• Published 12th Oct 2015
  • 2,346 Views, 131 Comments

Arête - Princess Alicorn of Hackers - Lise

Ever since the creation of the Dream Web, Dinky's lived a double life. A bored filly in Ponyville, a dream-hacker in the Web, she lives a quiet life, until one day she comes across something that just might prove that Web deities are real...

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8. Truths and Hesitation

My head was buzzing. Multi Run. I was helping organize a Web-wide Multi Run! Usually that would be good — great even. The only problem was I had never done anything remotely similar. The real life part of me had transformed me into a solo hacker, DD being the only exception I allowed myself to work with.

Covering my face with a pillow, I tried to think of other things. Some distraction, any distraction would be welcome! My mind glossed over recent memories — school, my crush, homework, my crush... Damn it! Even thinking about Shady couldn't get me to relax. Celestia, how did I get involved in this? It was everything I ever dreamed of, but it happened so fast that I couldn't be sure I wanted to go ahead or not.

"Celestia, take me!" I shouted into my pillow. For probably the only time in my life I wished I could return to being simple, boring, unnoticeable Dinky.

Buck it! I threw the pillow across the room. Staying in bed wasn't helping me any. I could potentially try logging on, arranging a meet with DD and discuss things with her. Then again, it might only make me more nervous.

"Dinky?" I heard someone say in front of my door. "Are you alright?"

"Everything's fine, Sis," I yelled, covering my eyes with a hoof. "Am just..."

Before I could finish the door creaked open. No hoof steps, though. I perked my ears to try to catch any sound.

"What's wrong, little Sis?" I heard Amethyst ask.

I sighed. As much as I needed to talk to somepony, I knew it couldn't be her. The less she knew about the Web, the better. Besides she couldn't understand if she wanted to.

"It's about your coltfriend, isn't it?" she asked.

"Huh?" My eyes popped wide open. "Wha?"

"It didn't go well, did it?" Amethyst shook her head. "I know you lied to me earlier."

What the hay, Sis? The date was a total disaster, but not in the way she was thinking. Well, maybe it wasn't a total disaster. Shady wasn't the prince I was fantasizing about, but there were good points to being with a bad colt. Damn it! There I went again! What was I thinking?!

"It's nothing," I said meekly. Just great. Now she managed to get me to worry about the Multi Run and Shady Daze. "He just was—" a total jerk with whom I am still infatuated"—different from what I expected." I turned to the side. "It's not him, though."


"Never mind." I levitated a blanket over me. "It's not important."

Half of me hoped she would take the hint and leave. Feeling a hoof on my shoulder, however, made me feel somewhat better.

"You know I wasn't much older than you when I came to Ponyville," Amethyst started. This wasn't the first time she would bring up the past in an attempt to force feed me some moral. "I was a bit different back then — overconfident, trying to prove something to Equestria. I dropped out of school, used all my allowance money to buy a ticket and caught the first train out of Canterlot."

Whoa! My sister the rebel? That was difficult to imagine. Ever since I could remember she worked hard and partied harder.

"The first job I got in Ponyville, I got because I was annoying enough and refused to leave," she chuckled. "You can't imagine how bad I was. The bits I got, after damages were deduced, were so few I barely had enough to eat, let alone rent someplace."

"But mom and dad told me you were doing great," I turned around, eyes wide in amazement. "They showed me the letters. You had lots of friends, an 'important and responsible occupation' and all that."

"Sweety," she ruffled my mane, "did you really think that ponies couldn't lead two lives before the Dream Web was created? I lied my horn off in those letters. I was living on pocket change Lyra and Minuette would give me when they came to visit. I crashed so many times at Derpy's that her parents started considering me part of the family. Hay, I only got this house because I begged Mayor Mare for weeks. And even then I couldn't afford to pay her rent for the first seven months."

There was nothing for me to say. All this time I thought of Amethyst as an extreme achiever stuck with the most boring job there was, but also the greatest friends. When mom sent me to Ponyville to spend time with her it was the most magical experience I had.

"But you're good at what you do," I said. "More than good. A pony doesn't become leader of the animal team just like that."

"That's exactly what I'm getting at, Dinky," she smiled. "I am good now. Why do you think Derpy took care of you when you were younger? I couldn't even do that right. All I had were big dreams, a big mouth, and a few friends."

Big mouth, I thought. She definitely could say that again.

"You, on the other hoof, have everything going for you, but are scared to use it." For some reason I felt a brick of ice form in my stomach. "You have good looks, I know you are doing things in the Web I can't even imagine, even in school you could be top of your class. The only thing you don't do, is try."

The talk. I always hated this talk, especially when she was so close to the truth. Buck it, Sis! You think I don't know that?! That's the whole reason Harpy came into being — the side of me that could be what everypony wanted me to be, the side that was what I wanted me to be.

"I know well enough you have your problems," Amethyst looked me right in the eye. "I don't know if it's because of Shady Daze, or something else, but locking yourself in your room and shouting 'Celestia, take me' isn't going to fix things."

Damn it! I had to get her to leave! If she continued in this fashion, I was going to tell her, and I didn't want to. Nopony, least her, deserved to have the Conglomerate breathe down their neck.

"I understand, Sis," I closed my eyes and turned away. If I could manage tears I would, though that was a skill I lacked. "You're right. It is Shady," I lied. "And I'll fix it, but—" This is so cheesy! No way anypony will fall for this! "—I need to be alone for a while."

Maybe I should say I was being bullied at school? That could help, although then it might get DD in trouble. Or I could blame Snips? Suddenly I heard the sound of the door closing. Surely it couldn't be that easy. Quickly I opened my eyes and looked around. No trace of Amethyst. Wow! Seems like she bought it. Was that a good thing, though?

Quietly, I took my Web gear and placed it over my head. I was going to take action, but not in the way Amethyst thought. Using several protocols, I arranged to have a delivery made in the real world. For all concerned, School Loose was sending a rather expensive fruit salad as a gift. In truth it was message for a meeting place. My only concern was whether the pony I was sending it to would figure it out.

The order placed, I returned to the real world. There was only one thing left to do. Opening the window, I levitated myself outside. I had ten minutes to get to school.

Galloping in the dark was among my least favourite activities. In the Web, I could have my avatar suppress any physical pain. Here, I had to endure, and unlike Scoots, I wasn't particularly good at sports. By the time I reached the schoolyard, my lungs felt like they would explode. Buck, I really was a wreck! I definitely had to get myself into shape if I was to attempt a life in the real world.

The school was locked, but there were ways around that. A quick spell and door was open. Another, and the corridor floor started glowing in a soft green — enough so one doesn't bump into things, but not so bright as to attract attention from the outside.

Please, Celestia, help me get through this. In the Web this would be so much different. There I would have the upper hoof. Every fiber in my body screamed this to be a mistake. Too late now, though. I had already passed the point of no return.

Minutes passes in darkness, each slower than the last. Interesting, if I made a virus to block an avatar's senses, how would ponies react? Logically, they would try an emergency disconnect.

A cough filled the corridor behind me. Startled I jumped to my hooves. How come I hadn't heard anything until now?

"One step behind, as usual," Silver Spoon emerged from the far end of the corridor. Her features were barely visible in the dim light, but I could tell it was her. "You should have come, then sent the message 'School Loser'."

"Was worried you wouldn't figure it out," I tried to bluff some confidence in my words.

"Dinky, I didn't leave an important soirée to listen to your attempts at bravery," Silver said venomously.

"No, you didn't." It took all my will not to take a step back. "You came because you want to know if DD is in trouble." It was a wild guess, but the best thing I had. "I know you are Conglomerate."

The phrase made her pause. For a long moment she stood there motionless, then needlessly adjusted her glasses. Got you!

"What makes you so convinced?" she asked. The real question though was 'Did DD tell you?'

"Diamond used Phoenix powers," I said cautiously. "I know she isn't Conglomerate, and you did mention that you gave her your Web gear. There aren't that many places she could get that sort of code."

"Oh," Silver said. Not exactly the response I was expecting. "I should have checked what was in that thing before I gave it to her. Serves me right, I guess, for making such a stupid mistake."

On the outside she seemed composed, but I could sense by her voice she was boiling with anger. Having been called out as being a Conglomerate VIP had to hurt, especially coming from me. And still, I was so envious of the way she handled it. Me, I was ready to call it quits the moment Shady discovered my secret. Silver didn't seem to have any such intention.

"Is that all?" A hint of impatience vibrated through her words.

"She is in deep trouble," I said. With Silver I was best not beat around the bush. Clearly she couldn't stand me. "That's why I need to talk to you. Is there anything we should be worried about?"

At this very moment I so wished I could use even a fraction of my Web protocols. If I could tag Silver, or even inject code, the things I could learn... Hay, I might get info on the mythical ICE-blocker codes.

"Despite what you think, my family is not involved with the Web," she said sharply. "As future heiress of my mother's operations, I occasionally get toys I have no use for. My family deals with silver, nothing else." Walking a tad stiffer than usual, she passed by me, on her way to the exit. A few steps away, she paused. "I heard they are hiring big names. WingClipper has entered negotiations. So whatever you are doing do it fast."

"Right." I nodded. It was exactly like WingClipper to do anything for money. Knowing that the Corporation had started hiring grey hackers, though, told me all I needed to know.

"Take care of yourselves,” she added. “Too few ponies are spooked about the Luna situation, and they should be."

Hardly waiting for me to respond, Silver trotted on outside. I remained a little longer. The stakes were real. If the Conglomerate was preparing for open war with Princess Luna, there was no telling what else they might do. This was going to get messy.

I went outside. The sky was strange — blackish blue and completely covered in stars. It must have been years since I looked at. I had spent so many nights in the Web that I had grown accustomed to the magenta variant. The normal sky seemed so foreign somehow.

Buck it! I am too young to become sentimental! It's just a sky for hay's sake!

"Different, isn't it?" I heard a voice beside me. Instinctively, I jumped back, my horn flaring up.

"Easy there, muffin," the voice said, as my senses adjusted to the familiar form of Derpy. My mentor and former foalsitter was standing there calmly, as if nothing had happened. Buck it, MaDster! You almost gave me a heart attack!

"No need to twist a hoof." She approached. Even at this light I could see her goofy smile. "You'll miss out on a beautiful night, if you do." Derpy took out a muffin from her saddlebag and offered it to me. Some things never change.

"Thank you," The magic around my horn faded away. Quietly, I accepted the bread roll, and took a bite. "Rose petals?" I looked at the pegasus, as the sweet sensation hit my taste buds. I loved rose petal muffins! It had been years since I tasted one.

"Just because I'm no longer your foalsitter doesn't mean I don't watch out for you," she patted me on the head with her wing. "And you don't need to worry about a thing. He's very into you."

"Huh?" I looked at her puzzled, taking another bite of the muffin.

"Shady," Derpy said helpfully. "I've been tracking his Web activity. The last few days he's been doing quite a bit of searches regarding you. Both as Harpy and yourself."

"Oh?" I feigned ignorance. Of course I had the same idea, but just hadn't gotten round to doing it. I guess it was nice to know that Shady was interested.

"A lot of Web grabs too," she went on. "And quite the picture collection from your school trips to the lake."

"Derpy!" I felt that even the moonlight couldn't hide the blush on my face. "I didn't want to know that!" Damn it all! Right now, I couldn't figure out should I be happy or disappointed.

"Just joking, little muffin," she smiled in her typical childish way. Why do you enjoy playing with my emotions like this?! "There were no pictures. He still did a few searches on you. And bragged to a few friends he's got the 'rad-est marefriend in the Web'."

I narrowed an eye in disbelief. No way she was pulling the same prank on me twice.

"Of course, most thought he was talking about Scootaloo and told him to get a real life."

That last bit was funnier that I would have liked to admit. Try as I might to retain my mopey expression, the image of Shady hitting on Scoots forced a chuckle. He was so not her type.

"There," Derpy said happily placing a wing on my shoulder. "Life is much better when you smile."

That was probably the worst cliché I had ever heard. Coming from her, however, made it sound deep. At least now that I knew she was MaDster.

"Ditzy," I started to say, but she shushed me and pointed to the sky. Try as I might, however, I couldn't enjoy it. Looking at the stars, I kept thinking of Arête and the Conglomerate. No way they would let go of their golden egg easily. And even if we managed to free her with a Multi Run, then what?

"Ditzy," I ventured again. No reaction. "Why did you choose me? DD is much better in Web code, and she definitely can get more ponies to join. Hay, she is one of the Web's sweethearts. I am just a solo hacker."

"Hush, now," Derpy didn't move her eyes from the sky. "I thought it would help you, so I slowly guided you along the way. I only intervened once you got noticed. That you did on your own."

"And afterwards?" Memories of recent events passed through my mind. The logs I got about the collapsing sector — was that my doing or hers? Cold chills shot through my entire body. What if Harpy was a lie? What if I was Dinky all along, behind a make-believe mask, carefully created by Derpy in order to protect me?

"Do you know why Luna chose me to be her Dream Knight?" She asked.

Interesting question. I knew that Derpy was far better a flyer than ponies gave her credit for. I knew that she was one of five pegasi with a permit to handle storm clouds. Was any of that a reason, though? Slowly I shook my head.

"I have no idea," she laughed. "I found it fun at the time, so I agreed. Now I'm her Web General. As such, I can choose who does what in the Multi Run, so you are it," she booped my nose with her hoof. Great. I had somehow hoped more had gone into the decision than just that. On the other hoof, Scootaloo was so jealous I was chosen over her that it was worth it.

"Just one piece of advice," Derpy gave me a small box from her saddlebag. Sensing the faint sweet smell of sugared rose petals, I opened it. It was no secret that I had a taste for roses. Thus, my disappointment was all the greater, when I found the box to be completely empty.

Puzzled, I looked at Derpy.

"Think outside the box," she laughed, then flew off into the sky, leaving her saddlebag behind. It was full of rose petal muffins...

Author's Note:

Web General - title given to one who has the skills and authority to act as a Triumvir's proxy. Currently, the only Web General is believed to be the notorious Web hacker going by the name MaDster. It is speculated that he serves Princess Luna in her Web activities, although there is still no proof on the matter.
The Conglomerate has offered a reward of 1,000,000 bits for any information relating to MaDster's real life identity.