• Published 3rd Oct 2016
  • 5,289 Views, 131 Comments

The Green Leaves of Everfree - Nordryd

Coppermane's thrilled to attend Camp Everfree with his friends, & Fluttershy's excited to be out in nature with her prince. Though, while there, the couple may encounter the biggest obstacle of their relationship yet.

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Ch.9: I'm Here For You

The beeping of a heart monitor… the sound of air rushing through vents… the feeling of restraint from casts…

Still in the hospital. Coppermane sighed as he cracked his eyes open. Faint glimmers of light shined through the window, deflected by the blinds to the floor, denying practically all illumination to the room. He tried to readjust himself, wincing as the pain. Having a broken rib was very limiting to how he could move, not to mention the broken arm and leg. Furthermore, his mind was still recovering from being comatose, making him incredibly weak. He could move his limbs and swivel his neck, but even that was taxing. He knew that he’d be asleep again within a couple hours. He looked to the end table at his side. There sat his phone and the stuffed unicorn he had given Fluttershy on their first date as a couple.

“Fluttershy…” Coppermane mumbled. He lifted his arm and reached for the stuffed animal, but it was too far. He struggled to move himself to better reach it, but the leg restraint made it almost impossible. He started to cry, continuing to reach.

He didn’t even here the knock at the door, and didn’t even acknowledge the doctor when he walked in.

“Good morning, Mr. Cop—” he stopped when he saw what Coppermane was trying to do. “Oh, I’m sorry. Here you go,” he said, handing the stuffed animal to Coppermane. “I had to move it to check your vital signs while you were asleep. I’ll try to keep it closer to you from now on.”

Coppermane smiled, holding it tightly with his one good arm.

“Th-Thanks,” Coppermane mumbled.

“The nurses will be around with breakfast in a little bit. In the meantime, I need to examine you. Usual check-up, take a look at your fractures, and see how you respond to stimuli.”

The doctor went about his business, Coppermane trying to be as cooperative as possible. The whole process took a decent amount of time, but Coppermane knew the routine after a couple days, despite still being rather confused.

“You’re on your way to a quick recovery, Mr. Coppermane.”

“H-How long?”

“Well, ‘quick’ is a relative term,” the doctor said. “At least three more weeks.”

“Wh-What?” Coppermane said, albeit at a whisper, as it was all he could physically muster.

The doctor sighed. “I’m sorry. I wish I had better news for you, but most patients take months to recover. I’ll be back in the afternoon before visiting hours start to check up on you again. Like I said before, the nurses will be around with breakfast shortly. Is there anything else you need right now?”

Coppermane shook his head, and the doctor gave a nod before walking out, leaving him alone once again. He held the stuffed animal close to him as tears began to fall once more.

He reached over for his phone, holding it feebly. The date said Friday. To think… he could be spending his Friday at school with his friends and Fluttershy right now. Instead he was trapped in the emergency room. He pulled his blanket up to protect him from the sudden chills. He was flattered by the amount of texts he saw from his friends, the most messages coming from Fluttershy of course, but all he could do was read them. The simple act of replying, typing up a message, took too much effort. Even the simple act of adjusting his blanket, reaching for his phone, or even looking around the room depleted his energy.

His arm faltered, dropping onto the mattress with a thud, and all he could do was lay back on his pillow and look up at the ceiling tiles, drawing lines between the dots with his mind. He mustered the energy to keep the stuffed unicorn close. He used his hand to play with the mysterious yellow rock necklace that the doctor said Fluttershy had given him, though he’s not quite sure why.

Staring up at the ceiling, all he could think about was Fluttershy. What was she doing right now? What was she learning about in school? What was she wearing today? How did she do her hair and makeup this morning? Was she thinking about him? Was she considering… visiting today? Coppermane hoped and prayed that she was. No words could describe how much he missed her. Just the idea of holding her hand and looking into those beautiful teal eyes again filled him with unbearable longing. Even if they didn’t talk, her presence would be enough.

He would give anything to see his princess’s face right now.

“Fluttershy… Fluttershy… Fl-Fluttershy…”

His confused mind whispered her name like a mantra, slowly tapering off to sleep with tears in his eyes.

“Do you think he’ll wake up soon?”

“I’m not sure. It’s been a while.”

“I hope he wakes up soon.”

Voices. People were here. Consciousness returned to Coppermane’s mind and he attempted to open his eyes. He fought with what little strength he had to move, but the most he could do was open his eyes and twitch his arm.

“He’s waking up!”


