The Bonds of Friendship

by TalesFromEquestria

First published

First MLP fanfic, and uses Human Ponies, Please Enjoy.

A Humanized My Little Pony Story brought to you from TalesFromEqeustria
The Mane Six are going their separate ways. Flutershy is Studying Zoology at one collage, Rarity going to a design school, Twilight is going to Canterlot for her final years at school, and to finish up her magic training. Pinkie is traveling as a party master helping Equestrians everywhere with their party needs, Dashie has finally joined the Wounder Bolts and has to travel across Equestria for a little before she becomes a full fledged member. And Lastly AJ Decides to stay on the Ranch and continue life normally.
But Beyond all that, they kept a promise, No matter where they are or what shall happen, They shall be friends forever.
Story From Twilight Sparkle's position.
Picture Belongs to The Deivent Art user jaidankaiba

Farewell Doesn't Mean Goodbye

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Twilight Sparkles looked at all of her friends. Today was going to be her last day in Ponyville for a while, and she was going to miss all of them. She found great admiration that Pinkie Pie hadn't invited anyone else but the six- er, seven of them. For the most part, the 6 of them where going to split ways, do different things, and hopefully gain new friends.

"So Egghead, your leaving for Canterlot in a few days? Maybe I should visit some time, after all, I am traveling Equestria, I will be seeing you all when ever I want"

Twilight Smiled "Thanks Dash, your such a loyal friend. You're always there for us."

"Its no problem Twi, its what I do"

All of them where going to be sad, but all where going on their own adventures. Pinkie was going to travel, helping with parties all over Equestria. Rarity was going to fashion school to advance her already vast knowledge on designing. Rainbow Dash finally got to join the Wonderbolts, but first she must travel and visit all over Equestria. Fluttershy was already going to a local school and was learning Zoology in hopes of becoming a Veterinarian. Applejack was going to stay and work on the ranch, and for the most part continue daily life. And lastly their was her and spike. Twilight and the young dragon was going to go back to Canterlot and finish school up in her home town, along with finish her studies with magic.

"Ohmygoshyourgoingtoenjoycollegetheylikehavethebestparties ever!" Twilight watched as Pinkie's mouth quickly inhaled and continued on about how fun college life is. "I mean totally, Ihaveneverbeentocollegemyself, welllllll, therewasthisonetimeIwasthehoastofoneanditwasliketotallyawsomebutnowhereascoolasthisone!"

"Thanks Pinkie... but I am going to college for learning"

"Okay" Pinkie went from fast paced to what was considered normal speed "But remember, All work and no play makes Twilight Sparkle a dull girl"

The party was a general Pinkie Party, but was only with the six of them. As to Celebrate, Rarity had re-tailored their Gala Dresses to fit for this occasion. AJ had prepared the best Apple Cider that the Apple Family Ranch could supply.

"Congratulations on bein' accepted to learn from the Princess, Sugarcube."

"Thanks Apple Jack, I cant wait till I can study under The Princess, she must have a million spells for me to learn."

"Remember Sugarcube, just give me a hollar if yer ever in need of some apples or other things like that, I can git ya a discount if ya want."

Twilight really enjoyed the time she had spent with her friends, but all of them saw this coming. They new one day they would have to split, so they where going to make today last. Everyone was talking about what they where going to do, and how they plan on doing it, well mostly Dash. She had been talking about the fact that she was joining the Wonderbolts for a month now. Dash seemed to mainly bragging about this when ever Fluttershy was around. Twilight figured it was because since they where childhood friends, Fluttershy would back up the claims more than anybody else.

"Congratulations Twilight, I, um, well, college is really fun, well it has a lot of studying." Even now Fluttershy's voice was soft and hushed.

"Yeah I heard about that. That's what is drawing me even more to college, I saw how many books you have, and you are taking less classes than I will be."

"Good luck," the Element of Kindness was soon dragged away by Rainbow Dash to help prepare her for the finale of the party.

Pinkie had the whole thing planed out, first they where going to socialize a bit. Then they where going to eat some of Spikes homemade cookies and Pinkie's sweets. And for the finale, Dash was going to use The Sonic Rainboom. For the most part no clothing can come out undamaged, leading to the reason why Dash has used it so few times. This was true till a few days ago when Rarity developed clothing able to withstand the blast. Rarity kept it Dash's style, no extra flare.

"I do say Twilight I find the fact that your attending Canterlot University, and learning directly from the Princess herself absolutely fabulous."

As usual Spike was staring with love struck eye, making it hard for him to keep his crush still a 'secret'.

"I know isn't it? To think, I will finally be learning directly from her," within Twilight's voice was the giddiness of someone who's life long goal has been completed.

"Remember darling, if you need any new clothes, or some old ones tailored, just give me a call, I am more than willing to help you look fashionable for College."

When Dash and Fluttershy got back, Dashie was wearing her new 'Sonic Rainboom Proof' clothes. The clothes consisted of a nice, real high quality leather coat, with her cutie mark on each shoulder. Underneath she had a simple white t-shit. For pants, she had some nice jeans, like everything Rarity makes, made with high quality materials. The Element of Loyalty was also wearing gloves on her hands, probably designed to help smooth out the directory of the Sonic Rainboom.

When the two got back, the 6 of them went outside of Twilight's home, ready for the last part of the party.

"Finally, I can stretch my wings a little, yeesh, dress are to constricting," Rainbow Dash's wings extended from her back, flapping a little and getting the stretching they need. "I don't know how you can wear a dress so easily Fluttershy, my wings need to stretch on a regular basis"

"Well I'm not that strong of a flyer...." as Fluttershy spoke her voice got even more hushed with every syllable, but Rainbow knew what she was saying, she knew the pink haired girl long enough to know.

"So, you all ready for the finale?" With a nod from the other Elements of Harmony the rainbow haired girl let her wings stretch out, and jumped up, climbing altitude, until she reached higher than the clouds. With a re-angling of her position, and starts to dive down towards the ground with her right hand first.

As she declined in altitude, the wind resistance increased, and it became more and more visible, until it became the shape of an arrow. Met with the resistance, Dash's lips start to move from the speed, giving the blue winged girl the thrill of getting close to the Sonic Rainboom.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes as she focused for the last part of the stunt. As she got around the mid point between her starting point and Twilight's house, she broke both the speed of light and the sound barrier at the same time, creating a Sonic Rainboom.

As the skies filled with the rainbow colored shock wave, the rainbow haired girl went to a 180 degree angle in no time, staying clear of any crashing.

The other Five Elements of Harmony watched with amazement as their friend pulled the stunt off. Twilight was glad, she had such wonderful friends, and was truly going to be sad when she leaves. This was going to be the last bit of fun the 6 of them where going to have for a while. Twilight took on last look of her friends, sadly in a few hours her and Spike will be heading towards Canterlot, and move back into her old house.

Twilight gave a small smile, because she knows how strong their friendship is, and knows for sure, that they will group together again, and go back to life of fun and magic.

First Lesson in Alicorn Magic

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First Lesson in Alicorn Magic

Twilight was gilding with glee. Today day she was going to start her training from Celestia and learn even more that she would on her own. She also thought how she was able to dress casually for the Princess for once, something she couldn’t bring herself to do, even if she was allowed to.

Behind all that glee though was a bit of sadness, it had been a week since she had last seen her friends, and she felt lonely without them. Spike was helping her as much as he could at home, but he had worked himself into exhaustion, so she gave her number one assistant the day off, after all, he still is a young dragon. Twilight sometimes worried that he might get depressed since they won’t be able to hang out with Rarity as much as they used to do.

Twilight found it hard to be away from her friends, it was weird, at the beginning she didn't want to make friends, just to try and stop Nightmare Moon, but in the end, she made an unbreakable bond with five extremely wonderful people. Even thinking about them now was a little painful, they were her first friends after all, so moving away was hard, but the Princess had been kind enough to delay their classes until she was feeling better. "I wonder how the others are doing?" She said to no one in particular.

Lost in thought, wondering what her friends were up to, she didn't pay enough attention to where she was going, and when she snapped to reality again, she was at one of the ledges that overlooked Ponyville. Twilight looked at the place that was the home of all her friends. She really did miss them, but she knew they would meet again, they had promised, Pinkie promised.

Turning around, she sighed and started to fast pace herself to the castle, skirts weren't easy to run in, but during her adventures with the others she has learned how. Twilight looked up and noticed she had a long way to go, and if she wanted to make it on time, she was going to have to run all the way there. At times like this, she wished she had some of Dash's speed.


When Twilight arrived she thought the Princess was going to be angry, after all she was taking time out of her personal time to teach her, but the only thing that she got was "Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student, I do hope your feeling better," she was glad this was all she got, the thought of upsetting the Princess was horrifying to her, after all, the Princess was almost like her second mother.

"Thanks Princess, I am, and I am ready for my first lesson." Also to much of Twilight's amazement, the Princess herself was also wearing casual clothing, was this really just a simple lesson in magic that the Princess didn't need to dress up for? She found it a bit more cheerful since she didn't really have to treat her like royalty, just as a teacher.

"Okay, well then, I will start with a spell of the Alicorn level." Celestia waved her hand, and as she did, a really old and really big book started to move from her bookshelf, slowly levitating itself towards Twilight.

Twilight took the book but had a confused look on her face. "But Princess, Alicorn level magic is way beyond what I can accomplish, I still haven't mastered all of the Unicorn level spells. How will I be able to master a simple Alicorn level one?" Twilight was definitely selling herself short, but she never saw herself able to cast Alicorn level spells until she was at least in her 30's, not fresh out of High School.

"Twilight, don't sell yourself short, you are the Element of Magic, you have the same magical prodigal levels I did," Twilight was shocked, the Princess had just said she had the same levels of magic. The purple haired girl would never have thought her magic was on Alicorn level. "Now just open up the first page, and we will work on the first spell in the book. That will be our first lesson."

Twilight nodded, her first Alicorn level spell, she was even more giddy, and the Princess undoubtedly noticed this. Opening the book carefully she turned to the first spell in the dusty old book. 'Bring Light' the first spell she would learn, and it sounded simple. "Okay, here I go" Twilight focused, and a small amount of light started to form, but that's all. The description of the spell was 'create light bright enough to illuminate a hole cave', but all that happened was a small light, only bright enough to be a candle light.

Princess Celestia started to chuckle a little. "Princess, whats so funny?" Twilight's voice hinted some disappointment, she had failed the easiest spell in the book.

"The fact that your results where just like mine when I first tried the spell," the Princess started to chuckle even more "Like teacher like student they say." Twilight herself started to chuckle a little, if this was true, then it was funny, a start just like her Mentor's would be funny to anyone. Still chuckling a little, the Princess continued on "we have all day, no need to rush yourself."

For the next several hours Twilight practiced the spell, each time seeming to create a brighter and brighter light. Her progress was getting better and better, and was close to mastering it. Eventually she made a light so bright, that she thought the spell was mastered. Her thoughts where quickly changed when the light exploded, ruining her purple sweater and skirt. Of course Princess Celestia's cloths, and the room they where practicing in was damaged/messed up as well.

Dropping the book and sitting down frustrated, Twilight let out a small cry of despair, "7 hours, and what happens? I blow up the room!"

Celestia, who was cleaning up the room with magic, reassured Twilight about her error. "Don't worry Twilight Sparkle, for the most part you have the spell mastered, you now just need to learn how to keep the power contained, reminds me of when we first meet, doesn't it not?"

Twilight remembered that, and how grateful she was when the Princess showed up and helped her calm her powers. That was the first day she got her cutie mark, hatched Spike, and got her first lower level lessons from the Princess.

With remembrance of that, she got up and started to help with the cleaning. With her help it went faster, one of her first lessons in friendship, the more friends you have to help, the quicker it gets done.

"Twilight, I suggest this is where we end the lesson for today, you should get going home, I heard you start college tomorrow, I wouldn't want my faithful student be late for her first day at Canterlot University."

"Okay Princess, would you mind sending me a letter knowing when our next lesson is?"

"Why yes, I will send you one when I find the next day I can offer you a lesson."

With the end of the conversation, and the completion of cleaning the room, Twilight took her leave and left down a road she knew all too well. Tomorrow was the first day of college, and the start of her life back in Canterlot.

The Surprises of College

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The Surprises of College

Twilight had woken up extremely early. She found it hard to go back to sleep since today was her first day of college. Throughout the sleepless night, she went through all of her books needed for class, made sure they fit in her bag, and tried practicing 'Bring Light' again. Like the day before, it failed, but no explosion happened this time. For her apparel she chose a nice and simple skirt-sweater combo, easier to replace if another explosion were to happen in a science class. All preparations were complete.

The purple haired girl looked at the clock, two hours till her first class. She contemplated on going over her check her list, or making breakfast for a good ten, fifteen minutes before deciding she had time for both.


