• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 7,408 Views, 340 Comments

inFAMOUS: Second Storm - FrostTheWolf

A young conduit that lives in San Diego does not know what he got himself into after saving a young girl during a hostage crisis.

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Chapter 4- Chasing Rainbows

Chapter 4- Chasing Rainbows

Hilton Parking Lot, San Diego (Saturday, Late Afternoon)

Moments later, Celestia and Luna had finished the current conversation with Shawn. He told them that Rainbow Dash and Soarin might be anywhere at this point and that because of their powers, it’s a high possibility that they could fly. They needed to act and plan accordingly before they did anything or went anywhere.

As quickly as they brought Shawn into the starry vision, Celestia and Luna used the same ability to bring the three of them back. Shawn was back in one piece while the two sisters returned to their human forms.

“Talk about crash landings.” Shawn thought as he got up from his position on the concrete floor. He now looked back at the two sisters, who were patiently waiting for him.

“So… if you believe that Rainbow Dash and Soarin are in the City, where do you think they could be?” Celestia asked him.

Shawn took some time to think, but then answered. “Well, we got to allow for the possibility that they were in the city, but probably moved due to the DUP scare. I would think somewhere with a lot of space and room to move around.”

“Like a park?” Luna asked curiously.

“That’s a first place to try.” came his reply. He pulled out a map on his phone and pointed far out into the distance. Getting a map of the city, he zoomed in on a specific point. One that he guessed might be a possibility.

“If you follow on 6th street to Balboa park, then that might be a first place to check out. Lots of kids and tourist attractions are over in that direction as well as the San Diego Zoo. But if you look for the open fields, then that could give us a lead.”

“That sounds like a possibility.” Celestia commented. She and Luna liked their hopes in this one.

“I can help guide you if-.”

“I don’t think that would be necessary.” Luna interrupted Shawn while he was speaking. “A considerable amount of time has passed and your father might be worried. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Shawn looked at the night princess, puzzled. He had no idea what she meant. That’s when he looked at his Timex Expedition time on his left wrist to check the time. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

The time was 4:30pm. He had only been talking with Celestia and Luna for only twenty minutes! But his watch said that three hours had passed. ‘Three hours!?’

“What the hell?”

Celestia sighed, putting the palm of her hand on her face. “There is a time difference between where we just were and your home. There isn’t a difference between Equestria and this world. But over there, one minute there is nine minutes here.”

Shawn now looked dumbstruck. He never thought this power set that the two princess had involved an ability on that kind of level. Still though, that wasn’t his current concern. If the time was correct, then it had been some time since he left his home and his father normally came home around 5pm.

“So, what do we do now?” Luna asked the snow conduit. Wondering if he had a plan of sorts. There were a number of options to try and figure out before the teenager had to leave. So, why not solve a problem by grabbing it by the horns?

“Not sure, but I probably should get back home. My father worries if I’m out too late.” Shawn told the two sisters. “Luna, if anything changes, make sure to call me.”

“Sure thing. Speaking of your father, will there be a time where we’ll be able to meet him? He’s going to have to know about what’s going on at some point.”

Celestia had a point. But there was one problem. Trying to find a viable explanation. His father could tell when anyone was lying. It was like a gift of his.

“Let’s keep it a secret for now. We’ll explain it to him when the time is right.” Looking at the Trolley, Shawn waved the sisters goodbye and ran towards the station. He was off to the races in order to catch the trolley ride home.

Space Needle, Seattle (Saturday, Late Afternoon)

The view looking from atop Seattle’s Space Needle was amazing. As amazing as it ever would be on a saturday afternoon. One that didn’t involve getting shot at by the DUP.

Delsin was overlooking all of Seattle as he watched the cars roll by and the Civilians of the beautiful city walk the streets. It felt peaceful. But of course, that peace somehow was always cut short. This was from his phone as he checked to see who was calling him.

It was Eugene. He hoped that he had some kind of lead. He answered the call.

“Hey Delsin, I did some checking for you on this gunpowder conduit and you might be surprised at what I tell you.”

The Akomish sighed. “Eugene, I’m surprised by a lot of things. When I first saw your angels, I honestly thought I was going up against god. What is it about this one that would make me so “surprised”? Was this case different from the others somehow?”

