• Published 27th Sep 2016
  • 331 Views, 3 Comments

Life of the Whistle - SteamingWhistle382

The life of the Equestrian National Railways engineer Steaming Whistle, with all its ups, downs and derailments

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Uninvited guests

"So, how old are you kid?" Asked Steaming as Spike lead him and Jacky towards the guest room.

"Me? I'm 8 years old." Smiled the boy.

"Shouldn't you be in school then?" Asked the young man.

"Nah, I learn everything from Twilight. She is somewhat of an teacher for me, and I'm her number one assistant!" Smiled Spike.

"Hehe, sounds like fun." Chuckled Steaming.

"Most of the time it is, but not when Twi is in her 'crazy mode'. You just want to stay as far away as possible from her if that happens." Chuckled Spike.

"She can't be that bad." Laughed the engineer.

"It is true! I remember when she was in such an rush to get everything done in time, that she completely forgot to make herself presentable! She looked like she was awake for three days in a row!" Said Jacky.

"I think she probably was that day." Frowned the boy, as they reached a door.

"Well, that's the guest room. See you guys later." Waved the boy, and left the two to themselves.

They went inside, and Steaming went wide eyed when he saw the size of the room. It was at least as big as the coach he and Emerald shared, with an large bed in one corner, with an bedside table, an large wardrobe on the opposite side, and a table with an single chair in front of it. On the right side of the room, another door lead to the bathroom.

"*whistling* not bad, not bad. In comparison, this is the Manehatten Flyer, and our orphanage was the slow, empty goods to the mines." Grinned Steaming, sitting down on the bed, smiling in pleasure of the softness of the beds mattress.

"So, who shall go in the bath first?" Asked Jacky, who was ever so glad that the engineer decided to lie down onto the bed, so that he didn't saw the blush on her cheeks.

"You can go in first if you want. I don't mind being second." Said Steaming, sighting as he closed his eyes.

"O-okay!" Said Jacky, the blush still in her face, as she grabbed the box with her dress in it and disappeared into the bathroom.

Half an hour later, she came out again, now dressed in an metallic blue, strapless dress, that hugged her figure perfectly.

"Steaming, you can go in now." She said softly, but got no reply, with the exception of a couple of soft snores.

She walked to the engineer, seeing him fast asleep in his clothes, his hat pulled over his eyes, softly mumbling something to himself as he slept.

"zzz... No E, I told you she isn't into you... You only get a food tray into your face again..." Mumbled the young man, as he pulled a small frown in his sleep.

'He's so cute when he's sleeping.' Chuckled Jacky.

She looked quickly to the door, checking that it was indeed shut, and that nobody would see them. She slowly removed the hat from Steamings head, noting with an relieved sight that he was indeed out like a light. After checking if the door was still closed, she pulled all her courage together, and slowly leaned down towards the lips of the engineer, her cheeks flaring red. Her lips were about an millimeter from the young man's own pair, when Steaming suddenly jerked up, eyes ripped open, as his head crashed into the head of the girl's.

"Ow!" The two of them said simultaneously, rubbing their heads with an pained expression on their face.

"Jacky? What was that about right now?" Asked the man in a wince, not noticing the appearance of the girl in front of him.

"U-uh, you were having something on your face! I just wanted to remove it!" Jacky said quickly, not at all convincing the young man, but right now, that wasn't important.

"Something is wrong." Stated Steaming, as he stood up, grabbing the box in which his suit was in.

"What?!" Asked Jacky, scared at the thought that he meant her.

"Sssh! Somebody passed this room a few seconds ago. I couldn't hear it, but it sounded like they were carrying weapons. Swords, probably." Whispered the engineer, as he opened the box, searching in it for something.

"That's all? It was probably just a group of guards, checking if everything was alright."

"Can't be. Think about it: why would the guards sneak about, if they were on patrol. Somebody only does that if they want to hide the fact that they are here. And that means, that they are up to something, and if somebody is up to something, and said someone's are carrying weapons, that means they are up to no good." Frowned Steaming, as he finally found his revolver and the box of bullets underneath his clothes, pulling both out and starting to reload the former.

"But how can you be so sure that it were weapons in the first place? I didn't hear anything!" Answered Jacky with an equal frown.

"Live in a railyard for a few years, and you learn how to hear a pin drop in a boiler explosion. You need to hear orders over snowstorms, or through gales at times. You get a good hearing through such things." Chuckled the engineer grimly, as he finished reloading, and put the spare ammo into his belt, before turning around to look Jacky in the eyes.

"Now, two things: first, stay in this room! Whatever you hear out there, whatever happens, stay inside!" Said the engineer, with concern in his eyes.

"O-okay, and the second thing?" Asked the girl, as the engineer leaned in and moved his mouth to her ear.

"You look amazing in this dress." He whispered into her ear, her face going as red as the necktie of the man in front of her, as he turned around and walked out of the room.

Steaming slowly sneaked through the long halls of the castle, heading into the direction of the hall where he met the other girls. It was easier said than done though, since the castle was quite big, with many similar looking corridors. He already took a few wrong turns, but had luckily always found his way back onto the right path again. He came up to another corridor crossing, when he heard a few hushed voices from the left one. He slowly walked up to it, taking a small glance inside it, seeing a small group of soldiers, wearing unfamiliar armor, deep black in color, with poison green highlights.

"Don't forget, in 15 minutes, in the reception hall. They'll be all in there, ready for us to pick." Said one of them in a hushed voice, as, with an green puff of smoke, he changed his appearance into one of an normal servant, the others following suit, only that they now looked like guards.

"So that's their game." Gasped Steaming, backing away slightly, before turning around, and racing off to the next intersection of the corridor.

He raced through the narrow hallways, his mind on one thing: reaching the reception hall before the deadline. He finally found himself on the path he took earlier, and sped up even more, finally seeing the double doors towards the reception hall. He tried to slow down, but slid over the floor, crashing into the doors, bursting them open, flying slightly through the air, before crashing onto his belly, sliding on said one for a few more meters before finally coming to a stop in front of the feet of somebody he couldn't clearly see from his position.

"Oh dear. Are you alright?" Asked a motherly voice, concern carrying in her tone.

"Ugh, had worse, but that isn't important right now! I need to speak to the girls from the group 'Harmony'! They might be in danger!" Groaned the man, as he picked himself up.

"Um, Steaming, you might want to correct your tone." Said Twilight, who was standing with the other girls from the group Harmony a few feet away from the scene.

"Why? Are the princesses here?" Asked the young man.

Twilight didn't answer, she simply pointed to the figure in front of Steaming, who the later still hadn't given the proper attention. The engineer turned to the figure in front of him, just to stop dead in his tracks. There, standing in front of him, was a woman, appearing to be in her late 30s to early 40s, dressed in an long, white and gold colored dress, with teal, light blue and light pink hair, which appeared to be flowing even though of the absence of any kind of wind or breeze inside the room. Steaming never saw her in real life, nor did he ever saw an actual photo of her, but he knew in a heartbeat that the woman standing in front of him was no other than the immortal princess of the sun, Celestia of Equestria herself. He quickly corrected his stature, and kneeled in front of her.

"Your highness, I am sorry for ignoring you, I didn't noticed you." Explained the engineer.

"You are forgiven, engineer of the Equestrian national railway Whistle Steaming. But I think there are more pressing matters than formularies. You said that the group 'Harmony' might be in danger?" She asked.

"I am afraid, that it isn't only them, but everybody that is in this room right now! I noticed a group of guards in strangely colored armor, lurking around in the hallways of the castle, saying something that 'they would all be in the reception hall for them to pick' to quote them. I suspect that there is some kind of plot against the princesses. My suggestion would be to quickly evacuate the building, or to withdraw to the closest guard outpost. The safety of the princesses and their students is of the utmost importance right now!" Explained Steaming, a bit surprised about himself stating this in such a fashion.

'I think lieutenant Raton did have some influence on me in the end.' Thoughts the engineer, as the five girls stood behind the princess with an mixture of shock, anger, confusion and fright on their faces.

"Pah! I'm not afraid to fight! Just let them come!" Growled Rainbow Dash.

"Ahm with Dash on this one. Ah ain't going to let a group of half pints push us around!" Said Applejack.

"Look, I'm probably the last person you would find to scare out of an fight. Hell, I'm probably the person who would start such fights in the first place! But right now, we don't have any knowledge about who this enemy is, nor what he is capable of, or in what numbers he is coming up. And I'd like to know such stuff before I start a fight, not while I'm directly in it. A strategic retreat right now would probably be the best-" but he couldn't get further, as the main doors were burst open yet again, with two guards being thrown inside of the room, battered and bruised up, as a large group of the attackers, fitting Steamings description, walked into the room, most of them wielding swords, spears or axes, with the rare few having a faint glow around their hands, indicating them to be from the magic tribe.

