• Published 3rd Oct 2016
  • 5,282 Views, 131 Comments

The Green Leaves of Everfree - Nordryd

Coppermane's thrilled to attend Camp Everfree with his friends, & Fluttershy's excited to be out in nature with her prince. Though, while there, the couple may encounter the biggest obstacle of their relationship yet.

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Ch.7: The Boiling Point

“Wasn’t that the most amazing movie ever?!!!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Absolutely!” Pinkie cheered. “And we were all in it!!! EEEE!!!”

“They were just bit parts, though,” Applejack said.

“But still, it was exciting to see us all up there!” Fluttershy said.

“I should’ve taken pictures of those costumes,” Rarity said. “They were magnificent!”

“What’d you think, Starlight?” Twilight asked.

“It was great!” Starlight said. “I’m surprised you have Daring Do here.”

“You’d be more surprised about how similar this world is to Equestria,” Sunset said. “Minus a few things.”

“Well, considering that all my friends in Equestria have counterparts here, maybe I wouldn’t be so shocked,” Starlight said. “Though, this whole ‘two legs’ thing is still kind of weird.”

Sunset giggled. “You’ll get used to it.”

“By the way, if everyone here has a counterpart back home, shouldn’t there be another Sunset Shimmer running around?” Starlight asked.

Sunset bit her lip.

“Yeah… um… I actually haven’t seen my counterpart at all,” Sunset said. “I mean, there has to be another one of me in this world somewhere, but I guess we just haven’t crossed paths yet.”

“Maybe she goes to a different school?” Twilight asked. “I know I haven’t seen her around Crystal Prep when I went there.”

Everyone was silent for a moment before just shrugging it off.

“Who cares,” Rainbow said. “Our Sunset is the best Sunset.”

Sunset blushed. “Thanks.”

“We should have a party to celebrate the premiere!” Pinkie cheered. “Slumber party at my house!”

The girls cheered as the proceeded to the exit.

“I could use a nice night of relaxation after being trapped in that dreadful mirror,” Rarity said, shuddering. The girls nodded in agreement.

“Oh, on the subject of counterparts,” Starlight continued. “I have another friend back in Equestria. He’s a stallion named Coppermane.”

The girls all stopped with a gasp, all looking at Fluttershy, whom had become noticeably more somber.

“Wh-What did I say?” Starlight asked. “Does Coppermane have a counterpart here?”

“Um… Starlight,” Applejack said, gesturing to Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy?” Starlight said. “D-Did I say something bad?” She looked around her, and noticed how uncomfortable the girls looked. “Did they break up or something? I-It was just a question!”

“Don’t worry about it, Starlight. You don’t know about it,” Sunset said. “Yes, Coppermane does have a counterpart, and yes he’s Fluttershy’s boyfriend. They haven’t broken up, and they’re not going to anytime soon. It’s a long story, but… our school recently went to a camp, and our magic got a little out of control, and he got badly injured. He’s actually in a coma right now, and… well… we’re not sure if he’s gonna make it.”

Fluttershy whimpered, holding herself tightly, looking like she was fighting tears.

“Oh no, sweetheart,” Rarity said. “It’s alright. Here, let’s go somewhere more private.”

The girls all walked outside, finding a spot beside the theater. Rarity held Fluttershy in her arms to comfort her as she fought tears in her eyes.

“A coma…” Starlight mumbled. “Gosh… I-I’m sorry, Fluttershy. I had no idea.”

“We know, darling,” Rarity said. “Don’t fret about it. Our poor Fluttershy is just worried sick about her beau.”

Starlight bit her lip as she watched a tear run down Fluttershy’s cheek.

“I’ve ruined the night, haven’t I?” Starlight said.

“You didn’t know, Starlight,” Sunset said. “It’s okay.”

Fluttershy suddenly gasped, her face horrified.

“Oh my goodness! I… I haven’t visited Coppermane today!!!” she shrieked. “I knew I was forgetting something! Oh no… I’m the worst girlfriend ever!”

“Hold on, what time is it?” Rainbow asked.

“7:15!” Pinkie said.

“There’s still time! C-Can we go to the hospital? Please?” Fluttershy begged.

“Fluttershy it takes half an hour to get to the hospital from here,” Twilight said. “You’d only have fifteen minutes.”

“I don’t care!” Fluttershy said. “I-I just want to see him! I promised him I’d visit every day! Please!

“Fluttershy!” Applejack said, grabbing her. “Calm… down…”

Fluttershy’s panicked breathing eventually normalized, along with the storm dissipating in her eyes. She let out a long sigh.

“I-I’m sorry. I-I just miss him so much,” Fluttershy said.

“We know,” Sunset said. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you to the hospital. C’mon, girls!”

With that, they all made haste for Sunset’s car. It was a tight fit, but they managed to squeeze everyone in. And they were soon bound for the hospital.

They pulled up, and Fluttershy was the first out of the car, practically sprinting to the entrance.

“Hello? We’re here to visit Coppermane,” Fluttershy said, panting.

“Ah yes,” the desk clerk said. “I was wondering if you were gonna show up. Brought all your friends this time?”

Fluttershy bit her lip. “I-It’s been a long day.”

“Well, I don’t think we can allow so many people in the room at once,” they said. “Only three at a time. Any more and it just gets noisy for the patients.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I-I understand. Thank you.”

The desk clerk handed Fluttershy three visitor stickers. She turned around to her friends, all situated in the waiting room.

“I’ll go with you this time,” Twilight said.

“Can I go too?” Starlight asked. “I kind of want to see what he looks like. I’m curious.”

Fluttershy and Twilight nodded, handing Starlight the third pass, and before they could even blink Fluttershy was off to Coppermane’s room. Twilight and Starlight soon followed.

Fluttershy walked in, and there he was. Her boyfriend still laying in the bed, comatose.

“H-Hi, Coppermane,” Fluttershy said. “I-I’m so sorry I’m late. Th-The magic got a little out of control again today.”

Twilight and Starlight entered the room, and saw Fluttershy sitting next to her lover, holding his hand.

“Hi, Coppermane,” Twilight said. “It’s Twilight. And there’s also someone else here to see you. Princess Twilight’s student Starlight Glimmer came here to visit.”

Starlight walked up carefully. “So… this is Coppermane, huh?” She wasn’t expecting all the bandages on him. It looked like half of his body had been broken by whatever happened.

“I don’t have very long today, Coppermane,” Fluttershy said. “But I promise, I’ll be here tomorrow as soon as visiting hours begin.” She brought his hand up to her cheek. A small smile broke out as a tear fell down her cheek. “I still miss you, Coppermane…”

Starlight watched as Fluttershy told Coppermane about her day. She told him about how they got trapped in the mirror, and how much she wanted him to be there to comfort her. She told him about the movie, and how exciting it was to see her friends on the big screen. But overall, Starlight was amazed at the amount of love she saw in Fluttershy’s eyes. How she used his hand to stroke her cheek, never wavering once. How she looked at him, and how tenderly she spoke.

“Wow…” Starlight said. “She’s really in love, isn’t she?”

Twilight nodded. “It’s something I hope I can have someday.”

“Why did she want you to come with her?” Starlight asked. “She seems like she’s in her own world over there.”

“She just wanted one of use to come with her. It didn’t really matter who it was particularly,” Twilight said. “Apparently the first day she visited, she didn’t do so well mentally. She has one of us go with her each time to help if she gets hysterical.”

“Doesn’t that sound a little… unhealthy? Visiting every day? I mean, if she needs someone here all the time to keep her calm…”

Twilight sighed. “Yeah…”

“All I’m saying is we can’t keep going out of our way like this for her,” Rainbow said. “I know we all love Fluttershy, but this is getting out of hand.”

“Not to mention it’s unhealthy,” Applejack said.

“I know, but have any of you ever had a loved one in a coma before?” Sunset asked.

“No, but she can’t spend one day away from him,” Rainbow said.

“Darlings, please,” Rarity said. “The poor thing is worried sick.”

“And I know you’re worried about him too, Rainbow,” Sunset said.

“We’re all worried,” Rainbow said.

“I couldn’t cheer her up afterwards with anything,” Pinkie said, her hair becoming noticeably flatter. “It was hard for me to watch her be so worried.”

“Exactly,” Applejack said. “It’s unhealthy for everyone, and especially Fluttershy. I know she’s worried sick, and I would be too, but we need to get Fluttershy away from Coppermane for a day. I was hoping it’d be today, but then she remembered.”

“I agree with Applejack,” Rarity said. “Fluttershy needs a day of relaxation. The stress is getting to her. It’s not good for her health.”

“I can bake a ton of her favorite sweets!” Pinkie said. “I know exactly what she likes!”

Sunset sighed. “I guess you’re right. After all, if she always needs one of us to go with her just to keep her calm…”

“So you’re with us, then?” Rainbow asked.

“You girls realize Fluttershy is going to hate us tomorrow, right?” Sunset said.

“Sunset, it’s for her own good,” Applejack said.

Sunset looked around at her friends. All of them, even Pinkie, had serious faces. This whole situation has been stressful for the entire group. It was time for a break.

“Okay,” Sunset said. “I’m with you girls. It’s for her own good.”


“What do you mean we can’t go see him?!” Fluttershy asked, tearing up. “I-I promised I’d visit him when visiting hours start, and they’ve started right now!”

