• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 5,642 Views, 141 Comments

Fireproof - Dragon Sage

Sequel to "The Dragon Sage." Spike and Twilight live and love comfortably in their tree-castle. But a princess in love with a dragon and life-long friend certainly attracts attention. How will everypony else react?

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Throne Room

Twilight took a deep breath and focused on keeping herself calm and collective before she began.

“Everyone, I have something very important I’d like to discuss with you. You have all known me and Spike since the first day we arrived here in Ponyville. You’ve become our dearest and most loving friends, and I can speak for both of us when I say how important you all are to us. For this reason, I think you all deserve to know something very important. As of a few months ago, Spike and I became a couple. We’re together now, romantically. I know this may come as a shock to all of you, but please understand that our lives won’t be any different with all of you. I’m still princess of friendship, and he is still my assistant. We express our love to each other a little differently now, but it does not affect the way we feel about all of you . . .” she finished and let her last phrase hang in the air. Her chest stood proudly and she kept her chin high. But her eyes began to dart around the room nervously. She let the air out of her lungs in one final sigh and looked up at Spike.

“So? How was that?” she asked sheepishly. Spike sat across from her, sitting comfortably at the foot of his bed. The library below was completely empty, and Spike’s second-floor loft kept them in a comfortable space of privacy.

“Good,” he said flatly.

“Not great?” she said nervously.

“I honestly don’t know, Twilight,” he said with a shrug. “I’ve never had to do anything like this before. I mean, they’re our friends and I know they’ll understand eventually, but I’ve never even had to do this kind of thing before. Are you sure you don’t want me to help you explain? It feels odd hearing you talk like I'm not there.”

“Oh you’ll need to help me. They’re going to have questions for the both of us and I’ll need you to help answer them. But I’ll feel much more comfortable if I can just recite this speech and get it over with all in one go. Like diving head-first into cold water.”

“If you say so,” Spike said with another shrug and got up to join her.

“Do you think they’ll be ok with it?” she asked weakly.

“Twilight, I love you, and they love you, so you have nothing to worry about today, okay?” he reassured and draped his wing around her shoulder. She looked up at him with a weak smile to thank him.

“We should head to the throne room. They’ll be here any mo--” she said before a loud knock interrupted her. Spike whipped his wing back to his side and bolted upright, facing the door to the library. A familiar blonde mare was standing at the door looking around the room for them.

“Ah, there y’all are. Whatchya doing up there?” she asked politely. Twilight’s flustered reaction would have given them away if Spike hadn’t spoken up for her.

“Just talking about some new books. We got a few from Princess Luna this morning and we can’t figure out which spot to place them in. Library stuff, you know?” Spike said and scratched his head nervously.

“Ah okay. Well, most of us are coming in now. Everypony but Pinkie Pie so far. She was foalsitting for the cakes today so she said she might be a little late. I’ll see y’all in there!” she said with a wave and turned to leave them. Once she was safely beyond earshot, Twilight sighed and leaned her forehead against Spike’s shoulder in defeat.

“Ugh, Spiiiike. What do we do?”

“We tell the truth, Twilight. What else can we do?”

“What truths do we tell?” she said. Her mind was so nervous that she wanted to continue the conversation to stall for time.

“The part where I’m unbelievably in love with you, and that you tolerate said feeling,” he suggested.

“You know I love you back, Spike. I guess they need to know that too,” she said. With that, she picked her head off of his shoulder and headed for the throne room. Spike gave a quiet sigh and followed her.

The meeting in the throne room seemed to drag on for some time. After Pinkie Pie arrived, they gathered in their respective thrones while Spike sat beside Twilight on the floor. He was now too big for his new throne and they were still working on getting him situated. Till then, Rarity had fashioned a large and comfortable cushion for him to rest on while they met. He sat quietly and observed his friends talk.

After some time, he noticed how whenever they were about to come to a close, Twilight found some other topic to talk about. First it was understandable subjects, like which towns or cities needed the magic of friendship most. But then she slowly started bringing up subjects that had no reason to be discussed at a royal court gathering.

“So everyone, uh, Pinkie tells me that she’s been foal sitting recently. Why don’t you tell everypony about that?” she said and nervously laughed.

“Oh yay! The baby cakes are so adorable! Pumpkin started crying earlier today and before I could even get there, Pound cake swooped in and brought her a toy to cheer her up! The little munchkins already know how to look out for each other. It was so sweet I could gobble them up like a cupcake!” Pinkie recalled happily. Then, she frowned and she looked back at Twilight. “What does this have to do with friendship again?”

“Yeah! As much as we all love hearing about the toddlers, we’ve been here for hours. What gives?” Rainbow Dash chimed in looking annoyed.

“Well, I uh,” Twilight started, “I think that friendship is important to observe in young ones. Because, well, at what age can ponies start to make friends? You know, research?” she offered weakly.

“With all due respect, Twilight, you could do research on the matter with Pinkie separately. If there is nothing else we need to discuss, I’d say it’s time we head to dinner,” Rarity said politely. The others all looked at Twilight to adjourn the meeting. Her eyes darted around nervously and a bead of sweat formed underneath her mane. Before she could lose her cool, she felt a soft hand on her shoulder. Spike was looking at her with a comforting smile and gestured to the center rest of their friends.

“It’s okay, Twilight,” he said sweetly. Twilight breathed and collected herself, before marching out of her throne and into the middle of the room. The other ponies looked at her patiently or with confusion.

“Everyone, I have something very important I’d like to discuss with you,” she started.

“Is it actually important or can I take my new daring do book out?” Rainbow interrupted. Twilight shot her a menacing glance, which seemed to get the message across.

“This is actually important to us. See, well, me and Spike are . . . we’ve known you for a long time right?” she babbled.

“Years even,” Applejack chimed in.

“Yes, well, we really think friends should love . . . I mean we think you are our friends and so . . .” Spike could not bare to watch her fumble the way she did. He got up from his cushion and joined her side in the center of the room. They all gazed at them as Twilight searched for words. She felt his presence and saw him smile down at her. She frowned and bit her lip.

“Good gosh guys! What is it?” Pinkie nearly screamed from her seat. Spike stepped forward.

“Twilight and I are a couple,” he said. Pinkie took a moment to process before planting her rump back on the throne in confusion.

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“I mean, as of a few months ago, Twilight and I started seeing each other romantically,” he said clearly. His voice nearly rang with pride.

“Wait a sec,” Rainbow Dash started, “So you guys are all, kissing and stuff now?” The awkward question hung in the air for a second before Twilight began to speak again.

“Yes, Rainbow. And we’re sorry that we hid it from you all for so long . . .”

“What?!?” rang a chorus of Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy said and turned her head to hide her blush.

“Everyone, please. We’re sorry for keeping this from you, but this is the truth,” Twilight began again. “We’ve always loved each other, it just sort of grew into something new, is all. This doesn’t mean that anything is different for our lives in Ponyville. I’m still princess, he’s still my assistant, and you are still our dearest friends. We knew that eventually rumors might start about us, and you all deserve to learn the truth from us. But please don’t think this changes how we feel about you all. We think--” she continued before Pinkie Pie cut her off.

The pink mare bounded into the air and gasped very loudly, sticking her mane out arrow straight and hanging in the air for a moment. A second later she dashed out the door and bounded down the hall.

“No pinkie, no parties . . . gah!” Applejack said and sighed. She was already out the door. The blonde mare rolled her eyes and trotted off towards the door. “I’ll go get her,” she said reluctantly. The others continue to look at Spike and Twilight in confusion.

“So, um, when did this happen?” Fluttershy asked sincerely.

“Not long after our fight with the Miasma. We spent a day in Canterlot, and we just sort of . . .” Twilight started.

“Fell?” Spike finished for her. She laughed.

“Yeah, we fell right off a bridge,” she said, remembering that night in Canterlot.

“My goodness,” Rarity said with her hoof to her mouth. “I, well, I’m very happy for the both of you,” she said weakly.

“It’s alright Rarity. We know you will need some time to think about this. There are bound to be some questions you want answered,” Twilight said and looked around the room.

“Well,” Rarity started up again. “Is something like this even possible? After all, you are totally different species,” she said.

“Yeah, and dragons eat ponies!” Rainbow Dash said waving her hooves in the air.

“Aw come on, Dash! I’ve never eaten a pony in my life . . . Well, unless you count the times--” Twilight’s hoof shot up and plugged the dragon’s mouth. She quickly interrupted him with a slight blush and an angry glare.

“--We spoke to both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia about it, and they both understand and told us that it is indeed possible.”

“It’s been done before actually,” Spike said after she dropped her hoof. This generated another round of gasps from the ponies in the room. A short silence followed as they waited for him to explain.

“See, a long time ago, a dragon by the name of Aurora was Princess Luna’s assistant, the same way I am Twilight’s. She eventually married a stallion, and their kids were part-dragon and part-pony. You know those Night Watch ponies? The ones in the dark armor with the scaled wings and pointy eyes?” Spike asked and gestured to his own eyes by pulling his lower eyelid down. The others vaguely nodded.

“Those ponies are descendants from Aurora. She lived a long time ago, but she fell in love with a pony, which means that I can too,” Spike finished and smiled at Twilight.

“Wait, so are you guys gonna have foals now?” Rainbow Dash asked loudly.

“Rainbow!” Twilight barked with a red face.

“Easy there, RD,” Applejack said from the door. She walked back into the throne room with Pinkie Pie who had her lasso wrapped around her waist. Applejack dragged the pink pony across the floor with her rope and sat down at her throne again.

“Pinkie, are you okay?” Twilight asked her friend carefully. “I understand if this is too much for you to handle for right now, but--”

“--Are you kidding me?” She piped up. “I was going to get started on your congratulations-on-finding-love party! You two are so adorable!” she said and gave them both a warm hug. Spike gasped in surprise as her hug wrapped around his neck. Twilight smiled and wrapped an arm around her friend, thankful that she was genuinely happy for them.

“I think it’s sweet, too,” Applejack said proudly. “Y’all are the best of friends, so it makes sense that y’all might be the best of . . . whatever y’all are now,” she said with a smile.

“That’s a good point, dear,” Rarity said. “What do we call you two now? You're not exactly colt-friend and mare-friend, since one of you is a dragon. Not to mention you two grew up together almost like siblings.” With that word, another silence fell across the room. It was true they were much like family for the longest time, so seeing the two of them together romantically would distort that image for all of them.

“Everypony, I know that seems a little strange. Yes it’s true we grew up together. In many ways, he was like a younger brother to me. We weren’t really siblings, but we were the closest of friends. It is because we are such good friends that we think this can work. Someone once told me that love is a lot like being friends. The lovey-dovey parts are the things everypony else sees, but love is more than just that. It’s about being there for each other, about being comfortable around each other, and about being yourself. We still joke and laugh and work and . . . occasionally burn a few books,” Twilight said and shot a scowl back at Spike, who raised his hands as if surrendering.

“We know it’s not exactly a typical relationship, but it makes sense to us. Being with him just feels so natural to me. And . . . I’d like to think he’s the same?” she said and looked up at him. He smiled and nuzzled her forehead gently.

“Yeah,” he said softly.

“Awwwwwwww!” Pinkie Pie cooed as she smiled widely at her friends.

“Twilight? I think that this is the happiest news I’ve heard in a long time,” Fluttershy said and gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m very happy for the two of you, and thank you for telling us. That must have been so scary to tell everyone like this,” she said and gestured to the others sitting in their thrones.

“Oh my, you’re absolutely right Fluttershy,” Rarity said with a hoof to her mouth. “That really was a brave thing indeed. And, while I can honestly say it might take some getting used to, I am oh so happy that you have both found love. A princess and her assistant? Why, I can’t think of a more romantic story!” she said and smiled with dreamy eyes, imagining the kind of romance novels this could inspire.

“Well, I’m not much one for sap, but if you guys wanna love each other, you go ahead and do that love . . . thing,” Rainbow Dash said with confused enthusiasm.

“What RD is trying to say, is that y’all being happy is all that matters to us. And if y’all are happy, we are happy,” Applejack said.

Twilight fought back a tear that crept into her eye as she looked around at her friends who were all smiling at her. She felt a wave of relief coupled with a feeling of immense joy as her friends showed their support. Spike stood tall beside her and felt a similar feeling of happiness and relief.

“Thank you all . . . so much,” she said and wiped her eye. The moment lingered for a second too long, so Spike decided it best to move everypony onward.

“Thanks everypony, really. Well, that’s all we had to say and we’re sorry for keeping you here a little longer than expected. Who’s hungry?”

“Oh me me! Can we do the party now?” Pinkie Pie jumped up and looked at Applejack anxiously.

“A party might be a bit much for us right now. We’ll let the rest of Ponyville figure this out on their own. But a nice group dinner sounds perfect right about now. Spike, do we have enough for everypony here?” Twilight asked. He put a claw to his chin and thought about it.

“We don’t have enough for hayburgers or salads, but I can do breakfast for dinner!” he said excitedly.

“You know what? That sounds just dandy,” Applejack said and got off her throne. She put a hoof to Spike’s shoulder and guided him toward the door. “Come on Spike, I’ll give ya a hand.”

“Yes! I love pancakes for dinner!” Rainbow Dash said and flew in an excited circle.

“I’ll take an egg-white omelette with everything please,” Rarity chimed in.

“I’ll have the same thing,” Fluttershy quietly echoed.

Twilight smiled and led her friends towards the hall. Her friends did not seem different at all to her. As she watched them quip and joke and smile at each other, she felt like her life had hardly even changed since she fell for Spike. That was a good thing. She shot Spike a quick smile as he headed off towards the kitchen with Applejack. He returned the smile, as if to say, I told you so.

Author's Note:

And so our story begins.

As always, thanks for reading.