That voice… that sweet, tender voice. Was it really…? A sudden, fleeting surge of energy percolated through his body, and his eyes opened. He looked to his left, and what he saw took his breath away.

Long, cascading pink hair… eyes like diamonds… a smile so beautiful the fiery sky of the sunset would be jealous…

“Fl-Fl-Fluttershy?” Coppermane whispered.

“Coppermane! You’re awake!” Fluttershy cheered, giving him a big hug.

Coppermane could barely move, but he used the every ounce of the tiny amount of strength he had to embrace his princess as best he could with one good arm. Her body was so warm.

“I think he’s crying,” an unfamiliar voice said.

Fluttershy released him from her embrace to look at him, and he indeed had tears in his eyes.

“Coppermane? What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked, rubbing his cheek.

His eyes were halfway open, clearly indicating how weak he was, but that didn’t stop a big smile from appearing on his face.

“I… I…”

“Yes? What is it?” Fluttershy encouraged.

“I… I’m so happy you’re here…” Coppermane mumbled, choking on his words. “I… I missed you so much…”

Fluttershy blushed, smiling big as she dried his cheeks.

“Don’t worry, Coppermane. I’m here,” she said, giving him a big kiss.

Her lips… her sweet, candy lips… it was like being touched by an angel.

“I… I hear others…” Coppermane said.

Fluttershy nodded. “You sure do! Sunset and Starlight came as well.”

“St-Starlight?” Coppermane said. “Wh-Who’s Starlight?”

“I’m Starlight,” a girl’s voice spoke.

Coppermane slowly turned his head to see a purple-haired girl with a pink beret waving at him. Then a familiar fiery-haired girl walked up behind her. Sunset Shimmer.

“She came when you first woke up, though I don’t think you remember. You were barely conscious,” Sunset said. “She’s visiting from Equestria. Remember me talking about Princess Twilight’s star student? This is her.”

“I mean… I’m her only student,” Starlight said.

“Princess Twilight is very proud of you, Starlight,” Sunset said.

Starlight blushed. “But anyways… I’ve heard a lot about you, Coppermane.”

“R-Really?” Coppermane asked.

“Fluttershy talks about you all the time,” Starlight giggled. “She just swoons over you.”

Fluttershy blushed, wrapping her arms around Coppermane again.

“I just can’t help myself!” Fluttershy said. “I could talk all day about how amazing you are!”

Coppermane felt his face heat up.

“I think it’s adorable,” Starlight said.

“I told you they were cute together,” Sunset said.

The sound of someone’s stomach rumbling silenced the room. Starlight blushed majorly.

“Oh gosh… did you all hear that?” Starlight asked.

Fluttershy and Sunset laughed.

“We’ve been waiting for a while. It is about lunchtime anyways. How about you and I get some food, Starlight? We can leave these two alone for a bit,” Sunset said.

“Sounds good to me,” Starlight said.

“I’m sure Coppermane would like something else besides hospital food. Right, Coppermane?” Sunset asked.

Coppermane slowly turned his head, and gave a small, but noticeable nod, making the girls giggle.

“I know what you like, Coppermane. I’ve got you covered. C’mon, Starlight,” Sunset said, ushering Starlight out of the room.

Fluttershy looked back at Coppermane, and his eyes were fixated on her. She blushed at the look he was giving her, as if he’d found the riches of paradise.

“Y-You’re so… p-pretty…” Coppermane said, struggling to lift his hand. Fluttershy felt her face go bright red, assisting Coppermane’s hand and bringing it to her cheek. He started moving his fingers, caressing her face.

“You’re so sweet,” Fluttershy said. “How do you feel?”

Coppermane grunted. “E-Everything hurts. S-So weak…”

Fluttershy sighed. He had casts everywhere. His left leg, elevated in the air, his right arm, his chest for his broken ribs, as well as around his forehead with a big blood stain above his left temple.

“I’m sorry, Coppermane. I wish I could do more to help,” Fluttershy said. “My poor baby…”

“Y-You’re helping… j-just by being here,” Coppermane groaned.

Fluttershy blushed, leaning into his hand as he caressed her cheek. A feeling she missed dearly.

“Fluttershy… wh-what happened?” Coppermane asks.

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“At camp… wh-what happened?”

“Y-You don’t know?” Fluttershy asked.

“I… I remember nothing…” Coppermane said.

“I see,” Fluttershy said. She probably could’ve guessed this. How could he possibly remember what happened after the injuries he sustained? She proceeded to shed some light on just what happened after he blacked out. She explained how they never found Gloriosa, but that if they could come up with some money, Timber would take over leading the camp. She told them about what they did to try to raise money, showing him the music video they made with the girls from Crystal Prep. He commented about Fluttershy in pony form, which made her blush. He’s told her many times how crazy for her he is when she ponies up. She told him about Juniper Montage, the chaos that happened on set of the Daring Do movie, and how they got to be extras in it as payment for saving the whole project. She also spoke of the mirror, though only briefly. She’d rather not remember that horror.

“We’ve saved Camp Everfree, starred in a music video, acted in a movie… gosh… so much has happened!” Fluttershy said. “But I was always thinking about you. I was so worried.”

Fluttershy paused, letting what she said sink in, remembering how weak Coppermane was. To her delight, he’d been looking at her the whole time, and had a big smile on his face.

“Fluttershy… h-have I ever told you… y-you’re my hero?” Coppermane asked.

“I… I am?” Fluttershy asked.

Coppermane nodded. “Y-You do all these… amazing things… and have helped so many people… i-including me. Y-You’re so sweet… and kind… and strong… I… I’m so proud of you. Y-You’re so amazing.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Oh, Coppermane… you’re amazing. You saved my life at camp… even after I was so mean to you.”

“Wh-What do you mean?”

“I-I turned you away when you wanted to help. Don’t you remember? I told you to go with the other campers so you would be safe because… you don’t have magic. I felt awful, but even more so after what happened. I’ve felt so guilty while you were asleep because the last memory you have of me is me being mean to you. I-I didn’t want to be, but I just wanted you to be safe, and—”

“F-F-Fluttershy… shhh…” Coppermane protested, lifting his hand as if to put his finger over her mouth and silence her. Fluttershy instead met him halfway with her own hand.

“Wh-What?” Fluttershy said, feeling her eyes start to well up.

“I-I don’t remember… exactly what happened,” Coppermane said. “B-But… I know you did it… because you care. Whatever happened… I-I forgive you. I… I’m just happy you’re alive. I-I’m glad I could save you. I-I can’t let that pretty face get hurt.”

Fluttershy blushed profusely, bringing his hand back up to her cheek. The feeling made her flutter.

“The doctors weren’t sure if you’re were going to make it.” She stopped, choking on her words a bit. “Th-They were shocked you survived your injuries at all.”

Coppermane caressed Fluttershy’s cheek, smiling at her.

“Fluttershy… d… d…”

“What is it, Coppermane?”

Coppermane sighed, his warm brown eyes twinkling like stars.

“Fluttershy… d… d-death… c-can’t keep me… f-from loving you,” Coppermane said.

Fluttershy’s heart melted. She leaned into his hand, gazing into his adoring brown eyes, like warm chocolate chips in a cookie fresh from the oven.

“Y-You’re so… p-pretty…” Coppermane said.

Fluttershy giggled. “You already said that, silly.”

“I-I know…” Coppermane said. “You’re… Y-You’re doubly pretty.”

Fluttershy laughed, her face turning bright red. Even when he was this weak, he was the cutest thing in the world!

“I-I love you,” Coppermane said.

Fluttershy smiled, giving him a peck and looking back into his eyes.

“I love you too,” she said.

He looked up at her with such light in his eyes.

“Y-You’re so… p-pretty…” Coppermane said once again. “Y-You’re triply pretty.”

Fluttershy giggled, unable to stop herself from blushing again. It was impossible to tell if he was messing with her or if he was just confused. Either way, it was adorable and flattering.

“Coppermane… have I ever told you that you’re my hero?” Fluttershy said.

Coppermane’s eyes widened. “Wh-What? M-Me?”

“Of course!” Fluttershy smiled. “You’re the strongest guy I’ve ever met. Years of bullying and you’re the sweetest, cutest guy in the world! After all these injuries… you’re still alive. It’s a miracle! And… y-you would really take a bullet for me?”

Coppermane smiled, and lifted his hand to caress her cheek. He looked at her with those warm brown eyes.

“For you? I’d take a hundred.”

Fluttershy felt herself tear up. His eyes never wavered. His touch was so gentle and warm. She looked around the room, and on the table next to the bed, there was the stuffed unicorn and a special yellow gemstone. The same one she’d left for him on her last visit.

“Coppermane… I want you to have this,” Fluttershy said, giving the geode to him.

“Wh-What is it?” Coppermane asked.

Fluttershy suddenly remembered that Coppermane has never seen these until now.

“When we defeated Gloriosa, my friends and I were given these geodes. Remember all our special powers? They were because of these. They have some kind of infused magic that gives us our powers. Sunset says she thinks we were meant to have them, regardless of why. Coppermane, I want you to have mine.”