The girls’ plan to keep Fluttershy occupied and away from Coppermane had been working thus far. Rarity made an appointment at the spa for Fluttershy and herself, Applejack went with her to the animal shelter, and the entire group going out for treats at the Sweet Shoppe. But then she asked the fatal question of who was going to go with her today to the hospital, and this was the moment the group all feared.

“Fluttershy, listen,” Rainbow said. “We’ve been thinking… and we’ve decided that you need to stay away from Coppermane for a day.”

“Wh-What?!” Fluttershy squeaked.

“We think you need a break from visiting him so much,” Twilight said. “It’s not healthy.”

“Every time we go with you, you’re just so sad,” Pinkie said, her hair graying out. “And it makes us sad.”

“We can’t keep goin’ out of our way for ya, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “This is hard for us too, not just because our friend is comatose, but because we have to keep you from gettin’ hysterical.”

“B-But… but… I-I promised…”

“Darling, we’re worried about you too,” Rarity said. “We’re happy to help you, but this is bad for your health.”

“Don’t you think it’s a bit unhealthy if you need someone with you every time you go visit him?” Sunset said. “Visiting every day is pretty mentally taxing already, right?”

Fluttershy was silent. She put her head down, and sobbed. Everyone around her sat in silence, unsure of what to say. Of all the occupied tables in the room, and of all the noise, their table was completely mute as Fluttershy cried.

“Um… Fluttershy?” Starlight said. “I-I’m sure your friends only mean the best. They all care about. I care about you. M-Maybe you and I could do something later?”

Fluttershy, with a loud shout, suddenly banged her glass on the table, shattering it into pieces.

“You shut your mouth!!!” she shouted.

Starlight nearly fell back. “Wh-Wha—”

“Fluttershy!” Rarity shouted.

“SHUT UP!” Fluttershy shouted, slamming her hands on the table and standing up.


“Calm down!”

“All of you SHUT UP!!!” Fluttershy screamed. “Why are you trying to keep me from him?!!! I promised him I’d come back every single day to watch over him! Do you think I could just break that promise???!!!!

Rainbow raised her hand. “Fl-Flutter—”

“I SAID SHUT UP!!!” Fluttershy shouted. “Don’t you understand?! Coppermane could DIE!!! What if he dies today?! I’ll never see him again!!! Do you know how worried I’ve been?! Have any of you ever loved someone so much?!!! He could die, and it’s all my fault!!! I just want to be there with him!!!”

“Fluttershy! Sit down this instant!” Rarity commanded.

“No!” Fluttershy yelled. “Why are you keeping me away from him?!!!”

“It’s for your own good!” Sunset said.

“My own good?!!! He makes me happy! Do you not want me to be happy?!!! I HATE YOU!!!”

“Land sakes, Fluttershy, sit down!” Applejack said, trying to force her down.

“DON’T TOUCH ME!!!” Fluttershy screamed, swatting her hand away. “YOU DON’T WANT ME TO BE HAPPY EITHER!!! NONE OF YOU DO!!! I HATE YOU!!! I HATE ALL OF YOU!!! JUST… JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

Fluttershy pushed her friends out of her way and stormed into the restroom. Everyone could hear the slam of a bathroom stall door, almost like she broke it.

The restaurant was silent. Everyone stared at their table, but they hardly noticed. Never before have they seen their soft-spoken friend get so angry. Such rage from the sweetest girl they’ve ever known. Some of them began crying; all were too shocked to speak. The shattered remains of the store’s glassware were scattered across the table and the floor. Not a word was spoken.

In the silence, footsteps could be heard approaching their table. It was Mrs. Cake, co-owner of the Sweet Shoppe.

“Girls… get your friend out of the restroom, and then please leave,” she said.

The girls all nodded, slowly getting up, taking notice of all the patrons staring at them. They just made haste for the door.

“I-I’ll go get her,” Rarity said, still quite shaken. “J-Just wait outside.”

“Okay,” Sunset said.

“Wh-What did I say?” Starlight cried. “Sh-She hates me?”

“No, she doesn’t,” Sunset said, guiding her to the door. “C’mon.”

Rarity waited by the doorway to the bathroom, giving Fluttershy a moment to calm down. But she could clearly be heard bawling in there. Luckily, the restaurant noise was starting to pick up again. Though practically all the conversations were unsurprisingly about what just happened. Rarity got some mean looks, and she shrugged it off. They didn’t know what Fluttershy was going through now.

With a deep breath, she entered.

“Fluttershy? Darling?”

Rarity approached the stall where Fluttershy was. She knocked on the door, evoking a startled squeak from her.




“G-Go away,” Fluttershy whimpered.

“We’re not leaving you here.”

