• Published 5th Jun 2016
  • 544 Views, 12 Comments

Lilligold and Mizuko's Neighponese Tale - Razalon The Lizardman

Two mares are on a simple quest for cherry blossom samples, and the universe will throw everything and the kitchen sink at them to make it not so simple.

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Breaking Point

Much like the earlier trek through Gujo Hachimare, all throughout their journey through the kappa city, Lilligold found herself shrinking under all the stares she was getting. Literally every single kappa out on the streets stole a glance at her as she passed, and even after passing she could feel their awed gazes boring into the back of her head. Some sidelong glances from a few curious ponies was one thing, but being treated like a hairless monkey was too much, made even worse by all the incessant photographs!

By the time they’d reached the hospital, Lilligold was too distraught to do anything more than curl up into a ball in front of the building and bury her face in her hooves. Mizuko must’ve realized she needed some time alone with her thoughts; a brief exchange with Gesuru in Neighponese, and Lilligold heard the front door to the hospital open and close, leaving her alone outside.

To think that, just a little under twelve hours ago, she had departed the Equestrian mainland, worrying over all the possible ways she might get lost and confused and end up crying in a back alley somewhere in her search for cherry blossoms. Meeting Mizuko was the best thing that could’ve happened to her in that regard, but Sweet Celestia! Did the universe decide today was ‘Pick on Lilligold’ day or something!?

All she wanted was a few cherry blossoms. That’s all. But apparently such a simple errand couldn’t be so simple. She could only blame herself for her upset stomach, of course, but why, oh why, did every possible inconvenience rear their heads and insert themselves into her quest? And the most outlandish ones to boot! A summon from an ancient fox deity. Discovering a forgotten civilization. Was there anything else this day could possibly throw at her? Anything at all!?


She blinked. “... Mizuko?” She stood up and turned to see both Mizuko and Gesuru looking at her quizzically.

Mizuko tilted her head. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

“Yeah… I’m fine now.” Lilligold took a deep, relaxing breath before returning their stares with her own, sheepish one. “I guess… I kinda lost myself for a while there.”

Mizuko raised a curious brow, but didn’t prod any further. She turned around to face Gesuru and smiled, falling into a deep bow. “Tasuketekurete arigatō.”

Gesuru bowed himself. “Dōitashimashite.” He then turned and left down the street, disappearing from sight around a corner, leaving the two mares alone.

“How’s Yadame?” Lilligold asked.

“The doctor says he hasn’t suffered any serious trauma, and that she can patch him up very quickly.” She smiled. “How about we explore the city until then?”

Lilligold’s expression faltered. She sat down on her rump, and held a hoof to her forehead to ease an oncoming headache.

Mizuko frowned. “Something is wrong, isn’t it?”

No use trying to deny it, Lilligold decided. Mizuko was an understanding mare; she could tell her the truth without fear of backlash.

“I guess I’m just exhausted after everything that’s happened today,” she explained. “Honestly, I can’t take anymore. All I wanted was some cherry blossom samples. Nothing more. Nothing less.” She sighed, and cast her gaze downward. The stonework was impressive considering it was built atop a water spring, she had to admit. “I just want to go home…”

Following a brief silence between them, during which Lilligold fought the urge to curse Audrey for forcing her onto this expedition, Mizuko’s hoof entered her field of vision and lifted her chin up to meet the other mare’s soft, compassionate gaze.

“I understand today’s been hard for you,” she soothed. “But we’re not going anywhere until Yadame gets discharged, so we might as well make the most of this situation. Right?”

Lilligold sighed, hanging her head again. “I guess…”

“You should consider yourself lucky,” Mizuko continued. She took her hoof off of Lilligold’s chin to gesture at the cityscape around them. “We’re in a long lost city of creatures thought to be a myth, and before that we got to meet Inari-sama himself. Most ponies would never get to experience even one of those in one lifetime, let alone both in one day.”

Lilligold lifted her head up, meeting Mizuko’s gaze with a bemused expression. “Remember what you said earlier about us having different definitions of ‘unusual’?” she asked.

Mizuko blinked. “... I do.”

“I’m not familiar with all the customs and folktales of Neighpon, as you know. The fact that the Underground City of Kappas actually exists doesn’t mean anything to me because I haven’t been conditioned to believe it’s just a myth. The same applies to being summoned by Inari-sama.” She lifted her hoof up in a lecturous manner, closing her eyes. “If I was summoned by Princess Celestia, now then I’d feel honored,” she finished, candidly.

“... You’re right,” Mizuko replied. She rubbed the back of her head, while her cheeks turned a bright red. “I’m sorry for making the assumption.”

“It’s fine,” Lilligold replied, before her expression fell into a soft, wistful smile. “Thanks for helping me get through today, Mizuko.”

Mizuko smiled herself. "You're very welcome."

“I guess the least I can do in return is accompany you while you explore this city,” Lilligold continued. “You promise you’ll keep the onlookers at bay?”

“I promise,” Mizuko replied, before the two set off down the street.