• Published 21st Jan 2016
  • 1,345 Views, 145 Comments

A Friendship Tale - Catsofwar108

A small colt falls down into a cave, desperate to escape King Sombra's rule. What he finds down there is extraodinary.

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I woke up, pain flaring through my skull. Clenching my eyes tight, I realized that no matter how many times I told myself in my head, I was still quite alive, much to my dismay. Through my eyelids I could feel light nearby to what I perceived the ground with darkness surrounding.

I decided it was time to wake up.

Cracking open my eyes, I found myself laying on a bed of flowers. It was probably what saved me in the long run. I tried to stand, but my legs were so stiff and so sore, I collapsed the second I stood. Instead I took a look around where I was. There really wasn't much to see. The room I had fallen in was completely pitch black, excepting the bed of yellow flowers I had fallen on and the hole at the top.

I then noticed something.

I was warm.

Not burning hot, not freezing cold, warm. Temperate.

This gave me determination.

I forced myself to stand, groaning as my legs protested to being used after my mad dash up a mountain. Remember that perspective thing? I noticed a hallway that was barely visible in the low light. There was nothing else to do, and I doubted anypony would come looking for me, so off I went down the hallway, determined to find some food or some water.

Some light came from a doorway off to the left. I shrugged and entered. The room was very much like the one I had left, excepting a few small details, like a doorway at the back and a... flower with a face?

And then part of the impossible happened. It spoke. "Howdy friend! My name's Flowey. Flowey the Flower!"

"That's really unimaginative." In my defense, I was in a brain-lock from seeing a talking flower.

Its face morphed into something. Annoyance, perhaps? "Well geez, you sure know how to greet a new friend."

"S-sorry..." This flower scared me, and I'm not sure why.

"Golly. You must be new to the underground if you've never seen something like me before!" It chirped.

"And what exactly are you? I-if you don't mind me asking." My manners that Mom taught me all those months ago cropped up again.

"Me?" Its face morphed into something terrifying and its voice went a few octaves deeper. "I'm a monster."

My heart stopped for a second, but continued beating as its face went back to its normal, overly-happy countenance. "Someone oughta teach you how things work around here."

I lowered my head. A common sign of respect. I figured it would help me in the long run. After all, getting a grip where I am and what just happened would be nice, and Flowey didn't seem aggressive. "Would you mind if you did so?" I asked.

He thought about it for a little bit, then shrugged his weird, flower shoulders. "Sure, why not!" He grinned a predatory smile. "Are you ready?" A nod from me. "Here we go!" He pointed towards my cutie-mark. "Ya see that?"

"My cutie-mark?"

"Your soul! It's the very culmination of your being!"

Perhaps he like jokes. "So you could say I'm always wearing my heart on my sleeve?" It was an attempt to lighten the tension, but all it did was make Flowey mutter something about a 'Smiley-Trashbag'. I had my answer.

"Moving on!" A polite cough. "Your soul starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV."

"What's LV?" I asked, confused. Did it mean Level? Love? Lymphatic Veritosis?

"Why, love, of course!" He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. So my second assumption was correct. "You want some love, don'tcha?"

"I'm not su-"

"Don't worry, I'll share some with you!" This was my first warning. He was rushed when I was having doubts, and made the choice for me. A knot began to form in my stomach. "Down here, love is shared through little white 'friendliness pellets'." A ring of afore mentioned friendliness pellets surrounded him. Another warning was present. I noticed the ring was wide and he was keeping clear of all of them. If they were really friendliness pellets, wouldn't the ring be a little smaller? Wouldn't he not be worried if he touched them? "Move around! Catch as many as you can!"

They flew towards me. An alarm went off in my brain. 'If he was really my friend, he wouldn't be trying to force me to touch these.' I dodged them, swinging myself to the right.

"Hey, buddy, ya missed them." The annoyed face from earlier had made its return. Chills began to crawl down my spine.

"I didn't miss them." I stated quietly. "I dodged them."

His face then morphed into something truly terrifying. "You know what's going on here.... Don't you?" I didn't respond. "You just wanted to see me suffer." A sphere of the bullets surrounded me on all sides. I frantically searched for an escape, but there was nothing. "You think that you can get by me without fighting?" He ground out, then laughed manically. "Down here, it's kill or be killed. Why would anyone pass up an opportunity like this?"

"Because it's the right thing to do."

"'Because it's the right thing to do.'" He mimicked my face and my voice. My brain locked up. "DIE."

The sphere of bullets began to close in on me. I curled into a ball in the center, to hopefully prolong my life just a little bit longer.