“Leave me alone. Leave me alone and sad.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, darling.”

Fluttershy sniffled. “I… I just want Coppermane…”

“I know you do, sweetheart. We all know. But this is what we’re talking about,” Rarity said.

“Wanting to keep us apart?” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Fluttershy, please,” Rarity said sternly. “Just listen to what I have to say.”

Fluttershy was silent for a moment before letting out a long sigh. “O-Okay.”

Rarity smiled. “Darling, we want nothing but for you to be the happiest girl in the world. If any of our powers could heal the ill, we would’ve made Coppermane better before he even got to the emergency room. We absolutely support your relationship. We know how happy he makes you. But all these visits are getting out of hand. It’s hard for us to see our best friend get so emotional. And you’re not the only one who misses Coppermane, sweetness. I won’t say we miss him as much as you, but we want him back too. You’ve been literally worrying yourself sick. Your skin has become very pale as of late, and your hair is frizzy and messy. And let me be clear, this is not the fashionista saying these words. We’ve all noticed how emotionally sick you’ve made yourself. I know you love Coppermane, but think about if this were a family member, or one of us. What do you think Coppermane would say? Fluttershy, we’re your friends, and we want nothing but the best for you. We all knew you wouldn’t like what we did today, but it was for your own good. Would you want to watch one of us go through such emotional distress every single day? I want Coppermane back as much as you do, Fluttershy. We want to help you. But you have to let us help you. Take a break from all the stress. Get your health back. I promise, Coppermane would say the exact same thing if he were here. He wouldn’t want to see that pretty face be so upset all the time. So darling, if you’ll allow us to, let us be here for you. Let’s get through this together… as friends.”

Silence. Nothing was said. Rarity stood there, letting everything she said sink in. She braced herself for another meltdown, in case Fluttershy was still angry. After a minute, nothing. But then the door opened, and Fluttershy came out bawling and gave Rarity a big hug.

“Oh goodness, I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry, Rarity!”

Rarity smiled, feeling tears well up in her eyes too. She embraced her best friend in return, holding her tightly and brushing her hair.

“Shh… it’s okay. I’m here for you, darling.”

“I’ve been so selfish! I-I didn’t mean to yell! I don’t know what came over me! I don’t hate you girls at all! I didn’t mean what I said! I’m so sorry!!!”

“I forgive you, sweetness. Shh… it’s okay,” Rarity whispered, just holding her friend, letting her get it all out.

Fluttershy cried for perhaps two full minutes, and Rarity just stood there holding her. When she began to calm down, she tightened her embrace.

“Come now. The girls are waiting outside. We can go back to the boutique,” Rarity said.

“O-Okay,” Fluttershy said. “Wait! I-I’m scared to go out there…”

“We’ll be fast,” Rarity said. “Stay close to me, and I’ll get you out of here in a jiffy.”

“What about the others? Th-They must hate me now…”

“Fluttershy, we could never hate you,” Rarity said, giving her another hug. “Now let’s get going.”

With that, Fluttershy started her walk of shame to the exit. Immediately she got nasty looks from everyone, causing her to whimper.

“Don’t mind them,” Rarity said. “They have no idea what you’ve been going through.”

The walk felt like forever to Fluttershy, but she at last made it out. Sure enough, the rest of the group was out there. They looked so distraught. Starlight was crying into Sunset’s shoulder, Pinkie’s hair was limp and lifeless, and Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash just stood still, staring aimlessly. They all turned to see Fluttershy with Rarity, and they didn’t give her any nasty looks like the patrons did. Instead… they were worrisome.

Fluttershy felt more tears building up behind her eyes.

“Girls… I… I’m so sorry…” Fluttershy said. “I’m sorry for being so selfish. I’m sorry for yelling at all of you. I didn’t mean anything I said. I-I don’t know what came over me. I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am, I just feel awful, and…”

Rainbow walked up to her, and she was ready for her to yell at her. But instead, she pulled Fluttershy into a big hug without a single word. Applejack came over and did the same. So did Sunset. And Rarity. Soon, she was in the middle of a big group hug with her closest friends, even Starlight. She looked around at them. Their eyes were closed, and they all had tears in their eyes. Even Rainbow and Applejack.

As Fluttershy closed her eyes to bask in her friends’ love, she couldn’t stop a little tear from falling down her cheek as well.

Author's Note:

Just letting you know, this chapter takes place after Mirror Magic, the 3rd EG special. That's why Starlight is here.

This was supposed to contain a whole other scene, but I decided to split it up into 2 parts, especially considering the contrasting themes between them. Hope you liked the spark of drama in this chapter. I hope you'll stick around, because I'm hoping to have Ch.8 out soon. Thanks for sticking with me! :pinkiehappy: