• Published 21st Jan 2016
  • 1,346 Views, 145 Comments

A Friendship Tale - Catsofwar108

A small colt falls down into a cave, desperate to escape King Sombra's rule. What he finds down there is extraodinary.

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It's been a long time since the Elements of Harmony have gone missing.

I pulled on my lost-mother's blue and purple sweater, taking a single moment to shed a tear for her life.

They went up a mountain to solve a dragon problem. They never came down.

Poking my tan nose outside, I quickly checked to see if there were any guards patrolling the area, or perhaps slaves who thought they were loyal to Sombra. Luckily there weren't. I did a mad dash to the next building, working my way around the old town of Ponyville, the new town of Lost Hope. My goal? The mountain.

A friend of theirs went after them. She was a travelling performer, always looking for a show. This time she came back to Ponyville, willing to put on a show for everyone. When she heard about her friends, she climbed the mountain in search. She never came down either.

I did a quick check at my cutie-mark, a single red heart. My classmates used to make fun of that cutie-mark. It's power has kept me alive these past six months. Determination was a strong thing after all.

A rescue party went up the mountain and came down, excluding one strange member. He was a dear friend to the Element Bearers, and while quite mischievous, he still cared about them all, very, very much. He was gone as well.

Finally finishing my long loop, I looked back at the black, dark spire that dominated Lost Hope. I turned and began my walk up the mountain. Whatever was up there was better than what's down here.

When the Elements left, everything was hopeless. Yet in the fall of heroes comes the birth of an empire. The Crystal Empire had returned to join Equestria. It was an Empire filled with love, and the princess to rule it was given accordingly. Everyone adored her. But something was horribly wrong.

"Stop! You are violating the law! Pay King Sombra a fine, or serve your sentence! Your life is now forfeit!" The dreaded call of the guard snapped my head around, wondering who could've followed me. I was nearly certain I hadn't been followed! Yet there it was, green smoke coming out of where it's eyes should've been. The armor covered all of it, masking it from view, making it impossible to tell who it used to be. But somehow from the voice, I knew. I knew that that was my mother.

"M-mom?" I squeaked out, fearing the response. It seemed to be fighting with itself. It was trying to skewer me with it's spear, but one hoof was holding the spear back. The green smoked seemed to falter for a second. "M-mom, it's me. It's Frisk! Please, Mom, I don't want to fight!"

The smoke faltered completely, ending with a sputter. "Frisk?" She was in obvious pain. Sombra was impressing upon her mind, trying to force her to do his evil bidding. "I want to hug you, but..." She coughed out a dry laugh. "I don't think I'll be able to hold out much longer." She grinned at my terrified expression, the type of grin she used to have when she sang me to sleep. It was calming and reminded me of all the times we had spent together, listening to music, singing songs, reading stories. "Listen, honey, leave. Go up the mountain-STOP!" The green smoke had returned, attempting to take over her mind. "Leave, Frisk! Remember, never fi-YOU MUST STAY HERE!"

I turned and ran, never looking back, attempting to block my ears when I heard my mother's scream as she impaled herself with her own spear.

She always did have strong determination.

Yet the Empire held a dark secret. An evil King had been laying in wait for a thousand years.

I pushed myself, tears streaming down my face as I continued running. I was in pain, both mentally and physically. My hooves ached, and my legs screamed at me to stop, but I couldn't stop. I just couldn't. I was numb all over, but supposedly when you're numb you can't feel anything. I'm here to say it's not true.

With the Elements of Harmony gone, there was no one to hold back the storm. One day, the creatures of Equus woke up to a world covered in black crystals and smoke. The war against King Sombra was lost, as was all hope.

Finally my legs gave out under me. Stumbling to a halt, I fell and looked up at the sky. It was a grim sight, all the stars from before gone, and the moon constantly over our heads. I turned and coughed, the cold air and smoke trying to be expelled from my lungs.

With no alicorns to rule, the sun and moon stayed in a constant position. One side of Equus froze, the other burned.

Sometimes seeing things from a different angle helps situations. From my position on the ground with my dark brown hair covering my face, I found a cave. Frozen vines covered the entrance, but it was still there. Unsteadily standing up, I hobbled towards the cave. I moved the vines, hoping for somewhere warmer than the mountain top. Instead I found the floor covered in frozen vines with a giant hole sitting in the middle. Warm air was coming out of it, and it was better than nothing.

Snuggling more into my mother's - my - sweater, I tried to get close to the hole. I got a little too close. Tripping on a vine, I fell headfirst into the hole, feeling for the first time in months warm air, although it was whipping by me as I fell to my doom.

Everything was covered in Sombra's influence.

Determination and hope was lost.