• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 1,633 Views, 49 Comments

The Reign of Trotivarius - CrackedInkWell

After the death of his husband, Harmonic tries to move on with his life after Color. This is the third part of "My Name is Harmonic" & "Symphony of Life".

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3rd Movement

At seven-fourteen, Whole Note waited outside of the Copper Pot Café, the place where he’d agreed to meet his date for the evening. Pacing around in a tight circle, the cellist couldn't help but feel nervous to some degree without showing it. After all, who wouldn't when they’re dating a Royal for the very first time?

“Whole Note?” the Earth Pony turned his attention to the voice to find the prince. He blinked.

“Uh… Harmonic,” Whole Note said with a raised eyebrow. “Not to be rude or anything but… What’s with the get up?”

Harmonic looked down at himself. He was wearing a silk opera cloak that was black, a top hat that covered his horn and a monocle in his eye. “A disguise for where we’re going,” the Prince explained. “Since I have to go check the play out anyway, I thought it might be fun to go there without anyone in the theater knows I’m there. So for now, I’m just your average theater critic.”

“But the monocle? Isn't that a bit too much? Besides, nopony wears those anymore.” Although Harmonic didn't want to admit it, even with all the reluctance as his horn glowed to remove the monical, Note did have a point. Harmonic placed the glass eye piece into his inner coat pocket.

“It wouldn't hurt to give it some class,” Harmonic muttered.

Whole Note rolled his eyes, “Please, there’s a difference between looking classy and overdoing something.”

“In any case, shall we get going?” Harmonic asked.

“I suppose so,” and with that, Whole Note began to follow the prince side by side. “Uh, just out of curiosity, do you always take your dates to the theater?”

“Actually no,” Harmonic admitted. “Most of them are at restaurants, in the royal gardens or someplace downtown. In truth, I've never really taken anypony to a play before.”

“Really? Not even with your last husband?”

Harmonic thought back for a moment, “Okay, but it was only that one time. The only times when we go out on a date to a theater was for a movie. So now that I think about it, you’re the very first in a very, very long time that I've taken to see a play.”

“Speaking of which, what’s it about?”

“I was told it’s about my early days. But the play has been kept under wraps, even from those who work for me.”

“It’s about you? Isn't this a bit... w-what’s the word?”

Harmonic rolled his eyes, “Egotistical?” Note nodded, “It has to do more about curiosity. I mean, wouldn't you want to see a play if it’s about you?”

“…. Point taken.”

“Note, mind if I ask you a personal question?”


“Have you ever been on a date before?”

Note sighed, “Only once. It was w-with my best friend. But the th-thiag- (Blah, there goes the Equestrian language!)” Harmonic chuckled but urged him on. “The thing is, the guy’s straight.”

“But he went out with you?” Harmonic’s eyebrow rose.

“Ya see, at the time, I was in love with the guy once. And he asked me if I had ever fallen in love with anypony before. I kept avoiding the question for days until I told him one night (quickly followed by a rainstorm of apologies). After he’d calmed me down, I told him that I've thought about dating him but was afraid to ask. And I guess it might have been out of pity or something but he’d said yes to it, that I could even set up the whole thing if I wanted.”

“What did you ended up doing?”

“Oh, nothing fancy or anything, a simple picnic in the park. But I went out of my way to get the best of the best food for it. From the best hayburgars, to the best fries, the best sodas, and even a desert – a s’more cupcake I think it was. I picked him up; we ate, talked and laughed a little.” Harmonic saw on his date’s face a smile of nostalgia. “After that he said that if it’s okay by me, he wanted to go to one of those novelty stores since the guy is a collector. I said yes and we went in. While he didn't find anything, I found a huge piece of chocolate that I bought and gave to him.”

“Do you always spoil your dates?” Harmonic joked.

Note blushed, “Your Highness, a gentlecolt should always show his date that he cares somehow. And what better way to show it then giving him gifts of food?”

Harmonic laughed, “Okay, good point. As you were saying?”

“Anyway,” he continued. “After I took him back home, I hugged him and told him thank you for doing that for me. Even though he’d never returned my feelings, I’m always grateful for that kindness he’d shown me. But after that, we went back to being only best friends. We didn't lose anything (thank Celestia for that), but at the same time, nothing was gained either.”

“But haven’t you tried to seek out for somepony else?”

Whole Note shook his head, “No, for a long while, I've convinced myself that nopony would really love me for me.” Harmonic was taken aback at this, his date noticed, “Something wrong?”

“No,” he shook his head, “For a moment there, I thought I've heard a ghost.”


“It’s nothing. Also, how old are you?”

“How old? I’m twenty-four. Why?”

“Be honest with me, would you really mind that you’re dating someone who's about twice your age? I mean, I’m forty-three after all.”

“Really? You don’t look any older beyond-”

“Beyond my thirties,” Harmonic interrupted. “Yes, yes I know. But does it really bother you?”

Whole Note thought about it for a moment, “I… I guess not. To me, you don’t seem that old as you make it out to be.”

Harmonic hummed, “I think I’m beginning to like you already. Ah! There’s the theater.”

The two of them waited in line for tickets, when they got there, they found a young mare putting bits away. “Two tickets for box seats if you’d please.” The mare in the ticket booth looked up to the two stallions, but before she could tell them the amount, she stared at the one in the cloak.

“Do I know you?” she asked.

“I don’t think so,” he said calmly, “How much are the tickets for the boxes?” She told him the amount, in which she was given the bits. She rolled up two tickets and a playbill to them, adding: “Enjoy the show.”

As soon as the two stallions received their tickets, they quickly went inside before the mare could get any more suspicious. Once inside, the two stallions made their way up into one of the boxes of the theater. The place was packed with ponies that were curious about this new play about the prince.

Whole Note opened up the playbill. It said that the play is in two acts. He looked at the names of the composer and writer, he’d never heard of a composer named Wild Strings before. But when he looked at who the writer was-

“Harmonic,” he said showing him the playbill. “I didn't know your son wrote this play.”

“What?! Let me see that,” he took the folded paper into his own hooves, and sure enough, he saw the name. “Script Everfree… Well this explains quite a bit.”

The lights dimmed and a spotlight was shown on the stage of the director. He made a short speech, welcoming everyone to the premier of the play. Saying that the play is a kind of tribute to the Prince of Inspiration. “I’ll be the judge of that,” Harmonic muttered to Note, taking off his hat.

“….And now,” the director said. “Without wasting any more time, I give to you, Trotivari.” The audience applauded and the director walked off the stage.

With the overture, the very first thing that they heard wasn't a musical instrument, but somepony humming.

And that humming turned into a song, “Here those bells ringing, soft and low.”

Harmonic recognized it immediately of what it was! “Bring peace through the twilight glow.

The lullaby! It was the very lullaby that his parents have sung to him! ‘Script must have really done his homework,’ the Prince thought.

A-Calling to everyone, night has begun.

“Tired from your weary toil, day’s work is done.

“Hear them ring, while my love and I,

“Drift and dream to their lullaby.”

The singing was replaced with a solo violin. The violin was joined with the other violins, then the violas, the cellos, and the double basses. Eventfully, the lullaby rang out in the darkened theater. But soon, the lullaby changed into a series of short bits of other songs, no doubt the music they’re going to hear for the night.

With the overture over, the curtain rises. At first, they saw a unicorn pacing around a workshop filled with string instruments, finished or otherwise. A door opens to a pegasus mare with a look of concern on her face, the stallion went up to her asking if her wife is alright.

“Yes, Melody is alright, she just needs some rest but…” the mare trailed off, getting the stallion (which by now, Note quickly assumed that this might have been Harmonic’s father) worried, asking about the foal. “…. The foal is fine Crescendo. She’s delivered a healthy colt but-” the stallion went right passed her, where stage light lit up a tiny bedroom, with a unicorn mare in bed, holding a baby wrapped in cloth.

“Melody, is the foal alright?” she nodded her head. The one playing Crescendo went up to the bed to take a look at the baby, “Why I don’t see anything wrong,” he said. “He’s a healthy unicorn.”

“Uh, that’s not all.” The one playing Melody said with concern in her voice. The actor asked what she meant by that and she told him to unwrap him. He did, “Are those… wings!?” he turned to the actress. “Melody, an alicorn! No, no this… this has to be some mistake.”

The two of them went back and forth until they heard a knock on the door, in which much of the cast walked on stage with smiles and gifts, singing about the couple finally having a child of their own. They happily sang for the couple to come down to show them the foal. Crescendo went down trying in vain to shoo them away. But in the end, when they get to see the child, they are horrified. They turned to the father, saying that this beast; this demon; this freak of nature must be killed. Melody refused to have her baby killed, and Crescendo did so like wise.

“This ‘demon’ you all call him is my flesh and blood! No, I will not have my son die before he has the chance to live.” In which, he goes into a song, getting the town out of his workshop.

“Crescendo,” Melody asked. “What should we call him?”

The actor thought for a moment, “Harmonic.” He picked up the baby, “His name is Harmonic Trotivari.”

The next scene shows the town a few years later, where the foals were playing around until a foal who looks like Harmonic walked up on the stage, the other foals went up to him, taunting the alicorn in song. The song itself was them calling him names and telling him what their parents have told them about alicorns. Whole Note turned to his date that seemed uneasy at this.

“Ali?” Harmonic whispered, “I haven’t heard that word in years.” The scene ended with a choreographed fight with the foals pulling on the colt’s wings, horn, mane, and tail.

The next scene opened back at the workshop where Melody has prepared a cake with five candles on it. The door opens with Harmonic limping in, crying. The mother went up to the crying foal asking what was wrong. The colt told her about the other foals that’d beaten him, saying how much he hated living here. Crescendo enters with a wrapped present, in which it turns out to be a violin. Melody and Crescendo teach their son how to play the lullaby on the violin in a trio.

When that ended, the stage lights dimmed and turned blue. Harmonic lit a lantern on stage, playing around when suddenly he accidentally bumps the lantern over, causing a stage fire made up of torn red, yellow and orange fabric being moved around by small fans. The alicorn on stage tries to put it out but couldn't. He calls out to his parents in which they ran down and try to put the flames out. When they couldn't, Crescendo yells for his son to get his violin and get out in which the lights went out.

When they came on, the audience saw the town once more, with the townsponies around with a crying Harmonic at the center of the stage. The ponies talked about the fire, and with another song, they blamed it on Harmonic, he runs off stage, taking the violin case with him.

At this point when the audience was applauding the performance, Whole Note turned to Harmonic. The Prince had tears in his eyes, “Are you alright?” Note whispered.

“Yeah,” the Prince wiped the tears from his eyes, “It just brought back so much.”

For a moment, Whole Note wanted to say something to comfort him a little. Except in that instant, his mind went blank. So frowning, he shook his head and returned his attention to the stage.

They turned back to the performance; there was a spotlight on stage of Harmonic, shivering on a pile of white fabric with fake snow falling, he was singing the lullaby. “Mom, dad,” he sobbed, “It’s not my fault... It’s not my fault.” The lights slowly rose as the orchestra plays a gypsy tune. Young Harmonic raised his neck to see the painted gypsy camp in the background. So he got up, saying how much he wants to get warm.

The next scene opens up in the camp with carts all around; Harmonic sneaks around, grabbing an old quilt from one of the carts as he makes his way towards the gypsies. The caravan spots him, takes pity on him and decided to take him with them. The scene ends when the gypsies teaching him a new song.

In the next scene, it opens up at night when the caravan was suddenly attacked, to escape; the young actor playing Harmonic opened his wings and flew to safety. When it was over, he’s approached by an old gryphon. Who sings to him that she knows about his secret, and unless he pays up, she’ll tell everyone.

The next scene opens up with an older Harmonic in the spotlight, confessing to the audience that he’s infatuated with a pegasus, the only problem being, the Pegasus is a stallion by the name of Avi. As soon as that name was heard, Harmonic got up and left the box. Whole Note got up as well and followed him out. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, but the hidden Prince ignored him until they reached the restrooms.

Alone, Note asked, “Harmonic, what’s the matter?”

“Avi?!” the Prince asked in shock. “But… But, how!? I've never told Script about him. Where did he hear about that?”

“Harmonic, what are you going on about?”

Harmonic took in some deep breaths, trying for a minute or so to calm down. “Okay, Avi, was my very first, real crush that I've ever had. But that monster betrayed me! He was the one who threw me into the hooves of mobs to be tortured. Yet, what I don’t get is how could Script have known about him?”

“Do you want to leave?”

Harmonic sighed, “No. As personal as it is, it’s only fair that I see it from start to finish. Besides, this is Script’s play, and I need to be there to support him.” Eventually, the two stallions made their way back to their box. Apparently, they missed a scene or so because now the actors playing Harmonic and Avi were arguing.

“Do you have any idea what you've put me through today!?” the fake alicorn yelled.

“No, and I don’t care.” Avi retorted coldly, “I must admit that it’s a real shame that you didn't die. Perhaps it’s true that Ali’s are unkillable. Then again,” he went up to him. “If I can’t kill a freak like you, at least I can make you suffer.”

“You wouldn't.”

“I can, and you’re going to keep suffering until I’m satisfied. Or do you want the caravan to know you’re both an Ali and a filthy stallion stuffer?”

The Harmonic on stage snorted in anger, “You’re a monster!”

“I’m the monster?” Avi shook his head, “I don’t think so, if there’s any real monster here, it’s you, Harmonic the alicorn.”

The lights faded and the curtain drops. Lights in the theater turned back on, along with a voice that announced the play will continue in fifteen minutes. Whole Note turned to the real Harmonic, “So, what do you think?”

“It’s really eerie.” The Prince confessed, “Although the play is rather rushed, I admit that most of it is accurate. Like what Avi said on stage, he actually said that to me.”

“You’re kidding?” Note asked in discussed.

“No, in fact… That’s exactly what he said to me. At this point, I doubt that Script made that bit up. He had to have some other source.”

“Some other source?”

“It has to be. There’s no possible way he could have known that. But the question is how?”

Fifteen minutes later the second act began, the scene opened in Canterlot all those years ago. From there, Whole Note noticed that his date became much more at ease. He saw how he was discovered as an alicorn, the princesses taking him in, his teachers, and the hatch conspiracy from Celestia to find out his sexuality. He heard his date cry during a scene when a couple of guards comfort him in the hedge maze, singing “Realize this, you are not alone.” He saw his uneasiness when the leader of the gypsies slapped him and Luna’s intervention. He saw the adoption and the acceptance. He also saw, towards the end of the play, the day that he met Color Spectrum, singing the reprise of “Realize this, you are not alone,” and ending the play with a kiss.

Now all the lights in the theater were up. The audience was applauding during when the whole cast took a bow. Then suddenly, Harmonic’s son along with a pegasus stallion in red walked on stage. It was there, that the prince got an idea. He turned to his date, winked at him and said, “Cover your ears.”


With a wicked smirk, he told him, “I’m about to give my son along with the rest of them a surprise of a lifetime.” Note put both hooves to his ears. The prince took off his cloak, clearing his throat, he called out his son.

“SCRIPT FREEVERSE EVERFREE!!!” Harmonic’s Canterlot Voice boomed off the theater's walls as he jumped out of the box and few in the spotlight, casting a shadow on the stage. He heard gasps and whispers as he floated down, landing right in front of his son with a frown on his face.

“D-Dad!” Script said sweating under the stage lights. “What a surprise! I didn't think you’d be coming!”

“How, dare you.”


“So you’re the one who wrote this play?” his father asked sternly. But before Script could say anything, Harmonic added, “That you of all ponies would write a play behind my back, turn it into a musical, highlighting the worst and best moments of my life,” he put a hoof on his son’s shoulders. “And... it’s not that bad.”

Script blinked, “Huh?”

“I said it’s not that bad. I mean sure, the pacing in the first act was rather fast, but overall, you did a really good job, especially in the second act. Don’t you agree everypony?” He asked this question to the audience, in which they applauded. “But there’s one thing that’s been bothering me though.”

“What’s that?”

“How did you know about Avi? I’ve never once told you about him.”

“Your Highness,” Harmonic turned to the red pegasus who joined his son on stage. He took a bow and said, “My name is Wild Stings, I’m the composer of this play. And I was the one who told him about Avi because I knew him.”

“How did you know about him?” the prince questioned.

“Because… Avi was my father.” There were gasps in the crowd, but the composer continued. “I doubt if you remember me from that Hearths Warming ball years ago, when you invited the whole caravan there, but I was there when you got slapped. And I’ve heard from my dad about what he did to you. So… Prince Harmonic, for everything that my dad has put you through…” the composer was tearing up. “I… I’m so sorry; for everything that my own father has done to you.”

For a moment, Harmonic only stared at him, and then, he went right up to the composer, and hugged him. “It’s not your fault,” he told him. “And besides, the music is catchy.”

There was nothing but applause.


“That was quite the play,” Whole Note commented. By now, they've already walked out of the theater, and the Prince offered to walk home with him. “I didn't expect you’d be doing that.”

Harmonic shrugged, “Neither did I, but when Script walked up on stage, I gotta think of something to keep him on his hooves.”

Note laughed, “You’re a strange one.”

There was a moment of silence, they walked on as Harmonic tried to think of something to say. Eventually, he thought to go with something that has in common, “So… That cello you play with, is it yours?”

Note shook his head, “Nah, its rent to own actually. The rent for that thing is pretty expensive.”

“How much?”

“Two-hundred-and-fifty bits a month. It’s actually more expensive than the apartment!”

“Two-hundred?” Harmonic shook his head. “A guy like you shouldn't pay so much for something you like.”

“Um… M-Mind if we change the subject?” the Prince nodded. “So after being with me for a while, do you want to do this again sometime?”

Harmonic thought for a moment, “Yeah, I do. I think you’re a good stallion so far. So what do ya say… Next Thursday?”

Note smiled, “I th-thought you’d never ask.”


About a few months went by, Note and Harmonic would take turns taking the other on a date. Sure, the two of them would exchange some small talk with rehearsals, but Thursday was their special night of the week. If it was Harmonic taking Note out, he would sometimes do something elaborate, such as having dinner in the maze only by old fashion candle light. Or something fun as playing a duet in the reception room in front of the uptight nobles, but instead of classical music, they would do a variation of a pop song for the sake of annoying them.

But when it came to Whole Note taking Harmonic out on a date, his idea was simplistic; a walk through the town, watching/riffing a movie, a swim in a pool, or a snack from somewhere. Harmonic didn't mind the simplicity, in fact, he understood why. The cellist had been doing what he could do giving what money he had that he’d could spare. Although Note didn't admit it, Harmonic could see that he’s embarrassed of the fact. If anything, he was rather sympathetic. So because of this, the alicorn Prince would ask if he needed any money, but Note would always turn the offer down. Saying that he can still get by from what he has.

Now in early June, it was Note’s turn to take the Prince out. He told him that he has some bits left over and suggested to eat out somewhere. After some discussion, they settled on a hayburger with fries. And so they went to the restaurant, sat down and ordered what they’d liked.

The two of them started talking until Whole Note looked to the side; his eyes widen with shock and immediately ducked right under the table. Confused, Harmonic craned his neck under the tablecloth asking what’s wrong.

“Did they see me?” he asked and the Prince asked who. “The yellow mare with glasses and the green stallion with the straw hat, do you see them?” Harmonic looked up from the table to find the ponies he described.

“Uh, yeah,” the alicorn confirmed. “They’re headed this way.”

“Great!” Note cursed, “Don’t tell them I’m-”

“Whole? Is that you?” the mare asked.

“…. Here.”

“Well what are ya doing under the table for?” the stallion asked, craning his neck under the table.

“Uh… Hey dad,” Note said, crawling out from under the table. He was nearly tackled to the ground by the yellow mare in a hug. Harmonic, meanwhile, quickly put the pieces together to realize that these two are his parents. ‘Oh this is going to be one interesting dinner.’

“Mom, dad, what are you doing here?”

“Vacation,” his mother answered. “We thought about seeing you tomorrow to surprise you, but now you’re here!”

“Good to see you again,” his father gave him a hug with a smile. “How are you?”

“I’m fine,” Note answered quickly, his parents turned to Harmonic, still observing from his seat.

“Oh, where are our manors?” Note’s mother asked as she and her husband took a bow to him. “I’m Book Mark, Whole Note’s mother. And this is my husband Green Hoof.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” Harmonic replied. “I was rather curious what you two look like. Note has talked a little about you.”