"Welp, looks like we have to cancel that plan." Sighted Steaming, as he turned around, to look at the intruders with an cold glare.

"Okay, quick scan over them, I'm guessing more than 50 of them, at least. Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, You three escort the princess somewhere safe! I don't care where, anyplace might be better than here right now. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, you two and I take care of this company of nitwits over here." Said Steaming with an even tone, not looking at any of the girls.

"And who exactly put you in charge?" Asked Rainbow with narrowed eyes.

The engineer turned to her, the glare now turned to her.

"I did, when these guys decided to interrupt my explanation of the plan. And if any of you girls have a better plan, you should execute it now, 'cause I think these guys ain't going to wait any longer." Growled Steaming, as he saw the intruders slowly walk towards them.

"He's got a pretty good point! Come on now!" Urged Twilight, as she hurried the princess and the other two girls out of the room, leaving the three person army against the platoon of intruders.

"We don't want to do you kids any harm, we just want to get to your princess Celestia." Said the man closest to the trio, as a gunshot rang through the air, as the man next to him let his sword drop with an pained wince, making them all stop, and look at the source of the shot, seeing the, slightly dirty, revolver of Steaming, still smoking from its barrel, the ice cold expression still on his face.

"Funnily enough mate, I want to do some harm to you guys, 'cause right now, I am pretty pissed off because you interrupted the preparations for my first date, and I want to let off some steam!" Growled Steaming, pulling the hammer of the revolver back again, making the drum of the gun rotate, chambering a new bullet.

"Okay, you called for it. Changelings, attack!" Shouted the man, as the large group of soldiers streamed towards the trio.

Steaming looked at his gun, and shrugged, making it spin a few times in his hand, before putting it back into its holster.

"Applejack, Rainbow, I hope you two can fight." Grinned the engineer.

"We had our fair share." Smirked AJ.

"Good, 'cause this would only make half as much fun if I had to do all by myself." Chuckled Steaming, as he started to charge into the mass of soldiers, the two girls following suit.

The princess and her three escorts were quickly making their way towards the guards outpost, that was located on the western side of the castle. They were shocked when they passed the hallways, in which either knocked out guards were lying on the ground, or fighting against the intruders. Once or twice, one of the guards in black and green armor would step in their way, but would quickly be dealer with by either Twilights or the princess's magic, or pinkie, wielding a small, arm sized cannon, painted in blue and pink, that fired a mixture of streamers and confetti. They were nearing the outpost, when they bumped into Cadence.

"I'm so glad I found you aunt! I don't know what is happening! Who are these intruders?!" Asked the bride-to-be, as another intruder jumped into their path, but was quickly pushed down another hallway by the princess's magic.

"They are called the 'Changelings'. They are ruled by an evil queen called Chrysalis. We were long since a thorn in her eyes, and hates us for our way of ruling our country. She has tried many times to destroy our bloodline, but until now, we fended her off every time. How did they breach our defense ring?" Explained the sun princess, muttering the second part to herself.

"We need to repeal them quickly! I just hope Steaming, Applejack and Rainbow are alright."

"Where are they by the way?" Asked Cadence.

"They stayed behind at the reception hall to fend off a large group of these meanies." Explained Pinkie, as she fired another shot from her small cannon, pushing the offender against the wall, and covering him with confetti and streamers.

After a few more minutes, they reached the guard outpost, where Shining had already gathered a rather large group of guards, a small part in white and golden armor, armed with guns, while the rest was clad in black and deep blue armor, wielding swords, spears and crossbows. In front of them, clad in the same white and golden armor, with an officers pistol at his hip and a sword on the other side, was Shining Armor.

"Men! We might have been surprised, but they are deep within our territory! We will force them out of our city, or they will never leave this place at all!" He shouted, as the men in front of him shouted in agreement.

"Captain!" Called Celestia, as her group came up to the captain.

"Shining!" Called out Twilight, relieved that her brother was alright.

"Oh thank Celestia you are alright Twily. I didn't thought the group I sent to the reception hall would reach it in time." Said the man with a sight of relief.

"They didn't. We did saw a few men along the way, either knocked out or fighting against the intruders though." Said Fluttershy in her usual, timid voice.

"How did you escape then?"

"Steaming stayed behind with Applejack and Rainbow Dash to make sure the princess could escape." Explained Pinkie, in her cheerful way.

