• Published 1st Nov 2015
  • 1,335 Views, 75 Comments

A Look Back - Bluecatcinema

  • ...

Six Nightcrawlers And A Foal

Echo and Sunset were in a rush one day. They had been called to attend a gathering with Barbossa Wheatley, the grandson of the discoverer of the Tenebros gene (the gene that gave Nightcrawlers their powers), Tenebros Wheatley, back at the Crystal Empire, as they planned on auditioning Nightcrawlers for recruiting into Project: Synchro. Barbossa had high hopes in expanding Project: Synchro beyond the Crystal Empire and had gathered a mass of volunteers from his operations regarding Nightcrawlers.

Barbossa wanted their expert opinions, and that of Artorias (for his battle prowess), so they could make the best choices possible. Of course, they couldn't bring Arcane with them, so they needed somepony to foalsit him. They decided to ask their houseguests, the former Nightcrawler group known as "the Shadow Stalkers" to do the job.

"Seriously?" Wave snorted, the zebra quite incredulous. "You want us to foalsit this kid?"

"What's the problem?" Sunset glared, as she held Arcane in her hooves, the little colt in a dragon-styled onesie. "Or don't think you can do it?"

"Oh, please." Wave sneered. "I'm not falling for that old trick."

"Look, we just need you to look after Arcane for the day." Echo declared.

"We'd love to." Elatha smiled.

"We sure would!" Snow agreed excitedly.

"I don't really have anything that important to do today..." Moana admitted.

"Verily." Willow agreed. "The theatre is closed for fumigation. Those cursed termites again..."

"I'd love to look after the cute little guy." Nano smiled.

"Well, I ain't doing it." Wave huffed. "I got more important things to do today than look after some little rugrat."

"Like what?" Sunset asked.

"Well, uh..." Wave fumbled. "Just... stuff! Important stuff. I am a famous musician, after all..."

"Liar." Elatha snorted. "I know for a fact you've got nothing to do today. In fact, you were planning on just lazing around the house."

"Okay, fine." Wave pouted. "I don't have anything more important to do. I just don't want to spend my day looking after a foal."

"Meanie." Snow said under her breath.

"I know that, besides from Elatha, none of you have much experience looking after a foal." Echo admitted. "But Arcane can be a troublesome little fellow, not to mention this is the first time he'll be apart from both Sunset and myself for an extended period of time. The more ponies on hoof to look after him, the less distressed he'll be."

"And not to put too fine a point on it, but after we took you guys into our home, it's the least you can do in return." Sunset added.

"So in other words, stop griping and do it." Artorias snarled.

"But Arty..." Wave frowned.

"You think I want to go way out there to talk with Wheatley?" Artorias scowled. "Even if it is to help our kind, it's still a pain in the flank to do it. But I'm doing it anyway. Compared to that, foalsitting should be a breeze for you guys."

"He has a point." Nano nodded.

"Come on, Wave." Elatha urged. "it won't be that bad..."

"Okay, I'll do it." Wave groaned.

"Yay!" Snow cheered.

"Here you go, sweetie." Sunset gave Arcane to Elatha. "Mommy and daddy have to go away for a while. But you'll have all your aunts and uncles to look after you, okay?"

"Bleh?" Arcane gurgled.

"You be good, son." Echo added. "We'll be back before you know it."

"I hate to interrupt the heartfelt goodbye, but we're going to be late if this keeps up." Artorias declared.

"Of course." Echo nodded. "Let's go."

"Goodbye, sweetheart." Sunset kissed Arcane on the forehead.

"Don't worry about a thing." Elatha told them as they departed.

"Yeah." Nano added. "We've got this!"

After Echo, Sunset and Artorias left, Arcane screwed up his face in distress, fully aware that his parents were both gone.

"WAAAHHHH!" He screeched. "WAAAHHHH!"

"Oh, poor thing." Moana pouted. "He misses his parents already." she reached out and patted Arcane on the head. "There, there..." As she made contact, a jumble of images suddenly flashed before her eyes, and she felt a strange tingling sensation.


"Make it stop!" Wave yelled, his hooves on his ears. "For the love of Faust, make it stop!"

Suddenly, little black wisps appear from Arcane's eyes, and the tears running down Arcane's cheeks rose up into the air, and sprayed Wave in the face.

"Ahhh!" Wave spluttered.

Arcane stopped crying and started giggling, amused by Wave's soaking.

"What the-?" Nano frowned. "Where did that come from?"

"He's a Nightcrawler like us, remember?" Snow asked.

"Yeah, remember what Aether said when he 'sensed' his and Snow's powers in Arcane?" Elatha recalled, "Echo told me that Arcane seem to had developed some strong capabilities..."

"What does that mean exactly?" Willow asked.

"Who cares..." Wave growled as he spat out some salt water, "As long as he doesn't do it again, I will be happy."

"Well, at least the little fellow's stopped crying." Willow smiled. "And all it took was Wave getting drenched..."

"Yeah. Terrific." Wave scowled. "Totally ruined my 'do..."

"Yes. Well done, Arcane." Willow smirked.

"Geh!" Arcane reached out with his hoof, touching Willow's own. At that moment, Willow experienced the same sensation Moana did when she touched Arcane. Shrugging it off as a sudden chill, he remained focused on Arcane.

"You like to laugh, don't you?" Willow grinned. "Let me help you with that."

Willow started tickling Arcane.

"Eeeeh!" Arcane giggled.

"Yes, you like that, don't you?" Willow chuckled.

Arcane, his eyes wispy again, started flapping his little wings. Suddenly, a rather strong gust of wind sprang up, and struck Wave, blowing his mane in all directions.

"Whoa!" Wave yelped.

"Whoa!" Snow gasped. "Did you see that? It was just like something you'd do, Willow!"

"It was, wasn't it?" Willow frowned.

"But how can he have two powers?" Nano asked. "Even Deathgaze doesn't."

"Not true, actually." Elatha pointed out. "Remember what Deathgaze said about how he could learn powers just by observing them? He also had super strength, teleportation, and that barrier thing.."

"But how could Arcane be gaining powers?" Willow asked. "He's just a foal..."

"So is Snow." Elatha declared. "She got her powers at around Arcane's age."

"Wait, that wasn't normal?" Snow frowned. "Nopony ever tells me anything..."

"My mane's never gonna be the same..." Wave growled.

"As if your mane is our biggest problem right now." Elatha snorted.

"I'll admit, this is getting a little weird." Nano declared.

"Speaking of, I had the most peculiar feeling just now." Willow admitted. "When Arcane touched me, I felt a strange tingling sensation."

"I got the same feeling when I touched Arcane." Moana admitted. "And then he started showing powers like mine..."

Everyone came to the same conclusion.

"...Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Nano asked.

"That Arcane can develop powers of other Nightcrawler just by touching them, then yes." Elatha frowned, "That is rather perturbing."

"Oh, great." Wave frowned. "Like looking after this kid wasn't bad enough..."

"Um, exactly how many of us have touched him?" Snow asked.

"Well, now, he touched Moana and Willow." Nano declared, "He certainly touched Echo. And according to Aether before he died, Arcane touched him and Snow... but it is safe to assume that at this point, he could have all our powers... fortunately, since he's still a little foal, they don't seem to be as potent."

"Wait... what about Artorias?" Willow gulped. "If Arcane picked up his 'death touch', we could all be in trouble... I do not wish a death by a foal's wandering hoof."

"Relax." Elatha declared. "I don't think Arcane actually has touched Artorias."

"Yeah, you know how Arty is when it comes to personal space." Wave grinned.

"Either way, this just got a whole lot harder." Moana sighed.

"We can do this, guys." Elatha smiled. "Trust me."

Meanwhile, Echo, Sunset and Artorias had joined Barbossa in the training arena of the Crystal Guard. There were many ponies waiting around the arena, and Echo could easily sense the dark magic dripping from all of them.

"Ah, Echo, Sunset, Artorias, so glad all of you could make it." Barbossa smiled, as he shook all their hooves.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." Echo smiled.

"Where's that Deathgaze fellow?" Barbossa asked. "I was hoping he could join us. He does have the experience for this kind of thing..."

"I'm afraid he's something of a wanderer." Echo declared. "He comes and goes as he pleases, always seeking out rights to wrong and innocents to help. But he always comes back, sooner or later. I think he quite enjoys having a safe haven to return to."

"That's a shame." Barbossa sighed. "Somepony like him could really be of use here."

"I think we can take care of this without him." Sunset admitted. "We've all got experience with Nightcrawlers, remember?"

"Like I could forget..." Artorias snorted.

"I've been looking forward to this all week." Barbossa smiled. "I'm just giddy at the prospect of giving our friendly Nightcrawlers a chance to serve their county."

"I think we all are." Sunset grinned.

"As long as it helps to lower fear and hatred toward our kind, I'm more than happy to help make this a reality." Artorias declared.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Barbossa beamed. "Let's get started!"

"Gladly." Echo nodded.

After motioning to a Guard that they were ready, the four of them took their seats at a table on the far side of the area. A line of ponies was visible, each eager to show off their talents.

"Okay, here's our first applicant." Barbossa waved the pony at the front of the line over.

A dark blue Earth Pony stallion stepped forward.

"Name?" Artorias asked.

"Shiva." The stallion declared.

"And what might your power be?" Echo asked.

"This." Shiva smiled. As his eyes grew wispy, several extra legs, sprouted from his side.

"Wow." Sunset gaped. "Guess you never have to ask anypony to lend a hoof."

"Impressive." Artorias admitted. "That could prove useful in hoof-to-hoof combat."

"Thank you, Mr Shiva." Barbossa smiled. "I'd say you're in."

"I won't let you down, Mr Wheatley." Shiva grinned.

"Well, this is going pretty good, isn't it?" Barbossa declared. "The Nightcrawlers I located all have such impressive powers."

"Yes, the quality of Nightcrawler is really something these days." Artorias admitted. "Now, who's next?"

Back at the estate, Arcane spotted his favorite ball in the corner of the room. As he tried to retrieve it, Wave picked him up.

"Where do you think you're going, kid?" Wave asked.

Arcane's eyes grew wispy as he kept reaching for it, as he unconsciously tapped into the power he had "sampled" from the deceased traitor, Aether; The power to manipulate minds.

"Ba..." He muttered, trying to say "ball". "Ba... ba..."

"Say what?" Wave frowned. "What are you...." Aether's power started to affect Wave. He grew dizzy for a moment, before snapping back to normal, unaware that Arcane had unknowingly planted a post-hypnotic suggestion in his mind. "...What was that?"

"What was what?" Elatha asked.

"...Beats me." Wave shrugged.

"Ba! ba!" Arcane squealed.

"What's he saying?" Willow asked.

"Ba! Ba!" Arcane repeated.

"I think he's trying to say 'ball'." Snow mused.

Suddenly, Wave grabbed a broom, and smacked himself on the head with it, breaking it in half.

"What in Equestria did you do that for?" Willow frowned.

"I... I dunno..." Wave groaned, rubbing his sore head, "I just got this urge..."

"Well, let's get Arcane that ball." Moana declared.

Wave grabbed a book from the table, and hit himself in the face with it.

"What is wrong with you?" Elatha frowned.

"Good question..." Wave moaned.

Back at the Crystal Empire, the group had broken for lunch.

"Well, this has been quite a day." Echo chuckled.

"You can say that again." Sunset agreed. "Somehow, I never really pictured myself auditioning Nightcrawlers when I thought about my future."

"Nor did I." Echo admitted. "I never thought we would end up doing such a thing when we first started working together. Nor when we went hunting for the pages of Sombra's spell book."

"Boy, those was wild times." Sunset recalled. "Aside from the parts where we almost died, we had quite an adventure."

"What was an adventure?" Barbossa walked over, carrying a daisy sandwich.

"Our search for the pages of King Sombra's spell book, of course." Echo declared.

"The King Sombra?" Artorias joined them, munching on some oats. "You went looking for his spells?"

"What, didn't we ever tell you about that?" Sunset asked.

"I think I'd recall something something like that." Artorias noted.

"Then maybe we should tell you." Echo noted. "It all started back when I was just a lonely shut-in, researching dark magic. Sunset was my new assistant."

"I could tell how lonely Echo was, so I talked him into going to the Crystal Fair with me." Sunset recalled. "It was there that we saw a masked pony stealing Sombra's spell book. Echo know that he'd be coming after the missing pages, which had been scattered to keep them from being used. So we decided to get out there and beat him to them."

"As I recall, I didn't want there to be a 'we'." Echo noted. "You essentially invited yourself along, my dear."

"Good thing I did." Sunset teased. "You would have been lost without me."

"True." Echo admitted. "There were so many trials, and surprises waiting..."

"Oh yes, Shining told me of your endeavors." Barbossa nodded. "Especially what happened with those who were charged with guarding the pages. It's a real shame what happened to them."

"It was." Echo nodded. "They were good, once upon a time. But life, and those cursed pages, changed all that..."

"What happened to them?" Artorias asked.

"Most of them were beyond reason." Echo recalled. "We tried to talk them down, but to no avail. We still tried not to hurt them, but several of them were killed. If not by our masked nemesis, then by their own corrupted powers..."

"Yeah, things were hard." Sunset sighed. "But deep down, it felt good to be doing something to help Equestria, no matter how dangerous or harrowing things got. And it all worked out for us in the end, didn't it?"

"It certainly did." Echo smiled. "And I remember when... when Sterling..." He frowned internally at the memory of his traitorous comrade. "When he pushed me into admitting my feelings to you..."

"Sterling..." Barbossa frowned. "Ah, I also heard about him as well... and that he is currently on the run, right? Had there been any sightings of him?"

"Not a one." Echo shook his head. "And I don't think there ever will be. Sterling made it clear that he didn't want to be found..."

"Oh, Sterling..." Sunset sighed. "I just wish things could've turned out differently with him."

"As do I." Echo admitted. "After all, despite his treachery, he did help to bring us together. Thanks to him, I finally built up the courage to tell you how I really felt about you."

"And you did it in the most romantic city possible." Sunset smiled. "I still remember our tour of Carris like it was yesterday."

"As do I." Echo beamed. "I had never even asked a mare out before then, and I was worried things wouldn't work out, but everything was just so perfect."

"It was, wasn't it?" Sunset smirked.

"I wouldn't know." Artorias said flatly. "I'm not one for romance."

"Well, I am." Barbossa grinned. "And it sounds just beautiful."

"But then things went south." Echo's expression darkened. "Silas Necross, who coveted the power of the spell book, made his move, my brother, Synchro revealed himself as our masked foe, and I became a monster again..."

"I heard about that too." Barbossa frowned. "How you attacked Shining and his Guards in a mindless rage, and was imprisoned for it..."

"Typical normal pony reaction..." Artorias scoffed.

"I was so worried for you, Echo." Sunset sniffed. "I thought you'd lost yourself."

"I almost did." Echo declared. "But you helped me find my way back. It was the thought of you that spurred me on to finally taking control of my Berserker form, and facing Synchro head-on."

"And win." Sunset smiled. "You were a real hero that day. My hero."

"Only thanks to you, my love." Echo beamed. "And no matter what challenges we faced afterward, your love has kept me strong, even in the worst times."

"Oh, Echo." Sunset smiled, as they kissed.

"Oh, not more mush..." Artorias rolled his eyes.

"What an amazing story." Barbossa declared. "Even more so when you consider those events inadvertently led to you meeting Artorias' pack, and me, which of course led to what's happening today."

"True." Echo nodded. "As epic as that adventure was, it was only the beginning of a much larger journey

Back at the manor, Elatha had just finished giving Arcane his noon feeding. She was patting him on the back in an attempt to burp him. Suddenly, Arcane's eyes grew wispy, and a small fireball suddenly popped out of nowhere. The fireball flew across the room. As Wave entered from the kitchen, carrying a sandwich, he saw it coming for him.

"Yikes!" He held up his sandwich to shield him. The fireball incinerated it. "Oh, great..."

"Oops." Elatha cringed. "Sorry."

"No problem." Wave sighed. "I'll just make another...."

Over in the Crystal Empire, the auditions were proceeding apace. Some Nightcrawlers had decent powers (magnetism, terrakinesis), while others weren't so useful (one in particular had the ability to stretch his neck out, but only slightly).

