• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,730 Views, 116 Comments

The Chaos Within - StapleCactus

Dex, a human of the Solar Guard of Equestria, has more to deal with than ever before.

  • ...


Twilight and I arrived at the local tavern. She didn't say much after her declaration, but I figured we'd talk once we had settled in. As soon as we entered, memories of my time bubbled up to the surface.

Rockton's tavern, The Rocky Mane, was the greatest little bar I'd been to. Sure, it wasn't luxurious and orderly, but there was always an excitement in the air. The fact that the patrons were friendly, and yet kept to themselves, was another check mark for 'the greatest bar' title. Where a pony like Rarity would scoff at the atmosphere, I reveled in it. Rowdy ponies would dance and sing and your conversations weren't very well overheard.

We decided to check in for a room to relax before joining in any festivities. Twilight didn't seem to care too much for the noise, however, and had her ears pinned to her head as we ascended the stairs. As soon as we entered our room and I closed the door, Twilight spun to face me. There was a mix of delight and fear on her face. Oh, what an interesting expression you have!

"Dex, let's review." I shrugged and walked over to my bed. She waited for me to flop over it before continuing. "You are releasing more chaotic magic than ever before and your sword, given to you by Discord, has an unknown property to it. There also seems to be a connection between the chaotic energy and your emotions."

The ceiling wasn't too interesting as I stared at it. "Yeah, I'm aware. So what did you learn?"

"I used a few spells both before and after the fight with the Chaotic Shade. When you defeated it, the amount of energy in the area disappeared; whereas before, the air was filled with it. The signature I felt was also the same as yours."

"Wait." As I sat up, I saw Twilight's face flash with nervousness. I wasn't sure if my expression could have been considered a scowl or intrigue." So you think I have something to do with this?"

"Yes, but not intentionally." Well that's good. "It seems that wherever you go, the energy you release starts to build up." That's bad. "I haven't felt anything in Canterlot or Ponyville, so I can only guess that those two towns are impervious somehow." That's good.

"Well, any theories, Dr. Sparkle?" She blushed for a moment before continuing.

"The princesses and my friends and I have a lot of Harmony magic. I believe we are cancelling out any magic you release, but I'm not sure."

"Ah..." The springs of the bed creaked in protest as I laid back down.

"Are you sure you're alright, Dex?"

Hmm, sleep... "Yeah, probably as tired as you."

"Alright, I think I'm going to bed as well. Goodnight, Dex." I heard her own bed creak and then saw the backs of my eyelids turn black when she put out the candle.

"Mmm, night... Twi... light." Sleep hit me as soon as the last syllable was spoken.

"Well, well" ... "sleep" ... "FIRE!" ... "chaos" ... ... ... ... ... ... "GOTCHA!"

I gasped awake. Nightmares were few and far between for me, but when I had one, I had a GOOD one. Twilight had woken up as well, but she looked rested and happy.

"Morning, Dex!"

"What's got you cheery?"

"Hmm? Oh, I had a dream. A good dream."

"Well, that's nice. Mine was horrible, but I can't seem to recall it." I lazily climbed out of bed and walked towards door. "It seems the sun has come up though. Breakfast calls." A glow surrounded the door as it opened.

"Good idea, we missed dinner after all." I heard a shuffling of bed sheets and hooves hitting the floor. "I'll be right behind you."

"Hmm." After that wonderful response, I made my way to food.

Another good thing about The Rocky Mane, breakfast was just as good as their dinner. Twilight had come down the stairs a few minutes behind me with her mane and tail brushed. I must have looked funny without doing the same; but since I was the only human, it wasn't like anyone would know I shouldn't look like I did. As we were enjoying a delightful meal of toast, eggs, and other assorted breakfast goods, Twilight started a conversation.

"I forgot to ask you, was this Shade harder to beat than the last one?"

I finished what I had in my mouth before answering. "Yeah, it was. Got an idea for that too?"

"It might be that the more often you visit an area, the stronger the Shade is, but I'd like to confirm that first."

"Sounds like a good theory to me. What are we going to do now though? Head back to Canterlot?"

A scroll appeared in a swirling vortex of green fire and landed on the table. It formed closer to Twilight, so I didn't make a grab for it. Twilight picked it up and broke the seal before reading. I watched her face change multiple times: curiosity, shock, dread, and relief all had a chance upon her features.

"Dex, I have some good news and some bad news."

"I saw. Bad news first I guess." What now?

"The seal around Discord is weakening."

"Oh joy... anything else?"

"Princess Celestia recommends you not return to Canterlot for the foreseeable future." Wonderful...

"I don't see any good news that could make this better."

"There's another bit of bad news, there's another town you need to visit and I need to return to Ponyville for research."

"Mostly so you Bearers are in one place if you're needed, too."

"Yes, but here's the good news. Stone and Panacea will be joining you."

"Stone can't be healed already."

"He's not completely healed, no; he will be in a few days. They'll be taking the train soon and he'll be ready when they get here." Twilight put down the scroll and looked at me for a moment. "I think it would be best for you to rest for awhile before running off to Providence."

"Sounds good. I could use some R and R." And a lot of drinking and partying too.

"I should return immediately. If the situation gets worse..."

"I know, don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

Twilight floated another page to me that I hadn't seen and raised to her hooves. It was just the premise, and reports from Providence, for my mission. "I'm going to get my things. Sorry about running off so quickly."

"Like I said, it's fine." By now, we had finished our meal so I walked with her. We talked of small things but headed to the train station in silence. As Twilight boarded, she apologized again and told me to be careful. Careful, cause that's worked so well so far. I simply waved her off as the train departed.

Finally, some time to myself. What will I do? Ice cream! Without watching where I was going, I dashed out of the station and towards the tavern. I don't know where this place gets it's food from, but I know they have ice cream. To the wonders of frozen milk fat!

The following two days passed in fun. Drinking, partying with the bar goers, ice cream, and even training was had. Somehow, training had become more fun than ever. It was like everything I did had a bit more chaos in it that just brought the fun out.

On the fourth day in Rockton, the train whistle blew. It was telling me my friends had arrived. Both Stone and Pan looked a lot better than I had last seen them, but it didn't look like they could say the same for me. They eyed me up and down with looks of shock. Pan was the first to speak up.

"Dex, what happened to you? Why are you wearing a party hat?" Oh, maybe I should have cleaned myself up some before meeting them.

"Uh.." I was trying desperately for an excuse that didn't sound like I was drinking the whole time.

"You look like you've been drinking and partying too much, boy!" ....perceptive, Stone.... perceptive...

"Um... Yeah, no I wasn't..." C'mon brain! Think better!

Panacea sighed and sashayed over. "I'm thinking you've partied enough, dear." Well, she seems better. The casual swagger is back.

"Never! Drinking and hanging with ponies is a great pastime!" ....And now I sound like some drunkard or something.

"At least you loosed up, boy. Last I saw you, it looked like you were going to pop!"

"Yeah, I was a bit stressed out, but now you two are here and everything is awesome again!"

"As I recall, the princess has us going to yet another town, though." Yes, Pan, thanks for reminding me.

My shoulders slumped. "Yeah..."

"Well come on boy! Show us this town's tavern! We'll have a good night before tomorrow!" Yes!

"Great idea!" I grabbed the two ponies hooves and started dragging them to The Rocky Mane.

It felt like old times, drinking with Stone. Panacea would have a sip here and there, but she still joined in the festivities occasionally. This time, Stone and I took it easy on the drinks to avoid another 'night that shall not be named.' At a lull, I wandered over to where Pan was watching us make a fool of ourselves in arm wrestling.

"Hey, Pan." Other than the slur in my speech, I could hold a conversation while drunk.

"Hello, Dex." She looked a little sad, but I wasn't sure over my wobbly vision.

"Something wrong?"

"I should be asking you the same question."

"You really want to know?"

"Only if you want me to know. Like I said before, I don't want to push you into answering."

"Ah, I'll tell you. I like you and know you won't tell anyone." Of course, the alcohol still completely shattered my inhibitions. "But not here, follow me."

The trip to my room was an adventure in pain and coordination. I must have tripped up the stairs at least a dozen times and ran into a few walls down the hall. Pan would ask if I was okay or if I needed help the whole time though. I was determined to get there on my own, however, and we finally made it as I fell through the door.

