• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 1,331 Views, 28 Comments

Live Life - Gpizano

In the summer time between college semesters, Sunset and human Twilight head to Camp Everfree to study the new magical leyline they discovered there. However the peaceful scenery belies the darkness that is about to fall...

  • ...

Don't Let Go

The next couple of days had just been a blur for Sunset Shimmer. They had to stay in town a bit longer for more questioning by the police, the search for Tirek proving fruitless since his home looked to be abandoned. She didn't doubt he had a hell of a head start at this point, who knew where he would be by now? With five crystals. Could he learn how to tap into his magic and use them? Would they work for him? All of these questions were buzzing around in her head on top of the issue of her girlfriend. Jackie was having a hard time sleeping, she was trying to drink more and she didn't crawl out of bed unless she had to use the bathroom or she got too hungry. It was all so bad that the fact they managed to keep two of the crystals seemed so minuscule, incapable of balancing out all the bad with it's good. But they couldn't stay here in Canterlot... they had lives to return to in Los Pegasus.

Packing proved to be less than an issue, most of their stuff had been packed up since leaving the camp and was ready to go. All her friends that lived in Canterlot were ready to see them off from Applejack's farm, which gave Sunset the opportunity to go between almost all her friends to check on the other crystal. It didn't like up for any of them... which just left one person.


Rainbow Dash was confused for a moment, then her eyes widened upon seeing the crystal with a scar being held out to her. She looked back up to Sunset and shook her head.

"Shouldn't you take it?"

"We don't know where Tirek is or what he'll do. If he thinks someone here has the remaining crystals here in Canterlot, then there's someone who can use magic to stop him if he has some himself."

"I guess...."

"Dash. Please. I can't be here to protect any of you. We can't risk losing anyone else..."

Although hesitation was still clear, Rainbow gave a nod before taking the crystal, gazing upon it as it started to glow a gently deep red, the same as her eyes. With that, they shared one last hug before Sunset headed over to the van, looking into the driver's seat to see how her girlfriend was doing. Not good, but that was to be expected when Jackie hadn't had a good night's sleep in days and was deeply disturbed. Sunset reached through the open window and gently caressed her cheek, wanting to comfort her but any hope of a reaction was dashed. Sunset sighed and headed over to her bike, putting her helmet on and warming it up as her friends, the rest of the Apple family, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo saw them off.

They'd hit the highway soon enough, Canterlot falling behind them with the open road ahead. Sunset was ahead of the Siren's and Tino's van, her grip on her bike tightening as she started increasing speed. She was approaching dangerous levels and going way far ahead of everyone but it was... comforting. She wanted to go fast like this. Just...

Her vision became slightly blurry, causing her to slow down as she blinked to try and clear the tears.

.... it was going to be a long ride home.

Author's Note:

And with that the first part of the Pandora Arc is complete.

If you couldn't tell by now, this arc is gonna be a liiiiitttle more serious than the Anon-A-Miss arc.

Stay tuned for part 2!

Comments ( 12 )

Very nice.

7921757 Thank ya'.

It's all different from the Anon-A-Miss stuff but I hope you and others will like it.

A bit short, but liking where the rest is going.

7926002 Yeah, at the rate this is going, over all the Pandora arc is probably (maybe?) going to be shorter than the Anon-A-Miss arc because I've just got these one or two things I'm focusing on instead of like an in depth study of character motivations and an aftermath. At least that's my thought behind it.

(Edit: although there will be an aftermath... I dunno, it's late, I dunno what I'm thinking. XD)

Either way glad you like it and I hope you like the direction I'm taking this in.

8013168 Glad you like. I had the idea for the set up clear in my head, so here's hoping the rest of what I got in mind will be awesome. XD

8017218 Well, assuming things happen the same way in your AU. XD

But not a bad idea either way. XD

The one thing I don't get in this line of stories is why the likes are so low

8051887 *shrugs* I dunno, it just doesn't catch the eye as much as others I guess.

Either way it still makes me happy to see new people come along and like my work. :twilightsmile:

8093832 Yeah, Open Your Heart.


Super Dragon Ball Sonic X Kai


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