• Published 27th Sep 2016
  • 330 Views, 3 Comments

Life of the Whistle - SteamingWhistle382

The life of the Equestrian National Railways engineer Steaming Whistle, with all its ups, downs and derailments

  • ...

Courtroom trials

"He's a really useful engine, you know.

All the other engines they'll tell you so!

He huffs and puffs and whistles,

Rushing to and through,

He's a really useful engine we adore"

"Can you please shut up?! I can't even think with you singing around like that!"

"I know, but if it annoys you, then it pisses the guys up at the counter even more off, and that's my goal."

"He's a really useful engine, you know.

'Cause the Fat Controller, he told him so!

Now he's got a Branchline,

To call his very own!

He's a really useful engine we adore!"

"I know, but can't you use a song that is a little bit less cringeworthy?"

"Hey! I like that book series! And on top of that, it isn't that bad!"

"You know what, you're right."

"Told yo-"

"It's waaaaaaay worse than that."

"Oh screw you.

He's the one, he's the one,

He's the really useful engine, that we adore!

He's the one, he's the number one,

Thomas the tank engine!

He's the really useful engine we adore!"

"Will you two finally stop talking?! Or do we have to get in there and shut you up ourselves?!" Cried a voice from the other end of the hallway, as Steaming burst out laughing.

"Just come at me loudmouth! I can take you on!" Shouted Steaming in reply.

The two men had been in the outpost for three days now, and word had quickly spread throughout the city, as well as Dodge Junction about the rouge railwaymen and their kidnapping. Jacky had quietly made her way back to her father, however he had to promise her to not tell anything to anyone, something he begrudgingly agreed on. However, while Iron kept silent, both Sans Pareil and Novelty did the exact opposite. They did everything to make the two railwaymen look like dangerous, crazy hillbillies, who wouldn't be scared to kill somebody if they had to. However, once the first few articles about them came out, their friends quickly came to their aid, not physically, but in matters of restoring their good name, telling the people about their heroic deeds, and what catastrophes and near catastrophes they had already helped to avoid. This reached its climax when even the princesses themselves spoke about their bravery and good will. However, even though they were grateful for the support they got from their friends, they couldn't be bailed out by any of them. They had, if only partly, confessed to their crimes, and as such, would be sent to the court no matter what. Another thing their friends couldn't help with, was the gigantic amount of boredom they had. They craved to do something, anything so that they wouldn't loose their minds in their cells, but so far, nothing came to rescue them from their forced vacation. At least, that was until Steaming began to sing. He had a deep and booming voice, which rang through the cell block and annoyed the guards immensely, so far so that they had already moved in numerous times to shut him up by force, only to be thrown out by their collars, beaten up and taking in some of Steamings pent up energy. Since then, Steaming hadn't stopped singing, finally finding a way to take his mind off of things.

The guard who shouted at Steaming, who had just started his shift, stood up with an furious look in his eyes, grabbing his baton and moving towards the open doorway to the cell block, only to be stopped by the older guard who was leaning back in his seat.

"Take my advice and ignore him kid. It's safer that way." Reasoned the older one.

"Pah! You scared of an cheeky railway engineer? We've got the keys, and the batons! And what does he has?!"

"He's got 5 of our guys sent home early because he knocked the lights out of them."

"Oy! What's up whims?! Too scared of the big bad engineer?! Some fine guards you lot are!" Laughed Steaming from his cell.

"Alright, that's it, I'm going to teach that bastard a lesson!" Snarled the younger guard, and rushed towards the cell block. A few seconds later, the sound of slapping and pained grunts could be heard, before the younger guard flew back through the door frame, crashing against the wall on the opposite side. The older guard sighted.

"Six guards." He sighted, as the door opened.

"What is it?" He asked, as another guard walked in, followed by Iron Spike and another person.

"These two want to speak to the prisoners. Since they are his employees, Mr Spike wanted to speak to them in person." Explained the guard.

"And who's the other one?"

"This is my secretary. Running a railway is tough, time consuming business, and he helps me keep track of the time and my schedule." Explained Iron.

