• Published 23rd Jun 2012
  • 1,548 Views, 23 Comments

The Bonds of Friendship - TalesFromEquestria

First MLP fanfic, and uses Human Ponies, Please Enjoy.

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First Lesson in Alicorn Magic

First Lesson in Alicorn Magic

Twilight was gilding with glee. Today day she was going to start her training from Celestia and learn even more that she would on her own. She also thought how she was able to dress casually for the Princess for once, something she couldn’t bring herself to do, even if she was allowed to.

Behind all that glee though was a bit of sadness, it had been a week since she had last seen her friends, and she felt lonely without them. Spike was helping her as much as he could at home, but he had worked himself into exhaustion, so she gave her number one assistant the day off, after all, he still is a young dragon. Twilight sometimes worried that he might get depressed since they won’t be able to hang out with Rarity as much as they used to do.

Twilight found it hard to be away from her friends, it was weird, at the beginning she didn't want to make friends, just to try and stop Nightmare Moon, but in the end, she made an unbreakable bond with five extremely wonderful people. Even thinking about them now was a little painful, they were her first friends after all, so moving away was hard, but the Princess had been kind enough to delay their classes until she was feeling better. "I wonder how the others are doing?" She said to no one in particular.

Lost in thought, wondering what her friends were up to, she didn't pay enough attention to where she was going, and when she snapped to reality again, she was at one of the ledges that overlooked Ponyville. Twilight looked at the place that was the home of all her friends. She really did miss them, but she knew they would meet again, they had promised, Pinkie promised.

Turning around, she sighed and started to fast pace herself to the castle, skirts weren't easy to run in, but during her adventures with the others she has learned how. Twilight looked up and noticed she had a long way to go, and if she wanted to make it on time, she was going to have to run all the way there. At times like this, she wished she had some of Dash's speed.


When Twilight arrived she thought the Princess was going to be angry, after all she was taking time out of her personal time to teach her, but the only thing that she got was "Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student, I do hope your feeling better," she was glad this was all she got, the thought of upsetting the Princess was horrifying to her, after all, the Princess was almost like her second mother.

"Thanks Princess, I am, and I am ready for my first lesson." Also to much of Twilight's amazement, the Princess herself was also wearing casual clothing, was this really just a simple lesson in magic that the Princess didn't need to dress up for? She found it a bit more cheerful since she didn't really have to treat her like royalty, just as a teacher.

"Okay, well then, I will start with a spell of the Alicorn level." Celestia waved her hand, and as she did, a really old and really big book started to move from her bookshelf, slowly levitating itself towards Twilight.

Twilight took the book but had a confused look on her face. "But Princess, Alicorn level magic is way beyond what I can accomplish, I still haven't mastered all of the Unicorn level spells. How will I be able to master a simple Alicorn level one?" Twilight was definitely selling herself short, but she never saw herself able to cast Alicorn level spells until she was at least in her 30's, not fresh out of High School.

"Twilight, don't sell yourself short, you are the Element of Magic, you have the same magical prodigal levels I did," Twilight was shocked, the Princess had just said she had the same levels of magic. The purple haired girl would never have thought her magic was on Alicorn level. "Now just open up the first page, and we will work on the first spell in the book. That will be our first lesson."

Twilight nodded, her first Alicorn level spell, she was even more giddy, and the Princess undoubtedly noticed this. Opening the book carefully she turned to the first spell in the dusty old book. 'Bring Light' the first spell she would learn, and it sounded simple. "Okay, here I go" Twilight focused, and a small amount of light started to form, but that's all. The description of the spell was 'create light bright enough to illuminate a hole cave', but all that happened was a small light, only bright enough to be a candle light.

Princess Celestia started to chuckle a little. "Princess, whats so funny?" Twilight's voice hinted some disappointment, she had failed the easiest spell in the book.

"The fact that your results where just like mine when I first tried the spell," the Princess started to chuckle even more "Like teacher like student they say." Twilight herself started to chuckle a little, if this was true, then it was funny, a start just like her Mentor's would be funny to anyone. Still chuckling a little, the Princess continued on "we have all day, no need to rush yourself."

For the next several hours Twilight practiced the spell, each time seeming to create a brighter and brighter light. Her progress was getting better and better, and was close to mastering it. Eventually she made a light so bright, that she thought the spell was mastered. Her thoughts where quickly changed when the light exploded, ruining her purple sweater and skirt. Of course Princess Celestia's cloths, and the room they where practicing in was damaged/messed up as well.

Dropping the book and sitting down frustrated, Twilight let out a small cry of despair, "7 hours, and what happens? I blow up the room!"

Celestia, who was cleaning up the room with magic, reassured Twilight about her error. "Don't worry Twilight Sparkle, for the most part you have the spell mastered, you now just need to learn how to keep the power contained, reminds me of when we first meet, doesn't it not?"

Twilight remembered that, and how grateful she was when the Princess showed up and helped her calm her powers. That was the first day she got her cutie mark, hatched Spike, and got her first lower level lessons from the Princess.

With remembrance of that, she got up and started to help with the cleaning. With her help it went faster, one of her first lessons in friendship, the more friends you have to help, the quicker it gets done.

"Twilight, I suggest this is where we end the lesson for today, you should get going home, I heard you start college tomorrow, I wouldn't want my faithful student be late for her first day at Canterlot University."

"Okay Princess, would you mind sending me a letter knowing when our next lesson is?"

"Why yes, I will send you one when I find the next day I can offer you a lesson."

With the end of the conversation, and the completion of cleaning the room, Twilight took her leave and left down a road she knew all too well. Tomorrow was the first day of college, and the start of her life back in Canterlot.