• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,729 Views, 116 Comments

The Chaos Within - StapleCactus

Dex, a human of the Solar Guard of Equestria, has more to deal with than ever before.

  • ...

A new mission




With that last move, Stone parried my blow and my sword went flying. I fell back and let the ground catch me while I panted for breath. Stone's grey chest was heaving while his red mane and tail hung with sweat. He stabbed his sword into the ground and walked up to me.

"Hah....hah... you're... getting better... hah... boy..." He took a few more breaths and helped me up. "But you're still thinking with that head of yours! How many times do I have to tell you to feel the battle?"

"I can't... hah... help it. I was born to think."

"Thinking won't do you any good if you're dead!" Just then, one of the castle stewards trotted up to us.

"Sir Dex, Her Majesty, Princess Celestia, would like to speak with you in her study."

"Phew... Okay... Tell her I'll be along shortly." I finally managed to catch my breath. With his message delivered, the messenger headed back inside. "Stone. We'll talk more later, alright?"

"I know, I know. Run off to Celestia, boy."

"Right." I brushed myself off, collected my sword, and headed to Celestia's study.

Heh, six months of training and Stone can still beat me. I guess that old earth pony is onto something after all. I still can't believe I'm here. And a knight of Celestia's Guard no less! Well, might as well find out what she wants.

I knocked upon the door of Celestia's study and let myself in. After all this time, I've grown to relax around the royalty in the castle.

"Hey, Celestia. What's up?" She looked up from some papers and raised an eyebrow.

"Dex, it is a good thing we have known each other for so long. You are supposed to wait for me to call you in."

"Eh, I know you don't care about protocol now. Besides, if you lived stiff forever, you'd go insane, if I got your words right."

"Not quite, but close." She grew serious. "I called you here because there is a problem in one of the towns you recently visited. I need you to go there and find out what happened."

Serious face equals serious reaction. I knelt before her. "As you wish, Your Majesty. I am yours to command."

"Go to Slade, investigate, and report back to me when you are done. Here are the reports."

"Very well," I stood and grabbed the papers from her telekinetic grasp. I looked over them for a few moments. It was a unique assignment; ponies were hearing things and disappearing in the night, only to show up different. "Who can I bring with me?"

"We do not want to cause panic; only bring a few ponies with you. Did you have somepony in mind?"

"I wish to bring Stone and Panacea. Stone, for his battle experience, and Panacea, for her medical expertise. Will that be acceptable?"

"Of course. I will send the orders."

"And I will meet them. Stay safe, Your Majesty." I bowed and exited. My first stop would be the Canterlot hospital.

Panacea works as a nurse in the hospital when I don't whisk her away on odd jobs. She's a unicorn, which I didn't find out until I caught her without her nurse's cap on, with a peach colored coat and white mane and tail. We grew close during my two extended stays there and every time I hurt myself in practice since. She's got an easy going attitude, but I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. The things she can do with her medical knowledge truly frightens me.

By now, the hospital's employees were used to me coming in. The nurse at the front desk immediately called for Pan when she saw me.

"Panacea! Your boyfriend is here!"

"Honesty hun, stop saying that. You know we aren't together." Pan walked out of a patient's room and looked me over. "Huh, you're not hurt. Guess that means you need me for another mission?"

"Sure do, the order should be here shortly. We're going to Slade with Stone."

She sighed. "I don't know why I let you rope me into these things. Come on then, I just finished with my last patient." We said our farewells and started towards the castle. "You owe me something for all this. I was hoping to relax this weekend."

"I thought you loved being whisked away to new locations." There was a smile on my face. "I'm sure I can think of something. Maybe a fancy dress?" She glared at me. "Haha, I know. Don't worry, I'll get you something you like."

We reached the castle and headed to the guard's training grounds to get Stone. He was an interesting character; loud and carefree one minute, and stoic the next. I managed to catch him at a bar one time and all hell broke loose. We ended up drinking the night away and pulling in the whole bar for a song and dance number. Stone made me swear to never mention that night again.

He was waiting for us when we entered the central building. "You got me going on another of your missions, boy! You know I'll always be there for ya, but you could at least ask!" Despite the accusing tone, a smirk was playing at his muzzle.

"And give you a chance to decline? Never. If you're all set to go, we should get going. It's a long ride to Slade."

"Yeah, yeah, let's go. You can tell me all about this mission of yours on the way."

Sometimes, it's good to be a knight. The three of us had a flying chariot arranged. Even with the faster mode of transportation, we wouldn't be there til nightfall. I managed to find time to think after discussing the assignment.

Yet another job. At least it pays well; I wouldn't have been able to pay Twilight back so quickly. Seven months ago, when I first arrived in Equestria, Twilight had helped me get clothes and glasses. A couple weeks later, Discord was released. Apparently, I emitted chaos energy, which helped him break out of stone; I was forced into a fight for survival when he sent me into a forest as, 'insurance,' he said.

After being rescued and going crazy, Twilight had used a spell that was supposed to return me to Earth. It didn't work, but I was freed of the voices in my head. I learned that I was in a coma induced by Discord's magic. The voices I heard were my family's. When Twilight used her spell, I came to realize I wanted to stay in Equestria and the link between our worlds was severed. Although I still miss my family on occasion, I've never been happier.

I was broken out of my reverie by Panacea. She pointed towards the distance and I saw the town I had visited a few times in my travels. We had reached Slade.