• Published 21st Jan 2016
  • 1,299 Views, 69 Comments

Vinyl and Octavia have a chat (and do some other stuff) - Inky Scrolls

Late one evening, Vinyl and Octavia have a chat which ends to their mutual advantage. And the next morning, they went shopping, and after that...

  • ...

The Fifth, in which they expand their minds

"Are you ready, Vi?”


“Good. This is a serious game, and I wouldn't want you to be unprepared.”


“You're quite right. Alright then, here we go...”




“Oh, well done. You're winning so far. You start this time.”




“Snap! Huzzah! The fun has been doubled. I'm afraid these are all mine, Vi.”


“Never mind, you might win again one day.”


“Haha, no! Are you ready?”


“Good. My turn to start...”








“Wait just a moment, Vinyl. You can't have that one: a king and a queen do not match.”


“Yes, I know they marry each other-”


“-and both live in castles, b- do they though? Still, I mean? Must be rather draughty. Up to them, I suppose. But even so, that's still not a match, is it?”


“No, I would argue that the, ah, differences rather outweigh the similarities, and in Snap they have to be the same.”


“Come on, Vi, don't be silly. You could just as easily argue that a seven and a five match, because they're both prime numbers, or something.”


“You don't know what a prime number is? Honestly Vi, your schooling was deplorable. A prime number is a number that will only divide by itself and one.”


“Yes, just two numbers, no more and no less. So for example, seven is a prime, because no other number except one will divide into it. If you imagine you had seven objects-”


“Vinyl! Really, that sort of talk is not necessary at the dinner table. Wait until later. But yes, supposing you had seven of... those, and you wanted to split them into equal groups, you couldn't, because no number will fit into seven.”


“Yes, I know the things themselves may... fit into something else, but you can't divide the pile of things into more equal piles. It can't be done. If you had a different amount, say six, then you could divide them up easily, into two piles of three or three piles of two. So six is not a prime.”


“You understand? Good. But sadly, being prime is not enough to make cards match.”


“No, and neither is them both being royal. So I'm afraid I win those by default.”


“It is rather sad, isn't it. Ah well, I shall cope. Ready to begin?”






“Snap! Aha, sorry Vinyl. I'm still winning! You thought you could take on me, didn't you? Alas, I am the queen of Snap. But this game isn't over yet, remember.”


“Yes. Your turn to start.”




“Snap! Sorry, Vi, I win again. Do you want to carry on, or shall we play something else?”


“Righto, something else it is then! What did you have in mind?”


“Truth or dare? If you're sure... but I'll go first. Truth or dare?”


“Truth... let me see. Have you, or have you not, stolen at least three biscuits from the tin so far today?”


“Come on, Vi. This was your idea! Own up!”


“Ha! I knew it.”


“How did I know? I counted them last night, and also just before you came downstairs to play Snap. Can't get past old Octy! Eyes like hawks, the counting skills of a... of a fox that's really great at counting. Anyway, your turn!”


“Go on, I'll go for truth as well.”

“.., ..?”

“Vinyl! I'm shocked you should even ask such a thing.”


“Well, that is to say, not that it's... it's just that, having, y'know, considered all the angles, it was-”


“Oh fine. Alright then, yes, I must admit to having partaken in that particular... activity. But you're not so innocent as you make out, y'know! I've heard you at night too, missie!”


“Well, it's quits then. My turn! Truth or dare?”


“In that case, I dare you to eat three more biscuits from the tin, all at once.”


“No need to smirk, it's harder than it looks! Not that I'd've found that out from personal experience, of course. Go on, then!”


“And Vinyl has accepted the challenge. The tin is being reached for. She's taking one, two- three biscuits out. But can Miss Scratch manage to break the standing record, of double eatage? She's prepar-”


“Sorry. Was I distracting you? Throwing you off, putting you out, making you leave the zone? I'll stop. But get on with it, the suspense is killing me!”


“The first biscuit is in, whole.”


“She's frowning at me, but can't ask me to stop without spewing crumbs everywhere. The second biscuit is entering the piehole of power. And now - yes! - the third, chocolatey, crunchsome biscuit is being imbibed!”


“This beggars belief, dear viewers! Not one, not two, but three choc-chip biscuits being eaten simultaneously by Miss Scratch, the queen of unwholesome eating styles. But what's this? Is three just too much to handle? Can Miss Scr-”


“Oh! Vinyl! I've got crumbs all over me now! Ugh, they're even in my mane. Over the table, the floor, the chairs... well, viewers, that's that question answered. Three biscuits at the same time is too much, even for Vinyl's gargantuan north-and-south.”


“Yes, it was at my instruction. I'm sorry, Vinyl. I trust you are alright?”


“Perhaps we'd better leave the biscuit-eating contest for another time. And I think we'd best clear up the remains of this attempt.”


“Heroic as it was, the mess won't clear itself up. Come on, Vi, you get the dustpan, and I'll get the cloth.”


“Yes. Very grown up, aren't we?”


Author's Note:

Well, here you are, folks! After a hiatus of too long, there is now a new chapter of Octascratch silliness to enjoy. I'll probs be writing more over the coming weeks (though no promises!), so keep checking back for more! :pinkiehappy: