• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 5,643 Views, 141 Comments

Fireproof - Dragon Sage

Sequel to "The Dragon Sage." Spike and Twilight live and love comfortably in their tree-castle. But a princess in love with a dragon and life-long friend certainly attracts attention. How will everypony else react?

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Training Inspection

Snow was just beginning to fall. There was not enough for it to stick to the ground just yet, and the sun still shined brightly, but the faintest bits of snow started to flutter to the ground like leaves in autumn. The Crystal Empire always got tons of snow each winter being so far up north. Despite the cool air, Spike felt oddly comfortable in his scales. His inner fire boiled fiercely, keeping him warm and radiating. The frost on the grass below him melted and turned to dew, causing him to nearly slip and fall a few times. That would have been embarrassing, considering where he was.

Spike and Shining Armor both marched together down a line of soldiers standing in formation. They were divided into three companies with ponies standing four rows deep and six rows wide. The ponies stood tall and kept their gaze focused forward awaiting orders from their captain. Shining explained to Spike as they walked that he had four companies of 24 guards with three on duty each day, the fourth having the day off. Spike nodded as he looked over each soldier, very much impressed with their discipline. Each soldier was wearing shiny gold-plated armor that was likely difficult to keep clean. They all had broad shoulders, even the mares. Spike and Shining reached a spot near the center of all three companies where they could see everypony. Shining armor cleared his throat and began to command.

“At ease, everypony,” he said loudly. Each guard took a small step to one side, widening their stance, and dropping their gaze down to Shining Armor, who gestured to Spike with one hoof. “This is Spike, Dragon Sage and personal assistant to Princess Twilight. Some of you might remember him as ‘Spike the Brave and Glorious’ from his daring actions during Sombra’s terror.” There was a soft murmur amongst them as their gaze darted from their captain to Spike. “He was trained personally by the princesses and fought against some of Equestria’s most dangerous enemies. Today, he’s here to help me inspect your training. We’ll start with the usual warm-up routine. I want 5 laps around the Barracks before splitting up, and I want everypony finished and back in formation in 15. Clear?”

“Sir!” They all cried out in perfect unison and stood back at attention.

“Alright then, show him what you’re made of,” he said and pointed to his right with a hoof. Each company turned to the side and began cantering around the building. They filed into less organized groups and eventually formed one giant lineup of golden soldiers. Spike gave an impressed whistle as he watched before turning back to Shining Armor.

“I’d hardly call a disorganized library one of Equestria’s most ‘dangerous enemies’,” he said softly. Shining Armor laughed.

“No, but Sombra sure was. Not to mention the Miasma, and that dragon you told me about. You don’t give yourself enough credit,” he said and began walking them out towards the training field behind them. Spike smiled at the compliment but knew deep down that not all of his adventures panned out as well.

“They all look really cool,” Spike said as the guards came around for lap two.

“I’m sure they would love to hear that straight from you,” Shining commented. Spike looked at him cock-eyed.

“What do you mean? You want me to give a speech?”

“Well, I think it would be a good idea if you addressed them for a little bit,” Shining suggested with a shrug. Spike shook his head.

“Bad idea. I’m not good with crowds. Do you remember how badly I choked at the Equestria Games?” Spike reminded him.

“Oh yeah!” Shining remembered and laughed. “Hey, not too many ponies have the guts to try and sing a national anthem they don’t know in front of thousands of ponies.” Spike dropped his head, groaned, and put a claw over his head in shame.

“Why did you have to remind me of that?”

“But I’m serious. I think if you just spoke to the group, maybe tell them a little about yourself, they would love it.”

“Why talk about myself?” Spike asked.

“Well, it’s not every day they get to talk to a dragon,” Shining answered with a shrug. The group of guards came around the barracks one more time before heading into the field before them. One area of the field had a collection of large boulders organized into rows. Another area had a series of hoops standing on polls just a few feet off of the ground. Spike and Shining stopped at an area that looked like an armory with a few racks of spears, shields, and scattered pieces of armor lying about near a workbench.

“What did you mean by ‘splitting up’ before?” Spike asked.

“It’s part of the warm-up routine. They start with a run, then split up into unicorns, pegasi, and earth-ponies for more specific exercises. See? Look there,” he said and pointed to the large boulders. The Unicorns all filed into a row and began using their magic to lift the boulders a few feet into the air and passing them between each other. The large stones all glowed one color or another as they passed the stones from one pony to the next. He saw a few of them grunt as they lifted each one.

“I see, so they can train to their differences?” Spike observed.

“Exactly. See, the unicorns practice heavy lifting, the earth ponies do push-up pyramids over there, and the pegasi do maneuvers through those hoops. Any pony can be strong on their own, but it is their differences that make the unit strong,” he observed and admired his soldiers’ work.

Spike looked upon the field of ponies in front of him. Each guard was putting his or her whole effort into whatever it was they were doing. It was admirable to say the least, but Spike just felt happy to be focusing on something like this rather than all of the drama the tabloids have caused him and Twilight. She had trotted off to the library earlier and Spike hated seeing the look on her face. She seemed frustrated and stressed and yet he was the cause this time, so there was little he could do to help. It must be nice, he thought, to live simply as a part of a team like these guards. Each one fits right in among the ranks, almost exact copies of each other. Nopony would ever mistake one of them for a beast.

“Spike,” Shining said and nudged him. Spike shook his head and whipped himself out of his daydream as the guards began to fall into formation again. As the last of them fell in line, they all stood at attention. Spike noticed many of them were sweating in their armor, heaving breaths through their noses, but stood tall and still as if fatigue did not affect them. He looked at Shining Armor nervously.

“It’s alright, just be yourself,” Shining whispered and cleared his throat again before he addressed his troops.

“Good work, everypony. Now, I’m going to let Spike speak to you. I want you all to give him your undivided attention.” As he finished, the guards all remained at attention and stared right at Spike. Spike gulped and stepped forward. He tried his best to keep his head tall and his posture straight, but his tail still twitched nervously.

“Um . . . hi everypony. I’m Spike . . . well you all know that cause Shining Armor said so earlier and . . . um” he stuttered. He remembered Twilight’s trick, and took a deep breath through his nose, raising his claw to his chest and breathing out. The thought of Twilight reminded him of how well she would do in this scenario. What would she say? he thought. He decided that she’d give him the same advice Shining Armor did; just to be himself. He sat down on his rear legs and let himself get comfortable before beginning again.

“So how many of you have seen another dragon before? Raise your hooves,” he said and waited. The guards all looked around for anypony raising a hoof, but none did. “Really? Well then you all must have some questions for me,” Spike said loud enough for all of them to hear. “Let me see, I was born and raised in Canterlot and these days, when I’m not accidentally setting her books on fire, I help as Princess Twilight’s personal assistant.” Some of the troops chuckled at the remark and Spike could feel the tension easing. Spike decided that was a good thing.

“Alright, let’s be frank, I’m not a soldier like you all. I spend more hours a day reading books and mailing letters than I do outside. I’ve only been in a handful of fights and I got lucky in every one of them. I’m not a captain of any guard so don’t feel like you have to salute me or anything. If any of you have questions you’d like to ask a dragon, fire away,” he said and folded his forearms over his chest as he sat tall, observing the group. The soldiers all looked at each other again and for a while, no pony moved. “Come on, don’t be shy,” he beckoned. Then, one mare in the front row raised a hoof and looked at Spike respectfully.

“What’s your name?” Spike asked.

“Clarity, sir,” she said and put her hoof down.

“Go ahead, Clarity.”

“Ok. Why are you not big and mean like other dragons?” she asked.

“Good question with a long answer,” Spike explained. “Basically, dragons grow big when they are greedy. The more a dragon takes for himself, the bigger and meaner he gets. Most giant dragons you see will know nothing besides getting gold and gems for themselves, and they’ll burn anypony who tries to take it from them. I, on the other hand, was able to stop that greed from taking control of me. Now, I’m just another pony in a dragon’s scales,” he said, leaving out the part where he nearly destroyed Ponyville. A tall white stallion guard raised his hand and again Spike asked him for his name.

