• Published 1st Oct 2016
  • 734 Views, 2 Comments

The Land of Equestria Saga Acts 1-5 - derrick1714

With threats from another world appearing, and Equestria being brought to its knees. Only one man can save it, and in the end friendship is magic. (See Full Description)

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Act 1: Part 2--Chapter 9

Unused Series 2

The Land of Equestria Saga

Act 1 Part 2

Chapter 9
Prologue/The Guard Locked Up

A short detour- A Narrator cloaked in shadows watched through his hand held mirror, as the rift in Equestria pulsed. The only distinguishing feature about him that's noticeable is his fanged smile, as he begins to recount the previous events and encounters that lead Equestria to its doom. The man cleared his throat and began. “Previously Slappy escaped his book prison and planned his revenge, which lead him to use Vladimir or Vlad for short as his pawn. The goal was for Vlad to use Doji’s wife M&M as a conduit, and resurrect Dracula one of the 13 monsters Doji faced in the past. Dracula is also Vlad's father, as well as the one who cursed Doji to be forever trapped as a vampire.” The Narrator watched from the mirror as the rift pulsed, and hurried his rehash of events along. “So after Doji stopped Vlad he tracked the puppeteer down, Slappy knowing his game had been beat ran. However thanks to Chaos and his dimensional mistake, rifts had begun to appear randomly. Different portals lead to different time periods, as well as different dimensions and even different realities.” The rift pulsed again, as if telling the Narrator to finish up his recap. “Okay fine, so basically Slappy the ventriloquist dummy fell through a rift. He landed in a land of talking ponies, not as a displaced because this universe doesn't do that. Not yet anyway, so once he arrived he fooled Starlight and took over Canterlot pretty fast actually. He then began turning ponies of the land into what he called puppet ponies. He also defeated the elements, princesses and even Discord.” The rift pulsed with impatience as the narrator continued to recount the past, even as the rift closed ever so slowly the man continued his tale. “So with Equestria under Slappy’s dominion he set out to puppet every pony, dragon, griffin and creature alike. How can he turn creatures into puppets you may ask? Well he first used a remote crafted from spare parts to steal the princesses powers, as well as Discords and then transferred a copied version of the powers to a technological wand which allows him basic magic. As for the puppet turning spell, it's a simple spell based off of Starlight’s sameness spell. Speaking of Starlight, She and Spike escaped and are currently waiting on Doji; a man who Twilight foresaw would come to imprison Slappy. Doji actually did find Slappy’s trail after the Vlad affair but thanks to a time glitch, he's three days late. Of course that's if he even makes it, for as we last saw the rift was closing while Starlight and Spike sleep.” The Narrator picked his tea cup up and took a sip, then he continued retelling past events. “So let's see is there anything I left out? Well M&M is Doji’s wife's name, which is actually a shorter version of her mother’s name. Opal is Doji’s technological friend, and past foe. He has since formed T Inc and runs the business with his business partner Doji; he actually uploaded his mind to what he believes to be an indestructible robotic body. Then Slappy is only ink, but the magic that holds him together is nearly unbeatable. He can be imprisoned, but so far he can't be killed. So now that we've finished our recap, let's continue with our story with whether Doji actually makes it, or if he gets trapped, inside the dimensional vortex forever. Spoiler Alert he does arrive, wouldn't be a story without the hero. As for me the narrator, I'm just a dimensional acquaintance of Doji’s. An acquaintance that holds a grudge against him and would love to see Doji burn and Equestria could burn too for all I care.” The man hidden within the shadows coughed, and as he spoke the last word in his recap. He watched the mirror begin to crack, and smiled a fanged smile only seen because of the light reflecting from his teeth. “Looks like I'll finally be free of that pest, finally Doji will either die or become a puppet. Either way I'll be able to finish what I started, and no one will be able to stop me this time around.” The mirror finally broke, and the cloaked man laughed.-End of Detour

The rift pulsed while slowly closing, and with it the hopes of all Equestria. Meanwhile inside Slappy’s castle the dummy sat in his throne, and awaited the news of whether the griffins had surrendered or not. All while Cadence, Celestia, Luna and Twilight stood to the side awaiting orders from their puppeteer.

“I'm bored again, I mean seriously is it too much to ask for something exciting to happen. I have all the power I could ask for, and I'm still bored.” As Slappy contemplated what to do Celestia weakly formed a telepathic spell, and from inside her mind she spoke to Luna.

“Hurry dear sister, we must connect to Twilight and Cadence at once.” As Celestia and Luna used their spell, Slappy finally decided on what he wanted to do.

“I'll go torment Shining for a minute, and then I'll go and begin puppet turning the griffins with my new modified spell.” As Slappy took Cadence away with him, Celestia and Luna finally connected to Twilight.

Celestia began speaking first inside both of their minds. “Luna, Twilight, we need to figure out a way to stop Slappy, if he gains the dragons and griffins he'll be practically unstoppable.” Luna seeing her sister's worries agreed, and waited for Twilight's input.

“We can't interfere, events must play out or Slappy may never be stopped. I know because I had a vision of a man, one that is similar to Sunset now. This man will bring with him a book that can trap Slappy; all we need to do is wait for his arrival.” Celestia and Luna discussed by themselves the ramifications, and finally reached a decision.

“You're right Twilight if the events you told us about are to come true, we must leave this mess to him. However I cannot say that I'm not worried for my little ponies, cause if Slappy’s foe fails or is just as bad if not worse. Then we are doomed, as well as all of Equestria.” As Celestia finished Luna began to sing a song inside their minds, followed by Twilight and then Celestia.

As Slappy neared the bottom of the stairs he noticed a stallion with his cutie mark, but his smile was a grin instead. Pulling his wand out of his sleeve, Slappy hopped off of Cadence and approached the imposter. “Well hello dummy, lovely weather isn't it mister grin.” As Slappy looked into the stallion's eyes, the stallion knew he had been discovered. Thinking quickly he bucked Slappy in the face and ran. Only to get caught by the princess of love, as Slappy’s head reformed from black goo and began to laugh. “Well I must say you’re a good kicker, I'd be beaten if I wasn't indestructible.”

The Stallion looked at Slappy with disgust and spoke in a broken tongue. “You have changed the ponies of this land, and we now starve from the lack of love you have created.” The stallion erupted in flames, and became a pony like insect creature.

Slappy laughed as the creature revealed its true form, and as he laughed the creature began to fear the strange dummy. “So if I understand this straight, there are bugs that appear to have the structure of ponies. They have insect wings, and feed off love. They also can transform into an alicorn, unicorn, pegasus and even a regular earth pony.” As Slappy reasoned and checked the facts the changeling shook with fear, realizing he revealed enough for Slappy to piece his kind together.

Slappy walked up to the changeling and looked into its eyes, before flipping a switch on his wand and scanned the creature. As Slappy looked at the readings, he made his final conclusions. “So you're in a hive mind, which means there's a queen. One I can bend to my will, and thanks to you allowing me to scan you my spell will now work on your kind. The scan function is new, made it for Discord to keep him powerless. So anyway does the queen have anything to say before you, the drone becomes my puppet?” As the drone pleaded with his queen telepathically, Slappy laughed. Finally the drone spoke, but in a more sophisticated tone.

“You think you hold all the cards, but my army is everywhere. You're doomed dummy, and when I grab you I'll tear you to shreds.” Before the queen could continued Slappy shot the drone, and made the drone become a replica of himself.

Slappy then gave the puppet orders. “Puppet go and collect the others of your kind, I will collect you all.” As the dummy laughed the puppet ascended the steps, while inside his mind he sobbed for the telepathic link to his queen was now broken. “Now where was I, oh yea Shining.” With that thought he continued on his way, once he arrived to the cell he spoke. “Hello dum-”

Shining listened as Chrysalis threatened Slappy, and heard the former drone begin his march above to betray his kind. Shining felt pity for the changeling, and pulled his broken chain closer so Slappy would pay. Finally he heard Slappy approach and then looped Slappy’s hand cutting it off and tossing the wand into Shining’s cell; leaving the dummy on the ground having stopped talking for the first time in a long time.

“You fooled me, you tricked me, and you stole from me. Shining Armor actually checkmated me.” As Slappy stared at his missing hand, it slowly reformed and then he began to laugh.

Shining grabbed the wand in his hooves and broke the magic inhibitor around his horn, quickly firing a spell at the door freeing himself. As he glared at the laughing dummy, Cadence stepped between them with an emotionless face. On the outside she was a soldier ready to kill Shining if ordered; on the inside she sobbed praying Shining would stay back and hoping Slappy would be forgiving.

As Slappy wiped a tear away from his eye, he stood up and brushed his suit off. “Well you don't disappoint royal guard, sister of the princess of friendship and element of magic, husband to the princess of love miss Cadence. You really got me, but all laughs aside I'll let you off with a warning because of how funny that was if you just hand over my wand now.” Slappy held his little wooden hand out, watching Shining the whole while.


Slappy’s smile slipped. “What did you say mister captain of the royal guard?”

“I said no, I mean no and I'll never say yes to that demand. You're a manipulative, psychotic, evil, merciless, small, wooden, ventriloquist dummy with a superiority and napoleon complex.” Shining glared at the dummy as he spoke, and finally finished.

Slappy was ready to explode, but held his temper and tried to swindle Shining one last time. “Okay now that that's off your chest, let’s make a deal. Give me the wand and I'll let either your wife or sister free from my spell.” Slappy smiled knowing the bait had been set, however Shining’s reply came quick and was full of so much love and bravery that Discord nearly puked.

“My answer is no, I’d be handing Equestria over to you and you’d never let them go anyway.” Slappy nodded and then a flash of lightning occurred, within the dungeons down below lightning struck. The lights went out, and when they were back on Slappy held his wand and Shining had a new horn accessory.

“Well can't say I didn't warn you, however tell you what I'll free Twilight and give her to you. Then two can rot in this prison as I take over, and enslave everyone you both care about.” Slappy motioned for Cadence to charge the teleportation spell, and as she flashed away Slappy used his wand to throw Shining in his cell. Cadence returned shortly with Twilight, and with a flick of Slappy’s wrist Twilight was free and given a new horn accessory. Together Twilight and Shining hugged, and even as Slappy left laughing they held tight to each other worried for each other.

“I'm so glad to see you BBBFF; I thought I'd lost you to this war.” Even as Twilight cried into her brother's shoulder, Shining held his tears back and hugged her till Discord interrupted them.

“Yes now the twins can escape and take back the kingdom, or are you still hoping your vision will come true Twilight?” Discord watched as his mark pulsed but kept his magic frozen, as he waited for a reply.

“He’s coming Discord. He has to because he's the only one who can beat Slappy, because he's beaten him before and he can do it again.” Together Twilight and Shining continued their hug, as Discord watched his mark with impatience.

Celestia and Luna began to discuss events that lead them to their predicament, but were surprised to see Cadence appear without Slappy. However their surprise morphed into despair once she left with Twilight, cutting the telepathic link and leading them to believe Slappy was to use Twilight against Shining.

A few moments later Slappy returned, and once Cadence was in range. Celestia included her, and was informed of Twilight’s freedom and imprisonment. Celestia knowing nothing could be done now began to wait for the man who was to save them all. As Slappy informed a guard of his departure, a trip to the griffin kingdom. However before Slappy even left through the door, he felt a shockwave of energy.

“That's not possible.” Slappy ran to the balcony and watched as the energy continued energy he felt from the rift three days ago. The same energy Celestia and Luna felt three days ago, but regarded as residual chaos magic from Discord. “He’s come to finish our game apparently, well let's give Doji a warm welcome shall we.” Slappy smiled as he used his wand to create a shadow of himself, and ordered it to find and kill Doji. The princesses could only watch as the shadow rose up, and formed a perfect replica of Slappy. The replica laughed and became a cloud that zoomed out of the castle towards Ponyville.
Slappy watched it speed on and laughed.

Twilight looked up, and then they felt it. Discord, Shining and Twilight all felt the wave of temporal energy from the rift. Twilight smiled knowing Slappy was about to be finished, while Discord laughed at the knowledge that Slappy was about to be made the fool. While Shining felt worry, worry about whether Doji would actually succeed.

The rift pulsed and began to close, and with it Equestria’s only hope. However as it began to destabilize Starlight awoke with a start, and quickly tried to stabilize it. Spike woke to the sound of drums, which quickly became the sound of someone saying “Welcome one and all to weirdmageddon!” and even as Starlight held the rift open. Spike saw more worlds until finally a world was seen that had Equestria burning, a man in a black cloak looked above the burning city of Canterlot to the rift and smiled a fang filled smile. The rift finally snapped shut, and then reopened spitting a man out with an overcoat and a book held tightly to his chest. However before the man even hit the floor a shockwave spread out from the rift, and traveled past Ponyville through all of Equestria. Doji looked up to see a unicorn and baby dragon and fainted, the dragon backed away slowly seeing the fangs.

“T-t-those fangs, I saw Canterlot in flames with a man similar to the one in front of us smiling at its destruction.” Spike took another step back as the man came too.
Starlight wanted to believe Spike, but this man had to be the savior Twilight spoke of.

The man came too and slowly picked himself up, he was tall. About eye to with Celestia, and as he looked around the room he smiled. He saw a book beside the unicorn, and with fangs bared he launched himself towards it. The unicorn screamed and fainted herself when Doji leapt towards her, she failed to see him go over her. Grabbing the book he barely broke the spine with his fangs, and sucked up the red color leaving the book The Theory of Temporal Anomalies and Theorems completely white.

Spike watched Starlight fall fearing the worse, but learned Doji’s true direction. “HEY! Twilight isn't going to be happy; there are only 5 books like that in all of Equestria. Now 4 thanks to you, now I'm going to have to listen to Twilight decide if she should color code her books or go by author or even title...” Spike realizing she may never return begin crying, Doji looked down at the dragon and spoke while patting its back.

“Why don't you place it where you think she would want it, I'll sit over by that table while we wait for your friend to wake up from her little nap.” Doji stayed true to his word and waited, setting the book he held in his grasp on the table and pulling another like it out on the table. He stared at them while Spike began reorganizing the shelves, just like him and Twilight used too.

Starlight woke up once more rubbing her head; she looked around and found Spike rearranging a shelf of books. Then she saw Doji sitting in a chair in front of the library's table, he was watching two books that appeared identical. She shook her head remembering the events of the past 3 hours involving the rift, Doji and fangs. She darted to her hooves and pointed her horn at Doji who looked up and smiled; he took an apple off the corner of the table and sank his teeth into it. Slowly the apple was bleached white, as if the color was sucked right out of it.

“Now that you're awake, let's discuss why I'm here. However first I need to know, have either of you seen a dummy with a napoleon complex running around?” Doji looked at the unicorn and baby dragon who nodded their heads, Doji then smirked and began explaining himself. “Okay three more things, first that apple is white. It's white because a dear friend of mine was able to synthesize a way for me to drink red, it wasn't perfect and it's only temporary. However till I return home I have no access to my blood substitute, so red color will have to do. Second my dimensional friends this book is Slappy’s weakness.” Doji showed a black book with a lock, the cover read Night of The Living Dummy. Starlight and Spike looked at the book, and the exact duplicate next to it, before Doji continued. “The second's a fake so it can't trap Slappy. It's in case I need an ace up my sleeve.”

Spike opened the real book to find it blank, turning each page he asked. “It's blank, every page is blank. How is this book a threat to Slappy?”

Doji smiled, leaning forward and exclaimed “INK!” Spike fell on his butt from Doji’s outburst, and watched as Doji smiled sheepishly. “Sorry got carried away, so anyway basically Slappy is ink. He can't be destroyed, he'll just reform later. So the only way to stop him is to trap him, turn him back into the words he really is.” Starlight nodded and Spike finally stood up nodding, allowing Doji to continue. “And third off I know that you both know my name, how I'm not sure. Unless Slappy told you, however I would like to know your names.” Doji leaned back giving a friendly smile, one that clearly held pain, loss, love and wisdom. Spike cleared his throat and spoke first.

“My names Spike. I'm Twilight’s number one assistant and friend, she's also like a mother to me.” Spike looked toward Starlight who finally relaxed and spoke.

“My name is Starlight. I'm Twilight’s personal student, friend and past enemy.” Starlight muttered the last part, not knowing why she said it to begin with.

“Hmmm a former enemy, your tone suggests guilt. Not just by your past with this Twilight person, but this moment as well. How I know is because the eyes are windows to the soul, stare long enough and secrets are bound to be revealed.” Doji smirked at Starlight's uneasiness and continued. “It would appear my foe or enemy, however you want to call him has escaped into your world and I'm here to take him back.” Starlight and Spike looked between each other, and began to tell Doji everything that had transpired once Slappy arrived until now. Doji looked at them smiling and said “Well then let's finish his game, and declare ourselves the winners.”

“Declare yourselves the winners? That sounds boring, the losers that failed and perished has a better ring to it.” Doji, Starlight and Spike looked all around for the voice, Slappy’s unmistakable voice. “Three heroes formed a group.” They continued to look all around as the voice continued to speak. “The group went out, and found the king.” Starlight charged a locator spell, as Doji yelled out.


“The unicorn fell first, and the dragon fell second.” Starlight released her spell and as it flew around the room, the voice continued. “Finally the man remained, and he soon fell as well. However those three losers didn't get to join their friends, no they were thrown into a volcano. The group died a bunch of pathetic losers, losers who never stood a chance.” The voice began to laugh until the spell died out, and revealed the dummy in the window that appeared to be blinded by the spells light. Doji, Starlight and Spike all looked at Slappy, he sat up in the window where he sat the first time he saw the world outside.

“This ends right here and right now Slappy.” As Doji pulled Slappy’s book out Slappy’s grin grew, and he began to laugh. Doji used his vampire abilities to float up to him and opened the book, which did nothing. Doji looked at the book and asked with confusion. “How is this possible, you should be being sucked back into your book?”

Slappy smiled madly and spoke three words, three deadly terrifying words. Words he proved true as he grew to Doji’s full height. Words he proved true as his right arm was slowly swallowed by shadows and became a scythe. Words that struck Doji, Starlight and Spike with complete horror and surprise. As the words left Slappy’s mouth he raised his weapon, and struck it downward straight for Doji’s heart.

“I’m NoT sLaPpY¡”

Author's Note:

Well the second part of act 1 begins, enjoy and prepare for even more Slappy.
Also I'd like to say "This is the longest chapter, take that bonus chapter 1."
See you next time readers, writers and creepers.