• Published 5th Feb 2015
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Home - lunabrony

Featured 2-16-15! When a stranger from a faraway land visits Ponyville, Zecora begins to feel homesick and debates leaving for good.

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4 - Exit: Stage Left

Safe from the dangers of Everfree Forest in Zecora's hut, the quintet held palaver until the early hours of the morning. It was mostly the giraffe who did the talking, all in his strange manner of speaking, and Zecora listened as attentively as if Princess Luna herself were speaking. Luna was her ideal choice between the two, since she lived in a dark section of the forest and preferred the goings on of the night in most cases, but that was a story for another time.

Dawn would be breaking soon far over the canopy of the dense wooded area, and Mzungu was describing the colors of the Giraffican sunset with such excruciating, lengthy detail that even George R. R. Maretin would have said it was too much, before impatiently encouraging the giraffe to get to the point already. Zecora, however, was completely enthralled. It had been so long since she'd heard any tales of her homelands, and now, when faced with them, the stories made her heart ache for her native plains.

"As memories return, your words speak true. I wish I could see my home again, too," Zecora sighed, her voice distant and nostalgic. It had been ages since she'd thought of her home in such detail, and now that it was presented to her... she missed it.

"I will return soon.

To the plains of Zebrabwe.

Will you come with me?"

Rarity gasped. "Back home? Leave us? Darling, you can't! Whatever would we do without you?"

Twilight only smiled in a ghostly, faint grin of understanding. "I myself come from Canterlot, and I always miss it, even though I visit fairly regularly. Zecora comes from so much farther away, and hasn't seen her home in at least ten years. Just as it was healthy for Spike to journey with the dragons, I think Zecora could benefit from a vacation."

The giraffe nodded.

"Your words do ring true.

It is good you understand.

The heart is fragile."

Zecora placed her teacup on the table, and gazed around the small room at her friends.

"You speak truth, for home I yearn. But if I go, I may not return."

Pinkie gasped this time. "What?! Wait, hold on." She sipped her tea elegantly, then promptly not so elegantly spat it out in a wide spray. "What?!"

Mzungu seemed pleased by this, and politely excused himself, having been up all night and having traveled far, he wanted to return back to Town Hall for a few hours, and catch some desperately needed sleep.

"You are all good friends.

I am glad to have met you.

May you find much peace."

He traveled back up out of the forest they way they had come the previous evening. And Zecora politely encouraged the remaining three ponies to the door. "If you'll excuse me, I have much to pack, if I'm truly serious about going back."

The three were ushered outside, and the door closed.

"What just happened?!" Pinkie exclaimed, her hair giving off a very rude balloon noise and promptly deflating.

"I think... we just lost Zecora," Twilight said.

"What?!" Pinkie exclaimed again, clearly worked up and turned back around.

"Pinkie, what are you..." Rarity began but Pinkie was already throwing open Zecora's front door.

"You can't just break into her house!" Twilight scolded.

"She's gone!" Pinkie exclaimed with such surprise that both Twilight and Rarity peered past her into the hut.

"Oh, wait, there she is," the party pony sighed with relief, pointing towards the zebra trying to sneak out the back door. "Zecora, wait!" she ran into the hut, and after exchanging a glance, Twilight and Rarity followed her.