"Alright, proceed." Said the older one, as Iron and his secretary walked through the doorframe into the cell block.

They made their way to the only two occupied cells, where they were greeted by an bored-out-of-his-mind Steaming, and an equally bored Emerald.

"Afternoon gents." Said Iron politely.

"Afternoon boss." Came the collective reply from the duo.

"So, here to throw us on the streets, right?" Asked Steaming dully, with an sad smile on his face.

"Why would I do that?! You two are some of the finest and prosperous engine men since Steamings parents! I would be nuts to throw you two out!" Laughed Iron.

"Huh, and I thought, after all this badmouthing from those Stirling bastards, we would've been throw from the rails in a heartbeat." Smiled Emerald.

"Stirling and his brat might've been quite active in badmouthing you two, but I've know you two for longer than he did, and I know what kind of persons you two are, and I have all the informations about what really happened on and since the wedding night right here." Smirked the railway manager, as his 'secretary' removed her cloak, reviling Jacky, who winked at the duo.

Steaming jumped up, his grin as large as the Canterlot main station, as he opened his mouth to shout, but was cut off by Jacky, who pressed her hand on his mouth.

"Shhhh! If they know I'm here, then the whole plan will be compromised." Whispered the girl.

"Huh? What plan?" Asked Emerald.

"My plan to show the judges that the two of you are completely innocent, and that Novelty is the actual criminal." Smiled Jacky.

"Hm, sounds like quite a big plan. Care to explain?" Asked the fireman again, Steaming still having his mouth covered by his girlfriends hand.

"Sure." Giggled Jacky, finally withdrawing her hand from Steaming.

"Seeing that you two have partly confessed that you were the cause for those 24 guys in Manehatten to land in the hospital, you'll be brought to the judge tomorrow afternoon. They'll be asking you the question again, and will also ask you if you kidnapped me. That's where we jump into action. I talked with the girls from the group 'harmony', and they agreed to help us get you two out of the bunk. Once the judges hear what really happened at the wedding reception, and how crazy Novelty got while trying to catch me, they'll release you out of here in no time! You two will be off the hook, and Stirling will suffer the humiliation from framing you two for kidnapping." Smirked Jacky.

"Hm, nice thought, but there are some flaws, mainly the fact that Steaming and I are indeed guilty in taking those blimps out. What'll happen after we confessed to them about that?" Asked Emerald.

"I wouldn't worry about them. We've talked to those guys, and they've explained how they have been bribed by Sans Pareil to harm you. It had been nothing more than self defense. And if they do want to charge you for it, I'll buy you two out." Grinned Iron.

"That's mighty generous of your sir." Said Steaming.

"Hey, you kids worked over the last few years without a real payment. Given, we give you food, water and a place to sleep, but after what you kids did over the last few months for us and especially the whole country, it's the least I can do. And in the end, it's all for the sake of the family, isn't it?" Winked Iron, as Steaming blushed in embarrassment.

"How did you-?"

"Like I said. I have all the information about what happened during, and after the reception right here." Chuckled Iron, before putting his hand through the iron bars, and placing it on Steamings shoulder.

"You know, I'm proud that you finally found the might to tell her." Said the man calmly.

"Thank you sir."

"But" he continued, pulling him close to the door, staring him in the eyes. "if you ever dare to hurt my little Junction, then I'll hurt you, and I swear, it will be much, much worse." He whispered, while Steaming stared with determination into the eyes of his boss.

"I wouldn't even dream of doing such a thing. She is way to precious for me to ever see her harmed." Stated Steaming, while Iron smiled fondly.

"Hehe, I knew you'd say that. Welcome to the family Whistle." Chuckled the railway manager.

"Hey, visiting time is over!" Came the call from the guard.

"We have to go now. We'll see you two tomorrow in the courtroom." Said Iron, as he turned to go.

Jacky stood next to the iron door, her eyes moving to meet Steamings gaze, before they quickly moved towards each other, kissing each other passionately through the iron bars, before withdrawing from each other.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow." Panted Jacky.

"Y-yeah, tomorrow." Gasped Steaming, slightly out of breath, following Jacky with his eyes as she disappeared through the doorframe.

