• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 461 Views, 14 Comments

Al, Kal & TK's Adventures in Equestria - Alternivity

Two scientists and a musician accidentally transport themselves to Equestria.

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Chapter 4: Hard Contact

Chapter 4: Hard Contact

Tuesday 11:30 PM

I sat underneath the the glowing stars, keeping vigil over the small camp in which my companions slept. A faint rustling caught my attention. Looking over I saw the unicorn filly- Sweetie Belle, I think her name was- standing there staring at me. I stared back raising an eyebrow. She seemed nervous of me, her eyes darted about. I beckoned her over, patting my lap. Hesitantly she padded over, coming to a stop just in front of me. A smile played at the corners of my mouth, "Come on little one," I said, gesturing for her to come nearer, "I won't hurt you."

She started talking in the ponies' weird amalgamation of almost human syllables and neighs and whinnies, and it put a gentle smile on my face when I realized she was trying to reassure me. I tilted my head to the side in the way animals often did when confused or curious, before I set my implant to record what she was saying. As she talked, she put her hoof on my leg, petting me. It was both ironic and adorable, a horse petting a human, 'You're very sweet, little one," I said as I began stroking her head, "I think you'll be just fine."

After a moment or two of silence I turned off the recording. A half an hour passed, and Sweetie yawned and looked up at me with bleary eyes, made a short comment and climbed into my lap, curled up, and fell asleep. 'Great, now I have a sleeping mini-horse on my lap. What do I- ' my thoughts were interrupted by a shuffling in one of the bushes at the edge of the clearing, I snapped my head to the side and threw up my arm, turning on the thermal camera in my implant. I scanned the area for a few seconds before happening upon a heat signature shaped like a pony. Judging by its stance I’d say it was watching me. To test this theory I smiled in the pony’s direction and waved at it, which seemed to spook the little ‘Peeping Tom’ as the heat signature bolted off into the forest, ‘This is going to bite me in the ass later, I just know it,’ I thought as I picked up the filly sleeping in my lap and went to wake Luke for second watch.

“Be on the lookout,” I warned him, “I spotted a pony spying on us a minute ago.”

“Right, I’ll keep an eye out,” he nodded in response. “Though I gotta ask; why do you have a pony child in your arms?”

“Apparently I’m a good pillow, or some such bullshit. I don’t really understand what they’re saying, so for all I know, she just propositioned me.”

“Fluttershy did say they were kids, so I doubt that’s the case, but whatever. Personally I think you like her.”

“Not really. I’m bad with kids when I understand them. The language barrier makes it even more difficult to get them to shut up without upsetting them.”

“If you say so. She seems to like you well enough.”

“Look, I’m telling you now, this will all end in tears, I know it.”

Riiight, I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“Whatever. Fuck you. I’m going to bed. Shut up.” With that I padded over to the shelter the other ponies were sleeping in and lay Sweetie down next to her friends, before walking over to the now unoccupied shelter, heaving myself onto the bedding, and falling asleep.

I felt myself float through my dreamscape. Again. I need to find out why this keeps happening.

“Aha! We have found thee again, fiend!” I heard the sourceless voice call out.

“Who are you?” I asked. “Why are you calling me a fiend?”

“Thou art the one tainting the dreams of our subjects! We will not stand for this!”


“Thy influence shall spread no longer!”


“Do not play innocent, cretin, We know that it is you that invades the dreams of others!”

“This is the single most stupid dream I have ever had.”

“And it shall be your last!”



“Why will this be my last dream?”

“For we shall smite thee where thy stand!”

“Umm, I don’t think I’d very much enjoy being smited, thank you very much.”


“Whoawhoawhoa, wait, explain. I know my rights, I think, I’d like to know what exactly I’m accused of.”


“Wait you’ve been referring to yourself with a royal we? Seriously?” I snarked, poking the hopefully proverbial bear.


“Umm, question?”


“Where’s Equestria?”

“How did thee find their way if thou does not know where thou are?”

“I got here by accident. From another planet. There were some ridiculous accidents.”

The voice sighed heavily.

“We shall have to invest-”

A pop interrupted the princess’s speech.

A much quieter and considerably saner sounding voice spoke up. “Your highness, I have found the source of the disturbance.”

“You have? Tell us where is it so we may smite it!”

“It is in the Everfree forest, your highness.”

“We understand, well done scout. We shall send word to the Elements come the morn.”

Another pop signalled the loss of the sane voice, and I felt myself wake to the sound of breaking glass.

Wednesday 8:15 AM

I sat up slowly, blinking the sleep from my eyes.

Oh! Good morning, Jake,” I heard Fluttershy call, “Breakfast is ready.

I trudged over to the shelter Thalos was sleeping in, “Thalos get up.” Nothing. “Thalos. Get. Up.” I shook him, but he didn’t respond, “Fine, I’ll just have to do this the hard way.” Standing back up, I grabbed a bucket of water, and doused whatever dreams Thalos had. Once again Thalos flailed madly, realized he wasn’t dying, and turn his ire on me, “One day,” he hissed through gritted teeth. “One day I’m going to get my divine vengeance.”

“Uhuh, that’s nice, anyway, I thought you’d like some breakfast. I think it’s berries again.”

“Yay, berries.”

“Such enthusiasm, I’m impressed.”

“Go to Hell, Jake.”

“Love you too. Now go eat your bloody breakfast.”


We made our way over to the small fire in the middle of the camp, dropped ourselves on the grass and tucked in to a hearty meal of berry pancakes, which were made by Fluttershy, who ground the seed of the berries into a kind of flour, and used a large flat rock as a stove.

As the three little ones made their way over, the orange one stood on a rather sharp rock. ‘Pair of lungs on that one,’ I thought as I walked over to check on the injured child. A quick look found no blood. “Come on you lot, breakfast is getting cold,” I said waving for them to grab their food. They cocked their heads and stared at me until Fluttershy called them in horse language.

As we sat down for breakfast, I heard a large rustling in the bushes to the north of the clearing. As I glanced up, a bright blue bolt barrelled out of the treeline, headed towards the girls. I immediately sprung up, throwing myself in front of the azure cannonball, catching it with my shoulder. A gut wrenching pop followed the impact. Agony tore its way into my arm as I tumbled through the air.

The blue bolt resolved itself into a rainbow maned pony. ‘Well that’s not stereotypical at all.’ She had wings, like Fluttershy, and a furious look on her face. As she saw me sit up, she thrust a hoof in my direction and began yelling what I assumed to be threats against my welfare. I ignored her for the moment. Looking back to the camp I saw Luke being set upon by a light orange pony, with a blonde mane and a stetson. She stunned Luke with a headbutt before bucking him across the clearing. ‘That has got to hurt.’ My gaze was then drawn to Thalos, who looked supremely confused by the white unicorn standing in front of him flicking her dark purple mane with a hoof. A moment of stillness passed, before her horn lit up with a bright blue aura, and Thalos was catapulted through the camp. My attention snapped back to my assailant just in time for me to roll out of the way of another high speed attack. I scrambled up to my feet, looking frantically about for some kind of weapon. I heard a battle cry behind me, and immediately jumped to the side. I screamed as I landed on my injured shoulder. Rolling onto my back I felt a small weight in one of my pockets. Reaching with my good arm I pulled out my knife and flicked it open before standing again. I twisted to face my opponent, knife in hand. I steeled myself, waiting for the attack. The rainbow maned monster once again charged toward me. I brought up my knife as she slammed into me. An instant before the knife pierced her chest, a lavender aura surrounded her, wrenching her aside. My blade glanced off her shoulder, drawing blood. She screamed and wrapped her other foreleg around herself, pressing on the wound. I roared at her, sending her reeling back at the sudden, vicious display. The lavender aura surrounded me, forcing the air out of my lungs as an intense pressure bore down on my entire body. I tried to scream, but I couldn’t draw any breath. I began thrashing as the edges of my vision turned black. The last thing I heard was Fluttershy screaming.