"Dex, maybe you should rest. We can talk later."

Crawling my way to a bed, I managed to hoist myself into it and sit. "No, no. Drinking makes me talk and I know I'll never talk about this any other time. Sit, we talk."

I began my tale of woe as soon as she sat on the other bed. Beginning with stress, I slowly worked my way through a conversation I wanted to avoid for silly reasons. We talked first about me being a knight and how I had starting worrying about forcing her into things. She quickly debunked this, saying if she didn't want to come, she didn't have to. Then, we worked over my problems with causing potential harm just by being here. Again, she refuted my logic by saying Celestia wouldn't have let me move freely if she thought I was a threat. When I brought up Celestia's letter, Pan reminded me that worrying wouldn't help. Finally, we entered relationship territory.

That conversation was more about society and physiology than our actual relationship. I found that inter-species relationships aren't common but weren't frowned upon too often either. Over time, my worries felt lessened and our feelings were the same. We decided to stay friends until we could be sure of what we felt. The entire conversation took up the remainder of the night we had planned to enjoy. Pan had me drink some water that I knew I'd need and I promptly passed out.

I didn't dream that night. Whatever was plaguing me seemed to have the good sense to leave me alone. Waking up to Panacea's sleeping face in the other bed confused me. Alright, she definitely didn't lose a bet this time. Oh well, Twilight didn't care about mixed sleeping arrangements and neither shall I!

Quietly slipping out of the room, I turned to see Stone staring at me in complete seriousness. Silence hung in the air for longer than I had expected it to. Well, alright then. Attempting to shuffle away from him caused him to follow me. He never broke eye contact and I could see redness in his eyes.

"Umm, Stone? You okay?"

"Okay?! You left me to drink alone last night!" I could tell he was pretty irritated at me.

"Oh, shit, sorry."

"Sorry? You're going to have to do better than that, boy!"

"And what, pray tell, do I have to do to get you to stop being pissy with me?" Yet another 'don't mess with me when I first wake up' moment, brought to you by caffeine! You don't need it, but it sure helps.

Stone's cold sneer changed to a smirk. "Tell me what you two did..." FFfffff'in seriously?!

"Dear God, you too Stone?! We. Are. Not. Together!"

"Did I say you was?" ...touche...

"No, but you thought it."

"Nah, I know you two well. I wanted to know what you two talked about."

"Eh, issues. They've been dealt with. Can I go eat something now?"

He threw his front hooves in the air. "Bah! I don't know how you talk to Panacea but not your best bud about things." Oh...shit...

"It's... not like that. A lot of what we talked about was between us and, um... The next emotional breakdown I have is yours?"

"Bah! Be sure to remember that then." He walked off and entered his own room. I wasn't sure what to think of what just happened, but I needed to eat something.

I was up a little early for breakfast, so I lounged around until the sun began to rise. For some odd reason, I not only didn't have a hangover, but I wasn't tired from the little sleep I had. Things were really starting to confuse me and I didn't want to raise any suspicions and get my sword taken away.

The morning was spent in uneasy silence. Stone and Panacea came down a few hours later when I was eating. None of us spoke and yet all of us seemed to have questions on our minds. My own was swimming in a sea of 'what ifs.' Someone finally spoke up as we were exiting the tavern.

"Dex, what will we find at Providence?"

"Most likely the same thing from the last two towns, Pan. Chaotic Shades. If Twilight is right, it will be extremely strong from how many times I've been there."

"Well I'm ready for it. I have a bone to pick with one of these Shades for getting the jump on me."

"I'll need your help Stone, don't go getting hurt just because it changed forms."

"You lecturing me now, boy? So you got two of them, I still have more experience with battle. Tell me, have you learned to feel the battle yet?"

I sighed. "No, all I can do is let my anger control me. The last battle had me wounded."

"Wounded?! Dex, why didn't you tell us you were hurt!"

"Pan, it's fine, I was healed afterwards somehow."

Panacea wouldn't relent and checked me over anyway. Her magic didn't have the familiar feel it used to have. First, my mind starts jumping through emotions, and now magic feels different? I hope I can figure this out soon. With those thoughts on my mind, we boarded the train to Providence. It was a long ride, but I had time to figure things out.