Coppermane’s eyes went wide.

“Fluttershy… th-that’s yours. I-It was meant for you, and only you. I-I couldn’t possibly…”

Fluttershy put her finger over his mouth, silencing him.

“Coppermane, you’ve done so much for me. More than you know. You’ve shown me what true strength is. You take care of me. You make me feel pretty. Or… y’know… doubly pretty. You cheer me up when I’m sad. And most of all, you taught me just how possible it is to love something. You’ve changed my life. You’re a part of who I am today, Coppermane. As far as I’m concerned, this geode is as much yours as it is mine.” She put it around his neck, fixing his hair afterwards. “Keep it as a reminder of my love as you recover,” she said, holding his hand and gazing deep into his warm, chocolaty brown eyes. “I know it’s a long road ahead, but I’m here for you. I’ll be here for you the whole way. You’re my hero, Coppermane; my prince. And I love you. Forever and always.”

Coppermane just stared into her big, celestial teal eyes, and almost felt smothered by the amount of affection radiating from them. He could feel the magical geode resting on his neck. He could almost feel the energies flowing into him. Fluttershy’s energies, coursing through his very being, like he was one with her. She began brushing his hair, and he practically melted at the feeling. He looked into Fluttershy’s beautiful eyes as she brushed his hair. It was like looking at a goddess whom had descended from the heavens to help ease his pain.

“Fl-Fluttershy… I-I don’t know what to say…”

She smiled, giving him a gentle kiss and a warm hug.

“I love you so much, Coppermane. Stay strong. I’m here for you.”

Coppermane lifted his one good arm to hold Fluttershy as best he could. He heard Fluttershy sniffle, and felt the wetness of tears on his neck shortly after. He couldn’t stop himself from shedding a tear as well.

“I love you too,” Coppermane said. “I love you so much.”

They held each other tightly, not wanting to let go. Neither of them could stop their eyes from wandering. It was as if they’d been across the globe for months, and were finally reunited.

Unfortunately, Coppermane’s condition started to catch up with him, signaled by a mighty yawn.

Fluttershy giggled. His yawn was so cute. “Are you getting sleepy?”

Coppermane nodded, his eyes barely open. Fluttershy smiled, taking his hand and interlacing their fingers.

“Poor baby,” Fluttershy whimpered. “Don’t worry. I’ll be right here when you wake up. I’m not going anywhere.”

Fluttershy felt him squeeze her hand, and noticed his eyelids moving somewhat erratically, as if he was fighting to stay awake. Fluttershy smiled and walked up behind him. She brought his head close to her and started brushing his hair while holding his hand. While she did this, she began to hum a soft little song for him. A song she hums to her animals when it’s their bedtime. She looked down, and noticed Coppermane starting to drift off.

“Fl-Fluttershy… I… I-I don’t want… t-to leave you again…”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“I-I don’t want to sleep,” Coppermane said, trying to squeeze Fluttershy’s hand. “I-I’ve slept enough. I-I want to be here… w-with you.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Fluttershy whispered, beginning to sway back and forth, as if to rock him to sleep. “I’m right here for you. Go to sleep, Coppermane. You need rest.”


“Shh… close your eyes… go to sleep…” Fluttershy whispered, starting to hum once more. After a moment, he let out a deep, soothed sigh, relaxing in her arms. Slowly but surely, his eyes closed and his head leaned back. Fluttershy smiled as she continued, swaying and humming.

She felt his entire body finally relax, but she continued to sway. She gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

“Sweet dreams, my prince,” Fluttershy whispered. “I love you so much.”

The door to the room opened, and in walked Sunset and Starlight, returning with food. They stopped when they saw what Fluttershy was up to.

“Shh… he’s asleep,” Fluttershy whispered.

They watched as Fluttershy leaned her head on his head, swaying and humming a little lullaby.

“Aww!” Starlight whispered. “That’s so sweet!”

No doubt one of the cutest things either of them had seen. Most of all, they both looked happy. Coppermane slept like a baby in Fluttershy’s arms, and Fluttershy had the biggest smile on her face, complete with a slight blush.

Fluttershy was reunited with her prince, and Sunset and Starlight couldn’t help but smile as well.

Author's Note:

I think we were well overdue for another fluffy chapter. Hope you liked it, and stay tuned for chapter 10! Might be a while since I'm not exactly sure what I'm gonna do with Ch.10 just yet, but thanks for keeping up with the story!

Have a good one! :pinkiehappy: