• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 7,404 Views, 340 Comments

inFAMOUS: Second Storm - FrostTheWolf

A young conduit that lives in San Diego does not know what he got himself into after saving a young girl during a hostage crisis.

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Chapter 13- Snow Vs. Sound

Chapter 13- Snow vs. Sound

Location: Private Airfield (Outside of Kansas City)

“Come on, one more time.”

“Are you sure, Spike? I know that you want this, but you’ve been at this for almost three hours. Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“Rarity, this is the only possible way for me to get a hold of my powers and Doughy knows what he’s doing. Plus, I want to be ready for anything.” The Young dragon replied. Thanks to Doughy Pastel, Spike and Rarity had been learning how to control their newfound powers for the past couple of days. It was the morning of Day Three at the Airfield and with Zeke currently being “occupied”, Spike was the one who insisted that they get some extra practice.

“Okay, but maybe we should focus on something new.” The Ink conduit suggested. “Your powers aren’t just for fighting after all.”

“They aren’t?” Rarity now asked.

“They can be used for multiple purposes, including Movement, restoring your energy so you can fight longer and in some cases for certain powers, Flight.”

This reply from Doughy had mixed reactions. Especially from Rarity. Spike though, was very eager to find out what he could possibly do.

“However, it might take some time for you to discover what you can do. You two did just gain your powers recently and haven’t used them much besides training with the dummies back here.” Doughy then said, relieving Rarity and disappointing Spike. All three of them soon heard Zeke calling them over as they saw him by an airplane that he was putting the finishing touches on. Giving it a lightning bolt paint job.

“There we go, all done! She’s ready for flying now.”

“What do you got there, Zeke?” Spike asked.

“This, Spike, is the Ionic Vortex. My personal work of art if you ask me. And it’s going to help us out with traveling. We’re leaving today.”

The three conduits looked at each other in confusion. “Leaving? To where?”

“Seattle. A few of my contacts told me that there's been some conduit activity going on there and with a little bit of luck, we might find your friends. Now hop on in. It’s going to be a bit of a long flight before we reach our destination.” Rarity herself just gulped at hearing “Flight”. She has had bad experiences involving aerial travel from the Junior Flyers competition to the storm at Wonderbolt academy. The Crystal Conduit just hoped that this trip would not end up being a repeat incident. Because this time, there would be a flying pegasus around to save her from falling.

Seattle, Washington

As the sun rose, Shawn woke up to the sound of his phone going off and the sight of a new text message for him. It was one from his mother, wishing him the best of luck while he was up in Seattle. For him, it felt like an odd way for him to wake up in the morning, but at least he was up. After yesterday’s encounter at Salmon Bay, The Snow conduit needed to ask his Sheriff contact about one of the Conduits that he encountered yesterday. The Girl with the white paper mask of a rabbit.

Stretching out his arms, he drained an open source of Water that was nearby as he prepared to make the call. Phone, Previous calls, Sheriff Douglas… Now to wait for the phone on the other end to pick up and connect.

“Sheriff Douglas speaking, how can I help you?”

“Good morning to you too, sheriff.” Shawn replied in a sarcastic tone.

“Well, I didn’t expect my first call of the day to be from you, Shawn, Is everything going alright for you and your friend so far?”

Shawn shrugged a little. “Yeah, you can say that. Hey, can I ask you something real quick? I ran into another conduit yesterday and I was hoping you can help me out with finding out who she is. Do you have any files on any conduits that can control Paper?”

The phone line on the other end soon went silent for a few seconds. Then, the Sheriff spoke again. “Was she a girl with a Japanese schoolgirl uniform?”

“Yeah and she had a white paper mask that reminded me of when my photography teacher decided to dress up as Donnie Darko.” Shawn replied. He remembered that day because a lot of his fellow classmates were scared Sh*tless when his teacher kicked through the door that day. Shawn didn’t get scared though because he was the one who helped him out with the plan. Oh how he had missed those memories.

“Kid, what the hell did you get yourself into?”

Shawn looked back at his phone, confused. “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that you crossed paths with the last conduit you wanted to run into. Have you ever heard of Celia Penderghast?”

Shawn shook his head. “No, first time I’ve heard that name. Why? Is she dangerous?”

“I don’t even know where to begin…” Ethan sighed. “She’s a Conduit with a bloody past. Founded by Augustine shortly after the events that happened in New Marais. Do you remember the story of how she captured an eight year old girl in order for her to form the DUP seven years back?”

“Yeah, Who hasn't?”

“That’s the thing. Celia was that girl.”

“Dear god……”

“It gets worse.” The Sheriff told him. “Her whole history with the DUP and some events that occurred three months earlier were all composed in a huge case file here named “The Paper Trail”. It was given that name after she lead Delsin Rowe on a wild goose chase all over the city, leaving behind clues of her past in the form of Paper doves… Maybe this could help you though.”

“Help me? How?”

“It might give you a starting point to investigate. In the file, she tried to execute murders to resemble those of three conduits that broke out of Curdan Cay during that time frame. One of them occurred at a concert hall and club called the Crocodile Lounge. Since you’ve been searching for the Sound Siren and most of her sound abilities relate to music, maybe it’s a possible location in which she may be hiding out.” The Sheriff brought up a very good point. It was the only other place that Shawn knew of in the city that a conduit like that could be hiding. Other than a music store of course, but who cares right now. He had a lead and one that he wasn’t going to pass up on.

“I’ll look into it right now. Where is it?”

“Should be around where Queen Anne is I believe.” The Sheriff told Shawn. He thanked him and ended the call, soon getting down to street level as he kept his eyes peeled for the club he was looking for. It took him quite some time to find just one building, but after twenty minutes of searching both high and low for it, the conduit finally found what he was looking for. He was lucky that there wasn’t any bouncers or anything in front of the club. In fact, it seemed to be closed to the public given the looked of it. Probably going under a remodel. Due to this, he saw it as the perfect cover for him to just go inside and look around.

‘Let’s take a peek.’ He thought as the conduit opened the door. He was greeted by piles of rubble and concrete that fell from the roof above as well as shards of glass. Debris was littered almost all around him as he looked around the empty club. There wasn’t any signs of anyone possibly being inside, but……


There was always the back alley. Ah yes, the back alley that was dimly lit, even with the morning sun and mist. Good times.

As Shawn made his way around back, he could hear something. He could hear a catchy tune and some music followed by the tapping of a foot. As he turned a corner, the Conduit came in contact with the blue haired girl that the police have called the Sound Siren. Or… As Celestia referred to her… Vinyl Scratch.

However, their first encounter wasn’t exactly a friendly one. Vinyl’s first reaction to seeing Shawn was rushing at the teenager and pinning him against a wall, creating a Sonic Blade around her arm and holding it up to his throat. “Who are you!? What the hell do you want from me!?”

“I just want to talk-.”


“You know, talks like this are a little easier when there ISN’T a blade at my throat.” The response from Vinyl was to throw Shawn to the ground. But she was surprised to see him drain a puddle of water as he got back up. “Oww, what gives?”

“Y-you’re a Conduit!?”

“Duh? Why else would I try to be finding a fellow Conduit?” Shawn told her. “Name’s Shawn. What’s yours?”

Vinyl was hesitant. She was unsure if she could trust the teen. But, she had a different idea in mind for that. “Vinyl Scratch.”

“Well, Miss Scratch, I am trying to find other conduits like you and figure out a way to help you guys the best I can. You rather not stick around and get hunted by the DUP forever now, do you? I can provide proof if you need it.”

“ …… Proof is useful. However, I’ll need a different kind of proof than what you might be thinking.” The Sound Conduit told her. “Outside of the city is this place… I don’t exactly know what it is, but I know that it goes by the name of Coldridge. It’ll be a wide open space and the best place for us to demonstrate your capabilities. How about it?”

“Whatever works for you.”

“Good… Because opportunities like this don’t last long.”

With that, the DJ ran off in a vibrant burst, leaving behind a silver streak for Shawn to follow that was quickly fading away. “Man, she wasn’t kidding either.” The Snow Conduit soon gave chase, going after the Sound Siren and moving through the side streets of Seattle as a cold breeze. The citizens in the street just thought that cold air was coming in from up north near the Canadian border, but in reality, Shawn was racing against the clock to chase after Vinyl. He was neck and neck with her as the roads soon lead to outside of the city and to a long chain link fence that Shawn found. The sign on the front read “Coldridge Private Airfield”.

“Well, here we are.” He sighed, going through the chain linked fence and entering the field. He personally wondered why Vinyl would want to lead him to a location like this, but there were a few clues that had hinted to him what it possibly might be. Wide open space. No one else around. Hell, not even anything to disturb them. The perfect place for two conduits to square off in a battle of wits.

“Well, I’m glad you were able to keep up with me.” The DJ smirked as she cracked her knuckles, stretching her neck out from side to side. “You pretty impressive if you didn’t fall behind from me moving at full speed. Now, you need to keep up in one other department.” Shawn was going to ask for clarification, but the response he was given instead was Vinyl charging at him. His fist met hers in the center as the power from both Conduits caused a violent shock wave to surge forth. Unknowingly though, they weren’t the only ones who felt it flow past them.

“Hey guys, did you feel that just now?”

“Feel what Delsin?”

“I don’t know… it was like a cold surge of air blew past me.”

“I felt that too… Strangely though, I heard static while it happened…… Wait a minute… Where’s Vinyl?”

“Oh Dear me… Is it just me or did anypony just feel that chill in the air?”

“I don’t think it was you Rarity, I felt that too and I think Doughy did as well. What do you think it is?”

“Well, Spike. I have a weird feeling that it might be Two Conduits fighting each other. When something goes off like that, it's mostly because of that.”

“You think so, Doughy?”

“Only one way to find out.”

The pulse of energy that went off from the clash between Vinyl and Shawn was just the start of an intense battle between the two conduits. When they first clashed, the fight was very even. Shawn’s attacks were timed perfectly with Vinyl’s strikes and neither of them were getting the upper hand. Soon though, the DJ used one of her shockwaves to try and have the snow conduit lose balance. It worked; but when she tried to execute a follow up attack, Shawn dashed into a burst of snow, catching her off guard as he struck her with a roundhouse kick.

“You c-can turn into Snow!?!”

“Well duh, I AM a snow conduit after all.”

“Touche,” She retorted. “Guess it’s my turn to take things up a notch.” Vinyl's hands now began to fire bolts of sound energy towards Shawn. The teen’s response was to fire bolts of hail to counter the incoming attacks and it mostly worked. Again, mostly.

If it weren’t for the distortion grenade that Vinyl had also thrown into the mix.


He only had seconds to react as he dashed to his right to avoid a direct hit, but the blast also caused a second effect to take place. The Sound Bomb was a technique that Vinyl used by creating high pitched waves of Sonic energy that hurt Shawn’s eardrums and affected his hearing and concentration. It only lasted a minute, but during this time, the conduit was forced to hustle so he wouldn’t get himself smacked around like a freaking ragdoll. The Noise rockets that were fired from the DJ did not help him either as it caused him to rely more on his vision than his hearing.

By the time the effects had worn off, the DJ tried to do something Fancy and attack the Snow conduit head on. She was met with a charged up Blizzard Blast that sent her flying back almost twenty feet and colliding with a shipping crate.

“You okay?” Shawn asked.

“Heh… Never better.” Vinyl replied, raising her hands towards a radio communication tower and beginning to drain it to let the energy restore her body and soul. “You’re not too tired now, are you rookie?”

“Nope,” he replied, taking up another combat stance. “I’m only just getting started.”

“Well, seems like you’re not going to back down from a fight now, are you?”

“Not planning on it.”

“I like your attitude, snowglobe.” Vinyl teased as she prepared herself for combat. “Time to kick it up a few notches.” Shawn knew that at this point, Vinyl was beginning to fight a little more seriously. For one thing, she used her speed based abilities more often. Another was that she tried to use the environment around her so she could catch him off guard and blindside the Snow Conduit while his back was turned. It was like squaring off against the Flash from the Justice League…… He liked it. But as the fight dragged on, he was wondering something.

What if something was trying to fly in and land here?

Ionic Vortex (En Route to Seattle)

“Vortex to command tower, come in…… Command tower, this is the Ionic Vortex looking to land at Coldridge Airfield over? ……… Dammit!”

“Something wrong?” Doughy asked, hearing Zeke’s outburst from the conduit’s position in the cabin by the cockpit.

“Yeah, for some reason, I can’t contact the Radio tower that my guy is suppose to be at.”

“Could it be maintenance?” The Conduit followed up with a new question, proceeding with the little amount of details he actually new.

“No, it’s like the entire tower is offline.” Zeke replied, flipping a few of the switches on the dashboard. “Normally I would hear static, but right now, it’s nothing but silence… You okay?”

“Yeah. Why do you asked?” The confused Equestrian wondered.

“Well, it seemed like the three of you earlier were acting a bit odd. Like you felt something that gave you a chill down your spine.”

Doughy chuckled to himself. “You can say that again. We all felt something that was kind of like if Two conduits clashed in a fight like when I had Spike spar against me yesterday. But, something about this one seemed a lot… different.”

“How so?”

“Well, for one thing…… We’re going straight towards it.”

The Conduits of Snow and Sound were continuing to go toe to toe with each other at full throttle, using anything and everything that was on the runway as a way to gain an advantage against their opponent and also to beat the living crap out of them.

Fortunately, the two conduits had enough energy to go at each other all day.

“Time for round three!”

“Round what-?”


Shawn’s face was properly greeted by a powerful forward punch that felt like a getting a brick to his face. To Vinyl, this was what she called her “Sound Shotgun”. A fist of boiled up power that when released at full power, caused the Snow Conduit to skid back a little while he attempted to hold his ground. Shawn was honestly surprised at how strong the attack was. Spitting out some of the blood in his throat, he grinned.

“Cheap shot.”

“But still a good one.” The DJ retorted. Around now though, with his hearing being back to normal, the Snow conduit began to hear something coming towards them in the distance.

“Hold on, do you hear that-?” The Conduit’s worried of what he thought would happen were beginning to peak. This “possibility” of his was now beginning to come true. A small private jet could be seen heading towards the track and going straight at the two of them.


Vinyl immediately listened to the Snow Conduits demanding plea as both of them dived off of the runway. For extra measure, Shawn absorbed all the cold creations that were conjured during their fight so that way the plane had no obstacles in the way when it touched down. Moments afterwards, Vinyl got up and walked to Shawn, tempted to smack him across the face for not warning her ahead of time, but she resisted the urge to do so.

“I thought you said this place was EMPTY!” Shawn retorted.

“Apparently not… anymore. Be careful, I can feel a few conduits inside that…… thing.”


“Yeah, whatever-.” The two of them were soon interrupted by the sound of Smoke sizzling from Shawn’s left hand side and then a bright flash of light that happened afterwards. Whatever happened after that was a blur to him as something kicked him into one of the runway’s shipping crates.

“Vinyl, where were you-?”

“WHO the hell kicked him!?” The DJ retorted, turning around to see Fetch, Twilight and Delsin.

“I did. Who the hell was he? We felt you clash with another conduit a few moments ago.”

At this point, Vinyl pointed towards the direction of the snow conduit as he dispersed into snow in order to get back on his feet and out of the dented crate. Delsin was slowly beginning to have flashbacks. Especially when he heard the boy talk to himself.

“God Shawn. If it’s not getting launched back by a DJ or finding out that the man who saved your life that hurt the most, it’s getting blindsided.”

The Snow conduit now looked at the plane as the side door popped open and a few people inside were beginning to step out. Four of them in total. One was a green haired child. Another looked like a fashion designer. The third was a kid that resembled the same hairstyle of Jace from The Mortal Instruments and the last guy looked like an Elvis Presley impersonator. However, it was the last guy who looked shocked the moment he laid eyes on him.

“Holy sh*t, I think I’m seeing things.”

“What is it Zeke?” Came the question from the Blondy. The name though rang through Shawn's head like a bell. He remembered his mom mentioning someone he knew with the exact same name. He was wondering if it was possible that the individual right in front of him could possibly be him. But something else distracted him.

A floating trail… of Paper?

Paper… paper… PAPER!!!

“DAMMIT!!” Shawn cursed. He had a hunch of what exactly this meant and ignored Vinyl calling his name and for him to come back; rushing into an air vent and appearing up top. His hunch was right.

Because right in front of him was Celia, the White Rabbit herself. She didn’t remain there for long though as she faded away once more, leaving behind another dove. Another clue for the conduit to solve. But right now, that wasn’t the highest of priorities.

Because everyone’s eyes were now staring directly at him. Most of them wanting answers.

“Ah crap… Why the hell does this keep happening to me?”

End Chapter 13

Author's Note:

Dear god, this took WAY longer than expected. With the work I've been trying to do for my Displaced stories, playing as Ekko in League of Legends, and trying to conquer the House of Wolves DLC on Destiny, I had a lot of my time consumed. Additionally, I've been working on a project that I can't explain any details about yet, but I know is going to be awesome once it's released. Again, sorry for the MASSIVE wait on this one.

P.S. Now with the Gang here (Mostly), what do you think is going to happen next? Comments on this chapter may be taken into account for future chapters. But for now, enjoy!