• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,396 Views, 62 Comments

The Villains Bar - Zubric

Discord's nice little hide away for the bad and villainous. Antagonists welcome as well

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Episode 1

Villain's Bar

"Goodnight Sister," Celestia said as she passed Luna on her way down the stairs to her bedchambers.

Luna took her post of the night, raising her sparkling moon with a quick glow of her horn. For Luna, tonight would be like any other. While all was peaceful on the planet below, the same could not be said for the moon. For lying hidden on the dark side of the moon lay a large bar like building. The structure had no defining features except for a large wooden door. Above the doorway hung a neon sign.

"The Villain's Bar"

For this was no ordinary bar. Built by Discord h­imself, and crafted with arcane magic, this place served as hub for the scum of the planet below. Here, they could come and drink away their hatred of all things good in the world. For some, it was merely a place to hang out with others like themselves. For others, a place to forget their most humiliating defeats. Most days were calm and orderly. However, as anyone knows, friday nights are just asking for trouble.


Gilda drummed her talons on the smooth silver surface of the bar, scanning about the room to keep a close eye on everything going on around her. Despite her original protests about Discord hiring her, she had soon found she liked it. The ability to backtalk and even, if needed, kick someone out of the bar if they made trouble was so rewarding to her.

This particular friday night had started out like many others before. A few changelings had trotted in and ordered love #5. A group of diamond dogs shuffle to their corner were a large table sat for their weekly card games. Another common sight at the bar was a certain ex-king, who would show up to get to drink crystal berry juice and stare blankly about without much purpose.

A black coated alicorn sat at the far end of the bar. Her star sparkled mane drooped over her face hardly majestic looking as she once had been. She would simply sit there staring at the bottom of her glass contemplating things she had done a million times before. Not much of a threat since she had no real form to possess.

Gilda walked over, pulling the cork off a new bottle and poured her a glass of wine. Feeling mischievous, she leaned down looking right into Nightmare Moon's eyes. "Hey why the long face?" She asked.

Nightmare's mane lit up as she stared at Gilda with annoyance. "Do you have to make that joke every time?" she sneered. Suddenly, her magic aura gripped Gilda's throat, lifting her up above the floor.

"Hey lighten up will you." Gilda said gasping for air as the solid energy squeezed around her neck. She knew Moon couldn’t kill her, bar rules after all. Besides, she faced worse in her days.

"I am darkness, I don't lighten up!" she yelled. With a flick of her head, she sent Gilda flying. A loud percussion of glass clattered as she banged against the shelves at the back of the counter.

With no sustained injuries, Gilda got back to her feet. She turned and inspected the shelves. Luckily, they had been reinforced so that nothing would fall off. "Whatever sulk for all I care, I get paid either way," she scoffed as she poured a glass of love for a changeling. She picked up a cloth and polished her golden medallion she wore. As time went by, she wondered where her boss had run off too. As if Discord had read her mind, a flash of light got her attention.


The dramatic flash faded as Discord, the God of Chaos, appeared in the doorway. He gestured dramatically for a few seconds expecting something. Of course, no one cared, but he didn't mind he had style. He took a moment to glance about remembering the joys of building this place, and on one occasion – rebuilding it. Discord made it clear to himself that after that day he should never invite an ursa ever again.

He stood proud, twirling the cane in his paw as he made his way to the bar counter wanting to chat with his partner of sorts. As he passed a group of changelings, one of them whispered to his friend. "Oh look it's the goody goody, here to mingle with his friends."

Discord stopped dead in his tracks his face contorting in disgust. He turned to face them and without even a second of hesitation he snapped his fingers. The changeling that had spoke up suddenly found himself lifted off the floor and was now hovering above the table. With a quick flash the a changeling plushie landed on the table with a small squeak.

Discord smirked, "Anymore sarcastic remarks you’d like to make, hmm?"

The other changelings quickly shook their heads in unison "No"

Satisfied with his display, Discord walked up to the bar and sat down smiling. "Gilda, a glass of chocolate milk please."

Gilda complied as she poured the glass of milk and turned to face Discord. Her expression was everything Discord had hoped for. She stared at him with befuddlement tilting her head slightly. "What are you wearing?" She said looking at the black and red pajamas.

Discord looked down at his uniform and smiled "Oh this old thing? I just grabbed whatever I could find out of my closet."

"Right..." she replied dryly clearly not wanting to dive further into Discord chaotic nature. “So, how’s your day been?”

Discord drank his milk, making bubbles as he did so. “Oh quite well actually, helped Fluttershy set up a new garden, pranked Rainbow Dash, the usual.”

