• Published 12th Jun 2015
  • 2,494 Views, 102 Comments

The Phoenix Tear - CartoonNerd12

Twilight is preparing to take on a task bigger than any before. But when she meets Sunset Shimmer, is there more than meets the eye?

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Chapter 18

Author's Note:

All I can say is... Brace yourselves...

A knock came at Zecora's hut door. She called out, "Be there in a moment. First, I have to put away my potion." When she was able to answer the door, she saw all the princesses, "Why, your highnesses, what a pleasant surprise."

Twilight spoke up, "Zecora, we need your help…"

Once Zecora let them in and offered them tea, she listened to what Twilight was saying and felt astonished over every word. When she finished her story, she asked the zebra, "Can you help us find the truth?"

"Yes, dear princess, for you are in much distress." She went to the back of her hut and came back holding a purple potion, "With a mix of alicorn magic, you can take a peek of this missing past you seek."

Twilight looked over to her sisters as they gave her a quick nod. She then used her horn to cast a spell and pointed directly at the potion. The magic came into contact with it and then the potion turned white. She lifted the potion with her aura and stared at it, "Well, here goes nothing…" She took a sip. At first, nothing seemed to happen, but suddenly, her eyes glowed white. The next thing she knew, she was back at the Canterlot castle and in the nursery that the girls showed Sunset Shimmer on her tour.

There she saw everything was looking brand new and her parents were looking down at an empty crib. Twilight was shocked to see her mother looking on the hefty side, but that was cleared up when her father said.

"It won't be long now…" Sombra smiled.

Celestia beamed, "I know, only a couple more months…" she sighed happily, looking at the crib.

"Think we'll have a boy this time?"

"I would be happy with either…"

"Still, we already have five daughters. They could use a little brother."

She giggled, "You just want a colt so you can take him to jousting matches."

He chuckled, "Don't worry. I wouldn't mind another girl, especially since I've had practice with her older sisters. Why change a thing?"

She smiled as she moved her head and nuzzled under his chin. He returned the affection until they heard a cry saying, "MAMAMA!"

"Oh, dear… that's Pinkie…" They quickly went to the next room where a one-year-old Pinkie was standing in a crib and crying. Celestia was about to lift her when Sombra said, "I'll do it. You take it easy." he tried to lift his daughter, but she kept crying, "MAMAMA!"

Celestia sighed, "It's no use. She won't calm down unless I hold her…"

"Alright, but be careful…" he said with worry while handing Pinkie to her.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright…" She gently rocked her little one and instantly, Pinkie calmed down and started cooing.

"I'll go check on the rest of our little girls…"

She giggled and taunted, "They won't be little for long…"

"Ugh, don't remind me. For now, I just want to enjoy as they are now, without any prince or stallion coming to sweep off of their hooves…" he walked out and checked in the other rooms. In one, a two-year-old Rainbow Dash and a three-year-old Applejack were sleeping, and in the other were a four-year-old Rarity and a five-year-old Fluttershy sleeping away as well. "Sleep well, my sweets. Know that you've brought joy into my life and I don't plan on letting it go…"

He went back to the room where he saw his wife kissing their younger daughter on the forehead as she tucked her in the crib. "I think we better head to bed now."

"You go ahead. I want to stay to make sure that she's alright."

"I don't know if that's such a good idea. You have to think about your health and the baby's…"

She kissed his cheek, "I appreciate your concern, but you have nothing to worry about… Besides, you need your rest for those meetings tomorrow…"

"Well… I don't feel right leaving you alone like this…"

"It'll be fine. Just go."

He hesitantly did so, but his queen was a tough one. He knew she could take care of herself, but when he had gone, Celestia did a slight cough.

Twilight now found herself in her parents' suite where Sombra was holding Celestia's hoof as she laid in the bed looking weak and frail.

Sombra sighed, "I knew something like this would happen… This is all my fault…"

Celestia coughed as she protested, "It is not your fault. It's no pony's fault…"

"I should have made you come to bed…"

She moved her hoof to touch his cheek, giving him a small smile before she closed her eyes to go sleep. Sombra slowly stepped back as he turned to see his sister-in-law coming in.

"How is she?" Luna asked.

"Not good. The doctor said her health is dwindling rapidly. I fear that she may…" he had a tear in his eye.

"Don't think like that. Celestia has survived in many threatening situations. This time shall be no different."

