• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,266 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Family Unity

Everypony was shocked in disbelief at what they were seeing. There was no magic that could bring back the dead, nothing in all of Equestria could make it happen. Yet somehow the dinosaurs had been brought back, transformed into the warriors that were the Guardians of Equestria. Then the answer clicked in Twilight's mind.

"It was those Sonic Rainbooms!"

"What about the Rainbooms Twilight?" Celestia asked wondering how that pertained to the dinosaurs being alive again.

"During Rainbow and Scootaloo's fight with the dragon, their Sonic Rainbooms were pulled down into the canyon. It's possible that those Rainbooms healed the dinosaurs and made them the way they are. But what I don't understand is how Sonic Rainbooms have that kind of power?"

"It wasn't just the Rainbooms Twilight, it was also love." Everypony turned towards Luna as she continued. "Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo loved those dinosaurs so much that their love helped create those special Sonic Rainbooms. Their love helped bring the dinosaurs back to life, and in the process, turned them into the Guardians of Equestria."

Celestia was dumbstruck, she had dismissed that name as nothing but a joke. Yet the proof was breathing and standing in front of them ready to resume their fight with Black Death. Only this time they had new unseen power to use on the monstrous dragon.

Black Death was shaken in terror, after all the effort he had put into killing the dinosaurs they had been brought back. It blew his mind how a revival of such a grand magnitude was possible. Nothing ever came back when he killed it. The glare from their eyes never moved from watching him. Then they did something that blew everypony's mind.

The dinosaurs took a step forward, threw their heads up to the sky and bellowed vicious roars. Their energy surged from their bodies and their roars shook the very foundations of Equestria itself. All across Equestria, ponies could feel the rumbling caused by the dinosaurs' power. They had made themselves known to the dragon and all of Equestria that they were not about to die again. They were going to finish what they had started, and end Black Death's life.

Black Death was beyond scared now, the magnitude of power emanating from the dinosaurs was beyond his own. Never had he encountered creatures that made him afraid, for once the dragon was worried he wouldn't be able to kill them again. His fear turned to blinding fury when his gaze went back to the ponies in front of him. He had overheard how through their love and determination they had brought the dinosaurs back to life.

"You ponies! I'll tear you into pieces for disgracing me with your little tricks!"

Black Death charged towards Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, completely oblivious to the dinosaurs preparing a counterattack.

All six dinosaurs roared at Black Death with the peak of their voices. However, it wasn't like their regular roars. The vibrations of their roars were traveling towards Black Death as shock waves in the form of Rainbow and Scootaloo's Sonic Rainbooms. The intensity of the roars stopped Black Death dead in his tracks. They were forcing him back and inflicting serious damage to him in the process.

The roars were so strong that the air within them was slicing everything like the inside of a wild tornado. Black Death's body was being slashed a thousand times over and being carved up like a rump roast on Hearth's Warming Eve. The dragon tried to use his power to heal himself, but his healing powers were overwhelmed by the speed of the slicing shock waves. Black Death was knocked off his feet and hurled into a mountain, the roars caused the whole structure to collapse on him.

"Oh yeah! Way to go boys! That's the way to do it!"

The dinosaurs looked down upon hearing Rainbow Dash cheer for them. Indominus and Tyrannosaurus were so glad that they had been brought back by the ponies that loved them. They decided it would be a good time to return the favor. But first, they had to stall Black Death long enough to pay back their beloved pegasi. The dragon emerged from the rubble in the distance, angered to the point of insanity. He angrily smashed his way out of the debris and ran towards the dinosaurs.

All six dinosaurs charged towards Black Death with Tyrannosaurus leading the way. The dragon raised his arm when he got close enough and smacked T-Rex across the face, but the carnivore just stared back at him. The punch hadn't even fazed him, Tyrannosaurus stared back at Black Death as if the attack had been a joke. The great carnivore retaliated by smacking Black Death with his head. The attack packed so much strength that Black Death felt himself being knocked sideways like a thousand sledge hammers had hit him at once. The dragon went head-first into the ground, and was so stunned he struggled to get back up.

Indominus stepped towards the struggling dragon, eager for some payback. Black Death saw the hybrid heading his way, got back to his feet and raised both fists to slam them down on Indominus's back. But the hybrid stopped him with a single punch to the gut. Black Death froze in the position he was in as he skidded backwards. His deadly aura dissipated from the attack striking him so suddenly. The dragon fell over on all fours, wheezing and gasping for breath from the attack.

