Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity went above and beyond expectations, ensuring that the giraffe was well tended to and had a place to stay. This was easier said than done, however, as the overwhelming majority of buildings in Ponyville were built up to code for equine dimensions, and would not allow someone with the giraffe's unique vertical situation to enter through any of their doors.
"You don't have to fret," the giraffe said.
I'm used to this sort of thing.
I don't mind at all." His tone sounded genuine, but Twilight wasn't having it.
"I promised you accommodations, and I always come through on my promises," Twilight said. The giraffe looked touched, but before he could thank her, she continued. "By the way, I don't believe we've caught your name, and I do believe you know all of ours by now?"
"That is quite alright.
In my native tongue, hear this.
I am Mzungu."
Pinkie giggle snorted at this. "Mzungu? That's an awfully silly-" she was cut off as a marshmallow hoof was shoved into her mouth.
"An awfully interesting name, is what she meant to say," Rarity finished. "Sincere apologies, darling, sometimes Pinkie speaks a little too quickly without thinking. Don't you?" She asked, giving Pinkie a look.
"Mmmhmm!" came the muffled reply, and Rarity pulled her hoof out of the party pony's mouth.
Twilight had been thinking the entire time during this exchange, and suddenly lit up with enlightenment. "I've got a great idea!" she exclaimed suddenly. "Mzungu, come with me, I know exactly where you can stay!" The giraffe looked pleased at this, and followed her without question.
The small group turned the corner, and Twilight gestured straight ahead, down the center of the road. In the middle of multiple intersections stood the grandest, proudest, most importantly; tallest building in Ponyville, seconded only by Rarity's own Carousel Boutique.
"Town Hall!" Twilight announced. "I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner, it's perfect for visiting dignitaries, which means they'll have at least some empty rooms, and it's right in the middle of town, so you can get to everything else no problem!"
Mzungu looked excited at this idea, and although he had to duck his neck quite severely, he managed to follow the other three into the elaborately decorated building.
"Good evening!" The receptionist called. "May I help yoooouuuuuu..." Her voice rose higher and higher like a trombone, her neck stretching further up as she got a look at the visitor. "Oh, my..."
"We need a room for our friend Mzungu," Rarity said. "No other building will fit him."
"I imagine not!" The receptionist said. "Let me just page the Mayor, she'll be quite thrilled to have such an unusual guest and I'm sure will want to meet you," she chimed. She pushed her hoof down on a button on her desk, assuming a formal tone of voice.
"Mayor Mare, to front reception, please. Mayor Mare, to front reception."
Mzungu, instead of being embarrassed by all the attention, looked rather flattered by it.
"I am beyond pleased.
You try so hard for my sake.
Thank you. All of you."
"Any time!" Pinkie bounced up and down, giving off occasional bursts of streamers that littered the floor. "Welcoming new friends is what we do! Well, it's what -I- do, but I'm happy to share the fun!"
Mayor Mare emerged from an upstairs room onto the upper balcony, looked down, and gasped with surprise and delight. She looked a lot older than she actually was, and her speed as she descended the spiral staircase. Twilight stepped back to allow introductions to proceed, which eventually turned into wild stories about a place Mzungu called Zebrabwe.
When an hour had passed, Rarity politely cleared her throat. "I do beg your pardon, Mayor, but we really must be moving on. The sun will be going down soon, and we'd really like to get to the Everfree and back before the dark brings out the ghoulies."
Mayor blinked. "Whatever are you going to the Everfree for?" She asked, her tone dripping with disapproval.
"We're off to see Zecora!" Twilight said.
"Just because," Rarity added.
"Because of the wonderful things she does!" Pinkie sang, musically.
Rarity and Twilight both facehoofed.
With good time, however, and the promise that they would be safe, the trio of ponies left Town Hall once more, followed by Mzungu, who ducked his neck through the doors as he would every time he wanted to enter the building.
"You really must stay close to us, Mzungu," Twilight warned. "The Everfree is dark and unforgiving. We may never find you again."
"I do understand," he said.
I will stay close at all times.
Lest danger find us."
They seemed satisfied with this, and ten minutes later were leaving the border of Ponyville and entering the dark woods. At once the dim light and muffled sounds interrupted the peaceful ambiance of the previous environment, replacing their calm with dread and anxiety.
Mzungu had a bit less headroom, having to duck under low branches quite frequently, but did not complain. The path was dark and winding, though the trio of equines in front of him seemed to know where they were going. In the distance there were cries of various animals and occasional howls, sending chills down the spines of all four of them.
"I don't like it here.
Can't you just use your friendship
To keep us all safe?"
"It doesn't always work like that," Rarity said. "Between a hug and a beast with claws and teeth, the claws and teeth would win."
Mzungu said nothing, but drifted a bit closer to his new friends. In the near distance, a small hut loomed, lit by a burning torch in a holder on either side of the door.
"Someone lives out here?
Who would live here all alone?
In this place of death?"
His question was answered almost automatically as they approached, as the door swung open. A very tribal looking zebra exited onto the front porch, and lit up with joy as she saw who it was.
"My heart fills with joy and surprise, as the sight of friends beholds my eyes!" She said. Then her gaze drifted upwards, her jaw dropping open slightly as she stared at the giraffe bringing up the rear of the party.
Makes me wonder how many dignitaries actually visit Ponyville. I mean, there were the horses from Saddle Arabia, but I think it was more Twilight's presence that drove Celestia's decision to send them there. Ponyville is suppose to be a random small town, after all.
Also, Neighfrica, I take it the zebras chose the name. I wonder what the hippos, lions, gazelle, giraffes, elephants, and any other potentially sapiant species in that country think about that.
5595904 I was really pushing when I chose that, nothing else would fit ._.
...Giraffe-rica? No?
I'd suggest finding an individual country in Africa, see if you can adjust that name to fit.
Awweeee! This chapter had me smiling the whole way through.
Super cute! I think Neighfrica is decent. After all, the other countries have ponified names. Anyway, amazing job with this one, I can't wait for more.
I see what you did there. Another haiku.
Extra space. Also, this is another haiku.
Another haiku.
Extra space. Also, this is another haiku.
Zecora not only rhymes when she speaks, she also speaks in haiku.
If you continue
down this path, haiku are all
you will ever write.
It gets easier
and easier the more you
write them. Be careful.
Soon, all you will be
able to write in is the
style of haiku.
Soon, all you will be
able to speak in is the
style of haiku.
It has already
started, you have five haiku
without meaning to.
It's a slippery
slope that you do not want to
go careening down.
But because of that,
this chapter was good and I
look forward to more.
5596415 GIRAFFRICA. God damn I wanna use that so badly now.
5597176 Are you literally just counting every sentence I write? Unless it's set aside specifically, any non Mzungu line haikus are merely coincidental.
Yes. it seems like that
now, because you're already
lost to the art form.
Speaking as a Kenyan, Mzungu? That's Swahili for white man, I'm a mzungu. Is there a connotation there, or are you just having fun?