• Published 1st Jun 2015
  • 890 Views, 16 Comments

Rarara Reports - VitalSpark

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Dual Jewel Duel

Amethyst Star and Rarity circled each other. "You give me back that gem!" growled the alabaster unicorn.

"I saw it first!" shouted the younger mare.

Rarity made a lunge to grab the jewel. "It's for Spike!"

Amethyst ducked away just in time. "That irritating little dragon? He's not worth the effort."

Rarity stopped in her tracks. Nopony disrespected Spike. "Oh… It. Is. On!" She jumped at Amethyst, who swiftly moved out of the way. "Rainbow fist punch!" shouted Rarity, her horn glowing. A rainbow-coloured beam shot out of Rarity's horn, at the end of it a glowing white fist. It smashed into Amethyst sending her flying backwards.

Amethyst picked herself up. "Two can play at that game!" Her horn started to glow. "Shiny Emerald Snake Strike!" A torrent of green snakes appeared and flew through the air at Rarity.

As quick as a flash, Rarity hollered, "Syrup Tsunami Shockwave!" A tidal wave of maple syrup materialized, sweeping away the serpents and drenching Amethyst Star in sticky mess.

"You messed up my shop!" Amethyst howled. "Now I'll mess you up! Dagger Crystal Heart Attack!" Dozens of razor-sharp heart-shaped crystals flew in Rarity's direction.

Rarity quickly levitated a table in their path and the sharp crystals embedded themselves in the wood. "Oh, you're worried about the mess, are you? Mystic Room Suck Transform!"

A black hole appeared in the floor and started sucking everything in. Rarity secured herself against a doorway as syrup, snakes, crystals, and most of the furniture got drawn into the hole. Amethyst clung onto a window frame for dear life. Rarity felt herself sliding towards the black hole and put a hoof to her horn to snuff out her magic.

Amethyst was next to react. "You… you… I don't even have words to describe you! Mega Narwhal Blast!" A platoon of small whales rocketed through the air at Rarity, their horns pointing straight towards her.

"Glitter Dragon Escalation!" shouted Rarity, just in time. A sparkling dragon made of pure energy lifted her up, above the strike range of the narwhals, and deposited her safely on the floor before disappearing. "Jellybean Hallucination Mist!" she shrieked.

Suddenly Amethyst was surrounded by a mist and she felt woozy. Everywhere she looked, jellybeans floated past. She forgot where she even was. She stared at her hoof. It looked like a jellybean. Should I lick it? Yeah, I'll lick it. She started licking her hoof.

Rarity took advantage of Amethyst Star's temporary confusion and reached into the mist to take the gem she wanted from Amethyst. She trotted to the doorway, a smile on her face and turned to look at the mare she was leaving behind. Should I break that spell?

As she walked out, Rarity fired up her horn. "Turbo Nuclear Butterfly Blast!"

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A loud bang woke Spike. He yawned and stretched his arms. What a weird dream.

Author's Note:

Yes, this is a crossover thing.