• Published 12th Feb 2016
  • 1,019 Views, 80 Comments

Shades Of The Past - Bluecatcinema

Shine goes to a small town to investigate a bandit leader... and learns more than he bargained for.

  • ...

The Shade Among Us

Shine, Shade, Blueblood and Gothic returned to Canterlot the next morning.

"So this is the fancy-schmancy Canterlot?" Shade snorted. "How perfectly... upper-class."

"And I suppose hiding out in a dusty old cave is any better?" Blueblood sneered.

"Any day." Shade said proudly.

The carriage landed not far from the castle.

"Hey guys, why don't you two go on ahead?" Shine suggested. "I'll take Shade here down to Blazin' Blues. I figure an establishment like that would be right down his alley."

"Fat chance." Shade scowled.

"If you say so, Shine." Gothic nodded.

"If it gets me away from this uncouth lout, I'm all for it." Blueblood declared. "Good luck, my friend..."

Blueblood and Gothic got out of the carriage, and headed toward the castle. Shine led Shade down the streets of Canterlot.

"Ugh, so many privileged snobs." Shade growled, as he scanned the area. "Bet these richies never worked a day in their lives..."

"You'd be surprised, if you just gave them a chance." Shine declared.

"Not in this lifetime." Shade rolled his eyes, "If you'veseen the kind of rich ponies I seen, maybe you would understand... but I guess not."

Shine suppressed a scowl. Shade's attitude was starting to get on this nerves.

'Keep it cool, Shine.' He told himself. 'Remember why you're doing this. We don't want another Black on our hooves, after all...'

Shine and Shade reached Blazin' Blues.

"Well, whattaya know." Shade mused, as he looked upon the building. "I was expecting marble pillars and silk drapes. You sure this place is meant to be here?"

"Funny." Shine smirked. "Let's just go in. There's some ponies I want you to meet."

"This oughta be fun..." Shade said sarcastically.

As they entered, they found Shine's sister, Mist, Blue Blazes, and their son Tempest within. Business tended to be slow on weekday mornings, so the bar empty. Shine was aware that Mist often took Tempest to visit Blue at work.

"Hey, Shine." Mist smiled. "Welcome back. I heard you'd gone to Prairieville for some reason."

"Shi!" Tempest gurgled.

"Hey, Tempest." Shine grinned, rubbing the little colt's head. "How's my favorite nephew?"

"Who's your friend?" Blue took notice of Shade.

"This is Shade." Shine declared. "We met over in Prairieville."

"Hey." Shade said flatly with a raise of a hoof.

"Well, it's nice to meet a new friend." Mist smiled as she turned to Shade. "Good to meet you, Shine. I hope you enjoy your visit, and..." She trailed off, finding herself staring at Shade.

"...What? Do I have something on my face?" Shade frowned.

"No...have we met before by any chance?" Mist squinted her eyes at him. "You just... look familiar."

"Guess I've just got one of those faces..." Shade shrugged.

"Mist, Blue, can I talk to you for a moment?" Shine asked. "In private?"

"Okay." Mist nodded.

"Let me just put up the 'back in five' sign..." Blue mused.

"Would you mind keeping an eye on Tempest for me?" Mist asked Shade.

"I, uh..." Shade blanched. "I'm not really good with foals."

"It'll only be for a minute or two." Shine told him. "Besides, it's not he's gonna bite..."

"Okay, whatever." Shade frowned. "Just make it quick. I didn't come all the way out here to be a foalsitter..."

Shine, Mist and Blue walked into the storeroom.

"Your friend's a real charmer, isn't he?" Blue snorted.

"Who is he, anyway?" Mist asked. "And why does he seem so familiar?"

"Well, it's like this..." Shine sighed.

Shade was tapping his hooves as he glanced at Tempest. The foal smiled at him.

"Uh.. hey, kid." Shade said awkwardly. "How's your day been? Living in this snobby city not affected you yet?"

Tempest sucked on his hoof.

"Good talk." Shade sighed.

Outside, the sound of a jackhammer roaring into life emerged, some roadworks going in the street. The loud noise upset Tempest. His eyes began to well up with tears.

"Oh no..." Shade cringed. "Please kid, don't..."

Back in the storeroom, Shine had just finished explaining who Shade was and his relation to Black Knight. Both Mist and Blue were shocked by the revelation.

"Shade is Black's son?!" Mist gaped.

"That warmonger had a son?!" Blue echoed.

"Blue, we agreed we would not call him that." Shine glared. "But yes, Shade is his son, and our cousin."

"But... but... how?" Mist stammered, "How can he be Black's son? It just can't be."

"It is. If you noticed, Shade had a locket just like mine." Shine explained, "And it had a picture of both Black and his mother, a mare named School Belle. I saw it myself."

"Um, I think we are overlooking the fact that Shine's saying that he is the 'Western Shade'!" Blue growled, "You brought not only a son of a psycho, but a plundering thief!" Suddenly, his pupils shrank. "And we just let him look after our foal!"

"Hey, cool it!" Shine ordered. "Shade is nothing like Black. And even then, Black would never have stooped as low as hurting a foal. So don't call him a psycho!"

"Shine, do you even know this stallion?" Mist frowned. "To my understanding, you came to find and bring him in, and the moment you find out he is Black's son, you're suddenly trying to be buddies with him..." She gave a deeper frown. "Shine... I know Black's death has been hard on you... but I think you're letting him cloud your judgement."

"Except I'm not." Shine insisted. "I know there's a lot of good in Shade. I've seen it."

"Or did you just see what he wanted you to see?" Blue asked. "How do you know he's not playing you right now?"

"Because he's family." Shine insisted.

"Yeah, and so was Black." Mist scowled.

"Look, I know it's risky, but what other choice do I have?" Shine asked. "Having him put in prison wouldn't made his temperament any better. Reaching out to him, appealing to his better nature, is really the best option."

"If you say so." Mist scoffed. "I'm not so sure."

"Please, just let me try." Shine pleaded. "And don't tell Celestia, either. She can't know about Shade's true identity."

"You want us to lie to her?" Blue frowned.

"Seriously, Shine?" Mist glared at him.

"If Celestia found out, she... well, she wouldn't take it well." Shine declared. "Please, Mist. Blue. Don't tell her. I'm begging you."

"Okay, fine." Mist sighed. "But I still think this is a bad idea."

"Me too." Blue added. "But you sound like you know what you're doing, so I'll keep it zipped too."

"Thanks, guys." Shine smiled.

Suddenly, they heard Tempest crying.

"Wait, is that...?" Shine frowned.

"Tempest!" Mist screeched.

"I swear to Faust, Shine, if that bucker hurt my son..." Blue snarled.

As they rushed back towards the bar, they froze at the sight before them: Shade rocking Tempest in his hooves.

"There, there." Shade soothed Tempest, a warm smile on his face. "It's okay..."

Tempest's cries faded, replacing by happy cooing. And the three's expressions of fear and anger turned to surprise and awe.

"Well, I'll be..." Mist smiled.

"I did not see that coming." Blue admitted.

"...See, I told you." Shine smirked, though he was more relieved.

At that moment, Shade realised he was being watched. The smile slid off his face, replaced by an awkward grimace.

"Um, wh-what are you all looking at?" He demanded.

"'Not really good with foals', huh?" Shine said smugly.

"I'm not." Shade scowled, his eyes darting. "I had to calm the kid down, or he'd have deafened me with all that crying." He held up Tempest, carrying him to Mist. "Here, take him!"

"If you say so." Mist giggled.

"Beh!" Tempest waved at Shade, who looked away, embarassed.

"Hey Blue, how about a couple of drinks?" Shine asked. "I'm sure Shade here must be thirsty."

"Coming right up." Blue nodded.

"Try not to make them too fancy." Shade sneered. "I'm not some snooty upper-class pony, you know."

"Perish the thought." Blue poured them some cider.

"Regular drinks? In Canterlot?" Shade mused. "What is this place, exactly? A faux dive bar, where richies come to slum it?"

"No, it's just a regular bar where ponies from all walks of life can come and wet their whistles." Blue declared. "We don't discriminate here."

"Guess even a place like Canterlot has it's exceptions..." Shade drank the cider. "Mmm, good stuff. Not exactly the kind you get back home, but I believe it will suffice."

"Thanks... I think." Blue gave a unsure smile.

"Speaking of home, I think it's time we went to mine." Shine set down his empty glass.

"Yeah, may as well get this over with..." Shade scowled. As he stood up, he turned to Mist with a nod. "Nice to meet you, Mist."

"You too, I guess..." Mist replied, still a little uneasy.

"Bye!" Tempest waved.

As Shine and Shade left, Blue walked over to Mist.

"So, whattaya think?" He asked. "Can we trust the guy?"

"Maybe..." Mist shrugged. "Guess we'll just have to wait and see..."

Meanwhile, at a nearby cafe, Caboose, Fletcher and Call were waiting at a table at a cafe, having been summoned her by Elite for some reason.

"Strange place to hold a meeting." Fletcher mused.

"Maybe he wants our opinion on what food's good around here." Caboose mused.

"Yes, I'm sure that's the reason why." Call said sarcastically.

Elite emerged from around a corner.

"Ah, there you are." He smiled. "Right on time, I see."

"Sir!" Fletcher declared, as the three saluted.