“That’s the thing, Pablo here was actually caught by the cops and turned into the DUP. A lot of the witnesses believe that another Conduit beat this guy before he was turned into-.”

“Wait a second…” Delsin intervened. “Are you saying that there is a conduit working with the Police? Like besides us in a different state?” What the Multi-power Conduit meant was that over the course of the past few months, members of the Seattle PD have requested their assistance with cleaning up the Drug Traffic on the street and other cases. He considered it as helping honor Reggie after everything he did to help him.

“That’s right.” He heard Eugene reply. “In fact, rumors are that the conduit is actually related to the Chief of Police, Nicholas Kingston-.”

“Whoa, back up. Kingston?”

“That’s right. Why do you-?”

“Reggie knew someone in the SDPD named Kingston. He became friends with him when his family came to Seattle. Of course, that was when I was a sophomore in high school and thank god that I don’t need to relive those days.” Delsin really did hate his time in high school. When he found out about the power of Invisibility he got from Eugene’s Video powers, Delsin wished that he had them so the conduit could hide for… personal reasons. “Anything else about this “Unknown” Conduit?”

“Well,” Eugene replied. The video conduit could be heard typing on a keyboard and also clicking with his mouse on the computer he mainly used at his hideout. “I’ve been tracking Social Media, but I’ve been only finding witness accounts. One photo though did show him using some kind of white like energy similar to when you use Smoke, but it can form Ice. Plus, this individual's face was covered with a hood that was part of his jacket.”

“Ice? isn’t that kind of impossible in the middle of-?”


“Bio-Terrorist in Seattle Center! Bio- Oh S***! Take Cover!!!”

A loud crash and static ensued as Delsin heard the chatter from the com-line that Eugene had on the DUP. Delsin could hear the explosion from his position and the Chatter from Eugene’s end of the phone call. “Uh Eugene, did you hear that?”

“Who couldn’t have? Matter of Fact, what was that!?”

“I don’t know, but some DUP just said about a conduit in Seattle Center. I’m near Queen Anne, so I know that was not me.”

“Oh boy, that could be an issue…” The Gamer said, concerned.

“What’s Wrong?”

“From when I last heard, that’s where Fetch is.”

For the dark pink haired neon girl called “Fetch” by her friends, she was ultimately glad right now for her fast healing powers. The conduit was finishing up from her daily drug busts when an explosion went off and a busted DUP Convoy almost flattened her like a pancake. In the dust of it all, she could see a girl in her teenaged years looking like she had some vibrating wind circling around her hands as she fled the scene.

‘Who the hell was that? And What kind of Power did she use?’

“Fetch! Are you okay?” It was Delsin, reaching her through a call on her cell phone, like usual.

“Yeah, I was doing fine until a DUP convoy got flipped over and almost crashed on top of me.”

“Wait, an entire convoy!?” The Akomish sounded shocked over the phone. “What happened that would cause that? A land mine going off?”

“No, something tells me it’s a conduit. Someone with a new power we haven’t seen before. I got a glimpse of her before-.”

“Wait, this new conduit is a she?”

“Yes Delsin. I saw what this girl looked like for a brief second before she dashed off in a blur. Have Pixels look for a young teenaged girl that’s looks a bit younger than him. Has black sneakers, same color cargo pants, fingerless black gloves, a white t-shirt and grey bandana around her neck. Also has a pair of turquoise headphones and some weird purple shades around her neck. Her hair is a mix of blue and Sky blue.”

Pixels was Fetch’s other nickname for Eugene. Mostly because the blue aura that his power gave off had little boxes that resembled an old Nintendo NES game. It fit well and the title stuck with him. Eugene liked it since Delsin had his Nicknames and he didn’t have one yet besides “Teen Angel” and his alias in Heaven’s Hellfire.

“I’ll see what he can do. If you are going after that girl, call me if you have any idea on what her powers might be. Fighting what’s left of the DUP is one thing, but causing a convoy to flip over attracts attention.”

“Specifically yours?” Fetch asked sarcastically.

“Depends on how impressive it is.”

“No problem, D.” As the call ended, the Neon conduit began to speed through the side streets of seattle like it was a Sonic the Hedgehog game. Zipping through each side street with precision and accuracy, whisking around corners at high speeds. She began to remember an old trick that she used a few years back that could help her detect the girl. But to do so required one thing. Something from atop the rooftops of multiple buildings in seattle.