This time, Black Death found himself going down on one leg from the damage he had sustained. His eyes were wide and bloodshot from the agony that had been dealt to his body. Sweat was pouring down his face like a steady stream. That one punch from Indominus had taken the wind out of his lungs, and left him having such difficulty getting up on all fours again. The dragon even coughed up blood as he staggered and tried to keep himself from collapsing.

"How...can...this be?" Black Death gasped in bewildering confusion as he looked at the supercharged dinosaurs. "They only...had two hits that made contact. The dragon staggered backwards as he body began trembling. "So why am I so...so damaged?"

Everypony and the other dragons stared at the dinosaurs' display of strength with wide eyes and jaws that hit the floor.

"Ah've got a feelin' that Scootaloo's saviors have put that varmint in his place," Applejack said in wonder.

"Don't count him out yet Applejack," Celestia warned. "You never know what a cornered beast might do."

Black Death was in so much agony that he didn't see the raptors running towards him. All four dinosaurs rammed him in the chest and sent the wounded dragon tumbling across the battlefield. Black Death had his eyes closed during the sneak attack and the tumbles, so when he opened them he saw all six dinosaurs towering over him. The look of determination on their faces seemed to burn into his twisted heart. Then they did something that sent a chill of dread into Black Death's soul.

The red auras and lightning flowed over the dinosaurs' bodies as they bore down on Black Death. The carnivores opened their mouths, and Black Death became so afraid at what he saw. Inside the mouths of teeth, each dinosaur had a ball of red electrical power building at the back of their throats.

"No that can't be possible! No animal should be able to use that kind of power!" Then he heard Indominus and Tyrannosaurus speak within his mind.

"This one is for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. You are going to feel pain like never before."

The dinosaurs emitted a deadly roar as the energy escaped their mouths and struck Black Death at point blank range. The dragon shrieked in terror as the six blasts engulfed his body and exploded, sending clouds of dust into the air. Nopony could see what was going on as the light from the blasts blinded them. Clouds of dust were flowing away from where the dinosaurs had blasted Black Death. Then Everypony saw the dinosaurs walking out of the dust towards them.

Indominus communicated with the raptors, asking them to keep an eye on the dust clouds if they saw any sign of Black Death. The raptors stood guard, while T-Rex and Indominus went over to the beaten pegasi. The great carnivores gently nuzzled Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, they were so happy that their favorite ponies had been their saviors. Rainbow and Scootaloo were equally happy to be reunited with their saviors, their love had been enough to defy the impossible and bring the dinosaurs back.

"It's great to see you guys," Rainbow said while being nuzzled by Indominus. "I don't know what you guys did to Black Death, but it sure was wicked." Then something occurred to Rainbow Dash. "Oh, Indominus, our friends are still trapped inside the flame cage. Is there anyway that you guys can free them?"

Indominus nodded at Rainbow Dash and went over to the flame cage while Tyrannosaurus continued to nuzzle Scootaloo. Everypony was wondering what Indominus was planning to do as he got to the cage. He seemed to be doing some thinking as looked over the cage, Then he stopped and towered over the top of the cage. Everypony got worried as Indominus opened his mouth and began sucking in air like a vacuum.

The flames looked like they were getting sucked away from the ground. Then everypony watched in disbelief as Indominus pulled the flames away from them and into his mouth. In an instant, Indominus trapped the fire in his jaws and swallowed it in one gulp. Nopony could believe what had happened: Indominus had actually eaten Black Death's fire.

"That must've been a perk that came with the new look," Twilight said after seeing the incredible feat.

"Guardian of Equestria and now a fire eater, is there anything you boys can't do now?" Luna said with a proud look at Indominus.

All the ponies were glad to be free from the flaming prison, Indominus soon found himself overwhelmed from the praises the ponies were giving him. Then the raptors called to him and T-Rex, the dust was clearing and the ponies had to see what happened to Black Death. He hadn't retaliated since the blast, something bad must've happened to him if the dinosaurs were able to casually walk from him. Indominus went by Rainbow Dash while the ponies gathered by him and T-Rex to get a look at the sorry state the dragon was in. As the dust vanished, it became apparent just how powerful the dinosaurs had become.

Black Death was quivering in the dirt, his wings were gone, scales had been shredded leaving exposed torn muscle and pools of blood. His face was also bloody and contorted in a way that made the ponies cringe. The real damage however, was in the dead center of his body. The dragon had almost been torn in half, only a small chunk of his body was holding him together. His body hung open like a rotting wound with damaged bleeding organs and blood flowing out and pooling around him.

"Wow, just wow," Rainbow couldn't find any other words to express how awesome the dinosaurs' attack had been. Black Death was in far worse shape than anything they had seen before.

"No...how can this be? It's just not possible for stupid animals like them to be capable of such power." Black Death was trying his best to heal the enormous damage that had been done to his body.

The magic glow was repairing the damaged organs in his body and slowly closing up the hole in his stomach. Celestia saw that the dragon was repairing the damage and turned back to the dinosaurs.

"You guys have to attack him before he restores himself."

The raptors turned back towards the dinosaurs as well, waiting for a response. To everypony's shock, they shook their heads in disagreement. The Princesses couldn't believe it: the dinosaurs refused to fight Black Death?

"Why? What is so important that you boys won't fight the dragon?"

T-Rex and Indominus looked down at Rainbow and Scootaloo, then the answer clicked in Luna's mind.

"I've got it sister, they want Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo to fight alongside them. I don't think they can bear to be separated from them again."

Rainbow and Scootaloo looked into the eyes of their saviors.

"That's really sweet of you guys, but we're in no condition to fight that dragon anymore."

It's true boys," Scootaloo said. "We already had our chance fighting that dragon. We did really well and managed to get in some good blows, but he still found a way to overwhelm us. There's no way that we could fight him again even if we were healed."

Again the dinosaurs shook their heads, something didn't seem right. The dinosaurs were so dead set on having Rainbow and Scootaloo join them in the fight. It seemed that nothing the ponies could say would get them to change their minds. Even the raptors were stumped by T-Rex and Indominus's bizarre behavior. Then something truly remarkable began to take place.

Indominus and T-Rex brought their heads down by Rainbow and Scootaloo and opened their mouths. Tangible, ghastly red energy came out of their mouths and encircled the two siblings. Both ponies didn't know what to make of it as their bodies absorbed the energy. They felt their bodies rise off the ground and before they knew it, both ponies were engulfed in balls of bright red energy. Everypony and the dinosaurs stood back as the energy started to grow.

Black Death had finished patching the hole in his stomach and restoring his wings when he saw the energy. Then he heard two powerful roars coming from within the energy spheres. The ground began to rumble as the energy grew intense. The sky turned red from the magnitude of the energy that Tyrannosaurus and Indominus had given the honorary sisters. Then the energy spheres exploded, filling the sky with bright red light. When the energy faded, the odds were more against Black Death than before.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had been healed, but they had been changed to a completely different degree. Both ponies had grown to the size of the T-Rex and Indominus, with Scootaloo still being shorter than Rainbow Dash. Their wings had become similar to the wings Fluttershy had when she was a batpony. Their manes were slightly longer and jagged looking. Their bodies had been changed to a completely new degree.

Their mouths were filled with sharp strong teeth. Their pupils were slit just like the dinosaurs' and they had claws on their hooves. They had the same red markings running along their backs and wings as T-Rex and Indominus except without the spikes. To top it off, they had the same red aura pulsing with lightning surrounding their new transformed bodies. Rainbow and Scootaloo had been transformed into dino/pony hybrids.

The honorary sisters could hardly believe what the dinosaurs had done for them. Everypony else was speechless at the transformation. Everything that was happening was far beyond what they were used to. Celestia and Luna didn't think that half of the feats that had been accomplished were even possible.

"Hey Rarity, can we have a mirror so we can see our new looks?"

Rarity conjured two huge mirrors for the pegasi to look in. Their eyes went wide when they saw how much they had changed. They looked so much like their saviors that the resemblance was unbelievable.

"Wow, and here I thought I couldn't get any cooler," Rainbow said while looking at her transformed reflection.

"Yeah, we look like such awesome ponies now." Scootaloo was in as much awe about her new look as Rainbow Dash. Now she knew what the dinosaurs had in mind for wanting them to join the fight. Now all of them could fight as a family.

"You guys did this so we could fight together as one family?" Rainbow asked Indominus after she was done admiring her body. The hybrid nodded his head and was greeted with a warming hug from Rainbow Dash.

The hybrid wrapped his arms around Rainbow Dash and returned the hug. It warmed his heart to be able to hold the pony he had fallen in love with. Rainbow Dash felt the same way, to be so close to Indominus after she thought he was dead.

