• Published 27th Sep 2016
  • 331 Views, 3 Comments

Life of the Whistle - SteamingWhistle382

The life of the Equestrian National Railways engineer Steaming Whistle, with all its ups, downs and derailments

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Dinner with the Spikes

They slowly made their way through Canterlot, but they soon learned that the Celestia road was quite a way away from their home. They passed through nearly all the districts, till they were in the most wealthy district of the city. Every house looked like it was polished to perfection, with shiny clean windows and brightly colored walls.

"*whistling* Wow Steaming, this 'Spike' family must've had quite the luck with their ancestors if they can afford to live here!" Said Emerald impressed.

"I think you're right. Let's see... 93, 95, ah, there it is! Celestia Road 97!" Smiled Steaming as they stopped in front of the large mansion. It was white in color, with an red roof, and a large iron fence around it, with the only access being a large iron gate, with some of the iron beams forming a locomotive. They walked through the gate and up to the large door, where they knocked on the door, an elderly butler opened it, looking at the two boys in surprise.

"I'm very sorry, but we don't have any food we could give you." The butler said.

"Huh, that's strange, 'cause we've been invited for dinne-" Emerald said cheekily, as Steaming stopped him abruptly.

"You must excuse my friend good sir, he has a loose vocabulary. My name is Steaming Whistle, and me and my friend were invited by the lady and daughter of the house for dinner at 5. I do hope we aren't late." Steaming said in his best tone he could muster.

The butler turned inside, asking someone something, before turning back to the two kids.

"Lady Spike hadn't given me notice that she'd expect two... Gentlemen like you two. Please, steep inside. She will be with you two shortly." He said, as both walked inside. They gasped in awe at the large dome like hall that was the entry hall. It had a door on both sides from the entry door, with an large staircase opposite of it, with another door underneath the upper level gantry. The walls were covered with paintings of the families ancestors, some of them standing in front of colorful steam locomotives, while others stood in gardens or in what seemed to be far away countries. They couldn't look at the pictures for long though, as a joyful shout rang through the hall.

"Steaming!" Said the voice.

The two boys looked up, seeing Jacky coming down the stairs. She wore an long, black dress, that fitted her hair color, and hugged the orphan with a big smile.

"Hello lady Spike" chuckled the boy as Jacky blushed slightly.

"You know you can call me Jacky." Grinned the girl.

"If that is what her lady ship wants." Steaming grinned back, earning an eye rolling from the girl in front of him.

"Anyways, this is my long time friend Emerald Heart. Emerald, this is lady Junction Spike." Introduced the black haired boy.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Emerald." Jacky stated.

"Likewise, lady Spike." Emerald said, bowing slightly.

"Ah, the young hero who returned my daughter to me!" Came another voice, as Jackys mother came down the stairs.

"Hello Mrs. Spike." Said the boy, taking his hat off.

"And I see you brought your friend with you as well." Smiled the woman.

"Yes ma'am. This is Emerald Heart, my best friend and nearly a brother to me." Said Steaming as Emerald stepped up a bit.

"It is an honor and a pleasure to meet you ma'am."

"Oh, he has quite the manners." Chuckled Mrs. Spike, as she ruffled through the black and green hair of Emerald.

"But we can't let you dine like this." Mrs. Spike said firmly.

"Huh? What's wrong with us?" Asked the two at the same time.

"First, the two of you need to take a bath!" Said the woman firmly, as she pushed the two boys upstairs. While Steaming was brought to the guests bathroom, Emerald was brought to the families bathroom. As soon as both of them were inside, the two of them groaned loudly.

"Aw well, better get started then. Can't to anything about it." Sighted Steaming as he took of his clothes. After filling the large bathtub with water, Steaming went inside the tub, at first relaxing thanks to the warm water, till his wound was in the water. With an wail of pain, he withdrew his injured arm, letting it rest outside the tub. But it didn't took more than a few seconds till there came a knocking sound from the door.

"Steaming?! Are you alright?! I heard a wailing from here!" Jackys voice rang from outside the door.

"Y-yes! I'm alright!" Said Steaming through clenched teeth, trying to sound normal but the pain hindering him.

"You don't sound like that." Jacky said, as she opened the door and came inside.

Steaming blushed red when he saw the girl coming into the room.

"Didn't your mother teach you it is inappropriate to walk into someone when they are taking a bath, especially if he's a boy?!" Asked Steaming frantically.

"Yes, but you sounded like you were in pain, and I wanted to make sure you were alright!" Jacky said, but then gasped when she saw the makeshift bandage around the bullet hole.

"What happened to your arm?!" She asked, shocked.

"Nothing. Emerald and I tried to repair some of the lamps inside our house when I tripped and landed on a piece of broken glass, that's all." Lied Steaming. He was used to lying, so it wasn't hard for him to lie to Jacky, but somehow, deep inside, he felt a light stinging.

"I go and get mother, she needs to give you some proper medical help!" Jacky said as she raced outside the bath.

Steaming let himself sink back inside the water, growling underneath the water surface, as bubbles came from his mouth as he growled.

"And all this because of some stupid bath..." Blubbered the boy.

As soon as Mrs. Spike came in and saw the injury, she asked Jacky to go and get some bandages from the first aid box they had. As soon as she was out of hearing range, the woman turned to Steaming.

"I know it wasn't from a piece of glass, and so does Jacky. That was a bullet, no doubt about it. Who did this to you?" Asked the woman, as Steaming looked at her with surprise.

"You wouldn't believe me, but that was my own uncle." Said Steaming and told her the story of what happened when he returned to the orphanage.

"Don't worry, I will make sure that this man will be dealt with." Assured Mrs. Spike.

"I think you're already too late for that. Remember the second shot I told you about? Well, I think that shot was directed at Mrs. Carol. I doubt that the guards didn't heard the shot, or the one that hit me. I'm guessing he is already at some guards outpost, behind bars, trying to lie to them about that it was a burglar who shot me and her." Steaming winced, as Mrs. Spike finished the bandage around his arm.

"Thank you ma'am. It doesn't hurt anymore." Smiled Steaming, as he moved his arm around.

"Think nothing of it my dear child." She smiled, and got up, picking up Steaming clothes.

"Wait! What are you doing with my clothes?!"

"You can't wear these dirty old things. They need to be washed first! I already brought you and your friend some clothes for dinner." She said with a small wink.

"Thank you, but could you at least leave my hat? It means much to me." Said Steaming.

"Of course my dear." The woman said, leaving the hat on the pile of clothes she had prepared for him.

A few minutes later, both Steaming and Emerald met again at the top of the staircase. Steaming was dressed in an blue and white outfit, with an light blue and white shirt and dark blue pants, while Emerald wore an black shirt with an green streak running over it, along with pants of the same color. They walked downstairs and were met by Jacky and her mother, who were smiling at them.

"You look very smart like this." Mrs. Spike said with an warm smile.

"Thank you ma'am." The two said.

"But now, let's get to dinner, shall we?" She continued, as the stomachs of both boys started to growl.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'." She chuckled, as they made their way to the dining hall. They were amazed by the size of the table, and by the food that was on it. They were shown their spots by Jacky and sat down. Emerald was just about to start eating when he was hit in the side by Steaming.

"What gives?" Asked the black and green haired one.

"Only eat when everyone got something! I thought Miss Carol had taught you something back in the orphanage?" Hissed Steaming in a whisper.

Emerald was just about to answer when a large, browned haired man dressed in a suit that fitted the directors of the factories Steaming and Emerald worked at, came into the room. He was very tall, but had a warm, gentle smile on his face when he saw Jacky running up to him.

"Hello my little princess! How was your day?" He asked happily.

"It was great daddy! I was with mommy at the market, and met two new friends there!" She said excitedly, pointing to Steaming and Emerald.

"My little girl is such an open soul. Hello there young boys, my name is Iron Spike. What are yours?" He asked kindly.

"I'm Emerald Heart sir."

"And my name is Steaming Whistle sir."

"Steaming? Why does that sounds so familiar?... Anyways, friends of my daughter are friends of me as well. I am glad that you joined us for dinner tonight! We did expect another guest, but he couldn't make it here. So there is plenty for you!" Roared the man with laughter, as he took his seat at the table, and they started to eat. Steaming and Emerald were both feeling like the rulers of Equestria that evening. It has been a long time since they had eaten like that. They were enjoying themselves and their company immensely, but while they had a great time, Steaming couldn't help but feel Irons eyes on him. After dinner, they moved over to the living room to continue their conversations.

"Say, young Whistle, that is quite an interesting hat you go there. I don't remember drivers from the Equestrian National to wear such hats." Iron said.

"It isn't from the Equestrian National. It is from Germainy." Explained the boy with a smile.

"That is quite... Coincidental. Say my little boy, how old are you exactly?"

"I'm 8 years old now, why?"

"And are you sure your surname is Whistle?"

"I never said it was my surname. My surname is Steaming. But since Whistle Steaming is a ridiculous name, everyone calls me by my surname." Explained the child, as Iron jumped from his seat, a large smile on his face.

"Of course! Now I know!" He bellowed, making everyone in the room look at him confused.

"The hat, the name 'Steaming', the fact that you're called by your surname before your actual one! You are the child of Steaming Funnel, and his wife Head Light!" Smiled the man broadly as Steamings yaw nearly touched the ground.

"Y-you know my parents?" Asked the boy with a slight shaking in his voice.

"They worked for my railway when we extended it down to Dodge Junction! I knew he had a child, but I always thought he took him with him when he went to Dodge, or at least after the negotiations with the natives were over..." Muttered the railway manager.

"Wait! YOU own the Equestrian National Railways?!" Asked Emerald, shocked.

"My great grandfather Steel Hammer was the founder of the Canterlot and Ponyville Railway, which merged with the many other railways of Equestria to form the Equestrian National. When it was formed, they declared me to be the managing Director of it." Explained Iron, matter-of-factly.

"Do you know if they are still in Dodge?!" Asked Steaming excitedly.

"No, sadly, the section down to Dodge Junction has its own archive, so I don't know if he moved from Dodge or not." He sighted.

"Then I will go down there and find him at once!" Said Steaming with determination, burning in his eyes.

"But how? We don't have any money to go down there?" Asked Emerald.

"Mr. Spike, do you need a couple of hands who could do some work for you?" Asked Steaming, turning to the managing Director.

"No, not at the moment." Said the man as the boys expression fell.

"But I do have a private train that leaves for Dodge Junction tomorrow morning, and the both of you are happily invited to come with me!" Said Iron grandly as the faces of the two lit up like Christmas trees.

"oh thank you Mr. Spike!" The two shouted simultaneously.

"It is quite alright you two." Winked the man as he turned to his butler.

"Ramsbottom, please contact the yards and tell them to ready the train #46 for a run to Dodge Junction. We shall depart at 9am on the dot!" He said grandly as the butler nodded and left.

"And you two should hurry along and go home, you two need to be up early tomorrow, or you might miss the train." He said to the two kids.

"Daddy, they don't have a home." Jacky whispered to her father.

"Is that true?" He asked, shocked as the two nodded.

"Then you two shall rest the night here. Ramsbottom, please prepare the two guest beds for our guest here." He said.

"Of course sir." Said the elderly butler, and walked to the stairs.

"Sir, with all due respect, we can't just simply come to your house, eat with you, sleep in your bed, take your private train and all that without even repaying you." Said Steaming.

"It is quite alright Steaming, your father once helped this railway out when it was on its knees, now it is time to repay him by reuniting him with his son." Said Iron kindly as the two kids looked at him in awe.

"I didn't know my father ever did something like that..." Murmured Steaming.

"You'd be surprised by what your father already did, but I think this shall have to wait for tomorrow, because I think your beds are ready." Said the man as Ramsbottom returned into the room.

"If our two guest would follow me please?" He asked, pointing to the staircase.

The two kids quickly followed the butler upstairs, and were given their rooms. They were quite big, with large windows, and large beds in the middle of the room. They quickly made themselves at home, and settled into their beds for the night.

"Hehe, quite the improvement." Chuckled Emerald in his bed, as he quickly fell asleep.

Steaming however didn't went to sleep that fast. His mind was racing about the fact that his parents might still be alive.

"But why wouldn't they come to get me? ... Could it be, that they didn't want me anymore?" Asked the young kid to himself, getting no answer in reply.

"Ah well, I got all the time in the world once I see him again." Shrugged the boy with a smile, as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.