• Published 17th May 2016
  • 1,151 Views, 100 Comments

The Ghost Of Me - Bluecatcinema

The untold story of Black Knight Paladin.

  • ...

Feel Invincible

"So we're finally here." Fletcher sighed. "The era of 'Red Eclipse'. The stallion that would go on to try and take over Equestria."

"'Fraid so." Black nodded. "I know there's no excuse for the things I did... but I was in a really dark place. I knew the things I did were wrong... but I was okay with that, even if I didn't want to be. I did a lot of things that I wasn't proud of..."

"I know how that feels." Pike sighed. "I lost my way for a long time. And to think, it happened to you, only ten times worse."

"No kidding." Black frowned. "I really jumped into the deep end on that one. I thought I was on top of the world, that nothing could stop me. But I didn't know how wrong I was."

Many years ago...

Black, in his new identity of 'Red Eclipse', continued his campaign of hatred against the Changelings. At that point, he didn't even care about his supposed mission, only that he was enjoying himself.

"Great job today, boys!" He told his gang after a particularly successful hunt. "We showed those lousy bugs who's boss!"

"It's all thanks to you, boss!" Slice declared.

"Yeah." Dice nodded. "You're the one leadin' us to glory!"

"Yeah, you're way better than our last boss!" Another stallion added. "...No offense, Twitch."

"S-sure." Twitch scowled. "No problem."

"Hey, you should be grateful I kept you on as my second-in-command." Black glared at Twitch. "After that stunt you pulled with the knife, I could've just tossed your flank outta here. But I didn't. You owe me for that one, right?" He glared more deeply. "Right?"

"R-right... boss." Twitch sighed.

"That's the spirit." Black smiled. "Now, what say we eat, drink and be merry, knowing that we're so much closer to driving those bugs out of Equestria?"

"Yeah!" The gang cheered.

"Terrific." Black smirked. "You boys really deserve it..."

The next day, the gang tracked down some Changelings who were hiding in nearby caverns.

"That's it, boys!" Black roared, as he slammed one into the cave wall. "Let 'em have it!"

"You will not win, vile one." One Changeling groaned.

"Oh, really?" Black smirked. "How do you figure that?"

"The prophecy." The Changeling smirked.

"The what now?" Black frowned.

"Oh, r-right." Twitch remembered. "I-it's a thing that Changelings have been talking about for a while. They believe that in their darkest hour, Star Swirl The Bearded's great-grandson or something will fall out of the sky and save them from our wrath or some crap."

"Well that's a steaming pile of mule dung." Black snorted. "What pony would ever want to help a Changeling?" He punched the Changeling hard. "Maybe that'll knock some sense into you."

Another Changeling suddenly tackled Black.

"Not all of us believe in that ridiculous prophecy!" He snarled. "Some of us prefer to put destiny in our own hooves!"

"Goody-goody for you." Black sneered, grappling with his foe. "...Too bad your precious Queen doesn't think that way. Signing a peace treaty with our kind..."

"She does not speak for all of us!" The Changeling raged. "I represent the true way of the Changeling!"

'Wait, that sounds famliar...' Black thought.

"I, and those like me, reject that ridiculous treaty!" The Changeling roared. "We have been taking measures to voice our disapproval and show the ponies that we will NEVER forgive their transgressions against us!"

"What are you talking about?" Black glared.

"Well, in case you hadn't heard, those 'bombings' in Canterlot? Yeah, that was us!" The Changeling boasted.

"Wait... so you're one of the cowardly creepy-crawlies responsible for those attacks?" Black glared.

"You're damn right I am!" The Changeling snarled. "But Canterlot is only the beginning. Thanks to you and your insolent subordinates, we have decided that in five days time, we will not only get rid of our foolish bretheren and our idiotic Queen, but be rid of all of you!"

"Attacking your own kind, huh?" Black sneered in mock amusement, though a part of him was actually disgusted. "You bugs are worse than I thought."

"Mock us if you will, but from the ashes of our now weak colony will rise a new Changeling society, one that will have nothing to do with you ponies." The Changeling declared. "We will spit on your treaty, and show all of Equestria who the greater race is!"

"Wanna bet?" Black broke the grapple and put the Changeling in a headlock. "I'd say your buddies are about to be one Changeling short..."

"Get... off..." The Changeling strained.

"For the record, I'm not a big fan of the treaty either." Black admitted, tightening his grip. "In fact, I might even let you go because of our shared disgust of it... if I didn't want you blabbing to your pals about this."

"No..." The Changeling grunted, running out of air.

"But I won't let you go... not until every last bit of breath is gone from your lungs." Black said darkly.

"Uhhhh...." The Changeling gasped his last breath.

"And now I'll let you go." Black smirked, dropping the dead body.

"G-good work, boss." Twitch declared. "Th-the rest are either dead or fleeing."

"What say we call it a day?" Black declared. "I could use a siesta."

"O-of course, sir." Twitch nodded. He turned to the others. "M-move out, boys!"

As they left the cave, Black reflected on what the Changeling had said.

'So they're going to do what they did to Canterlot to their own hive?' He thought, as a feeling in the back of his head caused him to consider the implications. 'That's kinda twisted, when you think about it...' Black shook his head with a scoff. 'Come on, get real. The bug was probably just trying to mess with me. Trying to scare me and my boys off. Like hell they would kill thousands of their own... that's just stupid...'

Later that evening, Black lay on his king-sized bed in his room, which was formerly Twitch's.

"Ah, this is the life." He sighed happily. "No more orders, no more answering to anypony... I'm free to do whatever I want, whenever I want. And right now, I wanna listen to some tunes."

Black donned his headphones and switched on the tapeplayer.

Target on my back, lone survivor lasts, they got me in their sights
No surrender, no trigger fingers go, living the dangerous life
Hey, hey, hey
Everyday when I wake, I'm trying to get up, they're knocking me down
(Chewing me up, spitting me out)
Hey, hey, hey
When I need to be saved, you're making me strong, you're making me stand
(Never will fall, never will end)
Shot like a rocket up into the sky, nothing could stop me tonight

You make me feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful
Just like a tidal wave, you make me brave
You're my titanium
Fight song, raising up
Like a roar of victory in a stadium
Who can touch me cause I'm...
(I'm made of fire)
Who can stop me tonight
(I'm hard wired)
You make me feel invincible!

"That's me, alright." He chuckled. "I'm invincible... and there's not a Faust damn thing anypony can-"

Just then, there was a scratching sound. Black turned in the sound's direction, perturbed.

"What the...?" Black stood up, concerned, as the room's window seemed to open by itself.

Suddenly, there was a flicker in the air, as none other than Titan himself was now standing in his room, having turned off his camouflage.

"Titan?!" Black gaped, as he let out a sigh of relief, glaring. "Lauren Faust, don't you scare me like that!"

"Rrrooo." Titan shrugged.

"It's good to see you though, ya big mutt." Black grinned.

"Rrrf!" Titan hugged him.

"What the hell are you doing here anyways?" Black broke out of the hug.

"He's here, because I sent him here."

"Huh?" Black frowned, having heard Elite's voice. "Who said that?"

"I did."

Black glanced at Titan, who then held up a mirror, with Elite's face on it. And judging by the scowl on his face, he wasn't too happy.

"Oh... Elite." Black said flatly.

"Black, you'd better have a good excuse as to why you haven't been checking in." Elite glared.

"Sorry, boss." Black shrugged. "Must've slipped my mind."

"Faust damn it, Black, we were all worried about you!" Elite growled, "I thought you'd been compromised, that you were dead-"

"Relax, sir, I'm fine." Black scoffed. "In fact, you wasted your time. Everything has been going surprisingly well lately."

"Is that right?" Elite challenged. "Well, I'll have you know that I sent Titan out earlier to check on you, and what he told me was most discomforting."

"Is that right?" Black glared at Titan, who in turn cringed under his glare.

"Yes. He told me that you seem to have taken over leadership of the gang, and that you have been taking your 'harassment' of the Changelings to the extreme." Elite declared, crossing his hooves. "Even murdered a few of them."

"Hey, I had to keep in character, didn't I?" Black defended. "If I held back even an inch, I would have lost my boys' respect."

"...Your boys'... respect?" Elite asked, stupefied.

"Yeah. These guys really grew on me." Black smiled. "For the first time in forever, I have friends not affiliated with some secret organization!"

"...And who are a bunch of bigoted murderers." Elite glared. "Not really the kind of ponies I would be friends with."

"Yeah, but I'm not you." Black countered. "Besides, they're not so bad."

"I highly doubt that." Elite frowned. "If I were you, I'd avoid forming attachments to ponies like them at all costs."

"Well, that's the difference between you and me." Black sneered. "You see, these ponies... I feel a kind of kinship with them... they like me for me, not for what they think I should be."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Elite frowned.

"It doesn't matter." Black shook his head. "The point is that I feel more alive than I have been these past years."

"Alive, huh?" Elite scowled. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say it looks like you're actually enjoying slaughtering those innocent Changelings."

"Well, looks can be deceiving." Black shrugged.

"...Okay, Black, I think we might need to pull you out." Elite frowned. "You are clearly getting carried away with this fantasy of yours."

"Fantasy?" Black scoffed. "This is no fantasy, Elite. I am enjoying my new way of life. Not having to hide who I am, free to do what I want, and not having to take orders from anypony but myself! I am Red Eclipse, the head of the Changeling busting gang!"

"But this isn't you!" Elite glared. "You're not Red Eclipse! You are Black Knight Paladin!"

"Well, maybe I'm tired of being Black Knight Paladin." Black scowled. "What does he have? He gave everything to protect Equestria, but what does he have to show for it, huh?"

"Honor, and righteousness." Elite countered. "You did what was right for your country, in spite of the consequences to yourself. You were a true patriot."

"And where did being a patriot get me?" Black snorted. "I ended up losing my brother, the mare I love, and to top things off, I was stuck inside your headquarters most of the time, because I was painted as a traitor to all Equestria! Well, I've had enough! I want my freedom back!" He started shaking in both anger and anguish. "Is that too much to ask for? Well, is it?"

"Black, please." Elite tried to calm. "I understand all the pain you've been through. And I've always been proud of you for shouldering it. Please, don't falter now. I know you can rise above this-"

"You don't know nothin'." Black growled. "But let me enlighten you: I am sick and tired of being a part of your little Taskforce, of putting my hide on the line time and again, and having no life of my own in return. And you think I'll willingly go back to that life, giving up my first taste of freedom in years? Fat chance."

"But what about the mission, Black?" Elite asked. "The innocent lives in danger from those bombers?!"

"Please." Black snorted. "Those bombers are probably in hiding right now. I had the displeasure of meeting one of those buckers face to face."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you met one of the bombers?!" Elite gasped.

"That's right." Black nodded. "The punk barely put up a fight. He went off on a rant about how he was going to be rid of us and the hive in five days."

"...And when did this altercation happen?" Elite asked, not liking where the conversation was going.

"Just today, actually." Black shrugged.

"...Are you bucking kidding me?!" Elite snarled. "Why didn't you tell us immediately?! The whole reason you were here was to lure out the bombers!"

"Because it's a load of garbage." Black sneered. "That Changeling was probably just trying to scare me. Like they'd even attack their own hive."

"You don't know what they're capable of. None of us do." Elite declared. "We must act immediately."

"You mean you must act immediately." Black snorted. "I'm done with your little Taskforce. I'm not going back."

"But why? I don't understand." Elite frowned. "All of us have stood by your side through thick and thin. Ever since Saddle Arabia. Me, Armory, Titan, Ballista... why would you throw that away for these scumbags?"

"Maybe because I can trust them to be straight with me." Black sneered. "To be completely honest in what they need me for."

"Please, Black, don't do this..." Elite whispered. "The team needs you... I need you...."

"No... you need Black... but Black has been dead for a long time..." Black sighed, as he turned away. "All that remains now... is Red Eclipse. And Red Eclipse will be here forever..."

"I won't let you do this to yourself, Black." Elite glared. "I'm not just going to stand by and let you walk away. You are coming back with us effective immediately... Titan will drag you back if he has to."

"Rrf!" Titan barked.

"You can try, big fella." Black glared. "But we both know I'll put up a fight. And then there's all my boys, right outside this room... Think you can take us all?"

"Roo?" Titan frowned. While he was sure he could take on the entirety of the gang (his experiences with many of Forefathers' lackies could attest to his skill), he wasn't sure of his chances if Black was among their numbers.

"I don't want to hurt you, Titan. But I will if I have to." Black declared solemnly. "Just leave, now."

"Black, don't do this..." Elite pleaded.

"I've made my choice." Black said flatly. "Now get out of here, Titan. Before I call for back-up."

Elite was about to make a rebuttal... but only sighed.

"Very well." Elite sighed. "Time to go, Titan."

Titan whimpered sadly as he exited through the window.

"And don't come back." Black said coldly.

Back at the Taskforce headquarters, Elite lowered the mirror sadly, burying his face in his hooves.

"It's finally happened." He sighed. "The day I feared most has come at last..."

Despite his sadness, Elite wasted no time in gathering the others in the meeting room.

"Everypony, I have just received some perturbing news." Elite revealed. "To begin with, I have been informed by Black that the bombers have intentions of attacking their own hive within a few days' time."

"What? Attacking their own hive and fellow Changelings?" Incognito gaped. "Oh, crap, this is more serious than we thought."

"Do we have any details?" Ballista asked. "Any idea of how they're going to do it or where?"

"Well, if these bombers are planning on attacking the hive, it stands to reason they will go by the same M.O.: planting charges in underground caverns." Mastermind surmised. "The only question would be where in those caverns. And a big question, at that..."

"Still, at least we know what the bombers are planning now." Armory smiled. "Good old Black. He always gets the job done." He glanced at Elite. "Where is Black, anyways?"

Elite remained silent, a deep frown on his face.

"...Elite?" Ballista asked, concern rising within him. "What's wrong? What happened to Black?"

"Black..." Elite sighed, as he glanced at his comrades, sadness in his eyes. "Black has decided to stay where he is."

"What?!" Everypony gasped, Ballista and Armory louder than others.

"What do you mean, stay where he is?!" Armory gaped.

"You can't be serious!" Ballista yelled. "Black can't honestly want to stay with those motherf-"

"I am." Elite nodded. "Or rather, he does. It appears Black enjoys his new life too much to give it up."

"I knew Black wasn't the nicest guy, but still..." Incognito muttered.

"Yeah, how about that?" Armory glared at Ballista. "Who could have possibly seen that coming?"

"Don't you start-" Ballista spat.

"Enough." Elite said firmly. "As much as it pains me to say this, Black must wait. We have a far more pressing matter to attend to. We must stop those Changelings from destroying their hive, or the peace treaty will be for nothing." He turned to Mastermind. "Mastermind, I need everything you can find on those caverns, and where the best place to set charges would be."

"Sir." Mastermind nodded.

"Incognito, find us the best way to get there unnoticed." Elite continued.

"Of course." Incognito nodded.

After their comrades left, Armory glared at Elite and Ballista.

"I hope you're both happy." He spat. "You did this to Black. What's happened to him is all your fault."

"Don't you dare pin this on us-" Ballista snarled.

"I know you're disappointed, Armory." Elite sighed. "I am, too. Disappointed in myself for ever allowing things to go this far... But for now, we must focus on the task at hoof."

"I guess you're right." Armory sighed. "But we're not done talking about this."

Ballista scowled as Armory walked away.

"Mouthy little punk." He spat. "Where does he get off, judging us? Right?"

Elite simply walked away in shame.

'Oh, Black.' He thought. 'I've failed you. I know better than most that the path you've chosen can only lead into ever darker places, and I did practically nothing to stop you from going down it. How long will it be, before every shred of goodness is eradicated from your soul?'

A couple of days later, Black was sitting in his room, enjoying a cigar after a long day of hunting down Changelings. The lights weren't on, the only source of illumination being the cigar.

'Now this is more like it.' He thought to himself. 'Me, doing what I want to, nopony to give me orders, to tell me I'm doing the wrong thing. I'm free to protect Equestria my own way... by squashing every filthy bug I see.' He moved the cigar from one side of his mouth to the other. 'Let Elite and the others go on their wild goose chase. They probably won't find anything, anyway. But if they do, I just hope Armory and Titan come out of there okay. Couldn't give a fig about the rest, though...'

At that moment, the door to Black's room opened, and Twitch, Slice and Dice entered.

"C-come on you two, hurry up!" Twitch urged.

"Yeah, yeah." Slice growled. "We're hurrying."

"Why is it so dark in here, anyway?" Dice frowned. "Did the lightbulb blow, or something?"

Black's face shifted into a sneer. He had never much minded the dark, and actually found it relaxing. That is, when others weren't barging in on his solitude.

"Ahem." He said firmly.

Twitch, Slice and Dice froze as they realized Black was aware of their presence.

"Twitch… Slice… Dice… I take it that you three have a reason for disturbing my 'me' time?" Black asked with an annoyed tone.

Slice and Dice were quivering, obviously in fear of him, as they pushed Twitch forward. The blue pony gulped as he began.

"H-hello, er, Eclipse, sir… h-how ya d-doing this fine af-af-af-af-af-"

"Motherbucker, not this again..." Black whispered to himself, now familiar with Twitch's tendency to get caught in a 'loop' when stressed. He slammed a hoof onto the floorboards, causing them to shake. "I do not have time to humor you in your frivolous and pathetic stuttering, Twitch. Do you have anything worthwhile to report, or will I have to give you a repeat of what happened when you last bothered me?"

"Oh no, not that!" Slice whimpered.

"My back's still trying to fix itself from the last time!" Dice wept, referring to an earlier incident that week regarding a jockstrap.

Twitch let out a shuddering sigh as he continued. "N-no need for t-that, sir. Y-you see, w-w-we m-m-might have a situation…"

"Might have?" Black scoffed. At this point in his life, he doubted there was anything that could surprise him.

"Y-yes…you see, we r-ran into some runty Changeling out n-n-near the forest." Twitch explained. "W-we were about to give him the business, but this Unicorn 'wizard' guy s-stopped us."

'Wizard?' Black frowned. 'Why does that sound familiar?'

"He had some powerful tricks, boss." Slice chipped.

"Yeah, his cards and exploding dice thingies-" Dice was about to say.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that some nopony scared you off with playing cards and a gimmick pair of dices?" Black asked incredulously.

"Yep. Sent us runnin'!" Dice nodded.

"Utterly pathetic." Black snorted. "There should never be any pony under my command that could be scared off by a bunch of cheap magic tricks! I should be rid of you all right on the spot!"

"B-but there's more to it than that, boss." Twitch insisted. "You r-remember that prophecy the old bug went on about that our s-s-spy overheard a c-couple months back?"

"You mean that confounded drabble about some mad Unicorn wizard with the blood of an even more mad wizard's blood falling out of the sky and rising up to face me and my army?" Black snorted.

"That b-be the one, sir." Twitch nodded.

"It's complete and utter bull-crud." Black scoffed. "Even if there is a unicorn dumb enough to face me, who would risk their hide for a bunch of measly shape-shifting vermin?"

Twitch shuffled his hooves a little. "Actually, s-sir… you know that Unicorn we m-mentioned?"

"Yes?" Black frowned. 'Why do I feel like I'm not going to like where this is going...'

"I d-don't know the whole story, but those Ch-ch-changelings are in a-an uproar about the g-guy and…" He trailed off, trying not to gaze at the pony in front of him.

"…And?" Black asked, getting impatient.

"I really d-don't know h-how to p-put this…" Twitch muttered.

"Get on with it!" Dice barked desperately.

"Yes, get on with it!" Slice ushered on.

"Yeah, get on with it!" A clamor of unknown voices demanded.

Everypony stood there in silence.

"O-oh geez, w-what was t-that all about-"

"Get on with it!" Black bellowed, the floorboards shaking again with another stomp. 'I swear to Faust, if he drags this out any longer, I'll-'

"Alright, alright!" Twitch stammered. "The thing is… the Changelings s-seem to b-believe that this Unicorn is the w-wizard… the one t-that will r-rise up and s-stop you…" Immediately, he winced, preparing for pain.

Black paused, his mind slowly processing what Twitch just said. The pony that was supposedly destined to beat him... was here, in the territory. The one pony that could threaten his newly found freedom. Black didn't like that at all. Whether it was his bloodlust or curiosity, he knew one thing... he wasn't going to let this stand.

He dropped his cigar, crushing and grinding it with his hoof, as he approached his second-in-command, his size overshadowing the quivering pony, who looked fearfully up at him and his devilish grin.

"...Is that a fact?" Black questioned. "Well then… perhaps I should meet this 'great wizard' in pony, and see if he lives up to the hype..."

And meet the "wizard" he did. The very next day, Black had Twitch lead him and the gang to the hive, determined to see who the so-called "wizard" was and see if he was truly worth the hype the prophecy had given him...

What he found seemed to be little more than a glorified stage magician.

'This is the guy they've been hoping for?' He thought, as he appraised the stage magician (whom they called "Sleight"). 'Gimmee a break... Well, he might still be good for a laugh.'

It took some doing for Black to goad Sleight into fighting. Taunting his goals and beliefs didn't do much. In fact, it seemed that Sleight was moments away from fleeing in fear... had Black not slapped Queen Chrysalis. That seem to have struck a nerve with him.

"Hey!" Sleight leapt forward in response. "Leave her alone!"

"Like bugs, do you?" Black smirked as he waved his hooves tauntingly. "Come on then, hero. Give me your best shot."

"Take this!" Sleight flung his cards at Black, who jumped aside effortlessly.

'Playing cards?' Black sneered. 'Seriously?'

Sleight threw more cards, but Black simply destroyed them, ripping them apart with his hooves and teeth.

"Card tricks won't save your hide!" He taunted.

"Oh, then maybe a couple of dice will!" Sleight roared, as he threw a pair right at him… only for Black to catch them with his hoof.

"I think not…" Black chuckled darkly. He squeezed the dice, making a small boom in his clutched hoof.

Sleight reached for another pair of trick dice. In an instant, Black was upon him, grabbing his hoof before he could throw them.

"No more tricks." Black snarled. "Let's see how well you fight like a stallion!"

Black proceeded to pummel Sleight. What little blows Sleight returned were next to useless. It wasn't long before Black had him against the ropes.

"Come on, surely this isn't all you have to offer, is it?" Black taunted Sleight. 'It better not be...'

Sleight responded by firing several blasts from his horn. Black barely even felt them as they impacted on his hide.

"How disappointing." Black shook his head. 'I barely felt those.'

Sleight pulled up another deck of cards, but Black quickly ran towards him and clutched his horn, giving him a massive headbutt. Sleight went down once more, and Black rained down punches on him.

"Unbelievable… this is your savior?!" Black roared out to all the Changelings around him. "Surely you jest! This pony is no savior! He's a weakling!" He kicked Sleight. "A cheap trickster!" He kicked him again. "Nothing but a pathetic sideshow act!" He kicked him even harder.

'This is for making me waste my time...' Black thought viciously.

Once he'd had his fill of beating Sleight, Black picked him up and threw him through the wall of a nearby hut. He could have finished him off then and there, but chose not to. Instead, he showed off the cannons his gang had been stockpiling, with the promise of returning in three days time to level the hive. He then departed, so that the Changelings could stew in fear and helplessness a little longer.

'So much for their great savior...' Black thought, as he and his minions returned to the inn. 'How pathetic. I'm actually doing them a favor by wiping them out.'

Once Black returned to the inn, he urged his gang to work double time on the cannons. Some had been bought, some had been stolen, but they were all intended to be used on the Changeling hive.

"That's it, boys!" He smiled. "Let's get those things loaded! It won't be long before that lousy hive is nothing but a charred memory!"

"Yeah!" The crowd cheered, as they primed and loaded the cannons one by one.

"This is it, Twitch." Black smirked. "My crowning achievement."

"Y-yes, boss." Twitch nodded, before adding under his breath "Though it should be mine..."

"What was that?" Black glared.

"N-nothing!" Twitch gulped.

"Exactly." Black nodded, before turning back to the crowd. "Listen up, fellas! From this day forth, we're not just hunters, not just a gang, not just stallions. We are soldiers, fighting to keep Equestria pure. And soon, we will make that dream a reality, by crushing those lousy bugs once and for all!"

The gang cheered once more.

For the next couple of days, they got to work, preparing for their big attack. On the morning of the third day, Black was overlooking the hive, having taken notice of the Changelings not leaving the territory despite his warnings. He had already sent Twitch back to oversee the final preparations, giving him time to think about what was up ahead.

'At long last.' He thought triumphantly. 'We're gonna wipe out those bugs. We'll rid Equestria of this infestation once and for all'

But at that moment, a part of Black from deep down inside spoke up.

'But I don't have the right to do this, do I?' He frowned, suddenly mired in doubt. 'Wipe out an entire species. That was never on my bucket list...'

But, just as quickly, the fog of rage and madness clouded Black's mind.

'Ah, buck it.' He scowled. 'They've got this coming anyway. Besides, I've already come this far. There's no going back now. Only forward. and speaking of forward...'

His face set in determination, Black left the room, ready to make his big push.

'Say goodbye, bugs...' He thought.

Moments later, Black was leading his fully-armed followers to the hive, ready to attack.

"This is it, troops!" He roared. "We're gonna crush those filthy bugs under our hooves! Take no prisoners!"

The assembled ponies cheered, and they all marched towards the hive.

'If only Elite and the others could see me now.' Black sneered. 'They'd know what a "sociopath" like me can really do. I'll bet Elite and Ballista would be proud of their pet project...'

At the same time, the Taskforce members were making their way through the caverns beneath the area, intent on confronting the bombers.

"Are we on track, Inc?" Armory asked.

"I think so." Incognito nodded. "We make a left at the next turn, which should take us directly under the hive."

"Which of course would make a perfect place to set off explosive charges." Mastermind declared. "Enough charges in the right places could collapse the entire hive."

"I'm just surprised that there's no security down here." Incognito mused. "I hear the hive have been using some of these caverns for storage."

"Well, according to Titan, the hive has been working tirelessly these past three days to combat you-know-who." Mastermind declared.

"What do you know? It turns out Black's little tantrum actually made things a little easier for us." Ballista smirked.

"Oh yes... but it also made things easier for the bombers." Armory scowled. "So, yeah, that justifies nothing you did!"

"Knock it off." Ballista scowled. "I can't take any more of your whining..."

"Hey, is everything okay between you guys?" Incognito frowned.

"Yes. I noticed that in the past couple of years, there has been a bit of a spat going on between you two." Mastermind mused. "And I'm starting to think that it might be concerning Black."

"It's nothing you gotta be concerning your big brain about." Ballista glared.

"Are you sure about that?" Armory asked. "Trust is vital to working as a team. And keeping secrets can really damage that trust."

"Secrets?" Incognito frowned. "What's he talking about?"

"Nothing, that's what." Ballista snarled. "He doesn't know anything."

"I know more than you think." Armory retorted. "For example, I know my comrades are more than just pieces on a game board, to manipulate as I see fit!"

"Why, you self-righteous little-" Ballista started.

"Rrr..." Titan growled, as they rounded a corner.

"What is it, Ti?" Incognito frowned.

"Ruh!" Titan pointed down a tunnel.

"He must have the bombers' scent." Mastermind declared.

"Then let's go!" Ballista nodded. "Titan, lead the way!"

"Rrrf!" Titan charged down the tunnel, the Taskforce right behind him.

As they moved further into the tunnels, they heard voices.

"What's taking so long?" One voice asked irritably.

"We're going as fast as we can." Another voice replied.

"We'd be going faster if Mandible hadn't let that pony thug kill him..." A third voice snarled.

"That fool deserved to die, if he let himself get taken so easily." A fourth spat.

"Whatever." The first voice growled. "Let's just finish setting the charges and be done with it."

"That's our cue." Ballista smiled.

The Taskforce charged forward, confronting a quartet of soldier Changelings, with several explosives lining the walls.

"Hold it right there, ya overgrown roaches!" Ballista yelled.

"Ponies?!" The biggest Changeling gaped. "Here?"

"Why-?" A more rounded Changeling asked.

"Are we here?" Mastermind smirked. "We're here because we know what you're up to."

"We won't let you demolish this hive like you did those buildings in Canterlot." Incognito added.

"Oh, great, just what we needed." The biggest Changeling scowled. "More meddlesome ponies sticking their noses in our business."

"Your business?" Incognito frowned. "You made it our business when you attacked Canterlot."

"But we aren't around Canterlot." A stocky Changeling growled. "So why are you here?"

"Maybe because we don't like the idea of any innocent lives, no matter the race, getting blown to bits." Mastermind declared.

"Where did you guys even find these kinds of explosives?" Armory asked. "The bombs you used have been banned from the markets."

"Eh, we got 'em from a couple of guys in cloaks." A smaller Changeling shrugged. "They were having a clearance sale, actually."

"Guys in cloaks..." Ballista frowned, as he then asked. "Did they have these pendants with-"

"The birds and the two Fs?" The smaller Changeling finished. "Yeah. Why?"

"Aw, crap..." Ballista snarled, as he then glared at the soldiers. "Okay, why don't we take a step back from the explosives and try to talk this out? There's no need for things to get rough."

"Not a chance!" The biggest Changeling spat. "No matter what the Queen may say, we do not bow to pony ways! To our dying breath, we deny that damn treaty!"

"But why?!" Armory scowled. "This treaty has to easily be the best thing that's happened to you guys in forever! Why are you so insistent on carrying on this war?"

"Because we are greater, and more powerful than your weakling kind!" The rounded Changeling sneered. "We don't need to be at peace with you ponies!"

"We prey on ponies, remember?" The smaller Changeling spat. "But for some reason, Chrysalis has decided to destroy our entire way of life!"

"From what I've heard, your old way of life was destroying you." Mastermind remarked. "Attacking ponies, only to be repelled and wounded... if you'd kept it up, it would only have been a matter of time before your entire species perished."

"Maybe to the weak minds of ponies, it would seem that way!" The stocky Changeling sneered. "But we Changelings hold to a more dignified mindset!"

"Wait, wasn't there a Changeling who moved to the Crystal Empire, and made friends with the ponies there?" Incognito asked.

"We do not speak of that traitor!" The biggest Changeling growled. "Bad enough he thought that way, but now the Queen herself does too! We will not stand for such a base betrayal of our beliefs, even from our ruler!"

"Even if it means a better life for you all?" Armory pointed out.

"We have differing definitions of the term 'better'." The small Changeling declared.

"And for us, 'better' would not be sullying ourselves by making peace with ponies." The rounded Changeling declared. "We will not throw away our proud heritage that easily."

"Well, we're sorry that you don't like change." Ballista scowled. "Kinda ironic given you're Changelings, really."

"Oh, to Tartarus with you!" The bigger Changeling roared.

"We cannot allow you to carry out this attack." Armory stepped forth. "We won't let you spurn the peace that the other Changelings had yearned for!"

"We don't want peace... only war!" The bigger Changeling bellowed, "Get them!"

"Well, you heard 'im." Ballista growled. "Take 'em down!"

The Taskforce charged the Changelings.

"I'll rip you apart!" The smaller one charged Armory.

"I think not!" Armory dodged his blows, then fired a dart the Changeling, electrocuting him. "You like my bug zapper?"

"Ahh!" The Changeling yelled. "You little..."

Titan tackled the broadest Changeling, clamping his jaws around his hoof.

"Get off me, you mangy mutt!" The Changeling kicked Titan in the head.

At the same time, Incognito and Mastermind double-teamed another Changeling.

"Two against one?" The Changeling sneered. "It still won't be enough..."

"We'll see about that, insect." Mastermind scowled.

"And you ponies wonder why true Changelings hate you..." The Changeling growled.

"If by 'true Changelings', you mean sickos who attack their own kind..." Incognito declared.

"Don't you dare judge me!" The Changeling charged.

Incognito and Mastermind leapt to the side, they charged at the Changeling together, knocking him to the ground.

Meanwhile, Ballista was locked in battle with the lead Changeling, exchanging vicious blows.

"You're pretty tough for a soft-skin." The Changeling admitted, rubbing his jaw. "But it won't help you against a superior foe."

"Big talk, comin' from an over-grown horsefly." Ballista sneered.

"Why, you-!" The Changeling punched Ballista hard, knocking him against the cavern wall. "And you call us insects..."

Titan grabbed his opponent's sides, and threw him up into the ceiling above.

"Ugh!" The Changeling grunted.

As the Changeling dropped downwards, Titan punched him, knocking him across the cavern and into unconsciousness.

Incognito and Mastermind were having trouble with their foe. They were still unused to direct battle, and their opponent was stronger then they were.

"Come on!" The Changeling punched Mastermind, knocking him back into Incognito. "Give me a real fight!"

"Any ideas, big brain?" Incognito asked, pushing Mastermind off him.

"As a matter of fact, yes." Mastermind nodded. "Time for a maneuver number twelve."

"Ooh, nice one." Incognito nodded.

The two circled their enemy.

"What is this?" The Changeling snorted. "Running away?"

"Hardly." Mastermind smirked.

Incognito and Mastermind began leaping and, in Incognito's case, flipping all around the Changeling.

"Stop that!" The Changeling yelled.

"What's the matter, big guy?" Incognito grinned. "Can't keep up?"

"Stop dancing around and fight me!" The Changeling yelled. He lunged for his targets, but they evaded him. "Rarrh!"

Before long, the Changeling grew disorientated. Incognito and Mastermind seized their chance to move in close and punch him in the face at the same time, knocking him out.

"Was that real enough for you?" Mastermind smirked.

Meanwhile, Armory used some expanding, quick-hardening foam to pin his opponent to the floor.

"Hey, no fair!" The Changeling yelled.

"'No fair'?" Armory snorted. "The way I hear it, you Changelings love this trick."

"Yeah... when we do it!" The Changeling roared.

"Too bad." Armory jabbed another electrocuting dart into him, knocking him out. "Because it looks like I do it better."

Ballista punched the final Changeling, standing him stumbling back. The Changeling looked around, realizing that his comrades were all down.

"Looks like it's game over, pal." Ballista declared.

"Not just yet." The Changeling held up a remote. "Enough charges are set that I can bring down the entire hive."

"Not if we stop you first." Incognito smirked.

"But can you get to me before I throw the switch?" The Changeling taunted.

"Statistically, that seems unlikely." Mastermind admitted, but he then frowned at the Changeling. "But you realize that if you do this, you'll not only kill us and possibly everypony above us, but your friends and yourselves!"

"I do realize that." The Changeling nodded. "But even if my own life is forfeit, I will see to it that the only Changelings that remain after all this are the true Changelings, who will keep our true legacy alive! By my will, this all ends now!"

As the Changeling reached for the switch, a crossbow dart shattered the remote.

"Wha- No!" The Changeling yelled, picking up the shattered pieces.

"Yes." Ballista lowered his crossbow. "Surprised? You shouldn't be. I figured hoof-to-hoof would be fair, so I ditched the crossbow."

"YAAARRRGGHH!!" The Changeling charged at Ballista, enraged at the foiling of his plan.

"Nighty night!" Ballista struck him with the butt of his crossbow, knocking him out.

"So that's that, then." Armory sighed.

"Ruff!" Titan barked.

"Not just yet." Incognito declared. "First, we have to remove the bombs."

"Then take these miscreants back up to the surface." Mastermind added.

"Then maybe we can do something about Black?" Armory said hopefully.

"We can try." Ballista shrugged. "But for now, we finish the mission. And hope Black isn't causing too much trouble topside..."

Up above, Black's forces had run into many traps and pitfalls, set by the Changelings, no doubt. They had lost quite a few stallions to those traps. But Black refused to give up, continuing to lead the charge into the hive. Before long, they stormed the village, though the Changelings stood ready. Chrysalis stood at the front of the gathered fighters.

"Still here, queenie?" Black smirked. "Fine. On your head be it."

"Changelings, defend our home!" Chrysalis yelled.

'You can try...' Black sneered.

The Changelings put up a decent fight, but Black's forces had sheer numbers on their side. That, and something more...

"Ready the cannons!" Black ordered.

Twitch led the rear flank in unloading their cannons.

"F-fire!" Twitch ordered.

The cannons erupted their ordinance at the Changelings, scattering them with each hit.

"It won't be that easy!" Chrysalis, flying above them, fired another beam, destroying a cannon. One that was particularly close to Black.

"Gah... son of a draft horse!" Black snarled, as he then stormed over to another cannon, shoving the stallion aside. "Step aside, morons!"

Quickly, he swung it in Chrysalis' direction.

'Hasta la vista, Queenie...' He thought, as he fired.

Chrysalis dodged the shot, but not quickly enough. The ensuing explosion sent her crashing to the ground.

"Now that's how it's done!" Black told his soldiers. "Think you can follow my lead?"

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers chorused, inspired by their leader wounding the Queen.

It didn't take long after that for the battle to reach its end. The Changelings were beaten, and Chrysalis was dragged to face Black.

"You stupid little piece of filth." Black spat in her face. "That was quite a fool-hardy move that you pulled back there... trying to render my stallions useless?"

"I tend to disagree." Chrysalis smirked. "It worked, didn't it?"

Black stifled a growl.

"Yes... but only on a small portion of them." He declared. "As you can see, I still have enough stallionpower here to raze this land of all inferior species."

"I think not, Eclipse." Chrysalis shot back.

"Oh, and how do you intend to stop me?" Black snorted. "Your Changelings are powerless against my army. No good amount of shapeshifting or magic weaving can change that!"

"I intend to do nothing... Sleight on the other hoof..." Chrysalis said cryptically.

"Sleight?" Black sniggered. "As in that 'wizard' I beat up three days ago? He's still around?"

"Yes, and he is going to see to it that you never lay harm upon my children again!" Chrysalis announced.

"Is that so?" Black sneered. "Tell me, your majesty, why do you continue to resist? Why do you continue to have faith in such a fool like the 'wizard'?"

"Because I believe in him, and so does every Changeling here." Chrysalis told him. "And they won't stop... Sleight is the wizard, and he will defeat you!"

"You filthy slimy c-" Black raised his hoof.

"Boss! Look up in the sky!" Twitch ran up to Black's side.

Chrysalis and Black looked up, and saw a balloon, with Sleight inside, apparently running away. Chrysalis was shocked.

"W-what?" Chrysalis gasped. "I don't understand..."

Black was silent for a moment, a part of him stupefied by the despicable act of cowardice... but then started laughing.

"Oh my gosh... this is so rich." He smiled deviously at Chrysalis. "Well, well, Queenie, it looks like your 'wizard' was all bark but no bite after all. Such a shame too, I was so looking forward to ending his pathetic existence myself... oh well..." He turned to Twitch. "Shoot him down."

Twitch gestured to the cannon ponies, and they then fired their cannons at the balloon, destroying it.

"NO!" Chrysalis yelled.

The Changelings were horrified as the balloon went down in flames. Chrysalis was in tears.

"Hmph, not so mystifying or extraordinary after all." Black scoffed.

"Y-you s-said it, boss..." Twitch agreed.

Chrysalis drooped, defeated, as Black picked up her chin.

"Don't be so sad, Chrysalis... you and the rest of your accursed kind will be joining him shortly." He hissed, before turning to the Changelings. "Let this be the final word, you filthy urchins! Your prophecy is dead! Like the wizard who tried to fulfill it! All dead! The eradication of the inferior lepidopterra metamorphica will begin with the death of your leader, Queen Chrysalis!"

The Changelings began buzzing in anger and fear. Black turned to Chrysalis, cracking his hooves.

"Farewell, Queenie..." He raised his hoof, ready to bring it down upon her. "Any last words?"

Chrysalis glared up at him with tearful eyes.

"You will never break us..."

'We'll see about that...' Black internally scoffed.

He was about to bring his hoof down, when suddenly, there was a big explosion in the middle of the hive, as fog began to rise up from the ground.

"What the buck?!" Black stared.

Then the form of Sleight appeared, his body floating as if he was some sort of spirit. His mane had an ethereal appearance, and illusions of various playing cards were floating aside him.

'What in the name of Tartarus is this?!' Black gaped.

"Fear me not, good Changelings, fear me not." Sleight said in a loud, Alicorn-like voice. "For it is I, THE MYSTIFYING AND EXTRAORDINARY SLEIGHT OF HOOVES!" He brought his hooves up as a fanfare and explosions ensued.

"Where did that m-music come from?" Twitch shuddered.

For a moment, Black was frozen in place, incredulous. Then he snapped out of it.

"Are you serious? Are you bucking serious?!" Black half-laughed, half-snarled. "Are we going to do this?! Are you really that bucking stupid?! I have no time for YOUR GAMES, WIZARD!"

"This is no game, Eclipse…" Sleight said firmly.

"How are you even alive?! I killed you!" Black roared. 'There's no possible way he could have...'

"Ah, t-technically, the c-cannons did." Twitch corrected.

"Hah! You? Kill me?" Sleight retorted. "All you did was to allow me to shed my mortal skin, so I could take my true ethereal form as the most powerful Unicorn of all! In this form, I have powers that rival that of Alicorns!"

Black was shaken by the boast for a moment, doubts creeping back into his mind... but again, his anger blocked it out.

"Why you…" Black snarled in a viciously low tone. "HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME?!"

"No, how dare you defy me!" Sleight rebutted. "You come storming into my sanctuary, terrorize my ponies, and you had the gall to lay a hoof upon my Queen?! Mark my words, mortal, if you do not surrender, you will face my wrath!"

"You wanna bet, ya bucking piece of crud?! Fire the cannons!" Black yelled.

A cannon was fired, sending it's flaming load towards him, creating a big explosion. When the smoke clears, nothing but fog remained. The Changelings were left frightened again, as was Chrysalis.

"How you like me now?!" Black taunted, though in his mind. 'Thank Faust... for a minute there, I thought I had something to be worried about-'

Then, the ethereal form of Sleight returned, much to every Changelings' joy and Black's shock.

"No… this can't be…" Black hissed. 'Oh BUCK ME!'

"HA! You think mere weapons have any effect on me?! You cannot defeat me!" Sleight bellowed, "I'm immortal!" He brought one hoof up, and cards began to fly out, fluttering around him. "I'm invincible!" He brought his other hoof up, causing more cards to fly out. "I'm the Mystifying and Extraordinary Sleight of Hooves!" He spread his hooves wide, causing the cards to suspend in mid-air.

'No... there's no way in hell that this pony can be that powerful. Elite and the others would had heard about him. The Forefathers would had heard of him. This has to be a trick... it just has to...' Black panicked in his head.

"And I must ask, Red Eclipse, why do you hate the Changelings so? What drives you to such rancor?" Sleight asked.

Black glared at Sleight, trying to not show fear or panic.

"It's simple, really." Black spat. "Only the strong deserve to survive. These Changelings are weak and cowardly. You wouldn't understand. What I do preserves the purity of Equestria!"

"Oh, I understand all too well." Sleight sneered. "Your weak mind deludes you into thinking what you are doing is just, when the truth is, you are the one who is impure. Such arrogance. I almost pity you."

Sleight's self-righteous spiel cut Black to the core. Deep down, there was still a part of Black that felt like what he was doing was wrong, and Sleight's words had sparked it... to Black's anger.

"I hate you…" Black growled furiously. "SOLDIERS! FIRE EVERYTHING!" He roared, spit flying from his maw.

The cannons were set off. Their volley flew towards Sleight. Several cards flew up and became portals. The cannonballs went through, and came out of portals that were pointed at the cannons. The ponies manning the cannons leapt aside just in time, as the cannons were totally obliterated.

"What th-" Black gasped. "NO!"

"Not so bold without your tools of destruction, are ya?! Now release my Queen, NOW! " Sleight ordered.

"Never!" Black yelled. "You want her? Come an' get 'er!"

"As you wish." Sleight grinned.

A card flew toward Chrysalis. When it touched her, there was a flash, and she was within it.

"What the-SLICE, DICE, GRAB THAT CARD!" Black bellowed.

Before the two cronies could even jump for it, the card was soon pulled into a whirlwind of it's ilk.

"Feel free to try and take my Queen back, Eclipse… you have a one in... five hundred and thirty-five thousand chance of finding her…" Sleight boasted, crossing his hooves, smirking condescendingly.

"This is impossible..." Black gaped. 'It really is. It must be some kind of trick. And I'm not going to fall for it!'

"H-he really is the w-w-wizard!" Twitch gasped.

"No, he's not!" Black roared. "All of you, get him!"

Obeying, the gang charged at Sleight.

"Want a little more?" Sleight asked. "Then get ready for the show-stopper!"

With a flick of his hooves, the cards that were flying around him were raining down upon them.

"You think cards will stop my army?!" Black screamed.

"No… but this will…" Sleight smirked, as his horn glowed.

As soon as a card hit the first pony charging towards the fog, the pony immediately was sucked into it, much to the others' horror.

'What the...?' Black gaped. 'How'd he do that? He couldn't do that before!'

"No way!" Gasped one of the stallions.

"That ain't right!" Yelped another.

"Did you see that?" Slice gasped.

"I don't wanna be turned into a card!" Dice gulped.

The gang turned tail and ran, but not before most of them became trapped in cards.

"You cowards!" Black roared. "Get your flanks back here and kill them!" 'Seriously, what the BUCK happened in those three days?!' He thought.

He then noticed Twitch sneaking away.

"And where in the buck do you think you're going?!" He glared venomously at his second-in-command.

"Uh... y-ya see.... I kinda w-want to l-live... so..." He suddenly sped off. "You're on your own, motherf-f-f-f-f-f-f-f- " He tripped, then got back up, resuming his run. "You're on your own!"

Black was about to scream after him... but his logic returned for a brief moment.

'...Okay, I guess I had that coming...' Black shrugged... before giving in to anger. "You son of a- Fine! I'll take all these filthy bugs on myself!"

Black charged into the Changeling crowd, hoping that he could be able to take them on as he did other foes he fought back then. Unfortunately, galvanized by Sleight's stunning turnaround, they faced him head-on, easily overpowering him.

'This can't be happening...' Black struggled against the swarm's grip. 'These bugs can't do this to me! It can't end like this! Not like this!'

"Well done, Changelings!" Sleight smiled. "Now, release him."

A number of Changelings disagreed with Sleight, eager to see the pony who terrorized them pay for his crimes. One of them, a large, grizzled looking soldier, demanded that Black be executed.

"He has been beaten today." Sleight declared. "Him and his army. Let us not stoop down to his level."

"But…" That same Changeling muttered.

"Silence!" Sleight cut him off. "Hear me now, Red Eclipse. By the power vested in me, I banish you from these lands. Leave here and never return!"

"Oh, I'll return!" Black spat, beyond all reason stupefied and pissed at what had occured. "I'm not done with you vermin yet. Or you, 'great wizard'. You'll be sorry! All of you!"

Black rushed away from the hive.

'This is far from over.' He thought. 'I just have to round up those cowards, whip some sense into them, then try again.'

Black made his way into the marshlands, still searching for his minions.

"Where are you wimps?!" He roared. "Get your flanks out here so I can break them!"

"Still here, I see?" A familiar voice asked. "I'd have thought you'd have the sense to get as far away from here as possible."

Black turned to see Wizel standing before him.

"Well, if it isn't the old bug." He snarled. "What do you want?!"

"I'm afraid you and I are not finished yet…" Wizel said ominously.

"You stupid pest… you won your stupid battle, what more do you want?" Black growled.

"Peace of mind, Eclipse… and the only way I will ever have it is to make certain that you never threaten our livelihoods ever again…" Wizel stated firmly.

"Ah, I see where this is going…" Black chuckled darkly. "Very well, I'm been looking for somepony to take my anger out on. Let's go, gramps!"

"Gladly." Wizel nodded.

Black charged at Wizel. The old Changeling sidestepped his attack a second before he hit, kicking him in the back as he passed by.

"You-" Black growled.

Wizel leapt over Black, and kicked him in the head, knocking him to the ground.

'You gotta be kidding me...' Black seethed. 'Now this old fossil is beating me?! Not for long...'

Quickly recovering, Black tried to charge again, only to be blasted with a beam of magic, and sent crashing into a tree. Wizel then charged at Black, unleashing a flurry of lightning-fast attacks, bringing him down in moments.

'No. No...' Black struggled to get up, as Wizel glanced out onto the marshlands. 'What the hell is going on with me? First the wizard, the Changelings, and now this guy? How did I grow so weak?'

"You wretched old fart." Black spat. "...Where the buck did all that come from?"

"It comes from 700 years of survival, Eclipse." Wizel replied. "You pick up a lot of things over that time when trying to find your next meal... not that somepony like you would understand. Of course, I did have help from an unlikely source..."

'Like I care...' Black struggled to his hooves.

"What is it you said you wanted? Purity of Equestria?" Wizel asked. "That is quite a bold ideal you have there... I admired the length and the means you went about to try and achieve it."

'Thanks ever so much for the words of praise.' Black growled inwardly. 'They mean so much to me...'

"However, your ideal is flawed." Wizel continued. "Purity is but a pipe dream, whose definition and concept had been deluded by racism and intolerance. This world was meant to be cherished by every creature alike, be they pony, Changeling, dragon, and even manticores... but unfortunately, every so often, somepony comes forth, implanted with hate and cruelty towards others, and like a disease, it infects those of a like mind... tell me, how is it that you came about these thoughts?"

"That lies under 'none of your business'..." Black snarled.

"I figured as much... funny that an Earth Pony would be the one who wants to conquer other species." Wizel sighed. "Normally, it is Unicorns that want all the other species to bow before them. Or maybe it's just me reading too much of that Equestria Noir series Sazh introduced me to."

"Your point being-grr..." Black fell to his knees. 'Come on, legs, move! I can't lose again!'

"Well, I am no mentalist, but I have a feeling that your hate for the 'lower species' as you call them stems from your own upbringing." Wizel proclaimed. "But oddly enough, I can't see your father or mother being the one who put such thoughts into your head... maybe it wasn't how you were raised, but what... could it be that your hate comes from your own inadequacy?"

'What is he...?' Black snarled, his anger growing, as once more, the small shred of decency within him was poked.

"Since you are an Earth Pony... I could only assume that your parents were all but... Pegasi, perhaps?" Wizel smirked.

That statement made Black even angrier. He always hated the fact that he was the only Earth Pony in his family. But his father had hated it even more. Though he had no proof, he was convinced that Black was the product of infidelity, and treated him as such. In return, Black had grown to despise his father as much as his father despised him, but at the same time, he couldn't stand the fact that he had been born different from the rest of his family, that he could never fit in with them. Black's lack of wings had sown a level of self-hatred within him. Before, he had a handle on it, but after his slip in sanity, just considering it was too much for him.

"SHUT UP!" He smashed a hoof into the ground. "Do not dare try to think you know me... you don't..."

"You're right. I don't... but now I know a little more about you... still, no matter your reasons for taking this path, I cannot let you continue down it for the sake of our kind." Wizel declared, turning his back on Black.

And how do you intend on doing that?" Black got back up, and approached Wizel. "You think you, of all Changelings, is going to stop me?"

"Oh no." Wizel answered, not even looking behind him. "I have already expended enough of my magic today. No thanks to you, of course."

"That makes things easier for me!" Black raised his hooves upon Wizel. 'I'm going to shut his bucking face up!'

"That... is debatable..." Wizel smiled knowingly.

Suddenly, Black was blindsided by a magical blast. Before he could recover, six blurs jumped him, and pinned him down.

"Gah... what the-" He struggled.

"Zip it, punk." Said none other than Salt Napoleon.

"Or else." Slot added.

"We have a lot of disdain for you." Lars growled.

"And we're gonna let out." Sonny sneered.

"And why not?" Vinny hissed. "We've been waitin' a long time for this."

"...Wha-" Black was about to ask

The brothers began beating the ever living crap out of him.

'Not again.' Black thought, as his body erupted in pain. 'This can't be bucking happening to me again. Not twice in the same day...'

Not far from him, Grimiore Napoleon had appeared, approaching Wizel.

"Ah, right on time, Grimiore." Wizel finally turned. "I was afraid I would have to pull a reverse ulnar radial strike on this poor soul."

"Well, you know us." Grimoire smiled. "We are quite punctual when it comes to time management... especially if it concerns... well, the code."

"Indeed!" Murray agreed. "And after forty years, we have finally captured this sneaky son of a-" He looked down at Black. "...Wait a minute..."

The others stopped beating down on him, as Black let out a groan.

"What's up, bro?" Vinny asked.

"Does this guy look like the one we've been after for so long?" Murray pointed.

The brothers glanced at the badly beaten Black, coming to a realization.

"He's right. This bloke isn't the guy!" Salt declared.

"I dunno. It might be... if our pony had been lifting weights non-stop, and somehow changed his voice, his coat color, his Cutie Mark-" Lars listed.

"We get it, Lars, it's not him." Sonny sighed.

"Then who the buck is this guy?!" Slot asked.

"Me?!" Black growled in spite of himself. "Who the buck are all of you?"

"The 'unlikely source' I spoke of." Wizel clarified. "These are the Napoleon brothers, the leaders of the Bitalian Mafia. I just so happen to be one of their oldest members."

"What?!" Black gasped. "How..." His mind was racing. 'First question: What? Second: THE BUCK?!'

"I saved their great-grandpa's life while touring Bitaly." Wizel recounted. "In return, he made me an honorary member. Been that way up to today."

"Indeed... but seriously, Wizel... who is this pony?" Grimoire asked. "Because he is certainly not Twitch!"

"Twitch?" Black repeated, dumbfounded.

"Yeah, light blue pony, blonde mane, kinda lanky, have a very bad stutter." Vinny nodded. "Don't know why I'm telling you-"

"Are you serious?!" Black snorted. "What beef do you have with my ex-lieutenant?!"

"That is not of your business, butthole!" Salt snapped, slugging him again, and leaving Black dazed.

As the Napoleons began to argue with Wizel, Black was left there, concussed, and unable to really catch what they were talking about, though he felt it had to do with why they were called here. However, he was more focused on stewing over his defeat... and really confused as to what the Napoleons wanted with Twitch.

'When did this all get so complicated?' He asked. 'Are these the guys Twitch ticked off?'

"Whattaya want us to do with him?" Slot asked Wizel, snapping Black of his thoughts.

"I don't care what you do with him. Imprison him. Kill him. Torture him." Wizel snorted. "As long as he is as far away from our homeland as possible, I could care less."

"Fair enough." Grimoire nodded. "Time to take a little trip, Red."

"Thank you." Wizel declared. "Rest assured, if I see Twitch again, I will let you know."

"Thanks, old timer." Murray smiled.

The brothers dragged Black away.

"No! You can't do this to me!" He roared. "I'll kill you! I'll kill all of you!"

"With any luck, your evil will never blight this land again." Wizel declared.

"This is not over! You hear me?!" Black screamed. "I will be back! I cannot be contained-"

The butt of a crossbow slammed into Black's head, knocking him out.

Black was left unconscious for a long while, only coming to for a moment... but that didn't last. All he recall was that he was stuck in a bag, he could hear mares, and something about a raccoon, before being bludgeoned by what felt like a crowbar.

A little while later, Black came to again, finding himself in a dark prison-like cell. His body was chained to all four walls, limiting his movement.

"Oh, my buckin' head..." He groaned, as he took in his bleak surroundings. "Where am I?"

"A hidden cell under our estate..." The voice of Grimoire snarled. "...Where you belong."

Black felt his rage swell as he glared at the owner of the voice, who was standing outside the cell with his brothers.

"You!" Black snarled. Understandably livid, he made to lunge at him, only to be stopped by the chains that binded him. "What is this?!"

"Titanium chains, built to hold the strongest of prisoners." Murray smirked, as he watched Black tugging them in vain. "You won't be breaking them anytime soon."

"Why did you bring me here?!" Black snarled angrily, though he was also a bit panicked by his situation.

"Well, Wizel didn't want you threatening his kind again, and we don't want a genocidal megalomaniac running around, so this was the best solution." Salt said matter-of-factly.

"Oh yeah?" Black sneered. "Why not just kill me now and be done with it? Are you too soft for that?"

"On the contrary." Lars glared at him. "That would be the easy way out. You don't deserve it."

"What you do deserve is to be locked up down here for the rest of your days." Vinny added.

"Or until some other dirtbag worse than you comes along… then we'll just kill you to clear up the living space." Slot sneered.

'No... no!' Black thought, his eyes darting around the cramped cell that would be his abode for the foreseeable future. 'They can't just lock me in here! Not for the rest of my life!'

"We do hope you enjoy the accommodations." Grimoire smirked. "You may not be Twitch… but a guy with a background such as yours should be just as suitable."

"Mark my words, old stallion!" Black growled, absolutely outraged. "When I get out of here, you and your brothers will be the first of many to go!" Black threatened, thrashing around in his chains.

"That'll be the day, Eclipse..." Grimoire snorted. "Now if you''ll excuse us, we have mares to attend to."

The brothers made to leave, as Black grew more agitated.

"You can't keep me down here forever!" Red roared, "I will break out of here, even if it takes me years!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, culo-face." Vinny scoffed without glancing back.

"RAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!" Black screamed out in fury, panic, and anguish.

In the days that followed, Black tried everything in his power to escape, but the cell to the Napoleons' credit was built to hold anypony. His body was unable to move around much, barely able to touch the walls of his cell, and judging by the lack of light, he was underground. He was absolutely trapped.

"How can this be happening?" He groaned, struggling against the bars. If he could only get in a good buck of his legs, he could blast the doors open with his hooves, but with his chains, that was impossible. "I've been in worst spots than this, and gotten out..."

"Sure you have." One of the Napoleons' buffalo agents approached, carrying a tray of food. "Lunchtime, scum."

"Some real five star service in this joint, I'll give you that." Black snorted.

"Funny guy." The buffalo slid the tray into Black's cell. "Bon appetit, psycho."

As the buffalo turned to leave, Black saw a newspaper sticking of out of his pocket. Quick as a flash, he reached through the bars and grabbed it.

'Let's see what's going on in the outside world...' He started reading while eating his food.

Bombings Cease

The recent rash of bombings in Equestria has come to an end. Thanks to the efforts of ponies unknown, the Changelings responsible for these attacks have been apprehended and returned to Queen Chrysalis' hive to face punishment. Wizel, Queen Chrysalis' advisor, was gracious enough to give us a few words:

"Rest assured, the subversives who dared reject this peace treaty will be prosecuted to the fully extent of our laws." He told us. "We only hope this whole experience has not soured anypony on the idea that Changelings and ponies can live together in harmony."

'Guess that bug was telling the truth after all.' Black thought sadly. 'Way to go, guys. I knew you could do it. And at least you all got some glory.'

Black dropped the newspaper to the floor, bowing his head in misery.

'I wanted glory, but all I got was this.' He mused. His face then hardened in determination. 'But I will turn this around, just you wait and see. I will get out of here, and make them all pay. Sleight, the Changelings, the Napoleons... Nopony has heard the last of Red Eclipse just yet.'

The present...

"I always wondered why my brothers never let me down there whenever I came to visit." Caboose declared. "Now I know, but back then, it drove me nuts."

"All those years, locked away." Fletcher frowned. "I can't imagine that did your mental state any good."

"You're telling me." Black snorted. "All that time, stewing in my own anger. And as you all know, things only got worse from there."

"You don't have to tell me that." Caboose shuddered. "I was there, remember?"

"How could I forget?" Black frowned.

"When I heard the news, I was really worried about you." Pike admitted. "But at least now, I'm getting it straight from the horse's mouth."

"You all are." Black nodded. "The absolute darkest chapter of my life was about to unfold..."

Author's Note:

"Feel Invincible" belongs to Skillet.