A Relay dish.

Fetch had used this trick before to trash a series of delivery trucks that were carrying drug shipments to different places in Seattle Center and the Market District before being caught by the DUP. She used it as a chance to get revenge on her “boss” named Shane, who had held her brother Brent hostage and used Fetch for his personal gain. As for the relay dish, the neon energy she emitted would be released in a widespread wave and if anything Metallic was hit, a signal would bounce back. This would allow Fetch to know where it was and could tell where it’s going if it’s on the move. The signal would be boosted if the person Fetch was hunting used a Cell phone or Radio to communicate with anyone.

Earlier, when she saw the girl briefly, the conduit noticed her having an Android smartphone that was plugged into her headphones and her glasses having a metallic frame. This just might make this job simpler than she thought. That was, until she heard a voice echo inside her hear. A haunting voice she wanted to forget when she thought the word “Job.”

Just a few more jobs…

Trying to forget about the past and refocus her attention, Fetch began to run up the wall and onto the top of the building. Luck was on her side today. The nearest Relay dish was just a few feet in front of her. Alright, let's see where this girl could be.’

Channeling energy from her hands, the neon wave began to pulse outward, scanning for possible locations. After some time, she got a hit, but was surprised of where she picked it up from. It was near where she met Delsin… well, more of the first encounter with him.

“Smokes, I think I got a possible location of our Mystery girl. Mind putting Teen Angel on for me?”

“You know I can hear you right?” An irritated Eugene groaned as he entered the conversation. Fetch just sighed and responded. “Honestly, I did not expect this. But I got a place of where this girl is at right now.”

“Really? Where?”

“Work your powers on the security camera’s and check near the seafood place called “Olaf”. Long story short, it’s how I accidently ran into Delsin after the crash three months back.”

“Already on it…” The video conduit replied. Fetch could hear the sounds of a keyboard and his powers working in the background. “and got- What the?!”

“Eugene, What happened?” Fetch asked “That type of response never sounds good.”

“It Isn’t.” He told her. “I saw her for a minute, but then she was gone. Blasted off like a sonic boom! Be careful, Fetch. This one could be a handful. Working on finding her now. Just keep moving.” Fetch though, was already on the move. She dashed off the top of the building and ran at lightspeed, moving with grace and serious intent towards the rooftop at Olaf. Noticing a string of silver light fading away, Fetch dashed forth.

“Can’t run from me.”

“Did you say something Fetch?” Eugene asked her.

“Nah, just speaking to myself. Got a trail though about our friend. Following it now. Find out where it leads if you can. I want to find a shortcut to get to her.”

“Actually, you’re in luck. She just stopped.”

That caught her by surprise. Why would she stop? Wasn’t this girl on the run or something? “Stopped? Where?”

“An Alleyway by a old bar. I think it’s by Third and… Stone?”

Oh great. More bad memories. “Already moving there. Leave this to me.” Finally, she hung up the call and made her way over. Fetch did not like her odds with this. She did not know who or what will be waiting for her. But why did she feel like something was going to go horribly wrong?

Breath in, breath out. In… Out… In……... Out……...

In an alleyway near the edge of town, the teenaged girl that had just been beating the crap out of the DUP pawns and rooks was trying to enjoy a little peace. Or what little peace she had. It was only yesterday that she ended up in this place after being pulled out of her home through a mirror in her living room and she had mixed emotions. Worried, concerned, happy, hopeful, regretful. They bounced through her mind like a child was playing with a ball on a playground.

Redirecting her attention, the Conduit took the phone that she had out of her pocket and tried to remember how it worked. Slide to unlock, phone, contacts… call. On her was a white plastic grocery bag, filled with apples, some cupcakes, a pie and about a half gallon of Arrowhead water. That wasn’t her attention though as the phone she used picked up.

“Hello?” came the person she was calling. The voice was another girl around her age. Just wiser. Like one of those Honor Students in college

“Hey, it’s me. Where the hay are you?”

“Trying to find a place to hide. Any suggestions? I haven’t done anything like this before.”

The conduit sighed. “You’re killing me Twilight. You know that right?”

“Literally or Physically?” came the reply. All the conduit did was sigh again as she twirled the cable of her headphones. “I’ll presume you mean literally. So, suggestions?”

