• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 1,329 Views, 28 Comments

Live Life - Gpizano

In the summer time between college semesters, Sunset and human Twilight head to Camp Everfree to study the new magical leyline they discovered there. However the peaceful scenery belies the darkness that is about to fall...

  • ...

That You Can Try To Forget

"So you're saying that these aren't typical powers, huh? C'mon Jacks, give me some heat."

Both Jackie and Poppy were taking turns with their crystals, the mechanic magically holding up a metal fork while Jackie let out a breath of fire to heat it up. While they both had the tattoos still, they had found that they could dispel their wings, making it easier to move around without extra appendages taking up extra space. Sunset and Twilight were both observing as they worked together to make a sort of pop art metal statue out of the silverware from the mess hall (Twilight offered to repay Gloriosa and Timber for their use).

"Nope. Usually unicorns use magic to levitate and shape just about anything, limited only by if they have enough power to life bigger objects. You seem only able to levitate and manipulate metal objects."

As for Jackie, Sunset could see that her progress was about the same, although instead of just firing off a random fireballs and belching out smoke, she had better control. Glancing around the area, she could see the others practicing as well, discovering and testing their limits. Both Applejack and Bobby were gifted with strength, taking turns to pick up a variety of things and see who was stronger, each having worked up to being able to lift a large log.

Both Rarity and Tino were having fun as well, the fashionista experimenting with crystal-like shields and seemed to have a magic aura around her while Tino could heal others by giving part of his energy. For now the effect was minor yet very useful in helping to heal a couple bad bruises from the earlier football game.

Fluttershy had already taken her turn and proved able to speak with animals and Pinkie Pie, much to everyone's chagrin, was able to make things explosive, her weapon of choice being sprinkles that she chucked at a couple random things. Which earned a bit of applause from the audience, which also included Gloriosa and Timber, the former looking on with worry that someone would get hurt while the latter seemed to be fiddling with his phone. Probably blogging or texting or something.

The only two crystals that weren't being used at the moment were Sunset's and one that had yet to be picked up by a certain bespectacled young woman at her side.

"This is fantastic! And intriguing. It looks like so far everyone has one power under their control. Sunset, do you think they'll only ever have just the one or maybe they'll get more as they become more experienced with magic?"

"It's hard to say. Although I think there are secondary abilities...."


"Well, both Applejack and Bobby seem to be much more sturdier, I saw Bobby miss a catch on the table he tossed up and after it fell on him, he just pushed it off and got up. Applejack I can attribute it to her other self being an Earth pony. Fluttershy, Jackie, Tino, and Poppy still have wings of some sort, Fluttershy is a pegasus in Equestria. And Rarity has a magic aura around her, which may be because her other self is a unicorn. While the magic here in this world may be changing, it still shows it's roots as coming from the other world."

"Interesting... but what about at the Friendship games when you had an aura, horn and wings?"

"I think that was more a special circumstance at this point."

"I see..."

Glancing over to Twilight, Sunset was quiet for a few moments before speaking the question on her mind.

"When are you going to give your powers a try?"

Immediately Twilight stiffened at that, both of the young women quiet for a couple of moments before Twilight let out a slow, soft breath.

"I said I'm fine. I don't need to."

"Don't need to or you don't want to?"

"... both?"

With a small roll of her eyes, Sunset stepped forward and placed a hand on Twilight's shoulder, the young woman averting her gaze from Sunset's.

"Twilight, Midnight Sparkle is not coming back."

"How do you know that?"

Seeing the 'Really?' look from Sunset made Twilight smile sheepishly for a moment.

"Well... how did you get rid of that darker part of yourself?"

"I didn't."

The slightly alarmed look from Twilight made Sunset shrug her shoulders in response before elaborating.

"Twilight, it's always going to be there. I really thought those things and I really tried to hurt people. And on top of that I used dark magic, it's all something that's always going to be apart of you."

"B-But how do you make sure it never comes out again?"

Seeing Sunset glance around, she followed her gaze, going from friend to friend until they stopped on Jackie and Poppy, the latter punching the former hard in the shoulder. Something most likely done in retaliation for the cheeky grin on Jackie's face and the scorch mark near the spot where Poppy was sitting.

"In the words of a wise guitarist, I fucked up. I accepted and never forget that I fucked up and I'm determined to never let it happen again. You never forget what you did, not so that you can always feel guilty but so you can remember and stop yourself from letting your darker side take control."

Seeing that Twilight was still hesitant, Sunset smiled and gave her shoulder a soft pat.

"I won't make you do anything you don't want to Twilight, but I don't want you to just cut yourself off like this. You're stronger than Midnight Sparkle. Okay?"

".... okay. I'll think about it."

Meanwhile in the Amethyst tent, Rainbow Dash was lying on her bed, absentmindedly throwing a soccer ball into the air and catching it, too deep in her thoughts to notice someone had sneaked in until the face of a familiar young teen popped into her peripheral.

"Hey Rainbow Dash!"

Fumbling the soccer ball for a moment, Rainbow sat up and looked to Scootaloo, one brow raised as a silent questioning of why the other was here. The purple haired teen moved over to Aria's side and sat on the unmade bed (the MMA fighter having to have the same level of cleanliness as Dash... which was to say very little).

"Just came to check on you. You just sorta walked off and didn't try a crystal. Which sucks cause they're all doing cool things out there but I think you would've had a really cool power. Like, I bet you'd be stronger and faster than Applejack, or like you'd be able to shoot lightning or something!"

It was hard for Dash not to crack a smile at that. Although she tried to keep her ego in check these days, it still felt good to be idolized.

"I'm doing fine, squirt. I just didn't feel like doing any of that."


"... I don't wanna talk about it."

"Well, why not? Somethings bothering you."


"And well, do you wanna talk about it?"

At that, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but eye the other with some suspicion. Even though it had been a year and a half since the Anon-A-Miss incident well, who the hell could blame her for still being wary? Sure things had gotten better between them, Dash was even starting to see the other as a younger sibling again, but she hadn't really shared anything deep or personal with Scootaloo. Sure Scootaloo had started coming to her with problems again, sharing worried and fears and what not but Dash had felt no obligation to do the same in turn.

Yet Dash felt a small pang of guilt at the crestfallen expression that was starting to creep onto Scootaloo's face, despite the teen's best efforts to hide it with a smile.

"Alright, I get it. I'll just head back and see what everyone else is doing."

"... I just don't feel worthy of it."

That made Scootaloo pause just as she was about to step out of the tent, the younger girl turning and looking confused.


"Yeah... look, maybe these crystal things aren't exactly the Elements of Harmony or whatever, but it's like... they kinda are in a way. And how can I take the element of loyalty when I was anything but that during Anon-A-Miss? And yeah it's been over a year but like, Sunset's forgiven us but I still don't feel like I've made up for it and... ugh, I dunno. Do you even get what I mean?"

"Well, yeah."

Moving to take a seat by Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo fidgeted nervously under the other's gaze before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"All three of us feel like that. Me, Applebloom, Sweetiebelle... we want to try our hardest to make up for what we've done because we know what we did was really bad. And people can tell us it's fine, but we still feel like we see they're disappointed or distant and we still feel like we have to keep making up for it. It really sucks."

The obvious was only made much more so now and Dash mentally slapped herself. Of course Scootaloo could relate to it, that was basically the story of her life for the last year and a half, having to be harassed at school and still proving to others that she wouldn't ever spread secrets again. Dash couldn't even deny that the other's feelings were wrong since despite being there more and more for Scootaloo over time, Dash had still kept the teen at a distance.

With a shrug, Scootaloo just gave a half hearted smile.

"I dunno what to tell you to do though, Dash. I guess you just gotta' be okay with yourself one day. Anyways I'm gonna go, see ya'."

Standing up, Scootaloo was almost out of the tent again when Dash called her name and stood, heading to exit the tent as well with the soccer ball under one arm.

"Want to just kick it around? I could use a real game compared to that mess from earlier."

The smile on Dash's face grew when she saw Scootaloo's face light up.

The rest of the evening went by quickly enough and after letting their dinner digest, the group was all around the campfire roasting marshmallows, drinking and just talking. After such an eventful day it was just good to sit back, relax and have the conversation steered into the topic of relationships.

Surprisingly this wasn't instigated by Adagio.

"Fluttershy, how have things been between you and Treehugger?"

However to no one's shock it was started by Rarity, the question asked a bit out of the blue and catching the shy animal lover off guard for a moment.

"Um, well, things have been fine. Good actually."


"Mm-hm. I mean, she's been a little more busy since Zecora has made her shifts just a little bit longer at the shop, but she's also been allowed to use the back room to teach classes on aligning one's chakras."

Of course this made Aria snort and softly mutter something about 'hippy dippy crap', which caught Rarity's attention.

"And what about you, Aria?"

"What about me?"

"Well, have you had anything interesting happen in your love life recently?"


"I see... well, Applejack, I know things are still well between you and Rara."

"Eeyup. Still a shame she's gotta' live in Manehattan but we still keep in contact."

A small snicker from Applebloom earned a questioning look from her older sibling, making the teen voice her thought.

"Jes' thinkin' how goofy ya' act whene'er ya' talk to her."

"Ah do not! How do ya' even know?"

"Hard not ta' notice when ya' got a weird, goofy smile on yer face some days."

A few in the group chuckled or giggled as the blonde blushed momentarily before looking to Rarity.

"Why so interested n' our love lives anyway?"

"Oh simple curiosity. Especially since you and others have found such wonderful partners."

Of course just as she said that, Jackie finished taking a nice, big swig of beer and had let out a hearty belch, causing Tino, Poppy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Aria to call out scores while an embarrassed Sunset lightly face palmed.

"... yes, quite."

Despite how she felt, Rarity would curb the need to express her disgust and how ladies were not supposed to belch. However like sharks smelling blood in the water, Jackie and others could see the irritation just bubbling below the surface and shared grins with each other. Rainbow Dash would be the next to give it a go, chugging some hard cider Applejack had brought for the adults before letting out a belch that nicely rivaled Jackie's and caused a scandalous look to come onto Rarity's face.

