• Published 27th Sep 2016
  • 331 Views, 3 Comments

Life of the Whistle - SteamingWhistle382

The life of the Equestrian National Railways engineer Steaming Whistle, with all its ups, downs and derailments

  • ...

Wedding reveals

The wedding continued, but not before Steaming got a mighty scolding from Iron Spike and Jacky, even though Iron couldn't get a word out most of the time, because Jacky kept on shouting. After Jacky finally calmed down, Steaming finally got time to explain why he brought the train in so fast. Once he finished his explanation, Iron went into deep thought, before saying that he would see into the matter with the 'larger Ponystone' engines. They sat back into their seats, whilst the yard workers and station employees came out to take care of the derailed locomotive that still blocked the passage between the train station and the rest of the station square. The rest of the wedding went smoothly, and they all applauded when Shining and Cadence kissed. They all made their way across the square to the hotel, where the reception was being held. The band started to play, and the married couple opened the evening with the first dance. Steaming smiled, standing at the side of the dance floor, near the bar, having his first drink already in his hand. After the evening he went through, he really needed it.

"Wishing I was young again. Would love to dance like these lot once more." Came a familiar, although gruff voice, as the engineer turned his head.

"Huh, what are you doing here Raton? I thought you don't go to festivities anymore?" Asked Steaming, his voice being a bit monotone.

"I'm still on duty kid. They wanted that the party would go without a hitch, so they need Dodge's best this evening." Explained the lieutenant.

"And why are you here then?" Asked the engineer cheekily, but still monotone.

"Very funny. But what's with you lad? You look like you've just been thrown off your own train!" Asked Raton, concerned for the younger one.

"Rough time after we've parted. Made the biggest mess at the station since Footplate set the stations roof ablaze in the winter of '09, and after she shouted her voice out at me, Jacky hasn't spoken to me since. Heck, I don't even know where she is since we arrived here!" Sighted Steaming.

"Hm, sounds like you've had quite the luck then. Well, if there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask." Said Raton in an comforting voice.

"Thanks Raton, but as long as you can't start a good bar fight in here, I doubt there is anything you can do." Answered Steaming with a sad smile.

Raton hit him lightly on the arm, before walking off again to continue his patrol round through the room. Steaming pulled his drink to his lips, only to notice that he had already emptied his glass. Shrugging, he turned back to the bartender.

"Hey Cognac! Another Whiskey!" Called the engineer.

"Puh, I had hoped that at least your taste in drinks would be better than your taste in clothing. Too bad that this as well is beneath the cultural level of this event." Came a posh voice from behind the railway man.

Steaming turned around, looking straight towards a man of his age, with combed back blonde hair, ice blue eyes, dressed in a suit that looked like brass.

"Why thank you for your kind words. Now sod off before I make you." Hissed Steaming sarcastically, making the man scowl.

"I beg your pardon?! Do you have any idea who you are talking to?!" Asked the man enraged.

"Nope, and I don't even care who you are. Now get a move on, before you get yourself hurt." Huffed Steaming.

Even though a nice fight would improve his mood, Steaming thought that the man was only spewing out hot air, and as of this, would run off crying like a child after the first hit.

"I am Novelty Stirling, son of the former owner of the Las Pegasus, Canterlot and Manehatten railway, and my family is member of the board of directors of the Equestrian National Railway!" Growled the man, not even remotely scaring the engineer in front of him.

"And you really think that this would scare me? Listen punk, you could be Rocket Stephenson and I would still kick you in the guts, but, I don't want that this evening ends with somebody landing in hospital, for the sake of the newlyweds." Said Steaming calmly, after Cognac brought him his drink.

"Thanks. Oh, and also, even this whiskey has more class than you have just shown. Mostly because the zipper of your pants has been open for the whole of the conversation." Said Steaming, walking off with his drink, leaving behind a very embarrassed Novelty and a few very shocked nobles.

'Yep, no doubt there, embarrassing this prick definitely brightened up the evening.' Chuckled the railway man in his thoughts, as he slowly walked through the room, coming up to a familiar family.

'And it looks like it is going to get even better.' Smiled Steaming, as Iron Spike noticed him, and a broad smile grew on his face.

"There he is! The runaway railroader!" Laughed Iron, hitting him hard on the back, but the engineer didn't even flinch.

