• Published 17th May 2016
  • 1,151 Views, 100 Comments

The Ghost Of Me - Bluecatcinema

The untold story of Black Knight Paladin.

  • ...


"So there I was." Black sighed, as the group sat in the Pipeline. "Trapped inside my own mind, while Sombra used my body to conquer Equestria. After all those years I spent as a prisoner in the Napoleons' basement, I thought I'd reached rock bottom. Well, I was sadly mistaken."

"Evidently so." Fletcher pointed out. "You had Sombra in control of your mind. I can scarcely believe it."

"Yeah, it sounds like the plot of some cheesy horror movie." Caboose agreed.

"I had a hard time buying it at first." Pike added. "But sometimes fact is stranger than fiction."

"And the fact is, I was in a living nightmare." Black frowned. "One I'll never forget..."

Years ago...

Black was still trapped within the shadow tendrils inside his mindscape. All the windows of the illusionary castle were open, granting him a full view of the atrocities Sombra was using his body to inflict on others. In particular, he had to witness the brutal beating of Shining Armor, along with Sombra making threats toward his family, all so he would open the vault in the castle containing on of the Crystal Sun pieces.

"I can't believe this is happening." Black muttered. "I must have been out of my mind to ever let that psycho help me..."

"Hmph, if anypony's to blame, it's yourself." Sombra huffed, having overheard Black's muttering. "We could have been doing this together, but no... no, no, no... the infamous Black Knight had to go and be a... what is the modern term? Ah yes, a pansy!"

"So not wanting to conquer and enslave Equestria makes me a pansy?" Black growled.

"No, not having the spine to finish your enemies makes you a pansy." Sombra sneered. "You had the opportunity to finish those two... Elite and Ballista, I believe... but you squandered it."

"There wasn't any need to kill them." Black growled. "And there's no need for any more of this nightmare you've been inflicting on Equestria."

"You think this is a nightmare?" Sombra smirked. "Just you wait. There'll be more to come. Much more..."

Sombra was right, unfortunately, as Sombra had Celestia brought to them, just so he could taunt her. Hearing Celestia denounce Black as a monster, he could handle. After all, he did have it coming... but a line was crossed when Sombra began insulting White, using his own voice. It was the perversion of his own words that made him livid.

"How dare you bring my brother into this?!" Black spat. "Is it not enough that you have my body, but you have to make everypony believe that I hated my own brother?!"

"But you do hate him, don't you?" Sombra smirked. "I've been inside you mind, Black. I know that deep down, you've always resented White."

"That's not true!" Black yelled, struggling against the tendrils. "I didn't hate White. I could never hate White! He... he was my brother..."

"You can lie to yourself all day." Sombra sneered. "But we both know the truth. I've just giving it a voice at last."

"No, you're wrong." Black shook his head. "It's not the truth. It can't be..."

"Isn't it?" Sombra grinned wickedly. "Tell me, how could you not resent that goody-two-hooves? White was always your parents' favorite. Silver Dove adored him, like he was an angel who could do no wrong... and Ivory... well, he could say for sure that White was his kid, am I right?"

"Leave them out of this." Black glared, his father's name causing his anger to flare up.

"Ooh, did I strike a nerve?" Sombra crooned. "That's good. I like it when you're mad. Yes, White seemed to get everything he wanted. He was the model soldier, discharged with honors. He found a love, made her his wife. And he got to have two children he was free to raise, as short a time as that was. He had everything you wanted, but could never have... because of what you are and what you did... doesn't that make your body quiver with hate?"

"...Yes, I wanted everything my brother had." Black admitted, lowering his head. "Maybe a part of me is envious of what he had..." Then he glared at Sombra. "But that means nothing... it doesn't mean I hate him."

"You're fooling yourself, Black." Sombra taunted him. "Admit it, you actually felt relieved when he died. Because you no longer had to live in his shadow!"

"Shut up!" Black yelled. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

"Not that it matters either way." Sombra snorted. "Because this body is mine. I really have no use for all its memories. But they can help keep you warm while you rot away up here."

"You're a monster, Sombra." Black growled. "A stone cold monster."

"It takes one to know one, doesn't it?" Sombra sneered. "Now if you'll excuse me, my fellow monster, I have more business to attend to. The time of my great triumph is almost upon me. Of course, I never could have gotten this far without you..."

Black hung his head in shame.

At that moment, Sombra suddenly felt a familiar sensation.

"Ah." He smiled. "My minions have located Prince Shine and his daughter."

"No..." Black whispered.

"They're at the Castle of the Two Sisters." Sombra realized. "How clever..."

"If you hurt them, I'll-" Black snarled.

"Do nothing but watch." Sombra said coldly.

A communication portal appeared before Black's possessed body, showing Shine and Miracle, Twitch and co. having arrived there just moments ago.

"Hello again." Sombra grinned. "Let's keep things simple, shall we? I want the brat, and I want the magic Celestia gave you, Shine."

"What?" Shine frowned. "Celestia didn't give me any... Oh, who cares? Whatever you want, you're not getting it!"

"Oh, I'm getting it, alright." Sombra sneered. "Whether you like it or not."

"Attack!" Twitch yelled.

The thugs and Shadow Ponies attacked Shine en masse.

"No!" Black yelled, horrified, as he watched Shine try valiantly to defend himself and his daughter, but quickly being overwhelmed by the opposing masses. "Leave him alone! He's innocent!"

Sombra didn't reply, too engrossed in the battle.

"Something's wrong." Sombra growled in Black's voice, turning to Twitch. "Why isn't he using Celestia's magic?"

"Maybe he doesn't know how?" Twitch shrugged.

"Maybe..." Sombra shrugged. "Give him a bit more of a beating, just to be sure..."

"Don't you dare!" Black roared.

"Stop!" Miracle stepped forward. "Leave my dad alone! I... I'll give myself up! Just don't hurt him!"

"Miracle... no..." Shine groaned.

"Sorry dad, I have to." Miracle said firmly. "I don't want any more ponies to get hurt. Especially you."

"My, what a refreshingly helpful attitude." Sombra smiled. "Such a thoughtful little filly. Just for that, I think I'll have my boys lay off your dad. Even bring him along for the ride. Wouldn't want you getting lonely."

"You heard the boss." Twitch declared. "Do it!"

Black watched helplessly as Shine and Miracle were grabbed by the Shadow Ponies.

"Don't be so glum, chum." Sombra taunted him. "At least they're still alive, thanks to the smart little filly's co-operation. She certainly didn't get those brains from the Paladin side of the family. Soon, the last piece of Alicorn magic will be mine, and the power of the Crystal Sun along with it."

"And will that make you happy?" Black snarled.

"Oh, very much so." Sombra smirked. "And when all Equestria is mine, when all ponies bow to their King.... then I'll be even happier. In fact, I may actually reveal the truth to my subjects; That I am King Sombra, and you are just my puppet. But don't worry, I'll be sure to give credit where credit is due. I'll let them all know who they have to thank for my victory." He sneered wickedly. "You. Does that make you happy?"

"You know it doesn't." Black scowled.

"Yes, I do." Sombra chuckled. "And what is about to happen will make you even more unhappy..."

Shine and Miracle were brought back to the Crystal Empire, where Black was forced to watch as Sombra continued to mock and insult Shine using his voice, even going as far as feigning pity and bringing up Black's tragic past as some sort of petty excuse for his action.

Shine himself had some choice words to say, and while he had no idea he was speaking to an evil King who possessed his uncle, Black knew he meant every word was meant for him, and it stung him deeply.

"Why are you doing this, Black?" Shine asked. "Is this all just to get back at my father?! Or is it to compensate for the fact you weren't born the way you wanted?"

Black cringed in anguish. The fact that he was born without wings had always been a major point of contention with him...

"My dear nephew, I am hurt that you assume that I would do these things out of a grudge or pettiness." Sombra said quietly. "I am merely doing what I was born to do..."

"Which is?" Miracle asked.

Sombra chuckled.

"To cleanse Equestria of all filth. When I'm done, everything will be pure…"

"'Pure'?" Shine grimaced.

"Yes." Sombra nodded. "No more bugs infesting our wastelands, no more buffaloes stampeding over everything in their path, no more dragons hoarding all the world's riches and terrorizing the city folk. Nothing that can hold their advantages over us. Just us ponies. It'll be a perfect Equestria, at long last."

"You filthy liar..." Black spat at Sombra.

"But it's not that far from what you wanted, is it?" Sombra sneered. "No, not at all..."

Black bowed his head in shame.

"You don't have to do this." Shine urged. "You could come back to the family. Make amends for what you've done. It's not too late."

"Family..." Sombra sneered. "I've had quite enough of that, thank you."

"What?" Shine gasped.

"My so-called family turned against me!" Sombra roared, speaking the dark thoughts buried within Black's mind. "My brother betrayed me, and my parents practically disowned me!"

"That's not true!" Shine barked. "Surely they would never…"

"You wouldn't understand." Sombra scoffed. "All I was to them was an unfortunate 'kink' in their precious bloodline. They acted like they loved me, but I could see it in their eyes... if you weren't born with feathers, then you weren't a Paladin..."

"No... that... that can't be..." Shine muttered.

"You can deny it all you want, but it is the truth." Sombra grunted. "But that's okay with me... because I don't need family anymore. With the Crystal Sun's power, I'll have all that I will ever need!"

It was at that point that Sombra tried to take the Alicorn magic within Shine... only to learn that he had transferred it to Caboose. But that didn't sway him, for he simply decided to use Miracle's magic instead... even though it would kill her.

"No! No! Please!" Shine pleaded, as Sombra turned away. "Uncle!"

Black perked up at the word "uncle".

"I've never been called that before..." He mused.

"Black... please... don't do this to me... don't do this to your nephew..." Shine sniffled. "Miracle's my little sunbeam... do what you want with the Sun, or me and Celestia, but please... don't do this to your own family... please…"

"Don't do it..." Black pleaded with Sombra. "I'm begging you..."

"Oh, Shine..." Sombra shook his head, as he tilted Shine's chin upwards. "It is because you're my nephew that you won't have to see her die. You don't deserve the same pain as your father or wife does... But do know that I am doing this only for the betterment of Equestria... don't worry though... she won't suffer."

Shine was left dumbfounded, as Sombra then turned to the shadow ponies and gave a nod.

"Take him away."

The Shadow Ponies made to drag the Pegasus away, as Shine finally came to his senses.

"No…" Shine muttered, as he then screamed. "NOOOOO! Please! Don't hurt her! Miracle! Miracle! MIRACLE!"

"You monster!" Black roared, struggling against the tendrils. "You monster!"

"Lest you forget, I'm not the only monster here." Sombra sneered. "You've actually been responsible for a greater loss of life than I ever have. Wouldn't you agree, Mr Changeling hunter?"

Black froze in horror.

"And let's not forget all the sanctioned and unsanctioned murders you performed in service of your Taskforce." Sombra added. "In fact, I'd say out of the two of us, you're the greater monster here. Think on that before you seek to demonize me."

'Sombra's right...' Black thought. 'I really am a monster. Somewhere down the road, I let go of my equinity, and gave an even worse monster the chance to destroy Equestria. I deserve every bit of hate everypony has for me. I deserve to have my face used as an icon for evil. I deserve to be trapped in here...'

Soon after, Sombra approached Miracle, intent on fulfilling his twisted plan.

"You'd sacrifice a foal to take over Equestria?" Black growled.

"I would sacrifice anything and everything to get what I want." Sombra smirked. "The fact that the child in question is Celestia's daughter is just a bonus."

"Come on, Sombra, don't do this..." Black pleaded. "Miracle's just a child. She doesn't deserve this!"

"Well, I didn't deserve to have my body blown to smithereens because of a baby dragon, that foolish Prince and his damn throwing hooves, and that damn Princess of Love!" Sombra snarled, livid at the somewhat amusing circumstances of his demise... only for him to regain composure. "But life isn't fair, is it?"

"Doesn't give you the right to do something like this, though." Black snarled.

"Doesn't it?" Sombra smirked. "For so long, I've languished in darkness. Now it's time to return the favor."

"And you're gonna kill my grand-niece to do it." Black scowled.

"That's the plan." Sombra smirked.

Sombra knelt down by Miracle.

"It's almost time, kiddo." He smirked.

"Y-you won't win." Miracle, though scared, tried to be brave. "My dad'll stop you."

"Points for courage, little Princess." Sombra sneered. "But you're in no condition to be mouthing off to anypony."

Back in Black's mind...

"Petulant little vermin." Sombra growled.

"She's got Paladin blood, alright." Black gave a sad smile. "She won't give up, no matter what."

"Like that even matters." Sombra scowled. "She'll be dead before long..."

Suddenly, Twitch stumbled into the room, snapping Sombra to attention.

"Uh, boss, y-you might w-want to see t-this." He pointed toward the balcony.

"This had better be good." Sombra growled.

Sombra and Twitch came outside, to the balcony to find an army of Changelings, Griffons, buffalo and ponies marching towards the palace; Sazh, Char, Wizel, Princess Twilight's friends, Blue Blazes, Mist, Constell, Luxury, and the entire mafia army were leading the charge.

Both Black and Sombra gaped at the size of the army.

"Impossible..." Sombra gaped.

"Well, well." Black gave a snide grin at Sombra. "Didn't see that coming, did you?"

"W-what should we do, boss?" Twitch asked.

Sombra stared slack-jawed…

"What's the matter, your highness?" Black smirked. "Cat got your tongue?"

Black's taunt snapped Sombra out of his shock, and ticked him off to boot.

"I don't have time for this." He groaned, turning to Twitch. "You deal with them!"

"M-me?! What do you want me to do?!" Twitch protested.

"I don't know… send them away! I have bigger fish to fry right now!" Sombra snarled, marching away.

"Insolent commoners..." He snarled. "They think they can stop me? Hah!"

"Well, they're sure gonna try." Black frowned. "Whether it's me or you, it seems like they're not going to let Equestria be taken over just like that."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter how many of them there are." Sombra growled. "They're still too late. Soon, the ceremony will be complete, the Crystal Sun will grant me unlimited power, and I will smite them all off the face of Equestria!"

"You wouldn't..." Black seethed.

"Just wait and see..." Sombra smirked. "The magic is about to unfold."

Meanwhile, out on the outskirts of the Crystal Empire, the Taskforce were debating what to do next.

"I just don't see any strategy that could help." Master Mind confessed.

"There has to be something." Incognito urged.

"We already had an ace in the hole... until somepony ruined that by not pulling the trigger." Ballista glared at Armory.

"I did what I had to do." Armory glared.

"And may have destroyed all Equestria as a result!" Ballista roared.

"Enough." Elite growled. "This isn't helping. We need a plan to pull Black out of this madness."

"No, what we need is a miracle." Armory sighed.

Titan suddenly stood up, his ears twitching.

"Rrrrf!" He barked.

"What is it, Titan?" Elite asked.

"Rrrf-ruf!" Titan pointed over the mountain, where the army of defenders were marching on the Crystal Empire.

"Wow." Incognito gasped.

"Look at them all." Armory gaped.

"So many..." Master Mind acknowledged.

"Looks like we got us a miracle after all." Ballista smiled.

"We can only hope it's enough..." Elite mused.

Before long, Sombra had the four shards of the Crystal Sun floating above him. Celestia, chained in a corner of the room, struggled desperately. Sombra felt it was "appropriate" that the mare who ruined "Black's" life would be there to see him take her daughter's life. Miracle was similarly contained, helpless to free herself.

"Now, it is time for the pieces to come together." Sombra chuckled.

The four shards were pulled together, forming a giant crystal orb. It began to glow a golden glow, and levitate on its own.

"Perfect." Sombra smiled, as he slightly pushed the orb over Miracle. "Now we can begin. At long last, Equestria will be mine..."

Black remained silent.

"What? No biting remark?" Sombra mused. "No more 'you won't get away with this?'"

"What's the point?" Black frowned, the black tendrils around him growing tighter. "You've won. You have everything you need. And it's clear I can't stop you..."

"Very good." Sombra smirked. "You've finally acknowledged the futility of your struggle. Much better to just give in, and watch, as I bring about the downfall of Equestria."

"You're right..." Black sighed, as the black tendrils pulled him down further. "This really is the end..."

"And don't you forget-" Sombra was about to snark when suddenly, the lights in the room went off.

"Oh, what now?!" Sombra groaned.

Suddenly, a spotlight appeared in the corner of the room, showing the silhouette of a caped pony... who removed the cape, revealing himself to be Caboose.

"Behold!" Caboose said dramatically. "'Tis I, Caboose the mighty! ...And my sidekick, Sleight Gambit."

"Sidekick, me?" Sleight groaned.

"Well, well." Sombra snorted. "What's this?"

"I was about to ask the same thing..." Black gaped.

"We're here to stop you, Black." Caboose declared.

"Once and for all." Sleight added.

"Whatever you say." Sombra froze Miracle in place under the Crystal Sun. "Let's go."

Caboose and Sleight charged. Caboose fired magic blasts, while Sleight used his card magic.

"Same old tricks." Sombra sneered, using Black's memories of Sleight to his advantage, dodged their attacks.

"Then how about a new one?" Sleight asked. "Now, Caboose!"

Sleight flung two cards at either side of Black. Caboose fired a beam at one, which opened into a portal. The second card turned into a portal also, causing the beam to strike Black from behind.

"Gaahhh!" Sombra yelped, knocked aside.

Pressing their advantage, Caboose and Sleight kept up their assault, throwing everything they had at Black.

"That was... pretty harsh." Black admitted, feeling the pain inflicted on his body.

"How are you…" Sombra muttered, before noticing the sparking of Caboose's horn. "You! You're the one with…"

"Celestia's magic? Maybe I am, maybe I'm not!" Caboose shrugged.

"No way." Black gaped. "This guy? Wow, I did not see that coming."

"Oh shut up." Sombra snarled.

"Maybe I think you're gonna lose this one." Caboose continued, taunting Sombra.

"Well said, Caboose!" Sleight smiled, as he levitated more cards. "Let's bring down this monster!"

Despite their boasts, neither Caboose nor Sleight lasted too long against Sombra. Black watched in horror as Sombra blasted Sleight away. Despite all his resentment towards Sleight, Black was horrified to see him hurt like that. He then had to watch as Caboose was pummeled. He had to admit, Caboose put up a good fight, especially given how Sombra hit him square in the chest about a hundred times... twice... Black had no idea how he did that.

However, despite Caboose's efforts, Sombra withstood his blows, and now had him right where he want him.

"Time to end this..." Sombra muttered darkly, as he then grasped Caboose in dark magic. "Give me the magic, once and for all!"

The stallion attempted to drain the Alicorn magic from Caboose... only to find it wasn't there.

"Wha... this can't be..." He frowned.

"Heh-heh, gotcha!" Caboose smirked, though wincing a bit in pain.

"Where is the magic?!" Sombra demanded, grabbing Caboose by the neck. "Where is-"

Sombra was then blasted aside by a powerful golden blur, freeing Caboose instantly.

"Arrrh!" He groaned, skidding across the floor. "Who did tha..."

Glancing at the one who attacked him, Sombra was shocked to see that it was Shine, his wings glowing bright gold, and wearing golden armor.

"Shine!" Celestia smiled.

"Dad!" Miracle cheered.

"Shine?" Black was shaken from his misery, surprised to see Shine standing before him and Sombra.

"Looking for something, uncle?" Shine glared, his wings glowing brightly. "Caboose transferred the magic to me. And now I'm going to use it to stop you! It's time to put an end to this!"

"Wow..." Black gasped, gazing upon his empowered nephew. "White, if you could only see your boy now..."

"Foolish boy." Sombra sneered. "He's brought the Alicorn magic right to me! I'm going to enjoy ripping it out of him..."

Black grit his teeth in anger. He couldn't just stand there and allow Sombra to attack his nephew. Not with his own hooves.

'No more.' He thought. 'No more wallowing in my own pity. Shine's ready to risk it all to fight this monster. He's as brave and noble as his father. They do the Paladin name proud. Now it's time for me to do the same.'

Black stood up, the tendrils being pulled taunt by his movements.

"...I don't think so." He snarled.

"What are you babbling about now?" Sombra spat.

"If that kid can stand up to you, then so can I!" Black declared.

With a sudden burst of strength, Black tore free of the dark tendrils.

"Inconceivable!" Sombra roared.

"This is my head, Sombra." Black glared at his hated foe. "And I'm kicking you out!"

"Do your worst!" Sombra growled.

"No... I'll do my best." Black smiled.

The two charged at each other, and locked in battle, at the same time as Shine did with Black's body in the real world.

"You think you can fight on two fronts?" Black taunted Sombra.

"We shall see!" Sombra snarled.

The secret side of me
I never let you see
I keep it caged,
But I can't control it
So stay away from me
The beast is ugly
I feel the rage
And I just can't hold it
It's scratching on the walls
In the closet, in the halls
It comes awake
And I can't control it
Hiding under the bed
In my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end!

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

As Black and Sombra struggled, Black's mindscape suddenly warped and rippled, changing from the faux Canterlot Castle to the streets of Dodge Junction. However, the scenery seemed to distort around them, as if it were melting.

"What the heck is this?" Black frowned.

"Looks like a trip through memory lane." Sombra sneered.

"You think being back home is gonna phase me?" Black scowled.

"It's not home you should be worrying about." Sombra smirked. "But the memories connected to it."

"What's that supposed to-?" Black started, only to freeze in shock as Sombra's body began to change.

Sombra's coat changed to a familiar shade of white, his billowing black mane changing to a well-combed silver one, his red eyes becoming a vibrant blue, and his horn sinking into his forehead and out of existence. Two white wings sprouted from his side, feathers flying out. Sombra had become a perfect replica of White.

"...No... no way..." Black gaped.

"Black, Black, Black." "White Knight" shook his head. "All these years, and you haven't changed a bit. You're still the same mindless, lonely punk you were back when we were kids."

"White, I-" Black stuttered.

"I really should have seen it coming." White mused, as he glared at him. "I should have seen you turning into a total psychopath! The kind of monster who spat in the face of everything I believe in!"

"No." Black mumbled. "It wasn't like-"

White punched Black hard, sending him flying a few feet before crashing into the ground.

"You're a monster." White spat. "I am disgusted to call you my brother."

"Ugh... White..." Black groaned, as he got back up. "This... this can't be..."

My secret side I keep
Hid under lock and key
I keep it caged,
But I can't control it
Cause if I let him out
He'll tear me up
And break me down
Why won't somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end!

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

"White" continued attacking Black. But Black couldn't bring himself to fight back.

"I can't fight you!" Black declared. "I won't!"

"Then you're going to die." White smirked. "Just as you let me die."

"I tried to save you..." Black gurgled through a mouthful of blood. "I tried."

"And you failed." Black sneered. "Just like you failed another pony..."

Suddenly, the scenery around them began shifting as it did before. Soon, the mindscape resembled that of a billowing desert plain, the same melting distortion phenomenon occurring. The land they stood upon looked shockingly similar to the area around which Black and White were deployed... when they were in Saddle Arabia...

"Oh no..." Black gaped.

"Oh yes..." White Knight sneered. To Black's horror, White's skin turned darker, his wings molting and breaking off his body. His face changed shape, as did his body. Soon, standing in his brother's place, was none other than Rookie Blue, just as he was before he died that fateful day, donning the same hateful gaze as White.

"No, please..." Black struggled to stand up.

"Brings back memories, doesn't it?" Rookie growled. "I thought you were my friend, Black. My trusted comrade. And I really thought you felt the same way."

"Rookie..." Black whispered.

"But you didn't, did you?" Rookie kicked Black hard. "You used me, deceived me, set me up to die, all just to further your own agenda!"

"I never meant for you to die." Black grunted. "Never!"

"Right." Rookie said coldly. "You just didn't care if I did." He punched Black in the face. "And to think, I actually looked up to you. My mistake!"

"Please, don't..." Black held up his hooves, trying to defend himself.

"Don't what?" Rookie sneered, throwing more blows. "Face it, Black: You've got this coming!"

It's hiding in the dark
It's teeth are razor sharp
There's no escape for me
It wants my soul,
It wants my heart
No one can hear me scream,
Maybe it's just a dream
Or maybe it's inside of me
Stop this monster!

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster

Rookie continued lashing out at Black, who valiantly tried to avoid his blows.

"What's the matter, coward?" Rookie spat. "Can't be bothered to do the job yourself this time?"

Black let out a heavy pant, his body aching viciously. He was unable to land a single blow, as unwilling to lay a hoof upon his former comrade as he was to do so to his brother. But that did little to stop what he thought was still Sombra.

The pain was too much. If it wasn't the near bone-breaking blows that both White and Rookie had dealt upon him, it was the crushing guilt weighing on his soul. The nightmare going on outside his mind was even worse. His nephew and grandniece's lives were on the line, and there seemed to be nothing he could do about it. Black's guilt and sorrow were so great, he was at risk of drowning under it. The physical and mental trauma threatened to destroy him.

'Can't take much more of this...' He thought, as he was struck once more.

Suddenly, the mindscape shifted again, replacing the desert landscape with that of another town... none other than Prairieville.

"No..." Black's eyes widened in terror, whimpering. "No... please, not her... anypony but her..."

Rookie's body changed once more. Though not as horrid as the transformation from White was, Black could see Rookie's body taking on a more feminine shape, the coat changing to a pale amber and the mane growing out to a curly orange. It wasn't before long none other than School Belle stood before him, the glasses that belonged to Rookie falling off her face, and being crushed under her hoof.

"No, please... don't do this to me..." Black was on the verge of tears, the thought of having to face the mare he loved more daunting than even facing his own brother. "Not with her..."

"What's the matter, Black?" Belle said coldly. "Too ashamed to face me? The mare who fell in love with a lie? The mare who never knew you for the soulless fiend you really were? The mare you tricked into loving you? The mare you impregnated, and left to raise your child alone? If I was in your hooves, I would be."

"Belle, please... you have to understand..." Black said weakly, overcome with despair. "I had to lie... if you knew the truth... you'd... you'd..."

"Hate you?" Belle growled. "Despise you? Oh, so true!"

Belle slapped Black hard, knocking him back to the ground.

"Even after I saved your life, gave you my heart, you still couldn't trust me with the truth!" She slammed her hoof onto Black's back, then leaned in close and whispered viciously. "I should have just left you to die..."

"Maybe you should." Black whispered, not willing to stand up. "Maybe then, I wouldn't have abandoned you... I wouldn't have continued on this twisted path... I wouldn't have helped bring about the end of Equestria..." Black dropped to his knees. "I made the biggest mistake of my life, and I've been paying for it ever since. There's no redemption for me. I should just... stop trying."

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I'm gonna lose control
Here's something radical
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

The mindscape shifted once more, this time returning to that of Canterlot Castle. The windows were still open, showing Sombra and Shine stuck in combat... and Sombra was winning.

Belle's body began contorting again, her feminine body shifting back into the masculine form that was Sombra, who glanced upon the defeated stallion with glee.

"I hope you're enjoying all the little reunions I've been providing you." He smirked. "Everypony you've ever let down, everypony you've ever betrayed and lied to... It's quite a list. I wanted to get Elite and the others in on this, but I felt that was a touch of overkill."

"You buckin' piece of filth." Black hissed, his body aching from exhaustion.

"But wait, there's more." Sombra smirked. "I was able to fit in one more pony, and it's a doozy. This one pony was one that you have disappointed more than any other... mostly by virtue of simply existing."

Sombra's body once again shifted, wings bursting out of his back, his horn retracting into his skull. His coat grew paler, his body thicker. Once the transformation was complete, Black stood in shock. For standing before him was none other than Ivory Templar Paladin, his father.

"Oh no..." Black quivered in fear and loathing. "No, no... no..."

"That's right." Ivory nodded. "Daddy's home."

"You..." Black muttered in anguish. "How could you use... him against me? And I thought you were low before..."

"You are such a disgrace to the Paladin family name." Ivory glared at Black. "The family bloodline, even! The one Earth Pony in an unbroken string of Pegasi! You were born an embarrassment!"

"Stop it..." Black hissed, pressing his hooves to his ears, weakly trying to drown out his voice. "Stop it..."

"Who are you to give orders to your father?!" Ivory struck Black, kicking him hard and across the floor.

"Ugh!" Black groaned.

"You ungrateful little brat." Ivory sneered, kicking Black again and again. "Even if I did think you were some illegitimate offspring, I still raised you like my own son. And how did you repay me? By making a mockery of the family name!"

"You weren't a real father to me." Black spat, "Not even close..."

"Then again, maybe there was nothing I could have done." Ivory shrugged. "With a father like me, perhaps you had no choice but to go down that dark path."

"Yeah, you-" Black stopped in mid-agreement. "Wait..."

Something was off. Black knew that his father had always been a proud stallion. He hardly ever admitted he was in the wrong. But here he was, admitting that he had been a terrible parent to Black. Why would Black's memory have made such a major error? How could Sombra have made that mistake?

...In fact, how was it that Sombra knew how to get under Black's skin like he was doing? And how was it that Sombra could effortlessly assume the form of his loved ones, right down to the smallest detail? Sombra may have been a powerful dark magic wielder, but there was no way in Tartarus he could strike Black this personally, especially considering they'd met a few days ago.

"This isn't right." Black mused. "None of this is!"

"Shut up and take your medicine!" Ivory punched him.

"What's going on here?" Black held his ground in spite of his injuries. "Why are you doing all this, Sombra? And how? You can't be using the memory of my father. Not as I knew him. And how are you even able to trudge these memories?" He suddenly dropped to his knees. "I deserve to know. Tell me!"

Ivory paused for a moment... then started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Black glared.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!" Ivory cackled. "So, you've finally figured it out. About damn time, I' say."

"What are you talking about?" Black frowned. "Answer me, Sombra!"

"...Firstly, Black, you should know that I am not King Sombra." Ivory sneered, "I never was..."

"...You never w-?" Black froze. "Then who-?"

Suddenly, Ivory's light blue eyes turned a vibrant gold, just like his.

"I'm you." Ivory smirked. "Or rather, the darkest part of you."

"What?" Black gaped. "I don't understand..."

"Let me spell it out for you, Black." Ivory chuckled, as he stepped back. "I am the embodiment of your darkness. The incarnation of your hate. The avatar of your bloodlust and rage. I am the part of you that relishes in destruction, chaos, anarchy, and the agony of others! Ever since your youth, I've been a part of you, manipulating you from within..."

"No. "Black shook his head. "It can't be..."

"But it is." Ivory declared. "All those urges to hurt... to kill... to destroy... that was all because of me! All it took was a little nudge here and a suppression of common sense there, and the beast was unleashed! All the ponies you murdered, those you hurt, and whose lives you have ruined, have all been a product of my own machinations! All you've ever been was a puppet, and I, your puppeteer!"

"...But this doesn't make any sense... how could you have been controlling me?" Black frowned. "All my life, I've been my own pony!"

"Ha! That's what I wanted you to think!" Ivory smirked. "But in reality, I've been nothing more than the darkness in your heart. Each time you felt hate, fear, or despair, I grew, blotting out any of that wretched light you held in your puny black heart. When you became one with Sombra's horn, I finally became strong enough to not only envelop your very being, but to assume control of your body permanently..."

"But... why are you-" Black started.

"Ivory?" Ivory sneered. "I felt it was fitting to assume the form that incited the most hate and fear within you. The father who never loved you. I can assume other forms too, using your memories. However, I only know about them as much as you do, and they're subject to alterations based on your personal views of them. Thus is the limitation of a broken pony's mind."

"But then... what of Sombra?" Black glared. "How did you know so much about him?! How do I know this isn't his doing?!"

"Oh, please." Ivory scoffed. "That's a laugh. I met Sombra myself when you two became one. And I'll tell ya, he was a complete wreck. Nothing but skin and bone and a broken horn. He was barely alive, his power faded with time... but his darkness... his hate... it was all mine for the taking. He and I became one, and I was not only able to become as strong as I am right now, but I also gained his memories, and his desire for total conquest. And now that I'm finally strong enough to become you, I shall see that desire satiated."

"...No, you won't." Black said firmly, as he struggled to his hooves, "I don't care if you're Sombra or my darkness. I'm not going to just stand by and let you take my body! I am bringing you-"

Before Black could finish that sentence, Ivory struck him hard in the chest, then followed up with lightning fast blows, striking him everywhere he could reach, and slamming him into the ground.

"Augh..." Black groaned, stupefied by what had just happened.

"You can't beat me, Black." Ivory smirked. "Not when you've been feeding me all these years. The power of your hate and despair you has made me stronger and stronger. Even now, you're feeding me, as you wallow in self-pity and the hopelessness of your situation. And look what you and I ended up doing together because of it!"

The mindscape shifted, showing the ruins of Reinadh, followed by the countless Changeling homes Black had led his thugs in destroying, and many amalgamations of buildings where Black (following the death of Lazarevic Darkside) had slain hundreds of Forefather agents. Black blurs littered the ground around them, obviously representative of those Black had slain.

"No..." Black murmured.

"You may as well just accept it." Ivory smirked. "Ever since your father spurned you, you were mine, and now, the day has come for you and I to truly become one. For you to truly embrace yourself for the monster you were meant to be... do not fight it, Black..."

Black bowed his head in anger, shame, and anguish.

'He's right.' He thought. 'My whole life, I've done nothing but cause pain. I had a monster inside me, one I helped grow. I've ruined so many lives. I don't deserve mine...'

The dark tendrils started coiling around Black again.

"That's it." Ivory smirked. "Give in..."

"No." Another voice declared.

"Don't listen to him!" A female voice added.

"You can't give up, Black." A third voice agreed.

"What?" Ivory growled.

"Oh no..." Black groaned, recognizing those voices.

Suddenly, in bursts of light, White, Belle and Rookie appeared, between Black and Ivory.

"What the-?!" Ivory gasped.

"Hello, brother." White smiled.

"White... Belle... Rookie..." Black frowned. "Please, I know I've done you all wrong, but-"

"That's not why we're here." White declared. "We came to help you."

"...You did?" Black gaped. Realizing something, as he glanced at them and Ivory. "Wait... you three aren't..."

"We're the true memories of those you care for most." Belle declared. "The feelings you hold most dear. The part of you which refuses to die."

"We're here to tell you that you're not a monster." Rookie beamed.

"Shows what you know." Ivory snarled.

"He's right." Black sighed. "I am a monster."

"No, you're not." Belle placed her hoof against Black's cheek. "A monster would not be capable of love."

"A monster would not mourn the loss of his brother." White added.

"Or a comrade." Rookie added.

"Are you actually listening to these fools?" Ivory scoffed. "I've already shown you what they truly thought of you. They hate you... they despise you..."

"...Do you three actually hate me?" Black whispered.

"No... that is the darkness talking." Rookie frowned, glaring at Ivory. "That's what it do when you let it consume you. It tries to isolate you, make you think that there's no pony out there for you, make it tso you only know pain and suffering, just so it can sink its claws into you. But none of that is true!"

"But all the things I've done-" Black started.

"You lost your way." White admitted. "It happens. But the good stallion you once were still exists. We are proof of that. Proof that light still exists in your soul."

"The evil within you is not stronger than the good." Belle smiled. "If it were, would I have fallen in love with you?"

"No, you wouldn't..." Black smiled, the memory of their first kiss entering his mind.

"And I sure wouldn't have become friends with a heartless sociopath." Rookie added. "I gave you that mixtape because I knew you were somepony that ponies could rely on. A pillar of strength and honor that stands tall, no matter who tries to bring it down."

"You are my brother, Black." White grinned. "I always loved you, and I always believed in you. And I believe you can win today."

"So do I." Belle agreed.

"And me." Rookie nodded. "Push that darkness back down where it belongs. Do it for us."

"Do it for Equestria." White added.

"But most of all, do it for yourself." Belle smiled.

"...Yes." Black nodded, his resolve returning. "I will."

Calling upon newfound reserves of strength, Black broke free of the tendrils once more.

"Impossible!" Ivory roared.

"Go get 'im, bro." White smiled.

"I will." Black nodded. "Thank you. All of you."

The three memories smiled as they faded into white.

"Now then." Black turned to Ivory. "Where were we?"

"I was about to finish this!" Ivory lunged at Black.

Black dodged Ivory's attack, then struck with one of his own, sending Ivory flying.

"Argh!" Ivory yelled. "How-?"

"Looks like I just got one hell of a second wind." Black smiled. "And it's gonna blow you away!"

"I don't think so!" Ivory roared, "I am your darkness, and I will consume you, even if I have to swallow you piece by piece!"

As the battle between them continued, Black's blows began weakening his dark side's hold, to a point that Black was able to snatch control over his body briefly, but just enough to purposely hold back his blows so that Shine could be able to telegraph and dodge his strikes and counter them with his own.

It seemed like Shine was starting to win the fight against his uncle. Unfortunately, Ivory was able to take back control of Black's body long enough to activate the Crystal Sun. It was moments away from absorbing Miracle's lifeforce, but Shine was able to break Miracle free. However, this merely served as a distraction, as Ivory was able to finally able to absorb Celestia's Alicorn magic into Sombra's horn.

"Victory is mine." Ivory snarled, as he and Black grappled. "With all the Alicorns' magic at my disposal and the Crystal Sun still raring to go, I will be strong enough to consume you and blot out any remaining light in this forsaken body."

"That won't happen..." Black growled.

"And what do you think is going to stop it?" Ivory sneered. "I have won! I defeated all the Alicorns and our nephew! It would have to take an act of Faust herself to stop me n-"

Suddenly,the doors to the throne room burst open, as Twitch (whom Black's darkness had empowered into a giant brute moments before) came charging in. Caboose wasaround his neck, trying his best to steer the rampaging abomination. To Ivory's horror, Twitch tripped... and fell onto the Crystal Sun, shattering it into a million pieces.

"...Gah..." Ivory gaped. "The artifact... of the Great Alicorns... destroyed... by two idiots... our unlimited power... gone. All that work... for nothing..."

"Ooops." Black smirked. "Hope you had insurance."

Something snapped within Black's darkness, as Ivory glared murderously at Black, and let out a vicious scream.

In the real world, Ivory, in a fit of rage, threw Caboose and Twitch out of the castle, not caring where they landed, then faced off against White once more. Within his mind, Ivory renewed his efforts to defeat Black.

"Why are you still fighting me?!" Black asked, as he slugged Ivory in the face. "You've lost. The Crystal Sun is gone. That means you no longer have the means to defeat Father."

"I may have lost the Sun, but I've collected a lot of Alicorn magic! Once I finish up here, I'm going to find all the other Alicorns and take their magic! That oughta to make up for it!" Ivory snarled.

"You can try, but you'll have to get past me first." Black said firmly.

"You make it sound like a challenge!" Ivory charged Black.

Black sidestepped the attack and struck Ivory in the side.

"Because it is." He sneered.

In the real world, Ivory was doing much better against Shine, beating him to the ground.

"At least I'll be able to kill your nephew before you take back control." Ivory spat. "Then you'll have to deal with the whole world believing you killed Prince Shine Paladin in cold blood."

"Guess again!" Black pounded Ivory desperately, trying to finish him before it was too late.

As they struggled, Miracle suddenly stood before Black's body and her beaten father.

"Oh, good." Ivory smiled. "The brat wants to go first. The more, the merrier."

"Get out of there, kid..." Black whispered.

Just as Ivory was about to attack in the real world, Miracle blasted Black's one good eye with her magic.

"Rarrgh!" Ivory roared, clutching the struck eye. As he pulled the hoof away, Black's golden eye was now pale and milky. He waved the hoof in front of him. "I can't see… I can't see!"

In the mindscape, all the windows had gone dark.

"Not what I was hoping for..." Black cringed, feeling the pain of his destroyed eye. "But good job, kiddo."

"That won't help the filthy brat!" Ivory spat, who was feeling the same pain as him. "I can still smell her!"

Even blinded, Ivory forced Black's body to go after Miracle.

"Don't you touch her!" Black roared.

Out in the real world, Shine intervened, ramming into Black's body.

"Oh, you want some more, huh?" Ivory smirked, steadying himself. "You're just like your father: too stubborn to know when to quit."

"You didn't know my father at all." Shine glared. "Not one bit."

"Seriously?" Ivory growled. "We were brothers! I knew him better than anypony!"

"If you really knew him, then you'd know it was more than stubbornness." Shine declared. "He did what was right, even if it meant going against family, even if it looked like he couldn't win. And I'm the same. That's why I'm still here, still ready to fight. Because I'm my father's son."

"You sure are." Ivory nodded. "You spout the same pointless gibberish he did!"

"Except it's not gibberish." Black declared. "It's the truth. I forgot what it meant for a long time. But now I remember, and I'm never gonna forget again."

"Oh, you will..." Ivory snarled. "I will make certain of that."

The two battled once more, as Ivory and Shine also fought. Ivory threw out more half-baked lies, making Black seem even more insane. But with every lie, Black just hit him harder. As Black struck Ivory, he weakened him further, allowing him to slow Ivory's attacks. In one moment, this allowed Shine to deflect one of his punches, followed by striking him hard enough to break Black's rib.

"Ugh..." Black grunted, feeling his chest. "Worth it..."

"I won't be defeated!" Ivory roared, spitting out a bit of blood, rubbing his own chest. "Not by you, and not by this brat!"

In both the mindscape and the real world, Ivory grappled with his opponents. But in the real world, Shine slipped free, and headbutted Black's body, causing Sombra's horn to crack.

"Of course..." Shine mused, looking at the horn.

"No!" Ivory growled, feeling the horn crack. "If I lose the horn... it really will be all over!"

"Yer damn right!" Black slammed his hoof against Ivory's jaw, then glanced out into the darkness outside the windows. "Go for it, Shine!"

Shine proceeded to hit Black several times in the face. In the mindscape, Black did the same to Ivory.

"Stop!" Ivory roared. "Don't let him-"

"I'm done listening to you." Black snarled.

Putting every last ounce of strength into his hoof, Shine struck Sombra's horn. The horn broke off Black's head, hitting the ground.

"AAAAAHHHH!" Ivory screamed, as all the magic he stole flooded out through the spot where the horn had once been, and into the horn itself. He fell to the ground, powerless.

In the mindscape, Ivory screeched in agony as dark energy flowed out of him. The area began to shift, showing images of places Black associated with happy times, such as the Taskforce headquarters, and the creek in Dodge Junction. The images were blurred, only half-there, but grew more distinct as the darkness continued to fade away.

Once all of the darkness had faded away, all that remained was Ivory himself... who collapsed. Black gave a smirk of victory, as he limped his way over to a wall, only to slouch against it, truly exhausted.

Not too far away, Elite and Armory, inspired by the army's attack, were watching the situation.

"The horn's gone!" Armory smiled. "Black's free of its influence!"

"That he is." Elite smiled. "We may be able to reach him after all..."

Meanwhile, the freed royals were surveying the damage caused to the castle.

"Sorry about your house." Shine apologized.

"Don't worry about it." Shining sighed. "I think insurance should cover this place..." A column fell over and shattered. "I hope..."

Sleight joined them.

"So... what are we going to do about Black Knight?" He asked. "I mean, I'm not one for the death penalty, but he did try to take over and destroy Equestria."

"And he threatened thousands of lives, including those of our loved ones." Shining added. "No doubt the entire country will be out for his head."

"...I don't know..." Shine frowned. "For all the terrible things he's done, there's a part of me that actually feels sorry for him..."

Back in the mindscape, Black felt his ears twitching, as he heard heavy panting. Black opened his eye (only being blinded to the real world, luckily), and saw Ivory... though he looked different.

Ivory's body began to decay and morph, his coat becoming redder, his face younger. One wing disintegrated, as a Cutie Mark similar to Black's replaced his own. An eye even dissolved, matching Black's own. Breathing heavily, the Ivory-Black amalgam crawled over to the wall next to Black.

"...So you're still alive." Black glared.

"That's right, Black..." Ivory-Black sneered, letting out a weak wheeze. "You think... that ridding ourselves of Sombra... changes anything? I have been always been a part of you. And I always will. You can't kill me..."

"That doesn't matter." Black frowned, "Now you can't hurt anypony ever again."

"You Faust damn fool." Ivory-Black chuckled. "You think you can just toss me aside and lock me away? You need me, Black. I have always been there for you. When everypony turned on you after Reinadh, when you lost your brother... when your so-called friends revealed their true colors... had it not been for me... you would have put a Faust-damn bolt through your head a long time ago."

Black contemplated on his dark side's words, weighing his options.

"I'm what made you who you are today." Ivory-Black smirked. "You think what little light you have had anything to do with it? Well, you're wrong! And even though I was beaten today, I will return, stronger than ever!"

'He's right.' Black thought. 'I have to make sure he can never use me to hurt anypony ever again...'

Black remained silent... then lifted himself up, stumbling a bit due to his injuries, and walked away from the twisted form of his darkness.

"Hey... what are you doing?" Ivory-Black glared.

"...You want to know something?" Black said solemnly. "Maybe you're right. Maybe you are partially responsible for how I turned out. And maybe no matter what I'll do, I'll end up being like you..." He shook his head. "...But I'm okay with that..." He then glanced back at his darkness, with a cold glance. "Because I'm taking you with me..."

"...What?" Ivory-Black gaped.

A loud growl echoed through the Crystal Castle's halls, as Black, finally in control of his own body, threw the guards who made to detain him aside. He stumbled onto his hooves, struggling to maintain balance. He was blind, broken, and barely functioning... but he knew what he had to do. Fighting through the pain, he forced himself forward, walking into what he knew to be a bunch of angry ponies, ready to murder him.

Watching from afar, Elite and Armory stood, gaping at what Black was doing.

"Elite... what is Black doing?" Armory murmured.

"...No." Elite knew exactly what Black intended to do. "Don't do it, Black... please..."

"Rule #1, boy... never turn your back on your opponent unless he is dead... you just don't learn, do you?" Black coughed a little as he advanced on his nephew.

"What are you doing?" Ivory-Black groaned within the mindscape, struggling to crawl over to Black. "What are you doing?!"

"Going out with a bang." Black declared.

"It's over, Black!" Big Red stepped forward in the real world. "Ya gotta stop this! Ya don't have anythin' left! No army, no powers... fer Faust's sake, yer blind!"

"Bah! I have no need for sight or powers of darkness, nor the hooves of a thousand stallions!" Black boasted. "I will see my dream through to the end, even if I have to work for it with my four own hooves! And I won't let anypony stand in my way!"

"Guards, seize him!" Celestia, Shining and Sleight said as one.

Guards and Changelings alike charged at Black. In spite of his condition, Black put up an impressive fight, swatting and throwing every attacker aside, continuing his march towards the ponies. Unicorn guards and Changelings fired their beams at him, leaving scorch marks on his body.

"Gah!" Black yelped. "Go… with... the... pain..."

Despite Black's determination, the magic blasts were getting to him, and he grew weak in the knees.

"Black, you fool!" Ivory-Black roared. "If you keep this up, you'll destroy the both of us!"

"That's... the idea..." Black grunted.

"...What?" Ivory-Black gaped. "...I don't understand..."

"After all the awful things I've done... I don't deserve to live." Black shook his head. "Because of you... because of this darkness... I've hurt so many ponies. And like you said... you will always be a part of me. That is why... I will end the suffering... by ending it all."

"...No... no, you can't be serious!" Ivory-Black roared.

"I am." Black glared in determination. "The whole world will be better off without either of us in it..."

Black thought of all the ponies he'd be leaving behind: Belle, Shade, the Taskforce...

'They'll be better off without me.' He told himself. 'And far happier with me out of their lives...'

"STOP THIS! Cease fire!"

"Huh?" Black frowned, hearing his nephew's voice. "Shine?"

Back in the real world, Shine was trying to call off the attacks on Black.

"Cease-Shine, he's-" Shining protested.

"I don't care!" Shine cut him off. "No pony, not even him, deserves to be put through all this pain!"

"No." Black growled in frustration. "You're ruining everything, kid..."

"Bleeding heart fool..." Ivory-Black smirked. "Just like our dear brother..."

"Are you serious?!" Sleight snarled at Shine. "He deserves everything he gets!"

"Who are you to say that?" Shine glared.

"Who are you to defend him?" Chrysalis growled. "Have you forgotten what that monster did to us?"

"Seriously, Shine, what's the deal?" Gothic asked.

"He's family... and family don't kill family!" Shine proclaimed.

Black's heart ached, knowing he had to do it... end this before it was too late...

"Just like his father..." Black gave a wistful smile, as a tear fall from his face. "Too soft for his own good..."

"That's... where you're wrong..."

Shine's eyes lit up, as he turned to see Black charging for him, letting out a guttural roar.

All at once, certain observers cried:

"Shine!" Celestia yelled.

"Daddy!" Miracle cried.

"Black, NO!" Elite bellowed.

"BLACK!" Armory screamed.

"NOOOO!" Ivory-Black screeched.

A whistle of a bolt was heard, cutting off all voices, as Black felt an agonizing pain in his chest, feeling blood and a bolt embedded in it.

"Uh-uh…" He gasped, as he crumbled to the ground.

"Black!" Shine ran over and slowed his descent, as he laid him on his side. "Black…"

"Don't tell me... it was that Caboose kid... wasn't it?" Black gurgled.

"Black... I'm sorr-" Shine started.

"That kid... for being a pain in the neck, he sure has sparks... just like you... just like... Whitey..." Black laughed deliriously.

"Hang on." Shine turned to the others. "Somepony, get a medic!"

"Don't bother." Black wheezed. "No pony's gonna waste their breath on a traitor to the country. They never did..."

"...Oh, Black... why... why did it had to be this way?" Shine started tearing up. "Aside from Mist, you were the only family we had left. Had I just known..."

"Wait, what are you talking about, Shine?" Mist asked in confusion.

"Black was our uncle, Mist." Shine whispered.

"What?!" Mist gasped.

"It's true." Celestia nodded.

Black felt his life fading away, unable to catch any of the explanation they were giving Mist.

"Oh, my..." Mist gasped. "That's awful!"

"But it didn't have to be that way..." Shine sighed. "You could have done something good, atoned for your dark deeds, made peace with your family..."

"Don't beat yourself up, kid… that bridge was burned far before you were even conceived." Black declared sadly. "There was no turning back for me... I knew it from the moment Rookie died... besides... I wouldn't been able to look at you without seeing Whitey in you..." He coughed. "I never stopped loving your father, you know, he was all I had when mom and dad died... guess with the whole betrayal, I just couldn't get over how he did that to me... maybe it was for justice... or to save my soul." He grunted in pain. "All I wanted was a better future for Equestria... was I wrong in wanting that?"

"...No... no, you weren't." Shine admitted. "But this wasn't the way... it just wasn't."

"Huh..." Black put a hoof on Shine's. "At least... at least there's you." Shine glanced at him, confused. "Break the cycle... make Paladin a name worth remembering. Faust knows I failed... but maybe there's hope for you." His breathing began slowing down.

"Black?" Shine gasped.

"I'm glad that if anypony were to best me one last time, it would be you... your old pop would be proud..." Black smiled, feeling his body grow cold.

"Black, please..." Shine begged, tears dropping from his eyes.

"Don't cry... Shine... tears make us Paladins look bad." Black turned limply, sensing an old friend to be in that general direction. "Take care of him, Red... like you did Whitey... won't you?"

"Black..." Big Red muttered.

Black let out a small chuckle, as he whispered the last song he had heard, before his whole life came crashing down right on top of him...

"I never... said I'd lie and wait forever... If I died, we'd be together... I can't always just forget her... but she could try..."

Black let out one last sigh, as he grew limp. In his mindscape, the area began to crumble into darkness. Black fell to his knees, hearing nothing but the fading beat of his heart...

"...You are a fool, Black..." Ivory-Black snarled. "You hear me?! You are a fool!"

"Maybe I am..." Black said softly, watching their whole world fade into blackness. "...At least now, the world will be a better place... with me gone..."

Suddenly, Ivory-Black felt what remained of his body sinking into the dark void.

"No, no, no, no, noooo!" He screamed. His body shifted and twisted, becoming a replica of Black's own as he struggled to save himself. "This can't be happening! Nooooo!"

With nothing to grab on to, the dark Black dropped into the darkness, and screamed no more.

"...Good-bye, world..." Black whispered.

With that, his mindscape was completely enveloped in blackness, as his body began to fall, sinking into the eternal blackness.

Watching from their location, Elite and Armory stood there, stupefied by Black's "last stand"...

"Oh, no..." Armory gasped, horrified. "Black, no..."

"It's over." Elite sighed. "It's really over..."

"This can't be happening..." Armory shook his head, his eyes welling up with tears. "It can't..." He then let out a sorrowful cry. "Blaaaaaack!"

Armory broke down sobbing over Elite's shoulder.

"I know." Elite comforted Armory, his own eyes growing wet with tears. "I'll miss him too..." He glanced wistfully into the distance, where Black's body lied. 'I'm so sorry, Black...'

In the Coils, the Ouroboros and Father himself were seated. Loveless was talking to somepony in his mirror, having recieved an urgent message regarding Black and the Crystal Sun.

Soon, Loveless hung up, his eyes misty, a smile on his face that made him look as if a great weight had just been lifted from his mind.

"That was Sterling, just now." Loveless smiled. "He was finally able to get through. He's okay. The Shadow Ponies are gone. The Crystal Sun is destroyed... and Black and Sombra... are no more..."

The entire Coils was silent at first... when suddenly....

"HOOOOO!" Gridlock hooted in victory.

"Gridlock, have some respect for the dead." Harlhooves glared.

"To hell with respect! That wretched Black is gone for good!" Gridlock bellowed.

"Oh, yeah!" Ricochet whooped. "R.I.P. Black!"

"No more of that irritating fool!" Harlhooves added.

"I'm just glad our operatives are finally safe from him." Loveless smiled. "Especially Sterling..."

"This must be a great burden lifted from your mind, Father." Harlhooves turned to Father. "With Black gone and the Crystal Sun no more, there is no one that can stand against you now for sure!"

"...Oh, Harlhooves." Father shook his head with a small chuckle. "I was never worried to begin with."

The Ouroboros paused, glancing at Father in confusion.

"You weren't?" Ricochet grimaced.

"Father, Black had the Crystal Sun, Sombra's powers, and the magic of the Alicorns." Gridlock frowned. "How could you not been worried?"

"Trust me, Gridlock. I have lived for many, many years." Father declared. "And I have known of the Crystal Sun's existence just as long. While it was an artifact of great limitless power, crafted by the Great Alicorns, its power pales in comparison to my own."

"Do you really mean that, sir?" Harlhooves gaped.

"Certainly." Father smiled. "Even if Black were to actually harness its power, all it would have done was allow him to give me a bit more of a fight. But the fight would have ended the same way: with him annihiliated."

"And you couldn't have told us this before?" Solomon asked with a frown.

"All of you need to learn to have a little faith in your leader." Father shook his head. "I wouldn't have told all of you to bide your time if I didn't completely believe that Black would not have been a problem. Knowing the mental state Black was in, his fate was sealed the moment he and that horn became one. And nothing would have changed that."

"Huh... well, guess that's why you're the boss." Ricochet shrugged.

"That I am." Father smirked. "Regardless, with Black no more, this can only mean great things for the future of the Forefathers."

"About damn time, I say." Gridlock sneered. "It's smooth sailing from here!"

"Now we can finally move on to more important matters." Harlhooves smiled. "Without worrying about some psycho messing things up!"

"Yeaaaahhh!" Ricochet whooped. "Let's party it up!"

"At least, some psycho who's not on our side..." Loveless groaned, as he glanced at the mirror, his mind thinking of another. "Rest easy, Pike... Black is gone now."

Mere days passed, as most of Equestria worked to recuperate from what many would start calling "The Crystal Sun incident". Fortunately, the only places to have suffered major damage was the Crystal Empire and Canterlot.

This became obvious as none other than School Belle made her way into town.

"Goodness me, I wonder what happened here." Belle frowned.

School Belle had come to Canterlot to visit an old friend of hers. She figured she could use some of the valuable time where she wasn't too ill to travel to catch up with Okra Oats, a friend who had moved away a long while back. Things had been awfully lonely at home, as her son, Shade, had been keeping himself busy with two jobs.

She wasn't sure what those two jobs in particular were. Shade never actually mentioned anything about them, nor had she never met any of his co-workers. She figured there might be something more to things than what Shade was letting on... but then again, she also considered that she could just be wrong.

After all, she raised him right. And if he was anything like his father, he'd...

Belle let out a small sigh. To this day, she still missed him. Despite Black's request in his letter, Belle never once looked at another stallion the same way she looked at Black. She wasn't sure if it was out of not wanting to get her heart broken again, or just holding onto hope that Black would one day come back to her.

But after all these years, she doubted she would ever see his face-

Something caught her eyes, as she passed by a news stand. On display was the latest edition of the Canterlot Gazette, and plastered right on the front page was what looked to be a sketch of Black.

"What the...?" She frowned. "...Black?"

Without a word, Belle bought the newpaper, and started reading.

"It is with great joy that we announce that the dark days are behind us." Belle read. "The terrorist known as 'Red Eclipse', who launched a campaign of terror and destruction on Equestria over the past few days has finally been defeated and slain, with the aid of the Equestrian royalty, and one Royal Guard who has been revealed to be affiliated with the mafia (more will be revealed on page 3). Red Eclipse attempted to conquer Equestria using the power of King Sombra's horn and an ancient, powerful artifact known as the 'Crystal Sun'. We were unable to get infromation as to how the monster attained these items, but we will bring you more information as the story breaks-"

Belle dropped the newspaper, as the word 'slain' was processed in her mind. Despite it being only a sketch, the school teacher could recognize Black's face anywhere... and it only added to her grief. Belle struggled to keep the tears in, aware that it was now a certainty that the stallion she loved would never return to her.


The present...

"So there you have it." Black declared. "The day I 'died'."

"Wow." Fletcher gasped. "Incredible."

"You poor thing!" Caboose wept. "You were so young..." He paused. "Well, maybe not as young as me, but you were so young!"

"You know he's still here, right?" Pike rolled his eyes. "Ergo, he survived."

"So... mind telling us how you managed to pull that off?" Fletcher asked.

"I sure will..." Black nodded. "Right after dinner."

"Oh, come on!" Caboose scowled, wiping his tears. "Seriously? You're gonna leave us hangin' now?"

"What can I say?" Black shrugged. "Story-telling really builds up an appetite. Besides, it's taco night."

"Ooh, tacos!" Caboose smiled, forgetting what he was angry about. "I can live with waiting a little longer."

"You and your stomach, Caboose..." Fletcher rolled his eyes. "But I suppose a little food would help after such an emotionally powerful story."

"And then some." Black nodded. "You comin', Pike?"

"You know it." Pike followed them. "The Pipeline was starting to get a little boring."

So the group headed off to the mess hall. Fletcher and Caboose had a feeling that once their hunger for food had been sated, their hunger for the truth would soon follow.

Author's Note:

"Monster" belongs to Skillet.