• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,293 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

  • ...

A Bonding Camping Trip

Three more months had gone by and only one month was left until the Gala. The dinosaurs had practiced extensively ever since the Crusaders had finally earned their cutie marks. That moment had made all of them realize they were part of a truly amazing world, and they would never go back to their old way of life. Even if they didn't know much about cutie marks, it still warmed their hearts to see the Crusaders so happy. Now they had even more drive to prepare for the Grand Galloping Gala.

The dinosaurs had improved greatly at dancing over the course of those three months. They finally felt the rhythm in their steps, and learned to follow the beats. The raptors didn't trip over their claws anymore, and Tyrannosaurus had mastered shaking his tail. Indominus had become more graceful and could dance just as good as Pinkie Pie. To top it off, they were enjoying every moment of dancing and getting in the groove.

Tyrannosaurus and the raptors had made vast improvements on using their new magic to walk on clouds. They had finally gotten a feel for calling upon the magic at will, and could walk on clouds with almost as much ease as Indominus. It still felt unnatural for them, but the carnivores had gotten used to having magic coursing through their bodies. They mostly spent their time practicing around Rainbow's home, so they could think about potentially living with her and Scootaloo.

Indominus had nailed the proposal to a fine degree, especially since he had a ring to work with. Having the Arkenstone with him gave the hybrid more confidence, like he was proposing to Rainbow Dash each time he practiced. Twilight could see the honesty and sincerity in his eyes each time the hybrid practiced. She knew Indominus was going to make Rainbow Dash very happy at the Gala.

Tyrannosaurus had received special tutelage from Indominus in regards to learning how to slow dance. It was much harder for T-Rex because of his small arms, but if his partner was close enough it wouldn't matter. Having his partner close enough for him to wrap his arms around allowed Tyrannosaurus to slow dance. It warmed his heart to imagine holding Scootaloo in his embrace. With the Gala close at hoof, the dinosaurs wouldn't have much longer to wait.

On the last week before the Gala, as the dinosaurs met up with the Crusaders after school, Applebloom came up with a great idea for one last weekend of bonding.

"Hey Applejack, do ya think we could make another trip to Winsome Falls this weekend? I think the dinosaurs would like to see the incredible sights."

"That's a great idea Applebloom, it would be a great weekend right before the Gala. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, would you girls be up for the trip?"

"Normally I would say no to nature, but a weekend with the dinosaurs sounds too good to resist. Count me in."

"I'm all for it Applejack. It would be nice to relive the trip that brought us together, what do you think Scootaloo?"

"Count me in Rainbow Dash. So boys, girls, would you all be up for a camping trip to Winsome Falls?"

The dinosaurs eagerly nodded their heads, and it was settled. Indominus and Tyrannosaurus asked Twilight to enlarge a tent so they could share it with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. Indominus snuck along a few cooking supplies, just in case so he could impress Rainbow with his newfound skills. He had a hunch that Applejack was going to bring food for the trip. He and Tyrannosaurus were going to be closer to Rainbow and Scootaloo than they had ever been.

The dinosaurs and Scootaloo met up with Applejack and Applebloom on a trail at the outskirts of Ponyville. Applejack was surprised that Rainbow Dash and Indominus weren't with them.

"Uh, Scootaloo, where are Rainbow and Indominus?"

"I believe Rainbow said something about making a flashy entrance at our first camp site,"

"Ha. Those two have been spending a lot of time together since their first date. It sure was crazy how he was acting during their time in the field."

"Yeah, it was." They were interrupted when they saw Rarity and Sweetie Belle approaching. T-Rex's jaw hit the floor when he saw what Rarity had packed.

Rarity had filled a cart with more belongings and 'necessities' than anypony should bring on a camping trip. The tower of belongings she had brought went beyond the treetops and it really made the dinosaurs question why she needed so much stuff. Poor Sweetie Belle was once again, carrying all the luggage. Applejack shook her head in disbelief.

"Oh for Pete's sake Rarity, didn't ya learn anythin' from the last trip to Winsome Falls?"

"One must never go ruffing it without the proper necessities Applejack."

Delta couldn't stand to see Sweetie Belle struggling with all the luggage, and swapped out with her.

"Oh Delta, thank you," Sweetie said after wiping the sweat off her face.

"Now that that's settled, let's move out everypony."

The dinosaurs followed after Applejack and Applebloom as they led the way to the first campsite, Tyrannosaurus couldn't figure out where Indominus and Rainbow Dash were as they wandered through the trees. He figured they were probably spending some private time together before meeting up with the others. It was the only reason why they wouldn't be with them on the trip for now. The journey was enjoyable for the dinosaurs, because they were given a chance to explore more of Equestria, and camp with their new friends.