"You alright mate?" Chuckled Emerald, who had to witness the whole scene from his cell.

"OY! YOU STUPID GUARDS! DIDN'T YOU PROMISE TO SHUT ME UP YOURSELVES?! COME AT ME THEN WILL YA! I'LL TAKE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU OUT MYSELF!" Laughed Steaming, shouting through the corridor, as Emerald cringed, squeezing his eyes shut at the embarrassing situation that Steaming pulled upon himself.

"On a second thought, maybe the singing wasn't that bad..." Muttered the fireman to himself, as the first few guards raced in, their intentions clear when they opened the cell door to Steamings cell.

The infirmary of the guards outpost had to do double shifts that night.

Like Jacky told them, both railway men were brought to the court building early the next afternoon. They were led to a large room, where they were lead to an table at the front of the bench rows. To their left were Sans Pareil and Novelty Stirling, with the younger of the two having a bandage over his nose, a reminder of their last 'meeting'. The judge walked into the room, and everybody stood up. Everybody that was, except of Steaming and Emerald.

"Hey, do you know why they are all standing?" Asked Emerald.

"Maybe they're checking if the benches are freshly painted? Better go with the flow and stand up as well." Chuckled Steaming, before motioning for his partner to stand up as well.

"Take your seats." The judge said, as they all sat down again.

"We shall now begin the case, the country of Equestria against Whistle Steaming and Emerald Heart. The charges are: kidnapping, frontal assault on 25 persons and restraining against law enforcement officials. Did the charged ones chose a defender?" Asked the judge, looking at the two men, who only gave each other confused looks.

"Is it bad if we didn't?" Asked Steaming.

"Well, yes. That is, if you don't want to defend yourselves." Said the judge, a bit confused about the question.

"We'll defend ourselves then! Nothing we're not used to." Smiled Steaming.

"And which one of you is going to be the defender?" Asked the judge again.

"You can do that Steaming. You're better in such things." Yawned Emerald, leaning back into his seat as Steaming chuckled lightly.

"Alright, I'll do it." Smiled Steaming.

"Good. We shall continue now with the stating of the charges." Said the judge, as one of the lawyers stepped up with an piece of paper in his hand.

"On Thursday, the 23rd of August, the here present Whistle Steaming and Emerald Heart abducted the daughter of the manager of the Equestrian National Railway, the 16 year old Ms. Junction Spike, out of motives not yet known to the jury. They escaped the crime scene under the cover of their duty, as they worked on a chartered excursion train to Manehatten. Whilst they were in Manehatten, they assaulted a group of 24 workmen in the motive power depot of said city. The reason for this crime is again unknown. Both men were captured on their return journey to Dodge Junction in Canterlot, but Ms. Spike has yet to be found. We suspect that she is still held somewhere within Manehatten." Said the lawyer, before the judge turned to the two railwaymen.

"Do you have anything to say about these accusations?"

"Certainly your honors! Except the fact that we fought with those cleaners in the sheds in Manehatten, everything is just as you said, an accusation. We never kidnapped Jacky, we helped her escape from a crazed lunatic who tried to do Celestia knows what with her if he'd caught her." Answered Steaming.

"How dare you call my son such names?!" Came the raised voice of Sans Pareil, pointing his finger threateningly towards Steaming.

"I wouldn't be so jumpy, Mr. Stirling. After all, I never took your sons name in my mouth. But yes, it was your son who chased her, and I don't want to imagine what he would've done if he had caught her a second time." Retorted Steaming calmly, a small smile on his face.

"What do you mean with 'a second time', Mr. Steaming?" Asked the judge.

"Well your honors, he actually caught up with Junction in the crowd that was surrounding the rear part of the excursion. However, if it wasn't for Rainbow Dashs interception, he most likely would've succeeded in the act." Answered Steaming, as a low murmur rang through the public seats behind them, before the judge hit his hammer on the table.

"Quiet! Mr. Steaming, are you saying that Ms. Rainbow Dash, member of her majesty's learning and prospering group 'Harmony', had been involved in this case?" Asked the judge.

Steaming turned around, eying the public ranks, till he found Iron Spike, sitting next to his wife in the middle of the crowd. He was smiling a knowing smile, as he winked at the engineer.

"You can ask her that question yourself. Mr. Spike! Are they ready?" Asked Steaming, looking at his boss.

"Waiting outside boy!" Chortled the man, as he whistled, and the doors to the room were opened.

However, instead of the group 'Harmony', only Jacky stood there. However, the whole room (baring Steaming, Emerald, Iron and his wife) was shocked by the appearance of the girl.

"Sorry Steaming! They've been held up! They won't be coming here!" Said Jacky.

"My dearest Junction! You've returned! You escaped these kidnappers!" Shouted Novelty, wanting to race to her, but being held back by his father, who shortly pointed at Steaming, who glared daggers at the noble, restraining himself not to go over to them and punch their lights out.

"No Novelty. I didn't escape." Answered Jacky curtly.

"Did they set you free then, Ms. Spike?" Asked the judge.

"No, none of it, since they didn't kidnap me! They saved me from Novelty. He was chasing after me, and I don't even want to know what he would've done to me if he got a hold on me back then." Retorted Jacky, as further murmurs went through the public ranks, with all eyes being directed towards Novelty, who was sitting calmly next to his father.

"Psst, Steaming." Whispered Emerald, winking his friend over.

"I don't like it. He's too calm. As if he knows what we are trying to pull off!" Whispered Emerald, while Steaming eyed the noble.

"Hmm, you're right with one thing. He's too calm for somebody who's cover just blew. Keep your guard up, we might need to reroute our plan." Whispered Steaming back, just as the judge calmed the people down again.

"Mr. Stirling. Do you have anything to say about this?" Asked the judge.

"Yes your honors. It appears that, while she was held against her will by these two, they must've brainwashed her into defending her kidnappers." Said Novelty with a smug smile on his face.

"Seriously? You couldn't come up with an better excuse?" Chuckled Emerald, as Steaming held his hand up.

"Mr. Stirling. Do you really want the judge to believe such a far fetched story? Neither Emerald, nor I have any knowledge as for how to brainwash a person, much less so do we have any knowledge about anybody who knows how to do it. It would've been a far better, and plausible theory, to plainly say that she had amnesia or something like that. Given, this could easily be proven false, but it would've been much more believable than this story." Said Steaming, unable to hide the smirk on his face, as Novelty went red with anger.

"Mr. Steaming, that will be enough, thank you." Said the judge, stopping things before they escalated.

"Seeing that Ms. Spike has returned safe and sound, and that she cleared up the situation with Mr. Steaming and Mr. Heart, the charge of kidnapping will be dropped. However, the charge of assault will still be held up." Said the judge.

This time, the faces of the two Stirlings fell. However, a man stood up, and raised his voice. He had a bandage around his head and his arm in a sling.

"Your honors, I am one of the 24 men that went to hospital because of these two. I came here in name of all of us because I had the lightest injuries, and we'd like to drop the charge against them. More so, we'd like to confess that we were bribed by Mr. Sans Pareil Stirling to send them into hospital instead, and bring Ms. Spike here to him." Said the man, as Sans Pareil quickly turned towards him, his face red with anger, but his eyes showing fear.

"You'll be quiet, or I'll make sure that you and your pals will be out of your duty in a heartbeat!" Snarled Sans Pareil, his calm demeanor long gone.

"I would suggest that you hold your tongue, Mr. Stirling. You might be one of the managing directors, but I still outrank you, meaning that my voice weights more in the long run." Said Iron Spike with an even, but all the more threatening tone.

"If the men from Manehatten want to drop the charge, there is nothing more to say to that. The only charge against them now are from Novelty Stirling, frontal assault and resistance against law enforcement." Said the judge, as one of the lawyers off side was ticking off the charges that were held against the duo.

"We'd like to confess to those two crimes. The resistance against law enforcement was, more or less, a mistake; we thought that it would be more rail workers who were bribed by Mr. Stirling to take us out."

"And the broken nose towards the younger Mr. Stirling?" Asked the judge.