"Hey you two lovebirds, we can have our bonding after we kill this dragon," Scootaloo said to Rainbow and Indominus. The two separated from their hug and joined Scootaloo, T-Rex and the raptors.

All eight of them stood together and their auras combined and became one with the lightning surging around them. Black Death was still trembling as the warriors stared down at him with their menacing red eyes. Then Rainbow spoke in a tone that was as deep as his.

"You should be proud of yourself, thanks to your actions we have become the ultimate family. Your end will come at last, it's over for you Black Death."

The eight warriors charged towards Black Death, who hadn't fully recovered from the dinosaurs' devastating blasts. The dragon brought back his own aura as he met them head-on. Rainbow and Scootaloo nailed a double uppercut on Black Death and the dinosaurs surrounded him. From there it was a tangle of claws and fangs.

The dinosaurs were savagely biting and clawing away at the dragon's body. T-Rex and Scootaloo bit and tore away at the neck while the raptors continued to carve up Black Death with their claws. Indominus and Rainbow were punching, slashing and pounding away at the dragon's face. Black Death found himself being overwhelmed once again, only this time his opponents were driven by vengeance from what he had done to them. The transformed ponies and dinosaurs were out for blood, and wouldn't stop until the dragon had paid in his.

From their safe distance, everypony could see dozens of lightning streaks erupting from the center of the brawl. They knew the dragon was in deep trouble judging by how much power the dinosaurs and sister were putting out. Black Death bellowed a flame shock wave to disperse the warriors.


He angrily fired speeding fireballs at all of them, everypony watched as the warriors regrouped and stood together ready to face the attacks. Then everypony watched in shock as the fireballs stopped in front of the dinosaurs, and siblings faces.

Even Black Death gasped in shock.

"What!?" Celestia couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Rainbow, Scootaloo and the dinosaurs had captured each fireball in their mouths.

"Whoa, they caught them. They caught the flame." Rarity and the rest of the Mane six couldn't believe it. All eight of them had caught speeding fireballs in their jaws, and the flames weren't even harming them.

Each one of them closed their jaws until the fireballs blew up. Black Death was growing more angry and frustrated by the minute.

"You scoundrels! I'll show you all the true meaning of power!"

Black Death took flight began building flame inside his mouth. He opened his jaws as the fireball formed and started growing to massive proportions. The fire was different somehow, there was black flame mixed into it, similar to the color of his aura. The massive fireball stopped growing after it had become ten times the size of the sun. The dragon took the fireball of destruction in his claws and shouted down to the ponies.


The dragon threw his destructive flame ball straight towards the ground. The Princesses all panicked at once, none of them were prepared for such a massive attack. Everypony watched in desperation to see what the new family would do. Despite the danger closing in on them, none of the warriors budged from their spots.

Rainbow and Scootaloo looked at T-Rex and Indominus as if they needed to confirm something. The dinosaurs nodded their heads, like they knew what the siblings were gonna ask them. Then the pegasi opened their jaws and sure enough, the red energy balls were starting to form in their mouths. The carnivores stood alongside Rainbow and Scootaloo as they gathered their own energy. The black and red fireball was getting closer and closer to the ground.

Then, at the last minute.

Tyrannosaurus bellowed an enormous roar with his fellow warriors as they released their power. The eight blasts combined into one and halted Black Death's fireball. The overwhelming power from the blasts forced the fireball back into the sky. Black Death was so stunned by what was happening that he was rooted to the spot. The warriors had defied him again, and now their power was pushing his flame back towards him.

The battlefield trembled and shook with great force from the power that was emitting from the Guardians. Tons of dust clouds were blowing in all directions that it was impossible for the ponies to see what was happening. Each of them stood their ground while trying to see how the warriors were faring. All they could make out was the enormous blast of red power sending the fireball back into the sky.

Then the blast expanded to where it's size dwarfed the fireball. The red energy swallowed the fireball and went speeding towards Black Death. The dragon tried to stop the blast with his flame, but the fire just gotten eaten up the harder he tried. Before Black Death knew it, the massive blast was upon him. He shrieked in terrible pain as his body was enveloped by the tremendous amount of power.

The red blast of power continued to go skyward as it left the atmosphere and headed into space. Rainbow, Scootaloo and the dinosaurs waited patiently for the light to fade, to see what had become of the great dragon death machine.