“Someplace abandoned I guess, I haven’t done this before either-.”

“Oh come on, Vinyl.” The voice on the other end said her name. “You use about anyplace to throw a “show” last time I heard about you.”

“That was for a music concert. I was on tour. Getting stuck in a new world unfamiliar to us with new bodies and new ways that we previously controlled magic really changes the boundaries of how we play this out.” Vinyl retorted. “I’m sorry if it sounds too direct princess, but-.”

“Ms. Scratch, there isn’t a need to address me formally here.” Twilight told her. “I just thought you had a… wait a second. I think I found someplace. Looks like an abandoned studio of sorts and bigger than Applejack’s barn back in Equestria.”

“Alright, try to get in there and don’t be seen. Afterwards, head back to the “Crocodile”. Oh and no “powers” yet.” Vinyl said specifically to ensure her. “It’s what the locals call our special traits along with calling us something called a Conduit. Better than the soldier guys that called us “Bio-terrorists.” Bunch of creeps.”

“Powers you say…” The Element of Magic replied. Then though, Vinyl could hear her stop walking. “Wait... Don’t tell me… you tried using your magic, didn’t you? I heard an explosion earlier. Was that you by any chance?”

“Had no other choice. After getting food, one of them recognized me from yesterday and tried to fire whatever weapons they had at me. Running would just get others hurt and what they fired was a pain in the flank. Turns out though, this change in magic actually helps deal with them. More combat focused and now I can run very fast. Plus, it’s actually based off of sounds I’m familiar with as a musician.” After Vinyl stopped talking, she could hear silence. The DJ prayed that she didn’t lose Twilight over the phone. The Element of Magic was the only pony Vinyl found that was stuck in the same situation as she was. Her thoughts right now was to not get her mad.

“You did well, Vinyl.” She heard her say. “But I want to see this for myself, if you were able to handle it that quickly, then maybe you could show me. Seems like what I can do is similar to a lot of the stuff I can do at home.”

That’s when Vinyl heard something nearby. Something that’s like… Hoofsteps. Oh no! Someone was nearby and walking this way. “Crap, I’m going to have to call you back. Something’s come up-.”

“Vinyl, wai-.” The DJ disconnected the call and locked the phone, putting it in her pocket again. Turning behind her, she thought that no one was here. But that couldn’t be right. Her hearing told her otherwise. Getting onto one knee and plugging her headphones into her phone, she slip them over her ears and laid what the inhabitants called a “hand” on the ground and channeled her energy. Very high pitched sound waves that can’t be heard by humans and used multiple times with medical purposes allowed Vinyl to “Ping” those who were hiding behind walls or buildings. It was a method she planned to use to find Twilight Later.

“Who’s there?” She asked with a bit of seriousness in her voice. Her pulse just now picked up someone who tried to hide behind a four foot trash bin. Turns out, this someone was a woman with a dark pink hair style with a white tee with a pink skull on it looking like it’s whispering, worn green jacket, dark red shorts with ripped tight black leggings and Dark lavender boots. Also had several accessories like wristbands, an earring and a piercing. But it didn’t really matter. It gave Vinyl a feeling of what a rebellious person was like. But also reminded her of something bad.

“Well, that’s a first. Normally, it’s me who gets that feeling.”

“Who are you exactly?” Vinyl asked. Her voice and the attitude in this situation did not fit well for her.

“Call me Fetch. Everyone else does.” She told her, but The DJ could tell something was off.

“You’re lying.”

“Excuse you-?”

“You stuttered on the second half of your last statement. Something didn’t feel right. Like you were trying to hide something.”

“We all have something to hide.” Fetch snapped back. She was beginning to get irritated with whoever this kid is.

“Okay, new question.” The DJ asked. “Why exactly are you here? I know there is a reason that you followed me.” Fetch sighed. Maybe it would be better just to show her than tell her by the way, she thought to herself. Sticking her hand out towards a Neon sign, she drained the light that pulsed from the metal case and now had it float as particles around her hands. Vinyl’s eyes widened. This Fetch… Had powers too!?

“You seem like you’re lost kid. And out here in this city and with the DUP being back in business, a lost Conduit is a Dead Conduit.” Fetch’s words and attitude registered as signs of aggression in Vinyl’s mind. In response, she put away the shades she had on her shirt and her right hand began to pulse with her silver wavy energy that was her power. “Look, I’m not asking for trouble-.”

“Trouble? I’m not here to cause trouble.” The Neon Girl insisted. “I came just to talk.”

“Well, your version of “talk” sounds more like intimidate.” Vinyl shot back. “Besides, my friend and I are still new around here and are trying to get use to a lot of things.”

“Your friend, huh? Well, if the both of you are up for it, I can introduce you to a couple of friends of mine. They’re also conduits and I believe we can help you out a bit.” Fetch walked a little closer trying to not be so far apart from the DJ. But for Vinyl, this girl’s actions were bringing back bad memories of an event from her childhood. She had a bad feeling that what happened back then would happen again. Based on this and the present situation; Vinyl made a choice, cleared her throat and said two words.

“No Thanks.”

Both her hands became alive with power and the result was a shockwave that blew Fetch back twenty feet into a chain link fence. With no time to lose, Vinyl grabbed the grocery bag that was with her and prepared to run. Before she took off though, Fetch tried to hit her with a bolt of Neon, only to instead hit a brick building behind her. The DJ’s moves have angered the ex-junkie and now she ran after the girl at full force. The Chase had begun.

Vinyl moved around a corner onto a rooftop, trying to lose her pursuer in a burst of sound. Unfortunately, she now had one other problem. Trying to find her friend. Hundreds of people lived in the city and now she had problems running away from one and trying to find another. Plus, she didn’t want to do anything that would have Fetch catch her. Again, using the same technique as before, she channeled high frequency sounds to locate Twilight. Soon, she found her at the roof of some old building called “The Crocodile” that looked like a theater hall.

However, that’s not the only thing she felt. The other thing was Fetch and the Neon conduit was now going topside! She had to move quickly. Launching Forward, The Sound Conduit sling-shot herself in a Ear-Shattering Sonic Boom and soon was going from rooftop to rooftop, leaving Fetch covering her ears because of how close she was. In a matter of seconds, Vinyl reached the roof of the Crocodile and landed right in front of her friend. The Element of Magic had a hairstyle that reflected her mane back in Equestria and also wore a dark purple top that would resemble a private academy outfit and had trims of Lavender. Her right chest pocket had a patch sewn on that resembled Twilight’s Cutie mark and also wore a skirt that stretched to her knees to accompany her light socks and adidas sneakers.

“There you are! I was wondering when you were going to-.” Twilight was interrupted by Vinyl’s hand on her shoulder and being on alert. Something did not feel right. Better yet, nothing ever felt right since coming here. That’s when the DJ turned towards her and asked her a question. “Are you getting used to your powers?”

“Uh yes?”

“Can you teleport because we need to go. Right-” PYOO!! Vinyl’s shoulder was clipped by a bright purple laser. Turning back around, She could see Fetch running across towards them. “-Now!”

Without even asking, Twilight nodded and her Lavender Energy formed around the two of them, whisking them away from sight.

Fetch was closing in. Now she could get them to talk without having to blow her away into a fence. Using her light speed, she began to jump to the roof of the Crocodile and was in the air. But on the way down, she heard the Wavy haired girl say one word.


What came next was a bright purple light and the two girls that were once there a second ago completely vanishing. Fetch was completely shocked as well a frustrated. So close, but yet so far. “Damn it!” She cursed. Unaware that Delsin had just called to check in on her.

“Fetch, What happened?”

“Delsin, our DJ girl might be trickier than we thought. And I mean, really tricky. She has a friend of her and it seems both of them are conduits. Her friend had what looked like a Japanese schoolgirl outfit that almost matched her dark purple hair with two pink stripes to the left hand side. Had a weird patch on it too, something that showed like a spark or six pointed star.”

The Native American could be heard walking in place and speaking to himself. He was trying to formulate a question. Soon, he got one. “Any idea what their powers are?” he asked over the phone.

Fetch was quick to reply on that one. “Well Delsin, our blue haired rave performer has sound powers. Launched me back about twenty feet using a loud shockwave that sounded like the bass dropping on an Electronic Music song. Second, she could move very fast like if I was running, but at takeoff speed. As for her friend, what I saw looked like she could Teleport or something-.”

“Teleportation!?” Delsin replied, surprised. “Man, that would be sweet!! Being able to go anywhere in the city without having to even walk!”

“Right… Just go back to Georgetown and bring Teen Angel. Once we meet, I’ll fill you in on what happened.”

After a quick retreat to a faraway rooftop back by the waterfront, both Twilight and Vinyl took a chance to get a rest. While they looked out onto the Marina, the Element of Magic began to look at the shoulder of her DJ companion. It wasn’t pretty, especially when there was a black bruise along her shoulder blade. When Twilight touched it, Vinyl gave a grimace of pain. “Oww! Hey, that hurts.”

“Sorry Vinyl.” Twilight tried to comfort her. “I’m not a doctor so I can’t help you with dealing with the injury. Just be lucky though. With that kind of aiming that girl-.”

“She called herself Fetch.” Vinyl told Twilight. “Something tells me though that it isn’t her actual name. Got very defensive when I told her I thought she was lying.”

“Vinyl, you can’t just say what immediately comes to mind. It’s called courtesy.” Twilight told her. All Vinyl did was just sigh. She already had a rough day yesterday and rather not be instructed over little things. “Anyways,” The Element of Magic continued. “She could’ve hit you in the head. I rather not have you get hurt.”

“You sound like my roommate when you say something like that.” Came Vinyl’s comment. However, Twilight wasn’t paying attention to that at all. She was paying more attention to the bruise on Vinyl’s shoulder, and how it was healing itself. She didn’t even have any kind of healing powers and it was now almost completely healed. “Hey, Did you fix my arm Twilight? I feel a lot better now.”

“Uhh… Vinyl. I didn’t do anything.” Twilight told her. “It healed itself.”

“It did what?” The DJ now tried to see the injury she obtained across her shoulder, only to find it healed and her sound energy patching it up. The two stared at each other in disbelief and shock about what just happened. “Something tells me we’ve gotten ourselves into something far bigger than we originally thought.”

Kingston Residence, San Diego (Early Sunday morning)

As the rest of the evening played out, Shawn really enjoyed his time home. Of course, the part that felt hard for him was a lot of things actually. Mainly though, it was Celestia and Luna. With the statement he mentioned earlier, the two sisters agreed that keep their friendship and partnership with each other a secret until they felt that it was a good time to tell him. So it was hard to think of a liable cover up to support his story. His father could always tell when someone is lying.

However, as the night went on, things… didn’t really crop up. In a way, it was a little… surprising. Shawn had dinner, watched some TV, and then went to bed. He slept for quite a while actually. Additionally, he wasn’t asked about his “Downtown Adventures” and where he was. Nothing really disturbed him.

That was, until early next morning.

He was sleeping normally until about 3:30am. A loud crack startled him and made the conduit feel on alert. The loud crack though sounded a lot like Lightning. Looking outside, he could see the streets of his neighborhood and how they were NOT the same as they were hours ago. Primarily for two reasons.

A lightning strike on the pavement and things being blown over across the whole damn street. Two dead giveaways of the events from yesterday. Shawn now had come to an obvious conclusion of who had been through these streets. On instinct, he bolted off of his bed, grabbed some clothes from his closet to change, his phone and headphones, and his jacket from his door and ran out the back door. Since no one was up or awake from the looks of it, the conduit began to use his aerial powers after launching himself into the air by using a vent at his neighbors house.

While continuing to follow the trail, he dialed Luna once again. She picked up the moment that Shawn went past Fenton Parkway and continued to travel by foot to avoid the DUP stationed over by the shopping center. “Ugh… Does thou know how late it is at this hour?”

“Uhh… Thou?”

“Oh, my Apologies,” Luna replied, her voice changing once she heard Shawn speak. “I only speak like that when I’m either extremely tired or in the presence of my night guard. Speaking of which, why are you calling right now.”

Shawn stopped as he dashed through a chain link fence. “Well, I think I might have gotten myself a lead on Rainbow and Soarin.” For a moment, he heard Luna over the phone rustle out of wherever she was sleeping before she asked any other questions.

“Care to explain what you mean, Shawn?”

“I woke up just about ten minutes ago to the crack of a lightning bolt striking my driveway. The rest of my entire neighborhood has trash can’s and leaves blown all over the neighborhood. If my guess is right, those two passed through there not long ago.”

“Where do you think they will be?” Luna asked.

“Well, following their trail so far has lead me to an old practice field that’s by Qualcomm Stadium.” Shawn told her, but the Lunar Princess’s reaction was mixed. Even though she was at the Equestria Games, Luna must have not been familiar with what she called “Arena’s”. The Snow conduit sighed and told her that he’ll call her when he got to his destination before disconnecting. He was getting close to his destination anyways and even resisted the temptation to go “Trolley Surfing” since there was an MTS tram line by the Stadium of the San Diego Chargers. What’s the fun about riding a trolley if it’s only going to last for five minutes? It was also a risk because of the possibility of DUP aerial drones and them taking the skies.

Upon arriving at the field, the conduit couldn’t see anyone at this point. Maybe he should try his sense? That way he knew if anyone was actually here or this lead was really a hoax. But before he could even focus and do that, lightning came at him in four different directions in front of him. It prompted him to dodge, but after he did so…


Shawn felt a jab kick right to his chest and was thrown back a few feet. The attack in itself felt like a shotgun blast based on the amount of force the attack delivered on impact. Looking back, he saw that the person who kicked him turned out to be a girl with Rainbow colored hair and red eyes. She wore a light blue soccer jersey and teal cargo pants with a pair of open toed sandals. The jersey itself had a mark of rainbow lightning bolt and a cloud on the top right of the jersey. As the snow conduit saw her, he also saw lightning dance around her fingertips, eagerly twitching like the electric current wanted to be unleashed.

What Shawn didn’t notice yet though was that her partner… was a lot closer than he thought. He showed up behind his partner and by appearance, looked a lot like Shawn. He had a Wonderbolt like Jacket but without the ears on the hood, wore jeans and a t-shirt with some Nike sneakers in Dark blue and yellow instead of Shawn’s black. His hair was a navy color, spiky and backwards like a Super Saiyan 3 hairstyle from Dragon Ball Z, just not as long or glowing yellow.

“Was a kick in the chest really necessary?” The one in the jacket asked his partner. She snapped at him, looking a little provoked.

“Obviously, Soarin. We don’t know if this guy is a spy for the Soldiers that tried to capture us back in the city!” The teenaged girl turned to see Shawn getting back up on his feet and his snow powers healing the pain that he felt around his midsection. Trying to shake off getting hurt, he rubbed his eyes to clear his vision and also see straight.

“Look, if you’re talking about the DUP, I’m not with those guys! I just want to talk to you.” He told them, knowing now that he found the two he was looking for. However, Rainbow wasn’t exactly buying his story. Her taunting didn’t help anyone out either in this situation. “It is very hard to convince me after what you just did to fix yourself up, Snowflake.”

“I’m a conduit like you two-.”

“No, we’re not anything!” Rainbow snarled at him. It was now that she noticed Shawn’s jacket and how it looked too similar to a Wonderbolt Uniform. Suspicious, she questioned the teenaged boy she was facing once again. It was too similar to Soarins. “But how did you get that jacket?”

“This?” Shawn asked, pinching a corner of his wonderbolt jacket and seeing the girl’s head nod. “I bought this a few months ago-.”

“I call bull on that-!” The conduit retorted as lightning danced around her fingers even more. “Soarin, what do you think?”

Soarin right now was trying to think everything through with his mind. Clearly, this was a dilemma. First, those armed men. Then, having to run from them. Now this kid? What could possibly happen next? Though, given all of this, there was no proof connecting him to those “DUP” or whatever they were called.

“It’s hard to say this Rainbow, but there’s a possibility that this kid is actually telling the truth.”


However,” The Wonderbolt cut off his companion. “He should prove himself first.”

Looking at Soarin, Shawn was confused on what he meant. “Okay, how am I suppose to do that?”

“Easy… Beat Rainbow Dash in a fight.”

Oh this was going to hurt.

End Chapter 4

Author's Note:

(Posting one more as a way to say thank you for all the support and faves so far. You guys are the best!)

So with this chapter, I now added a few new characters to the roster as well as added some more scenes with Delsin and the gang. For further clarification, Vinyl is a Sound Conduit, Twilight is a Magic Conduit, Rainbow is a Storm Conduit and Soarin is a Wind Conduit. I also added some references from inFAMOUS First Light so that way I can be able to describe Fetch a little more accurately. Hope you guys like it.

And just like Sheldon Cooper, Twilight can't understand Sarcasm :rainbowlaugh:
