It stopped.
Flowey's crazy grin was still there, but he suddenly seemed a lot less sure of himself. The sphere had disappeared, and was replaced by a wonderful feeling that washed all my sores away. I stood up, and stared him right in the eye.
"I think it's time you left."
I think he agreed. He somehow melted back into the landscape after giving me a death glare that made me forget the wonderful feeling for a second.
I looked around, trying to find my savior. Nobody appeared. This put a small frown on my muzzle for an instant. "Hello?" I called out. "Is anybody there?"
A creamy white... goat woman thing? came from the shadows. She was wearing a purple dress with a strange design on it. I might have recognized the design if her long pink hair didn't mostly cover it. Whoever she was, she was gigantic, topping out at just under seven feet tall. She looked like she was fighting with herself. Part of her wanted to go back into the shadows, and part of her wanted to come meet me. The latter part won.
"G-greetings my-my child." She stuttered. I took a defensive step back. The last time I trusted something down here, it betrayed me. "Ahh! Do not be afraid." And now her feelings were hurt and I felt horrible. Great. "My name is T-Toriel, caretaker of the ruins." Toriel seemed really nervous. Like not normal run-of-the-mill I'm-meeting-a-new-pony nervous, like super ultra mega nervous.
"Hi." Simplicity is best.
"So, um...."
An awkward silence pervaded the room.
Okay, maybe simplicity isn't best. I was gonna have to start a conversation. "My name is Frisk." As good a start as any I supposed.
She seemed genuinely happy to know my name. "Hello, Frisk!" For some reason, her confidence soared. I didn't know what happened. "Come, let me guide you through the catacombs." She beckoned me to follow her, then walked toward the doorway.
I shrugged and followed. What else could happen?
When I took my first step into the Ruins, I was amazed. Huge purple pillars soared above my head, impressing me. Some steps led up to another room, which I wasn't interested in exploring at the moment. I was content to just sit and stare.
Toriel seemed to understand, as she giggled slightly behind her hand. "It is quite an impressive sight, is it not?" I just nodded dumbly.
The shadow of the ruins....
It filled me with DETERMINATION.
With renewed vigor I followed Toriel through the doorway, opening up into a room with six pressure plates off to the side. She began to explain. "Welcome to your new home, Frisk." She said with a warm smile. "Allow me to educate you in the operation of the Ruins." That said, she pressed four pressure plates, completely avoiding the ones in the middle, then went and flipped a golden lever attached to the wall. "The Ruins are full of puzzles. Ancient fusions between diversions and doorkeys." Then the odd happened. I mean, other than following a strange goat lady around with pink hair. "I-I find them quite difficult." The stutter and nervousness had returned in full force, and her voice had turned very melodic. Toriel shushed herself, and continued confidently, like nothing happened. "Please adjust yourself to the si-"
"Excuse me." I interrupted. "What happened there?"
She smiled, but a touch of fear hit her teal eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"You shushed yourself and began stuttering. And you seemed really nervous." I'll admit, she had grown on me. Toriel reminded me of my own mother. "Are you okay?"
"Oh? Oh!" She smiled a genuine smile. "Of course I am. Pay no attention to it. Let's continue." She obviously wanted to drop the subject, so I dropped it like a flaming potato.
We continued into the next area. A small stream flowed through here, and there were several signs dotting the purple landscape. Further on, I saw three golden switches, two of which had writing next to it. Wicked looking spikes blocked the way to the next room. "To make progress here, you will need to trigger several switches. Do not worry, I have labeled the ones you need to flip." She indicated the switches with writing next to it.
I couldn't help it. "This seems very... well thought out." I observed, looking at her nervously. While I liked her, I was still a bit cautious from my run in with Flowey.
"Ye-yes, well, let's just say I've done this before."
That scared me. I don't know why, but that frightened me. "O-okay." I walked over with Toriel by my side and flipped the two switches. A resounding CHUNK rumbled the ground beneath me, and I saw the spikes retreat.
"Splendid!" She grinned. "I am proud of you, little one. Let us move to the next room." When we did so, the room was completely blank, excepting for a dummy in the middle of the room. "As a pony living in the Underground..." I got the feeling she was trying to deliver the news gently. "...Monsters may attack you."
This didn't particularly shock me. "Oh really?" I said in a sarcastic voice. "I really did think that Flowey was just trying to be friends."
"Y-yes, w-well..." I immediately felt bad. Here Toriel was, the nicest creature I had met for six months and I was already being a jerk.
"I-it was just a j-joke!" I struggled to amend my previous words. "I-I..." I sighed deeply. "Sorry, Mom."
There was a thick silence. "What did you just call me?" Toriel asked, wonder in her voice.
"Mom." I said unwittingly. I then blinked. "W-wait a second! I-It's... uh..." My voice petered off. Did I just offend her?
I felt thick, fuzzy arms wrapping around me. "It's perfect." She whispered.
My heart melted.
Will this story be a long one?
I'm planning on it!
Toriel with Fluttershy's hair!? What next, Sans and Papyrus being the stand in for Pinkie and Maud?
Keep up da great work! Just like your other crossover with FNAF, you never cease to amaze!
You have no idea how much this comment fills me with DETEMMIENATION!
Oh my gosh. I was wondering whether you would combine the mane 6 with the Undertale cast, or just have the original cast! So glad this is happening!
please please please tell me Undyne is going to have rainbow hair!
Alphys = Twilight?
6863500 If so, Monster Kid has gotta have little useless tiny wings