"At ease, gentlecolts." Elite smirked, as the trio lowered hooves. "I'm glad you all could make it."

"So, Director, why is it that we're here?" Fletcher asked, "It's not often that anypony is called to have lunch with a legend."

"Please, you flatter me." Elite chuckled, "How about we sit down and have a nice meal before we get down to the nitty gritty?"

"Works for me." Caboose grinned. "I'm starved!"

"So... you are probably wondering why I had brought you here." Elite took a bite of his quinoa quiche. "Well, I am pleased to inform you three that you are all in the running for the position of the RDL General."

"Really, sir?" Fletcher lit up.

"All three of us?" Call frowned, as he glared at Caboose, "Even this guy?"

"Funny thing, Doodie." Caboose scowled. "I was about to the same about you."

"Oh yes, Sergeant Duty." Elite nodded. "You three had each exhibited qualities that goes far and beyond what I hope for when I started the trials. Fletcher has dedication, honor and commitment. You have strength, drive, and experience. And Caboose has heart, creativity... and he just always leave a smile on my face."

"Aw, shucks." Caboose chuckled.

"Thank you, sir." Call said smugly.

"Such praise from you is high praise indeed, sir." Fletcher said humbly. "After all, you are one of the greatest RDL members of all time."

"You flatter me." Elite said modestly. "I'm just a stallion doing his duty."

"But you do it so well." Call grinned.

"Yeah, you're awesome!" Caboose added. "The RDL's lucky to have ya! "

"It's more like we're lucky to have the RDL." Elite smiled. "It all began hundreds of year ago, when Celestia had sought it best to begin a new force of militant ponies to protect not only our cities, but our entire country. The Royal Defense Legion has served to defend Equestria and its allies from all sorts of potential threats. Those who served within it were a breed apart. I remember so many magnificent stallions and mares whom I had the pleasure of fighting alongside."

"Like who?" Caboose asked.

"Oh, too many to count." Elite nodded. "But I fondly remember quite a few. In fact, back when I was General, I had the honor of meeting White Knight Paladin. Now, he was a great soldier. Honor-bound, dutiful, and a rather kick-flank name if I dare say so. His family had actually served the army for generations... and of course, there was his brother..." His smile dampened, but it was still a grin, "Black himself was a great squad captain, and he knew how to run a tight squadron..."

"You mean before he disgraced what it means to be a soldier?" Call spat contemptuously. "That filth dragged your noble cause through the mud. He tried to kill Celestia herself. And then that monster almost conquered all of Equestria before being put down. He was nothing but a vile, heartless demon. It even baffles me that our prince is related to that scumbag. If it were up to me, Black-"

"Now, hold it right there, Sargeant." Elite cut him off, his gaze piercing through him. "While yes, his actions were not the most desirable of a soldier...or of Equestria, it does not change the fact that he was a strong, smart, and capable soldier who was fighting for a cause, never mind how twisted it may be, and was willing to sacrifice everything he had to achieve it..." His eyes grew misty, before shaking his head. "Say what you will of Black, but his courage and tenacity is to be respected, even for a extremist such as him."

Call closed his mouth, chastened.

"It's a shame he fell so far, so hard." Elite sighed. "As I said, he was an excellent soldier. In time, perhaps history will look upon him more favorably."

"If only..." Fletcher sighed.

"I kinda feel bad for making the killing blow." Caboose admitted. "Even if I did get this nice, shiny badge of honor for it." He showed off the golden badge.

"You only did what you had to, Lieutenant... and yes, it is quite shiny." Elite nodded.

"So...what about you?" Caboose asked. "What were you like back in the day?"

"I was a lot like your Captain Fletcher." Elite nodded.

"You were, sir?" Fletcher smiled.

"Oh, yes." Elite nodded. "Young, talented, and ready to serve my country. I shot up through the ranks like a rocket. I fought every battle with full force, lead daring raids on enemy strongholds that were considered 'impenetrable', went on solo missions into the very heart of enemy territory, and I never once learned the meaning of the word 'die'... of course, I did have my failures. This little beauty, for example..."

Elite lifted up his cloak and set out his right hoof, revealing it to actually be a prosthetic.

"Whoa." Fletcher frowned.

"Holy crap..." Caboose gaped. "Nice pegleg. Do you moonlight as a pirate, or something?"

"How dare you?!" Call snarled. "Show some respect!"

"Now, now, it's fine, Sargeant Duty." Elite declared, "Trust me, I had been called worse."

"Um... what happened there?" Caboose said nervously, hoping to not offend him any further.

"I had a run-in with a dragon over in Timbucktu." Elite noted. "It was back when I was only a Lieutenant, and wet behind the ear. I was touring the countryside with my squadron and I foolishly tried to take it on by myself."

"Ooh, I bet that didn't end well." Fletcher cringed.

"I was doing fine for the first ten minutes... until the dragon bit the thing clean off." Elite recalled. "I barely made it back to the base, suffering so much pain. After getting reprimanded, I had this prosthetic put on."

"I'm sorry about that, sir." Fletcher apologised.

"It's really not that bad." Elite shrugged. "I even added a few... additions."

Elite twisted his false hoof one click to the right, as suddenly, a bright silver machete flipped out.

"WHOA!" Caboose jumped off in awe.

The three gazed at Caboose oddly (more of a glare from Call), as Caboose gave a small nervous chuckle.

"Sorry... it's just... it's cool." Caboose murmured.

"That it is, Caboose." Elite smirked, as he waved his machete hoof around, "A couple of guys in the R&D department owed me a favor, so they had the best blade forged right into this hoof. With a simple flick of a hoof, I am not only battle ready..." He then gently placed his machete on his quinoa quiche and began cutting. "I always have something to cut with."

"Yeah, I heard about your machete hoof." Call declared. "Is it true that you went back to that dragon and proceed to cut his heart out and ate off a plate... medium rare?"

"What?" Caboose snorted. "Doodie, you know ponies can't eat meat!"

"Caboose, I swear to Faust, it's Duty." Call silently growled, keeping his temper reined in in front of Elite. "I would appreciate it if you didn't call me that in front of the director..."

"I must admit, it is quite humorous..." Elite chuckled... but seeing Duty's glare, he regained poise. "But Caboose is right. What happened was greatly exaggerated. Yes, I did come back to slay that dragon, because I don't let dragons eat my hoof and get away with it. Yes, I did cut it's heart out, while bathing in the blood that spurted out. But no, I did not eat the dragon's heart."

"Oh..." Call said sheepishly, "...You know, I only asked because I also heard that you were part Diamond Dog. I assume that is a rumor too?"

"Well, yes and no." Elite shrugged. "My mother had a really 'bad' run-in with a group of them, and since my father was never really around when my mother was pregnant, ponies connected the dots."

"In a really lousy way." Caboose snorted. "Dummies..."

"It doesn't matter, though." Elite declared. "I know the truth, as do so many others. I never let those rumors interfere with my work."

"If you don't mind my asking sir, what have you been dealing with lately?" Fletcher asked.

"Quite a few problems, as it happens." Elite frowned. "A few militias to wipe out here, a few corrupt dictators to overthrow there... and don't get me started on the terrorists. Everywhere and anywhere the RDL go, there's always that pony going 'Allahu Akbar!' and something explodes."

"Sounds like a typical Monday night." Caboose mused.

"Well, for the RDL, it never stops." Elite shakes his head. "In fact, there is this one organzation that I personally had been working on trying to find for a while now."

"...The Al Quinoa?" Caboose asked.

"Oh no, me and the boys already took care of them. Even killed Oatsama. Went out with a whimper." Elite shook his head, "No, this group of terrorists has been eluding the RDL and everypony else for a very long time, showing it's face when doing something big."

"Well, that sounds familiar..." Caboose frowned.

"It does?" Fletcher frowned.

"Not to me." Call sneered.

"Whether or not it sounds familiar, it doesn't change the fact they keep me up at nights, mocking me from afar." Elite scowled, "We only managed to apprehend a few of them, but they refused to talk, and all the rest we come across either kills themselves or get killed."

"Well, I don't know about you, but when I become General, I'll be sure to lend a hoof and get the truth out of those little weasels." Call smirked. "No matter what it takes."

"I'm assuming you mean force?" Fletcher frowned.

"And why not?" Call sneered. "Sometimes, talk isn't enough. I'm sure the Lieutenant understands that..."

"Not as much as you'd think." Caboose scowled.

"Really?" Call snorted. "The way I heard it, those brothers of yours used force all the time. Heck, your big brother wrote a book all about it."

"I assume you are referring to 'The Napoleons: The Confessions & Revelations Of The Greatest Mafia Family'?" Elite asked.

"Oh, yeah..." Call scoffed. "Spoiler alert, biggest pile of -"

"I really loved that book." Elite smirked. "A real page-turner that was."

"As did I." Fletcher agreed. "I had no idea your family led such interesting lives."

"Well, y'know..." Caboose grinned.

"I even noticed you and your lovely wife were featured in a few chapters." Elite told Fletcher. "I found the story of your initial clash with Caboose quite intriguing. Even more so when the two of you finally reconciled your differences."

"Mostly because of the Lieutenant." Fletcher admitted. "I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for him."

"Hey, just doing the right thing." Caboose grinned. "Besides, it was a great story."