"Alright dinosaurs, we've arrived at our first stop."

T-Rex and the raptors took a minute to survey the surroundings of the campsite. It was an area surrounded by thick foliage and trees. There was even a deep stream that was running along the length of the area. It was the perfect spot to have a camp site. Everypony was getting ready to set up their tents, when they heard rumbling in the distance.

"Ah'll bet that's the two lovebirds on their way right now."

The trees crashed to the ground as Indominus barreled through the forest with Rainbow Dash right beside him. The hybrid charged towards two trees and ripped them out of the ground with his teeth. He then used his arms to break them apart and set the logs in a big circle in the center of the camp. Rainbow Dash dove into the water, resurfaced and began placing stones in a circle within the logs. Once they were done, Indominus and Rainbow bumped hoof and claw.

"Now that is a way to set up camp, and make a flashy entrance," said Scootaloo.

"Sorry we didn't tag along at the beginning squirt, but Indominus really wanted to make an entrance." The hybrid nodded his head sheepishly at Rainbow's comment and every pony got to setting up camp.

Applejack helped Indominus and Tyrannosaurus with setting up their tent so neither of the dinosaurs would accidentally crush it. While Indominus was unpacking his supplies, he kept looking over at Rainbow and Scootaloo who were chatting on one of the logs. Tonight, he and Tyrannosaurus were going to be sleeping with the ponies they loved. The rexes exchanged excited growls between themselves, until the sound of Rarity's tent inflating caught their attention.

All of the dinosaurs had bug eyes at the sight of Rarity's tent. The rexes shook their heads in disbelief, they couldn't believe the lengths Rarity was going. Rainbow also shook her head in disbelief.

"Some things never change, huh Rarity."

"It's the best way to be prepared Rainbow Dash," Rarity said from atop a mini balcony.

"Hey Scootaloo, how about you and T-Rex get us some wood for the fire."

"Of course, c'mon T-Rex, let's go before you get any more shocked by Rarity's tent."

Tyrannosaurus gladly followed Scootaloo to get some firewood. The raptors went off into the woods to hunt for themselves. Indominus preoccupied himself by getting a drink from the stream. He decided that he would hunt later, after everypony had finished setting up. So, everypony was off doing their own thing, but they would all be together when night fell.

After night had settled in, the dinosaurs had eaten and the campfire was made, everypony gathered around the warmth. Rarity brought some snacks of her own that she thought the dinosaurs might like to try. The last time she had brought them was during her sleepover at Twilight's: marshmallows. Rainbow fetched enough sticks for everypony to use and they began making the camp treats. Indominus just roasted his smores on the fire while Blue, her sisters and Tyrannosaurus waited eagerly for theirs to be done.

"Alright dinosaurs, bottoms up."

Rarity levitated the roasted smores to each of the dinosaurs while Indominus just pulled his off the stick. Their eyes lit up the moment the marshmallows hit their taste buds, the dinosaurs had found a treat just as sweet as the fritters. The marshmallows, however, were really sticky once the dinosaurs started chomping on them. Each of them was having trouble getting the sticky goo down their throats. Rainbow and Scootaloo were giggling to themselves and enjoying their own smores while they watched the carnivores struggle with the sticky marshmallows.

"Not used to the sticky foods, huh boys? Here, have some water to wash it down."

Rainbow and Scootaloo brought a bucket of water over to the dinosaurs to help them with the marshmallows. The raptors easily got the smores down after a few drinks. T-Rex swirled the water in his mouth to help get the sticky parts off his teeth. Indominus let Rainbow pour the water right into his mouth, and scooped the residue off his teeth with his tongue.

"Sorry that they were more than what you all were used to. Next time I'll be sure to bring along extras to help with the chewing."

The dinosaurs nuzzled Rarity, showing that they still appreciated the kind gesture. After everypony had eaten their smores, they just relaxed around the fire, contemplating what was waiting for them in a week.

"Hard to believe that the Gala is only a week away, isn't it dinosaurs," asked Applejack.

The dinosaurs nodded in response, they had heard plenty about the Gala. The also knew that Celestia had a special surprise waiting for them. None of them had any idea what the princess had in mind. All they knew was that after the Gala was over, they would be a family with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. That was what excited them the most, especially Indominus and T-Rex.

"This Grand Galloping Gala is going to be more unique than all the others, because the Guardians are going to be present," said Rarity.

"You six are going to be well-known once you arrive in Canterlot."

"Don't worry about anypony that tries to give you trouble," said Rainbow. "Stick with us, and nopony will bother you."

