• Published 22nd Jan 2015
  • 499 Views, 37 Comments

Tales of a Hidden World: Book 2 - Braininthejar

There are secrets long forgotten that still shape the fate of Equestria

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What Do You Fight For?

The mess hall was almost empty. Diamond Dust looked around. There were some guards and a couple staff members, but nopony from her group. The unicorn approached the counter where an old earth pony stallion was waiting for another order.

“Give me the usual,” she said as she looked over the available food. The stallion nodded and grabbed a ladle with his teeth, quickly filling the unicorn’s bowl with a mix of stewed vegetables. “There you go,” he said, sprinkling some dill leaves on top before pushing the bowl towards her.

“Thank you,” said Diamond Dust, grabbing the food with her magic and turning towards the tables. With how empty the fortress was these days, she had a wide choice of spots to sit. She picked one slightly away from others, turning her back on the two pegasi guards noisily eating their chicken.

There used to be so many of us here, she thought glumly, chewing absent-mindedly on her food.

She was almost done eating when Obsidian walked through the door, his magic staff floating by his side. He quickly trotted towards the cook, taking a mixed bowl of food before making a beeline to Diamond Dust’s table.

“Morning,” said Diamond Dust with a nod. “So, you’re the one paired with me for today?”

Obsidian set his order on the table. He nodded quickly before digging into the bowl. He didn’t speak until he was half done with his food.

“Verba is still busy in the tower with-” he paused and looked around, “the project.

Diamond Dust cast a quick spell, an invisible bubble enveloping the table, its effect set to muffle the sound and confuse anypony trying to read lips.

Nodding in approval, Obsidian continued. “Indicina is calling all of us one by one to test Eve’s new idea. She is optimistic, but I hope we don’t run out of time. We need everypony on the frontlines.”

“So, what’s the plan?” asked Diamond Dust silently, before putting the last scrap of lettuce into her mouth. “I expect we’re going north?”

Obsidian nodded. “West of Pax,” he said with his mouth full. “The guys at the HQ want to break the siege, but we need a coordinated pincer maneuver and there is a delaying force to the west. We’re to spearhead the assault and make sure the delay is as small as possible. The magical division will get us a sunrise an hour early. If they counter, you’re on flare. Otherwise, the usual support. I take the frontline.”

“I was wondering why they woke me up that early,” said Diamond Dust. “Do you think they’ll have coffee at the camp?”

“No idea,” shrugged Obsidian. “Long distance teleport always leaves me wide awake. You can go ahead and go to the armory. I’ll catch up with you in a moment.”


The circle flared into life, the six unicorns surrounding it stepping back to make space for the arrivals. Obsidian and Diamond Dust strode out of the circle and then out of the tent. The commanding officer, a greying unicorn, looked at the two armored ponies from head to hoof. “So, you’re our support?” he asked. “Good. We’re going to need it.”

“Diamond Dust and Obsidian, Special Weapons Division,” said Diamond Dust. “What are we looking at here?”

“Mostly earth ponies, but well equipped ones,” said the officer. "They have some quick-load ballistas there. Also ice bows and at least some anti-magic armor... and some diamond dogs support, which means they’re already entrenched. My mages can clear the ground for the charge, but that is about their limit. That means we need some extra magic support in the attack itself. A pair of foci users is just what we need.”

Obsidian nodded. “So, your best can stay in the second line while the tough guys sent by HQ charge into the thickest fighting?” Seeing the officer’s jaw drop at the declaration, the earth pony smirked. “Do not worry. The plan is sound. I’m the most effective up close and it comes natural for her to support me. The diamond dogs worry me, however. Do they have any monsters with them? A tunneling team going around us with a tatzelwurm is not my idea of a good morning.”

“Nothing underground as far as my seer can tell,” responded the officer.

“Let’s hope that doesn’t change at the last moment,” said Diamond Dust. “So, where are our positions?”

“That way,” said the officer, nodding to his right. “We’re almost ready.”

“We’ll be ready when you are, sir,” responded Diamond Dust, saluting the officer before chasing after Obsidian, who was already walking towards the infantry positions.

“What were you thinking?” she hissed as she caught up with him. “Special division or not, he still outranks you.”

“I’m going to face death in a few moments and he isn’t,” said the earth pony silently. “That gives me the right to speak my mind. But you’re right. That was stupid. Perhaps it was my focus talking.”

“Or you’re just allergic to asshats,” whispered Diamond Dust with a smirk. “I heard all about that duel thing. Everypony has. I’d think being around Indicina would have taught you some manners.”

Obsidian shot her a look of exasperation. “Manners are not the same as no spine. If you stand and bow when they insult you, the nobles will eat you alive.” He paused awkwardly. “No offense. Besides, I’m an earth pony. I got my cutie mark kicking a troll in the head till it died. Don’t expect me to be subtle.”

“Well,” said Diamond Dust, shaking her head. “At least you’re the right pony in the right place.”

“Better hope so. Both our lives will depend on it in a few moments.”


It started abruptly, the night sky turning to indigo, then red, dawn breaking to reveal rank upon rank of armored ponies. Diamond Dust and Obsidian nodded to each other as the trumpets sounded. The two foci lit up: one orange, one violet.

“Forward!” shouted some officer in the back ranks. Obsidian was the first to move, the others following him in a naturally forming wedge, first at a trot, but quickly building up speed until the whole mass galloped towards the enemy lines, the sound of their hooves like a rolling thunder.

Before them the enemies were hastily forming their own ranks, diamond dogs grabbing long pikes while ponies rushed to prepare ice bows and ballistas. Diamond Dust could see the growing aura of Obsidian ahead of her, and knew he had shielded himself properly. But a battle was a group effort. This was her cue.

“The greatest treasures grow when shared,” she muttered under her breath. Her focus responded, wrapping her in gentle, violet light. As she ran, she channeled the power into her trademark energy shield, a violet hexagon matching her cutie mark. The shield multiplied, first into a honeycomb-like dome in front of her, then scattered and kept multiplying, each barrier finding one of the charging soldiers to protect. And not a moment too soon, as a second later a rain of projectiles hit the first rank.

Diamond Dust felt her shields strain, but they held. The ice arrows bounced off harmlessly, their enchantments spent on bursts of icicles that had nothing to hold to. Ballista bolts shattered from the impact. Still, some ponies fell, from lucky shots that managed to get around the protections.

A second later, one ballista exploded, turned into kindling by a violent impact. Dust couldn’t see what happened, but she guessed Obsidian’s new weapon to be behind it. More enemies were getting ready to fight, but now some of their weapons were aimed upwards - against the pegasi joining the fight from above.

Something enveloped her from behind, like a wave. She knew what it was; the unicorn battle mages had finished casting their spell. The magic overtook the charging ponies and spread through the ground before them. The field seemed to wobble slightly as it was straightened, a clear path created in right in front of Obsidian. The hidden spikes, were torn out of the ground, alchemical traps detonated ahead of the charge, creating a huge cloud of colorful smoke. The trench the pike dogs were forming behind collapsed upon itself, suddenly leaving them with just their weapons to rely on.

Obsidian shouted a deafening battle cry, its shockwave clearing away the toxic fumes. Then he rushed forward, orange afterimages left in his wake, hitting the enemy line like a battering ram, breaking the pikes set against him and sending diamond dogs flying.

Diamond Dust sent her shields pushing forward too, breaking the enemy pikes ahead of the charging soldiers. The sound of rumbling hooves was joined by screams, yowls and clang of metal against metal. As the warriors collided, the battle became too chaotic for her to keep shielding everypony individually. Instead the shields returned to her, forming a roof over the middle of the unit, a protection against any attacks raining from above.

A ballista turned in her direction. Dust prepared to defend herself, but before the attack could reach her, a duo of pegasi knights fell upon the weapon crew, the spikes and blades on their armor giving them an appearance of bizarre insects as they stabbed and kicked at their opponents. As her position in the middle of the group left her currently unengaged, she left the barriers hanging inert for a moment to cast another spell; a globe of violet energy bounced through the front line, granting strength and speed to every warrior it passed through.

In the chaos of the battle she momentarily lost Obsidian. She scanned the crowd until she caught a glimpse of his orange aura. He was now back to the group, once again properly supported after his initial charge separated him from the unit. The soldiers were protecting his sides and rear as he methodically mowed through enemy earth ponies, his staff flying around, him, denting helmets and breaking legs.

There was a louder sound of impact to Diamond Dust’s right. She turned to see a pair of ponies knocked straight into the air. The fight was thicker there and she couldn’t see the details, but there was clearly something breaking through the formation there.

A troll? she thought. No, I’d see it over the crowd. Ponies?

Her question was soon answered as she saw another soldier knocked into the air. The enemy was a big earth pony, his plate armor covered with crystal growths meant to ward off hostile magic. The curved spikes on his front legs armor were covered with blood of his last opponent. As he spun around to buck away a soldier blocking his way, Dust could see more like him. They were clearly trying to break through to her position.

“Oh, why couldn’t it have been easy for once?” she muttered, firing a shot at the enemy warrior. It dispersed against the crystals of his armor, the blast only dazing him.

That’s some quality armor too, she thought as she switched to empowering the soldiers in the enemies’ way.

She caught a glimpse of somepony else among the heavy knights, somepony in a similar armor, but slightly smaller and keeping in the middle of the formation as the big brutes cleared the way.

A leader? Shouldn’t he be keeping behind? she thought.

Despite Dust’s best efforts the imperial soldiers were falling one after another, the enemy knights getting closer and closer. Changing her strategy again, she attacked indirectly, her spell hitting the ground and turning it into a mire. This worked, better, the first couple of knights getting hopelessly stuck as the weight of their armor pulled them into a sticky trap. The enemy commander proved faster, running over the back of one of her guards to leap onto the dry land.

In seconds imperial soldiers were upon him, but their eagerness to claim the prize for an officer brought them only pain; despite the heavy armor the pony moved with grace and speed, dodging attacks and responding with bucks and kicks hard enough to shatter armor and send soldiers into the air. As the knights that weren’t trapped tried to rejoin their commander, the earth pony reached onto his back, pulling a heavy metal ball and chain mounted there. He swung it around in his teeth, breaking the legs of a charging foe as he kept advancing at Diamond Dust.

The unicorn looked around, but there was no obvious spot to teleport to. With so many ponies pressed together she had nowhere to go, unless she’d abandon her unit entirely. Bracing herself, she lowered her horn, layers of protective spells blossoming around her. “Well, if a fight is what you want…”

There was a shout from her right. Out of the chaos, Obsidian emerged, pushing back through the unit’s ranks to face the new threat. The enemy saw him charging and reared, the first strike passing in front of his helmet. Then he fell down to his hooves, swinging the ball with all his weight. Obsidian rolled aside, allowing his staff to strike on its own. The enemy couldn’t quite dodge, but rolled with the impact, the blow only denting the shoulder pad. He pulled the ball free from the ground and swung it again.

He’s strong, but not quick enough, thought Diamond Dust.

The fight was decided in seconds. Obsidian waited for the heavy weapon to pass in front of his muzzle before lunging forward to strike. The enemy dodged away, allowing the weight of the chain to turn him around before bucking viciously against Obsidian’s front legs, the reinforced boots of his armor colliding heavily with the foreleg blades. Obsidian reared back, but managed not to be knocked back. The enemy commander finished his turn, the heavy ball coming around for another swing.

Obsidian’s staff fell down, planting itself firmly in the ground in the way of the chain. It sparked orange at the force of the pull, but didn’t budge. Obsidian allowed himself to fall on his back, letting the ball fly in front of his muzzle before the chain wrapped around the staff, causing it to swing back at its owner’s head.

There was a loud clang as the helmet shattered. Obsidian finished the roll with coming back to his hooves, the staff coming back to his side.

The enemy commander tried to keep standing. Now that the remains of the helmet fell to the ground, Diamond Dust could see that it was a mare, if unusually big one, her yellow mane now sticky with her own blood. The impact made her drop the chain and she was obviously concussed, the imperial soldiers keeping the rest of her retinue from coming to her aid in time. She glared defiantly at Obsidian.

“You!” she shouted. “You’re an earth pony! Why do you fight on the side of the tyrants!?”

Obsidian met her glare with his, the orange glow around his staff solidifying into a shape of a spear tip.

“Because it’s my home,” he said, as the weapon stabbed forward.


The battle was over soon after, the last of enemy resistance breaking with their leader lost. Diamond Dust surveyed the battlefield.

“The losses have been minimal,” said the officer, walking up to her. “We’re ready to continue our push. I take it you’re coming with us?”

“Such are our orders,” replied Diamond Dust. “We accompany your force until dusk, unless new orders arrive. Then we are to return to the HQ via long distance teleport. You are still able to provide it?”

The officer nodded. “My magical support suffered no losses, thanks to you. Let’s hope the rest of the day remains so fortunate.”

Saluting the officer, Dust walked away to find Obsidian. He was standing away from others, the magic of Honesty flowing around him in gentle waves, healing the cuts and bruises he’d suffered during the battle. The mare stopped next to him.

“We’re moving in ten, travelling light to join the main battle as soon as possible. Is everything ok?”

Obsidian nodded. “Nothing major. The magic armor works great with my own spells. I wish I had something like that in my first battle.”

Diamond Dust returned the nod. She remembered that day well. “What you said to their leader, you surprised me.”

Obsidian extinguished his aura, his healing done for the moment. “Why is that? Aren’t you a volunteer, fighting for your country?”

Diamond Dust smiled. “Oh, yes. I still can’t believe my parents allowed it. A young noblemare filly joining a mysterious government project to help the Imperial war effort. But you? I still remember that speech you gave back when Golden Bell’s runestitching turned out faulty.”

“And you think that would make me disloyal?” asked Obsidian.

Diamond Dust turned red. She quickly conjured a silencing globe around the two of them. “Of course not! What are you thinking!? You’ve proven your loyalty beyond any doubt. All of us have. I just thought… you might resent your position.”

“Ah, I’m sorry then,” said Obsidian. “I guess I’m in a snappy mood today. No, I do not ‘resent’ my position. I was lucky. I still mean what I said back then. The project wasn’t for us. The orphans, the poor kinds, the earth ponies, we were all in the labs just to test things, to let Bright Mind work out how to runestitch without side effects and how to bring it together with the foci. It was the noble kids like you that were to get the finished weapons. But I got lucky. First, my outburst made sure I couldn’t go first, I’m sure Bright Mind wanted me to, but that would prove me right and ruin ruin morale. Then I was Verba’s friend. And then… I survived. I proved myself, one of the best. And now, here I am.”

He turned and pointed towards the place where the enemy leader’s body was left on the ground.

“You think she was in a better position? Look at what she had. No unicorns, no big monsters, no air support. Those crystal weapons she had? Probably her own, imported from the north. She must have been some earth pony merchant princess or something. Fighting against oppression of the great Alicorn Empire. And where did it get her? A delaying force. This fight wasn’t even important, for them or for us. You think HQ bothered the goddess of the Sun just for us here?”

Diamond Dust rolled her eyes. “Will you get to the point? For a simple earth pony, you sure love giving speeches.”

Obsidian smirked. “Sorry, getting philosophical. Like my grandfather. He could rant for hours. Anyway… remember what they taught us about tactics? Tie up the enemy with the ordinary force, make a decisive strike with extraordinary one?”

Diamond Dust nodded.

“This was an ordinary force. Sacrificed by their commanders to tie us up here for some more important battle elsewhere. Fighting as part of the glorious Northern Alliance and earth ponies still got the short straw.”

“We may be one of the three tribes, but we’re the least obvious with what we can do. No wings, no sparky magic. No matter what happens, we will always be ‘ordinary’. Well, I’m not. And I’m not gonna waste it.”

“So, just fighting for your home? No Imperial ideology?” said Diamond Dust with a smile.

Obsidian didn’t return it. “Of course. How many earth ponies died when that stray cloud rained fire on Winter Gem’s farm? War doesn’t care about fair. All we can do is protect our own. And what would ideology have to do with anything? I know alicorns aren’t divine. My best friend is one.”

The unicorn gasped, staring at her companion. “You better not let anypony hear that from your mouth.” She paused thoughtfully. “So, what, you think they’re just some lucky hybrids or something?”

Obsidian shrugged. “Probably. Uncloven hooves of an earth pony, wings of a pegasus, horn of a unicorn. Strength, flight and magic. A perfect picture of the gods’ chosen species, destined to rule above all others. But there’s a pegasus guard in the keep, named Rainfall, who has a unicorn father; barely any fangs. She’s practically vegetarian. I bet the first alicorns just got very lucky to get just the right mix of the three bloods.”

“What about Libra?” asked Dust. “Isn’t her mother a unicorn?”

“Yes,” said Obsidian. “And her father was a great general, very rich and powerful. You’ve seen what Bright Mind could do to ponies. What do you think is the reason for all those auguries and rituals performed whenever a child is to be born in an alicorn family? Wizards babbling for months over the mother?”

Diamond Dust nodded. “This makes sense. But please, don’t mention it to anypony else, not even Verba. There’s only so much honesty you can show before your luck runs out.”

Obsidian gave her an uneasy smile, and though she could see nothing through his dark coat, she could swear he turned a bit red.

“Thanks for the warning,” he said. “I’ll remember that. Now I guess we should get moving. I still have some bones to break today and I need you to watch my back.”

Diamond Dust looked from him to the battlefield, where the infantry units were already finishing patching up and setting into ranks. She sighed, dispelled the silence bubble and took her position alongside the unicorn corps.

This was going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

1 Yes, a troll. He already had his focus then though. He's badass, but not that badass.

2 Yes, more or less like this: (picture not mine of course)

3 The idea of omnivorous earth ponies and carnivorous pegasi was Mindblower's. I just took and ran with it.