"I see you grew tougher since the last time we met. Say Steaming, do you have any idea how that engines brakes could fail that quickly? If I remember correctly, she was one of the engines I sent down here for the time of the wedding preparations, and she had only recently been rebuilt. It's been bugging me ever since you made a new platform for the station." Said Iron, whilst his wife and a few of the other people around them chuckled about the little joke, whilst Steaming cringed in embarrassment.

"Well, I have a small theory for that one. The brake pipes on the 'larger Ponystones' go directly on the inside of frames and underneath the cab, joining with the tender coupling at the end of the cab, through the tender, and on to the other parts of the train. Now usually, the brake pipes would be, as the name says, a pipe made of iron or steel, or another kind of metal. However, due to the time of the building of the original engines, the pipes used in these engines had to be made out of rubber, to ensure that the pipes would still be able to fit inside of the frames. However, of the pipe isn't secured properly on the frames, it can move, and small cuts can happen. If there are too many of these, the air escapes through them, and won't go further through the pipe." Explained Steaming.

"Wait, we use rubber brake pipes?! Who came up with that daft idea?!" Asked one of the other men.

"That was Smoke Stack, the chief mechanical engineer of the Celestial Coronation Railway, one of the very first lines in Equestria. He was a strange, slightly crazy person, but his designs were revolutionary." Answered Steaming.

"Hm, so this problem could happen to every other engine of that class as well?" Concluded Iron.

"I'm afraid so. I'd suggest taking the engines out of service until we know if it is that reason, or another one." Said the young engineer, as the men pondered.

"It would be for the best I suppose. But witnessing that derailment, you can be lucky to have come out of it without any injury." Said another man.

"Yeah, I think my guardian angel up there had been doing overtime duties to ensure I got out of there alive, and so did Emeralds. But now, the only thing I want to think about is getting some R&R before taking that honeymoon train later on." Sighted Steaming, drinking a bit from his drink.

"Didn't know they let 16 year olds drink stuff as hard as whiskey down here." Chuckled Iron.

"The golden rule for drinks down here: if it doesn't knocks you out, your free to drink it. But, the highest I usually go is said whiskey, and even that is something I only drink on very rare occasions." Chuckled the engineer, as he looked around.

"Are you searching for someone?" Asked Lady Spike.

"Hm, only wondering where Jacky is." Said Steaming absentmindedly, as a small, knowing smile grew on Irons face.

"I think she went outside to catch some fresh air." Smirked the older man, as the younger railway man jerked back to face him.

"Oh, that's good. Well, I'll leave you lady and gentlemen alone for now." Said Steaming, making a beeline for the exit.

"He seems to be in an awful hurry. I wonder what is so important that he has to leave so quickly?" Said Lady Spike.

"Oh, I doubt he'll be gone too long. At least, it would be better for him. Otherwise the two of us will have plenty to talk about once he is back." Said Iron with an evil smile, making his wife even more confused.

Steaming quickly made his way outside, but couldn't find Jacky anywhere. His eyes wandered, until they landed on the derailed locomotive. Her fire had been put out, and the steam had been released, leaving behind a, although still warm, lonely and cold sight for the engineer. He slowly walked up to the engine, climbing inside the cab, and sitting down in his seat again.

"Well old girl, looks like we both have had an quite... interesting evening. Both of us have left the rails, both of us have been left behind by our respective people... yeah, a perfect evening for us two." Chuckled Steaming dryly, letting his eyes wander through the cab.

He grabbed inside of his pocket, pulling out a small bottle, before opening it.

"On this hell of an evening!" Said Steaming, raising the bottle in an mock toast, before drinking out of it.

"Cheers." Came the dry reply from the tender, as Steaming spit out the content, coughing loudly.

His eyes went to the tender, as he saw Jacky, lying in the tender on top of the coal heap, her hands behind her head, gazing into the cloudless night. Steaming slowly walked up to her, not even getting a reaction out of her.

"Mind if I lie down next to you?" Asked the engineer.

"Sure." Came the reply, as the railway man fell into the coal heap as well.

They laid there, in deep silence, Steaming too afraid that Jacky was still mad at him as to break the silence.

"You never see the stars in Canterlot." Said Jacky suddenly, startling Steaming.


