• Published 27th Jul 2015
  • 5,705 Views, 74 Comments

Gems of Power - WezzaHD

One's a boxer who puts too much effort into her hobby, another is a smartarse with a tendency of getting into heated arguements while the third is a depressed cynic. Regardless, each are forced to become heroes in the bodies of villains

  • ...

They are the Crystal Gems

They stood staring at each other for what felt like an eternity. Sombra could see this and laughed. They all looked the same as their original forms in Steven Universe, but their eyes were without their pupils. They each also had a black mist coming from their gems. They also had their weapons out and pointed at the Homeworld Gems.

"What are they doing?" Shining asked. "Why are they with Sombra? I thought that the Crystal Gems helped to save the empire?"

"He's controlling them." Lapis informed the royal guard with her fist clenched. "He did the same thing with us, and he'll have most likely enhanced their abilities with his dark magic."

"Come on you guys, snap out of it!" Jasper yelled. "Don't let him control you!"

"When has saying that ever helped?" Peridot turned to Jasper.

"Well I have to do something! None of us exactly want to fight them!"

"I think fighting them is the only thing we can do." Lapis spoke up as she flared her wings once more.

"Fine." Jasper sighed before turning back to the Crystal Gems. "I'm sorry about th- Argh!" As quickly as she spoke, Garnet had shot forward and landed a punch on Jasper, sending her flying. Lapis tried to fly and catch her, but found herself ensnared by Amethyst's whip. She tried to fly away, but Amethyst cracked her whip, sending energy through it and hitting Lapis. Peridot aimed her blasted at Pearl, who was suddenly right in front of her, but she found that she had multiple targets as she was surrounded by multiple holograms, and her vision was limited in the blizzard. They all ran circles around her, each looking ready to strike. She had enough and fired one in front of her. She picked wrong and was hit by the real one, who was right behind her.

Meanwhile, Jasper was landed on the ground with a loud slam. She quickly got up and saw Garnet running for her again. The Homeworld Gem quickly activated her helmet and lowered her head to block. The impact caused the ground Jasper held to crack and break. She jumped back and charged at Garnet, who ducked and sent an uppercut to her stomach. Jasper was in the air once again, but began doing multiple flips which got faster and faster until she went back down with a spin dash. Unfortunately, Garnet blocked it and gave her opponent a precisely- timed kick. After taking another blow to the stomach, Jasper landed on her feet this time. Garnet shot forward once again, but Jasper ducked and when Garnet was right above her, she straightened her body and shot up, this time being the one to launch her opponent. While she was still in the air, Jasper went up for another headbutt, but Garnet launched her gauntlets at Jasper, causing them to explode just below her. Jasper was caught right in the blast and fell to the ground.

Peridot was angry. She tried to blast Pearl again, but it turned out to be a hologram. She true again, but hit another hologram. She felt a huge heat on her back as the real Pearl had shot a blast from her spear at her. She spun around and shot a large blast behind her, but Pearl had already gone. Her large blaster wasn't working, so she tried a different approach. Large shots weren't working, so she needed small ones. All of her fingers floated near her hand, before they spun and she fired dozens of small electron blasts. She was using her fingers as a machine gun. She shot at each of the Pearls, not hitting the real one so far but she kept going until she saw one of them jump. "Gotcha!" She shot with her other arm and Pearl fell to the ground. She fired another round but Pearl had already gotten up and moved. Pearl went on the offensive and ran directly towards Peridot, who shifted her fingers to become floating buzzsaws and when Pearl was close, she swung her left arm to strike, but she ducked and slashed Peridot across the torso. When Peridot tried again repeatedly, Pearl gracefully dodged each and every one before kicking the green gem in the face. She staggered a little, but shook it off and ran for Pearl again. She tried a slash with her right hand but Pearl ducked once again, slipped behind her and smacked her down with the blunt end of her spear.

Lapis was free of Amethyst's whip, but dodged a large snake trying to bite her. As she dodged the serpent it split into two and slammed into her, but she used her wings to block. However, two more came from behind and sank their teeth into her legs. While Lapis was in pain, Amethyst walked up with her snake- arms and held Lapis even tighter. She was about to crush the water gem when a water arm grabbed her face and slammed her into the ground, causing her to let go of Lapis. Once she was free, she flew into Amethyst and kicked her in the face. Once Amethyst was on the floor, her opponent formed a hammer out of ice and swung it down at the small gem, who rolled backwards and summoned her whip. However, a hand made out of snow emerged from behind and grabbed her before she could do anything and hardened into ice before she could escape. Soon, several more hands appeared and did the same thing. She thought Amethyst had successfully been subdued, but she didn't count on the dark magic breaking the ice and breaking her out. Lapis frowned and she shot towards Amethyst once again with her wings but she was caught by the whip and slammed into the ground. She tried to get up but before she could, the whip was cracked once again and she was caught in an explosion. The areas around Lapis was filled with smoke, so Amethyst waited for her to fly out and try to hit her again, but some snow flew up into her eyes so she couldn't see making her unable to avoid the two water fists that came at her from both her left and right. The right ha d threw her the other way making the punch from the left hand more powerful. Lapis walks out of the smoke, with her water wings morphed into the huge fists that had hit Amethyst.

Lapis almost proofed her when she felt a dark aura around her and was thrown back giving Amethyst time to get up and, much to Lapis's surprise, run away. All of the Crystal Gems regrouped with the giant shadow that was King Sombra. With the evil tyrant's most covering them, all they could see was a light. When the light disappeared, Garnet launched her fists at them, which they all dodged but they soon saw a hug barrage of arrows coming their way. They each held their arms up as the arrows made their mark and then disappeared. They rubbed their arms in pain but had to get moving when they saw the next wave. Opal stepped out of the darkness with her bow ready and shot more arrows.

Meanwhile, Shining was preparing to get Twilight and her friends to the Empire, but he had to avoid Sombra and the gems, or hope that they could defeat Sombra somehow. However, his hopes went down as he saw them struggling to fight against Sombra and the Crystal Gems. He was watching the fight, giving the Gems more magic and increasing their power. However, he turned around and noticed the group.

He advanced towards them in his shadow form, but Shining shot a magical blast causing him to disappear. Unfortunately, he reformed a moment later and shot towards Shining while the mane 6 ran. The Homeworld Gems noticed that Shining was about to be finished off. Jasper and Peridot kept the Crystal Gems at bay while Lapis grabbed Shining before the shadow could do anything else. The three ran through the snow with Jasper and Peridot's feet letting out a low crunch at every step.

They made their way through the force field safely but found that Shining's horn had been covered in black crystals, preventing him from using any magic. They eventually went up to meet with Cadence, who was deprived of sleep and had barely eaten. Her magic was what was keeping Sombra out, and she had had the force field up non- stop.

"We need to find a way to protect the empire without Cadence's magic; she can't keep the field up for much longer." Shining said. Twilight thought for a moment.

"Why don't we ask some of the citizens? Maybe they'll have some information. And the Gems can help us get around." The six trotted out, with the Homeworld Gems following. They walked out of the castle and knocked on a door, which was opened momentarily after. The crystal pony walked out, but she was nothing like what they had described. Her coat and mane were not shining at all, But instead looked dull and depressing, which actually matched her body language, which was hunched over and sad.

"Are you able to tell us anything about Sombra or where the empire in general?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't seem to remember anything before Sombra came into power and I don't want to remember anything during his rule." She cringed at the thought of the tyrant.

"Have we really been gone for 1,000 years?" She asked.


"It feels like it was just yesterday."

"Well let me know if you remember anything." Twilight said.

"Of course." She sighed as she closed the door. They didn't get much luck with any of the other Crystal Ponies either. It had turned out that none of them had remembered anything, courtesy of Sombra's curse; no matter who they questioned. The Homeworld Gems often hid when they questioned a pony as when they were with the mane six, the crystal ponies would run away at the sight of them. Their vision often found the ground more appealing than the faces of frightened ponies. The one they had just questioned in fact, quickly pulled her curtains when she caught a blimps of them from the inside of her house.

"Wait a minute..." She had a moment of realisation before turning to the Homeworld Gems.

"You three were Sombra's enforcers right?" She asked, causing them to stare at the floor and nod. "That means that you all know the Crystal Empire." She gained a huge smile. "Do any of you know how we might be able to protect the empire?"

"I'm sorry." Peridot stepped forward. "We arrived here during Sombra's rule. But I do remember a book. It talked about some sort of fair that Sombra banned when he came power. It's probably in the library."

Twilight had thrown a "Crystal Faire". It appeared to be working too; the Gems had never seen the crystal ponies like this. They were happy, energetic, cheerful and enjoying their time. They were watching from afar. They smiled, but still felt sad. They had been stopping this from happening the whole time. Everytime they had kept Celestia and Luna away, had only meant that they were keeping the crystal ponies miserable.

They would've continued their thoughts but they saw the force field go down. Their eyes widened as they saw the black mist advancing everywhere. Lapis used her power to create spikes around the empire's border. The mist stopped for a moment, before they saw something smashing them one by one.

They each got there as fast as they could and saw a spike shoot down at them, which they dodged. The mist cleared and showed Sardonyx destroying the spikes, holding her war hammer in her lower two arms. Jasper tried to hit her with a spin- dash but she quickly spun her arms 360 degrees and slammed the hammer into Jasper, sending her flying and crashing into one of the spikes. Lapis made a mirrored version of her out of water. The two slammed their hammers into each other, causing the one the belonged to the real Sardonyx to get caught in the water Sardonyx. The Homeworld gems grinned before Amethyst threw Peridot into Lapis, causing her to lose focus. The Sardonyx duplicate turned back into water and fell to the ground. She thrust her hammer down at Lapis and Peridot, but found herself frozen in Peridot's tractor beam where she was then thrown into Amethyst. They tried to run to Sombra but Sardonyx threw them into the air, jumped up slammed them all back into the ground with her hammer.

Lapis made chains around her and Amethyst, and pulled them back. She then also made a water wall between Sombra and the empire. They shot past the gate while Lapis kept the wall up. The shadow pony tried to go over the wall but he found himself being pushed back. His horn glowed and for a moment nothing happened, but then Lapis's gem darkened, causing the gem to writhe out in pain. She fell to her knees and the water wall disappeared. He laughed as he advanced towards the three, but the shield reappeared causing the king to lose the tip of his horn while the three looked at him with pure fear. They all ran back to the castle, not noticing the fallen piece of his horn sinking into the ground.

"This is not fast enough." He thought to himself. They were getting too close to the Crystal Heart; he could feel it. He was lucky that his spell over the other gems was still there, but only barely. His connection with them had withered and nearly disappeared. Soon, his mindless crystal soldiers came towards, him, their expressions blank as ever.

"I'm going to need to get rid of that force field. I'll need something... huge."

Cadence had woken up, but her magic was fading faster than ever. The gems had returned to the castle. Twilight was trying to find the Heart, but to no avail.

"Do you three know anything; anything at all that might help me know where the heart is?" Twilight asked.

"... If memory serves, King Sombra spent a lot of time in his castle, there are bound to be some secret rooms, I'd try his throne room." Peridot brought her finger to her chin.

"The throne room... of course!" Twilight got an idea and ran off with Spike. The homeworld gems went with her. She used her magic to reveal a secret staircase in the middle of his throne room. They were about to go down when they heard a huge smashing sound, which was heard at the same time that the ground shook. Looked out of the window and saw holes in the force field. They appeared to be experiencing tremors, but everyone knew better than to think that these were just mere tremors. The sound was heard again, and on closer inspection it sounded like something was slamming into the field. It eventually proved too much for Cadence, who fainted once again and lost her control.

The magic dome disappeared and the red sky was revealed. Everyone's eyes widened as they saw something huge walk into the empire, with a large grin plastered onto its face.

"...Oh no." Peridot whimpered.

"Is that..?" Lapis asked.

"It is." The green gem replied as they all backed away slightly.

"What?" Twilight asked. "What in the name of Equestria is that?!"

"That is Sugilite."

Author's Note:

Gems of Power is open for crossovers now, so PM me if you want to do one. See ya next chapter:twilightsmile:.