• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 460 Views, 14 Comments

Al, Kal & TK's Adventures in Equestria - Alternivity

Two scientists and a musician accidentally transport themselves to Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Trust Issues

Chapter 5: Trust Issues

POV: Thalos

Friday - 14:45

I bolted upright, gulping down air like there'd never be any more. Pushing myself up, I looked around. I was in a room that looked to be made entirely of cartoon wood, 'great I'm still in this animated fucking hell.' I climbed off the metal slab I was laying on, 'Wait, how the fuck did I get here?' "Hello? Is anyone there?" I checked my pockets for my phone, which I used as a light to get a better look around the darkened room. On one side I saw a staircase leading up. I walked up the stairs, and tried the door. 'Locked. Fuck. Whoever put me in here is not gonna have a nice day when they get back.' I made my way down the precariously small steps, and looked closer at the contents of the room I was in. It looked like this was some sort of lab, 'I hope there was no probing while I was out,' I saw a chalkboard with some indecipherable writing on it as well as a diagram that looked like a human, 'I don't like implications of this.'

I heard the thump of footsteps approaching the door. Panicking, I grabbed the first heavy object my hand came across, the board duster. I heard the lock click and the door creak. I hid behind the slab as the lights burst into life. There was some kind of shouting in the language the ponies use. The sound of hooves came closer. I waited until the pony was almost on top of me, before I sprung up and hurled the duster at it. She, or at least I thought so, screamed as the duster hit her in the face, the puff of dust getting in her eyes. I vaulted over the table and sprinted for the door. I dived through the portal into a group of ponies, in fact it was the same group that attacked the camp.

"Oh shit."

The one with the gay pride hair and heavily bandaged side, leapt back with a panicked yelp, giving me an opening. I scrambled to my feet, and began to run with all I had. I heard some yelling coming from the group as the finally snapped out of their shock. The chase was on. I kept running even as the yelling got closer. I ran through the town, trying to find a place to lose my pursuers. I reached the edge of town and spotted a thick treeline. I felt my muscles burning, screaming at me to stop, but I kept going, up until a purple flash erupted in my face. I tumbled to the ground, blinded. I blinked the spots from my vision and looked at the source of the flash, a purple pony with flared wings and a glowing horn. Fear coursed through me as I scrambled away from the angry pony, remembering the aura that almost killed my friends and me, "G-get back!" I cried, pushing myself away as the pony approached, my panic turning to rage as I realized that the pony in front of me was the source of my current state, "I'm warning you, step BACK!"

There was a cry from behind the group, causing every one of them to stare at the source of the voice. It was Fluttershy! She started speaking firmly, even harshly to the group. Every single one of them was hanging their head in shame when she was finished. I watched in shock as every one of them walked up to me, and said some kind of apology. Then Fluttershy walked up to me, "I'm sorry about my friends, they thought you were some kind of monster."

"Why would they think that?!" I yelled, my fear turning to anger, "My friends didn't do anything
wrong! In fact we saved your fucking life!"

My chest heaved as I struggled to keep the red out of my vision. A second later the blue pony
that attacked Jake was in my face, yelling at me. 'Fine, then. No more Mr nice guy.' My hand
shot out and wrapped around her throat. Her eyes bulged as she clawed at my hand. I gripped
harder, until I heard the little pony's hacking attempts to breathe. I saw the others staring at me
with horror, "What, you thought I was just going to sit there and let you call me a monster?! Like hell! You want a monster? Here I am! You stupid arrogant little fuckers don't know just how
monstrous an angry human can be!" I squeezed the blue pony's neck tighter, "I want my friends. NOW!"

"STOP!" screamed Fluttershy, "Please stop, I'll take you to your friends, I promise. Just put
Rainbow down, please!"

I threw the pony in my grip at her group, before looking at Fluttershy, "Next pony that attacks
me gets deep sixed, clear?"

"Deep... sixed?"


Fluttershy gulped, "O-okay, we left them in the library after you ran away."

"Let's go."

We walked back to the library, which stopped me for a moment. It's a tree. The library is a tree.

'What would Jake do?' With that thought my focus returned to the task at hand, "Where are
they?" I demanded.


I bolted up the stairs, slamming the door open, "Oh, there you are, TK, where've you been?"
queried Jake, far too calmly.

"I was just chased halfway across this shit-hole by those fucking ponies!"

"So that's what all the ruckus was. What took you down?" Luke asked.

Jake snickered, "His own damn feet, I bet."

"...Fuck you."

Both men burst out laughing. "Haha. Laugh it up, assholes."

They both laughed harder. 'I'm never living this down.' "Look, that's not important," I said, trying
to change the subject. "Right now we need to get out of here before they dissect us."

Jake stopped laughing for a moment and looked at me, before resuming his laughter. I stood
there, confused, "Why are you laughing?! They were fucking probing me in the basement!" Jake slipped off his seat due to the force of his laughter.

"Oh God, how do you think of this shit? It's brilliant!"

"W-what? No! I'm serious!" I cried. "They locked me up in the basement to experiment on me!"
In an instant the laughter died. Jake sat ramrod straight, his face expressionless, "Why do you
think that?"

"There were diagrams of humans and a bunch of notes and shit that I couldn't read."

"Oh, that. No, that was me explaining how humans worked in order for them to help me check
on you and Luke," Jake explained, stunning me.


"No they didn't. They tried to incapacitate us, keep us still until they could get the girls away
from the unknown monsters that might have been about to eat the children," came Luke's
response. "Which seems like a fairly logical thing to do. You don't go around cornering an
unpredictable creature and hoping it doesn't turn around bite your face off."

“But- The secret lab! Evil diagrams!”

Jake sighed, “The lab is not secret, it’s just in a basement, and I drew the diagrams to show them what was wrong with you, as I’ve already explained. Not that there’s much to help.”

“...Fuck you.”

“That’s not very nice you know.”

It was at that point that the ponies I’d left in the street returned. ‘Well shit.’ I panicked slightly when my fellow humans rose from the floor and made their way to the door.

“Uhhhh… Guys?”

“Yes, Thalos?” Jake sighed.

“Things may get messy down there.”

“Oh what fresh hell have you caused us now?”

“I may have kinda, sorta tried to choke out the blue one. Maybe.”

The sound of two palms meeting two faces echoed through the silence left by my almost confession.

“I swear to god you are a walking, talking, PR nightmare,” hissed Jake.

“Would that be pony relations in this case?” asked Luke with a snicker.

“Fuck off, I’m not dealing with your puns right now. And Thalos?” Jake said.

“Yes?” I answered, fear seeping into my voice.

“If you even think about opening your mouth while I try to stop them burning you at the stake, I will personally light the fire. Entendido, mi amigo?

“Sure, I promise I wo-” Jake glared at me. “Right shutting up now.”

Jake then decided that we had best make ourselves known. He began to make his way down.

As we descended the sound of an argument rose up to meet us. We paused for a moment, Jake turned and looked at me as if to say ‘I blame you for this.’ Pushing forward Jake opened the door to find Fluttershy surrounded by the other five members of their little group looking rather angry. Fluttershy in turn looked somewhat scared. ‘Screw not saying anything!’ I shoved Jake aside,

“Hey!” I yelled, bursting into the room, “Get away from her!”

I put myself between Fluttershy and the group.

“She has done nothing wrong! I have, so I should be the one to get yelled at! Not her. I made mistakes because I was scared and stupid, so yell at me in your stupid language! I know it won’t make sense! I don't care!”

The five ponies stood and looked at me in obvious confusion. I looked at Fluttershy and asked her to translate. As she spoke the group grew more confused, looking between Fluttershy and I. It appeared to have a calmed the ponies in front of me down, though.

I was feeling pretty good about that, until I turned around and saw the glare Jake was aiming at me. I wilted slightly, knowing that he would not have very many kind words for me. I watched as he stepped past me, surprising me by saying nothing. Jake took a deep breath, clapped his hands loudly and announced,

“Let’s get down to business, shall we?”

Fluttershy spoke after him, and the other ponies nodded in response,

“Excellent. First order is the assault on our camp and ourselves. I am of the understanding that you believed us to be intent on harming your friend and siblings. My companions and I are willing to overlook this instance,”

Jake paused to let Fluttershy catch up, and the ponies’ face were washed with relief, which vanished the moment Jake continued,

“however, should another pony act violently toward us, we reserve the right to defend ourselves in what manner we deem fit,”

As Fluttershy translated the last part the faces of the orange pony, the blue bitch, and the purple hybrid-thing twisted into anger. The white unicorn looked disgusted and the pink nut-job looked unfased.

The purple one spoke to Fluttershy, who translated,”Um, Jake? My friend says that you can’t go around hurting ponies just because they don’t like you… if that’s alright.”

Jake sighed, “Look, I’m not going to go out and beat a pony that looks at me funny, but I will not stand idle as someone tries to hurt me or my friends. It is not my intent to seek violence, but should it find me, I will respond in kind to eliminate the threat, okay?”

Fluttershy turned to the others and spoke, and let them respond, before turning back to Jake, “They say that that is fine, as long as you don’t hurt an innocent pony.”

“Sweet, that sorts that. Next up is the assault on the blue pegasus-”

I’m so, so, sorry to interrupt, but her name is Rainbow Dash… I’m sorry…”

“Right, thanks. The assault on Rainbow Dash earlier today????, that was entirely the fault of Panicked Thalos™. I think that considering the circumstances we can put this down to bad luck and move on? Unless you have different ideas, of course.”

Fluttershy translated to the group.

The lavender pegacorn… thing… whinnied conspiratorially with the others, then turned to Fluttershy and nodded slightly.

Um, we’re willing to accept those terms if that’s ok with you. But Twilight wants to bring Thalos before the Princesses, she says it’s mostly a formality.

“The Princesses? I take it that they are your rulers?”

More whinnying, also some neighing. Maybe a nicker or two.

Well, yes. There’s also Princess Twilight, who is, well, right here.

‘What’ I tried to decide whether to panic or laugh at the absurdity of this.

“Do we bow or something, because I’m pretty sure she’s the one who did the glowy crushy nonsense yesterday, so yeah, that’s not liable to be a thing we do. Ever.”

I don’t think she translated this part.

She’s not too concerned with formalities. Umm, she wants me to get your answer.

“I don’t see any issues with that so long as we’re able to communicate, lest things go pear-shaped.”

Oh, that won’t be a problem. They will surely come here. They do it all the time!

“So we’re meeting the regents,” Jake concluded, “cool.”

Oh this is not going to go well.’

Needless to say, it did not go well.

Author's Note:

So that took forever. But I did it!