"Then we must get there first! Those three alone won't hold them off for long."

Meanwhile, in the reception hall...

"So you only travel up here once in a while?" Asked Steaming casually, as he grabbed two of the intruders by their heads, and making them crash into each other. They were holding up quite well against the enemy group, which was slowly getting smaller, as the knocked out men on the ground started to pile themselves.

"Yeah. We all come from Ponyville, Twilight and Rarity being the only exception for coming from here. Rarity sometimes visit us down there, and Twilight moved into the library there." Explained Rainbow, as she flew up into the air, just as another offender tried to knock her over, only to crash into three other ones that stood on the other side of Rainbow.

"It's good so though. Otherwise, Ah would have ta abandon ma duties at ah farm, and that ah could never do!" Explained Applejack, kicking into one of the enemy guards chest plate with such a force that he was thrown into a table, destroying said furniture.

"A farm? That sounds nice. Down in Dodge, the closest farm we have is the apple orchard in Appleoosa." Chuckled Steaming, dodging another fist, before giving his opponent an uppercut, followed by an left hook, which send the man turning 180 degrees, and finally kicking him into his behind, making him tumble against a wall.

"Ya'll ever been to Appleoosa once?" Asked AJ.

"No, well, not into the actual town. I only had the chance to go as far as the goods yards in front of the orchard. Some kind fellow called 'Braeburn' was there when we picked up some trucks full of apples. Even offered us one, good guy he was." Chuckled Steaming.

"Eeyup, that's ma cous alright. If ya go down there any time soon, care to tell him Ah said hi?"

"Sure thing AJ." Chuckled Steaming, as he leaned backwards, just as one of the offenders swung a leg of one of the tables at him, missing him by a few millimeters.

He stood up straight again, just in time as the man hauled out for another swing, only for the engineer to intercept the blow by grabbing the leg, hitting him with the fist on his hand. The man whined in pain, while Steaming hauled out, and swung the leg onto his head. The blow knocked the man out instantly, and breaking the leg in the progress. Steaming looked at the broken leg with a shrug, before turning around, just to get hit by another soldier. He was stunned for a bit more than a second, but shook his head quickly, and frowned at the man.

"Not like this lad. LIKE THIS!" He smirked, punching the man in the face, who in turn tumbled over the table that was behind him, knocking it over and into the path of two others, who stumbled over the furniture, and landed flat on their noses. Rainbow quickly swooped in and grabbed them by the belts, pulling them into the air, while the two men were wailing for help.

"Oh? You want to get back down? Be my guest..." Smirked Rainbow, as she let go of the two of them, letting them fell from at least 6 meters height, making them hit the ground with a thud.

"Oh I wish Emerald was here! He would love showing those guys what their precious military training is worth!" Laughed Steaming.

"Who the hay is Emerald?" Asked AJ.

"He's my best friend in the world, and somewhat of an brother to me. He and I are partners in crime, hehe, and once, we where that quite literally." Said the man, with an embarrassed chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Asked Rainbow with an raised eyebrow.

"Well, a bit more than 5 years ago, he and I were nothing more than outcasted orphans, without a job or money. We had to steal food to survive, and were on the search for a job. Luckily for us, I met Jacky one day on the main market, and I think you know the rest of the story." Smiled Steaming.

"A bit more than 5 years... Say, do ya ever stole apples from the stands of the main market?" Asked Applejack as her eyes narrowed.

Steaming was about to reply, when through the door, a mountain of a man walked in. He was at least 2 meters tall, with big, beefy arms and large shoulders, wielding a large axe. He scowled as he saw the three person army that his comrades had been held up with for so long.

"What are you nitwits doing?! Can't you take care of two puny girls and an weak excuse for a man?!" He roared at his men.

"Okay, that went right against my pride." Growled Steaming, as he pulled out his revolver from the back of his belt. He hadn't used it until now, and was sure to not use it any time soon.

"Rainbow, would you be so kind and watch over my firearm for a bit? This shouldn't take long." Smirked Steaming, as he gave the rainbow haired girl his gun.

"Hey, big mouth! How about you show that those muscles are actually useful for something?!" Taunted the engineer, as the man only growled.

"You will regret to have angered Vaslili." He growled, as he threw his axe to the side of the room, making it smash into a row of chairs, with some of them breaking on impact.

The two men stood opposite to each other, some the enemy soldiers stopped fighting in order to witness the fight between the apparent leader of the intruders, and the engineer, while the rest were still busy with Applejack and Rainbow.

The two men stood a few meters from each other, waiting for the other to make their move. Finally, Vasili had enough, and charged at the engineer. The man in question smirked when he saw the big man charge at him, arms extended to grab and crush his opponent. He waited till the last possible second, before he made a step backwards to the left, letting the man surge past him, and into his minions, who stood in a circle behind them. Vasili quickly got up again, grunting at the cheeky smile on the man's face.

"Olé" grinned Steaming.

"Don't think you can play games with me!" Roared the soldier from Stalliongrad.

'It's my turn now...' Thought Steaming.

In the blink of an eye, he moved up to Vasili, quickly placing a punch to his chin, upper torso and a kick against his knee. The larger man tumbled to the ground, a pained groan escaping him, but it didn't seemed to be enough to take him out. The Stalliongrad man grabbed the younger man, throwing him through the air and against the wall with force. The engineer slid down the wall, his back throbbing in pain.

'Ugh, looks like this is going to be interesting.' Thought the man, trying to get back up, only to have a big hand grabbing him by the throat, leaving him gasp for air.

"You shouldn't play a mans game, kid." Growled Vasili, as he punched the engineer in the face, making blood burst out of his nose.

More hits followed, and it didn't looked like Steaming would get out of the barrage of punches any time soon. Both Rainbow and Applejack tried to get to the younger man's aid, but they were completely occupied by the Changelings soldiers. After another, hard punch into his stomach, Vasili let off from the man, letting him slump to the ground.

"At least you learned your place, small child." Grunted the Stalliongrad man, turning his back to the man, now focusing on the two women who glared at him.

"Now, do you give up or do you want to join him." Said the man, but his superior glance turned into an confused frown when the girls expression turned into an smirk.

"What are you smiling like that?"

"Don't count yar apples before ya bucked them." Smirked AJ, as the two looked behind the man.

He turned around, but it wasn't quick enough, when a strong fist connected with his face, making him turn into the opposite direction, blood, and a few teeth flying from his face. He had no time to recover, as further punches and kicks to his face and torso followed, each of them hitting their target, before getting a two punches onto both sides of his face at the same time, followed by an thunderous punch on his skull, which was accompanied with a cracking sound, before the big man tumbled backwards, and finally, landing on his back, with a loud thud. All the enemy soldiers were shocked from seeing their superior, who was nicknamed 'the bear of the tundra' for his strength and the myth that he survived against a fully grown bear, without any kind of weapon in the frozen tundra of the Stalliongrad backlands, defeated by an mere 15 year old teenager. Their eyes wandered to said figure, who was standing with an smirk in front of the knocked out man, his face bloody and bruised, but his eyes screaming out the determination to fight.

"So, who wants more?" Said the young man, as he pulled his hands up again, ready for another round.

"FREEZE! OR THE GIRL WILL PAY!" Shouted a voice, and they all turned to the entry of the hall, where another soldier of the Changelings stood, in his hand an very old looking pistol, while his other hand was firmly around the neck of Jacky, who looked with an angered expression at the intruder.

"Don't listen to him Steaming! I'll be fine!" Shouted Jacky, as the man removed his hand briefly from her neck to hit her into her stomach.

"Quiet you bitch!" Barked the man, moving the pistol closer to her face, but the girl still wasn't scared of him.

A gunshot fell. All eyes widened and moved to Jacky, expecting her to fall to the ground with an hole in her head. To everyone's surprise, she was alright, as a high pitched scream rang through the hall, as the soldier behind her let go of her, dropping his gun while moving his hands in the area of private parts, or better said, what was left of it. For where his crotch once was, a bloody red hole could be seen, gradually painting his pants from black to red. Another shot followed, this time hitting the gun that was lying on the ground, destroying it in the process. This time, all eyes were directed at the source of the shot, this being an very pissed off Steaming Whistle, his eyes cold as the steel he ran his trains on, his facial expression unreadable, but his voice was all the more clear what was going on inside him.

"AJ, RD, make sure Jacky is alright, and bring her to another room. You better stay there as well." Said the man coldly, as the two girls only nodded in agreement, Applejack being too shocked by the young man's emotionless actions, while Rainbow couldn't believe that the man in front of her had been so quick in retrieving his gun that she didn't even noticed it, before quickly walking towards Jacky, who was white as a sheet by now, probably even more shocked than the others, if that was even possible.

They all quickly left the room, and once the doors were closed, Steaming slowly walked to the injured man, looking him coldly in the eyes.

"You shouldn't have done that mate, you'd life on afterwards otherwise." Hissed the engineer, bringing the barrel of his gun up to the face of the man, who quivered with an scared expression in front of him.

"Please, have mercy..." Said the man shakily.

"My mercy ran out when you tried to harm my love." Whispered Steaming, pulling the trigger of the gun, ending the life of the downed man.

He slowly stood up again, turning to the other soldier that were still in the room, all of the frozen stiff with fright.

"If you don't want to suffer the same fate, you will never tell what happened to him, and you will do what I tell you, or not even Celestia will help you. IS THAT CLEAR?!" He bellowed at the scared men in front of him, who didn't talked a word. They only nodded in reply.

"Good. Now you shall move along to the guards post. And don't even think of trying anything funny with me, or else!" He growled, as the men jumped slightly at the sight of the young man pulling out his firearm again. They quickly started to move through the double doors that lead to the western side of the castle, nearly running away, but stopping themselves, knowing that they would be quickly taken down if they would try to escape. Steaming quickly went to the doors that lead out of the hall, wanting to call out for Jacky and the others, just to find them a few meters away from the door.

"What from 'go to another room' didn't you understand?" Grumbled the man.

"When her mind started to work again, she raced out of the room. Guess she was scared that they would overpower you. When she heard the shot, she stopped right here, shaking her head for a few seconds, before tumbling over. I think she thought you were shot in there." Explained Rainbow, as she lifted the passed out girl from the ground, and over to Steaming, who carefully took her from the rainbow haired girl.

"What happened in there?" Asked AJ.

"Well, a shot accidentally went off, and hit the bastard in the head. Lucky shot, if it was done on purpose." Said the man with an calm expression.

"Well, was it? On purpose, I mean." Asked RD, as they walked through the hall to the western hallway, both girls turning a bit green in the face when they saw the corpse on the ground.

"No, like I said, it was an accident." Huffed Steaming, while AJ narrowed her eyes, not convinced by the explanation of the engineer.

"Ah have a hard time believin' that it was a accident." Said AJ with an frown.

"Then don't. It won't change the fact that it was." Growled Steaming, still fed up from the situation, as they caught up with the Changeling soldiers, who had stopped by now.

"OY! I said you should move!" Shouted Steaming, as the last few rows of soldiers turned to him, all looking at him with scared expressions on his face.

Before anyone of them could say anything, a few Royal guards pushed their way through the mass of soldiers, lead by an very relieved, and slightly confused, Shining Armor.

"Am I glad you guys are ok! I thought we wouldn't be here in time!" Sighted Shining.

"Well, you aren't. You arrived just in time to miss everything." Said Steaming with an small smirk, before turning to the Changelings.

"You lot! You will listen to everything the Royal guards tell you, without any incident! And those who do think they can play games, well, will quit the game of life pretty damn early!" Bellowed Steaming, as the intruding soldiers all jumped at the shouting, some of them racing to the Royal guards, begging them to be taken to the dungeons to be safe from the engineer.

"How in the name of Celestia did you do that?" Asked Shining, amazed by the fact that the nearly 30 men strong group of enemy soldiers listened to the command of one mere teenager.

"Ask me no question, I tell you no lies. Bring them to the dungeons, and then get back to where the princesses are. We all need to get the castle back under our control. Oh, and also, send some men to the main hall. They need to pick up around a dozen knocked out soldiers, an heavily injured Stalliongrad man, and an corpse there." Said the engineer casually, as he passed the stunned captain, who was still surprised by the young man's actions and response.

"What did he mean with that? Who got killed?" Asked Shining the two girls that still stood next to him.

"We don't really know what happened. All we know is that one of them was killed by an gunshot, but he said it was an accident." Explained Rainbow.

"And? Do you believe him?"

"To be honest with ya? No." Answered AJ.

"But right now, we don't really have time for this. We need to get these arses out of here!" Dash finished, as she and Applejack quickly made their way after Steaming, while Shining kept standing with the captured men and his own guards.

"Um, sir? How shall we proceed?" Asked one of his guards, breaking his captain out of his thoughts.

"Take the, to the dungeons, and send some of our men to the main reception hall! Then get as many of us and sweep every hall for any intruders. We need to get control of the castle again." Ordered Shining, as the men saluted, and began to move with the captured soldiers into the direction of the dungeons.