The dinosaurs found comfort in the fact that the Mane Six wouldn't abandon them at the Gala. They would be near the friends and not overwhelmed by strangers.

"What do ya'll think will happen at the Gala with the dinosaurs bein' present," asked Applebloom.

"They're sure to be swarmed by all those high society ponies."

"We'll probably get our pictures taken a few times," said Sweetie Belle.

"That would actually be a good thing," said Rainbow. "We could use a family portrait to remember the night."

"It would definitely cement the dinosaurs into our world, and make them a true part of Equestria."

The dinosaurs just looked on with content smiles, hearing everypony talk about what might happen at the Gala. Then Scootaloo said something that caught everypony by surprise.

"What I wish could happen at the Gala, is that each of the dinosaurs are given the ability to talk."

"Yeah, that's a good wish Scootaloo. Ah've always wondered what each of them has to say. Ah'd like to hear their opinions on everything that's happened so far, even Indominus's time with you, Rainbow."

Rainbow blushed as she and Indominus looked at each other.

"W-Well, it would be nice to know what he thought of our surprise first date. Which reminds me."

Rainbow flew across the circle and hugged Rarity. She had been meaning to thank her for such an amazing afternoon. Rarity happily returned the hug.

"Thank you for setting me up with Indominus, Rarity. It was the most incredible date I've ever been on."

"You're quite welcome Dashie, it was my pleasure to bring you and Indominus closer together. (Yawn) I think it's time we hit the straw for tonight."

"Agreed, see ya'll in the morning."

Everypony went off to their own tents. The raptors chose to sleep around each of the tents, Charlie chose Applejack's tent, Echo and Delta chose Rarity's and Blue slept alongside Rainbow's tent. Tyrannosaurus shrunk down as he followed Rainbow and Scootaloo inside the tent. Twilight had enlarged the tent enough so it could fit both dinosaurs and pegasi in it. They were all set to crash, when something occurred to Rainbow Dash: Indominus hadn't followed them in.

He had stopped and sat down on a log with his back to Rainbow's tent. Applejack had walked back out to put out the fire when she saw Indominus sitting on the log.

"Indominus, why didn't ya follow Rainbow and Scootaloo into the tent?" Then she noticed that Indominus was looking not at the fire, but something in his hand. Something that gave off a faint glow that Applejack recognized. She walked over to get a closer look, and sure enough, Indominus was holding the Arkenstone ring in its case. Applejack whispered so Rainbow wouldn't overhear anything.

"Why did ya bring that ring along? Yer not planning on proposing tonight, are ya?"

Indominus carved out his response in the dirt with his free hand.

"I brought it along to think over my decision."

"Decision on what?"

"My decision to marry Rainbow Dash. I'm not sure I can be somepony she can depend on, what if I let her down?"

Applejack placed a hoof on the hybrid's hand.

"Indominus, yer the only one Ah know that's made Rainbow Dash beyond happy. Ah haven't see her so excited since she became a reserve Wonderbolt. You brought joy and a filly that idolizes her into her life, plus you've saved her from danger plenty of times. You've already proven your worth to her, you are dependable, that's why she said you're the only one that's caught her eye. The decision to marry her is all your own, your heart will put you on the right path."

"Thanks for the support Applejack, I'm glad I can have these conversations with you."

"Aw shucks, Ah'm just glad Ah could help you out Indominus. See ya in the morning," Applejack said as she put out the fire.

Indominus had put away the Arkenstone just as Rainbow popped her head out of the tent.

"Hey Indominus, you coming?"

Indominus had forgotten that he was going to sleep with Rainbow Dash in his conversation with Applejack. He shrunk himself down and followed Rainbow into the tent.

Rainbow got comfortable on her sleeping bag and Indominus laid himself down right next to her. He seemed ridiculously nervous being so close to Rainbow that he wasn't sure what to do. Rainbow, sensing the nervous energy, took the next step and placed Indominus's right arm over her body. Tyrannosaurus followed suite and wrapped his tiny left arm around Scootaloo and snuggled against her.

"Goodnight Rainbow Dash, goodnight T-Rex," Scootaloo said before she fell asleep. Tyrannosaurus fell asleep after he nuzzled into Scootaloo's mane.

"Goodnight Scootaloo," said Rainbow. Then she turned her body so that she was facing Indominus. They could look right into each other's eyes, then Rainbow whispered in a voice that sounded like an angel to the hybrid.

"Goodnight Indominus, you're the best boyfriend ever, and don't let anypony tell you otherwise." She softly kissed Indominus and fell asleep in his embrace.

