Holding Torie- No, Mom's hand, I was led over to the dummy. "As I was saying, as a pony living in the Underground, monsters may attack you. In this situation, strike up a friendly conversation." I looked up at her, a bit confused. "I will come to resolve the conflict." That explains things. "Go ahead." She urged me, pushing me gently towards the dummy.
"Uh," I rubbed the back of my head with a hoof. "Hi."
...It didn't seem much for conversation.
I walked up and gently booped it's nose. When I turned back around to face Mom, however, I heard a whisper. Just a whisper, but it was still there.
I swung to face the dummy, but it was staring as stoic faced as ever. Mom looked happy though, so I guess it was worth it. "Excellent, Frisk!" She gave me the motherly glance of pride. "Let us continue into the next room." Leading me with that fuzzy paw of hers, we delved deeper into this strange place I was prepared to call home. This room had a path that was made out of a lighter purple than the surrounding stone. Mom looked at me. "I wonder if you can solve this..."
Shrugging, I inspected the sign on the far side of the room. "The west room is the east room's blueprint." I read aloud. That was confusing. "The west room is the east room's blueprint? What does that mean?"
Toriel had a musical laugh. "C-come, Frisk, and you'll see!" Welcome back, stutter! Did you enjoy your vacation?
"Moooooom!" I drew out the words, trying to show my mock displeasure at her mystery.
Dang, Mom has a beautiful laugh. "My name's not Mom, it's Flut-" She paused and looked shocked. I was right alongside her in that boat. Did she almost say what I think she almost said? She then attempted to hastily amend that statement. "-oriel. It's Flutoriel."
I was - still am - no fool. There is only one pony in the entirety of Equus who's name starts with a f, an l, an a u. King Sombra wanted nothing to do with the Elements of Harmony and their bearers. The first thing he did when he got in control was ban all names that started with the first three letters of their names and put the rest of the population unlucky enough to have names in that harsh criteria to death. There's only one....

*sigh* why meeeeeeee....
I guess enjoy this really short chappie.
There's actually eight, but you know...
This means the next update can come just as fast, right?
Sombra's naming laws are almost as bad as his crystal and stair obsession.
Hahaha, of course not!
Yes. Yes it is.
i forgive you
might want to fix this