• Published 25th Mar 2015
  • 6,275 Views, 128 Comments

Twilight's Life Is A Game - ilbgar

Twilight has the power of The Gamer. Let's just say things are a little different.

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Author's Note:

Here's that remake/sequel I promised. I'll answer comments that are asking for clarification, but I'm probably not going to respond to requests any time soon. Twilight is willling to seriously consider going into the Zombie ID on her own because she wasn't told not to and she doesn't have her near-fanatical loyalty to the Princess yet.

Twilight had always been different. She didn't realize it at first, but the game screens that appeared since the day she was born were not normal. Nor was her deep-seated urge to advance and evolve, which was completely unlike the average non-aggressive pony.

She had figured out how to make her status window appear through trial and error after the first few game windows. She soon discovered her Stats were listed there and their explanations could be viewed simply by tapping said Stats. The Stats were, in order:

'Level. A measure of overall power. Levels are obtained through receiving a set amount of Exp. from Quests and killing monsters. Each Level adds 50 HP and MP, grants 5 Stat points to be spent freely, and at every multiple of 5, adds an a additional point of HP/MP Regen.

HP. Hit Points. How much damage you can take without dying. Has a base of 100. Should this reach 0, then you're dead. No second chances, retries or miraculous revivals.

HP Regen. Hit Point Regeneration. You regain 1% of you maximum HP per minute.

MP. Mana Points. Measures how much mana, chakra, KI, Spiral Power, etc. you possess. It is required to use many abilities.

MP Regen. Mana Point Regeneration. You regain 1% of your maximum MP per minute, though this can be changed with Wis.

Str. Strength. Your physical strength. Determines your physical attack damage.

Int. Intelligence. Determines cognitive abilities, memorization, magical attack, and adds 10 MP per point.

Agi. Agility. Your speed and flexibility, as well as your overall dexterity with your physical body.

Vit. Vitaliy. Your overall health and physical toughness. Adds 10 HP per point.

Wis. Wisdom. Your logic and problem-solving abilities. Every 10 points adds 1% to your MP Regen and increases your Magic Resistance by 1%.

Lck. Luck. Your overall luckiness in life. Affects everything to some degree, but has the most influence in things in which chance has a large role, such as monster drops and actions such as flipping a coin.'

After she had finished reading through each of the Stats, another window appeared.

'It is important to note that Stats can be raised manually in various ways, and that this will grow more difficult as they increase. At each multiple of 10, it will become significantly harder to earn more Stats. By 50, it will be very difficult to do so manually. Good luck!'

After briefly wondering about the sentience of the windows, Twilight set to work experimenting to try and raise her Stats. Her labor soon bore fruit. Strength rose from lifting weights, Int rose from studying, Agi rose from pushing herself to her maximum speed, Vit increased from exercising for a long period, Wis increased from intelligent decisions and solving puzzles, and Lck increased by winning at games of chance.

Since she was a unicorn, she focused on Int and Wis for their boost to her magic, but worked on the Str, Agi, Vit, and to a lesser degree, Lck since it was harder to train and a less certain thing, because she might be a caster, but that was useless if she got taken out before she could do anything.

Str meant a close-combat situation was not unsalvageable. Agi let her dodge more easily. Vit allowed her to take what hits she couldn't dodge without dying. Lck... well, she was sure it had benefits. She certainly had fewer accidents happen to her after raising it.

Of course, she was immediately pegged as different by the other children, who didn't so much bully her as shun her. She didn't mind. She was making ever less progress with her Stats as it was as her parents tried harder to make her come out of her shell and gave her more responsibility around the house. She needed as much free time a possible.

She would start to feel caged if she was not allowed to try and better herself for an extended period and her ability, as she called it, even had a Status Effect permanently on her because of it.

'Spiral Life-form. As a member of the Spiral Races, you instinctively seek evolution as the only way to be successful. This is a genetic and psychological effect, so it can be weakened but never completely removed.'

By the time she was 6, her Level was 3, but her Stats were more than 30 Levels above that. Just over 37 in fact.

'Name: Twilight Sparkle
Age: 6.
Class: Gamer/Caster.
Title: None.
Level: 3. 70% to next.
HP: 590/590.
HP Regen: 5.9/min.
MP: 630/630.
MP Regen: 31.5/min.
Str: 32.
Int: 48.
Agi: 35.
Vit: 34.
Wis: 40.
Lck: 27.
15 Stat points unspent.
207 Bits.'

It seemed that each Level required that she obtain the Level number multiplied by 1000 in Exp. to reach the next. Other than that, everything was as she'd understood from the explanation provided by her ability.

Knowing the names, Classes, and Levels of others at a glance was also useful. They simply floated over their owner's head. Although she hadn't been able to see all but the first in the case of Princess Celestia. According to the windows, she couldn't because the princess was more than 50 Levels above her own.

It was at this point that she was presented an acceptance letter to Princess Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns by her parents. The things she could learn there! She thanked her parents enthusiastically, but then found out there was a catch. First she'd have to pass an entrance exam.

As she usually did when faced with he prospect of a test, she panicked for about 10 minutes, before studying like the fate of the universe depended on it. She even got a Quest for it.

'Quest Alert!
Pass the Entrance Exam.
Success: 10000 Exp. 1000 Bits. ??? and ???.
Failure: None.'

The massive rewards, as well as the ones she didn't have named, only pushed her to study harder. Although she was curious what the other two were. She had no way of knowing without completing the Quest though.

She passed the theoretical part of the exam easily. The questions weren't even that hard. The reserves test was a laugh as there was some consternation over a girl of 6 having just over 5 times the average adult's reserves. They actually checked the machine to make sure it wasn't broken.

Things went a bit downhill at the final test though. She didn't have the MP to hatch a dragon's egg, and no mater how hard she tried, it wasn't working. She was on the verge of panicking when a rainbow-colored shock wave of magic rushed past. At that point, she got a notification.

'Magical Overload. Your MP is more than twice your maximum. You run serious risk of losing control over it.'

She hatched the dragon egg in hopes of both passing the exam and draining enough magic to prevent losing control, but it was more like opening flood gates. Her magic went completely haywire and she found herself a spectator as her parents were turned into plants, the proctors for the exam were stuck 10 feet off he ground, and the baby dragon was instantly grown to adult size, roughly that of a three-story building.

'Magic Surge. Your magic is no longer under your control and will cause random effects until and outside force stops you or your MP hits 0.'

She was stuck like this for maybe 30 seconds before Princess Celestia herself appeared in a burst of teleportation and gently removed the excess magic from her system. Twilight started to apologize profusely, but was interrupted when Celestia spoke. "Twilight Sparkle. I've never seen a unicorn with your raw talent, but you need to learn more control. Would you like to become my student?" she asked.

Twilight was too dumbfounded to speak for a moment, she looked over to her parents, who had returned to normal along with everything else when the magic surge stopped. They nodded eagerly.

Twilight answered with an enthusiastic, "YEEESS!!" before getting a hold of herself and saying it again more quietly and with more than little embarrassment. "Ahem, yes I'd love to be your student." she said.

'Quest Complete!
+10000 Exp. +1000 Bits. Obtained the Title Celestia's Student: Boosts MP by 100 when equipped. Obtained cutie mark. +10 Stat points.
Titles are achievements that can be equipped like items and apply various bonuses after you receive them.
You have leveled up 3 times!'

She followed the adults to a waiting room where she was supposed to wait while they discussed the arrangements for Twilight studying magic under the Princess. Since Int would boost her efficiency at studying, her maximum output, and slightly increase her MP Regen she ought to increase it now. Besides which, she wouldn't be able to raise Int manually very easily anymore. With this line of reasoning, she dumped her 40 Stat points into Int. She also equipped her new Title.

This caused her first new Skill to appear.

'The Skill 'Mana Affinity has been generated due to raising Int above 50.
Mana Affinity. Passive. Lv. Max. This technique allows the user to become more sensitive to mana and handle it more easily.
10% increase in total MP Regen.
5% increase in maximum MP.
5% increase in magic attack.
5% increase in magic defense.
30% increase in the effects of Skills related to MP.'

She checked her Stats over and grinned at what she found.

'Name: Twilight Sparkle.
Age: 6
Class: Gamer/Caster.
Title: Celestia's Student.
Level: 6. 3.07%.
HP: 740/740.
HP Regen: 8.4/min.
MP: 1239/1239.
MP Regen: 69.25/min.
Str: 32.
Int: 88.
Agi: 35.
Vit: 34.
Wis: 40.
Lck. 27.
0 Stat points unspent.
1207 Bits.'

She then opened her Inventory to get out a pen and paper to try and decide what types of Skills she ought to create.

Her Inventory was a feature of the windows that could be easily described as a pocket universe only she could access and had an unlimited number of slots to place items in, though it was possible to stack the same item up to 999.

She needed offensive, defensive, and support abilities because as the student of the ruler of Equestria she was going to be the object of a great deal of jealousy at minimum, though that hadn't occurred to her until after she'd accepted. She was currently more than three times as strong, fast, and tough as a normal person and almost that lucky, and this was ignoring her Int and Wis. Still, her actual combat ability left a lot to be desired.

She was stricken with writer's block due to a lack of practical experience in combat shortly after writing this down and was essentially just staring at the paper. After doing so for about a minute, she got another new Skill.

'Through continuous observation, you have created the Skill 'Observe.'
Observe. Active/Passive. Lv 1. 0.00%. Grants detailed information about a target and some information at a glance. This decreases rapidly as your target's Level increases. You will not be able to obtain any information on a target more than 50 Levels above your Level plus Observe's. Leveling up Observe will show more detailed information both in active and passive use. '

Since she didn't have any better ideas, she began spamming Observe on every object around her. Eventually, it reached Level 12, at which point it passively showed the HP bars of those around her. It had started doing so at Level 10 to be more precise. The HP bar was red when full, but became transparent as it went down. As one might expect, they were full for everyone around her.

Her parents finished discussing things with Princess Celestia before she managed anything else. She was going to live here in the castle so she wouldn't have to walk back and forth between her family's house and the castle every day.

She had, after some internal debate, decided to try to convince her new teacher that she possessed an unusual ability. This was partially because she wanted to be as honest as possible with the princess, and partially because if anyone would know what exactly this was, it was the solar monarch.

Demonstrating her Inventory would probably work, but that could be mistaken for a variant of normal magic, so she'd probably have to use Observe to demonstrate knowledge she should not ordinarily possess.

Right, she'd do that as soon as she could get the princess alone. She jumped as the doors closed behind her as she followed the princess to her first lesson. Apparently 'soon' was now.

She was quite surprised when Celestia raised a hoof and pushed some mana into the air around her, and a barrier of some kind formed. All extraneous sounds vanished. It was as if every living thing had ceased to exist except the two of them. "Princess, what's this? It feels like a barrier of some kind." she asked.

The princess nodded. "It is. This is an illusion barrier. Anyone can make one with proper training. It allows you to unleash destructive
power without affecting the real world since any damage done inside an illusion barrier disappears upon it's destruction. I will be teaching you more than just theory and it would not be the first time a spell has gone awry if you don't get it quite right on the first try." she explained.

"Well, there's something I needed to talk to you about. I'll start with a demonstration." Twilight said, hoping the direct route was the best choice. She pulled a rock she'd found one day and used to test her Inventory out, let the princess examine it, then put it back.

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow. "What was that exactly? I can tell you didn't conjure that rock, and you can't simply un-conjure something." she asked.

"I'm a bit... odd. I have this power that calls itself 'The Gamer.' That feature is the Inventory. It's sort of a pocket universe that only I can access. As far as I can tell, the only limitation is that I can't place a living thing inside it. Things that used to be alive don't count. Other than that, I once tried to find an end, and gave up after the 500th page since I'll never actually use that many, so it doesn't matter if it goes on forever." Twilight explained.

The Princess' eyes widened. "It sounds like Gaia is up to her old tricks again if that ability really is sentient." she said.

"...What's Gaia?" Twilight asked, completely confused.

"There is a pseudo-scientific theory that the planet, or, in some cases, the Universe, is a single entity with a will. This is precisely the case. Many of the proponents of the Universe idea believe that Gaia willed itself into existence, causing the Big Bang. This is also entirely correct." the princess explained to a wide-eyed Twilight. "She grants 'The Gamer' to those who earn her favor. Though it has become rather well-known that she has a slightly twisted sense of humor." she half-muttered that last part.

Twilight scratched her head in thought. "I was born like this, how could I have earned the approval of the universe if I wasn't even born yet?" she asked.

"Well, that I can't be sure of. Why don't you explain your ability to me in greater detail for now? That should at least tell us a few things." Princess Celestia suggested.

Twilight nodded and opened her Status in the usual way. She was surprised to find that the top of the window had tabs now. The tab she was currently on was Status, but there was also a Skills tab and an Options tab.

"Is something wrong?" Princess Celestia asked.

Twilight shook her head. "I don't think so. I've just got 2 options here that I've never seen before. Skills and Options. I supposedly finished the Tutorial earlier today, so that might be why." Twilight theorized.

"Start with what you know, then we'll work on what you don't." the princess said.

"Right, first off there's my Stats." Twilight gave the princess the run-down on her Stats, followed by Quests, and then she examined Skills. There were a fair number of them and Twilight read each of them off to the princess.

'Gamer's Mind. Passive. Lv Max. Grants the user the ability to think calmly and logically in dangerous situations and nullifies psychological effects. Note that since the Spiral Life-form Status is genetic, it is only partially nullified.

Gamer's Body. Passive. Lv Max. Grants the user the body of a video game character. Pain and fatigue will rapidly fade, and any injury can be healed by restoring HP.

Levitation. Active. Lv 57. Allows the user to move objects in three dimensions. The Level of the Skill and the user's Int influence the maximum weight the user can move.
MP cost: 5 MP/minute/lb.

Conjuration. Active. Lv 46. Allows the user to create physical objects from mana. The Level of the Skill and the user's Int influence the maximum amount of mass that can be created at once.
MP cost: 6 MP/lb of matter.

Mana Affinity. Passive. Lv Max. Technique which allows the user to become more sensitive to mana and handle it more easily.
10% increase in total MP Regen.
5% increase to maximum MP.
5% increase in magic attack.
5% increase in magic defense.
30% increase in Skills related to MP.

Observe. Active/Passive. Lv 12. 8.95%. Grants detailed information on the target, and some at a glance. This decreases rapidly as the target's Level increases. You will not be able to obtain any information on a target more than 50 Levels above your Level plus Observe's. Leveling up Observe will show more detailed information in both active and passive use. At Level 10 and on, you can see the HP bars of others.'

Another window appeared when she finished reading off the Skills.

'Note, Skills are generally created by doing a special action or repeating certain actions. Some are unlocked as a result of getting your Stats to certain thresholds. A decent number of Skills will evolve into better ones upon reaching their maximum Level, usually 100. This does not apply to all however.'

"That was certainly enlightening." the princess said once she finished. "It seems that it's a late-bloomer ability." she mused.

"Which means what, exactly?" Twilight asked.

"Gaia does grant other abilities, but it's rare. However, enough appeared that a distinction arose between 2 types of abilities. Those which were powerful from the beginning but have slow growth and definite limits, and those that have little power to start with, but grow ridiculously fast without clear limits." the princess explained.

After examining the Options tab and finding nothing of interest, Celestia said, "First I'm going to teach you how to create your own illusion barriers so that you can practice even if I'm busy with the Day Court or other affairs. You saw me doing it earlier already." she said.

Twilight nodded. "You simply push mana out of your hoof with the desire to create one. Well technically whatever forelimb you have as that was picked so the skill wouldn't be limited to spellcasters." She raised her hoof and the area around them cracked and shattered before revealing an identical real world. "Exiting them is the opposite." Celestia finished. "Now give it a try." she suggested.

Twilight did so, and got a different Skill before succeeding.

'Through continuous emission of mana from your hoof, you've gained the Skill 'Mana Bolt.'
Mana Bolt. Active. Lv 1. Shoots a ball of mana from your horn at the target. Damage is dependent on Int. Level up to boost the speed of the attack and reduce the cost.
Cost: 30 MP per use.

Through a special and repeated action, you have created the Skill 'Instance Dungeon Create.' (ID Create.)
ID Create. Active. Lv 1. 0.00%. Allows the user to create pocket dimensions for training purposes, or anything else they may wish. Higher Levels can create more varied IDs.
Current available IDs:
Blank ID - Empty.'

She used the inverse method to escape the ID, creating the ID Escape Skill.

'By reversing a known Skill, you have created 'Instance Dungeon Escape.'
ID Escape. Active. Lv 1. Allows the user to escape IDs. However, IDs above a certain Level cannot be broken out of in this way and IDs can become inescapable under certain circumstances.'

She relayed all of this to the princess, who told her to try and Level her new Skills because she had business she needed to take care of.

Twilight did as she was told. She decided she would create an ID, spam Mana Bolt until her MP ran out, then break out of the ID and create a new one repeatedly until her MP had recovered.

Mana Bolt grew to Level 4 in this way, reducing her MP requirement to 28. It was when her ID Escape leveled up that something odd happened to it. She could now create a Zombie ID according to her Skill window. Resolving to wait for her teacher, she kept going the way she had been for the moment. Of course, if her progress started to slow down a great deal, then she might give in to curiosity and take a peek.