“I’m Phalanx, sir. Do dragons ever hunt ponies?” the guard asked.

“Not actively. Dragons will keep to themselves in their hoard for the most part. They will only bother you if you go after their gold. Word to the wise, if you see a huge pile of gems in a cave somewhere, it’s probably a dragon’s hoard so do not take any. Trust me, I did once and nearly got my face melted,” he said, and another laugh spread through the ranks, followed by a few more hooves going up. Spike called on another one a few rows back.

“I’m Nova, sir. What do other dragons think of you living amongst ponies?” she asked. Spike remembered back to where he left Ponyville in search for more dragons. The teenagers gave him a rough time, and he ended up going home pretty quickly.

“The one time I asked, they called me a sissy. They ended up getting chased by a phoenix, it’s a long story. From what I can tell, most dragons travel with and keep to their own kind. They probably just don’t understand what it is like to not be greedy all the time,” he guessed and called on another hoof.

“If we were going to fight a dragon, what should we know?” the guard asked. Some of the guards perked their heads up a bit and listened more intently.

“Great question. I guess there are the obvious things to look out for like the fire breath. Teeth and claws are dangerous too. Something to keep in mind is that most dragons have some kind of sharp blade on the end of their tail that they can use to really tear things up, so be careful when they turn around. Also, our fire breath does get tiring after a while. If you can get them to exhaust their flames, then they’ll be much more likely to retreat. But the best way to get rid of a dragon is to offer it something it wants more than your tail,” Spike said remembering the Sprite Sapphire he used to lure the dragon away from Ponyville the other day.

“You mean like gold or gems?” one guard asked.

“Exactly,” he answered. Another hoof shot up and the guard waved it around vigorously.

“You,” Spike said and pointed at him.

“Can you show us?” he asked eagerly. At that question, nearly all of the guards in formation leaned forward and opened their eyes wider. A few of them nodded their heads as well. Spike, a little flustered, looked back at Shining Armor with a shrug. The captain shrugged back and gave him a look that said if you think it’s a good idea. Spike sighed.

“Alright,” he said and took a few steps back. The troops began pushing and shoving to get to the front, breaking formation and standing as tall as they could to get a good view.

“Okay. Shining Armor, what are those spears made of?” he said and gestured to the rack of spears that stood behind them.

“Oh, these are solid steel underneath a coat of brass,” he said.

“Toss me one,” he said. Shining Armor cocked his brow but lifted a spear from the rack with his magic and tossed it to Spike. Instead of catching it, Spike swiped upwards with his claws and shredded the spear into pieces, which tumbled to the ground and clanged behind him. There were oohs and aahs from the guards as Spike picked up the pieces and handed them back to Shining Armor.

“These claws are sharp enough to go through gems like they were cupcakes. I know because I tend to go through gems like cupcakes. Now, what about the shields?” he asked, which got a hush from the crowd. Shining smiled and lifted a spare shield from the rack behind him and tossed it towards him. Spike spun around, lifting his feet into the air and bringing his tail down on the shield hard. The blade on the end of his tail went right through the shield like an axe through firewood and landed into the dirt with a thud. The two halves of the shield bounced around on either side of him loudly. The crowd reacted even louder than before, and one or two guards lightly clopped their hooves in applause.

“The tails can be even sharper, so if you can’t block it with magic, just try to avoid it as best you can because armor is not going to do you any good. Lastly, the breath. My fire is green because of all of the emeralds and copper I eat. Most dragons snack on gold the most, so their fire is a more natural orange and red color. Dragon’s breath can melt through almost anything, but Twilight has no problem using a shield spell to block it. I suggest you make a defensive line with unicorns up front to block the flames while earth ponies flank it. Pegasus ponies will need to look out for the claws and teeth the most. You can tell a dragon is about to give you some fire when he reels his head back and takes a deep breath, like this . . .” Spike said and heaved a heavy breath through his nose.

He reared up on his hind legs and pointed his snout into the air as high as he could before exhaling a brilliant and hot burst of green fire into the air. All of the snow that was falling within a few yards of him evaporated immediately. The guards in the front shielded their eyes from the heat while the rest of them looked on in astonishment. Spike finished his breath and trailed off his flames before coming back down on all fours. The crowd applauded with enthusiasm and even cheered a little. Spike bashfully smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Alright, alright everypony, one more question before drill time,” Shining Armor called out, quieting the group. Nearly half of the crowd raised a hoof and waved it around like school-foals. Spike smiled and pointed to a mare up front who was smiling at him. The crowd quieted as the guardmare cleared her throat.

“What is your role with Princess Twilight?” she asked with a smile. Spike’s spines stood on end at the question. He was unsure of whether or not the guard wanted to know about his job, or his relationship with Twilight. The crowd hushed again and looked at him intently. Spike cleared his throat and spoke slowly.

“As Dragon Sage, my job is to be Twilight’s number one assistant. I advise her on important matters, I help her research and practice her magic, I help her aid the ponies who need her help, and when necessary, I protect her from danger. I love the job immensely and I do it for the same reason you all became guards; to protect what matters the most . . . although I don’t get to wear such awesome armor like you all do,” Spike jested and got another chuckle from his audience. After another round of hooves clopping together for Spike, Shining Armor had the companies fall back into formation and begin running drills led by their lieutenants. He met back up with Spike after they began training again.

“Good job, Spike. You really got them going,” he commended him.

“Thanks. I’m just glad for the first time I did not make a fool of myself,” he replied. “Sorry about the shield and spear.”

“It’s alright, it’s worth it to show them how serious a dragon is. Also, good work with that last question too,” Shining said a little quieter.

“You think so?”

“Yeah, it’s not easy when rumors start sprouting like that. I was lucky to be a guard before marrying Cadence, so I can’t imagine what you’re going through,” Shining Armor said. Spike thanked him for his sympathy, but he immediately felt his stomach churn.

He looked out on the field of training ponies. Most of them were stallions who stood tall and proud. They were respected in their communities, and perhaps even of noble birth. Each one of them would make a much more acceptable choice for Twilight in the eyes of many who mattered. Spike fought against the thought, but he could see it all so clearly. Twilight was holding hooves with a stallion dressed in uniform before an adoring crowd of supporters. She smiled and waved as the ponies sang their praises. She would never worry a day in her life about who she picked. She could see them, their smiles, their castle, their foals, it all made too much sense, and Spike felt sick.

“What’s wrong?” Shining Armor asked. Spike wanted to answer, but the pit in his stomach began to bubble, and he soon felt a familiar churning of fire in his chest. He pushed Shining Armor away reflexively, opened his maw, and belched loudly spouting flames onto the torn up bits of shield. A roll of paper tied up in Celestia’s seal flew from his mouth and rolled on the ground.

“You okay?” Shining asked.

“Yeah, just wasn’t expecting that. Wonder what this is about,” he said and peeled open the letter just enough to read who it was addressed to.

Dear Spike and Twilight, it read.

Spike tore open the seal and began reading through the letter. As soon as he did, a small photograph fell from the letter that Shining Armor caught with his magic. Spike glared more closely at the letter, then at the photo. His eyes went wide and he quickly rolled the photo and letter back up and clutched it in his claws.

“I need to get this to Twilight,” he said. Shining Armor nodded and backed away as Spike crouched down low before kicking off of the ground and soaring up into the air towards the Crystal Empire Library.

Twilight sighed as she closed a large text on royal lineage and floated it onto a tall pile of books to her left. She only had one more book to go through and none of the previous ones were any help. She found it difficult to focus with all that was happening. Ponies in Trottingham were likely to speak out against her, even if all they had were rumors. Not that she particularly cared what ponies thought of her, but if there was one thing the books had taught her, it was that being an influential princess requires the subjects to take what she says seriously. They were certainly less likely to do so if she was seen as shameful.

She sighed again and looked up from her desk. A few staring ponies quickly darted their gaze from her back to their books without a word. It was certainly the right decision to spend the day in the library, but being alone with her thoughts was perhaps more dangerous than she thought. She found herself resenting the ponies that stared at her and anypony who disapproved of Spike. Even more so, she began to resent her crown. She was glad she could help ponies across Equestria discover the values of friendship, but if she was simply a student like she used to be, then she could love Spike as much as she wanted without a care in the world whether anypony approved.

She sighed and flipped through another book. Her mind was so busy with what to do she did not notice the library doors open, nor did she hear the sounds of dragon footsteps approaching the desk, nor did she feel it when Spike tapped her shoulder the first time.

“Twilight . . .” Spike said a little louder, keeping himself as hushed as possible.

“Wha?” Twilight sprang up and turned to see her assistant dutifully holding out a roll of parchment with Princess Celestia’s seal on it. He was bowing his head, likely making a show of courtesy and propriety for the observing ponies. She lifted the scroll out of his claws with her magic and began reading.

Dear Twilight and Spike,

I write to you on behalf of your friends in Ponyville. They asked me to send this message to you as quickly as possible. The recent photograph and article in the Trottingham Tribune brings them great concern for you. They want to assure you that they will do anything they can to help. As such, they gave me this photo for me to give to you. A foal by the name of Featherweight took it and gave it to your friends. They believe that it can be used to shed Spike in a more amicable light amongst the citizens of Equestria, and I believe they are right. I believe this photo can help ponies see that Spike is very different from other dragons, and might be more open to your relationship as a result.

What you choose to do with the photo is your decision. We all want to see this turned right, and if rumors continue to spread you will need to act quickly. We wish you both well, and urge you to contact us if you require more assistance.

Yours Truly,

Princess Celestia

Twilight lifted the letter up and glanced underneath it, then looked on the table for what she was missing.

“Where’s the . . .” she began and turned to Spike. He had his head bowed again, this time holding out a square photograph in his claws. Twilight scooped it up and looked at it closely.

She saw herself casting a brilliant violet shielding spell on one side of the picture. Towering over her was the massive dragon that threatened the Cutiemark Crusaders the other day. It was breathing a storm of flames down onto her. Above her was Spike, flying quickly towards the dragon and spewing flames of his own back at the giant beast. He had a fierce glow in his eyes, as did she. This picture showed them both working together to defend citizens of Ponyville from a monster, and it clearly demonstrated who’s side Spike was on.

“Do you think we should--”

“Shhh!” she hushed him. He looked around at the library and whispered to her.

“We should talk about this,” he said. Twilight nodded and beckoned him closer. He took a seat across from her at the desk and watched as she closed her eyes and lit up her horn. A bubble of violet magic formed around the table they were sitting at and encased them both inside.

“Silence spell,” she explained.

“Good idea. So . . . what should we do with it?” Spike said and gestured to the picture. Twilight looked it over again and sighed.

“I don’t think this will do us any good,” Twilight said.

“What? Why not? You said earlier that we need to show ponies that I’m not like other dragons, and what better way to do that than with a picture of us fighting one together?” Spike protested.

“A picture is what got us into this mess Spike. If we just leak this to the press, they’ll just think up another story that gets ponies talking more. More rumors will not solve this for us.”

“So we’ll explain it to them. Meet with the press and tell them exactly what happened.”

“That won’t stop them from talking. Ponies will look at this and be terrified by the dragon. The last thing we need is ponies talking about a ‘dragon menace,” Twilight told him.

“But if ponies see me as an answer to that problem, than we’re in the clear!” Spike said, raising his voice a little. “What else can we do anyway? All we’ve figured out so far is to keep our distance from each other, and that won’t work for long.”

“Why not? It might be better to starve these rumors rather than feed them to death.”

“So, what, we just go back to keeping it a secret? Is that what you’re suggesting?” Spike said, a little surprised.

“I’m just trying to consider all the options here. If we duck low enough while Cadence and Shining Armor are in the spotlight with their foal, then ponies will consider us old news. They won’t disturb us at the castle, or in Ponyville, and we can go back,” Twilight explained.

“To what? Pretending that we’re not in love? Where do we go from there? Just go on the rest of our lives in secret, no future, never actually . . .” Spike trailed off and looked at Twilight closely. His gaze widened and he sat back in his chair. Twilight saw his face contort like he was seeing an old friend in pain. “Wait a minute, is that what you want? Do you . . . not see a future with me?” Spike’s voice broke a little at the end. Twilight’s expression darkened as she looked back at Spike.

“. . . Spike, that’s not what I mean,” she started.

“It’s alright, I get it,” Spike said and pushed away from the desk. He got up and quickly made his way through the bubble and trotted towards the steps with his head hanging low.

“Spike wait!” Twilight called out. A herd of ponies shushed her for shouting in the library and she followed him quietly, trying to avoid suspicion. Spike did not hear her. He felt numb throughout his body and his ears were ringing. The vision of Twilight and the guard entered his brain again and swam through his vision like mud in a river. He soon found himself outside near the library doors. He gripped the cold dirt in his claws tightly as if gravity would reverse itself soon.

“Spike,” he heard from behind him. He stopped her by turning and throwing a claw up. He kept his voice low so they were out of earshot of anypony around them and glared at her angrily.

“If the approval of other ponies matters that much to you, than we were doomed from the start,” he stated in almost a whisper.

Twilight put a hoof on her mouth and visibly shook from his statement. She was at a loss for what to say. She had never heard Spike speak like that before. His face was as cold as the fast approaching winter, and his voice was low and broken. It was wrong, and Twilight did not know how else to put it. Then, in a quick jolt, he stood up as tall as he could and kept his gaze forward and his feet pressed together in a stoic stance. He bowed and crossed his chest with his arm keeping his posture perfect and regal.

“Your highness,” he said, before rising back up and turning to leave. Twilight looked around for other ponies watching, but the only ones she could see were many yards away. She watched Spike as he trotted back towards the Crystal Palace. She reached out with a hoof, wanting to say something to make him stay, but found no words coming to her lips. She cursed herself and Spike for acting so foalish, then scowled before heading back into the library.

Not long later, Spike was in the Crystal Palace unpacking his saddlebag in his guest bedroom. The bright blue walls glimmered in the remaining sunlight and the bed looked large and appetizing. Spike sighed as he tossed a few items onto a nearby desk before throwing himself on the bed. He dug his face into the pillow with a grunt and wished for sleep to overtake him a few hours early. At least when he was sleeping, the outside world did not sting as much.

A knock came on the door.

“Spike the Brave and Glorious?” a stallion’s voice called from the hallway.

“If it is not dinner being ready, then I don’t want to hear it,” he called out. It was unlike him to spit at strangers like that, but he needed the moment badly.

“It is a message from Princess Twilight,” the voice replied. Spike’s eyes cocked in confusion and he raised his head from the pillow and ventured over to the door. The guard pony on the other side was a pegasus who smartly saluted him.

“Why did she send you? Where is she?” he asked.

“She has left the Crystal Empire. She did not say where to,” the pegasus explained. Spike reeled back and gasped a little.

“What? Why?” he asked.

“I’m not sure, but she told me to tell you to stay in the Crystal Palace. She did not want you following her, and she wishes that you wait here for her return,” the guard explained. The message worried Spike even more than before. She could have sent a letter, but instead she sent a guard and left town without a word. Spike wanted to attack the guard with more questions, but he could tell that the soldier did not know any more than what he had told him.

“Oh,” was all he managed to say. “Thanks,” he finished and closed the door while the guard saluted him again. He laid back with his head up against the door, looking at the dazzling crystal ceiling that suddenly felt very foreign to him. Just like that she was gone, and Spike wondered how it could have happened so quickly.