First to arrive at class, first to answer all the questions, and taking notes of every little thing the teacher said. She was squealing with glee, who knew college was so fun. She was enjoying all of her classes. Before she knew it, the last class of the day was only going to start in a few minutes. Theories on the Multiverse, the class she chose to major in.

As with the way of life all great things come to an end, and the end for Twilights fun came in the form of a 60 year old man who looked like he would drop your grade for even the slightest amount of noise. Twilight knew the importance of not judging a book by its cover, so she gave the old man some time to alter her perspective on him.

That hope was shattered when he placed a huge, probably 30 pound, book filled with worksheets on her desk "you have till next class to finish those Ms. Sparkle." Even his voice sounded like a grumpy old man's. "And don't think about doing them during class, I also urge all of my students take notes." That urge didn't sound like a suggestion.

"But Mr.Night, I-" the Element of Magic was cut off by a very grumpy, and snide response.

"I don't bide that letter from the Princess at all. The thing I hate more than anything else is horrible students like you. Students who think they can miss school, and and think they can forge a letter from the Princess to get out of doing late work are despicable. You may have the other teachers believing this little lie, but if it was up to me, I would have you expelled" As the words of the old man where spat out with poison, the black board seemed to transform into an endless void of nothingness, sucking away what enjoyment she had so far got out of college.

The poisonous words of the old man did not slide with Twilight. How dare he call her a horrible student! She graduated high school with a 4.0. She spent 12 years of her life studying many different subjects. Her SAT score was a perfect 2400! She would never forge a letter from the Princess in a million years, she was the number one person in the world that Twilight respected! And this grumpy old man dares to say she is a horrible student, and would try to use ! With a bolt of anger the purple haired girl shot up from her seat and spoke loudly, but not yelling at him. "I am NOT a horrible student! I haven't even been here to show you what I can do, and right off the bat you call me a horrible student?!"

"Horrible students don't show up for the first day of the new semester."

Twilight was turning red with anger as his words sunk in. "I had to move from my friends, get adjusted to life in Canterlot again, practice Alicorn level spells the day before, and you are accusing me of missing the first day of the semester from playing hookie?!"

"I don't care about your personal life, but any good student should be able to adjust to a new school. Now if you will, be a good student and sit down so I can teach this class that you missed the past week of."

Twilight calmed herself enough and looked behind her and saw the other students. A bit embarrassed about this she sat down, took out her notebook and pencil and took notes on everything related to class he had to say.


Twilight had never felt so relieved to be out of school in her life. Now she knew why some people hated college, with Professors like that, she would too. Would being the key word, other than Prof. Night, she was enjoying college. Surprisingly she took notes on everything he said, even his really weak theory on parallel worlds that she was able to poke more holes in then she had failed the Bring Light spell.

"Hi Twilight," a low and hushed voice came from behind, but Twilight didn't hear it over her thoughts.

She wished Fluttershy was here, she had the most to sympathize with, they both were in college, and she was the Element of Kindness. "Um, Twilight, you okay?" Again the voice was low and hushed, but this time Twilight heard it. She recognized the voice, but thought her mind was playing tricks on her. Even though she thought this, it didn't prevent her from investigating.

She turned around, and jumped back a bit before reality set in, the girl who was asking if she was alright was none other than Fluttershy. "F-Fluttershy! What are you doing here!?"

"Sorry for spooking you like that Twilight, but during class you looked angry, and well, I was hoping we could talk a little and complete the homework." Like always, pure sincerity was in the yellow winged girls voice, just like at Ponyville, she always wants to help others.

"Yeah, but that still didn't answer my question, why are you here in Canterlot, I thought you were going to the Veterinarian School in Ponyville?"

"I was, but, all of my teachers and classmates all held a fundraiser over the break, and they raised enough for the tuition, and well, I um, really didn't want to turn down their kindness, and that's, well, how I ended up here." Fluttershy was still speaking like she was demanded to talk to a whole school about something, something she will probably never grow out of.

"I see, so that's why you are here, well I guess by fate we are classmates again." Twilight looked at her friend, and smiled. At least she has a friend with her to survive hell. "Do you have anymore classes for the day?"

The pink haired girl shook her head, "But, later I do need to head to my dorm room and feed Angel bunny, Gummy, and Tank."

“Okay, it gives us time to catch up. And talk about other things as well.”

As the girls started walking towards Fluttershy’s dorm, the two talked about what had happened in the week that they had last seen each other. Twilight told her about how she missed all of the other Elements of Harmony, and how It took a week for her just to get ready and socialize with other people again. And Fluttershy talked about how she has been taking care of Gummy and Tank while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie where traveling.

“So what’s the deal with Prof. Night? Is he always like that”

“Yes, according to the other students he hates everyone equally.” Flutershy’s voice sounded very weak when she said this, as if the Professor had destroyed some of her already low self-esteem within the few days he had been her teacher.

“Well that itself makes me feel better, at least he hates the world and not just me.”

As the two approached the dorms Fluttershy gestured for her to wait, and went into her dorm. A couple of minutes later she came back out, her hair a little messy, along with a small shoulder bag as she walked over to Twilight, nodding to signal that she had everything she needed

On the way to Twilights house, the two talked about old times. Like how the six of them used to study together. How Rainbow Dash would always make attempts to take off Fluttershy’s sweater, and how Pinkie Pie never left home without her party cannon.

“I swear you let Rainbow Dash get your sweater off of you. The effort you put into struggling was non-existent.” Twilight was giggling with some glee, talking with Fluttershy just proved how much she loves hanging out with her friends.

“I do try to resist, but she knows all of my weak spots.” The pink haired girl's voice was raised to normal talking volume, and her face was flustered and red.

“You two know each other way to much if she can do that.” Twilight was laughing, Fluttershy joined her seconds later, and their laughter filled the street they were currently walking down.

When they got to Twilights house they talked about their days in High School. The tests they studied for, how they had to spend extra hours helping Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash to understand the material. And through all of this, they still managed to get all of their homework done.


A few weeks had gone by since Twilight started college, and all had gone well. She had mastered Bring Light, and hoped the Princess would get some free time soon so she could demonstrate her progress and start learning a new spell. Prof. Night had realized what a wonderful student she is, though he still hated her guts. Fluttershy was putting in great effort to make sure Twilight wasn’t overworking herself.

Everything was running smoothly, having gotten into a decent routine, Twilight decided to take a quick break from studying to check the mail herself, letting Spike take some time off. Some of it was junk mail, but what interested her was the letter from the Princess, instead of sending it via Spike, she sent it via snail mail. It was what she had hoped for the past few weeks, her next lesson date. None of the other mail stood out except for one other. She had received a letter from Shining Armour and Princess Cadance.

With excitement she opened the letter eager to hear what her brother and stepsister had to say.

Dear Twiley,

Hey baby sister, how are you. I have heard through a letter from Princess Celestia that you have started college and begun practicing Alicorn level magic. I always knew you could do it, and I am glad to hear of your grades from Ponyville High School, Valedictorian. It seems you are on your way on becoming a truly powerful and responsible mage. I don’t think I can put it into words just how proud I am.

I will also like to say that within a week of you getting this letter Cadance and I will be visiting Canterlot, and have a surprise for you. Till then, don’t overwork yourself too much.


Your older loving brother Shining Armour

Twilight smiled, she was going to see her Big Brother and Sister soon. So giddy with glee, she almost forgot to read the last part, a p.s.

p.s, Lightning Blade made an appearance in our court a few days back, he seems to have become a great gentleman, and his sword play has increased since we last saw him. Last I checked he was heading to Canterlot, he seemed glad to hear of your academic achievements and wanted to congratulate you himself.

"..." With a face of silent anger and despair Twilight crumpled up the letter and tossed it into the trash bin closest to her. The letter itself was good news, the p.s was something she never wanted to hear. She never wanted to speak to him ever again.

The White Maze

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The White Maze

Despite her anger, Twilight still decided to visit Princess Celestia, not wanting to let her anger ruin the rare occasion of practising with the Princess.

That would be easier said than done though. For what seemed to be about 20 minutes for her to get ready and out the door was about 2 hours for Spike and dealing with her not-so-cheerful attitude.

Everything Twilight thought she said, she didn't. In its place was rude, snide things that she would never of dream of saying to anyone. All morning everything she said was a confabulation of nice. But of course reality isn't so kind all the time.

"Good Morning Twilight. Time to get up, you have your lesson from the Princess today," the young shook her body gently to wake her up, it was rare that Twilight slept in.

"Thanks Spike," and the purple haired girl started to stretch a little as she rose from her bed in her pajamas. But the 'Thanks Spike' part was a confabulation, what she actually said "Screw off Spike."

With a confused look on his face, Spike asked "Hey, uh Twilight, are you feeling okay?"

"That's none of your business, go away."

On her way there though seemed to be were it got worse. When she thought she helped someone with some friendly advice, she actually only worsened their problems. Like when someone asked for directions to Doughnut Joe's, she gave them directions to the garbage dump. Or when someone asked if she knew the time, she said it’s time for them to get a watch, and not as a joke either.

Things didn't cool down, no they only seemed to fuel her anger even more. By the time she reached the Castle, her anger was just a ticking time bomb, ready to go off any second and anyone.

This definitely made the training harder, and be cut short.

"I'm here Princess, lets get this lesson over with," Twilight was definitely not herself, Celestia saw this clear as day. Anyone could see that Twilight was acting like her life was going to hell.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student, what seems to be bothering you today?"

"Nothing! yesh why does everyone think somethings wrong with me. Nothing's wrong!" The purple haired girls confabulation was still going on, and she thought she said something nicer, more polite, but reality isn't so kind to some people.

"Twilight relax, but there is something wrong, you sound very angry. We should reschedule this another day.You won’t be able to practice Alicorn level magic without being in an elevated mood, magic does come from your emotions, the purer the stronger. In your mood any spell you try will definitely fail."

"I can and watch!" Twilight started to gather mass amount of magical energy, and as quickly as she can gather the energy, it disappears for a few seconds, then comes back as a sphere surrounding the college student.

"Twilight Sparkle, if you continue to gather magical energy you won’t just fail the spell, but kill yourself as well. Stop now!"

The words of concern never reached Twilight, who was still trying to cast the spell. And as such, a huge mass of magical energy was starting to surround her, causing bolts of magic to erupt from the sphere like mass.

Celestia had one choice, and that was to seal Twilight's magic till her anger calmed down. It was a drastic decision, because the spell sends energy back at the caster, and if Twilight was to try any form of Alicorn level spells while she was still unstable, it would wound Celestia badly. This though was something the Princess was willing to do for the sake of her number one, and Faithful student.

Celestia's hands started to create a white aura, as she started to prepare the sealing spell. With every second she charged the spell, the more Twilight's magic became unstable. With every step closer she took, Twilight's magic seemed to tear apart reality around them. The fear of what may happen to Twilight and most of the castle was showing on the master of alicorn magic's face.

"This is for your own good Twilight," Celestia said as she arrived to the magical sphere that had encased the Element of Magic's body.Taking in a deep breath, and preparing for the pain that is sure to come, Celestia placed her right hand on the sphere, causing a jolt of shock throughout her whole body. The magic that was being produced was stronger than any Alicorn level spell can, and would of killed the Princess if she never have mastered holding her body's natural mana source.

The magic sphere was fighting Celestia's spell with full force, and with more force it used, the more reality seemed to fall apart. Celestia's clothes started to get cut from the magical aura. She soon felt a bolt of energy jolt her left wing, causing her to stop in pain. The stop gave Celestia time to think about what might be happening to Twilight, if what was happening to her was painful, then what was happening to the purple haired girl was worse.

Around the element of Magic the sphere had seemed to become rifts in the continuum around her. The closer Celestia got, the more she could see. Any theory of this entity was soon removed from the Princess mind, because once she was able to pierce the sphere, they had seemed to move into a reality other than any she had heard of, and not to far away was Twilight, still trying to cast Bring Light.

To say it was Twilight was a bit of a stretch, because most of her was ethereal, and each second that passed more of her became so. Her ethereal body parts seemed to flicker, disappearing and reappearing, as if something was still holding it to Equestria.

Celestia was able to walk more freely here, as if all of the danger was on the outside. With the added freedom of movement, Celestia made haste to her student, and got to her in a matter of a few steps. Not only was reality distorted on the outside, it was distorted here as well, because when she took one last step to get close enough for the spell to work, she appeared ten paces behind her.

Worried with how much time Twilight had left before complete aetherization, Celestia spread out her wings, hoping that that would save them some trouble. But letting them stretch was a bad idea, not only was her left wing in extreme amount of pain, but it wouldn't even stretch out enough to fly, meaning she was grounded. With her hope dwindling, Celestia turned and took a step forward, it worked, but the next one she took brought her 5 paces closer. The next took her four paces to the left.