"I certainly hope you're right…"

"I am…" But when she looked at her sister, she frowned, "But I have taken care of measures if something were to go really wrong… I have found out that phoenixes can produce healing tears."

"But phoenixes are rare to find. It might be too late by then…" he looked back to his wife in concern.

"Not necessary… I had my guards searching all night. They found a phoenix, but it belongs to some pony else…"

"Show me."

The scene then changed to the manor where Twilight could see her father talking to Starlight Glimmer at the door.

He begged, "Please, my wife is very ill. I need your phoenix to cure her."

Starlight merely said, "But this phoenix is one of the last of its kind. I would hate to lose it…"

"I promise we will give it right back to you… you have my word."

"Hmm… I'm sorry, but that's a risk I can't take. Good day." She slammed the door.

Sombra was despaired, until he decided he had to do something that would hurt him more than the phoenix's owner…

It was hard for Twilight to watch her own father take a phoenix away as it had left a nest of eggs. When Sombra got back to the castle, he could see his wife growing sicker by the minute. He pointed the phoenix towards the queen and once it saw the condition she was in, it started crying for her and Sombra quickly held out a bowl for the tears to go in. When the bowl was full of tears, he quickly fed it to his queen. Within a matter of minutes, Celestia had rosy cheeks and her eyes flew wide open!

Sombra felt so happy that when he and Celestia shared a joyous hug, he did not see the phoenix laying an egg and then taking off. When he turned back to see the phoenix was gone, he panicked, thinking how he was going to make up it to the owner that he lost her rare bird! He did not see the egg, but Celestia did and she placed it in a basket. Her husband told her everything he needed to do to save her and their unborn child. While she did not approve of her husband stealing at her expense, she was grateful that he saved their child before it was too late. As a way to make up for it, she instructed Sombra to take the egg back and beg for the owner's forgiveness.

He did as she said, but when he offered the egg to Starlight, she just huffed, "I already have plenty of eggs. I don't need one more. No, just take it and go. You've already stolen from me, isn't that enough?"

Sombra solemnly walked away and didn't look back.

Just a few weeks before Celestia was due, the egg had hatched and Celestia named the baby phoenix Philomena… Finally, on the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, Celestia was getting up to rise the dawn when she suddenly felt pain. In mere moments, two baby girls were born! The first that came into the world was a filly with a light orange coat and the next filly had a dark purple coat. They were named Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle…

To celebrate their births, the King and Queen launched two flying lanterns into the sky right when their mother had lifted the sun up. The five princesses were delighted to have two baby sisters instead of one. Fluttershy and Rarity would play peek-a-boo with them in the nursery and on occasion, their cousin Cadence would join them. Applejack would pull them in a little wagon and Rainbow and Pinkie would push a ball to them. Even when Celestia brought along Baby Philomena, the phoenix would go chip-chip to the babies. Baby Sunset would always reach to the chick and Philomena would cuddle up to her.

Celestia and Sombra would watch the scene with great joy as they saw all their daughters playing together… Celestia picked up Sunset and gave her a kiss on the forehead, causing the baby to giggle. She did the same for Twilight.

Every pony could see that the twins were two peas in a pod. Even if they looked nothing alike, they always stuck to each other like glue. They slept together in the crib because if one had separated them, they would cry instantly. They played together and ate together by feeding each other's baby food.

Twilight saw pictures of her babyhood flying by. Just by seeing how her and Sunset were that close, it brought tears to her eyes. Then, when one year had passed, she saw her parents releasing the lanterns from the previous year of when she and her twin were born. When it was time to open presents, the royal family had gathered into the throne room. Her parents, siblings, aunt, and cousin were all there. She saw her sisters holding two presents, one for each baby. Sombra kissed both girls on the heads, causing the twins to giggle. Their mother giggled as she said, "Happy birthday, my darlings…" She took out two music boxes, each a different color and had their names engraved in them. She opened the boxes with her magic as both carried a tune that caused the twins to look on in wonder.

Celestia sang, "Constant as the stars above… Always know that you are loved… And my love shining in you will help you make your dreams come true… Will help your dreams come true…"

The sisters sighed happily, then they started getting into a fight of which present the twins should open first.

While Sombra was settling down the fight, Celestia whispered down to the twins, "Know this, my darlings…" She used her magic to take out two necklaces from the music boxes, "…wear these to remember your bond of sisterhood. It's true your sisters won't know the connection the two of you already have, but that shouldn't stop all of you to become the best of friends."

The twins just cooed as Celestia put the necklaces back in their boxes. The older Twilight looked down at the necklaces she held in her hooves and put them together, seeing the word 'SISTER' once more. Suddenly, there was a bang and she looked up to see Starlight Glimmer at the throne room doors.

Every pony in the room stopped talking as they faced the mare who barged in on their celebrating. Sombra gave a worried glance as Celestia addressed the mare, "May we help you, young lady?"

"I hope so. I'm here to collect for my lost pet…" she stared at Sombra and he gave his wife a guilty look.

Celestia then understood and she said to the mare, "Of course. We will do anything to make up for our thoughtlessness. We are so sorry. Please tell us what you require and we will repay you…"

"Well…" Starlight paced the room, "from what I understand… it was the tears of my phoenix that helped cure what ailed you and your children." She looked down at the twins, who gave off scared expressions. "I simply want one of them for being healed by the phoenix you lost."

The King, Queen, and Luna were shocked while the young princesses were confused and didn't understand what was going on.

Sombra then yelled, "That is an impossible request we cannot grant! How dare you suggest such a thing?!"

Starlight retorted, "It's a very reasonable request! You stole my phoenix, so it's only fitting that I get one of the infants!"

It was Celestia turn to get angry, "Our answer is 'no'. I am sorry for what we have done, but to make us give up our child is something we cannot do. Now leave this place before we call our guards!"

Starlight sighed, "And here I thought we could be reasonable…" She pulled out some stones, which the royals recognized. Before they could stop her, she used her magic to grab Sunset Shimmer and the music box. She said to them as she pointed the stones at them, "You will forget you ever had a daughter named Sunset Shimmer… She never existed in your life…" The stones glowed, beaming into their minds and took out any memory they had of Sunset. The royals fell to the ground, fast asleep.

"Mom! Daddy!" Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack shouted out.

"Mom!" Cadence shouted.

Starlight then pointed more stones at them and the same thing happened to them as their parents. She stared at the younger foals and stated, "Fortunately, you two are too young to remember anything, so you'll forget your sister anyway." She took off then with Sunset looking over her shoulder. The filly tried reaching out to her twin and Twilight was doing the same.



That caused tears to fall from the present Twilight as the baby Twilight was wailing over the lost of her other half. Then, there was silence as she felt herself being pulled back to present time and in Zecora's hut, where she saw her sisters looking at her in concern.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's just…" Rainbow started.

"You were mumbling to yourself." said Apple Bloom.

"And you were crying." said Fluttershy.

"What happened there?" Applejack questioned.

"I… I… I know it all…" she gasped and then anger slowly rose within her, "She took her away from us! She took away my twin!"

They gasped.

"But how…?" Rarity started.

"It's like this…" She relented all that she saw and learned. She saw on their faces that they were stricken by shock. As she got to the last part of it, she saw Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack giving off scowls.

Rarity yelled out, "How dare she take away my memories! Oh… my… Sunset… our baby sister… all this time…" She began to bawl.

Fluttershy broke down, too, "I wish I could remember her! She must have been a beautiful baby!"

Pinkie was also crying with a waterfall of tears coming out.

Rainbow pointed, "Why are you crying? You couldn't remember her anyway."

"No, but I could have!" she kept on sobbing uncontrollably.

Rainbow found herself trembling and sniveling, "Me, too!"

Apple Bloom found herself saying while tears were welling up, "I wish we could have known her!"

"Uh-huh!" Sweetie and Scootaloo agreed as they started to break down, too.

Pretty soon, Zecora's hut was filled with princesses crying with no way of stopping it.

Zecora then spoke up, "There now, dry your eyes, for it is tragic to lose a sister never realized. What matters is that now you know the truth, your sister needs your help to remember her youth… She must escape her dark fate before it is too late. If you have learned anything from your endeavors, now's your chance to rescue someone who needs you more than ever…"

Twilight thought back to the days when she and her sisters discovered a magical kingdom under their room, to dating secretly, to be captured by the changeling queen and being rescued by their true loves. Then there was the time Sweetie Belle needed help to save her prince. Twilight was there throughout the entire final battle. And when her cousin came back as a Breezie, she set out to help break the curse, only to almost lose her husband in the process. During all those times, Twilight knew how important it was to help her family, and that was exactly what she needed to do for her twin sister, to set her free at last…

She put the two necklaces together as the letters formed the word 'SISTER'. "I'm coming, Sunset… and this time, I won't let go of you ever again…"