"The city is always alive, the sky is always filled with lights. You can't see the stars, no matter how far up the city is." Replied Jacky, before turning her head to Steaming.

The railway man looked into the eyes of the girl next to him, her eyes slightly red, as if she had been crying, which she probably had. Steamings heart was throbbing heavily against his chest, hurting to see Jacky like this.

'She cried because of you, idiot! You make her feel scared about your safety, because you always take those idiotic risks! You might be tough, but in the end, you are still made out of flesh and blood. One of these days, your luck will run out.' Said a voice inside of his head.

'She doesn't need to. She knows that I can take care of myself. The last one was an accident, everyone knows that. I know that this time I was lucky, but still...'

'You need to tell her. The railways always were a joint venture with the death. And wouldn't it be better for her to know, before you get to the end of the line?'


The little dialogue might've only lasted a few seconds inside his head, but for Steaming, it was like hours went by before he finally came to an decision.

"I was scared, you know..." Muttered Steaming, making Jacky look at him with a bewildered look.

"I knew I couldn't get out of this one without getting hurt. It was complete luck that Emerald and I went through this without any injury. I was scared that I was going to die. That now, where so many things could finally get cleared up, I would kick the bucket and meet my ancestors. I still have a lot to do on this world. I still want to see places and do things. I was scared that I would go without saying things to people I care for and love..." Said Steaming, as Jackys eyes grew wide on the final part.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have any plans to go anytime soon! But, as the old saying goes: 'death rides the tender'. I never know when it's going to hit me, and I'll make double sure from my end that nothing is going to happen! But, the chance is always there." Steaming continued, turning back to Jacky after he spoke whilst lying on his back.

"Wh-what are you trying to say?" Stuttered Jacky, a large blush on her cheeks as her brain turned into overdrive.

"You know that I always kept my word. My promise to be there for you. That I would look out for you. I felt it was my debt to you. My debt for everything you did for me. Without you, I would've never met Iron Spike, got this job or get a proper life. I owe you pretty much my whole life!" Said the engineer with slight tears in his eyes.

"But you aren't in debt, I wanted to help you. And after all, you had helped me. When I was lost, you helped me and brought back to my mother. When I was nearly kidnapped, you jumped in and stopped that man. I owe you more than anything." Retorted Jacky, a sad smile on her face, as Steaming held his hand up while shaking his head.

"But, over the time, I stopped feeling like it was my debt. I still thought it was my duty to protect you, to always make sure you are safe. But during the attack in Canterlot, you showed me that you didn't needed my protection. You could protect yourself, way better than I ever could. I saw you in a whole new light. Strong, confident, brave and headstrong. Kind, caring, and so many other things. I can't count all that what you are, but all in all, I think I can sum it up in one word: lovely." Smiled Steaming, a blush already on his face, as Jackys own had now covered most of her face, her lips trembling slightly.

"You are the loveliest person I ever had the pleasure of meeting. A personality that can only be found once in a million, the beauty which could cause wars, and the charm to turn the toughest men into pudding. You are amazing, by every meaning of the word. I doubt my life would've been so great without you in it. It really is no wonder I fell in love with you." Said the engineer, is face now fully red, as he moved his head around as to not make eye contact with the girl.

If he would've however, he would've seen the most joyous expression he'd ever see on her face, as tears of happiness steamed down her cheeks.

"I loved you since the first time we met. Of course, I was too young to understand those feelings, but whenever I saw or thought about you, my heart would pump at the rate of an express train, and I would get a warm feeling inside me. It took me a while, but when it finally hit me, it never left me again. Of course, I don't know if you have feelings for me or not, but I wanted that you know what I really feel for you. I don't want to keep you in the dark any longer..." Finished Steaming his confession.

When he noticed that Jacky wouldn't say anything, he understood it as a sign that she didn't harbor the same feelings. With a heavy heart, he lifted himself up from the coals, about to walk away.

Meanwhile, inside the hotel, 2nd floor, balcony of the ball room...

"Looks like that was a fruitless attempt." Sighted the man next to Iron Spike and his wife, wearing an old, worn out tuxedo, with an well kept Germain railway mans hat under his arm.

"Hm, and here I was sure that she and him would get together. She spoke about him in such high tones whenever he was mentioned, you could think he was her boyfriend already." Huffed Iron, as the two men turned to get back inside.

"I wouldn't be so quick about giving up on the boy honey." Smiled Lady Spike, as the two men quickly spun around again.

Inside the tender again...

Steaming couldn't even take one step, when he was suddenly grabbed by Jacky and pulled down to her with an unbelievable force. He caught himself before he crashed on top of Jackys body, but not even a second later, he could feel something unbelievable soft on his lips. It took a moment, before he understood what was happening. Jacky was kissing him! The shock about the situation came and went in the blink of an eye, as Steaming leaned into the kiss, a smile growing on his face, as a wave of relief hit him with the force of an speeding goods train. The kiss felt like it lasted an eternity, but in reality, took only a few seconds, before Jacky released the engineer, who looked at the girl with an look halfway between joyous and confused.

"I think you know my answer already." Said Jacky with an small smile, as the engineer moved in for another kiss, this one being more passionate and filled with much more love.

Back on the balcony...

"I think I see your point sweety." Grinned Iron.

"Huh, I always thought you would get furious if you ever saw your little princess kiss a guy." Chuckled the man next to him.

"Well Funnel, if it would've been one of these slick, puffed up brats who only are interested in the railway Jacky would inherit once both her mother and I are gone, I wouldn't even hesitate and throw that guy in front of the next through goods train. But that boy knows my little princess better than I know her myself sometimes. He cares about her, and wants to keep her safe and happy. He wants what's best for her, not for him. I can trust him. He reminds me a bit of his father, when he was at his age." Chuckled Iron lightly, as they walked back inside.

"I see... But you don't trust him enough to leave him all alone with your daughter." Chuckled Steaming Funnel, as they got to their table again.

"I said I trust him, but, everyone has his limits. And I don't want to become grandfather anytime soon!" Laughed the railway manager, as he sat down next to a woman with slightly curled hair, wearing a dark red dress, almost the same color as her hair.

"And where have you two been?" Asked the woman with a smile, as she stood up.

"Just witnessing how old Iron's little princess got herself a little prince." Smirked Funnel, while Iron just shook his head with an chuckle.

"You two are already leaving us? You've not been here for more than an hour!" Asked Iron, a bit disappointed that his old friends would leave him already.

"The Cannonball Express needs his engineer and firewoman for its trip up to Manehatten. And you know that there is only one crew and one engine for that run." Winked Funnel, as he placed his hat on his head again.

"Hm, you're right there... Well, see you around Funnel. And as soon as I've found a proper replacement crew for the branch line up there, I will sent you guys a notice. It was good to see you again after all this time." Smiled Iron, as he shook hands with the couple.

"Thank you Iron. Maybe we'll meet each other as a group of five next time." Said Funnel, as the duo walked towards the exit.

"Or maybe it'll be a group of six...?" Chuckled Iron to himself, before grabbing his drink again, and walking back to the balcony where his wife still was. 

Jacky and Steaming kept on proofing their love for each other for the next quarter of an hour, until the cold evening started to make itself noticeable.

"We probably should get back inside. My parents will be wondering where the two of us are." Shivered Jacky.

"I guess you're right." Sighted Steaming.

He had spent the last seven years hiding up the courage to confess, and now he wanted to spent as much time with his love as he could. But then he remembered that Iron Spike was very concerned about his daughters well being, he reluctantly agreed. They got up from their little make out spot, but before they stepped off the engine, Steamings eyes landed on his seat. He facepalmed when he noticed what he had forgotten when he crashed into the party, and finally understood what Novelty meant with him not fitting into the parties attendees. He opened the seat, and pulled out his suit and his hat, which had survived the derailment like its owner did.

"Hehe, completely forgot to put this one on! Not even noticed that I still had my hat for the 'down and dirty' on! Silly old me..." Chuckled the engineer, as he stepped out of the cab as well, and caught up with Jacky who had waited a few steps away from the engine.

"I had nearly given up on seeing you in this suit." Giggled Jacky.

"Well my lady, fear not, for as soon as we are inside again, I will change into this suit faster than you can say 'Flying Scotsmare'." Said Steaming grandly, making Jacky giggle further.

They headed towards the toilets, where Steaming would change into his suit. He told Jacky that he wouldn't need much time, but suggested her to tell her parents that she was back and alright, so that they wouldn't worry about her. Jacky soon returned into the ballroom, and slowly walked back to her families table. To her disappointment however, sitting next to her father was a broad man with slick blond hair, and a gray suit, with buttons that shined like they were made out of pure gold. The man was chewing her father an ear off, while said man wasn't even listening to the man's words. When his eyes landed on Jacky, his eyes widened, pleading her to not come closer, as to not attract the man's attention. Sadly, he had already noticed the girl, and called out for her.

"Ah, Junction! I was hoping to see you this evening! Why don't you take a seat?" The man asked.

"Why thank you, Mr. Stirling..." Said Jacky with forced friendliness. She couldn't stand him, or his son for that matter, who only tried to get together with her to get a grasp at running the railway. She sat down, but scooted far away from the older Stirling.

"Say young Junction, where have you been for the last few days? Novelty tried to visit you both yesterday and earlier this morning, but you absent both times." Asked the man.

"Well, I was away with a friend." Answered Jacky shortly.

"Oh? I thought the members of the group 'harmony' had too much to do in preparation of the wedding to take their time sightseeing with somebody?"

"I wasn't with them. I was with an old friend who works as engineer on this section of the railway." Explained Jacky shortly, not wanting to press the matter any further to make sure that Steaming wouldn't get into trouble.

"Is that so? Well, I just hope he knows his place. Somebody as common as an engineer on this section of the railway should pay a lady as important as you are with the decent amount of respect." Said Mr. Stirling, as both Jacky and Iron cringe.

"You took the words right out of my mouth father." Came a voice, as Novelty came up to them, his eyes gleaming at the sight of Jacky.

"Lady Spike, it is once again a pleasure to have you with us at this event. But my father couldn't be any more right with what he said. Why, just a little earlier on, one of the engineers from the sheds had the cheek to turn up here and made fun at my costs! If I had had the time to find out what his name was, I would've made sure that he would be sent to the smallest, unimportant shed on the whole network!" Fumed the posh man.

"Is that so? After what I had seen, the young engineer didn't even needed to do anything. You made a fool out of yourself back then, kleiner Dummkopf." Came a smooth, but deep voice from behind Novelty, making the man stop in his tracks.

"And what would you know about that, hm?!" He sneered, turning around just to look at the chin of the man behind him.

Standing in front of him was Steaming (even though none of them noticed that it was him), wearing his suit, the dark navy blue contrasting well with the blood red of the ribbons on him. He had his hat pulled down deeply into his face, covering his eyes, leaving only his nose and his, quickly trimmed, bearded mouth exposed. To complete his disguise, he dropped his mixed Canterlot/Dodge Junction accent, and instead spoke with a Germain accent, using words of the Germain vocabulary in his sentences as well.

"That might come from the fact that I had witnessed the whole situation. If it wasn't for the fact that I found it funny how a simple Eisenbahner could outwit a man from the highest classes of Canterlot, I would've intervened in this childish act of yours." Said the disguised engineer, laughing internally when he saw the face of the man turning red.

"Who do you think you are for speaking to me like that?!" Exclaimed the man, enraged and shocked about somebody speaking so bluntly with him.

"My name is Dampfende Pfeife, son of his highness, the Kaiser of the Germain Empire's chancellor for rail transportation, and a close friend of the members of the group 'harmony'. I has come here to give my regards to the newlyweds, as an act of kindness from the Germain Empire. I was actually searching for the Lokführer who was the cause of the dreadful accident outside, when I found him together with you." Explained Steaming, his stern glare shooting out from underneath his hat, staring deep into the other man's eyes.

"Don't worry about that careless engineer, I will make sure that he will be punished for-"

"You will most certainly will not do such a thing! I had heard from the yard workers who took care of the engine, that the engineer had, not only managed to stay on the rails with an undersized locomotive for such a Zug, but also managed to keep the damage made to people and property at an minimum! If anything, no one should be punished, because it was a simple Unfall, which could've happened on any train at any time. We should be lucky that it was a Kohle and not a Personenzug." Said Steaming, as Mr. Sterling looked at the ground, feeling foolish for being proven wrong by a man of such a young age.

Steaming gave a slight smirk when both Stirling's were silenced, before turning to Iron Spike and Jacky, the former looking a bit nervous, whilst the latter had narrowed her eyes.

"Say, Mr. Pfeife, would you be so kind and accompany me towards the buffet?" Asked Jacky.

"With the greatest pleasure, Fräulein Spike." Smiled Steaming, finding the whole situation hilarious. Once they were out of eyeshot however, Jacky pulled the man closer to her, whispering threateningly to the engineer.

"What was that just now?!" She hissed.

"What? I saw how that prick was hitting on you, and I just wanted to defend my lady." Defended Steaming his actions, causing Jacky to blush lightly.

"But did you have to do an act such as this for that?" Asked Jacky, now much more calmed down and a bit embarrassed.

"You heard how they spoke about me, and all the lads here in Dodge. They don't think of us as decent rail workers, but if somebody from the high house of the Germain Empire speaks to them, they should be able to listen." Explained Steaming, as they reached the buffet. However, the engineer quickly grabbed Jackys hand with his how, and softly dragged her away from there, towards the dance floor.

"Steaming, what are you doing?!" Asked Jacky, nervous about what the engineer was about to do, as they stopped on the dance floor, with the disguised man turning to her, bowing slightly.

"Would you be so kind and allow me a dance with you, Fräulein Spike?" Asked Steaming in his Germain accent, as Jacky understood Steamings game.

"A dance can't hurt, but I should probably enlighten you that I already have a boyfriend." Smiled Jacky sweetly, as she put her hand into Steamings, as they started to dance.

"Is that so? And who is that man?" Asked Steaming with an slight smirk.

"He is an engineer on this section of the railway. A real charmer and a bit of an daredevil, who just can't seem to stop putting the life of others in front of his own." Said Jacky, a smirk on her face as well.

"Oh, and are you happy to have him as your boyfriend?" Asked Steaming, as he made Jacky spin around, before standing right in front of each other, looking into each other's eyes.

"Absolutely." Whispered Jacky, as she kissed the man in front of her, if only for a second.

"Hm, I somehow have the feeling that the lucky man is happy about having you as his girlfriend as well. One would think that he is cab over wheels in love with you." Grinned Steaming with an Cheshire grin, as Jacky blushed.

"I-I guess..." Stuttered Jacky, just as somebody tapped onto her shoulder.

She turned around, just to see that it was Twilight, looking slightly worried.

"Jacky, have you seen Steaming? He should've been at the sheds 15 minutes ago to prepare the engine for Shinings and Cadences train, but when I called, they said that only Emerald is down there!" Asked the girl, worried that her timetable could get disrupted.

"Oh, I completely forgot the time! Don't worry Twi, I'll go right away!" Said Steaming, as he quickly left the two girls.

"Was that Steaming?" Asked Twilight, a bit confused at the man's outfit.

"Yes." Answered Jacky shortly, as an oily voice came from behind them.

"I'm glad that you've got rid of that Germain barbarian, dearest Jacky. It would've been disgraceful to see you enduring the presence of this hooligan any longer than it already was." Purred Novelty, whilst Jacky and Twilight rolled their eyes. Both girls knew that he always tried to hit on Jacky, but usually, they just kept on ignoring him.

"I thought I told you that you should call me by my real name." Grumbled Jacky. She wanted to be with Steaming again, but she doubted that she would see him again that night, or anytime soon for that matter.

"After being on such close terms that you even dance with a man you haven't even known before this evening, I think I deserve to call you by your nickname." Retorted Novelty.

"Maybe so, but the biggest difference between you and him is, that he didn't tried to get together with me at every opportunity he sees."

"Huh, he's wasting time then. I like to get directly to things. Now, how about the two of us dance for a bit?" Suggested the man with an strange look in his eyes.

"No thank you, but I'm rather spent, and need some time for myself with my parents." Said Jacky, before pushing her way past the noble man.

"You shouldn't take too long though, Shining and Cadence will leave soon, and after their gone, the party will be done as well." Said Twilight, before going to her friends, leaving a scowling Novelty to himself.

Meanwhile, at the sheds...

"Sorry I'm late Emerald! Forgotten the time!" Called Steaming, as he raced into the sheds, still dressed in his suit, his work clothes underneath his arm.

"No problem. Just get yourself changed and ready to get the old girl moving. I never thought we would get a chance to drive the 'Polar Star'!" Chuckled Emerald, as he walked back from the front of the midnight blue 2-4-2 locomotive, that was Dodge Junctions pride.

She was one of a class of three locomotives ever build for the CCR, and the only one to survive into ENR ownership. She is often used on special charter trains out of Dodge, while being kept in the sheds during the times between the runs. Many engineers praised the engines perfect stability at high speeds and the almost ladylike reactions the crews would get from the locomotive. Steaming and Emerald only saw her passing their goods engines when she would be chartered, but tonight, they would get a feeling for the 'Mistress of Dodge Sheds'.

"Hehe, you know, maybe I'll keep this one on. Seems kinda fitting for the occasion." Mused Steaming, as he tossed his working clothes into a locker with the engines number on it, before climbing on board of the loco.

"If you say so. Not my clothes that get dirty." Muttered Emerald, as he put the oil can he had in his hand back in its place in the cab.

They slowly pulled out of the sheds, and brought the engine into the yards, where a string of two, midnight blue coaches stood, the first one being a large multi functional coach, with a working kitchen, bath, a storage room and a small compartment for the crew. The second was the special saloon coach, which was completely rebuild as a bedroom, that was finished off with the large balcony at the end. They smoothly stopped the engine, and coupled the coached up to it, before slowly reversing the train into the bay platform that was the stations track Nr. 1. They quickly went outside and helped the evening porters to prepare the train for the wedding couple, before moving up to the engine to wait.

"Lovely night for an evening run, wouldn't you say?" Said Steaming, sighting.

"What's with all those feelings? You're letting off more than you usually do when you're getting nervous, and I can see that it isn't that." Chuckled Emerald.

"Oh, only enjoying how well everything is going. We are finally getting more work on actual trains, I've found a new trail on the whereabouts of my family, and Westing said that they want to scrap some older trucks, so we might find ourselves a pair of proper bogies to put our coach onto. Yes, life couldn't get any better right now." Smiled Steaming, his eyes still in the direction of the station building, while Emerald looked at him with an unconvinced look.

"You confessed to Jacky right?" Asked Emerald bluntly.

"To Tartarus yes I did!" Cheered Steaming, a smile as large as the station they were in on his face.

"And by the looks of it you two finally got together." Chuckled Emerald.

"Yes, yes we did." Smiled Steaming with an blissful sight, which turned into a frown shortly afterwards.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, it's only that, we got together only tonight, and already I'm going to leave her behind. And who knows when I see her again. I don't think I can keep those feelings inside any longer, now that the lid is open." Sighted Steaming.

"Meh, you'll live. Plus, we can always say you somehow got left behind in Canterlot on our way back." Winked Emerald, as Steaming chuckled slightly.

"You're a good friend Emerald. The best I'll ever going find on this damn planet." Smiled Steaming.

"Nothing to it Trinity." Chuckled Emerald, as they could hear some commotion from the station building.

"Sounds like they're coming." Grinned Emerald, putting his own railway hat on his head, making sure he'd make a good picture.

"Then let's show them the pride of the Dodge Junction railway division!" Laughed Steaming, as he made sure his hat was sitting correctly, as the wedding party came walking onto the platform, lead by the recently married couple.

Jacky and her family were the last few to leave the ballroom. Jacky quickly made her way to the bathroom after telling her parents that she would meet up with them outside again. She wanted to make sure she would look perfect for her engineer, as she wanted to make sure he would come back as soon as possible. Once she was sure she would steal the young man's breath, she went outside again, only to be forcefully pressed against the wall by a pair of hands.

"Why my dear Jacky, you didn't need to make yourself even prettier than you already are. You know I love you all the same." Purred Novelty, as he put a hand to Jackys cheek.

"Get your filthy hands off of me Stirling! And stop calling me Jacky, only my friends are allowed to call me that, don't you understand?!" Growled Jacky, trying to get out of the grip of the man, which was surprisingly strong.

"No, but I think you are the one who doesn't understands something here. You should get it into your head that the two of us are meant to be together. And you should stop fooling around with other men, especially that troublesome engineer from around here." Growled Stirling, his palm pressing hard against Jackys chin, so hard that it hurt.

"You've been spying on us?! Listen, I love Steaming, and we don't fool around! You should get a grip, and see the truth in the face!" Snarled Jacky, still trying to get free.

"Liar!" Spat the noble man, slapping Jacky.

The girl was frozen in shock for a second, before burning anger replaced the shock, and quickly retorted to the slap via a firm kick in between his legs. The man howled in pain, dropping to his knees, releasing Jacky in the process. The girl quickly made a run for it before Novelty could recover. She only had one thing in mind: getting somewhere safe as quickly as possible. And her mind only gave her one answer for the question where she would be safe: wherever Steaming was, she knew she would be safe as well. She knew he would protect her, against all odds. She raced towards the station, but she could already feel his eyes burning into her back. She rushed straight through the station building, and quickly came out on the other side, running towards the crowd of people that had gathered around the back of the charter train. She pushed through the crowd, but before she was completely through, a hand grabbed her at her wrist, pulling her to an abrupt stop.

"Don't even try. I don't want to harm you, but if you don't want to embrace your luck, I have to force it." Hissed Novelty.

He began to grab Jacky away through the crowd, when he was suddenly hit by a hard right hook, sending him flying to the ground, with some of the people around them turning around to see what the commotion was. Jacky looked up in shock, when she saw Rainbow shaking her hand softly, a slightly pained expression on her face.

"How can Steaming give out so many of these when it nearly cracks my wrist to give even one?" Asked Rainbow to herself, when she looked up again, seeing Jacky still standing there.

"What are you waiting for? Get out of here!" Said RD as Jacky snapped out of it, rushing off after saying thank you.

RD turned back to the downed noble, seeing that he was already on his feet, ready to hunt after the girl again.

"Oh no pal, you're staying right here!" Said Rainbow.

"Don't interfere. It's a matter of hearts." Sneered Novelty, as he rushed back after Jacky, slipping out of Dashs grasp with ease.

Jacky got out of the crowd, just as the guards whistle could be heard from behind her. She ran even faster, passing the first coach and the tender as the train final started to move.

"Steaming! Steaming!" Shouted Jacky, as said engineer leaned out of the cab window, surprised to see her in such a hurry.

"What's wrong Jacky? Why the rush?" Asked Steaming from the cab.

"Novelty's lost it! He's after me!" She quickly explained, as Steamings pupils shrunk.

"Oh Scotsmare..." Whispered the man, as he disappeared from the window, only to reappear in the cab entry.

"Grab my hand!" He called, as Jacky reached out for the man, grabbing his hand tightly, as the engineer pulled her into the cab, both falling on top of each other.

"Thanks for getting aboard." Grinned Steaming cheekily, before noticing the red mark on her face.

His expression turned from playful to ice, as he stood up, making sure to pull Jacky up as softly as possible, before placing her in the engineers seat. He walked up to the cab entry again, leaning out to see that Novelty was still running after the train, getting many confused looks from the rest of the wedding part behind him.

"Stop! Stop that train! Give the girl back! She is mine!" He shouted, trying to catch up to the train.

Steaming glared at the man, his hand wandering inside his jacket, grabbing his revolver firmly, slowly pulling it out. It was halfway out of his jacket, when his hand was stopped by Emerald. Steaming glared over at his friend, who gave him a stern look in reply.

"I could take him out from here. I shot smaller targets on such distances with ease." Hissed Steaming, venom dripping from his voice while he wasn't even trying to hide his anger.

"It wouldn't solve anything. You'd only get into trouble, and I doubt you want any of that right now, especially with her on board. Right?"

Steaming stayed silent before sighting, and turning towards the cab, putting the gun back in its place. Emerald smiled.

"You did the right thing." Nodded Emerald, turning back to get into his seat again.

No sooner did he sit down completely, they could hear a loud cry of pain from outside the cab. He jumped up again, fearing the worst, and saw how Novelty laid on the ground, rubbing his head in pain, whilst a piece of coal laid next to the downed man. Emerald turned back to Steaming, who now sat in his rightful place again, with Jacky sitting in his lap.

"Steeeeeeeeaminnnnnnng...!" Said Emerald threateningly, drawing his name out.

"Don't look at me, that piece of coal fell of the tender, I swear it on my pride as an engineer!" Said Steaming, trying to defend himself.

"You're not even a complete engineer!" Said Emerald, pulling his hand over his face in annoyance.

"I know." Smirked Steaming, as he leaned back in his seat, feeling how Jacky cuddled up to him whilst chuckling about the cheek of the engineer, as said man sighted in bliss.

Life couldn't be better right now.