• Published 5th Jun 2016
  • 544 Views, 12 Comments

Lilligold and Mizuko's Neighponese Tale - Razalon The Lizardman

Two mares are on a simple quest for cherry blossom samples, and the universe will throw everything and the kitchen sink at them to make it not so simple.

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First Contact

A simple motorboat was anchored off the port town of Gujo Hachimare. It stood unassuming in the calm, blue water, moved only by the occasional small wave that would gently rock it. At one point a ferry boat passed a fair distance by, the resulting waves making the boat rock a little harder. A number of ponies onboard stopped to stare at it, wondering what its owner was up to. Only after the ferry had passed did a cloud of bubbles begin rising beside the boat, followed soon after by a mare, who took a deep gasp for breath as she broke the surface.

Had it not been for her raven-black mane and tail, the mare’s ocean blue coat would’ve camouflaged her perfectly with the water. She wore no diving gear — save for a simple pair of goggles — as was tradition for Neighponese pearl divers. With a grunt, she hurled a brown bag into the boat and climbed aboard, revealing her cutie mark to be of a water droplet with a halo and angel wings.

The mare took a moment to catch her breath before taking the goggles off and retrieving her bag, placing both on the floor of the boat. She then started the motor, and off she was back into port, pulling into her dock space after just a few uneventful minutes of steering and aimlessly wandering her gaze.

The boat rocked a little as the mare stepped back to retrieve her pouch full of pearls. She picked it up off the floor and flung it up onto her back, the many soft clinks from within reminding her of how great a haul she’d brought in. Her employer was going to be very happy with this batch, what with all the multi-colored pearls she’d managed to find.

The boat rocked a little more as she stepped off and onto the dock, whereupon she breathed in the familiar scents of sea salt and fish that she knew and loved. Looking around, she could see the docks were a fair bit busier than they were that morning when she’d cast off. A little ways away past some buildings she could see a large ferry — used to transport ponies between there and the Equestria mainland — sitting in port, with a large horde of ponies emerging down the docks from that general direction.

Turning back to her boat, the mare retrieved the rope from the bow and brought it over to the designated post to secure it to the dock. While she tied the knots, she heard hoofsteps approaching from behind. Slowly and carefully, as if the pony in question was afraid to alert her to their presence, which she found curious, but didn’t let it bother her. The pony closed the distance between them as she finished with the knots. Satisfied that the boat was secure, she turned around to the pony behind her. She immediately recognized the unicorn mare staring back at her as a foreigner, as her pale blue eyes contrasted with the omnipresent brown, gray, and red possessed by native Neighponese ponies.

Seeing that it was a foreigner was a surprise to the mare. She had traveled the world a lot in her young life, accepting freelance diving jobs while taking in the local culture everywhere she visited. But despite having seen many different ponies and other creatures as a result, she’d grown so accustomed to seeing next to no foreigners in Neighpon whenever she returned home, much less have one approach her.

This foreigner certainly stood out against the drab browns and pale yellows of the surrounding marina. Pink coat. White hair. Her cutie mark was of a foreign flower species — that she couldn’t place the name of — surrounded by three white stars. A brown saddlebag was strapped against her side. Looking into her eyes, however, she could see the foreigner was quite nervous. Almost assuredly about approaching her, despite the fact that she was a fair bit taller than herself.

They stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, drawing out an awkward silence as the mare waited for the foreigner to say something, while she just looked aside while sheepishly scuffing the ground.

Finally, the foreigner took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, then released it. Her horn lit with magic as she undid the straps on her saddlebag, digging around inside for a moment before levitating out a green book with a white fox-shaped emblem against a rising red sun — which the mare recognized as Inari-sama’s insignia — on the front. Opening it, she flipped through the pages before settling on one and squinting her eyes to read the text.

”Hi... I am Lilligold... Help find cherry blossoms.”

“You don’t need to use a translation book,” the mare said, pushing the book down so they could regain eye contact. “I’m very fluent in Equish; I can understand you just fine.”

“Really? Oh, thank goodness,” the foreigner said, letting out a relieved sigh. She stuffed the book back into her saddlebag. “I was afraid I’d have to make myself look stupid while over here.”

The mare giggled internally at that statement. She knew Neighponese ponies didn’t expect foreigners to know their language, and most were perfectly willing to help any that needed directions. She admired this one’s willingness to try to assimilate in that regard, but all the same, she could easily tell that Lilligold wasn’t comfortable being here. In fact, it was almost definitely her first time visiting Neighpon. Without a guide, she’d be lost and confused and probably crying to herself in some back alley somewhere.

“So you want to see some cherry blossoms, Lilligold?” she asked.

“Kind of.” Lilligold sheepishly rubbed her head. “I was actually hoping to get some samples.”

That gave the mare pause. Samples? Was Lilligold some kind of scientist? She certainly didn’t look like one. The mare shrugged it off and smiled.

“I can take you to the biggest cherry blossom orchard, if you want.” She gestured to the bag of pearls on her back. “Once I’ve dropped these off, that is.”

Instantly, Lilligold’s entire demeanor brightened considerably. “Really? You’d do that?”

The mare nodded, and extended a hoof, as she knew was customary for mainland ponies. “My name is Mizuko.”

Lilligold accepted her hoof. “Nice to meet you, and thanks a ton.”

Mizuko turned toward the marina’s entrance, beyond which lay her hometown of Gujo Hachimare. “It won’t take too long for me to complete this errand, and the nearest cherry blossoms aren’t very far away from there.”

Lilligold nodded. “Okay. Lead the way, Mizuko.”