• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 3,773 Views, 192 Comments

A Marty Stu invades the Multiverse (Chess Game of the Gods) - Keairan

A Human who has seen most everything has once more been dropped into a newish world

  • ...


Ten days. I had been in this Equestria for ten whole days. My days of living at Violet's house had started to become routine. Wake up, get up, start the boiler, shower, eat, work at the forge, come home, talk or listen to Violet practicing, eat again, then sleep. A typical life for most sentients I've come across.

I woke up, alone in the bed I platonicaly shared with Violet. Huh, she's already up. I slithered out of the bed, and went to check on the water-boiler. It was already running, and it sounded like water was already cycling to the bathroom.

I walked to the bathroom, which Violet was just emerging from. "Marty! I'm- Oh, you're right here. I'm done in there."

"Okay, thank you for letting me sleep in a little, Vi." I smiled at her.

"Oh, it's no problem, Marty." She smiled back.

I showered quickly, cleaning myself of what I missed after my quick dip at the forge's stream, and the sweat from the night. I then got dressed in my typical kilt and shirt. Going to need to do laundry soon.

I walked into the kitchen, and saw food already laid out for us. "You're on the ball this morning, Vi. I think is the first time I've woken up later than you since I started living with you."

"Thank you, I think. I'm not much of an early riser, while you seem to be." She says, chagrined.

"Heh, I'm only an early riser because my instructors forced it on me. If you had met me when I was in, say, my twenties, you'd say I spent all night playing and all day sleeping." I laughed.

"Really? So this is just a result of instruction, rather than actual personality or bodily needs?" She asked, incredulous.

"Pretty much, yeah. Then again, both my krav maga instructor and my sword instructor were pretty brutal. Up at dawn, run three klicks, eat a bowl of porridge, eat either a fist or wooden sword, eat a lunch with some sort of protein, tactics lessons, spar with one of the other apprentices, eat a protein heavy dinner, then relax in a bath, then sleep until dawn the next and repeat it again."

"You ate fists and wooden swords? And how could you spend all that time not working?" Violet asked, confused.

"The fist was my instructor hitting me in the face with the heel of his hand, and the wooden sword belonged to my teacher, and was what would happen when I failed at blocking... Which happened way too often. Turns out that I just don't have the reflexes to keep up with the best."

"Ouch, and you told me you were slower. Why do you keep repeating yourself?"

"Because while I have a perfect memory, I'm clueless about how good the memory of everyone else is. I'm Marty, by the way." I stuck out my tongue at her at that last statement.

"Ha ha. You aren't exactly funny, mister Stewart." She stuck her tongue out right back at me.

"I like to think so. Oh well. Everyone's a critic."

Violet's face turned serious. "Marty, please. I think I have a right to know. Why do you hate so much?"

I looked at Violet, choking down a small flame of anger. "Violet, seriously, drop it. It's really painful to think about."

With that, I left the house, slightly annoyed. I got to the forge, and started to work on the orders that people had put in for the forge. I really need to get a water-driven press in here. It's such a pain to spend so much of our days just making nails. I wonder if Steel will go for it.

"Hey Steel, I have an idea to improve the forge, if you're up to helping me with it."

"Oh, what is it?" The old minotaur asked.

"You know how we spend so much time on making nails every day?"

"Yes" the minotaur replied, curious as to where I was going with this.

"What would you say to a water-driven press for making nails with? It would cut down on the work we would have to do for a nail by about a hundred-fold."

"That... sounds like a good idea. How long would it take, and how much work would it take?" He asked, curious.

"It would take quite a bit of work, and figuring out the gear ratios might take some time. Also, I'm not entirely positive I can get a wooden wheel to take the strain of being the driving mechanism for a punch press, and heartstone wheel would be so heavy that we would need about half the town to move it into place, and who knows if the water would even turn it." My mind is going ablaze at the problem that is making a workable water-wheel press.

"Anyways, lets get back to work." Steel Link said from his side of the forge.


We work on various forge projects for a while, finally getting Steel caught up on orders.


"Marty, I think we can call it for today." Steel Link said from one of the shop's anvils.

I looked up at the sun, it was barely midday. "Really? This early? Why?" I was slightly confused. I was used to working from the time I got there until the sun had essentially set.

"Well, you've been a tremendous help to me. This forge is actually starting to get ahead on orders. Don't get me wrong, I'm a master smith, but with how old I'm getting, I just can't keep up with orders. So go ahead and take the afternoon off, get to know the various townsponies."

"Alright, I'll do that." And with that, I slithered into the marketplace proper, intending to buy some supplies for the house. Don't get me wrong, the horn made wonderful food, and always made more than enough, but there's nothing quite like cooking for others. Myself, not so much.

I examined the various stalls, taking in what they sold. No broccoli. I thought, with disappointment. I stopped at the various stalls and bought a variety of items. Carrots, water chestnuts, an onion, some peanuts, a few various spices, salt, soybeans, and some flour. Convenient how they had all the ingredients I need to make soy sauce.

I stopped in the park, and took a seat on a bench off to the side. Simple pony watching is something I've indulged in from time to time as a way to relax and still have something to do.

As I watched, I noticed to fillies playing with each other not too far from where I was sitting. They were still too young to have cutie marks, but there was something that stood out about them. Both of them were unicorns, though one was a fair amount larger than the other. The larger one had a white coat, red eyes, and red and black mane/tail. The smaller one had a blueish-gray coat, with a brown main and tail. There was something about the two of them, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I continued to sit there, ignoring the few odd looks that came my way. I then heard a mare's voice call out. "Littlepip! Time for dinner!"

Seconds later, a stallion called out. "Blackjack, time to come home!"

Those two names were dual punches to the gut. The ones most responsible for cleaning up the mess my mistake made! I put my face in my hands, and started to weep. I am so, so, so sorry, you two. You should never have had to live through that. No one should have to clean up my mistakes but me.

I sit there for some time, crying my eyes out. By the time I finished, the sun was at about the point that I normally went home anyways.

I walked in the door, listening to Violet play the violin part to a song I knew from earth. "Hey Violet! What's that song you're practicing?"

"Oh that? It's the first violin part for 'Night in the Dark Valley' by Mulessorgsky. I don't much care for it, but some ponies love it." She explained.

"Interesting, it sounds a great deal like a piece from Terra called 'Night on Bald Mountain' by Mussorgsky. Funny how things like that are reflected between dimensions, huh?" I commented.

"Anyways, I went shopping after work, and got some stuff to cook with. I was going to, but I feel wiped out."

"That's alright, Marty. It's probably not a horrible thing to have stuff like that in the house anyway you look at it."

"No, probably not."

We sat down to dinner, and started to eat. Quiet reigned for most of the meal, when Violet spoke up. "Marty, why do you hate slavers and rapists so much? You seem to hate them more than me, even."

Something within me snapped, a great surge of anger. "Fine! Fucking fine! I told you multiple times that it hurt me to even think about it, that talking about it would only bring you pain. But you've bugged me about it ever since that cow came around. So I'll fucking tell you why I hate them so damn much!" I stood up as I spoke, and pounded my fist against the table.

"I used to be a member of a small tribe of humans, living in a fairly wild forest. We mostly survived by hunting and selling the furs of the animals we'd hunt, with a bit of profit coming in from timber and meat sales. One day I went out to hunt, and came back to nothing. My village had been burned to the ground, and the old had been slaughtered completely. Many of the young men were dead as well, and the rest were missing. Out of a village of one-hundred, I found one still living, my wife's mother, and she was barely alive." I'm getting into it now, and tears are starting to form in my eyes. She was such a sweet old woman. Probably my favorite mother-in-law.

"She told me what had happened. A band of raiders had ridden in from the east, and had started to kill any who resisted or where old. She pointed out the direction they had rode off in, then expired in my arms before I could even think of healing her. I'm positive she used all of her strength to just live long enough to tell me what had happened."

"I knew that I wouldn't have much time before the trail would grow cold, but I took the time to channel open a mass grave to dump the bodies of my neighbors into. They deserved some decency in death, even if it wasn't enough."

Violet is looking at me in horror, and my story hasn't even touched upon what was truly horrific.

"What supplies I could scavenge from the homes, which wasn't much, I put in my pack, and rode after the trail the raiders had left. Every now and again, I would see a bloodied corpse, obviously one of the captives who either succumbed to their wounds or to exhaustion." I swallow, the memories of friends and neighbor's sightless eyes staring up at me, accusing me for not being there to protect them. "I burnt their corpses to ash, too hurried to stop and give them all individual burials."

"I only stopped when the sun went down, and pressed my horse when the sun went up the next day. I'm still surprised I didn't kill the poor thing with how hard I drove it." Violet, if it was even possible, looked more horrified at this statement. "Two days after I set out, I came across a campground the raiders hadn't even done a half-decent job of covering up. It was there that I found my wife."

"Do you know how hard it is to lose someone you love dearly, even to something natural, like age or disease?" I asked Violet.

