• Published 28th Jun 2016
  • 5,509 Views, 93 Comments

Before You - Nordryd

Fluttershy is curious as to why her boyfriend has become so distant lately. But when she asks him about it, she discovers how haunted he still is by his past... and one event in particular that might be the seed of his fear.

  • ...

Ch.3: Old Flames

Senior year was finally here for the main eight, now nine with the addition of this world’s Twilight Sparkle. New classes, new possibilities, and a new start. After a crazy junior year, the group was looking forward to a year of detox before going off to college.

Coppermane stood with Fluttershy in the main foyer, comparing his schedule with hers. Last year, he only had one class and lunch with her. This year, he would rectify that, and Fluttershy had no objections whatsoever.

Unfortunately, the school scheduling system had other plans.

“We have no classes together, other than choir,” Coppermane said.

Fluttershy whimpered. “Well, that’s fine. At least we’ll have passing periods, right?” she said, rubbing Coppermane’s shoulder.

“And we’ll have choir together,” Coppermane said. “I mean… if we get in…”

“When do we know if we got in or not?” Fluttershy asked.

“I think I heard the list was going up before lunch,” Coppermane said.

“I just know you got in,” Fluttershy said. “I probably didn’t. My audition was awful.”

“Aw, don’t say that. I’m sure you were great," Coppermane said, caressing her cheek. “Did I ever tell you I think you have a beautiful singing voice?”

Fluttershy’s face went bright red. “Y-You think so?”

Coppermane nodded, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “The sweetest singing voice I’ve ever heard. Whenever I hear you sing, it’s like I’m in heaven.”

Fluttershy giggled nervously to herself, looking away while blushing majorly.

“Oh, I-I don’t know about that…” Fluttershy said.

Coppermane chuckled, and gave her a peck. “It’ll be fine,” he said, giving her a big hug.

Fluttershy lifted her head to look up at Coppermane. He gave her a smile, and leaned in for a kiss. She felt him slightly dip her in his arms, making her moan into his mouth. She didn’t even care that everyone who walked by could see her and Coppermane together. When her prince kissed her, all that mattered was him.

He brought her back upright, and pulled away. Fluttershy smiled, and was about to hug him again before the bell rang, signaling the five-minute warning before first period began.

“Well, I guess this is it,” Coppermane said.

“Just until passing period, remember?” Fluttershy said.

Coppermane smiled. “Right. And I can’t wait to see you again.”

Fluttershy giggled. “Me neither. I'll be thinking about you."

Coppermane smiled. "See you later."

They shared one more kiss before officially parting for the hour. Now it was time to get to his first new class of the day. The sooner he got to class, the sooner he could kiss his princess again.

On his way, Coppermane realized he forgot to say something really important. Only the most important thing in the whole world.

Coppermane ==> Fluttershy, 7:16 AM
One more thing. I love you so much :)

Fluttershy ==> Coppermane, 7:18 AM
Aww, I love you too! :D

Finally, it was lunchtime, every high school student’s favorite time of the day, aside from the final bell ringing. The main nine sat at their usual lunch table, and were all excited because…

“We all made choir!” Pinkie cheered. “I’m a soprano!”

“I’m a soprano too!” Rarity said.

“Me too,” Twilight said.

“I am too,” Fluttershy said, receiving a kiss on the cheek from Coppermane.

“I’m so proud of you,” Coppermane said.

“I’m so proud of you,” Fluttershy said. “My prince is a bass!”

Coppermane blushed. “Thanks. I was kind of hoping I could be in the same section as Flash, though.”

“I didn’t choose to be a tenor,” Flash said. “You’ll be fine, dude.”

“I’m guessing that means Rainbow, Sunset, and Applejack are altos then, right?” Twilight asked, to which the three nodded.

“This is wonderful!” Rarity said. “Now we all have a class together!”

The rest of the table cheered. It was a stretch, but the managed to do it. One class with all nine of them together. Even better, an Easy-A class. They could all spend the last period of the day singing together. It was perfect!

“I’m going to go to the restroom really quick,” Coppermane said, giving Fluttershy a kiss before getting up and leaving.

“Bye!” Fluttershy said, blowing him a kiss.

“Oh, did you guys hear?” Rainbow asked. “Some more students from Crystal Prep transferred here.”

“More?” Rarity asked. “I guess the Friendship Games really damaged their reputation.”

“How many?” Sunset asked.

“Five, I think,” Twilight said. “That’s what my brother told me, at least.”

“I wonder who they are,” Fluttershy said.

“I’m not sure,” Twilight said. “I can’t think of anyone who might want to come here. Everyone I knew at Crystal Prep always looked down at CHS.”

“Maybe we’ll have some classes with them?” Sunset said. “Maybe we’ll recognize them from the Friendship Games.”

“Were there any familiar names on the choir roster?” Rarity asked.

“Actually… there were five names that I remember,” Twilight said.

“Which names?” Applejack asked.

“They were the Crystal Prep finalists in the Friendship Games,” Twilight said. “Indigo Zap, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, and Sunny Flare.”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide. “S-Sunny who?

Coppermane couldn’t wait to get back to lunch. Come to think of it, anything involving Fluttershy was something to look forward to.

“Coppermane,” a voice said behind him as he exited the restroom.

Coppermane paused. That voice… it sounded so familiar. So hauntingly familiar.

He turned around, and his heart dropped when he saw…

Sunny Flare?” he cooed, feeling his heart begin to pound.

“Hi, Coppermane,” Sunny said.

Coppermane grit his teeth. It wasn’t just Sunny; it was all her friends: Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, and Sour Sweet.

He sighed. “What are you five doing here? Shouldn’t you be at Crystal Prep?”

Sunny shook her head. “We’re wondercolts now.”

What?” Coppermane said. His eyebrows furled. “If you’re here, then where’s Neon? Did you transfer just so you could bully me again?”

“Neon is… not our friend anymore,” Indigo said.

“What are you talking about?” Coppermane asked.

Lemon sighed. “Ever since the Friendship Games, he’s become the biggest jerk in the world.”

“He rules Crystal Prep now,” Sugarcoat said. “He makes sure everyone listens to him, and when they don’t, he sends his ‘friends’ to beat them up until they do.”

“He gives the school a bad name,” Sour Sweet said.

“We came to CHS to get away from him,” Sunny said. “The Friendship Games pissed him off so much, he’s turned on his own friends. He’s a monster.”

Coppermane sighed. “What is this really about?”

“We’re not lying,” Indigo said.

“Why don’t you believe us?” Lemon asked.

Coppermane’s eyes went wide. “Why don’t I believe you? Are you serious? After everything you’ve done to me, after torturing me every day, after making my life miserable, after scarring me for life, you’re asking me why I don’t trust you?”

Sunny and her friends tried to find the words to say… but came up blank. He was right. Winning his trust after everything they’ve done to him.

“Just tell me what you guys want to I can get back to my friends and girlfriend,” Coppermane said.

“Coppermane, dearie, we were awful to you,” Sunny said. “We all were… especially me. But Neon becoming the monster he is has opened our eyes. I speak for all of us when I say… we’re sorry. We’re sorry for everything we did to you. And… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did to you when you… you asked me out. But if you’re willing to give us a chance, we want to make it up to you in any way we can. We’re sorry, Coppermane, and we don’t want to be your enemies anymore.”

Coppermane didn’t say a word. The hallways were silent. He studied their faces, and admittedly, they looked serious. But his history with them was a huge factor of making him skeptical.

“Sunny, a couple years ago, you broke my heart,” Coppermane said. “I gave my heart to you, and you threw it on the ground and stomped it to pieces. Do you know how much you hurt me?”

Sunny sighed, biting her lip. “I know…”

“I never wanted to hurt you,” Coppermane said. “All I wanted was to treat you like a princess. What did I do to deserve getting humiliated in front of the entire school?”

“Nothing,” Sunny said. “You did… absolutely nothing.”

“So why did you do it?!” Coppermane shouted suddenly. “If you knew it was hurtful, why did you do it? Why did any of you try to hurt me at all? What did I do? Huh?!”

“We don’t know!” Indigo shouted.

“All we do know is that we’re sorry,” Sugarcoat said. “Even if we were anything but nice to you.”

“We’re all sorry,” Sour Sweet said. “It was mostly Sunny, though.”

“We don’t want to hurt you… anymore,” Lemon said.

“How can we prove that to you?” Sunny asked. “Is there anything we can do to even begin to make it up to you?”

Coppermane just sneered. “How do I know I can trust you? Last time I trusted you, you scarred me for life. Made me the school loser, and set me up for a whole year of bullying.”

“I’m sorry!” Sunny shouted. “I’m sorry… really, I am.”

“We all are,” Lemon said.

“We don’t expect you to forgive us,” Sour said.

“Or really at all,” Sugarcoat said.

“But we can’t take the guilt anymore,” Indigo said.

“We’ll do whatever we can to make it up to you,” Sunny said. “All we ask for… is the benefit of the doubt. We’ve changed, Coppermane. We’re not the same people you knew at Crystal Prep, and we can prove it. Just give us a chance.”

Coppermane was silent, processing everything the girls were throwing at him. They wanted forgiveness for everything they’ve done to him? As much as he didn’t want to believe them, there was a look in their eye that spoke… truth.

He bit his lip. Sunny’s eyes were honest… but they were honest when he complimented her for the first time too. How could he trust her? How could he give her and her friends a chance after making him cry in front of Fluttershy last night. Made her cry. Making Fluttershy cry is a felony in Coppermane’s eyes.

"Sunny, I want to believe you, I really do," Coppermane said. "But I just can't. I can't let you hurt me. And I can't let you hurt my friends… or my girlfriend."

"What?" Sunny said.

"Is there nothing we can do?" Indigo pleaded.

"There has to be something," Lemon said.

"Anything," Sour Sweet said. "But probably not."

"There probably isn't anything we can do," Sugarcoat said. "Considering everything we've done to him."

Coppermane sighed. "Listen to Sugarcoat."

Sunny sighed. "Coppermane, please, is there anything we can do?"

Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the end of the period.

"Sunny, after everything you've done to me, it's going to take a miracle for you to win my trust," Coppermane said. "For any of you."

And with that, Coppermane walked away. He didn't spare the girls another glance, despite their pleading. He couldn't trust them. Not after everything they've done to him. And he had to protect his friends. More importantly, he had to protect his princess. He couldn't bear the thought of Fluttershy being bullied by those girls.

Fluttershy getting hurt wasn't worth taking a chance on his past bullies.

Author's Note:

*sigh* I feel like this chapter is pretty bad. It is, isn't it? I know it is. I felt like it was forced. I think the next chapter will be better, though. Probably not.

Next chapter will be the last one as well.

The choir thing might be somewhat filler, but it hits home for me. Choir was probably the only thing I liked about high school, and it’s something I really enjoy doing in college as well. I love being a 2nd Bass. When our section hits that low note and make the room shake, it’s awesome. I feel so manly, even though I’m not at all like that.

Thanks for reading!

Peace out! :derpytongue2: