• Published 29th May 2012
  • 10,426 Views, 133 Comments

Equestria: Global Offensive - Material Defender

  • ...


CT: 0 - T: 0

Spitfire awoke with a flash of heat bearing down on her head. She couldn't tell where she was, but it was quiet... too quiet. No doubt Soarin' had played another one of his damn pranks on him again... she would definitely tear his flank a new one this time. It was only minutes before the show, and he picked now of all times to do this?

"Soarin'! Where the buck are you?!" She attempted to move and found that she wasn't in control of her body. She wasn't even tied up, so why couldn't she move?

"I'm... I'm right here, Spitfire. Wh-what happened? I can't see anything."

"Real funny, Soarin'. Get these stupid blindfolds off of my eyes. I don't have time for your stupid games! And I can't move, either!"

"Yeah, funny thing about that... I can't see or move either."

"Not buying that. So what'd you do, huh?" Spitfire asked, trying to pinpoint the position of Soarin's voice. "Unicorn magic got my feet rooted to the ground?"

"Uh, really, Spitfire, this... this isn't a joke. I'm stuck here with you."

"A likely story. Seriously, Soarin, our show is in less than half an hour. Whatever it is that you've done to me, stop it."

"I'm serious, Spitfire! I'm telling the truth! It really isn't me!"

"Okay, then who is it? Fleetfoot? Rapidfire? Who else could it be? And if you lie to me, I'll kick your sorry flank all the way from here to Manehattan."

"Agh! I'm not joking this time, I absolutely swear it, Spitfire! I'm stuck in this room with you, and--"

"...hello? Is anypony out there?" they heard a faint voice shout from what appeared to be another room.

"Yes! Fleetfoot, is that you?!" Spitfire shouted back.

"Spitfire? Oh, thank Celestia! I'm... I'm stuck in another room with Rapidfire... what's going on out there?"

"You tell me! You sure this isn't some elaborate prank you're all playing on me? And tell the truth, because if I find out you're lying to me, the whole team is going to get quadruple overtime in every training session for the next year!"

There was the sound of loud rumbling coming from outside, quickly echoing through the room before quickly stopping.

"What... what was that?" Soarin' nervously asked.

"I don't know, Soarin'... but we better hope that noise isn't coming for us..."

"Ahhhhhh! Help! Help me! No, stop it, whoever you are and - Spitfire! Help! Help us! No, Rapidfire! My hooves - why are they moving? Stop, damn it, stop moving! AHHHHHH!" Fleetfoot's shrill voice pinged through the halls, sending chills down Spitfire and Soarin's spines, as her requests began fading into the distance.

They heard the sound of a door opening and more exploding noises, before they heard the sound of hoofsteps approaching them. Spitfire wasn't sure what anypony could want with them... but she wasn't in a position to argue.

"Who... who's there?!"

No response.

"Show yourself! Take off these damn blindfolds!"

"I have the hostages."

"What?! Hostages? Who the buck are you? Let us go, we haven't done anything to you! I--" She felt her body disobey her as her hooves began moving. "What the buck is this? Soarin'? Soarin'! Where are you?"

"I'm right behind--" They stopped moving and Soarin' immediately bumped into her side. "--you."

"What in Equestria is going on here?!" she shouted.

"I don't know either, okay?! Sheesh, I already swore on my own honor and love for pies that this isn't a prank! I'm about as clueless on this as you are! I was enjoying a nice pie until everything went black and I ended up here with you!"


A hostage has been rescued!


A hostage has been rescued!

"What? Does that mean that Fleetfoot and Rapidfire are okay?" Spitfire asked.

"I don't know! Oh, this sucks... I'll never be able to finish my pie..."

The sound of explosions appeared yet again, except this time, it was far closer. The being that had been bringing them along was seemingly engaged in a fight with others unknown to the Wonderbolts. Whatever weapon it was, it sounded loud, powerful, and absolutely terrifying. It certainly didn't help much when a stray shot barely grazed Soarin's cheek.

"Hooooooooly buck, that hurts!" he said. "Okay, hooves, do you things and keep moving, please!"

They began moving forward, running up and down stairs and around corners, unsure of where they were going due to their blindness. Before long, the fighting had died down and they ran into room with much cooler temperatures and a rolling wind... that meant that they were outside. They felt a surging feeling, as if they were being pulled into some other realm as they walked forward.


A hostage has been rescued!


A hostage has been rescued!

The blue-clad had led them over a small green square labeled 'Hostage Rescue Zone'.

Counter-Terrorists Win!

CT: 1 - T: 0

Derpy slowly made her way to the streets, ignoring the gaze of passerbys as they wondered how such a mare ended up in Canterlot. She looked like she had been through Tartarus and back, and had given it everything to reach Canterlot on nothing but her own hooves.

She was walking along the main street on the way to the royal castle, when she remembered the Wonderbolts show performing in Canterlot that night. That must have been the reason why so many ponies were out and about, and all the shops seemed to be overflowing with customers.

And then she heard the crackling. That horrible sound, breaking through the air of the Equestrian capital city, a sound that Derpy had hoped that she wouldn't have to hear for a long time. If one hadn't been through what she had, it could be easily mistaken for fireworks.

But these weren't fireworks. The sound wasn't high-pitched as the fireworks shot into the air, nor did they explode with a light puff of sound. These ones were sharp and pierced the air, and repeated themselves in quick succession. That was how Derpy knew that the threat of these strange beings had finally arrived in Canterlot.

"Mommy, are they starting the fireworks already?" she heard a filly ask her mom.

"Oh, maybe they are. Let's head to the skybridge to see if we can catch it there, okay?"

Derpy watched as the filly happily hopped along with her mother. What of Dinky back in Ponyville? Through the chaos, she realized that she had completely forgotten about her foal, and dearly hoped that she was in safe hooves. At least the beings were incapable of hurting ponies... or so she hoped.

She continued down her path to the royal castle, passing by groups of more ponies on their way to the skybridge or the Canterlot stadium to watch the show. Princess Celestia desperately needed to know about the attack on Ponyville: they weren't prepared for what would happen, especially given the fact that guard readiness was too lax.

Suddenly, the sound of screaming could be heard from the stadium as the crowd began to shift towards the opposite direction, scrambling away from the stadium.

"Monsters! There are monsters in there! Somepony call the royal guards!" somepony in the crowd shouted.

So they were truly here... was there no place in Equestria that these beings haven't touched?

Another surge of screams came from afar as more crackling noises from weapons tore through the skies. They quickly ran for the nearest safe haven: the royal castle and any local guard stations. Well, at least everypony knew those weren't fireworks anymore.

A trio of pegasi royal guards appeared in the air, neutrally observing the panic of the fleeing crowd as they approached the stadium. Not soon after, though, a look of shock registered on their faces as their magic began to fail and they plummeted to the ground. Thankfully, though there were a number of hay bales located nearby, which all three landed on with no further harm.

Derpy immediately confronted them with a steeled face. "I have vital information pertaining to the new threat that Princess Celestia needs to know!"

The guard gave her a look of disbelief. "Sorry, ma'am, but I'm afraid we're busy trying to sort out this whole mess right now. And not to mention that whatever's going at the stadium also has the means to disable pony magic!"

"But this is important! This same thing happened in Ponyville just earlier today, and I had to travel all the way here by hoof to deliver this important message!"

He hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. "Fine. Corporal, you take the private and do crowd control. I'll take this mare to the Princess." His wings swung around in random directions as he got off the hay bale. "Sheesh, it's like I've completely forgotten how to fly..." He looked at Derpy. "Very well. If you believe the information is so important, then I'll take you to see the Princess. That, and I have to request backup for this whole thing."

The crackling noise was barely discernible above the din of the screaming crowds, and several more unicorn royal guard units passed by the standing group in the streets.

"Thank you," Derpy said. "I think we should go now."


"Say..." she said, following him down the street and pushing past other ponies. "Have you heard any loud voices from the sky around here yet?"

"No... what does that have anything to do with--"

Counter-Terrorists Win!

He stopped to stare up into the sky before turning around to look at Derpy with a surprised face.


CT: 2 - T: 0

Outside of Canterlot, the winds swirled with unnatural force as a small area in a grass field nearby crackled with small traces of purple lightning. In a single instant, it exploded with an engulfing bright light and slowly faded, leaving six confused ponies and one dazed baby dragon behind.

"What... it wasn't supposed to do that!" Twilight said.

"Well, what was it supposed to do then, dear?" Rarity asked.

"It was supposed to take us straight to the castle, or more specifically, directly into Princess Celestia's throne room! I don't know what went wrong... it should have worked as intended. I've used this spell plenty of times before without any incident at all!"

"There's always the possibility that it went wrong, you know. Sometimes magic can be such a fickle thing, so if--" Rarity was cut off as more cracks and a roar of screams came from within the city.

"Uh..." Dash said. "I don't think that's a good thing..."

"Ooooooooooh!" Pinkie said, hopping around. "I bet they're already here!"

"But th-that's... isn't that..." Fluttershy whispered. "Isn't the Wonderbolts show tonight?"

"Oh, hay!" Dash facehoofed. "I totally forgot about that! I was going to attend tonight, too. Wait, if those humans are here..."

"...and with the excessive crowding caused by the Wonderbolts show..." Rarity continued.

"...and they're at the Wonderbolts show blowin' things up..." Applejack followed.

"...then that means that we're running out of time!" Twilight finished. "We need to get to Princess Celestia as soon as possible! Or at least hope Derpy got the message across in time. Let's go, girls!" They galloped for the Canterlot city gates as ponies fled past them.

"Looks like they had a full house," Dash said, stepping out of the way of the moving group as she maneuvered to Applejack's side.

"Well, I guess I know why my teleport spell didn't work," Twilight said. "If the magic nullification field is up, then it prevents the spell from completing passage to the castle and instead dropped us off at the nearest available point... which would be outside the city."

"So, what are they after this time? The guards are probably evacuating everypony out of the stadium if that's their target. And that also means that they're going to try to blow up the Canterlot stadium... aw, hay, that's going to get ugly really fast."

"We're just going to have to wait and see, Dash," Twilight said. "We've already extrapolated that the two sides appear within a certain distance from each other, and their target destinations for planting their bombs are always within hoof-traveling distance. That means that if we find one, the other one must be nearby with equal importance. But what could possibly hold as much value as the Canterlot stadium?"

"The royal castle?" Applejack offered.

"No, no that's too far away. And not to mention that the castle itself has multiple buildings all with very important functions. It would just be too counterproductive to try to split between the castle and the stadium."

"Oh, no! What if the Wonderbolts are still in there? I have to make sure they're safe!" Dash said.

"No, wait, Dash, hold on!" Twilight said, but it was no use. Dash immediately started running for the stadium, the lights and tall flying flags on the perches of the stadium's walls viewable in the distance.

"Uh... is it normal for the skies to be like that?" Applejack said, pointing up towards a gathering group of darkened rain clouds. The entire city began to experience a light drizzle as the emergency weather pegasi teams were unable to deal with the newfound problem.

"Oh, no..." The group took cover underneath the awning of a nearby shop observing the skies. "Is their magic nullification field causing this? I really wish I could study this in-depth right now..." Most of the other ponies around them had stopped their retreat and taken cover as they, too, looked up into the skies at the brewing rainclouds.

A single crack of lightning burst forth from above, haphazardly striking the ground in front of Twilight and her friends, accentuated by a single piece of sound, familiar only to them. One that cemented their worries, and made Twilight's heart sink.