“Thanks but…” Green trailed off, the unicorn tilted his head to the side. “Wait, what are you and Note doing here anyway?”

“Unless,” Book said before gasping. “Note, dear, are you two-”

“Dating?” Note confessed. “Okay, okay, you caught us.” Harmonic saw his date’s parents’ jaws dropped to the floor.

“You didn't tell them?” Harmonic asked his date.

“Not this soon,” he told him. “I was going to in a couple of wee- eck!” The cellist was cut off when his mother put him under a bone-crushing hug.

“Whole Note, I’m so proud of you!” his mother said in delight. Her son, on the other hoof, was struggling to say something.

“I think he’s saying something about air.” Harmonic’s comment made Book release her son from suffocation. She apologized.

“You don’t mind if we sit with you?” Green asked pulling up a couple of seats with his magic. He added: “It’s been awhile since we've last seen our son after all.”

“I wouldn't mind,” Harmonic shrugged. “I was interested to see you two anyway.”

The two of them took their seats at the table. Now it was Note’s parents at one end of the rounded table and the couple on the other. A waiter came and dropped off their food while giving menus to the parents.

“So…” Green said looking at his menu. “Dating huh?”

“Yeah,” Note answered. While trying his best not to show any emotion, his ears were still folded back in embarrassment.

“How long has it been?” his mother asked, putting down hers.

“We've been going out for a couple of months now.”

“Have things been going good between the two of you?”

“Yeah actually,” Harmonic nodded. “We've met since February from the orchestra. But we've been going out since… What? March?”

Note thought for a moment, “I think so... Yeah, it was in March.”

“So three months?” Green asked, flipping to the next page of the menu.

“Yes sir,” Harmonic answered.

Note’s father put his menu down, and at point blank range, asked a question that made the couple turn red and Harmonic’s wings to nearly open. “And during that time, have you slept with him?”

“DAD!” Note nearly shouting, “What kind of a question is that?!”

“I’m making sure that you are not being taken advantage here.”

“Sir,” Harmonic said looking at Green right in the eye. “I swear on my mother’s crown that I never did anything to him. I mean sure, we hugged and yes even cuddled a little – but only when he asks. But outside of those, I've never stepped over a boundary he’s not comfortable with.”

“In truth I’m-” Note added but quickly stopped.

“You’re what?” Book asked.

“Don’t make me say it,” he muttered, his ears folded back and his cheeks were red.

“Say what?” Green asked with a raised eyebrow.

Note took in a deep breath in defeat, and softly said. “…. I’m still a virgin.” Nopony at that table said anything. Until Harmonic spread his wing over Note.

“Note, you know very well that I won’t ever do anything without you saying so.”

“I know,” Note replied, “It’s just even at my age, I still don’t think I’m exactly… well… ready.”

“Understandable,” Harmonic nodded. “Don’t worry, I can always wait. I've got all the time you could possibly want.”

Note gave a half-smile, “Thanks.”

“You know,” they turned to Note’s father. “You got yourself a good stallion here.”


“Well,” Harmonic turned to Quill Feathers. “What do ya think?” the Prince was asking about what he was wearing for the Grand Galloping Gala this year. Prince Harmonic was wearing a white uniform with a red and blue sash. Holding the sash together was a golden broach, presented by the Germaneian ambassador.

“In a word, handsome,” Quill said.

“And do you have my violin?”

“Right here,” his assistant presented him the violin and an already rosined bow. Harmonic took them in his aura.

“I’m looking forward to tonight Quill,” Harmonic said as he and his assistant head out of his bedroom door and into the hallway.

“And that being?” his assistant questioned.

“I have a surprise that I’m going to announce.”

This gotten the crystal pony’s attention. “Oh? And what would that be?” he asked with a piece of lead in his stomach. He had heard about the princes’ date with the cellist, which he seemed to like him more over him.

“You’ll see,” Harmonic said with a smile. “But still, I think it’s going to be a good night.”

“If you say so,” Quill Feathers commented. By now he’d already had a guess what might happen tonight. Ever since he found out that Whole Note had been going out with the Prince, he couldn't help but feel jealousy growing inside. But as Harmonic’s assistant, he’d knew better, his boss’s love life was no longer his business since that night in the garden.

The Prince navigated through the ocean of ponies that had a ticket to the gala or the endless number of staff to make sure things ran smoothly. With every pony he passed, they bowed, gave a respectful nod or raise their glasses to him. Some tried to stop to talk to him, a few he had a quick word with and pressed onward until he got to his destination.

In the corner of the Ball Room, a small orchestra was playing. The finest of the fine musicians in Equestria, or at least, that’s what he’s been told. Yet among them was the pony he’s been looking forward to the whole evening.

Sat in a chair with four other cellists was Whole Note. Harmonic approached, gave a nod to him before joining the small orchestra. The conductor was from another orchestra, originally, Pitch Perfect was going to conduct, but he said he had family matters to take care of. So another took his place. The conductor turned, welcomed the Prince and invited him to take the lead in some of the pieces that had a violin solo.

In truth, Harmonic was more than happy to oblige. He was waiting after all so at least it gives him something to do. Most of the pieces they chose for the gala were either a dance such as a waltz or a march. Most of the time Harmonic followed the violin section with the music, but once or twice he would take in the lead with some of the solos.

They played until they got to a particular waltz, but before the orchestra could play, the Prince stopped them. “Just a moment,” he called out. Putting down his violin, he went right up to Whole Note. “Pardon me Note,” he said, “Since this waltz has come up, I want to ask you something.” Here, he held out a hoof to the cellist, “Whole Note, would you honor me to have this dance?”

At first, the cellist in question was stunned. He looked down at Harmonic’s hoof, up to his face and back again. Repeating this a few time. And then, for a moment he stopped, Note made his decision. He put his hoof into Harmonic’s. As soon as he got up, he heard whispers. Looking around, many ponies in the room were looking at them.

“Harm, they’re staring.”

“It’s okay,” Harmonic said, leading him to the center of the room. “Just keep looking at me, you’ll be fine. Conductor, music please,” and with that, the waltz began to play. The woodwinds and the harp played the intro for a moment. Harmonic took a step back and bowed to Note. And Note (nervously) did the same. They went up to each other, took hold in one another in their forelegs, and as soon as the waltz pattern played out, they moved.

With the pattern of the strings and the melody of the brass and woodwinds echoed inside the ballroom, Note could almost make out the whispers around them. But nevertheless, he looked at Harmonic the whole time. When the strings joined in the melody, he imagined a spotlight on them while the room somehow got darker. But he could still see him.

Eventfully as the waltz played on, both of them slipped into the moment. The dance, the music and each other only existed and nothing more.

“You’re doing well for our first dance,” Harmonic pointed out.

“Well, when you've been playing waltzes for over an hour, eventually you’d get how the dance is done just by looking.”

“So in other words, you’re bored out of your mind, right?”

Note laughed, “It’s only about three notes I had to mem-mem-memorize. “

They both laughed, cracking jokes here and there, not caring who was watching. But soon, the waltz came to an end with some applause; bringing the two stallions back into reality.

“Note, there’s something else I want to ask of you,” Harmonic said when the applause died down.

“Yeah? And that being?”

‘It’s now or never,’ Harmonic thought to himself. “Note, these past few months have been some of the happiest that I have been a very long time. During which, I found you to be a good guy. You have a love of music which I admire, your simple yet humble wisdom shines through even when you’re doing badly financially. You look to me not as a Prince, but as a pony who’s looking for something to make him happy once more. So Whole Note,” Harmonic took in a deep breath and let him have it. “Will you be my personal consort to me?”

Note blinked, “C-Consort? Um, you mean, you want me to be your special somepony?” The alicorn nodded. Whole Note went right up to Harmonic and smacked him on the back of the head.

“Ow! What was that for?”

Note smiled, “That was for not asking me earlier ya beautiful idiot.” And with that, he hugged him. “Uh, Harmonic,” he added, looking at him right in the eye with a blush on his cheeks. “If it’s too much to ask… May I?”

Harmonic smiled, having a blush of his own. “Granted.” And with that, Whole Note leaned in for his first kiss.

Amongst those who had witnessed this, Quill Feathers worst fear has been realized. Without so much as saying anything, he stormed out of the room and headed towards the nearest bar.

“Excuse me,” he said, putting some bits on the bar, getting the bartender’s attention. “What’s the strongest that you've got?”


Whole Note could die happily now; with the evening winding down and with a little extra spring in his step, this was a really good night for him. His consort! Harmonic’s personal consort! He couldn't believe this was happening at all. For the very first time in his whole life, the Cellist has somepony who he could call a lover.

But before he could go home for the night, Note took notice that Harmonic had left his bow behind. So, being the kind of gentalcolt that he was, he thought it would be nice of him to bring it back to him. That is if he could find the right room to-

“Heay yo!” Note turned to the pony that was calling him. He saw a blue crystal pony, putting a bottle to his lips taking a gulp. “I, I knowow youho!” Note could see and hear that this pony was clearly drunk. “You’re-you’re shat, uh, shat piece of flank that zha prince haz got, huh?”

“Excuse me?” Note asked taken aback.

“Yeah! Yo-you’re the ohne, that His Majesty high, had smooched.”


“So? SO!” Quill shouted. “So here ah am, getting drunk, ofer tha fact, that tha only gay ali-corn, in tha woold, hast gone fer you. And-And-And my, uh, one way ticket to royal tea, is gone! Because, yous shoved your-your fat flank inta hiz face!”

Whole Note got more and more nervous as he’d approached him, backing into a door. Through his bloodshot eyes, Quill looked up at the door and smiled wickedly. “But zhats, gonna change! Y-You’ll see.”

“Hey! What are you doing?!” Note was suddenly pushed through the door and into a guest room.

“Make you pahey.” Quill said, closing the door behind him, leaving it slightly ajar. Then suddenly, he leaped onto the Cellist.

“Get off me!”

“On zha bed!” the two of them fought a little, but eventually, dragging the earth pony by the ear, Quill dragged him to the edge of the bed, mounting him.

“SOMEPONY! H-HELMPHAH!” Note’s mouth was covered by Quill’s hoof.

“I-I’m a, gonna make sure, you’d don’t walk right again.” Quill hissed in his hear, “Zhis vill teach ya, never, get in the way of things.”

Note let out a muffled scream.


Harmonic realized that he’d forgotten something. His bow, he’d remembered that he left it in the ballroom last time he’d saw it. Turning a corner, he saw a bow lying in the middle of the hallway. Confused, he trotted up to it, all the while, he heard something as he got closer. It was the sounds of grunting and… sobbing.

Quickly locating where the noise was coming from, he turned to one of the guest rooms with the door ajar, Harmonic flung it open to a horrific sight. There was his new consort, crying his eyes out, his face in pain and struggling to get out from the pony who’s pinning him down.

“NOTE!” the Prince cried out, his horn lit up the room, his aura clinging unto the assailant, flinging him against the wall. Hitting his back to the wall, Quill slid down to the floor. Now, for the first time in a very, very, very long time, Harmonic wasn't just mad, not furious, but in a rage.

“QUILL FEATHERS!!!” he shouted at the top of his Canterlot voice. Before his assistant could react, he took hold in his magic once again. “YOU’RE, FIRED!!!” and with that, he threw him out the door and slammed face first into a column. Harmonic shouted for the Guards to come and arrest him, which was done. And then he shouted to get the Royal Physician as quickly as possible.

Turning his attention to his concert, Harmonic saw that by now, he was still lying on the bed in the fetal position. His hiccup sobs were loud, tears blinding him. Harmonic could barely make out the words, “It hurts.” Two words he said over and over.

Harmonic laid down next to him, putting both hooves and a wing over him, he tried as best as he could to calm him down. “Shh. It’s alright now Note. I’m here. I’m right here for you.” Note on the other hoof leaned into his neck and cried an ocean. The two of them stayed like this until the Royal Physician, along with the assistance of the police came in to take Note away. Harmonic went with them.

That night, after the doctors, the police and all, Whole Note was put into a hospital bed. The Prince throughout the night held onto his clenching hoof.

‘It’s my fault.’ Harmonic thought. ‘This should never have happened to him. I should have found that bow sooner. I should have never left it. Oh Note, my Cellist, please forgive me, this shouldn't happen to somepony like you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.’