Indominus felt his nervous energy dissipate as he held Rainbow Dash and snuggled into her mane. The rainbow hairs of her mane felt so warm against his scaly skin. Indominus drifted off into a peaceful slumber, with the pony that would soon be his fiance, held in his arm. The sisters and their saviors slept in absolute bliss, truly at peace after everything that had brought them together.

As the sun rose the next morning, Rarity and Applejack were the first ones to awaken. Their sisters followed after, and all of them had one thing on their minds.

"Do you think we could peak inside and see them?"

"Ah don't know Rarity, we shouldn't disturb them."

"But Applejack, you know you want to see them together too, don't even try to deny it."

"Oh alright, one little peak wouldn't hurt."

Carefully, the four ponies tiptoed over to the tent that had the saviors and sisters sleeping soundly. They had to be quiet because the raptors were still asleep, and they didn't want to wake them. Opening the tent without making a lot of noise was difficult, but the result was worth it. Applejack had to hold a hoof to Rarity's mouth to keep her from squealing too loud.

"That is the most beautiful picture ever," Rarity whispered.

Inside the tent, Tyrannosaurus, Indominus, Rainbow and Scootaloo were sleeping so close together like they had always been a family. Tyrannosaurus had nuzzled his head into Scootaloo's mane and had his little arms wrapped around her small frame. Indominus was the same with Rainbow Dash, only he had one arm over her body and they were smiling in their sleep. It was as if being so close to each other had made them so happy, even in their dreams.

"They really do look like a family," Applebloom whispered.

"Come on ya'll. let's get breakfast ready and leave them to a few more minutes sleep."

Applejack began making breakfast while Rarity waited and Applebloom and Sweetie Belle started taking down the tents. The raptors woke up after a while and went to the stream for a morning drink. Applejack decided to borrow the cooking supplies that Indominus had brought, so she could cook up part of the breakfast on the fire. The scent of food drifted into the tent and stirred the hybrid from his peaceful slumber.

Indominus slowly woke up from his sleep to the scent of apples outside the tent. He then remembered that Rainbow Dash was nuzzled against his body when he saw the rainbow hairs in his face. The hybrid silently lifted his body up and gave a kiss on Rainbow's cheek before he made his way outside.

"Morning Indominus, Ah trust that you had a good nights sleep with Rainbow Dash."

The hybrid nodded his head, trying to shake the sleep from his eyes. Then he noticed that Applejack was preparing breakfast for everypony. Indominus carved out a question for her in the dirt.

"Could I prepare the breakfast for everypony Applejack?" Applejack's eyes went wide with astonishment.

"You have a dish that you want to prepare Indominus? What dish did you have in mind?"

Indominus took a minute to look at what Applejack had brought, then he remembered a simple dish that Fluttershy had shown him in one of her cookbooks.

"Baked Cinnamon Apples."

"Oh, Ah've never prepared that dish before. Go ahead Indominus, use all the resources you need to prepare the meal."

Indominus grabbed the rest of his supplies, which included cinnamon, sugar, a stirring spoon, a large serving bowl and a large saucepan. He requested four apples from Applejack, who helped him peel the skin off each one. After the apples had been skinned, Indominus carefully sliced each of them up and put them in the saucepan. He held the pan over the fire while adding the cinnamon and sugar to the mix, and holding the stirring spoon in his mouth. He would stir up the ingredients to mix them all together, and he kept at it for forty five minutes.

Applejack just watched in amazement, it was incredible to see Indominus actually cooking and preparing a meal. He would definitely be able to whip up some delicious meals for Rainbow Dash. Speaking of Rainbow, her head poked out of the tent after the scent of the apples had reached her, Scootaloo and Tyrannosaurus.

"Mmm, smells great, whatcha making Applejack?"

"Oh, Ah'm not the one making breakfast, it's all Indominus's work?"

"Indominus? Making breakfast?" Those words didn't seem possible to be used together in Rainbow's mind. Eventually, Scootaloo and Tyrannosaurus popped their heads out and were equally amazed to see the hybrid prepping a meal.

"Is he actually cooking food," Scootaloo asked.

"Yep, it's a dish he called Cinnamon Apples."

"Sounds delicious, when will they be ready?"

"When Indominus tells us they are ready, ya can't rush him on this."

Whether he liked it or not, Indominus now had an audience. Everypony and the other dinosaurs had gathered to watch him prepare his dish. He pulled the pan away from the fire to get a good look at his meal. The apples looked just right, and the aroma he smelled from them was alluring. He carefully jabbed one with his claw and found that the apple was perfectly tender for eating.

Indominus chomped down on the cinnamon apple, and loved the sweet, warm taste as it went down his throat. He licked his teeth in delight, and that told everypony that they were ready. He slid all the apples into the serving bowl and let everypony see his handiwork. They loved the sight of the golden apples, with spots of baked cinnamon on them.

"Indominus, these look amazing," Rainbow said. "Mind if I try one?"

Indominus carefully grabbed one in between his claws and handed it over to Rainbow Dash. The scent from the golden apple slice caused Rainbow to start drooling and she took a bite. The combination of apples, cinnamon and sugar was beyond anything Rainbow had expected. She shut her eyes in pleasure from the taste, and ate the rest of the apple.

"Mhmm, mmm, mmmmm, Indominus that was amazing!" Rainbow hugged her hybrid lover after trying the apple. Indominus took the hug with open arms and reveled in the fact that his girl loved his cooking.

"Seeing that Dashie loves it so much, can we try some for ourselves Indominus?"

Applejack pulled out some paper plates so Indominus could distribute his meal to everypony. They all sat around the campfire and chowed down on Indominus's cinnamon apples. Each pony expressed great delight when they tried the golden apples. Even the dinosaurs found themselves won over by the sweet treat. Indominus felt proud of his accomplishment, he had pleased everypony with his first claw-made meal.

Later, after everypony had enjoyed Indominus's meal and packed up the tents, they were on the trail again. Echo had traded with Delta in pulling Rarity's massive luggage load, and the raptors were perfectly fine with switching each time. Rarity felt kinda guilty watching the dinosaurs haul her stuff around, but they didn't mind. They knew that Rarity cared for them, plus they didn't want to watch Sweetie Belle struggle with such a huge load, so it was fine with them.

The rest of the trip to Winsome Falls was rather monotonous. The dinosaurs took in their surroundings during the walk, and listened to Rainbow and Scootaloo talking about the Gala. When they stopped at a cave for the night, Indominus and Tyrannosaurus snuggled with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. Before they went to sleep, the dinosaurs asked the pegasi to recreate the moment that brought them together and made them sisters. When it got to the confession, the dinosaurs loved the part when Rainbow and Scootaloo became surrogate sisters.

"So, you're looking for somepony to take you under their wing huh?"


"Yeah, I might be up for something like that."


"As long as you don't go falling into anymore rivers in the middle of the night."

"It's a deal."

The dinosaurs let out excited growls when Rainbow and Scootaloo hugged each other.

"That dinosaurs, is how we became surrogate sisters, pretty interesting huh?"

When the dinosaurs slept that night, all of them held a new respect for Rainbow Dash. She had saved Scootaloo's life, had saved Equestria multiple times and was an idol in Scootaloo's eyes. Rainbow Dash was a hero to Scootaloo, and now was her sister. They finally understood why Scootaloo looked up to Rainbow Dash for so many years, Now Indominus was going to marry her and play in important part in the future of Equestria.

The next morning, the group arrived at their destination: Winsome Falls. The carnivores were wowed by the sight before them. Rainbows were falling from the clouds like water, and collecting in a giant pool of water bellow.

"It's a pretty awesome sight, isn't it?" The dinosaurs all nodded, unable to take their eyes off of the rainbows pouring out of the clouds around the area.

"Alright everypony, last one to make it to the falls is a moldy carrot."

The sisters all made a beeline for the water, but Tyrannosaurus and Indominus charged past them, with Rainbow and Scootaloo on their heads. The raptors and everypony watched as the rexes jumped headfirst towards the water.

"This..is...awesome!" That was the last thing Rainbow said before she and Scootaloo went into the water. They resurfaced a minute later, laughing with their favorite dinosaurs.

Applejack, Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom joined them and they spent the whole afternoon playing together at the falls. The raptors joined in after a while and got caught up in the fun themselves. The dinosaurs caused tidal waves whenever they landed in the water, but it was all good fun. Indominus even stood under one of the falling rainbows and let the colors flow over his skin. Everypony burst into laughing fits when Indominus changed his skin to match the colors from the rainbows.

"Oh my gosh! I've heard of rainbow power, but not a rainbow dinosaur." Rainbow Dash couldn't resist going under the rainbow with Indominus and snuggling against his face. "Whatever color you are, you'll always look awesome to me."

The camping trip to Winsome Falls was definitely worth the trip. The dinosaurs had been treated to a great bonding experience, and Indominus got closer to Rainbow Dash. Now that left the one event they had been waiting six whole months for: the Grand Galloping Gala.

Author's Note:

The next chapter is the one that a ton of readers have been waiting for: the Grand Galloping Gala! It's going to be a night to remember. Indominus is going to pop his important question to Rainbow Dash. How do you think it'll go? What do you guys think will happen? Two chapters left, and then Family of a Lifetime will be finished.