Gilda’s ear perked at the mentioning of her old friend. “Oh, what you do to her?”

“Oh nothing big, just turned her house into pink cotton candy,” he replied with a snicker. “I turned it back… eventually.”

Gilda let out a small chuckle at the imagery. “Nice.”

Discord nodded, sipping more of his milk. “Oh indeed it was.” He turned his head hearing some laugher from one corner of the bar. The self proclaimed Great and Powerful Trixie sat in her chair, pointing at Sombra annoyed.

"What do you mean Trixie isn’t a villain? Just because I apologized, does not mean I am not a villain!”

Sombra’s deep throated laugh got the attention of every creature near by. “Oh, i’m so scared of a few magic tricks, how sinister. Look everyone, she’s pulling a rabbit out of her hat,” he lifted his hooves wiggling them about in front of him.

Discord chuckled patting Trixie’s head patronizingly. “Well, to be fair, you’re hardly a major player.”

“I took over Ponyville for longer than any of you bozos did!” She jutted her hoof at Discord specifically. Unknownst to the two, Queen Chrysalis had walked into the bar and had approached the heated argument.

“I actually defeated Twilight Sparkle! So how does that not make me a villain."

Sombra waved a dismissive hoof at the showmare’s boasting. “Ha, you had help.”

Trixie groaned. “So what if I used an artifact. As I recall, you tried to use the crystal heart.”

Sombra suddenly shivered. ‘Ugh! don’t mention crystals.”

Before the two could continue, Chrysalis chimed in. “Well i’ll give you credit, getting outwitted certainly beats being defeated by your own food source.”

Discord broke into a laugh. “Pfff. Oh yes, that is the most humiliating way to be beaten,” he looked over at Sombra. “Well maybe being beaten by a baby dragon comes close.”

“Other than handing your enemies their weapons and sitting in your throne and just letting it hit you?” Chrysalis sneered back.

“Hey! You try and dodge the elements, it’s not easy. Besides, hiding the elements wouldn't have made the game fun.”

An impolite, wheezing scoff from another bar patron caught the draconequus’s ear.

He turned to his right and stared at the shriveled up creature in the corner. Tirek still cuffed and seemed to be smirking. Discord kept him under control, only taking him out to the bar a few times just because he felt like it. Betrayed or not, he still made for a good poker partner. “Have something to say?”

With a tired cough, Tirek pulled back the hood of his cloak with a manacled wrist. “Oh, I was just going to say that despite all our losses, I was the one that came the closest to victory. So you all fail in comparison.”

Chrysalis and Nightmare both stared at him, rolling their eyes. Clearly not impressed.

“Well despite my loss, I still have an empire. Oh and I took out Celestia with my own magic.”

Trixie snorted. “You said it yourself. You were given a boost by that love thing.”

“Shut up, minor.” she hissed back.

Trixie stood up, stomping her forehooves into the counter. “Trixie is a not a minor.”

Gildra watched the heated exchange with an amused smirk, before jumping right in. “What’s the big deal if you are a villain or not, not like you have anything to show of it.” She polished her glass before pouring some foaming cider into it.

‘The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t have to take this from some lost causes.” She huffs and turned heading for the door.

“Whatever.” Gilda downed her glass in one gulp, and glanced back at the three villains.

Discord puts his feet on the table blowing bubbles out of his hand. “You were saying something, Queeny?”

Chrysalis opened her mouth to speak but quickly stopped herself. “Oh whatever so what if Tirek came closer to victory I’m the better of you three. I mean, Sombra is supposed to be dead.”

Discord shrugged. “You expect me to follow the rules of reality? This whole bar makes no sense, and I love it. What got you all moody?”

The changeling grumbled looking back at her glass. “Someone stole my mane brush.”

“Oh, is that all? I thought this was something important.” He replied thinking of a hair bush song.

“You have it, don’t you? You are always taking my things.”

“Me? Why would you say that?” Discord put his claw to his chest. “I mean, what would I need with a mane brush.”

“Cause you left a calling card.” She tossed the plastic piece of plastic at him it reading in bold letters

Discord found and now lost call 1 888 discord today

Discord chuckled. “Oh forgot I left that there.” he poofs up the mane brush his in talon.

Chrysalis took the brush in her magic before giving Discord a hard smack across the cheek. “Stop taking my things, you’re just like my younger brother.” She groaned before turning and heading out the door.

Gilda turned the music back on as the room soon returned to normal. “Well at least nothing blew up this time.”

Author's Note:

Mostly hoping I can make a few more chapters with various events. I know the joke wasn't that funny i'll try better next time.