The space around Twilight was a labyrinth, and the wrong step could take Celestia anywhere, and failure to reach the center was the end for the Element of Magic. Without flight this was going to take a long amount of time, and Celestia would love to try and figure out this strange places origin and how to get through its puzzle, but that was not something she could do, for every second that passed Twilight seemed to grow more and more ethereal.

Taking a step slowly in front of her, she advanced one pace forward. Taking a second step foreword she still moved one pace, but this time to the right. Celestia steadied herself a bit, and took a step left, and ended up two paces forward. Another to the left, and ended up three paces to the left, back on track, only three more paces and she can seal Twilight's magic and save the two of them.

Slowly moving forward, she took two more steps, just one more step. This time it worked in her favor, when she took one step forward, she ended up right in front of Twilight. Her timing was getting close, for all of Twilight's limbs, and the lower half of her abdomen was ethereal.

What was happening to Twilight was something no one could survive. With one look in her eyes, anyone could see the process of REM going on. But not just any REM, this REM was different. With every second her body was turning ethereal more and more knowledge that no one could understand past through the young girl’s mind.

Celestia reached out her right hand, and attempted to touch her with the sealing spell. But like with touching fire hot enough to burn white, Celestia was going to be in immense pain.

Her right hand made contact with Twilight's forehead, and as the magic started to seal, excruciating amounts of pain shot through Celestia’s body. This was the same pain Twilight was going through at the time, and was causing her body to become ethereal, this was the pain of vast knowledge, the pain of the Aether Realm forcing its essence of knowledge and dragging its victim's body and life energy to the unknown.

As Twilight's body started to reverse the etherization, Celestia flinched. The pain was gone from both of them, and the white void was slowly disappear. Well to say the pain was completely gone was a stretch, Twilight was twitching in her sleep, and Celestia was breathing heavily.

Moving to her intercom, Celestia called for medical help before sitting down in exhaustion. She understood what was happening. A being much more powerful than she was is awakening, and in its wake, the destruction of harmony.


A/N Sorry for being gone for so long, a quick bit of events kinda led me not being able to work for a while. But Hey Here it is, and you can thank my Editor Equestralize for editing this FanFic. Without Him, these would be big piles of fail.

The Warrior in White

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The Warrior In white

Twilight woke in a cold sweat. It had been a few days since she last trained with the princess, and since then she has been having night terrors of what happened that day. Well, to be more accurate, if the princess would of failed that day. The dream terrorfied her beyond the average person. Because of her mass understanding on magic, she saw everything in grew some detail.

She looked at the clock on the wall, Two am. Six hours till he shows up. Laying her head back down, she stared at the sealing of her house as she drifted off back to sleep, trying to remember what Lightning Blade Looked like.


Twilight woke to the sound of a very loud knocking on her door. For some reason she recognized the way of knocking though, wasn't like any of her friends back in Ponyville, but it wasn't like Cadance's or Shinning Armour's either. And when she looked to the side, the baby dragon that is Spike was still fast asleep.

Moving the blanket over to the side, Twilight got up, and noticed her clothing, or rather, the lack of. Attempting to use magic to bring a robe over to her she received a real quick shock. The shock woke her up in full, and reminded her that Celestia had sealed her magic a few days back.

Making her way to the door, she got a look at a clock, 7:30 am. She was guessing it wasn't Lightning Blade. If there was anything Twilight remembered about him was that he was always late.

The knocking pattern happened again, and Twilight's heart leaped, she didn't know why, but for some reason that pattern brings a form of light to her heart.

Twilight's hand reached for the handle of her door, and then the pattern happened again, two knocks, one hard knock, then two really light knocks.

She jumped back startle, holding her hands in front of her chest, as if waiting to confess her love. Reaching back to the door, she turned the handle, opening it, and revealing a tall man, about 6'2'', wearing an armor clothing mix. His white hair luminescent against the silver moon light. The purple haired girl swear she was looking at an angel that had come down to earth.

"...Lighting... Blade....?" Twilight was unsure of who it was, but that was the only person who came to mind.

"Long time no See Twilight Sparkle"

Twilight looked at the man in front of her. No anger, no violence came to her mind. She had no clue why she felt like this, but every second that passed her heart beeted faster.

"I-It really is you..?"

"Yes It is. And I wish we could of meet again under better circumstances, but it seems fate hates me."

"Why... What circumstances?"

"Sit down, we need to talk."