"My answer to his offer. I doubt he'll make a similar one again." Smirked Steaming, while Novelty was gnashing his teeth.

"What offer?" Asked the judge again.

"Oh, just the offer, our freedom in trade for Jacky."

"I never made such an offer!" Shouted Novelty, enraged.

"To be honest, I don't really care if you are lying anymore, because it won't change anything. It's literally my word against yours." Mused Steaming, his victorious smile making Novelty seethe in anger.

The judge swung his hammer again, preventing that the argument could escalate any further.

"Mr. Steaming, like you said, it is your word against Mr. Stirlings. Do you have any proof that this claim is true?"

"No, I don't. I'd like to say that only somebody guilty would burst into a shout like this, but that won't be enough of an evidence. All we can say, is that we are sorry that we mistook the guards and that we beat them up, and that Novelty deserved it." Said Steaming, before taking a seat next to Emerald.

"Mr. Heart, do you have anything to add to the situation?" Asked the judge.

"No. Steaming told you everything you needed to know. Everything he said, is the whole honest truth, and a train shall run us over if we we're lying." Said Emerald, before the room fell silent for a few seconds.

"The jury will now retreat to decide upon your penalty." Said the judge, as the jury retreated out of their stand, and out of the room.

Steaming leaned back into his seat, his throat dry after talking so much, before he took a glass of water that stood on the table, downing it slowly.

"Nice talk lad. You'd make a great lawyer if you weren't hell bent on working on the rails." Chuckled Emerald.

"Hehe, that would be the third job I'd be good at. Engineer, marksman, and lawyer." Chuckled Steaming, as his eyes turned towards the two Stirlings, who were sitting at their table, scowls on their faces as they talked to each other.

"Looks like the losers are admitting defeat to one another." Smiled the engineer, as Emerald grinned.

"Well, they should've known better. Nobody can outwit a railway man, much less two of them." He said, just as the jury entered the room again, and took their seats.

"We've come to an decision. The engineer Whistle Steaming and the fireman Emerald Heart, are guilty in the points of frontal assault and resistance against law enforcement. However, seeing that they were not fighting to harm them per se, we've decided that they shall serve 20 days of community work in the form of extra shifts on the railway, without payment. Furthermore, they will be forced to pay 100 bits each towards Mr. Novelty Stirling, in form of reparations to his injuries." Said the man closest to the judge.

Steaming and Emerald smiled broadly, high fiving each other underneath the table, while Novelty and Sans Pareil cursed quietly to themselves. Their plan had failed miserably.

"Your honors, I'd like to pay the fee for the two lads!" Shouted Iron from his seat, the judge turning to him a bit puzzled.

"Um, very well then, Mr. Spike." Said the Judge, while Iron pulled out his purse and handed Sans Pareil the money.

But before any of the Stirlings could move, they were stopped by a pair of guards.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Snarled Sans Pareil.

"Sans Pareil Stirling, I hereby arrest you. The charges are of false accusations, assistance of an kidnapping attempt and attempted frontal assault." Stated one of the lawyers, as the older Stirling was escorted by the guards to their carriage, to be brought back to the outpost.

Novelty followed his father till he was put inside the carriage, and looked after the disappearing vehicle until it was out of sight. He turned around, and saw how Steaming, Emerald, Jacky and her parents walked down the sidewalk, heading towards their home to celebrate their small victory.

"Just you wait you engine driving mutt. You'll pay for humiliating the Stirlings." He growled, before making his way towards his own home.

They returned to Jackys home, where Iron and his wife congratulated the three of them.

"You kids were brilliant! You really showed Sans Pareil and his kid up!" Laughed Iron, patting both men on their shoulders, before giving his daughter a hug.

"I doubt they'll try anything like that again." Chortled Emerald.

"I wouldn't be so cocky E. We beat them today, but they are still not on their knees. They'll be out for revenge, they are stuck up and take any attack to their pride deeply. I'd say we better be on our guard for the time being, who knows, maybe Novelty will try to abduct Jacky again?" Said Steaming, with an rare mixture of concern and sternness in his voice.

"You have a point there." Said Emerald after a few seconds in which he pondered over his words.

"Well, I don't think they'll be having an easy game with you two, not after the whole ordeal we just went through. However, I am a bit concerned about you Jacky." Said Iron, as he looked at his daughter.

"Please dad, I can defend myself. Steaming and Emerald would agree, don't you?" She asked the duo.

"Yeah, she might look fragile, but she can surely take a blimp like Novelty out of commission." Chuckled Steaming, while his girlfriend hit him on the shoulder.

"See? She ain't afraid to get her hands dirty!" Laughed Steaming.

"Still, it would be better if she would stay somewhere else for the time being. Just for a few weeks, a month maximum, just to make sure that she'll be completely safe from harm." Said the railway manager, a glint in his eyes that Steaming picked up.

"Dad, I don't need to be given asylum somewhere! I'll be fine!" Pleaded Jacky. She thought she would be sent to her aunt in Vanhoover, meaning that she wouldn't see Steaming again anytime soon.

"Junction, this is for your own good. Please understand that." Said Iron, as Jacky just scoffed, turned on her heels and stormed off.

"Any information as to where she'll be sent?" Asked Steaming, a glint of hope in his tone.

"She'll be staying in Ponyville for the time being. The girls from the group 'Harmony' will be happy to spent some time with her, and will make sure she'll be safe as well if the situation will be explained to them." Answered Iron, as Steamings face fell.

He had hoped that Jacky would be staying with him in Dodge.

"Anyways, I suggest that you kids should spend the night here. No doubt that Westing will mind it if you stay here for a few more hours." Suggested the man, now turned to the two younger ones.

"Very well sir." Nodded the two boys, as the elderly butler walked them to their room for the night.

Once they had settled into their rooms, the same ones they occupied the night all those years ago when they were just little kids, Steaming left his room to check up on Jacky. However, since he had no idea which one of the rooms was Jackys, he just had to try every door in the house. After a number of rooms, including Irons office room and a room that was completely occupied by an large model railway set, he finally came up to an door that he felt looked like it would led him to his girlfriends room. He slowly opened it and looked inside, giving a silent sight of relief. Jackys room was a bit larger than his own, with three large windows on the opposite side of the room, a large bed, next to an desk. A large wardrobe stood next to the desk, and shelves and cupboards occupied the final wall. Some photos lined the walls, of herself, her friends and family, with another one right above her bed. Steaming smiled when he saw it. It was taken a few years ago when Steaming visited her on one of his days off. They had been playing in her garden, when they found a small hole in the fence, which separated it from one of the old railway embankments of the underground railway. They walked all the way until they reached the first tunnel. They called inside and giggled when they heard their echo. However, their voices caused some of the soot and ashes on the tunnel roof to come down onto them, covering them in a black blanket. They laughed and joked about each other while making their way back to Jackys home, where they were promptly scolded for ruining their clothes and sent to wash themselves. Steaming was ripped out of his trip with his memory train, when the door to the bathroom opened, making space for Jacky, who was wearing a bathrobe. Upon seeing Steaming, she quickly closed the door again, slamming it shut with an bang.

"What are you doing I'm my room?!" Asked Jacky, embarrassed about the whole situation.

"I wanted to see if you're alright! You were pretty steamed up when you went up here!" Answered Steaming.

"That's because my dad will sent me away, and knowing him, he'll be sending me to my aunt in Vanhoover!" Explained Jacky.

What?! Why do you think they'll sent you there?!" Asked Steaming, confused.

"Because we only have one relative who is still living in Equestria! The others either left the country to explore the world, or died already!" Answered Jacky.

"Wow, that's kinda dark."

"I know. Could you give me my clothes please? I left them on my chair!" Called Jacky from the bathroom, as Steaming walked towards Jackys chair, a blush creeping over his cheeks as he picked up the stack of clothes, on top of which rested Jackys underwear.

"Found them!" Called Steaming, trying to control his voice so that it wouldn't crack out of nervousness.

He walked to the door, which quickly opened, and a hand grabbed the pile, pulling it inside.

"Thanks!" Came Jackys voice, while Steaming tried to stop the images of Jacky in her underwear to form inside his head.

Jacky soon came out of her bathroom, now dressed in a short, green sun dress, with green shoes. Steamings blush returned again when he saw her.

"Will that be your standard greeting to me now?" Joked Jacky, as Steaming shook his head.

"Well, if you keep being so cute and irresistible, I think it will." Retorted Steaming as he took a large step forward to stand right in front of her.

They looked into each other's eyes with smug grins on their faces, before they completely reduced the distance between them for a lengthy, passionate kiss. Even thought it had only been a day since they last kissed, it was already a day too long for both of them. They hungrily kissed each other, Jackys arms already around the engineers neck, while said man had his arms around her waist. Steaming could feel Jackys tongue, trying to get into his mouth. He smirked into the kiss, allowing her entrance, and began to caress her tongue with his own. The girl moaned lightly into the kiss, her hands having moved from his neck to his chest, slowly but steadily opening the buttons of his jacket. When the final button was off, he slipped it off his shoulders, throwing it into an seemingly random direction, throwing it directly onto her chair.

'Hehe, still got it.' He chuckled to himself, but the thoughts in his mind quickly went back to the girl in front of him, as his kisses travelled away from her mouth, and down her neck.

Jackys moans increased in volume, as Steaming stopped at her collarbone, kissing and sucking it, leaving a hickey for the world to see.

"Uhh.. Steaming. How shall I- ahh.. Shall I cover that one up?" Moaned Jacky, as Steaming moved up to kiss her again.

"You don't. I want the world to see who you belong to, so that nobody gets the same ideas like Novelty did." Steaming answered, his voice low, nearly purring at her.

Jacky answered him with a further, deep kiss. Steaming surely didn't needed to imagine Jacky in her underwear once the night was over...

Emerald was downstairs in the kitchen with the butler Ramsbottom, helping the elderly man to prepare dinner. He enjoyed cooking, and always liked to learn new recipes. It was usually him who prepared their meals back in Dodge, and as the fireman, he was always the cook in the cab. He had just finished cooking some steaks, when Ramsbottom called out to him.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Heart. It is getting harder and harder to do the chores around the house with my progressing age, so a pair of helping hands is always appreciated." Said the elderly man with an slight chuckle.

"No problem, and please, call me Emerald. Anyways, why does Mr. Spike keeps you as his butler, if you agree that you are getting too old for the job?" Asked Emerald, before noticing how rude his question was.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't wanted to sound rude! It's just, you should've retired from your job if you think you can't do it anymore." Emerald quickly added, but Ramsbottom only waved him off with a smile.

"No worries young one! I get these questions all the time. It's just that I can't abandon Mr. Spike just yet. He might be a great manager, for an even greater company, but he is very hard on himself. If he finds a problem, he'll work on it till he collapses from exhaustion. Me and lady Spike work on keeping him from overdoing it, but sometimes, even we can't keep him from it. Lady Spike is a very busy woman, she is a representative for the railway, and as for that, is mostly on her travels around the country to promote the railway, or to attend to major meetings with town representatives for consultations. And young Jacky is always somewhere else, and now, with the situation with Mr. Stirling, and her new relationship with your friend, I am concerned that he might overwork himself when I'm not around." Explained the man, as he placed the dinner on the plates for tonight's attendees.

"You seem to be pretty close to Mr. Spikes wellbeing."

"I knew him since his birth, and saw him grew into the position of his father as railway manager. He is somewhat of an son to me, and I just don't want to see him harm himself. He is pretty dense when it comes to his own health." Explained Ramsbottom with an chuckle at the end.

"I know what you are talking about..." Muttered Emerald, a certain engineer coming to his mind.

"Anyways, could you call Mr. Spike and the other children down please? I will call for lady Spike myself once I've prepared the dining room." Asked the butler, before Emerald nodded, making his way out of the kitchen towards the stairs.

He climbed to the second floor, and soon reached the large double doors that led to the office of Iron Spike. He knocked, before stepping inside.

"Hello Emerald, what can I do for you?" Asked Iron from his large chair, that had its back to the large windows of the room.

"Mr. Ramsbottom sent me. He asked me to call you for dinner." Explained Emerald.

"Oh, is it dinner time already?" Asked the man, looking at the large clock that hung on the wall.

"I'll be with you in a minute. Say, Emerald. I heard from Westing that you and Steaming are still working on that coach of yours in Dodge Junction. How far did you get with it?" Asked Iron.

"Nearly done. Westing said that there might be a pair of bogie wheels for us to use from one of the old trucks that got scrapped a few days ago. But I'm not sure if we're going to restore the through brake pipe. Steaming said in case we need to travel with it we'd need to have it working, but I doubt we'll ever need to move that thing. After all, Dodge is our home. We'll return there anyways, even if we have such long runs like the one up to Manehatten." Said Emerald, before he turned to the door and walked out of it again.

Iron turned in his chair, smiling at the fact that Jacky had been right about investing in an swirling chair for his office, before lifting the earpiece of his phone to his ear again, and lifting the speaker to his mouth.

"Hmhm. Yes. I had the same thought as well. Do you think they'll get it ready in time? Good. Goodbye." Said the railway manager, before cutting the connection, and placing the phone on the table, getting up to make his way to the dining hall.

Emerald was walking down the hallway towards the room in which Steaming had made his quarters. He stopped in front and knocked, but he got no reply.

"Sleeping already?" Asked Emerald, but wasn't holding a grudge against the idea. The day was long, and since the last four days they had to sleep on a badly worn, rock hard mattress, the call for a real bed was growing louder and louder with every minute he thought about the subject.

He opened the door, and walked inside, knowing that Steaming never locked the door. He was surprised to see the room vacant however, the bed neatly done, as if nobody had rest in it since it had been made.

"Hmm, where did you go Trinity..." Muttered Emerald to himself, before he deadpanned.

"Why do I even have to ask? There's only one place in the whole bloody house he'd be going to!" Grumbled the railway man, before walking off towards Jackys room.

He had as much luck as Steaming though, and had to view every room for itself in order to find the searched room. But that was only until he heard the noise. Quiet at first, then louder and louder the closer he came to his goal. And the closer he got, the redder his face went. The sound of grunts, moans and panting could be heard through the corridor, often accompanied by a muffled scream or and ecstatic 'yes!' From within the oak wood door he stood in front of. He pondered what to do right now. On one side he had to call them down for dinner, and knowing Steaming, he would be craving for any kind of food in the not so foreseeable future. Also, he didn't knew how Iron would react to the fact that he might become a grandfather right now. On the other hand however, he knew that he would most certainly be a dead man if he'd interrupt their 'alone time' right now, so he chose life over anything, and quickly and silently, made his way back downstairs. He quickly made his way to the dining room, where Mr. and Mrs. Spike, along with Mr. Ramsbottom, were already waiting.

"Where are Jacky and Steaming? I thought they would come along as well?" Asked Mrs. Spike.

"Oh, they are sleeping. The day must've tuckered them out." Answered Emerald quickly, trying to avoid the matter as best as possible.

"I see. Say, could you be so kind and help us in a little bet, Emerald?" Asked Iron.

"Sure, what is it." Asked Emerald, as he already started to eat his steak.

"Oh, we only betted if they are 'sleeping' in separated beds or sharing one." Said Mrs. Spike with an small smile, tensing the word sleeping, as Emerald nearly died from chocking on a piece of steak.

Iron Spike only sighted as he produced a small pouch of bits out of his pants, the young man's reaction being enough for them as an answer, passing it over to his wife while Ramsbottom shook his head in disbelief.

Author's Note:

Sooo, I'm back. Sorry I was gone so long, had plenty of work to do over the time, didn't find the time to upload the new chapter. (Subtily trying to cover that I simply forgot to upload it :P)
Anyways, to make it up to you all, I'll upload not one, but two chapters!
Also, that song in the beginning of the chapter? Yeah, we went there, no turning back. (Just a joke, only the books are real in this story, even though they were created around half a century earlier :P) I do not own the Song "Really Useful Engine", it is owned by Mike O'Donnell and Junior Campbell.