Another was a pink-coated, brown-maned mare with glasses and a chew toy Cutie Mark whose only ability was making her hooves slightly sharp.

"That's it?" One of the Guards snorted. "That's all you can do?"

Incensed, the mare slid her sharpened hoof across his leg.

"Ow!" The Guard yelped. "That kinda hurt! Is it bleeding?" He checked his leg. "No, I guess it's okay. Ouch, though!"

"Thank you for the demonstration, miss." Barbossa said awkwardly. "We'll be in touch."

At the manor, Nano was playing with Arcane, tossing him into the air and catching him.

"Whee!" He called. "Whee!"

"Eeee!" Arcane squealed. His eyes became wispy, and his body turned to solid metal, as he sampled Nano's power.

"...Oh, buck..." Nano gulped.

As Nano caught Arcane, he was pulled down to the floor by the extra weight.

"Whee!" Arcane giggled, turning back to normal.

"Whee..." Nano groaned, "...No more catch for a while, okay?"

A little later, Snow was having a tea party with Arcane and a number of stuffed animals.

"One lump or two?" She asked.

"'Oo!" Arcane smiled.

Snow mimed adding sugar to the empty cup.

"Here you go." She smiled.

As Arcane grabbed the cup, his eyes grew wispy. It started to snow inside the room.

"Oh boy..." Snow sighed. "Your mom really doesn't like it when I do that. Makes things all wet..."

Arcane wasn't listening, instead catching snowflakes on his tongue.

"Ah, well." Snow shrugged. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

Snow made to catch some snowflakes too. As the snow continued to fall, Wave came in.

"Hey, what's going on heeeere!" He slipped on the snow, and landed on his back.

"Sorry." Snow cringed. "Probably should've warned you."

"Hee!" Arcane giggled.

"This just isn't my day..." Wave groaned.

Over at the Crystal Empire, the auditions were over.

"Well, I think that was marvelously productive." Barbossa smiled.

"Yes, I'm sure they'll all be wonderful assets to Project: Synchro." Echo declared.

"I look forward to working with him." Artorias admitted.

"Time to head home, though." Sunset noted. "I've got a little bundle of joy to cuddle."

"Then don't let me keep you." Barbossa grinned. "Until next time, my friends."

Echo, Sunset and Artorias returned to the manor soon after.

"Hey, Arty." Wave smiled. "How was your day?"

"Productive." Artorias shrugged.

"Yes, we made some real progress with our recruitment drive." Echo agreed. "Project: Synchro stands to become better than ever."

"And how was Arcane?" Sunset smiled. "I hope he wasn't too much trouble?"

"Oh, no." Elatha shook her head.

"He was a perfect little angel." Moana declared.

"No trouble at all." Willow nodded.

"Yeah, sure..." Wave muttered.

"It was a lot of fun." Snow grinned. "We really had a ball!"

Wave grabbed Echo's briefcase, and slammed himself on the head with it.

"Why did you just do that?" Echo frowned.

"I really don't know..." Wave groaned, before collapsing.

"Would it have something to do with Arcane's power?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, it wou- wait, you know about his powers?" Nano yelped.

"Of course we do." Echo snorted. "We are his parents after all. We've been keeping a close eye on his development."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Elatha asked.

"Honestly, it's been kinda on-and-off lately." Sunset shrugged. "Arcane hadn't used any powers for the last couple of days. We figured he was in a dry spell."

"Well, you figured wrong." Wave said sourly.

"If I had to guess, I'd say Arcane picked up some of Aether's mind-altering abilities." Artorias declared. "Probably the reason why you keep hitting yourself whenever somepony says 'ball'."

Wave struck himself with the briefcase again.

"Oh, thanks a lot..." He groaned.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Sunset smirked. "When I took him shopping with me last week, he hypnotised this stallion with a bowl-cut mane into doing the very same thing."

"Guess he really likes balls." Snow chuckled.

"Yeah, that's real funny." Wave scowled. "And now I'm stuck like this."

"Not quite." Echo smiled. "I can dispel the effects, just as I did for that other gentlestallion."

"So do it already!" Wave growled.

"But of course." Wave brought forth his crystals to drain the dark magic residue.

"Well, problems aside, things weren't so bad." Moana admitted.

"Indeed." Willow nodded. "Arcane is such a delightful little scamp. We can overlook the... complications he powers caused."

"Speak for yourself." Wave growled.

"I'm glad to hear that." Sunset smiled. "Think you could foalsit again sometime."

"I would." Elatha nodded.

"Me too." Nano grinned.

"Count me out." Wave growled. "Once is enough."

Arcane suddenly flapped his wing, creating a gust of wind that messed up Wave's mane again.

"Worst. Day. Ever." Wave scowled.

"Oh, lighten up, Wave." Elatha smirked. "if you ask me, your mane looks better like that."

"...Really?" Wave smiled hopefully.

"Okay, we've all had a long day." Sunset declared. "What say we get dinner started?"

"Yay!" Arcane squealed.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, son." Echo chuckled.

The unusual group made their way into the dining room, eager to eat after such a busy day.

Elsewhere, Hans and Olga Hubris, the delegates who had colluded to have Nightcrawlers rounded up and tagged, were being escorted to a prison in a carriage pulled by two Guards.

"This is ridiculous." Olga scowled. "We are important ambassadors! We don't belong in prison! We shouldn't have to rot in a tiny cell, surrounded by the scum of Equestria!"

"Look, it will be fine, dear." Hans assured, "I still have a couple of favors I can tap into from prison."

"Will it help at all?" Olga growled. "I mean, we tried contacting all of our supporters but none of them won't have anything to do with us! Those spineless buckers..."

"Look, as long as we are living, we will make sure that our cries don't go unheard." Hans declared. "And we will make Echo and Sunset pay for their transgressions."

"Not just them. We need to dispose of the whole lot!" Olga spat "Wheatley, Prince Armor and Princess Cadance... every damn Nightcrawler on this planet... they must burn..."

"Olga... I've never seen you this...this...dark." Hans admitted, a bit put off by his wife's fury.

"Can you blame me, Hans?" Olga asked, her voice dripping with venom. "We are going to prison, while those freaks are out there, free as birds. We should had been able to dispose of them all by now if it wasn't for Frankensteed's incompetence, and Malus's weak will..."

"Look, there is nothing we can do about them now." Hans soothed, "And it will be a while before we will be able to fulfill our duty... but at least we have each other... right?"

"Yeah... each other in a prison cell." Olga snarled, "The moment we get there, I am calling in one of those favors, and I am going to see to it that the hellspawn and Cadance's brat die, so I can relish in their agony... that will show them to not buck with Hubris!"

"Maybe it would be better if we stayed quiet for a while..." Hans suggested. "Wait for the heat to die down, you know..."

"No!" Olga yelled. "Those brats must die! We could even hire another Nightcrawler to do it. It would hide our involvement and raise fear of their kind in one fell swoop!"

"Olga, where would we find a Nightcrawler that is willing to help us? After what we did, they would want to kill us!" Hans pointed out.

"I don't know!" Olga roared, "All I do know is that there will be blood! And I will not rest until there is! We will put all those bleeding-heart Nightcrawlers in their place! Then we will exterminate all those filthy freaks! And if anypony gets in our way, we'll-"

Suddenly, the carriage screeched to a halt, stirring up the two.

"What the-what's going on?!" Hans asked.

"Hey! Why did we stop?!" Olga demanded.

They heard the voices of the Guards outside.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing, pal?" One growled. "You're blocking the road!"

"You're obstructing official business." The other added. "So you'd better-" There was a loud thud. "Ugh!"

The sound of something hitting the ground rang out.

"How dare you assault a Guard?!" The first Guard yelled. "You're gonna-"

There were sounds of struggling, until another body hit the ground.

"Sorry, fellas." A third voice declared. "i know you're just doing your jobs."

The couple's blood ran cold as they heard steps coming towards the back of the carriage, as the doors were then kicked open. Stepping into the carriage was a regally robed figure, the robes being silver with gold lining, and donning a platinum-colored mask, light blue eyes shining through.

"Uh...w-who are you?" Hans asked.

"What do you want from us?!" Olga snarled. "Do you know who we are?!"

The masked figure only chuckled.

"Oh, I am well aware of who you are, Hans and Olga Hubris... I had the joy of making the acquaintance of your son before he died..."

"What? What are you..." Hans sputtered.

The cloaked figure gave a smirk as the pony slipped off it's hood and took off his mask... revealing Sterling Cross's face.

"You." Hans gasped.

"You..." Olga growled.

"Yeah, me." Sterling smirked.

"You... you were there... you are the one who got Stolz killed!" Olga roared. "You and those freaks..."

"Said the parents who had ostracized their son because of his choices and forced him to become that... well, thing." Sterling rebutted. "It's a pity Stolz had to suffer like that, but he kinda brought it on himself..."

"Why are you here?" Hans growled. "Last I heard, you busted out of your little rat hole."

"Simple really...I had come here to put an end to your bigotry...for good." Sterling declared.

"Who do you think you are?" Olga scowled.

"Just a simple Nightcrawler lover." Sterling shrugged. "And a concerned friend. I overheard your little plan..."

"Oh? What of it?" Olga sneered, "What does a worthless criminal care about those freaks?"

"...I do." Sterling glared. "I can care less about what you do to Armor and Cadance's foal... but I had put great effort into bringing that little boy of theirs into this world, and I am not about to let a bunch of Blödes Arschlochs hurt a hair on his head."

"You act as if you have a say in the matter." Olga snarled.

"Actually, I do." Sterling declared.

"What are you going to do to stop us?" Hans frowned, though he was genuinely concerned about their situation.

"Simple." Sterling pulled out a long serrated knife. "I'm going to kill you both."

"What?!" Olga gasped. "You... you can't..."

"Watch me." Sterling growled.

"No, not my wife!" Hans stepped forward. "Not my dear Olga!"

"Yes, your dear Olga." Sterling snarled. "Time for her to pay for her crimes."

"Not today!" Hans rushed him.

Sterling reacted in the blink of an eye, slamming the knife into Hans's throat.

"Urghhh...." Hans choked, the life leaving his eyes, and blood dripping from his mouth, as he dropped to the ground.

"Hans!" Olga screeched. "No!"

"Ol... ga..." Hans choked, as he perished.

"Oh... I really wish he didn't try to be a hero..." Sterling frowned as he wiped the knife on a glove of his hoof, the authenticity of his concern unknown. "He really seemed ready to protect you..."

"You monster!" Olga spat. "Was my fruit of a son not enough for you?! Now you take my husband?!"

"I'm the monster?" Sterling sneered as he gave a haughty laugh. "I wasn't the one who was just plotting to kill some foals, lady."

"It was for the good of the common pony!" Olga insisted. "I would murder countless children to ensure that!"

"Oh, please, don't kid yourself." Sterling snarled. "You just hate Nightcrawlers because they're different. You hate them so much that you'll do anything to get rid of them. There's no 'good' involved. Only pure unadulterated evil... and that is something I cannot abide."

"Who are you to judge me?" Olga scowled. "I know all about what you've done! You're as bad as you think I am. You're a lying, cheating, manipulative, murdering monster! Even your so-called 'friends' weren't safe from your twisted goals!"

Sterling paused for a moment, the truth of Olga's words touching a nerve.

"...Maybe you're right." Sterling admitted, his eyes growing misty for a second... before hardening. "But the only difference is, I admit it. I don't hide behind things such as 'altruism' or 'the greater good'. I do what I do because I have to...oh, and the fact that I don't go for foal-killing!"

"I do whatever it takes." Olga sneered, "All in ensuring a perfect world free of those freaks. That is paradise..."

"You sound just like this prissy prince I used to know." Sterling scoffed, "His bigotry ended up being his undoing. And look where your bigotry had gotten you..." He gestured to Hans' corpse. "You were the one who wanted the Nightcrawlers dead first, weren't you? You and you alone. But you dragged your hapless husband into your twisted schemes, making him guilty all the same. The blood of your husband is on your hooves..."

"You..." Olga seethed.

"To be honest, I am glad that your husband died first... because if anypony deserve to suffer, knowing she was all alone because of her actions, it would be you." Sterling gave a snide grin as he approached her. "Now, you will pay for what you have done."

"We only wanted to make this world a better place." Olga growled, though her voice was now turning into a whimper. "Those freaks had taken everything from us..."

"Yet, what is a perfect world?" Sterling asked, as he then pushed Olga to the wall. "An ideal perverted by the selfish pony. Though who cannot even appreciate the smallest of life should have no business in deciding what is good for the world."

"Oh, spare me the rhetoric." Olga snarled. "Just get this over with. It's what ponies like you are good at..."

"Gladly." Sterling frowned, as suddenly, Olga let out a cry, as Sterling thrusted his knife into her abdomen. Olga felt herself slip down to the floor...

"See you in Tartarus..." Olga managed to spit out with her last breath as her eyes fell shut.

"Look on the bright side." Sterling declared. "You get to be reunited with your husband... in Tartarus."

With that, Sterling took his leave, slipping on his hood and donning his mask.

'She was right about us being alike.' He mused. 'We were both willing to kill for our cause. Even if mine was a more noble one, it still cost me everything. Echo, Sunset, I really am sorry for everything I put you through. But I will make sure monsters like the Hubris' get what they deserve. Even if you probably wouldn't approve of my actions, at least your precious foal will be safe for it. Not that that's much of a consolation to me. My path has already been decided, and I have to walk it... alone.'

Sterling morosely walked down the path, heading to an unknown destination. His heart was heavy with the memories of his friends, and the knowledge of what his goals had cost him...

Author's Note:

Behind The scenes:

* "Our Darkest Days" was the follow-up to "Sunset Shimmer Returns". An epic saga taking Echo and Sunset across the world in search of dark magic artifacts, only to discover a greater threat ahead.

* Like "House Of The Crystal Sun", this story focused on King Sombra's legacy, namely, his spell book.

* Several of the encounters with those corrupted by the pages of Sombra's spell book were loosely based on boss fights from the game Dead Rising 3. In fact, the inventions Gearhead uses in 'End of the Line' are actually weapons you can make in the games, including the Junk Ball.

* Many of the scenes in "Our Darkest Days" were inspired by scenes in Big Hero 6. Synchro's powers (and his mask) were based on the villain Yokai. The chase scene from "The Pride Of Hubris" was based on the chase scene, and much more.

* (Ebony Stallion) From the start, Sterling was meant to betray Echo and Sunset in the end, a la Professor Moody (the fake one in Goblet of Fire) from Harry Potter or Albert Wesker from Resident Evil. However, originally, the betrayal was to show how evil and ruthless Sterling was, and how 'imredeemable' he was. But then came the time I saw the episodes of Agents of SHIELD and met the character of Grant Ward. I cannot say much, since it would be spoilers, but if you know the name and had watched the show faithfully, then you know now how Sterling is characterized. This was a great move as I grew to love Sterling. But I assure you, Sterling's story will vary differently from that of Grant.

* It was in this story that we started the gradual introduction of the shadowy group known as "The Forefathers", who seek to restructure Equestria to their own liking. (Ebony: Also, the Forefathers were inspired by the Sons of the Patriot of Metal Gear Solid IV)

* (Ebony Stallion) The fight scene between Echo and the cop and Echo and his brother were based on Robert Downey Jr.'s Sherlock Holmes fighting sequences in both movies (the first from the first movie in the sparring ring, the second in the second movie in the fight between Sherlock and Moriarty). Echo's character takes after smart British people, especially Robert Downey's portrayal of Sherlock.

* (Ebony Stallion) The Tenebros Gene, the gene that would give Nightcrawlers their powers, is inspired by the inFamous series' 'conduit gene', which gave people powers when they were exposed to the energy of a Ray Sphere, like how Nightcrawlers gain powers by being exposed to dark magic.

* (Ebony Stallion) Two songs were a influence on this story. One was 'The Darkest Part of Me' by Red, which titled 'The Darkest Side of Me', and the song 'Savages' influenced the chapter 'Savages' and Synchro's rhetoric about 'them being savages'.

* (Ebony Stallion) Deathgaze himself was inspired by the Final Fantasy monster, Deathgaze, his powers is that of Delsin Rowe's smoke powers in Infamous: Second Son, and his cutie mark inspired by Crobat of Pokemon.