"And what catching myself and Dove in the barracks together?" Fletcher asked. "Was that a 'great story' too?"

"Please don't remind me." Caboose cringed. "It just slipped out after the party, I didn't expect Grim to actually print it. The horror, the horror... Illuminati..."

"Okay, turning away from the life and times of mobsters..." Call scowled. "As I was saying, if I were in the RDL, I'd use any means necessary to make those fools talk. I'd make it in their best interest to talk, actually..."

"That's enough." Fletcher glared at Call. "The way you're talking, it sounds like you'd be willing to torture prisoners."

"Did I actually use that word?" Call shrugged. "No. So don't go assuming anything, Captain."

"What do you think, Elite?" Caboose asked.

"I know that there are lines that must sometimes be crossed in order to protect our way of life." Elite admitted. "But such a decision must not be taken lightly. Every time you do, you chip away at your own moral core. A true soldier must hold on to his nobility as well as his equinity. Without these qualities, you're no different from the evil we face today."

"Well put, sir." Fletcher smiled.

Call rolled his eyes.

"Thank you, Fletcher." Elite beamed, he finished his sandwich. "Now, let us return to the castle. The trails aren't over yet."

"Not yet, at least." Fletcher smiled, as he stood up and followed Elite.

"Hold on." Caboose stuffed the remaining half of his sandwich into his mouth. "Mmmkay, mmet's guh!"

"Filthy pig." Call muttered under his breath. "Maybe if he didn't talk so much, he'd have more time to eat..."

Meanwhile, Shine led Shade into the palace.

"Ugh, this is even worse than I thought it would be." Shade sneered. "Snob central. All the money dumped in this place could had easily fed a couple dozen towns."

"Just give it a chance, okay?" Shine urged, "I know it feels uncomfortable at first, but you will get used to it."

"Whatever..." Shade snorted.

Shine led Shade into the throne room, where Celestia was seated.

"Ah, you're back." Celestia noted. "Did you find this 'Western Shade'?"

"Afraid not." Shine lied. "He's a slippery one..."

"Just as I thought." Celestia sighed, as she then looked upon Shade, "And who is this? I never seen him before."

"Right. Celestia, this stallion here is Shade Paladin." Shine declared. Celestia's brows perked at the name Paladin. "...And he is my cousin."

"Cousin?" Celestia blanched. "...I was not aware that you had cousins, Shine."

"You and me both." Shine nodded. "After me and the others had failed to find the Western Shade, I bumped into him at the local watering hole, and after we got to talking, he told me that his father was a very 'distant' relative of my father."

"I see. And you thought to bring him back here, without even sending word." Celestia said stiffly.

"It was a spur of the moment thing." Shine shrugged.

"Which you seem to be doing a lot of lately." Celestia noted. "Can't say I like this side of you... But I am never one to turn away a guest. Welcome, Shade."

"Yeah, hi." Shade said flatly. "So, what's it like sitting on your fancy throne all day?"

"Shade..." Shine growled.

"To be honest, I don't sit on it that much." Celestia admitted. "There is always so much to do for both Canterlot and Equestria. Even more so when I have to do it alone..." She glared at Shine.

"I should probably show Shade around." Shine frowned, suddenly reminded of part of the reason he left for Prairieville. "He's going to be staying for a couple of days. That's not a problem, is it?"

"Of course not." Celestia declared. "I hope you enjoy your stay, Shade."

"You do, do you?" Shade scowled, clearly not impressed by her attitude toward Shine.

"Of course." Celestia nodded firmly. "We are family, after all, by marriage."

Celestia held out her hoof for Shade to shake. Shade wasn't about to shake a royal's hoof, but a jab from Shine prodded him into it. Reluctantly, he reached out and shook the hoof.

"Hmm..." Celestia mused, gazing upon Shade. "That is a strong hoofshake. I haven't experienced a hoofshake like that in quite some time."

"Whatever you say, your high-and-mightyness..." Shade shrugged.

"Come on, Shade." Shine offered. "I'll show you to the guest rooms."

As the two stallions left, Celestia held up her hoof.

"Quite some time..." She repeated to herself.

Outside, Shine and Shade were walking down the corridors.

"I knew that whole 'loving Princess' story was garbage." Shade sneered. "She even treats her own husband like dirt."

"That's not how she usually acts." Shine countered. "We're just... having some issues at the moment."

"Big surprise." Shade smirked. "You two couldn't be more different if you tried. That hoity-toity royal pain shouldn't be sullying our family name like that..."

"Watch it, pal." Shine glared. "Marital problems or not, she's still my wife, and I won't tolerate you badmouthing her like that."

"Whatever you say, Mr. Celestia." Shade jeered.

"Okay, here's your room." Shine led him into the bedroom. "Just put your stuff anywhere."

Shade placed his saddlebags on a chair. Seconds later, he took in the room.

"Is all this fancy stuff really necessary?" He asked. "Like the throw pillows. They're useless. They're just there to look fancy."

"You can take them off if you want to." Shine pointed out.

"Oh, I want to." Shade sneered, pulling off the pillows. "Ugh, even the sheets are too fancy for me. I'm used to cotton, not silk. It'll feel like I'm trying to sleep on a cloud..."

"You could always sleep on the floor." Shine pointed out.

"I didn't say I wouldn't sleep on the bed." Shade said quickly. "Just that it's way too fancy."

"Now, what say I show you around the rest of the castle?" Shine offered, hoping to change the conversation.

Shade was tempted to say "Not a chance", but he remembered the real reason he was there; To rob them blind. It would only help his mission to know where all the valuables were.

"Sure, why not?" He nodded. "Can't be any worse than this..."

"That's the spirit... kinda." Shine shrugged. "Let's go..."

Over in the courtyard, Elite had stopped on the way to the barracks to observing the Junior Guardsponies, who were performing drills.

"Very impressive." He smiled. "They have clearly been taught well."

"Oh, they were." Caboose nodded. "I always look forward to teaching their class when my turn comes...my daughter is even in the class."

"Oh really?" Elite smirked.

"Oh yeah. In fact, I see Hurricane right now." Caboose pointed to his daughter, wearing the Junior Guardspony outfit, as he began shouting and waving, "HURRI! HURRI!"

Hurricane waved at Caboose. While happy to see him, she was aware of how awkward he was making things.

"Hey, dad!" She called.

"I'm really proud of her." Caboose said giddily.

"Obviously." Elite chuckled, as he turned to Fletcher, "I assume you had been teaching them a lot as well?"

"Oh yes. But you know, being a captain is very busy." Fletcher shrugged, "So I have often have to take a rain check."

"Yeah, Fletcher has been taking quite a lot of them." Caboose agreed. "It's like every time his turn comes up, he always have a lot of work to do."

"I wouldn't put it like that, Caboose." Fletcher sighed.

"How... unfortunate." Elite gave a sad smile. "Well, I hope you won't be so busy next time. The young ones could stand to learn from a good leader such as yourself. You already are doing a fine job with them"

"You're too kind, sir." Fletcher nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, while you guys are babysitting the rugrats, the rest of us were doing real Guard work." Call moved ahead of Fletcher and Caboose, getting Elite's attention. "Why, just last week..."

"Jerk." Caboose scowled. "Don't worry, Cap. You're practically a shoo-in."

"I hope so." Fletcher frowned. "I would put such a position to better use than that arrogant fool..."

"You and me both, pal." Caboose nodded.

Inside the castle, Shine was giving Shade the grand tour.

"Jeez, look at this place." Shade looked around. "You could fit nearly all of Prairieville in here..."

"Are you sure they wouldn't hate the fanciness?" Shine smirked.

"Maybe not." Shade shrugged. "But they're happy living the simple life, not surrounded by pointless luxury, and sycophantic servants."

"Boy, you are like a broken record." Shine shook his head.

"Only because I have yet to see anything that could change my mind." Shade retorted.

"Oh, yeah?" Shine asked. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch..."

Shine led Shade outside.

"Now where are we headed?" Shade asked.

"Just the Royal Guards' barracks." Shine smiled.

"Whoa, are you nuts?!" Shade growled. "I'm a wanted criminal, remember?"

"Yeah, but nopony will recognize you without those thrift store reject clothes." Shine sniggered. "Just stick to the story, and you'll be fine."

"Still think it's a bad idea..." Shade groaned, before frowning, "And that poncho makes me look bad-flank."

"It makes you look a cheap umbrella, you mean." Shine smirked.

"Just because something doesn't have pearls and jewels in the lining, doesn't mean it's not fashionable." Shade insisted.

"Trust me, that thing could have all the pearls and jewels in the world sewn, and it'd still look terrible." Shine declared.

As they entered the courtyard, they saw the Royal Guard continuing the physical portions of their trials, being overseen by Elite.

"You see that?" Shine smiled. "Those are are regular ponies, working hard."

"Yeah, to serve the oppressive monarchy." Shade scowled.

"Still better than stealing." Shine jeered.

"Better to steal than serve those fat cats." Shade scoffed.

Elite turned from observing the Guards.

"Ah, Prince Shine." He smiled. "Good to see you again. I heard you went on a little trip out to Prairieville. How was that?"

"It was... enlightening." Shine smiled. "By the way, this is my cousin, Shade."

"Yeah, hey." Shade raised a hoof.

"Well, aren't you a well-built young stallion?" Elite smiled. "Perhaps you should try out for the Royal Guard."

"No thanks." Shade scowled. "Not my thing."

"That's a pity." Elite shrugged. "You have the look of a powerful warrior about. And I know that look..."

"You sure do." Shine nodded. "So how are things going with the trials?"

"Quite well, I must say." Elite declared. "I have already narrowed down my search to three candidates, but the others all show their own levels of skill and determination."

"I only hope the best Guard wins." Shine declared. "Hate to send the RDL anything but our greatest..."

"Oh, I doubt that would happen." Elite grinned. "There are so many skilled, talented Guards here..."

As Shine and Elite continued talking, Shade quickly grew bored with their conversation.

"Yawn..." Shade snorted. "I don't have to listen this..."

Shade moved closer to the Guards, seeing some practicing hoof-to-hoof combat. He took in all the individual fighting styles, reading and anticipating the Guards' move. Shade had always had an aptitude for combat. He didn't quite understand why, but he didn't question it, as it had served him well over the years.

He was snapped out of his reverie as he heard a loud thud, prompting him to look at the far end of the barracks.

Out of all the guards, Dull had unfortunately ended up with Call for a sparring partner, and Call was giving no quarter.

"Come on!" Call punched him. "You can hit harder than that!"

"O-okay..." Dull swung his hoof, but being badly bruised from the previous beatings Call gave him, he missed.

"Pathetic." Call knocked him down. "You call yourself a Royal Guard? You're a disgrace. Now get back up!"

"S-sorry." Dull began to stand up, only for Call to give him a leg sweep, making him fall over. "Ow!"

'What kind of dirty move was that?' Shade scowled.

"Too slow!" Call chided. "How a weak, clumsy fool like you ever became one of us is beyond me..."

"...I know..." Dull sighed, trying to not show tears. "I'm useless..."

The poor scene immediately set a fire in Shade's soul as he then stepped forward.

"Excuse me." Shade began.

"And who are you?" Call glared, "The barracks are currently closed to civilians."

"I'm just a guest of your prince, and I couldn't help but notice that your partner is struggling in combat." Shade explained.

"You mean this sorry S.O.B.?" Call spat, glancing down at the fallen Dull. "The kid's a total amateur. Can't even throw a punch."

"Not the words I would use." Shade stifled a scowl, but then adopted a sly smile. "Perhaps maybe I can step in for him and show him a few pointers."

"A civilian like you?" Call snorted. "You're kidding, right?"

"I rarely kid, sir." Shade scoffed, "Unless you're afraid some civilian will beat you, I suggest you put your dukes."

"Hmph, very well." Call gave a snide grin. "I guess you can't be any worse than this wimp... You're on."

"Good." Shade smiled as he helped Dull to his hooves. "Watch carefully, now. This oughta be a good show."

"O-okay..." Dull said meekly.

Shade and Call stood face to face.

"Let's see how tough you are..." Call smirked.

"Yeah, let's." Shade nodded.

Call threw a punch, but Shade caught it.

"What the-?" Call frowned.

With a single flip, Shade threw Call onto his back.

"Holy..." Dull gaped.

"Please don't tell me that's your best." Shade sneered.

"Why, you!" Call charged at him.

"Never be too eager to rush your opponent." Shade glanced at Call, seconds before catching Call with a clothesline.

"Ah!" Call yelled, as he fell. He quickly got back up. "I'm going to beat you to..."

Call threw another punch. Shade dodged and grabbed his leg, twisting it back.

"Yargh!" Call screeched.

"Raw power is always necessary to win." Shade told Dull. "Something submission holds are just as good."

Shade twisted Call around to him, then grabbed his other leg, pulling the other behind his back.

"Agh!" Call roared. With a burst of strength, he broke free. "That's it!"

Call charged Shade again. Shade dodged his attacks like the wind.

"Always look out for your enemy's back hooves." He told Dull. "All too often, they'll tell you where the next attack is coming."

"Try and see this coming!" Call yelled, throwing another punch.

Shade dodged the punch, then retaliated with one of his own.

"Always keep a cool head in battle." Shade told Dull. "Lose your temper, and you get sloppy."

"Why, you-" Call lunged at Shade, who dodged, and hit him again.

"Case in point." Shade grinned.

"You miserable little punk!" Call snarled.

Shade avoided another attack, then gave Call a knee to the chest, then an elbow to the back, knocking him down.

"Had enough yet?" Shade smirked.

"Yahhh!" Call lunged at him.

This time, Shade didn't give Call the chance to strike. With the speed of lightning, he punched him in the face, then the stomach.

"Agh!" Call groaned, dropping to his knees.

"He who has the high ground, has the advantage." Shade told Call. "And I aim to use that advantage..."

Shade proceeded to pummel Call, striking every part of him. By the time he was done, Call was covered in bruises.

"Ugh..." Call groaned, before Shade punched him in the face one more time.

"Thus endeth the lesson." Shade smirked with a curtsy, as he turned his back on Call... only to realize the entire barracks was watching, amazed by the fight, "Oh boy..."

"Whoa..." One Guard gasped.

"Incredible." A second smile.

"Well done!" Elite called, apparently having watched the whole thing from afar. "Excellent combat style, my boy. Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"You know... here and there..." Shade shrugged, secretly enjoying the attention. "Things are... pretty rough down my way. You gotta know how to defend yourself."

"That was really great!" Dull added, smiling brightly, "Thank you for those 'pointers'..."

"Your welcome." Shade smiled. "Glad to help out."

"You..." Call groaned, glaring at Shade with utter hatred, as he struggled to his hooves. "Who the buck do you think you are?"

"Hey now, no one likes a sore loser." Shade chided him. "Maybe next time, you'll go easy on others."

"Maybe next time, I'll-" Call snarled.

"Train a little harder?" Elite prompted. "You don't want such a humiliation happening again, right?"

"...Yes, sir." Call growled impotently.

"Okay, let's move on." Shine urged, aware that such displays could expose Shade. "It's almost time for dinner, after all..."

"You enjoyed that, didn't you?" Shine smiled. "Putting Call in his place."

"The guy was a jerk." Shade scowled. "He deserved it."

"True." Shine admitted. "But you didn't have to show off so much. You're supposed to be keeping a low profile, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Shade shrugged.

As they left the barracks, they ran into Fletcher and Caboose, who had taken a moment to try and unravel the mystery of the Western Shade.

"Hey, guys." Shine smiled.

"Hey, you're back!" Caboose smiled. "Boy, that was quick!"

"Who's your friend, sire?" Fletcher asked.

"This is Shade." Shine declared. "Distant family of mine, from Prairieville."

"Hey." Shade said flatly, easily recognising the two of them, making him a bit uneasy. "How's it going?"

"We're just trying to unmask this lowdown filthy bandit." Caboose unfurled a Wanted poster with the Western Shade on it.

"The Western Shade, huh?" Shade whistled. "Good luck. I've heard he's tough."

"Perhaps, but he will be made to face justice." Fletcher declared. "I guarantee it."

"Yeah. Cheating with those silver voodoo muskets of his." Caboose pouted. "The first thing I'm gonna do to him when I find him is slap him right in the face!"

"You really think it'll be that easy?" Shade scoffed.

"He got lucky last time." Caboose snarled. "Next time, I'll show him what's what."

"Somehow, I doubt that." Shade smirked.

"And what makes you so sure?" Fletcher asked. "Do you know the Western Shade, or something?"

"Well, I wouldn't put it quite like that." Shade smirked. "But I know the Western Shade wouldn't go down so easily."

"Okay, let's get going." Shine urged, not liking where the conversation was heading.

"Here's hoping your detective skills aren't as lousy as your fighting skills." Shade muttered under his breath. "You armored toadies..."

Fletcher, possessing excellent hearing, overheard the taunt.

"Wait, what was that?" Fletcher asked.

"Uh... nothing." Shade cringed, painfully aware that he had said much.

"I didn't hear anything." Shine lied.

"He definitely said something." Caboose pointed. "His lips were moving."

"Oh no, I heard you exactly. You said 'armored toadies'." Fletcher glared. "Just like the Western Shade did!"

"Um, so?" Caboose asked.

"Caboose, I believe this Shade is the Western Shade!" Fletcher declared.

"What?!" Shine laughed nervously. "No, of course he isn't..."

"No way." Shade shook his head.

"This guy? Nah, can't be..." Caboose snorted.

"It is, look at the wanted poster!" Fletcher held up the wanted poster, holding it side by side of Shade's face. "They have the same eyes!"

Caboose examined the poster... then Shade... then the poster again.

"Caboose..." Fletcher urged.

"Let me figure it out myself." Caboose retorted. He turned between the poster and Shade constantly. "Hold on... Shade, make a face like a grumpy cat."

"What?" Shade frowned.

"Come on, please?" Caboose urged.

"You shouldn't-" Shine started.

"Eh, why not?" Shade shrugged. "No harm in humoring the loonie..."

Shade put on his best imitation of a grumpy cat, his face contorted in an exaggerated frown.

"Holy buck! That's the Western Shade!" Caboose gasped.

"Yes." Fletcher nodded. "The Western Shade is right in front of us..." He then glared at the two cousins. "But not for long..."