Terrorists Win!

CT: 2 - T: 1

Braeburn awoke to the sound of thunder as the train began shuddered slightly, knocking the hat off of his head. Picking it up, he looked out the window, and saw that the train was on the final approach up the final length of track on the mountainside before making the final stop at Canterlot. With any due luck, they could arrange for an expedient meeeting with the Princess and appeal their problems as soon as possible.

Looking around his compartment, he saw Silverstar sleeping on the opposite side, snoring in his sleep and oblivious to the growing bad weather in the skies. The rest of the Appleloosans would most certainly be ready to depart the train as soon as possible and look for temporary lodgings.

Silverstar woke up with a huff and smacked his lips as he lazily looked around. "Where are we?" he groggily asked Braeburn.

"Just on the final run to Canterlot, Sheriff."

"Oh, good. All this business had thrown me for a turn. Kind of hankering for some good food right 'bout now."

"Heh. You and me both, Sheriff. I'd suggest you get everypony up and lodged 'fore the night is over. I'll try and see if I can't get a meeting with Princess Celestia as soon as possible."

"Sheesh. I wonder if she'll even believe us. I hope she does."

"You and me both," Braeburn repeated. "You and me both..."

The train squealed to a halt as the brakes began to kick into action. Dozens of ponies and their belongings disembarked, looking around the station in wonder. Braeburn remembered that many of them had never been to the city before, as most had been farmer ponies for most of their lives.

"Alright, everypony, if y'all would just gather your things and follow me downtown, I'll try to see if we can't get some arrangements for us! I have a few friends in town and I'm sure they'd be more than willing to help us with our troubles."

Ponies all around were content with the answer, and headed out of the station along with Braeburn and Silverstar, only to run into an enormous crowd all circling around a group of royal guards.

"Everypony, please calm down!" the lead guard shouted. "We are well aware of the threat that awaits within the Canterlot stadium! As of this moment, we have teams heading inside to survey and deal with the threat. Unfortunately, it would also seem that the perpetrators also seem to have an unusual magical nullification device, preventing our pegasi and unicorn magic from being used."

"No magic?! We're all doomed!" a crowd member shouted.

"Quiet!" the guard responded. "We have the situation under control. In the meantime, please stay calm and keep away from the stadium. The threat has been confirmed to be contained within, so it's off-limits to civilians. Thank you all for your cooperation."

Braeburn exchanged looks with Silverstar. Had something gone down before they arrived here? It must have been deadly serious if the guards had to close off an entire area in the city to contain it.

He turned to look around the city when he spotted a familiar group walking past the train station.

"Howdy there, Applejack!" he said.

Applejack turned to look at him, her face registering as much surprise as his did. "Braeburn! What'cha doin' in Canterlot?"

"Well, there were some things that showed up at Appleloosa and started tearing the whole place apart! We barely managed to finish the harvest before we packed up all our things and took the train to Canterlot to get help from the Princess! Say, uh, do you know what's goin' on down here? There's a lot of guards about."

"Things...?" Twilight said, walking up next to Applejack. "Did these 'things' happen to walk on two-legs and use strange weapons?"

"And they wear blue or tan?"

"Exactly! So it wasn't just us, either, then..."

"Uh, mind tellin' me what exactly is goin' on here, Applejack?" Braeburn asked.

"These things - 'humans', one of our experts calls 'em - have been appearin' all over Equestria! First, they were in the Everfree, then they came to Ponyville and Appleloosa, and now it looks like they're here in Canterlot! I don't know what these humans are up to, but it can't be good. I mean, they tried to blow up our barn back at Sweet Apple Acres!"

"What?! That's absolutely horrible! Geez, if these things are really like that, then it's a good thing the royal guards are around to put a stop to 'em."

"Well, almost," Silverstar said. "Turns out they can't hurt us, but that works both ways."

"Yes, we saw that when they were running around Ponyville. There are always five wearing each of the respective colors, and they always seem to only fight against each other, but nopony else. Their objective is to destroy one of two key targets within each specific region for at least ten rounds."

"Uh, blow things up?" Braeburn said, raising an eyebrow. "Back when they were doin' all that crazy stuff at Appleloosa, they didn't blow anything up at all! Just went out into the streets and had a straight fight 'till one side won."

"Hmm, that's interesting..." Twilight said, raising a hoof to her chin. "Perhaps their methods of engagement vary between locations. Anyway, we were on our way to warn Princess Celestia about this."

"Well, shucks, I was headin' down to the castle, too! Sheriff Silverstar here was going to lead the folks down to... well, wherever we can grab a place to stay, I guess."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'm sure Princess Celestia might be willing to accommodate something for the Appleloosans if I put in a good word."

"Thank you kindly, Twilight, we'd very much appreciate that. Now, what say you we head on down to the castle and--"


A single powerful shot resonated as lightning cracked around the stadium and thunder shook the skies.

Terrorists Win!

CT: 2 - T: 2

"Hold on there, ma'am. Princess Celestia has ordered that the entire area around the stadium is off-limits to civilians. Please turn back and return to downtown."

"But the Wonderbolts are in there! Don't you know who I am?"

"Yes, ma'am, we all do, but orders are orders. I'll have to apologize and ask that you let the royal guards deal with this matter."

"But I've seen them before! I know what might happen. Let me in!"

"I'm sorry, but no."

Dash huffed. "Fine. But where are the Wonderbolts? Are they safe?"

The guard visibly shifted. "They're... currently in the process of being evacuated."

"That's a lie. Even I can do better than that. They're all caught up in this mess, aren't they?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "As an Element of Harmony and one of Princess Celestia's chosen protectors, I demand that you let me know what's going on in there!"

The guard maintained his steel-faced visage for the longest time... and then sighed. "Listen, it's really bad. Whatever it is going on inside there, the Wonderbolts, or at least their top four, are caught up in it. From what we can gather from eyewitnesses, Spitfire, Soarin', Fleetfoot, and Rapidfire are the ones still inside, and some sort of strange magic is preventing them from escaping."

"What? Then let me in, I'll get to them!" She attempted to push past him but was stopped by a solid hoof against her chest.

"No, ma'am. Orders are orders. It's too dangerous in there, and we can't--"

*bang bang*

"Oh, my gosh, Soarin'! Soarin'! Are you alright?" the two could barely hear Spitfire say through a grated window that led to the under-tunnels of the stadium.

"Why am I always the one getting hurt?! Can't these guys pick something else to use their hot-pain-pokey weapons on? Like a wall?!" Soarin' said.

"Where did it hit? Can you still walk?"

"Ugh, I think it hit me in the side... I feel like I should be dead right now, but my hooves keep moving!"

"Just... just hold on there, okay? We'll make it out of this just fine!"

"Oh, I hope so... buck, this really hurts."

Dash and the guard slowly looked at each other.

"So... I think I might be wrong..." Dash said. "I'm just going to go report back to my friend Twilight now..."

"Sure... you... go ahead and do that, then..." the guard replied.

With a turnabout, she ran off for the castle, hoping to meet Twilight there. This was big news. Things had changed, and changed a lot, and it seemed that the humans were clearly capable of hurting ponies now. And Spitfire and Soarin' were stuck in there in the middle of all of it! This day just couldn't get any worse.


Hostage down!

"I - oh, my gosh, Soarin'! Soarin'?! Are you okay?! Soarin'!" Spitire cried out. She was cut off as another flurry of gunfire engulfed the night, like a symphony of angry drums beating to the atonal rhythm of the storm.

Counter-Terrorists Win!

CT: 3 - T: 2

"Ugh... what... what happened... where am I?" Soarin' said, his head feeling like it had just been hit by a brick.

"Soarin'! You're okay!" Spitfire elatedly said.

"Huh...? Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"I... I could have sworn that you just died."

"Oh... right. I remember that. As a reminder to everypony I meet, dying kind of sucks."

"Do you really think now is the time to be making jokes?" The distaste in her voice was evident.

"Sorry, sorry, just my coping mechanism, you know. But I really wish they'd stop picking me as a pincushion."

"Hostages are safe. Moving 'em now."

"Here we go again..." Spitfire said. Sure enough, the feeling of their bodies shifting their hooves towards whatever doorway they were going through. "Oh, showers, we're going through the locker rooms again."

"Hmm, I forgot, is this the stallion or mare's locker rooms?" Soarin' jokingly said. "But since you managed to point the showers out before I did..."

"Oh, dream on, flier boy."

"I will, don't worry." He chuckled. "So, which way is your locker, huh?" he said as they passed through the humid quarters.

"Soarin', really, you just died, I'm still in shock, and... okay, really, nevermind."

"I'm just coping. Gosh, I could use some pie right about now. Delicious and amazing pie... I really hope I - OW! Hey, that really freaking hurts!" He turned his head in various directions, ears trying to make sense of the gunfight around him. "Come on, hooves, move, damn it!" He felt two more sharp pains in his legs. "Aw, buck!" Then, as quickly as it had came, the fight ended, and they were moving again.

"Soarin'? You okay? I haven't heard from Fleetfoot or Rapidfire in a while..."

"Somepony called us?" Fleetfoot's voice said.

"Fleetfoot! Where are you?" Spitfire asked.

"Um... I think I'm standing... about a bench away from you? I can hear you loud and clear."

"Are you okay? Did you take any hits?"

"Yeah... I took a whole bunch on my way up to here. I don't know who these ponies are, but I think they're all crazy or something! I keep hearing them talk and then things go all explodey and then the next thing I know, I can't hear Rapidfire anymore! It's crazy!"

"Mmhmm," Rapidfire said. "I think I actually sort of... died... at one point." He voiced a shudder. "That was not fun business."

"You, too, huh?" Soarin' asked. "I'm starting to think they have something against stallions."

"Yeah. I think we're stuck with a different guy and - oh, yep, there we go, hooves moving again. Well, good luck to you, Soarin'. I hope the royal guards put these crackpots on trial and slam them with some hard jail time. I'd try to keep Fleetfoot safe, but obviously, I can't do it right now!" he said, as his voice faded.

"Hmm, seems a bit too quiet now..." Spitfire said.

*bang bang bang*

"Guh... oh, I definitely felt those ones..." Soarin' coughed.

"Not again! Just... just hold on, Soarin', you'll be fine!"


A hostage has been rescued!


A hostage has been rescued!

"Well, I guess they're safe... now I have to worry about my own skin..."

"Stop talking, you might give us away!"

"Spitfire, we're wearing sky-blue uniforms with flashy yellow lightning bolts on them. I don't think secrecy is high on our list of concerns at the moment." He gave a short raspy cough.

"You... well, yeah, okay, I'll give you that. But keep it down will you? No need to talk when you're hurt..."

"Sure. Anyway, I swear, when I get out, I'm going to eat so many pies..."

"Don't talk! You're hurt right now, just hold on, okay?"

A rush of air flew through their manes yet again. Rescue was close. They only had to wait but a moment longer as their mysterious shepherd led them towards their momentary salvation.


"Sss, ah!" Spitfire hissed. A shot found her straight in the side.

"Yep, just keep moving, Spitfire, ignore the pain!"

"You make it sound so easy..."

"Already died once, can't be any worse than that!"

"Well, I think that--"


A hostage has been rescued!


A hostage has been rescued!

Counter-Terrorists Win!

CT: 4 - T: 2

"Panic! Panic in the streets!" a crazed stallion shouted before running out of the bar.

Braeburn sat at his table, nursing his own drink as he stared down at his reflection. At his cousin's behest, he had opted to stay behind and help the Appleloosans. And what a great idea that had turned out to be... despite Celestia granting them immediate asylum, the panic in the streets was still fully held the city in its grasp.

"Shucks, doesn't look like it's gettin' any better," Silverstar said, the gruff sheriff sitting right next to him. "It's like a honkin' madhouse out there."

Braeburn frowned at the ongoing ruckus from the crowd, taking a long drink from his mug. "Well, sheriff, I reckon I've seen a lot of crazy things in my lifetime, but this one takes the cake."

"I'll say," Silverstar said, responding in kind by taking a sip from his own drink. "I hope the Princess can get this whole mess sorted out 'fore it snowballs out of control... like what happened back in Appleloosa with the buffalo."

"Now, sheriff, that was just a misunderstanding, and you know how stubborn both of our sides were. This is nothin' of the sort. Here we got crazy two-legged beings running around with weapons that spew fire and lightning that don't want to negotiate for anythin'. That's kind of hard to work with."

"I hear the Wonderbolts are all caught up in the middle of this."

"Really now? Wish I could do more, but I guess it's out of our hooves with how the royal guard locked down this city faster than a pony can blink. 'Sides, we aren't trained to do deal with crazies like 'em, anyway."

"You hear that loud voice in the sky? Applejack says it's always around when those guys show up."

"No kidding? Judgin' from I heard, it's a mighty huge fight goin' on inside. Strange weapons they got, downright fearsome, but I think our little guess that they can't hurt ponies just got blown straight out of the water."

"Probably picked the Wonderbolts on purpose, I'd reckon. Popular, high-profile, and with plenty of folks worryin' their flanks off for 'em." A large group of royal guards passed the bar window as Silverstar fiddled with his mustache. "At least we have a nice view from the hotel's bar..."

Braeburn chuckled. "Yeah, I guess there's that. Now, if there's any chance that this gets sorted out, I'd--" He stopped as he squinted out the window at a passing entourage of royal guards. "Hey... hey, Silverstar! Is that who I think it is?"

"Isn't that... Princess Luna?"

"Yeah!" A roar of cheers appeared as Luna appeared before the large crowd on a stage, holding up a hoof to silence the crowd. "What do you reckon she's here for?"

"Damage control, obviously," Silverstar said, walking up to the window. "I took one when I was a sheriff. Need some way to keep the folks under control without havin' half the town's property all trampled to pieces by panic stampedes."

"Greetings, citizens of Canterlot!" Luna said in her Royal Canterlot Voice. "I beseech you all to return to your homes for the time being and let the expertise of the Equestrian Royal Guard deal with the situation! We are aware that the stadium has strange intruders wielding otherworldly weapons, and have sealed off the area for the time being! We have the situation under control and are actively working to resolve it as soon as possible!"

"But..." A stallion poked his head out over the crowd. "...what about the Wonderbolts? They're still in there! I heard them! They're all stuck with those wackos inside the stadium!" The crowd exploded into excited whispers, many of them not hearing such news until now.

"Fear not, dearest subjects! We are already working on a method to effect a rescue for the Wonderbolts! We hope that you will trust us and maintain discretion over the night! It is fully intended that we shall have them rescued before the night is over!"

The moonlight barely shone through the heavy cloud cover as the rain continued to lightly drizzle, as another lightning bolt with a crack of thunder resonated through the skies. It faded out slowly... and then a shrill scream sent chills down the spines of everypony within the city limits.

"Well, shoot..." Braeburn said. "I think that was one of the Wonderbolts."

"Can't they just fly out of there?" Silverstar asked.

"Nope. Applejack's friend says they got some kind of fancy-shmancy magic-negatin' doohickeys, or something like that. Pegasi can't fly and unicorns can't use their magic."

"That explains why I've seen so many guards just standin' around doin' nothin'..."

"I reckon they can't do much without their magic. I wonder if it affects the Princesses..."


"Buck!" Silverstar cursed. "That was one tootin' loud crack of thunder!"

"Uh... sheriff. That wasn't thunder."

"Those crazy wackos' weapons again?"

Braeburn nodded.

"The royal guards shall be enacting their plan within the next few hours! Do not tarry any longer and return to your homes for the time being! If your home happens to be within the stadium district, please speak with the nearest royal guard and arrangements shall be made for you for the time being! I thank you all for your cooperation!" Luna said, as the strange omniscient voice entered as soon as her statement had ended.

Counter-Terrorists Win!

CT: 5 - T: 2

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight said, running into the room with the Elements of Harmony. Dash had rejoined them as soon as possible and relayed her new findings to Twilight. Needless to say, they took immediate action. "We have news on the information of the attack at the stadium!"

Celestia looked up from her throne, as Derpy sat before her. "Ah, Twilight. I'm glad you could join us. Miss Derpy here has just informed me of the situation in Ponyville. It would appear that your problem has spread to Canterlot."

"Not just Ponyville, Your Majesty!" Applejack said. "They also showed up at Appleloosa, too! Would have ruined the whole dang harvest if one of our own didn't take matters into his own hooves."

"Well, have they seen fit to destroy any buildings of value yet?" Celestia asked. "Miss Derpy here seems to indicate that their primary focus is on destroying buildings."

"No, Princess," Twilight said. "According to new information that I obtained from Rainbow Dash, there's a good chance that they now have the ability to hurt ponies! She heard one of the Wonderbolts become injured from within the stadium by the humans' weapons!"

"So, they are called 'humans', hmm? Are the humans openly hostile to ponies?" Celestia maintained her neutral face, waiting on an answer from Twilight.

"Um... no, Princess. They mostly focus on fighting each other... well, most of the time, that is. It seems to be different this time, but I don't know why. Originally, their weapons had no effect on ponies whatsoever!"

"Perhaps their prolonged existence within Equestria has strengthened their abilities to the point where they can do harm to us. But with their magic nullification field in effect, I'm afraid we have little options in stopping them."

"What about the Elements of Harmony?" Rarity asked. "Perhaps we can use them to banish them from our land!"

"A strange choice," Celestia said, "but one that I fear we may have to resort to as it seems that even my magic is failing me. At most, I can only do basic telekinesis with moderately large objects."

"Then we have to act immediately, Princess!"

"Very well. We shall use the Elements of Harmony on these new intruders, and stop them from threatening Equestria!"

"Also, another note, Princess," Twilight said, going into full-on egghead mode. "They always seem to play for rounds out of ten to determine a victor. There's a very good possibility that they'll be doing the same for here, as well."

"Hmm. Then perhaps it was a good idea that I had sent my sister to survey the situation. She has standing orders to rescue the Wonderbolts and bring them here to the castle for safety. If what you say is true, then we must stop the humans from proliferating throughout Equestria."

"We're prepared to do whatever it takes, Princess!"

Celestia stood up from her throne and gave a now-serious look at Twilight. "Then ready yourselves. They are about to venture elsewhere, and I need you to be able to travel on a moment's notice to stop them."

"Prin... cess? How can you tell?" Twilight said, tilting her head quizzically.

"Because one of their sides has managed at least six victories in a row, while the other have only managed two."

"You kept track of all of that?" Celestia only nodded silently to Twilight.

Counter-Terrorists Win!

"And that would mean that they are finished. Twilight, and company, prepare yourselves immediately. We have much work to do."

Their intended plan all went down the drain, of course, when five blue-clad figures appeared in the center of the throne room, standing idly before the next match was set to begin.

"Oh, no... not here, too..." Twilight mumbling.


Counter-Terrorists: 6
Terrorists: 2

MATCH RESULT: Counter-Terrorists Win!

Current Map: cs_wonderbolts
Next Map: de_castle