"Now Rainbow Dash, really!"

"My turn!"

Scootaloo downed some Dr. Pepper and gave her best effort, the domino effect continuing as Aria took a crack at it, then Poppy, then others joining in. Between that and Rarity's utter, horrified disgust, most of the group broke down, whooping it up as the fashionista rose and with a huff, headed off to the tents, refusing to be around such 'savages'.

Once Applejack had settled down and wiped her eyes, she let out a long breath.

"Woo-ee! Ain't had that much belchin' since the last family reunion when great uncle Crisp Apple challenged all the adults to a drinkin' contest. Had to steer clear o' course if'n that belchin' turned ta' pukin'!"

"Now that sounds like fun, bet I could've given that old man a run for his money."

"Shoot, if'n ya' got the time, yer free ta' come 'round the reunion Poppy! Ah'm sure great uncle Crisp would enjoy fresh competition."

While they continued to chat among themselves, Jackie gently nudged Sunset's shoulder and smiled to the red head, who wearily smiled back.

"Too much?"

"Well, it got less embarrassing when others started joining in."


"Look don't worry about it. Maybe just a bit more restraint around me, hm?"

"Sure thing Sunshine. Restraint around you in public. But I'll be sure to let loose when we're at home, especially in the bedroom."

"I swear to god Jacks..."

Although trying to scowl, that cheeky smile was just too effective against Sunset and she couldn't help chuckling along with her joking girlfriend.

The rest of the night would go along as such, more merry making up until one by one they started to head for bed. Poppy would be one of the last few stragglers going to bed, covering her mouth as she yawned while heading into the dimly lit tent. Adagio had gone in long before her and appeared to be asleep. In Poppy's bed. Rolling her eyes, Poppy leaned over and shook Adagio's shoulder. Even though the siren's back was to her, the mechanic could easily tell that the other was still awake.

"Adagio, get the hell out of my bed, I'm not sharing."

"Mm, well it's a bit chilly tonight. I was thinking that we could share some body heat."

Turning over so that the massive amount of hair was no longer covering her, Adagio looked rather picturesque with that sheet draped over her body. It was just thin enough that Poppy's suspicions that the other was not wearing anything else appeared to be spot on. A suspicion she soon proved by grabbing the sheet and yanking it down, causing the surprised siren to blush and reflexively cover herself.


"Spoilsport. At least hand me my night shirt."

With a pout, the siren moved one of her hands and pointed it out to Poppy, the mechanic obliging and going over to fetch it, slightly intrigued when she saw how big it was and that it was for some sort of concert.

"The Smiths, huh?"

"We all had our favorite bands in the 80s, it was such a shame that they didn't last."

Pulling the shirt on over her head, it was just long enough to provide decent coverage of all parts but Adagio didn't leave the bed, instead sitting on the edge and crossing one leg over the other. If Poppy put in the will to imagine, she could see this as one of the groupies in a Pony Breakers t-shirt. Instead she crossed her arms and looked expectantly at Adagio as the siren studied her in turn.

"... so you gonna get out of my bed?"

"Harsh. Usually I can get at least a blush out of anyone here."

"Well I'm not interested in playing games. Least not the ones you play."

"Oh really..."

"Yeah. Now get out of my bed."

With another pout, the siren slipped out of Poppy's bed and went over to her own, slipping in under the covers and watching Poppy as the mechanic took off her shoes and pants before turning off the lamp, killing what little light was left.

"I like to play Poppy, it's a favorite sport of mine that has the added bonus of distracting me from the situation I've been in, stuck here in your world. And I find it hard to recall anyone who can resist me as much as you can."

Slipping under the covers of her own bed, Poppy lied on her back and shut her eyes but was not yet drifting off to sleep.

"If I'm interested in playing, then I'll let you know. I just prefer not to have it forced onto me if I'm not interested."

"So you do have an interest in women..."

".... maybe? I guess I can see one or two that'll make me look twice. I'm just more interested in other things. Like my job, hanging with my friends... getting laid just isn't a high priority."

"How dull."

"Bite me."

"Is that a request?"

Even though it was dark, Adagio could see a hint of the smirk on Poppy's face. Satisfied with at least that, the siren would start to settle in and close her eyes as well.

"Good night, Poppet."

"Night Adagio..."

Minutes would pass as the two slowly began to drift off to sleep.

Only to be woken by a loud, canine shriek and a ruckus from right next door. Poppet was already on her feet, pulling on her pants and shoes while Adagio had to take a little bit more time making herself decent. When Poppy moved aside the tent flap to see what was going on, she saw a large, cloaked figure barreling out of the Aquamarine tent and fleeing into the nearby forest while shouting came from inside.


That was all that needed to be said, Jackie and Rainbow Dash were already off after the figure, followed by Sunset, Tino, Applejack, Poppy and Bobby. When they were in and couldn't see him, they'd spread out and keep on going, searching for the cloaked figure in the darkness....

Author's Note:


And things were going so well too.