• Published 12th May 2015
  • 849 Views, 22 Comments

Twinklescraps - Twinkletail

Little things I've written that don't fit anywhere else.

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Raridash Prompt Tag: Stalker

Author's Note:

Just as it says: Written for the Raridash group's prompt tag. The prompt was "stalker," and this is what I came up with. Because self-absorbed Rainbow Dash is a thing.

"Rainbow Dash! I cannot believe you!"

Oh mare, how did Rarity find me here? I thought this place was super-secret. The only other pony who knows about this spot and what it means is...

...Pinkie Pie. Of course. I knew I should have gotten her to make a Pinkie Promise to keep this spot a secret. She's totally gonna pay next time I see...

"Rainbow Dash!"

Oh right. Sitting here quietly probably isn't helping matters. She sounds mad. Like, really mad. Why would she be mad? Gotta say something to make her happy. Something perfect that'll totally make everything cool.

"Hey Rares."

Nailed it.

"How could you do such a thing? I was honored that my sweet Rainbow was finally requesting that I design an outfit for her...and this is what...unbelievable!"

Ugh, how did that not work? She loves that nickname. And what's she so upset about anyway? I'm wearing the outfit. That's good, right? And I am making it look good. Though everything she makes looks good, pretty much. And this outfit is perfect for this! It blends in perfectly with my hiding bush, and stealth is super-important when Spitfire and the Wonderbolts suddenly fly right there right behind Rarity oh mare there they go zooming right past in formation that's so awesome this must be a new formation they've never flown like that in all the times...

"Rainbow Dash!!"

Oh right, Rarity's still looking. Gotta look back at her, even if it means missing this trick. Oh mare she looks mad. Gotta put on the innocent look. Whatever's wrong, I can probably get away with it by pretending I don't know. Which is really easy when I don't. Did I miss another one of her fashion shows? Play it cool, Dash. Easiest way to find out? Ask her what's up.

"What's up?"

Just like that. The Dash is a smooth customer.

"What's up? What's up? You are using my hard work to...to stalk the Wonderbolts! How crude! Despicable! Outrageous! Reprehensible..."

Ugh. What is she, a dictionary? Did I accidentally start dating a white Twilight? Are all unicorns like this? Oh geez, she's still going. What is this, like eight different words? Who even knows so many words that mean the same thing? That's pointless. Unnecessary. Ridiculous. ...Aw hay, now she's got me doing it! Gah...what's she so upset about anyway? It's not like she didn't...

...Oh I got this.

"Is it as crude and despicable and whatever as it was when I flew you over Sapphire Shores' house to look down at her patio last week?"

Aw yeah. Not much to say to that, huh? Dangit, she looks so cute when she's at a loss for words. Now turn it around.

"It's cool, beautiful. I totally forgive you."

Look. At. That. Smile. Rainbow Dash, you are totally amazing. Now give her a kiss.

So awesome.