first aid kit provided by Timber to take care of some scratches.

"Ugh, fuck that guy. How could he not be paying attention? Asshole."

"Yeah, and he was like, super creepy wasn't he?"

Aria only gave a small grunt in response but the sentiment seemed to be shared with everyone else. For now they had retreated back to the tent area, mainly to avoid having to see the guy again when he left. Adagio was still fuming, wishing that she still had her siren powers so that she could teach the man a thing or two. Jackie was being tended to by Sunset and Sandy, the latter cleaning up a cut that Jackie had on her forehead while Sunset got a compress for the guitarist's banged up knee. Sunset wasn't exactly keen on the man either but for now she just focused on patching up her girlfriend.

"I know you wanted to go with me and Twilight today, but I really think you should just rest here Jacks."

"You sure? I mean, I wouldn't mind it but..."

"We'll be fine. Trust me."

After that the group just took it easy and waited for the sound of Tirek's car starting up and leaving, but they wouldn't be quick to do anything aside from taking it easy. It wouldn't be until after a late lunch that Sunset, Twilight and even Spike finally got down to business. They got together in Twilight and Fluttershy's tent, going over the print out Twilight had shown her weeks ago while the computer engineering student shifting through her bags before pulling out a device.

"I used this same device to track magic before the Friendship Games. I've re-calibrated and checked the software so it should be able to track down and pin point the exact location of the leyline where the magic is emanating from."

They weren't exactly sure why the magic readings from this area were much stronger than at Los Pegasus or at Canterlot, but they still were willing to bet that it was a portal of some kind. Other than conjecture though, they were going in blind and they knew that they would have to be careful, they'd use Twilight's device to figure out where they were going, let the rest of the gang know, and thanks to Timber, in another effort to please/flirt with Twilight, had rounded up a pair of walkie talkies so that one could be left behind at camp while they took the other one. Twilight would take the lead with her device, Spike faithfully by her side as she kept her eyes on the device.

Surprisingly they didn't have to go far before Twilight's device started to really act up, pointing them in the direction of the quarry where they were advised not to go. So after assuring a hesitant Twilight that they would be fine, Sunset took the lead as they headed further in and being lead towards a bunch of boulders and rocks. Teal eyes would closely examine them as she moved around, curious.

"What does your device say, Twilight?"

"Well, we're very close but not quite there yet... "


Finding a good pile of rocks, Sunset started to climb up one of the boulders and once she reached the top, she noticed that past it all there seemed to be an opening.

"It looks like these rocks are blocking a cave. You sure it's through this way?"

"Mm-hm, I've done all of the calibrations, the signal doesn't get stronger when pointed to a higher elevation, it has to be coming from this cave."

The size of the boulders covered up a good portion of the entrance but there was enough wiggle room at the top. The only problem was she wasn't sure if she could get out once she was inside.

"You still got a rope, Twilight?"


"Toss up one end to me then along with that device, I'm going in and I want to be sure I have a way out."

After hesitation and concern, Twilight relented, tying one end of her rope to the device and carefully tossing it up to Sunset before finding a heavy rock to tie the other end to so that she'd have an easier time supporting Sunset's weight. Once that was ready, Sunset tied the rope around her waist and pushed her pack through first before wiggling in backwards. The fall was short and once she was on the other side, she untied the rope and let it be before pulling out a small flashlight and taking a look. A soft gasp escaped her seeing that this cave had crystals on the walls, the light reflecting off of them and creating a beautiful effect.

"Sunset? What do you see?"

"Crystals. I'm going to go in deeper!"

Shouldering her backpack, she traveled further inside, flashlight in one hand and device in the other. There was another cave or two that branched off but the signal kept her going straight until she reached a wider open area. Soon the flashlight no longer became necessary as in the middle there was stalagmite formation that was practically glowing, with particles floating up and away like fireflies. But what really caught Sunset's attention were seven crystals set on the flat part of the stone, six surrounding one, completely colorless and transparent, not shaped into any form. Sunset double checked the readings on the device, took her phone out and snapped a couple of pictures before she put both them both away and reached a hand out to the crystals. Her hand drifted to the one in the middle, feeling no hesitation as she managed to pry it free from the stone and hold it in her hand.

It was... warm. The longer she held it, the more she noticed a gentle, teal glow that began to grow in the middle of it and she felt something that was instantly familiar. Sunset's eyes widened as she began to understand just what she may have found before she looked up with a smile to the other crystals.

Waiting patiently outside of the cave, walkie talkie at the ready in case she had to call for help, Twilight perked up when she thought she heard foot steps. Then she heard Sunset's voice and momentarily felt confused by the instruction given to her.

"Twilight! You and Spike get back and take cover!"

Quickly scooping up the small dog into her arms, Twilight sprinted over to a large rock pile and hid behind it. She was glad she resisted the temptation to peek over since soon there followed a blast and the sound of rock shattering, making the bespectacled young woman squeak and cover both her and Spike's head as debris rained down. When it was over, she and Spike finally looked over the rocks and were gobsmacked by what they saw. Sunset Shimmer had completely blown away one of the boulders and had stepped through, a familiar, intricate teal tattoo that ran across her forehead, down the left side of her face and neck, disappearing into her t-shirt but able to be seen on her left arm and with her wearing shorts the tattoo could be seen continued on her left leg. Both hurried around from behind the pile of rocks, Twilight absolutely abuzz with questions.

"Wha-?! Sunset how?! What did you find in there?!"

Grinning at the looks on Twilight and Spike's faces, Sunset held up her hands, the left closed and the right holding a small pouch that Twilight had not noticed until then. Sunset opened her hand to reveal a crystal with a soft, teal light glowing in it's center and a look into the pouch showed six transparent crystals.

"We stumbled on something amazing, Twilight."

Author's Note:

Short chapter is short, but I didn't feel the need to add any more than this, otherwise then we'd have a super extra long chapter probably.

Also I just realized, imagine how short the fourth movie would of been with all of the Gloriosa bullshit cut out? XD