"Y-yes. My parents died of encephalitis." Violet's voice quavered, remembering how her parents died.

"For that, I am sorry. I hope no one you care about ever dies of violence, as the impact is increased." I quieted, then continued. "I found my wife dead, naked and covered in the foul seed of those murderous! Bastard! Raiders!" I yelled at the end. "Those fuckers raped my wife to death, and I found her corpse without dignity!" Tears are flowing from my, and what looked like Violet's eyes. "I took out my grief on the land around me! I turned the ground to glass, then broke that glass by raising and lowering a mountain! Trees burst into flame, then flew for a mile at my rage!"

"I accidentally obliterated their trail in my anger, which I still regret. I might have saved my daughter from what happened to her."

Timidly, Violet asked "What happened to your daughter? Did the raiders kill her too?"

"No. I almost wish they had. It would've been kinder. No. The fuckers sold my three year old daughter! And they didn't sell her to be a maid, either. No, they sold her to a fucking pedophile! That bastard turned my daughter into a sex slave! He made her equate worth with sexual gratification to adults!" I'm raging by now, but I don't care. "Five years that cunt had her! Five years he used and abused all that I had left of Salice! Five years he stole, from her and from me!"

"I searched high and low, looked through city after city for the raiders who sold my daughter. I found them all, and tortured them to death. They had earned it, for what they had done to me, and for what they had done to my family, but what I did is nothing to what I did to the bastard who bought my daughter."

"I found him and his household preparing to eat dinner. The ones who I felt weren't responsible ate death. The one who had bought my daughter, I took with us. For the next three plus years I made sure that every waking hour of his was spent screaming. At the end, I was unable to keep his heart beating, and he expired. I had wanted to give him five years of pain to match the pain he had put my daughter through."

"I spent the next twelve years doing my best to heal my daughters mind, and succeeded to a degree. Meliel had nightmares about what that asshole had done to her up until the day I died from a snakebite, and probably afterwards too." I turned to look at Violet, who had put me in a hug. "Do you know what it's like to be woken up in the middle of the night because your daughter thinks you want to have sex with her? A piece of me died when that happened."

"That is why I hate, Violet. Is it not wonderful! Are you happy I told you about what could cause someone so much rage! Are you happy! Cause I'm sure as hell not! I didn't want to tell you, I didn't want to tell anyone ever!"

Violet's mouth works, but nothing comes out. "What was that? I didn't hear you!"

"I'm so so sorry I asked, Marty. I should have let matters lie!" She sobs out.

Hearing her cry, something inside me deflated. A sense of age settled over my body. "Violet, look at me." I said in a much calmer voice. She looked up. "That memory hurts so much, Violet. It angers me, and it drives me to kill. You are only guilty of curiosity, something I'm guilty of too." I look about, and then look down at the mare in front of me. "Violet, I'm going to go get a drink. Please don't come with me. I forgive you, but I need some time to myself."

"You're going to leave, aren't you? Marty, I'm sorry, please don't leave me!" Violet wailed out, hugging me tightly.

"Violet, I'm just going to get drunk. I'll be back tomorrow. I just can't sleep here tonight." I proceed to untangle myself from her grasp, and slither out the door. I shut it behind me with my tail. As I slither away, I can hear a weight collapse against the door, sobbing.

I slither to the tavern, and open the door. "Two things, how much for a room, and what do you have that will get me drunk fairly quickly?"

Brewers Yeast clip-clopped up to me, and answered my question. "Twenty bits for a room, and we sell absinthe by the bottle, twelve bits per."

I counted out forty-four bits, then passed them to her. "Two bottles, and a room. I might need someone to lead me up to it."

"Alright, but it might cost you extra. But we'll talk about that in the morning." She giggled. "I doubt our new blacksmith is going to skip paying his tab."

"That works, and no I wouldn't."

Yeast came back by later, and dropped off both bottles. I started to drink them straight, ignoring the burn. "Oh, before I forget, can I get some water, too? Don't want to have a hangover to boot."

"I can do that." Yeast came and left with my water, and after that, everything is a glorious blank spot.


I woke up the next day with only a slight hangover. I paid up the two bits I had remaining on my tab, as well as giving Yeast a tip. Or at least the bag I put it in said 'Yeast's tips' on it. As I was fishing out my money, I noticed a message in my handwriting in my bag. It said: "Mustang, city of ne'er do wells. Might have info on a slaver ring somewhere out there."

Huh, I'll have to check that out. Anyways, to breakfast. I slithered on to Violet's house, and what might be my home.